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Effect Of Role School Committee And Operational

School Assistance Fee (BOS) On The Quality Of
Education In Senior High School
Rukanto, Yasir Arafat, Edi Harapan.

Abstract: This study aimed at determining whether there is influence and how much influence the role of the school committee and BOS program on the
quality of education. This research was carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Banyuasin III.. The method in this research was partial correlation method. The
sample in this study were educators and teaching staff totaling 45 people. Data collection technique in this study used questionnaire. The results
showed that 1) there is significant relationship between the variables of the role of the school committee and the BOS program; 2) there is significant
influence between the role of the school committee on the quality of education; 3) there is significant influence between the school operational
assistance program (BOS) on the implementation of education quality; and 4) there is significant influence jointly between the role of the school
committee and Operational School Assistance Fee (BOS) on the quality of education. Based on the ANOVA test obtained F count of 3239.781> F table
(3239.781> 4.07) so that the Ho4 is rejected. As for the influence of role school committee and BOS program on the quality of education in SMA Negeri
1 Banyuasin III together by 99.4% and the remaining 0.6% is influenced by other factors not examined in this research.

Index Terms: The Role of School Committee, BOS Program, Quality of Education

1 Introduction that a harmonious relationship between schools and the

This research is motivated by the birth of the authority to community will have a significant impact on improving the
implement education and the allocation of educational quality of education. Then Hariwibowo (2015) stated that
resources through School Based Management as a demand efforts to increase parental and community participation in the
for the implementation of decentralization and regional management and improvement of school quality were
autonomy policies as stipulated in Law Number 32 of 2004 confirmed by including the Education Board and School /
concerning Regional Government and Number 33 of 2004 Madrasah Committee in the third part of article 56 of the Law
concerning Considerations Central and Regional Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 concerning the
(Machali and Hidayat, 2016: 58). It was from this policy that it National Education System. According to Ansori (2008)
led to the emergence of the concept of Management of suggested the School Committee is an independent body that
Improving the Quality of School-Based Education (MPMBS) as does not have a hierarchical relationship with schools and
a new approach in Indonesia, which was part of the other government institutions also plays a role in improving the
decentralization of education being developed. Management quality of services both in giving consideration, direction,
of Improving the Quality of School-Based Education (MPMBS) infrastructure support, and education supervision at the
is a new alternative in the management of education that education unit level. The role of the school committee can
emphasizes school independence and creativity (Hamzah, have implications for ensuring the existence and continuity of
2013). The characteristics of Management of Improving the school institutions. The existence of school committees makes
Quality of School-Based Education (MPMBS) are the the community more able to assess and control the programs
existence of strong autonomy at the school level, the active carried out by schools. Then the community will also be more
role of the community and upholding accountability and concerned and will be more supportive of school programs to
transparency in every educational activity (Hasri, 2008: 19). be more beneficial to the community, including supporting
Together with parents and related communities, schools must funding sources and physical development of schools. this is
make decisions, set priority scales in addition to providing a reinforced by several results of research conducted, such as
more professional work environment (Hamzah, 2013). This is by Larasati (2009) that the role of the school committee as a
in line with the education development policy in the period giver of consideration is realized in the form of giving
2010-2014 as outlined in the 2014 Ministry of National consideration to the provision and use of facilities and
Education's Vision, namely the implementation of excellent infrastructure needed by the school. Then the results of Cucu's
national education services to form human beings. research (2014) say that the role of school / madrasah
Comprehensive smart Indonesia. What is meant by the prime committees is highly expected to improve the quality of
service of national education is education services; 1) evenly education in schools, especially in the implementation of
available in all corners of the archipelago; 2) affordable by all School Based Management (SBM). In addition to the role of
levels of society; 3) quality / quality and relevant to the needs the school committee, one of the efforts to improve public
of community, business, and industrial world life; 4) equal for access to quality education is the Operational School
Indonesian citizens in obtaining quality education by paying Assistance fee (BOS). The main objective of the BOS program
attention to the diversity of socio-cultural, economic, is to provide affordable and quality education services
geographic, gender, and so on backgrounds; and 5) especially for poor students (Ministry of Culture and Strategy
guaranteeing certainty for Indonesian citizens to receive 2010-2014, 2013: 3). In order to improve the quality of
education and adjust to the demands of society, the business education, the BOS program began in July 2005 which
world and the industrial world (Dewi, et al, 2015). In line with focused on equitable distribution and expansion of access,
the opinion of Sagala (2011: 234) which argues that the quality improvement programs, relevance and
community will be the foundation of the improvement and competitiveness, as well as governance, accountability and
service of the quality of education organized by schools, so public image programs. According to Hadiyanto (2015) the

