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AUT0010.1177/1362361319852831AutismAlvares et al.

Original Article


The misnomer of ‘high functioning 1­–12

© The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
autism’: Intelligence is an
DOI: 10.1177/1362361319852831

imprecise predictor of functional

abilities at diagnosis

Gail A Alvares1 , Keely Bebbington1, Dominique Cleary1,

Kiah Evans1, Emma J Glasson1, Murray T Maybery1, Sarah Pillar1,
Mirko Uljarević2 , Kandice Varcin1, John Wray3 and
Andrew JO Whitehouse1

‘High functioning autism’ is a term often used for individuals with autism spectrum disorder without an intellectual
disability. Over time, this term has become synonymous with expectations of greater functional skills and better long-
term outcomes, despite contradictory clinical observations. This study investigated the relationship between adaptive
behaviour, cognitive estimates (intelligence quotient) and age at diagnosis in autism spectrum disorder. Participants
(n = 2225, 1–18 years of age) were notified at diagnosis to a prospective register and grouped by presence (n = 1041)
or absence (n = 1184) of intellectual disability. Functional abilities were reported using the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour
Scales. Regression models suggested that intelligence quotient was a weak predictor of Vineland Adaptive Behaviour
Scales after controlling for sex. Whereas the intellectual disability group’s adaptive behaviour estimates were close to
reported intelligence quotients, Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales scores fell significantly below intelligence quotients
for children without intellectual disability. The gap between intelligence quotient and Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales
scores remained large with increasing age at diagnosis for all children. These data indicate that estimates from intelligence
quotient alone are an imprecise proxy for functional abilities when diagnosing autism spectrum disorder, particularly
for those without intellectual disability. We argue that ‘high functioning autism’ is an inaccurate clinical descriptor when
based solely on intelligence quotient demarcations and this term should be abandoned in research and clinical practice.

adaptive behaviour, autism spectrum disorders, cognitive impairment, intellectual disability

Introduction severe intellectual disability (ID) or with IQs ⩾ 70 (Ameli,

Courchesne, Lincoln, Kaufman, & Grillon, 1988; DeLong
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the collective term for & Dwyer, 1988; Lincoln, Courchesne, Kilman, Elmasian,
neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by difficul- & Allen, 1988; Szatmari, Bartolucci, Bremner, Bond, &
ties in social interaction, verbal or non-verbal communi- Rich, 1989). While not a formal category in current
cation, repetitive behaviours or restricted interests, and/or
sensory challenges (American Psychiatric Association,
2013; World Health Organization, 1992). While all indi- 1Telethon
Kids Institute, The University of Western Australia, Australia
viduals meet the core criteria to receive a diagnosis, func- 2Stanford
University, USA
tional estimates remain highly variable. ‘High functioning 3WA Department of Health, Australia

autism’ is a term often used for individuals diagnosed

Corresponding author:
with ASD who have an intelligence quotient (IQ) estimate Gail A Alvares, Telethon Kids Institute, The University of Western
of 70 or above. The term first appeared in the 1980s, spe- Australia, 100 Roberts Road, Subiaco, WA 6008, Australia.
cifically referring to individuals without moderate to Email:
2 Autism 00(0)

