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Jose Andres Saul Angoa Maraver.

ACTIVITIES: 01-05-20

Warm up: look at the pictures A,B,C, and D. Then write 4 words for each picture.

Example: picture A: trees, mountains….

Exercise 1 work on page 39 from your student’s book

A-Translate the following words

B- Find the word on the page and underline them

English Spanish English Spanish English Spanish English Spanish

Could speaker discussing things
anyone changes challenging wrong
learn life match try
talk about sentences statements the most important

feelings someone angry share

which lucky happiness life skills
classmates self
C- Complete the exercises A, B, on the page 39

D- Take a photo of the page(s) you answered and add it below in this document.

F- Do not FORGET to write your full name and the date with pen no pencil, on the top of the page
Warm up: Watch the following videos

Exercise 2

A-Translate the following words

B- Find the word on the page and underline them

English Spanish English Spanish English Spanish English Spanish

Look at flight again ever
phrases test choose statements
fail once rules ask
find really? time mean
lose Want to happened any
miss in bold known up to now
C- Complete the exercises A, B, part 1 on the page 40

D- Take a photo of the page(s) you answered and add it below in this document.

E- Do not FORGET to write your full name and the date with pen no pencil, on the top of the page

Exercise 3

Read: the conversation, part 2, on page 40. Then translate it into Spanish.

A-Use the table below:

Lola: I’m tired of winter. I need a vacation! Lola: Estoy cansada del invierno. ¡Necesito
Richard: Me too! But I don`t know where to go... vacaciones!
Lola: What about Tanzania? Have you ever been Richard: ¡Yo también! Pero no sé a dónde
there? ir ...
Richard: No, I haven`t. It`s in Africa, right? It Lola: ¿Qué hay de Tanzania? ¿Alguna vez
sounds exciting! Have you been there before? has estado allí?
Lola: No but I`ve seen picture on the internet. I Richard: No, no lo he hecho. Está en África,
want to go swimming whit turtles. Have you ever ¿verdad? Suena emocionante! ¿Has estado
done that? allí antes?
Richard: Well, I`ve never swum whit turtles, but Lola: No, pero he visto una foto en internet.
I`ve swum whit shark in Australia. Quiero ir a nadar con tortugas. ¿Alguna vez
Lola: My sister`s been to Australia. She says it`s has hecho eso?
amazing! Richard: Bueno, nunca he nadado con
tortugas, pero he nadado con tiburones en
Lola: Mi hermana ha estado en Australia.
Ella dice que es increíble!

C- Complete the exercises A, B, C on the page 40

D- Take a photo of the page(s) you answered and add it below in this document.
E- Do not FORGET to write your full name and the date with pen no pencil, on the top of the page
Note: all these exercises
must be checked during a
virtual session in meet

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