policy of granting BOS gave a positive influence of 27, 81% on school committee and the management of the BOS program
parental participation and was significant on improving student has an influence on improving the quality of education, and
learning achievement by 71.19%. From the results of the how much influence it has on improving the quality of
discussion above, it can be argued that school committees education in the school. Therefore, the researchers
have a very large role to play in improving the quality of considered that it was important to examine whether of role
education if it is functioned and empowered properly by school committee and BOS that had gone well had an effect
educational institutions. Then the BOS program also on the quality of education.
contributed greatly on improving the quality of education if
properly managed and allocated according to the objectives 2. THE ROLE OF SCHOOL COMMITTEE IN
and utilization of the BOS funds. One of the schools that IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION.
utilizes the school and fund committee is SMA Negeri 1
The school committee is a manifestation of community
Banyuasin III. From the results of preliminary observations participation in education that is directly or indirectly related to
made by researchers on June 10, 2017 at SMA Negeri 1 education (Rini, 2011: 69). Law on National Education System
Banyuasin III, the researchers put forward several indicators No. 20 of 2003 in chapter XV on Community Participation in
stating the direct involvement of the school committee in the
Education article 54 is mandated that 1) the participation of the
implementation of education. As school committees pay community in education includes the participation of
attention and build commitment with the community to support individuals, groups, families, professional organizations,
school programs aimed at improving the quality of schools,
entrepreneurs, and community organizations in the
school committee also act as liaison partnerships between implementation and quality control of educational services; 2)
companies and government agencies with schools through the community can participate as sources, implementers and
field work practices and also building facilities and users of educational outcomes. Article 56 paragraph 1 outlines
infrastructure to improve quality of education confirmed the community's role in improving the quality of education
through a memorandum of understanding (MOU). Then the services which include planning, supervision, and evaluation
school committee also played a role in accommodating the
of education programs through education boards and school /
ideas and aspirations of the community, especially concerning
madrasah committee. Naziardi and Nilawati, (2016) there are
the improvement of the quality of education. However, there 5 (five) main things that are the responsibility of the school
were some problems encountered by the researchers, related
committee in realizing quality schools within the framework of
to the role of the school committee, as only a part of the school-based education, namely 1) school committees have
school committee actively participated in monitoring PBM an obligation in establishing cooperation and partnerships; 2)
activities in schools, as well as in the school committee all components in it must be sensitive to accommodate the
plenary meetings held in schools, this indicates a lack of
aspirations, ideas and demands conveyed by the community;
support from some school committees on the quality of 3) together with parents, the community is the front guard to
education. This can be seen from several committee meetings support education quality improvement programs carried out
held by the school, the participants who attended only 198 of by principals and their staff; 4) as a fundraiser it is very
510 school committee members or only 38.8% of the total important for the learning process; and 5) school committees
school committees in Banyuasin III State High School 1. Then as equal partners with the school ranks are obliged to provide
some of the school committee officials are hoping to benefit or
evaluation or supervision of the course of the learning process
be paid (salary) in carrying out their roles as school committee and school development program. According to
and often there is a perception inequality between the principal Kepmendiknas No. 044 / U / 2002 the role of the committee is
and some school committee in terms of implementing school
as 1) the giver of consideration (advisory agency); 2)
activities. This indicates that some school committee do not Supporting agencies both financially, thought and energy in
understand their role. as a school committee. Then the the implementation of education in education units; 3)
problems related to BOS management that the researchers controlling agency in the framework of transparency and
encountered, such as BOS management still could not be
accountability in the administration and output of education in
maximized, because BOS was still inadequate to cover all education units. So, it can be concluded that school
operational needs of the school, it was not transparent, and committees have an important role in efforts to improve the
still processing the processing / recording of BOS financial
quality of education that needs to be supported by all
reports manually, so that the opportunity occurred human components of education, both teachers, principals, students,
errors such as errors in inputting data are very possible, and parents / guardians, communities, educational institutions.
there is still a delay in disbursing BOS to school. Whereas if Therefore, it is necessary to have close cooperation and
we look at the strict accountability of the use of BOS, it is coordination between the components of education so that
certainly very dependent on the results of the reporting efforts to improve the quality of education carried out can be
appropriately in accordance with the technical guidelines for
effective and efficient.
the use of BOS and supervision needs to be carried out.
According to the results of Amborowati's research, Marco
(2016) that BOS is provided and managed by schools 3. OPERATIONAL SCHOOL ASSISTANCE FEE
supervised by various parties, both official and community (BOS) PROGRAM.
institutions (school committees). Based on the results of In the technical manual, the use of BOS funds and the
preliminary observations made by researchers, it can be seen financial statements of school operational assistance for 2012
that the role of the school committee and the management of fiscal year are issued by The Directorate General of Basic
BOS in SMA Negeri 1 Banyuasin III have not gone well so that Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture explained
it can affect the improvement of the quality of education. that the objectives of the BOS program include 1) in general,
Therefore, further research is needed, whether the role of the BOS program aims to alleviate the burden on the
community on the financing of education in the context of

