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Top 10 Machine Learning Challenges

We've Yet to Overcome

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) aren’t something out of sci-fi
movies anymore, it’s very much a reality. While we took many decades to get here, recent
heavy investment within this space has significantly accelerated development.

While ML is making significant strides within cyber security and autonomous cars, this
segment as a whole still has a long way to go. This is because ML hasn’t been able to
overcome a number of challenges that still stand in the way of progress.

What are these challenges? Let’s take a look.

1. Memory networks

Memory networks or memory augmented neural networks still require large working
memory to store data. This type of neural network needs to be hooked up to a memory
block that can be both written and read by the network.

This is a major hurdle that ML needs to overcome. To attain truly efficient and effective AI,
we have to find a better method for networks to discover facts, store them, and seamlessly
access them when needed.

2. Natural language processing (NLP)

Although a lot of money and time has been invested, we still have a long way to go to
achieve natural language processing and understanding of language.

This is still a massive challenge even for deep networks. At the moment, we teach computers
to represent languages and simulate reasoning based on that. However, this has been
consistently poor.

3. Attention

Human visual systems use attention in a highly robust manner to integrate a rich set of
features. But at the moment, ML is all about focusing on small chunks of input stimuli, one at
a time, and then integrate the results at the end.

For ML to truly realize its potential, we need mechanisms that work like a human visual
system to be built into neural networks. Right now we’re using a softmax function to
access memory blocks, but in reality, attention is meant to be non-differentiable.

4. Understand deep nets training

Although ML has come very far, we still don’t know exactly how deep nets training work. So
if we don’t know how training nets actually work, how do we make any real progress?
5. One-shot learning

While applications of neural networks have evolved, we still haven’t been able to achieve
one-shot learning. So far, traditional gradient-based networks need an enormous amount of
data to learn and this is often in the form of extensive iterative training.

Instead, we have to find a way to enable neural networks to learn using just one or two

6. Deep reinforcement learning to control robots

If we can figure out how to enable deep reinforcement learning to control robots, we can
make characters like C-3PO a reality (well, sort of). In fact, when you allow deep
reinforcement learning, you enable ML to tackle harder problems.

7. Semantic segmentation

According to Tapabrata Ghosh, Founder and CEO at Vathys, “we've solved image
classification, now let's solve semantic segmentation.”

8.  Video training data

We have yet to utilize video training data, instead, we are still relying on static images. To
allow ML systems to work better, we need to enable them to learn by listening and observing.

Video datasets tend to be much richer than static images, as a result, we humans have been
taking advantage of learning by observing our dynamic world. Why shouldn’t machines be
enabled to do the same?

9. Object detection

Object detection is still hard for algorithms to correctly identify because imagine
classification and localization in computer vision and ML are still lacking. The best way to
resolve this is to invest more resources and time to finally put this problem to bed.

10. Democratizing AI

AI is still not completely democratized with big data and computer power. If we can do this,
we will have the significant intelligence required to take on the world’s problems head

Challenges faced by Businesses in adopting

Machine Learninng
The global machine learning market is expected to reach a whopping USD 20.83 billion by
2024, according to a research report by Zion Market Research. Enterprises all over the world
are increasingly exploring machine learning solutions to overcome business challenges and
provide insights and innovative solutions. And even though machine learning benefits are
becoming more apparent, many companies are facing challenges in machine learning

As the name suggests, machine learning involves systems learning from existing data using
algorithms that iteratively learn from the available data set. With this, systems are able to
come up with hidden insights without being explicitly programmed where to look.

Importance of Machine Learning

The interest in Machine Learning can be comprehended by simply understanding that there is
a growth in volumes and varieties of raw data, the different processes, and hence, there is a
need to find an affordable data storage.

The need of the hour is to implement a method by which organizations can quickly and
automatically analyze bigger, more complex data. Not only this, by implementing and
integrating Machine Learning in an organization, it becomes easier to optimize the process.
How? Because Machine Learning helps deliver faster, and more accurate results.

What is simply required is to build a precise and customized model, in which Maruti
Techlabs can serve as a fundamental assembling point, where your organization can find the
best Machine Learning solutions.

Challenges faced while adopting Machine Learning

Machine learning is helping organizations make sense of their data, automate business
processes, and increase productivity, and gradually profits too. And while companies are
keen on adopting machine learning algorithms, they often find themselves struggling to begin
the journey.

All the companies are different and their journeys are unique. But essentially, the frequently
faced issues in machine learning by companies include common issues like business goals
alignment, people’s mindset, and more. Let us discuss and understand the 6 most common
issues which companies face during machine learning adoption. 
1. Inaccessible Data and Data Security

One of the most common machine learning challenges that businesses face is the availability
of data. The availability of raw data is essential for companies to implement machine
learning. Data is needed in huge chunks to train machine learning algorithms. Data of a few
hundred items is not sufficient to train the models and implement machine learning correctly.