socialization skills (e.g. developing and sustaining mean-

ingful relationships) and everyday living skills (e.g. partici-
pating in the community, self-care skills). Adaptive
functioning is typically assessed through reports of an indi-
vidual’s behaviour or through observational assessments,
with the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (VABS), a
parent or carer completed questionnaire or interview
(Sparrow, Cicchetti, & Balla, 2005), the most commonly
used measure in ASD research and clinical practice.
Individuals with ASD consistently exhibit poorer adap-
tive functional skills compared with typically developing
individuals or relative to individuals with other develop-
mental conditions (Carter et al., 1998; Kenworthy, Case,
Harms, Martin, & Wallace, 2010; Kraijer, 2000; Liss et al.,
2001; Mouga, Almeida, Café, Duque, & Oliveira, 2015;
Perry, Flanagan, Geier, & Freeman, 2009). Adaptive func-
tioning estimates are sometimes associated with measures
Figure 1.  Number of PubMed mentions over time of autism of ASD symptoms (Kenworthy et al., 2010; Liss et al.,
and the keywords ‘high functioning’ compared with ‘intellectual 2001), in particular social-communication abilities
impairment’ and ‘low functioning’. (Tillmann et al., 2019), and exhibit age-related declines
Search terms were autis* OR Asperger* AND ‘high functioning’ OR
‘low functioning’ OR ‘intellectual impairment’; retrieved 3 March 2018.
(Chatham et al., 2018; Kanne et al., 2011; Klin et al., 2007;
Pugliese et al., 2015; Tillmann et al., 2019), implying that
adaptive skills of children with ASD fall further behind
diagnostic manuals (APA, 2013; WHO, 1992), the term is those of their peers as they get older. While cognitive lev-
still widely used within clinical practice and research, and els and adaptive functioning estimates are generally cor-
sometimes used interchangeably with Asperger’s syn- related, adaptive scores tend to be lower than cognitive
drome. Over time, ‘high functioning’ has become a term estimates for individuals with ASD (Duncan & Bishop,
synonymous with expectations of relative strengths in 2013; Kenworthy et al., 2010). This gap between IQ and
language, higher IQ, milder symptom profiles and better adaptive functioning has been noted in individuals with
long-term outcomes, despite a significant amount of higher IQ (Bölte & Poustka, 2002; Freeman et al., 1991;
research countering these assumptions (Fein et al., 2013; Klin et al., 2007; Kraper, Kenworthy, Popal, Martin, &
Howlin, 2003; Howlin, Savage, Moss, Tempier, & Rutter, Wallace, 2017; Tillmann et al., 2019), although not con-
2014). Longitudinal outcomes also vary widely within sistently observed in individuals with lower cognitive lev-
‘high functioning’ individuals, ranging from social isola- els or ID (Bölte & Poustka, 2002). Although adaptive
tion, unemployment and limited autonomy, to attaining behaviour profiles are generally commensurate with cog-
meaningful social relationships, employment and greater nitive estimates in individuals without an ASD diagnosis
autonomy (Magiati, Tay, & Howlin, 2014). The dramatic (Sparrow et al., 2005), these previous studies suggest that
increase in the use of ‘high functioning autism’ over the there may be a large discrepancy between the IQ and func-
past decade within research is clearest when contrasted tional abilities in individuals with ASD but without ID.
with the comparatively limited usage of ‘without intel- In many countries the level of support an individual
lectual impairment’ or ‘low-functioning autism’ (see with ASD receives is at least partly based on an assessment
Figure 1); although use of the term has been declining in of cognitive functioning (Bowen, 2014). However, there is
recent years, many researchers persist in its use in scien- now a strong recognition that intervention decisions are
tific publications, despite ASD-specific journals recently best supported not by focusing on disability or impair-
publishing changes in preferred terminology (Kenny ments, but rather on the consequences of symptoms in eve-
et al., 2016). There is therefore an increasing imperative ryday life. This has motivated the development of ASD
to understand the term’s validity in delineating ‘func- core sets in the International Classification of Functioning,
tioning’ based on IQ. Disability and Health (Bölte et al., 2019; Bölte et al.,
To estimate an individual’s level of functioning (com- 2014). While the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
monly referred to as adaptive functioning), researchers and Mental Disorders (5th-ed; DSM-5) recommends using
clinicians profile an individual’s acquired social and practi- adaptive functioning assessments for those with intellec-
cal skills relevant for use in typical everyday situations tual impairments, this is not an explicit recommendation
(Sparrow, Balla, Cicchetti, Harrison, & Doll, 1984). These for those without ID, despite an acknowledgement that IQs
skills are often categorized into several domains, including are often discrepant from adaptive functioning assess-
functional use of verbal and non-verbal communication, ments in ASD (APA, 2013).
Alvares et al. 3