quality 9-year compulsory education; 2) specifically, the BOS be taken all. Techniques of data collection using
program is aimed at students at the primary and secondary questionnaires or questionnaires with a Likert scale which is
level, who come from less / unable families to finance their done by giving a set of statements or written statements to
school needs. The principle of managing high school BOS respondents to be given response according to user demand
funds according to the Directorate of High School (widoyoko (2012: 33). Likert scale is used to measure
Development (2015) refers to the concept of school-based attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group of
management, namely 1) self-management and participatory; people about social phenomena (Sugiyono, 2009: 93). For
2) transparent; 3) accountable; 4) democratic; 5) effective and testing the internal validity of the instrument, the research was
efficient; 6) orderly administration and reporting; and 7) mutual conducted on 23 respondents randomly from a sample
trust. To realize the accountability and transparency of the consisting of educators and education using SPSS 22.00
implementation of the BOS SMA program, it is necessary to software through analyze, correlate, bivariate. From the results
carry out monitoring and supervision (Directorate of High of the validity test there are 20 valid questions. Reliability
School Development, 2015). The components of the use of testing in this study uses internal reliability tests obtained by
BOS funds include 8 National Education Curriculum analyzing data from a test result with the Alpha Cronbach
standards. From the explanation above, it can be concluded formula. The calculation of reliability testing in this study using
that BOS is a program that provides assistance to schools with SPSS 22.00 with the steps of analysis is analyze, scale,
the aim of freeing education costs for students who are unable reliability analysis. Testing criteria if the Cronbach alpha
and easing the burden on other students in order to support value> r table value (0.468) then the measuring instrument is
the achievement of 9 years compulsory basic education. reliable. Vice versa, if <then the measuring instrument is not
Through this program, the central government provides funds reliable. For the requirements of the data analysis test,
to schools to help Activity Costing an Activity System Budget researchers used normality and homogeneity tests and
Costs Indirect Costs Direct Costs reduce the cost of education linearity tests. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression.
that must be borne by parents. BOS is given to schools to be
managed in accordance with the provisions set by the central 6. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
government, the amount of funds for each school is
determined based on the number of students. a. Description of Data Variable Role of School Committees
In this variable, there are four indicators to determine the
4. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS implementation of the role of the school committee, namely
In this study, researchers wanted to prove the theory of the the advisory agency, supporting agency, controlling agency,
influence of the role of the school committee and BOS mediator. However, data on this variable will be described in
program on the quality of education. whole or not. All indicators are contained in 21 questions. The
results of the descriptive analysis of the role variables of the
The hypothesis in the study includes school are as follows.
Hypothesis 1
Ha1: There is significant influence between the role of the Table 1. Descriptive Statistics The role of school committees
school committee and the BOS program on the quality in SMA 1 Banyuasin III
Ho1: There is no significant influence between the role of the Valid 45
school committee and the BOS program on the quality N
Missing 0
Hypothesis 2
Ha2: There is significant influence between BOS Program on Mean 74.8667
the quality of education Median 74.0000
Ho2: There is no significant influence between BOS Program Std. Deviation 6.48635
on the quality of education.
Hypothesis 3 Variance 42.073
Ha3: There is a significant influence between the role of the Minimum 64.00
school committee and the BOS program together with Maximum 86.00
the quality of education. Source: Data Management Using SPSS 22.00
Ho3: There is no significant effect between the role of the
School Committee and the BOS program together with From the table above, it can be explained that the mean value
the quality. is 74, 8, the median value is 74, the standard deviation value
is 6.4, the minimum value is 51 and the maximum value is 86.
5. RESEARCH METHODS By doing category measurements based on data frequency
In this study, researchers used a partial correlation method, distribution of the role variable of the school committee , it can
which is used to analyze or test hypotheses if the researcher be seen that the role of school committees that have very
intends to know the influence or relationship between good categories is 4 or 11.1%, good categories are 12 or
independent and dependent variables, where one of the 26.6%, good enough categories are 13 or 28.9 %, and less
independent variables is controlled or fixed (Sugiyono, (2007: categories by 15 or 33.4%.
224). is a population of educators and education personnel
consists of 45 people with certain qualities and characteristics b. Description of BOS in Senior High School
to learn (Sugiyono, 2008) and meet certain requirements In this variable, there are some indicators to find out the BOS,
related to research problems (Riduwan, 2012: 10) For the namely the management of BOS funds, monitoring program
research sample are all subjects in the population according to implementation, accountability for use (reporting). All indicators
Arikunto (2010: 112) that subjects less than 100 people should