However, gathering data is not the only concern. You also need to model and process the data
to suit the algorithms that you’ll be using. Data security is also one of the frequently faced
issues in machine learning. Once a company has dugged up the data, security is a very
prominent aspect that needs to be taken care of. Differentiating between sensitive and
insensitive data is essential to implementing machine learning correctly and efficiently.

Companies need to store sensitive data by encrypting such data and storing it in other servers
or a place where the data is fully secured. Less confidential data can be made accessible to
trusted team members.

2. Infrastructure Requirements for Testing & Experimentation

Most companies that are facing machine learning challenges have something in common
among themselves. They lack the proper infrastructure which is essential for data modeling
and reusability. Proper infrastructure aids the testing of different tools. Frequent tests should
also be allowed to develop the best possible and desired outcomes, which in turn, assist in
creating better, stout, and manageable results.

Companies that lack the infrastructure requirements can consult with different firms to model
their data groups aptly. Then, they can compare the results with a different perspective and
the best one can be adopted accordingly by the company and subsequently, by the board.

The stratification method is usually used to test machine learning algorithms. In this method,
we draw a random sample from the dataset which is a representation of the true population.
The common practice is to divide the dataset in a stratified fashion. Stratification simply
means that we randomly split the dataset so that each class is correctly represented in the
resulting subsets — the training and the test set.

3. Rigid Business Models

Machine learning requires a business to be agile in their policies. Implementing machine

learning efficiently requires one to be flexible with their infrastructure, their mindset, and
also requires proper and relevant skill sets.

However, implementing machine learning doesn’t guarantee success. Experimentations need

to be done if one idea is not working. For this, agile and flexible business processes are
crucial. Flexibility and rapid experimentations are the solution to rigid monoliths.

If one of the machine learning strategies doesn’t work, it enables the company to learn what
is required and consequently guides them in building a new and robust machine learning
design. The willingness to adapt to failures and learn from them greatly increases the
company’s chances of successful machine learning adoption.

4. Lack of Talent

This is the most worrying challenge faced by businesses in machine learning adoption. While
the number of machine learning enthusiasts has increased in the market, it’ll still take a while
for the same numbers to reflect on the number of machine learning experts.

With artificial intelligence and machine learning being relatively younger technologies in the
IT industry, the talent pool required to fully understand and implement complex machine
learning algorithms is limited. And if you don’t have the right people to implement it, then it
is difficult to unlock the true potential of machine learning applications.

Organizations are gradually realizing the avenues machine learning can open up for them. As
a result, the demand for experienced data scientists has skyrocketed. And so have the salaries
in this space. Job sites list data scientists as one of the highest paying jobs of 2020. With
more and more organizations getting on board with big data, AI and ML, this demand is only
going to increase in the coming years.

One path companies are taking to overcome this challenge is collaboration. Organizations are
partnering up with companies that have the skillset and the experience to harness the power
of machine learning and implement the offerings to suit your organization’s business goals.
5. Time-Consuming Implementation

Patience goes a long way in ensuring that your efforts bear fruits. And this cannot be truer for
machine learning. One of the most common machine learning challenges is impatience.
Businesses that implement machine learning usually expect it to magically solve all their
problems and start bringing in profits from the get-go.

Implementing machine learning is a lot more complicated than traditional software

development. A machine learning project is usually full of uncertainties. It involves gathering
data, processing the data to train the algorithms, engineering the algorithms, and training
them to learn from the data which suits your business goals.

It involves a lot of intricate planning and detailed execution. And yet, due to multiple layers
and the usual uncertainties regarding the behavior of the algorithms, it is not guaranteed that
the time estimated by your team for machine learning project completion will be accurate.
Therefore, it is very important to have patience and an experimentative approach while
working on machine learning projects. To achieve desirable results on adoption machine
learning, you should give your project and your team plenty of time.

6. Affordability

If you’re looking to adopt machine learning, you will require Data Engineers, a Project
Manager with a sound technical background. In essence, a full data science team isn’t
something newer companies or start-ups can afford.

As a result, employing a machine learning method can be extremely tedious, but can also
serve as a revenue charger for a company. However, this is only possible by implementing
machine learning in newer and more innovative ways. Adopting machine learning is only
beneficial if there are different plans, so regardless of one plan not performing up to the
desired standards, the other can be put into action. Getting a glimpse into which machine
learning algorithm would suit an organization is the only issue that one needs to get by. Once
you get the best algorithm with which you’re achieving the required outcomes, you shouldn’t
stop experimenting and trying to find better and more innovative algorithms.

Budgeting as per different milestones in the journey works out well to suit the affordability of
the organization. If you are not confident on the talent required to implement a full-fledged
machine learning algorithm, you can always go for a consultation with companies that have
the expertise and experience in machine learning projects.

As a machine learning solutions provider, we at Maruti Techlabs, help you reap the benefits
of machine learning in line with your business goals. Our machine learning experts have
worked with organizations worldwide to provide machine learning solutions that enable rapid
decision making, increased productivity, and business process automation.

Want to explore how machine learning can address your business needs? Get in touch
with us here.

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