Ohki 1994

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Factors determining the diagnostic

accuracy of digitized conventional

intraoral radiographs
M. Obki, T. Okano * and T. Nakamura
Department of Oral Radiology, Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, Nagasaki and *Department of Oral
Radiology, Showa University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan

Received 6 May 1993, and in final form 12 July 1993

A number of factors may determine the diagnostic accuracy of digitized intraoral radiographs.
Conventional film radiographs were digitized with three different digitizers, a laser-scanner, a
drum-scanner and a TV camera. Digital images, varying in pixel size, grey level and image
processing, were displayed on three different video-monitors and assessed by 10 dentists. The
detectability of incipient proximal surface caries was used as an index of the diagnostic
accuracy and the effect of the different factors compared by means of receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) analysis. Images digitized by the drum-scanner were found to have the
best diagnostic accuracy. Sufficient diagnostic accuracy could be attained on the low-cost video
monitor of a personal computer. Digital images with a pixel size of 100}Lm and 32 grey levels
were found to be acceptable for intraoral radiographs for diagnostic purposes. These results
provide a practical guide for establishing a digital image acquiring system for any intraoral
radiographs, reducing demands on data storage to a minimum.
Keywords: Radiographic image enhancement; radiography, dental; ROC analysis; dental caries

Dentomaxillofac. Radiol., 1994, Vol. 23, 77-82, May

Digital imaging has the potential for improving accuracy. The digitization process is especially impor-
diagnostic accuracy and making quantitative diagnoses. tant so as not to lose small changes in radiographic
In addition, it makes a picture archiving and communi- density such as the subtle radiolucencies caused by
cation system (PACS) feasible. However, it is neces- incipient proximal caries. If such subtle information is
sary in the first instance to establish that the accuracy of decreased or lost in the digitization process, then it is
digital images is sufficient for a specific diagnostic difficult to see how the digitized image will produce a
purpose. The diagnostic accuracy of digital chest higher level of diagnostic accuracy than the original
radiographs displayed in various formats has been radiograph, even if the image processing is performed
investigated':", and in dental radiographs, digitization after digitization. Recently, direct digital imaging in the
has been evaluated in terms of the detectability of form of RadioVisioGraphyl 8-20 has been introduced
proximal and occlusal caries 7- 13 . Kassebaum et al. 12 and its diagnostic accuracy reported. Although promis-
assessed the appropriate spatial resolution for a ing, some problems still have to be resolved before such
commercially available digital imaging and transmis- methods can be substituted for conventional radio-
sion system and could find no significant differences graphy in dental practice. A significant problem may be
between the digital images with pixel sizes of 200, 300 the smaller optical density range and greater image
or 4OO}Lm, or between these and the original film noise in digitized images when compared with radio-
images. Dove and McDavid 13 used a TV-based image graphs. Therefore, for the present, digitization of film
processing system but could not detect any difference radiographs is still important for the development of
between non-enhanced digital images and conventional effective image processing procedures for intraoral
film-based images 13. The histogram equalization radiography. It is also necessary if a PACS is to be
technique was applied to the digital images but did not implemented for the accumulated radiographs in dental
improve diagnostic accuracy 13 • A number of studies facilities so as to perform retrospective image analysis
have failed to show any clear advantage of computer- on them.
based image processing and analysis over conventional In this study we have performed a further investiga-
radiographs for improving the detectability of proximal tion into the diagnostic accuracy of digitized intraoral
cariesl 4-17 . These previous studies used only a radiographs to clarify the effects of digitization proce-
TV-based digital imaging system, but the physical dure, viewing monitors and image processing compar-
characteristics of the digitization devices and viewing ing three types of digitizer and three video-monitors for
monitors may also have a profound effect on diagnostic this purpose.
© 1994Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd for the IADMFR
025G-832X/94/020077-06 Dentomaxillofac. Radiol., 1994, Vol. 23, May 77
Diagnostic accuracy of digitized intraoral radiographs: M. Ohki et al.