are loaded into 20 questions. The results of the descriptive minimum value of 66 and the maximum value is 88. From the
analysis of BOS program variables are as follows. results of categorization based on the Distribution of Education
Quality, it can be stated that the quality of education which has
Table 2. Descriptive Statistics of Variables of BOS a very good category is 2 or 4.7%, good categories number 14
BOS or 31.8%, good enough categories of 17 or 38.6%, and
Valid 45 categories less than 7 or 15.9%, and the category is very less
N by 3 or 7%. The results of the analysis indicate from variable
Missing 0
Mean 75.2444 data frequency distribution of education quality has gone well.
Median 75.0000
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics on the quality of education
Std. Deviation 6.23464 Quality Education
Variance 38.871 N Valid 45
Missing 0
Minimum 64.00 Mean 77.4444
Maximum 86.00 Median 77.0000
Std. Deviation 6.52811
(Source: Data Processing Using SPSS 22.00) Variance 42.616
Minimum 66.00
From the table above, it can be stated that the mean value is Maximum 88.00
75.2 the median value is 75, the standard deviation value is (Source: Data Processing Using SPSS 22.00)
6.2 minimum value of 64 and the maximum value is 86. From
the results of categorization based on the . Distribution of BOS d. The Relationship Between the Role of the School
Program Variable Frequency, which has a very good category Committee and the BOS Program.
is 2 or 4.4%, good categories number 16 or 35.6%, good
enough categories of 15 or 33.4%, and less categories 12 or The hypothesis is as follows:
26.8%, and very less categories by 3 or 6.8%. The results of Ha1: There is a relationship between the role of the school
the analysis showed that SMA Negeri 1 Banyuasin III had a committee and the BOS
good BOS. H01: There is no relationship between the role of the School
Committee and the BOS program
c. Description of education quality data
From the table below, it can be stated that the mean value is The test results are as follows.
77.4 median value of 77, the standard deviation value is 6.5

