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Section 1: Grammar Use

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Mark the correct answer.  (2 points
each/subtotal = 18 points)

4.A: ________________ the exam? B: Fabiola and Michael did. They got
good grades on it.
(2 puntos)

Who did pass

Who did you pass

Did you

Who passed

5.Where _________________ on your birthday last weekend?

(2 puntos)

you went

did you go

did you went

do you go

6.Janella ______________ to Cuzco three times in her life. The last time she
______________ there was one year ago.
(2 puntos)

has traveled - traveled

has traveled - has traveled

traveled - traveled

traveled - has traveled

7.My sister Maria __________________ on the phone loudly. It's so

(2 puntos)

always talking

don't talk

is always talking

8.A: Should I go to Marco's Restaurant or McDonalds? B: Well, Marco's

Restaurant ______________ McDonald's, so we should go to McDonald's.
(2 puntos)

is better

isn't as good as

is as good as

is best than

9.It sounds __________, but it's true! The turtle was running
(2 puntos)

strange - quick

strangely - quickly

strange - quickly

strangely - quick

10.A: This cake is so good! B: I agree! It's ________________ cake I've

ever eaten!
(2 puntos)

by far the tastiest

slightly tastier

a lot tastier

much more tastier

11.My mom never _______ me what she's thinking. I don't know what she
(2 puntos)




12.A: What did you do when you lived in France? B: Sometimes, I

______________ soccer with my friends on Sundays.
(2 puntos)

would played

had played

would play

use to play


I05 Final Written Exam - H2

Section 2: Vocabulary Use

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Mark the correct answer.  (2 points
each/subtotal = 16 points)

13.It's important to _______ your mind on things that are important to you.
If you have a strong opinion, you should tell people what you think.
(2 puntos)





14.That movie was _________ fantastic! It's my new favorite movie, it was
so good!
(2 puntos)




15.Many people bought the author's new book. Now, it's considered a
(2 puntos)

best seller


comic book

graphic novel

16.A: What books do you like to read? I love _________ books like It and
The Shining, they're really scary! B: Well, I don't really read a lot of books,
but I love food recipes, so I like ____________.
(2 puntos)

horror - romantic

horror - cookbooks

science fiction - anthologies

detective - cookbooks

17.A: That guy says he's really friendly, but his _________________ don't
seem friendly… B: Yeah, I know! He says he's friendly but he's always
frowning, and he never smiles!
(2 puntos)

sign language

instant messaging

hand gestures

facial expressions

18.A: That horror movie was so ___________, I was totally surprised! B:

Yeah, the audience was so _____________, I heard some people scream!
(2 puntos)

shocking - terrified
terrified - shocking

moving - bored

terrifying - terrifying

19.When I'm free, I like to __________ the time of day. I don't really do
anything in particular, I just fill time.
(2 puntos)




stare into

20.In the class, the teacher always asks students to _________ out loud. I
don't like to do it because my pronunciation is not very good.
(2 puntos)







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I05 Final Written Exam - H2

Section 3: Question Formulation and Tasks

Follow the instructions below. Ask questions and write your statements in the box. If you do
not understand the instructions, ask your teacher. (3 points each /subtotal = 18 points)

21.Ask me about my activities when I lived in the U.S. (Use used to/ would)
(3 puntos)
22.You want to start a conversation with a foreign exchange student. (Use
an expression to break the ice)
(3 puntos)
23.What's your favorite aspect of your English class? (Use expressions to
(3 puntos)
24.Imagine you are in your favorite place. Describe the scene using stative
(3 puntos)
25.Ask me about my best friend's activities last Sunday at 5:00. (Use the
Past Continuous)
(3 puntos)
26.I think horror movies are fun. (Use an expression to agree or disagree)
(3 puntos)



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I05 Final Written Exam - H2

Section 4: Full Responses in Connected Speech

Use complete answers or short answers + additional information. Write the responses. (3
points each /subtotal = 18 points)

27.Tell me about the last book you read. (Use -ed and -ing adjectives)
(3 puntos)
28.What do you think about Machu Picchu? (Use gradable and/or absolute
(3 puntos)
29.Tell me about the things your parents did when they were young. (Use
used to / would)
(3 puntos)
30.What's the best movie you've ever watched? (Give additional
(3 puntos)
31.Compare the weather in July to the weather in January. (Use as…as…)
(3 puntos)
32.When was the last time you stood in line? (Give additional information)
(3 puntos)

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