Materials and methods monitors: a 13-inch (33-cm) Apple RGB colour monitor
for a Macintosh personal computer (Apple Computer,
X-ray film digitizers Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA), a 17-inch (43-cm) monitor
An X-ray film digitizer converts film densities into for a VIEW2000 imaging workstation (Virtual Imag-
numeric grey levels for input into a digital computer. ing, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) and a 16-inch (41-cm)
The most commonly used digitizers are microdensito- IMLOGIX image viewing system (Genesys/Imlogix,
meters, laser film scanners and TV cameras. In micro- Fenton, MO, USA). Although it is not designed
densitometers, the X-ray film is mounted on a flat bed specifically for viewing X-ray images, the Apple RGB
or wrapped around a drum and a beam of light scans monitor can display 24-bit colour images and 8-bit
the film as the bed translates or the drum rotates for monochrome images in 640 X 480 pixels. The
two-dimensional imaging. In laser film scanners the VIEW2000 monitor displays 16-bit monochrome
film is translated mechanically and scanned by a narrow images in 780 X 580 pixels. The IMLOGIX displays
laser beam. In both devices the intensity of the images up to 1024 X 1024 pixels in 12 bits. Both are
transmitted light is read by a photomultiplier and designed for viewing X-ray images and can function
converted to film densities. With TV cameras, the film as part of PACS. Magnification, window level and
is placed on a light box which is focused directly onto a window width can be easily adjusted by the viewer
photosensitive tube or a charge-coupled device (CCD) using a mouse.
sensor. These photodetectors have a smaller dynamic
range than a photomultiplier. The intensity of the Radiographs and digital images
transmitted light is not converted into film density and
depends on the brightness of the light box used with the The intraoral radiographs used in this study were
camera. taken from our previous study". Extracted human
Three types of digitizers were compared; a drum premolars, with or without discolouration on the
scanning microdensitometer (Model 2605, Abe-sekkei proximal surfaces, were radiographed using a geometry
Co., Tokyo, Japan), a laser film scanner (Model 2903, consistent with bitewing projections. The focus-object
Abe-sekkei Co. Tokyo, Japan) and a TV camera distance was 40 em, and the object-film distance
(Model C1000, Hamamatsu Photo. Co., Shizuoka, 0.5 em. The dental X-ray unit (Model R802, Tokyo
Japan). Both the drum-scanner and the laser-scanner Emix Co., Tokyo, Japan) was operated at 65 kVp with
recorded film densities ranging from 0 to 4 and the 2.0 mm total Al equivalent filtration. Exposure time
output signals were 8-bit and lO-bit data which corres- was adjusted so as to achieve an optical density of the
pond to 256 and 1024 grey levels, respectively. Spatial proximal enamel of 0.6-0.8. Ultraspeed (Eastman-
resolution varied with the size of the scanning beam Kodak, Rochester, NY, USA) film was used and
and of the sampling aperture. Intraoral radiographs developed for 5 min at 20°C. Following radiography,
were digitized with pixel sizes of 50 JLm, the minimum each tooth was embedded in epoxy resin and mesio-
for our laser-scanner, and 100 JLm. The lO-bit output distal ground sections obtained to confirm the
data from the laser-scanner were linearly converted presence, if any, and extent of caries. A total of 64
into 8-bit data (256 grey levels). For the TV camera, proximal surfaces were used in this study. Thirty
the magnification was set so that one pixel corres- surfaces were caries-free, 11 had caries limited to the
ponded to 50 JLm, and the output signal converted to outer half of the enamel and 13 to the inner half, and in
8-bit data. 10 caries had penetrated into dentine.
All the radiographs were digitized using one of the 10
modalities shown in Table I. The effect of varying bit
Viewing monitors
depth, pixel size and image processing on diagnostic
The digital images were displayed on three video accuracy was evaluated on the images digitized by

Table I The effects of the digitizer, pixel size, grey level, image processing and monitor on diagnostic accuracy, expressed as the area under the
ROC curve, P(A). Values are the mean (± s.d.) ofthe 10 observers. Probabilities were obtained by two-tailed paired r-tests with the original film
with a significance level set at 95% '

Pixel Grey
Images Digitizer size level Image processing Monitor P(A) s.d. Probability Significance