Table 4. Correlations
(Source: Data Processing Using SPSS 22.00)
Quality of
School Committee BOS
Quality of Education 1.000 .996 .974
School Committee .996 1.000 .969
BOSS .974 .969 1.000
Quality of Education . .000 .000
Sig. (1-tailed) School Committee .000 . .000
BOSS .000 .000 .
Quality of Education 45 45 45
N School Committee 45 45 45
BOSS 45 45 45

From the results of the analysis above, it can be seen that the significance test of the regression equation can be presented
significant value between the variables of the role of the in the following table.
school committee and the BOS program variable is 0.00 <from
0.05. Then it can be stated that there is a relationship between Table 5. Significance of the Effect of the Role School
the variables of the role of the school committee and the BOS Committee on Quality Education
program. (Source: Data Processing Using SPSS 22.00)
Unstandardized Standardized
e. Effect of the role of school committees on the quality of Coefficients Coefficients
Model T Sig.
education. Std.
B Beta
The hypothesis is as follows. (Constant) 1.481 .980 1.511 .138
Ha2: There is a significant influence between the role of the
1 The Role of the 16.93
school committee on the quality. School .848 .050 .843
Ho2: There is no significant effect between the role of the Committee
school committee on the implementation of the quality of
education. Based on the test of the significance of the variable role of the
The model of the relationship of the role of the school school committee on the quality of education obtained t count
committee to the quality of education is expressed in the form value of 16,930> of the price of t table of 0.679 where the price
of the regression equation Y = 1.481 + 0.848 X1. The of t count is greater than t table then Ho1 is rejected, so there


is a significant effect between the role of the school committee That is, the quality of education has increased positively
on the quality of education. through the role of the school committee and school culture.
To find out the truth of hypothesis testing, a simulant test was
f. The Effect of BOS on the Quality of Education. conducted using the F test to determine the effect of the role
The hypothesis is as follows. variables of the school committee and the school operational
Ha3: There is a significant influence between the BOS assistance program (BOS) on the variable quality of
program on the quality of education education. The testing criteria are as follows. Based on the
Ho3: There is no significant effect between BOS on the quality significance test of BOS program variables on the quality of
of education education obtained t count value of 3.171 t t table price of
0.679 where the price of t count is greater than t table then
The model of the school BOS program relationship to Ho2 is rejected, so there is a significant influence between
education quality is expressed in the form of the regression BOS programs towards the implementation of the quality of
equation Y = 1.481 + 0.165. X2 The significance test of the education
regression equation can be presented in the following table.

Table 6. Significance of the Influence of the BOS Program on the Quality of Education
(Source: Data Processing Using SPSS 22.00)

Unstandardized Coefficients
Model Coefficients T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.481 .980 1.511 .138
1 School
.165 .052 .158 3.171 .003
a. Dependent Variable: Quality of Education