The objective of this study was to examine the relation- with parental consent (or, in the case of adults, own con-
ship between adaptive functioning, measured using the sent). Where consent for identifiable information was not
VABS, and IQ, in a sample of systematically ascertained provided, de-identified clinical data is recorded with gen-
cases diagnosed with ASD. While much research in this der and year of birth only. Notification to the register is
area has utilized large convenience samples (e.g. partici- voluntary, but up until 2010 ascertainment was enhanced
pant registries or through clinics), we analysed data from by supplemental annual reviews of missing cases at the
an ASD register in which IQ and adaptive functioning four primary centres in which most diagnostic assessments
information were collected at the time of diagnostic eval- were conducted. Diagnostic information from any missed
uation. Data have been collected prospectively since cases was added to the Autism Register without identify-
1999, providing a unique and representative sample to ing details.
investigate the validity of IQ as a proxy for functional From 1 January 1999 until 30 June 2017, there were
estimation at ASD diagnosis. We expected adaptive func- 5941 cases notified to the Autism Register, using
tioning scores to be lower in those with ID (IQs < 70) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
compared with those without ID (IQs ⩾ 70). With adap- 4th ed (DSM-IV; n = 4587, 1999–2014: autistic disorder:
tive functioning assessed against age norms and scores n = 3692; pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise
typically decreasing with age in ASD samples, we specified: n = 649; Asperger’s disorder: n = 245; childhood
expected age of diagnosis to correlate negatively with disintegrative disorder n = 1) and 5th ed (DSM-5; n = 1290,
adaptive functioning scores. We also hypothesized that 2013–30 June 2017; all ASD) criteria; DSM data missing
there would be a significant discrepancy between adap- for n = 64. Presence or absence of ID was coded using the
tive functioning and IQ, particularly in children without clinician’s report of confirmed ID (n = 937) or no evidence
ID and for children older at diagnosis. of ID (n = 2891) or the DSM-5 specifier (‘with or without
intellectual impairment’); the IQ score was used in the
absence of a diagnostician’s report. Cases with global
Method developmental delay or clinician’s report of suspected ID
Sample were classed as ‘Vulnerable for ID’ (n = 751), missing
cognitive data for n = 1357 and five cases recorded with
Since 1997, the Australian state of Western Australia has conflicting data between a clinician’s report and cognitive
utilized a standardized procedure for diagnosis of ASD estimates. For this study, cases were grouped into the
and determination of eligibility for government-supported ‘Without ID’ group if there was no evidence for ID and
therapies (Glasson et al., 2008). For children below into the ‘With ID’ group if there was confirmed ID or
12 years of age, the diagnostic assessment is performed by where cases were classed as Vulnerable for ID. Where
three health professionals (paediatrician/psychiatrist, psy- there was missing data or conflicting information from a
chologist and speech-language pathologist), and for ado- clinician report and the cognitive estimate, these cases
lescents and adults, by at least two professionals (clinical were not included.
psychologist and paediatrician/psychiatrist, and speech- Individuals were selected for this study if they met the
language pathologist, if required). A typical diagnostic following criteria: (1) recorded VABS composite score
evaluation for ASD in Western Australia consists of a psy- and/or any of the domains, (2) aged ⩽ 18 years at diagnosis
chological assessment of behaviour and collecting infor- and (3) an IQ estimate and/or rating of with/without ID.
mation from parents or other relevant informants to This left a final sample of n = 2225 (see Figure S1, availa-
ascertain ASD-relevant behaviours during early child- ble online).
hood, a cognitive or developmental assessment to deter-
mine cognitive functioning, and a speech-language
Sample characteristics
assessment to identify language impairments (if develop-
mentally appropriate). A medical assessment by a paedia- Table 1 presents the characteristics for the entire sample
trician or psychiatrist is also required. Results from these as well as for the two groups (with or without ID) and
assessments are then collated to confirm that the diagnos- their statistical comparison. Sex distribution was consist-
tic criteria for ASD have been met according to DSM cri- ent between groups (without ID: 17.3% female, with ID:
terion (APA, 2000, 2013). 19.1% female; χ2(1) = 1.12, p = 0.28). Children in the ID
The Western Australian Register for Autism Spectrum group were significantly younger at diagnosis (M = 6.22
Disorders (‘Autism Register’) is an ongoing, independent SD = 3.45) than children without ID (M = 4.48 SD = 2.72;
and prospective collection of data about diagnosed cases t(2220) = 13.09, p < 0.001). A larger majority of the ID
of ASD in Western Australia (Glasson, 2002). At the time group (83.9%) were diagnosed before 5 years of age
of diagnosis, clinicians submit information to the Autism compared with 58.9% of children without ID
Register using a standardized notification form. Identifying (χ2(2) = 165.77, p < 0.001). Proportionally, more children
information (name, date of birth, postcode) is included with ID were diagnosed using DSM-5 criteria (11.3%)
4 Autism 00(0)

Table 1.  Sample characteristics.