No.1 Drum 50JLm 256 None A 0.722 0.053 0.0147 S

B 0.747 0.053 0.1865 NS
C 0.764 0.068 0.4666 NS
C' 0.691 0.070 0.0162 S
No.2 Drum 50JLm 256 Edge enhanced A 0.752 0.044 0.3052 NS
No.3 Drum 50JLm 32 Gray level reduced A 0.725 0.049 0.0342 S
No.4 Drum 50JLm 64 Gray level reduced A 0.715 0.063 0.0052 S
No.5 Drum looJLm 256 x2 magnified A 0.700 0.062 0.0278 S
No.6 Drum looJLm 256 x2 magnified with interpolation A 0.681 0.070 0.0021 S
No.7 Laser 50JLm 256 None A 0.675 0.049 0.0002 S
No.8 Laser 50JLm 256 Contrast enhanced A 0.679 0.047 0.0014 S
No.9 Laser 50JLm 256 Contrast and edge enhanced A 0.692 0.065 0.0018 S
No. 10 TV 50JLm 256 None A 0.679 0.061 0.0010 S
Original 0.781 0.061
S. significant; NS. not significant.
Monitors: A. Apple RGB; B. VIEW2000; C. IMLOGlX; C·. IMLOGIX with user interaction.

78 Dentomaxillofac. Radiol., 1994, Vol. 23, May

Diagnostic accuracy of digitized intraoral radiographs: M. Ohki et al.

the drum-scanner and displayed on the Apple RGB more than 3 years. All the original radiographs and
monitor. Images with 32 and 64 grey levels were digitized images, from the total 64 tooth surfaces, were
reproduced from those with pixel sizes of 50 JLm and presented to them at random. They were asked to
256grey levels by reducing the bit depth. Images with a decide whether or not caries was present and to rate
pixel size of 100JLm were magnified twice so as to be their confidence on a five-point scale: (1) definitely
the same size as those with a pixel size of 50 JLm on present, (2) probably present, (3) unsure, (4) probably
the video-monitor. The bilinear interpolation for absent, (5) definitely absent. All viewing was per-
smoothing was also applied to the magnified images. formed under dim indoor lighting. The brightness and
Edge enhancement was performed with a high-pass the contrast level of the monitor were fixed, except for
mask after median filtering for noise reductiorr'", the case of the IMLOGIX monitor, where observers
Contrast enhancement was performed in converting the were allowed to change the window level, window
10-bit output data from a laser-scanner into 8-bit width, and zoom factor. No time limit was given for
data, i.e. the grey levels between the minimum and any viewing sessions. The diagnostic accuracy was
maximum levels on the image digitized by a laser- determined as the area under the ROC curve, P(A),
scanner were linearly scaled to the range between 0 and which was obtained by integrating multiple trapezoidal
255. The three types of viewing monitors were com- areas of the connected ROC data points-", A paired
pared with each other for images digitized with a pixel r-test and one-factor ANOVA were used for statistical
size of 50 JLm and 256 grey levels. The effect of the analysis.
observers' manipulation of the viewing conditions on
the IMLOGIX monitor was also evaluated.
ROC analysis
Figure 1 compares the ability of the three digitizers
Ten dentists of whom six were oral radiologists, two to record the film density in terms of the grey level.
preventive dentists and two periodontists served as Both the laser-scanner and the drum-scanner had a
observers. All had been engaged in clinical practice for very accurate linear relationship. In contrast, the TV
camera had a narrow dynamic range with an upper limit
255.------------------..., of readable film density of about 2. The relationship
was not linear, nor was it possible to read film density
directly, because the value depended on the brightness
of the light box and on the size of the aperture of the
a; Figures 2 and 3 show typical digital images of an
> intraoral radiograph of a tooth where caries had
~ 128 penetrated to the inner half of the enamel on both
~ proximal surfaces. The images shown in Figure 2 were
obtained with each of the digitizers with the same pixel
64 size of 50 JLm and 256 grey levels. Although all three
images were displayed in the same grey level region
ranging from 0 to 255, the contrast differed, depending
o on the way in which the digitizer recorded the density.
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 The outline of the tooth in images digitized by the laser-
Optical film density scanner (Figure 2b) appeared slightly ill-defined,
Figure 1 Comparison of the efficacy of the three digitizers
whereas those digitized by the TV camera showed the
( • , drum-scanner; ---0--, laser-scanner; - . A - , similar contrast to the original radiograph when viewed
TV camera) in converting optical density to grey level on a light-box. Figure 3 shows an example of an image

Figure 2 Typical images obtained at 50JLm pixel size and 256 grey levels following digitization by the three different digitizers. a, By a drum-
scanner; b, by a laser-scanner; c, by a TV camera. Caries has extended on both proximal surfaces into the inner-half of enamel

Dentomaxillofac. Radio!., 1994, Vo!. 23, May 79

Diagnostic accuracy of digitized intraoral radiographs: M. Ohki et al.