g. Joint Influence Between the Role of School Committees Then for the F test, the test criteria are as follows.
and School Operational Assistance Programs (BOS) on Ha4 is accepted if Fcount> Ftable
the Quality of Education H04 is accepted if F counts abel Ftable.
Based on the results of multiple regression tests, the The research hypothesis is as follows.
regression equation constant value (a) is 10.038 and the Ha3: There is a significant influence jointly between the role of
independent variable coefficient value (b1) is 0.001 and the the school committee and the BOS program on the quality of
value (b2) is 0.871, the regression equation is obtained as education.
follows. Ho3: There is no jointly significant influence between the role
of the school committee and the BOS program on the quality
Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 of education.
Y = 1.481 + 0.848. X1 + 0.165. X2
a. If the probability value (significant) is <0.005, then Ho3 is For the results of multiple regression analysis can be seen in
rejected the following table.
b. If the probability value (significant)> 0.005, then Ho3 is
Table 7. Results of Multiple Regression Analysis X1 and X2 against Y
(Source: Data Management Using SPSS 22.00)

Sum of Mean
Model Df F Sig.
Squares Square

1 Regressio 3239.78 .000

1863.035 2 931.518 b
n 1

Residual 12.076 42 .288

Total 1875.111 44
a. Predictors: (Constant), X1, X2

b. Dependent Variable: Y

From the Anova test above, obtained F count of 3239,781 with role of the school committee and the BOS program on the
a significance level of 0,000 <probability value α 0,05 while F quality. To find out how much influence the independent
table corresponds to the significance level 0,05 (2,42) of 3,22 variable on the dependent variable can be seen in the
so F count> F table ( 3239,781> 4.07) so that Ho4 is rejected, following summary model table.
meaning that there is a significant influence jointly between the


Table 8. Terminated Coefficients

(Source: Data Processing Using SPSS 22.00)
Model Summary
R Adjusted Std. Error of
Model R
Square R Square the Estimate
1 .997a .994 .993 .53621
a. Predictors: (Constant), Variabel X2, X1

