X-O Lecture Notes

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Pakistan studies (Paper-1)

Religious Thinkers
The questions to address in this chapter:
1. Which religious thinker was the most important one?
2. How successful were the religious thinkers in spreading Islam in Sub-continent?
Question-1 Which religious thinker was the most important one?

Need to compare all three religious’ thinkers.

To find out whether he was important or not, we will address few questions.
1: Who were they?
2: Why they worked for Muslims?
3: What work they did?
4: Were they successful in their work or not?
Shah Wali Ullah:
1. Who was he?
 4 marks question.
 Factual Recall
 Read the question
 Write 4 facts about the question
 Not more than 6-7 lines.
 IF 2 facts are written in 1 statement then you will get 2 marks for 1 statement.
Example question:
Who was Shah Wali Ullah? [4]
2: Why he worked for Muslims in India?
He thought/ His beliefs were:
 Muslims of Sub-continent were declining, and it was because of incomplete knowledge
of Quran and Islam. (As Quran was written in Arabic language and for many Muslims in
India, the main language was Persian, so it was difficult to understand).

 Muslims were weak. They were vulnerable. Attacked by Non-Muslims (Marathas).

Because they are divided and not united. Division is due to sectarian differences.

 Islam is not present in its pure form. Muslims were following the impure form of Islam in
political, Economic and Social aspect of their lives. Due to this we cannot create a good
Islamic society.
So, due to these reasons / Beliefs, he started working for Muslims of Sub-continent.
3: What work he did? Religious Thinkers

Beliefs/ Thoughts Work according to those thoughts: Impact of the work

1: Muslims were 1: He translated Quran into 1: Wider number of people

declining due to Persian. were able to understand
incomplete knowledge of 2: He wrote 51 books like Hujjat Quran.
Quran and Islam. Allah al Baligha. 2: The Islamic basic
teachings were clear to
many people.
3: His books were translated
in many other languages and
helped Muslims even after
his death to understand
teachings of Islam.
2: Muslims were weak 1: Wrote account of first four 1: Helped bridge gap
due to Sectarian caliphs. between the sectarian
difference. 2: He wrote letters to nobles to groups.
unite and fight against Marathas. 2: Ahmad Shah
Abdali/Ahmad Shah Durrani
came to Sub-continent and
fought against Marathas at
the battle of Pani Pat 1761.

3: Need to create good 1: He taught at madrassa-e- 1: It helped Muslims learn

Islamic society by Rahimiya at Dheli. about Islamic teachings.
bringing pure form of 2: All great reformers were
Islam. influenced by him
3: madrassa-e- Rahimiya
became a learning place for
future Muslim leaders. His
sons also studied and taught
Water Resources: Methods of Irrigation.
Recap: What is irrigation? (An artificial supply of water to grow crops)
Methods of irrigation:
1: Conventional (Traditional)
2: Modern

Conventional Method:
1: Shaduf
2: Charsa:

Persian Wheel:
Karez System:


5: Inundation Canal:
Inundation means flooded. Canals which gets water when the water level increase in rivers
due to heavy rain and melting of glaciers in summer. Water is diverted towards these canals.
6: Tank Irrigation:
Water tanks to store rainwater mostly in desert areas.
Modern Methods:
1: Perennial Canals:
Perennial canals are taken out from rivers and reservoirs of dams and barrages. They get
the continues supply of water throughout the year.
Types of perennial canals:
1: lined canal: made of cement:
2: Unlined canal: Made up of mud:
1: Provide water for irrigation to those areas where water level is low or scarcity of rain.
2: Control flood water.
3: provide water throughout the year.
4: Provide water for HEP development.

Lecture-5 (History and Culture of Pakistan)

Topic: Religious Thinkers:
7 Marks question Pattern:


1. Read question carefully.
2. Identify 3 reasons for a 7 marks question.
3. Explain 3 reasons in 3 paragraphs.
4. Starts the answer straight away.
5. It is must to write how to reason led towards the question.

Command words:

 Why?
 Explain how?
Q: Why did Shah Waliullah have such a major influence on the revival of Islam in the
subcontinent? [7]
(Always start with making a mind map/planning)
1: He worked to stop Muslim decline by providing teachings of Quran.
2: He united Muslims.
3: inspiration for other leaders.
Now write one paragraph on each point:
No introduction or lengthy background knowledge is required.