Figure 3 Digital images of the same tooth as in Figure 2 showing the effects of varying pixel size, grey level and image processing. a, 50 ILm pixel
size and 32 grey levels; b, lOOlLm pixel size and 256 grey levels; c, 50ILm pixel size and 256 grey levels with edge enhancement

digitized in various modalities by the drum-scanner. 1.0

The image with a pixel size of 50porn and 32 grey levels g
had a little grey level contouring which would be 0>
acceptable. The image with a pixel size of 100JLm and ~

256 grey levels which was magnified twice had a barely
noticeable checker-board effect. This effect could be
reduced by an interpolation at magnification. Figure 3c
shows the effect of edge enhancement on an image with
a pixel size of 50porn and 256 grey levels.
-e 0.5
Table I compares P(A) values of all the digital L - _ - - l . ._ _....l.-_ _.L..-_--l.._ _- I . - _ - - - I
images with that of the original radiographs. A Original monitor A monitor B monaor C monitor C
significant difference was found with the Apple film with user interadion
monitor and with the IMLOGIX with user inter-
Figure 5 Comparison of the effect of the viewing monitors on
action when the images were digitized by the drum- diagnostic accuracy of digital images on various viewing monitors
scanner with a pixel size of 50porn and 256 grey levels. (expressed as the area under the ROC curve P(A». Images were
In contrast, the images with edge enhancement on the displayed with 50ILm pixel size and 256 gray levels following
Apple monitor did not show a significant difference. digitization by a drum-scanner. Monitor A, Apple RGB monitor;
Monitor B, VIEW2000; Monitor C, IMLOGIX. Scale bar
Figures 4-7 analyse the effects that the various equals ± 1 s.d.
factors had on diagnostic accuracy. Figure 4 compares
the three types of digitizers. All the images had a pixel
size of 50 JLm and 256 grey levels and were viewed on was no significant difference between the three
an Apple RGB monitor (Table I, images lA, 7 and digitizers.
10). Paired r-test indicated statistically significant Figure 5 analyses the effect of the three types of
differences between the original film and the digital monitors on diagnostic accuracy. The images were
images. Although the diagnostic accuracy was highest digitized by the drum-scanner with a pixel size of
with the drum-scanner, ANOVA showed that there 50 JLm and 256 grey levels. There was no significant
difference between the images on any of the
1.0 monitors by ANOVA. The IMLOGIX monitor had the
g highest diagnostic accuracy of all three. However,
a.. when observers were allowed to change window level,
e:::J window width and magnification of the images on this

s I I monitor, there was a significant decrease in diagnostic


I Figure 6 examines the effect on diagnostic accuracy
of grey levels. Images were digitized with a pixel size of
50 JLm at 32, 64 and 256 grey levels and viewed on the
Apple RGB monitor. ANOVA showed there was no
0.5 significant difference between the images at any grey
Original Drum- Laser- TV levels.
film scanner scanner camera Figure 7 shows the effect on diagnostic accuracy of
pixel size and image processing. All the images were
Figure 4 Comparison of diagnostic accuracy, expressed as the area digitized with 256 grey levels and viewed on the Apple
under the ROC curve P(A), of intraoral radiographs with images
digitized by the three digitizers. All digital images had 50 JLm pixel RGB monitor. The paired r-test indicated that there
size and 256 grey levels and were displayed on an Apple RGB was no significant difference between the original film
monitor. Scale bar equals ± 1s.d. and the 50porn images treated with edge enhancement.

80 Dentomaxillofac. Radiol., 1994, Vol. 23, May

Diagnostic accuracy of digitized intraoral radiographs: M. Ohki et al.

1.0 of 0.888 for bitewing radiographs calculated by the

«Ci:' trapezoidal method. This value is higher than those
obtained by both Dove et 01. 13 and us. One reason may
~ be that the caries was deeper in the study of Kassebaum