Based on the table, it can be obtained the R square value of is supported by stakeholders, considering that vocational
0.994 thus the coefficient of determination is 99.4% so that it schools require collaboration with many elements. The school
can be concluded that the influence of the role of the school committee as an independent organization is very helpful in
committee and BOS program on the quality of education realizing quality education at SMK Negeri 2 Metro. Larasati
together is 99, 4% and the remaining 0.6% is influenced by (2009) with the results of the study it can be seen that not all
other factors not examined in this study. Based on the results school committee roles are carried out. In carrying out their
of the above analysis, it can be stated that there is a duties and roles there are still shortcomings. The role of the
significant relationship between the variables of the role of the school committee as the giver of consideration is realized in
school committee and the BOS, based on the significant value the form of giving consideration to the provision and use of
between the variables of the school committee and the BOS facilities and infrastructure needed by the school. The school
program variable of 0.00> from 0.05. Then there is a committee also gives consideration to the use and utilization of
significant influence between the role of the school committee the budget or funds obtained by the school, provide input on
on the quality of education in Senior High School. Based on the design of the school's income and expenditure budget
the test of the significance of the variable role of the school (RAPBS). The role of the school committee is to support
committee on the quality of education in Senior High School material and moral support. Bhawa, Haris, and Artana (2014)
obtained t count value of 16,930> of the t table price of 0.679 with the results of the study showing that 1) the management
where the price of t count is greater than t table, then Ho1 is of BOS funds in all primary schools is in accordance with
accepted. Then there is significant influence between the Minister of Education Regulation No. 76 concerning the
operational school assistance fee program (BOS) on the Technical Guidelines for the Use and Financial Accountability
implementation of the quality. The price of t table is 0.679 of BOS funds in 2013; 2) the level of effectiveness of the
where the price of t count is greater than t table then Ho2 is management of BOS funds in all primary schools reaches
accepted. In testing the final hypothesis, it can be stated that 87%, is in very effective criteria; 3) the problem faced by all
there is a significant influence jointly between the role of primary schools, namely BOS funds came not on time, and the
school committees and BOS on the quality of education in committee did not understand the management of BOS funds;
Senior High School. Based on the ANOVA test obtained F 4) efforts made by all primary schools, namely borrowing
count of 3239.781 with a significance level of 0.000 funds and shopping on credit, and strengthening the
<probability value α 0.05 while F table corresponds to the committee related to BOS fund.
significance level of 0.05 (1.42) of 4.08 so that F count> F
table (3239.7781 > 3.22) so Ho4 is rejected. As for the 7. CONCLUSION
influence of the role of the school committee and BOS Based on data analysis and hypothesis testing, the following
program on the quality of education together by 99.4% and the conclusions can be drawn:
remaining 0.6% is influenced by other factors not examined in 1. There is a significant relationship between the variables
this study. This is based on the R square value of 0.994 thus of the role of the school committee and the BOS
the coefficient is reflected by 99.4%. The results of this study program, based on the significant value between the
are supported by the results of previous research including variables of the school committee and the BOS program
research conducted by Hadiyanto (2015) with the results of variable of 0.00 <from 0.05.
testing the main hypothesis shows that the Implementation of 2. There is a significant influence between the role of the
School Operational Assistance Policy gives a positive and school committee on the quality of education. Based on
significant influence on improving teacher performance and the significance test of the role of the school committee
parent participation in improvement of student learning on the quality of education, the value of t arithmetic is
achievement that is equal to 27.81%, while the influence 16,930> from the price of t table of 0.679 where the price
outside of the Implementation of School Operational of t count is greater than t table, then Ho1 is accepted.
Assistance Policy (BOS) is 72.19%. The results of testing the 3. There is a significant influence between BOS programs
sub-hypotheses indicate that among each variable has a on the implementation of education quality. Based on the
positive and significant influence. Makmun, Sumadi and significance test of BOS (X2) program variables on the
Ambarita (2013) with the results of the study show that the quality of education (Y) obtained t value of 3.171 ≥ the
formation of committees has referred to the provisions of the price of t table is 0.679 where the price of t count is
legislation and involves elements of the board of teachers, the greater than t table then Ho2 is accepted.
community, the government and the business world and 4. There is a jointly significant influence between the role of
industry. The prominent role of the school committee is related the school committee and the BOS program on the
to giving consideration and support, while the role of the quality of education. Based on the ANOVA test obtained
committee as controller is still limited in the use of school F count of 3239.781 with a significance level of 0.000
budgets and less touching on academic problems and <probability value α 0.05 while F table corresponds to the
evaluating school performance. Likewise, the role of mediation significance level of 0.05 (1.42) of 4.08 so that F count> F

table (3239.7781 > 3.22) so the Ho4 is rejected. As for [11] Larasati, Siska Yuni. (2009). Peran Komite Sekolah
the influence of the role of the school committee and Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Di SMA
BOS program on the quality of education together by Ronggolawe Kota Semarang. Skripsi. Jurusan Hukum dan
99.4% and the remaining 0.6% is influenced by other kewarganegaraan. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial. Universitas
factors not examined in this study. This is based on the R Negeri Semarang.
square value of 0.994 thus the coefficient is reflected by [12] Machali, Imam dan Hidayat, Ara. (2016). The Handbook
99.4%.Based on the results of these studies, it can be Of Education Manajement Teori dan Praktik Pengelolaan
said that the influence of the school committee and BOS Sekolah/Madrasah di Indonesia. Jakarta : Prenada Media.
funds have a very important role in improving the quality [13] Makmun, Sumadi, Alben Ambarita. (2013). Peran Komite
of education in SMA Ngeri 1 Banyuasin III Kabupaten Sekolah Dalam Peningkatan Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan
Banyuasin. .Stusi Kasus di SMK Negeri 2 Metro. Bandar Lampung.
FKIP Unila..
8. Acknowlegement [14] Naziardi dan Nilawati. (2016). Komite Sekolah dan Mutu
This journal is made from Rukanto’s thesis with his own work Pendidikan.Mewujudkan Pendidikan Berbasis Sekolah.
aided by Dr. Aisyah AR, as the lead mentor, and Dr. Edi Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sejarah, Budaya dan Sosial.70-86.
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