Shah Wali Ullah was a religious scholar. He was born during the reign of Aurangzeb. His father
was Shah Abdul Rahim. Shah Wali ullah was an incredibly famous religious thinker in sub-
continent. [1] General information L-1
Shah Wali was important because he wanted to stop Muslim decline. For this he translated
Quran in Persian language. He wrote 51 books. [L-2] 2-4

Shah Wali Ullah realized that Muslims of the Sub-continent were declining due to lack of
knowledge of Quran and Islam. He wanted to work for regeneration of Muslim society. For this,
He translated Quran into Persian language. Due to this, a wider number of people were able to
understand the teachings of Quran. He also wrote 51 books about Islam like Azlat ul akhfa. This
helped people to understand the basic teachings of Islam. These books were translated in other
languages and provided information to other Muslims living in world. [L-3] +5
Secondly, Shah Wali Ullah united the Muslims. He realized that Muslims were divided into
sectarian groups because of which they were attacked by Non-Muslims. So, Shah Wali Ullah
wrote letters to different nobles to unite and fight against the Non-Muslim forces. As a result of
his effort, Ahmad Shah Abdali of Persia came and join forces with other nobles to fight against
marathas at the battle of Panipat in 1761. The Muslims won the battle and this success united
them in Sub-continent. [L-3 +6]
Thirdly, Shah Wali Ullah taught in Madrassa e Rahimiya about Islam and Quran. He taught at
the Madrassa so that Muslims could follow the pure teachings of Islam. This helped him teach
many of his followers. After his death

Religious Thinkers: Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barelvi.
1: Who was Syed Ahmad Shaheed? [4]
2: Why he worked for Muslims of Sub-continent?
1. Muslims were suppressed by Foreign (British) and Non-Muslim forces (Sikh) and there is
a need to start Jihad to liberate them.

2. He wanted to work for improvement of Muslim lives and for this he surrounded people
who were willing to work with him.

3. By getting freedom for Muslims, he thought that Muslims will live under Islamic rule and
freely follow their Islamic customs and beliefs. This will help to bring Islam to its pure
4. 3: What work he did?
Study work of Syed Ahmad:
He was the first ever leader who started the Jihad movement.
Water Resources:
1: Canal water dispute and Indus water treaty:
2: Dams (Mangla and Tarbela)
Mangla Dam:
Built on river Jhelum. Largest earth filled dam. Multi-purpose. Tourist spot.
Tarbela Dam:
Built on river Indus near Tarbela. Largest earth filled dam. Multi-purpose. Spillways.
Difference between large and small dams:
Home work discussion:

Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barevli:

1: Who was Syed Ahmad Shaheed?
2: Why he worked for Muslims?

Shah Wali Ullah : Syed Ahmad Shaheed : Haji Shariat Ullah :

1: Who they were?
2: Why they worked for Muslims?
3: What work they did?
4: Were they successful?
1: Because he was the first person or scholar to ever start a jihad movement.
2: He helped the Muslims to unite.

Date: Topic:
19th August 2020 Religious Thinkers

Question:1 What was Jihad Movement? [4]

Question: 2 Who was Haji Shariat Ullah? [4]

Importance of haji Shariat Ullah:

1: he worked to spread Islam through faraizi movement in East Bengal. This helped to remove
the Hindu practices from worship and led Muslims to follow the pure form of Islamic duties
means Faraiz. This also helped to restore Muslim pride and his followers were known as
2: Haji Shariat Ullah was so successful in improving the lives of Muslims in East Bengal that it
alarmed the Hindu landlords and fear that Muslims will unite against them and their oppression.

Shah Wali ullah Syed Ahmad Shaheed Haji Shariat Ullah

1: Translated Quran which 1: He was the first Islamic 1: He improved lives of

helped Muslims to reformer to start Jihad Muslims by making them
understand teachings of movement practically which aware of their Islamic faraiz.
Quran. helped Muslims to struggle
for freedom from Non-
2: United Muslims by writing 2: He united the Muslims by 2: His work threatened Non-
account of first four caliphs encouraging them to join his Muslims who feared that
and letters to nobels which army. His army was a source Muslims will unite against
led to battle of Panipat and of information for Muslims of them.
defeat of Marathas. all regions and sects.
3:His work continued even 3: His Jihad movement was
after his death with the help forerunner for the Pakistan
of his followers who he taught Movement. The idea of Jihad
in Maddrassa e rahimiya and movement was to form a
books which were translated Muslim state where Muslims
in other languages. could live according to
Islamic ideology. The idea of
Pakistan movement was
inspired by this.

Shah Wali Ullah:

His work continued even after his death.
All the Muslims of Sub-continent.
Date: Topic:
27th August 2020 Languages

Promotion of Languages: (1947-1999) (Book: pg-43)

Many academic books are written also in this language. It is taught as a compulsory subject in
schools and colleges across Pakistan. Many universities award master’s degree in Urdu
literature and language.
Q: Describe about the promotion of Urdu Language. [4]
Q: Describe about the promotion of Sindhi language. [4]

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