I ! I I
et alY. These authors concluded that there was no
8a: significant difference in the diagnostic accuracy
between images digitized by a TV camera with a pixel
c::: size of 300 p.m and the original radiographs. This result
III also seems to be affected by their case samples. We
l!? found that images with a pixel size of more than
0.5 100p.m had a noticeable checker-board effect which
Original 32 64 256graylevels clearly lowered diagnostic accuracy. With a screen-film
film combination system, a pixel size of 4oop.m has been
Figure 6 Comparison of. the effect of varying grey level on the reported to be sufficient for digitization". On the other
diagnostic accuracy of digital images expressed as the area under the hand, the direct film system used in intraoral radio-
ROC curve P.(A). Images were digitized with 50ILm pixel size by a
drum-scanner and displayed on an Apple RGB monitor. Scale bar graphy has a higher spatial resolution of the order of
equals ± 1 s.d. 20 p.m. Therefore, a digital image with a pixel size of
more than 100p.m will probably lose diagnostic infor-
1.0 mation. Nonetheless, no significant difference in the
sa.. diagnostic accuracy could be found between images
digitized with pixel sizes of 50 p.m and 100 p.m. The
~ pixel size of 100 p.m has the added advantage of

U reducing the amount of data storage required to one-
8a: I fourth of that with a pixel size of 50 p.m. We also
I I confirmed that grey level can be reduced to 32 levels
without loss of diagnostic accuracy. This must be due to
the fact that the human eye can distinguish at most
about 50 contrast levels. An image with 32 grey levels
-e requires one-eighth the data storage of an image with
256 grey levels. 16 grey levels (4-bit image) are insuffi-
film cient since, in this investigation, they produced a
Pixel size noticeable grey level contouring.
Figure 7 Comparison of the effect of varying pixel size on diagnostic The drum-scanner showed a higher diagnostic
accuracy of digital images expressed as the area under the ROC curve
P(A). Images were digitized with 256 grey levels by a drum-scanner
accuracy than the laser-scanner and the TV camera.
and displayed on an Apple RGB monitor. Edge enhancement was Although the laser-scanner was as accurate for reading
performed on the 50lLm* images, and the interpolation was used on film density as the drum-scanner, the lower diagnostic
the x 2 magnified lOOlLm* images accuracy was probably due to the fact that it produced
an ill-defined outline of the tooth. This effect might be
No significant difference could be detected between the caused by the non-uniformity of the polygon mirror in
images with pixel sizes of 50 p.m and 100p.m. Interpo- the laser-scanner which reflects the laser beam for
lation for reducing dither patterns in the 2 x magnified scanning. Overall, no significant difference was
images did not improve diagnostic accuracy. The effect detected between the TV camera and the other more
of image processing on diagnostic accuracy of the accurate digitizers. Although low-cost TV cameras are
images digitized by the laser-scanner is shown in Table available for constructing a digital image acquiring
1, images 7,8 and 9. Although edge enhanced images system, the lower dynamic range may restrict their
showed a slightly higher diagnostic accuracy, the potential for improving diagnostic accuracy by an
difference was not significant. additional image processing.
The installation of a large number of monitors is
Discussion required for a PACS. The cost is therefore an
important consideration. It is apparent from our study
We calculated the area under ROC curves as the sum of that a video-monitor designed for a personal computer
the trapezoidal area P(A) because spread of data points is acceptable for this purpose. We also found that
was such that the curve fitting method, by which the Az window operations such as changing brightness, con-
value is derived, could not be applied successfully. trast and magnification did not, in fact, improve
Estimating P(A) by this method gives somewhat lower diagnostic accuracy but, on the contrary, often reduced
values than for Az, but this means that the diagnostic it. This may be because the digital images had already
accuracy is estimated more strictly. Dove et 01. 8 found been created in the optimal density region. The
the diagnostic accuracy of intraoral radiographs for histogram equalization technique which Dove et 01. 13
proximal caries was 0.7586; this value was obtained evaluated also decreased diagnostic accuracy. In this
solely on the basis of the presence of caries, regardless investigation, edge enhancement improved diagnostic
of the lesion depth. Their values for digital images accuracy. We believe it is therefore possible to produce
calculated as Az values by the curve fit method ranged an image with higher diagnostic accuracy than that of
from 0.666 to 0.7173. These figures compare favour- the original radiograph by developing a suitable image
ably with our findings of 0.781 for the original film and processing technique. An accurate digitization device
0.679 for the images digitized by a TV camera. such as a drum-scanner may be needed for this
Kassebaum et 01. 12 , on the other hand, reported a value purpose.

Dentomaxillofac. Radiol., 1994, Vol. 23, May 81

Diagnostic accuracy of digitized intraoral radiographs: M. Ohki et al.

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82 DentomaxiHofac. Radiol., 1994, Vol. 23, May

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