Total sample Without ID With ID Between-group

n = 2225 n = 1184 n = 1041 comparisons
Sex (%)
 Female 403 (18.1%) 204 (17.3%) 199 (19.1%)  
 Male 1818 (81.9%) 977 (82.7%) 841 (80.9%) χ2(1) = 1.29, p = 0.26,
ϕc = 0.02
Age at diagnosisa 5.41 (3.25) 6.22 (3.45) 4.48 (2.72) t(1048) = 9.59, p < 0.001,
d = 0.56
Age at diagnosis
  1–5 years 1571 (70.6%) 698 (59.0%) 873 (83.9%)  
  6–12 years 537 (24.1%) 401 (33.9%) 136 (13.1%)  
  13–18 years 117 (5.3%) 85 (7.2%) 32 (3.1%) χ2(2) = 165.77, p < 0.001,
ϕc = 0.27
Diagnostic criteria
 DSM-IV 2009 (90.3%) 1086 (91.7%) 923 (88.7%)  
 DSM-5 216 (9.7%) 98 (8.3%) 118 (11.3%) χ2(1) = 5.91, p = 0.02,
ϕc = 0.05
  DSM-IV Autistic Disorder 1662 (76.3%) 848 (74.6%) 814 (78.2%)  
  DSM-IV PDD-NOS 299 (13.7%) 190 (16.7%) 109 (10.5%)  
  DSM-5 ASD 216 (9.9%) 98 (8.6%) 118 (11.3%) χ2(2) = 20.38, p < 0.001,
ϕc = 0.10
Mother’s ethnicity
 Caucasian 1714 (85.0%) 971 (91.2%) 743 (78.0%)  
 Asian 220 (10.9%) 70 (6.6%) 150 (15.8%)  
 Aboriginal 32 (1.6%) 11 (1.0%) 21 (2.2%)  
 Other 51 (2.5%) 13 (1.2%) 38 (4.0%) χ2(3) = 68.69, p < 0.001,
ϕc = 0.19
Father’s ethnicity
 Caucasian 1695 (85.4%) 959 (91.3%) 736 (78.8%)  
 Asian 195 (9.8%) 65 (6.2%) 130 (13.9%)  
 Aboriginal 38 (1.9%) 13 (1.2%) 25 (2.7%)  
 Other 56 (2.8%) 13 (1.2%) 43 (4.6%) χ2(2) = 64.30, p < 0.001,
ϕc = 0.18
Country of birth
 Australia 1990 (92.9%) 1057 (92.5%) 933 (93.3%)  
 Other 153 (7.1%) 86 (7.5%) 67 (6.7%) χ2(1) = 0.55, p = 0.46,
ϕc = 0.02
Language spoken at home
 English 2029 (94.3%) 1119 (97.6%) 910 (90.5%)  
 Other 123 (5.7%) 28 (2.4%) 95 (9.5%) χ2(1) = 48.87, p < 0.001,
ϕc = 0.15

ID: intellectual disability; DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Values are count and percentage within groups or mean (SD).
aExact age at diagnosis not available for 53% of cases (only non-identifiable year of birth recorded); age of diagnosis is therefore calculated as year of

birth minus year of diagnosis.

b48 cases were diagnosed with Asperger’s disorder (DSM-IV) but were not included in this analysis as ID and Asperger’s disorder were mutually

exclusive. Missing data excluded list wise from analysis and missing data varied from n = 4 to n = 212. Effect sizes are reported as Cramér’s phi
(coefficient) ϕc or Cohen’s d.

than DSM-IV (8.3% in without ID group; χ2(1) = 5.96, born in Australia, with no difference in country of birth
p = 0.02). Children in the ID group were more likely to between groups (χ2(1) = 0.54, p = 0.46).
not speak English as a primary language (9.5%) com- Data collection was approved by the Princess Margaret
pared with children in the without ID group (2.4%; Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee (294EP) and
χ2(1) = 48.87, p < 0.001) and have non-Caucasian moth- analysis approved by the University of Western Australia
ers and fathers (both p’s < 0.001). Most children were Human Research Ethics Committee (RA/4/20/4266).
Alvares et al. 5

Measures with established psychometric properties suitable for cog-

nitive and developmental assessments. These included the
Demographic information. All cases included basic informa- Bayley Scales of Infant Development (Bayley, 1993), Stan-
tion about the year of birth, sex, country of birth, mother’s ford Binet Intelligence Scale (Thorndike, Hagen, & Sattler,
and father’s ethnicity, and primary language at home. Date of 1986), Mullen Scales of Early Learning (Mullen, 1995),
birth, postcode and state of birth (partially identifiable infor- Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
mation) were provided in 48% of cases. Parental ethnicity (Wechsler, 1967), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
was coded as Caucasian, Asian, Aboriginal or Torres Strait (Wechsler, 2003), Griffith Mental Development Scales
Islander (Indigenous Australians), or Other. Data recorded revised versions (Griffiths, 1996; Luiz et al., 2004), or the
under ‘Other’ were manually checked using standard Austral- Leiter International Performance Scale (Roid & Miller,
ian classifications (Australian Standard Classification of Cul- 2011). Diagnosticians reported either IQs or developmental
tural and Ethnic Groups, 2016). Where a country was quotients (DQs) depending on the assessment tool used.
specified instead of ethnicity or an ambiguous ethnicity Developmental assessments (e.g. the Bayley Scales of
recorded (e.g. Caucasian-Asian), these were kept as ‘Other’. Infant Development, Mullen Scales of Early Learning or
Griffith Mental Development Scales) are often adminis-
Adaptive functioning. Adaptive functioning was measured tered for very young children or for children who may not
using the VABS, a standardized measure of daily functioning be able to complete a standardized IQ assessment. For chil-
elicited from parent or carer reports during an interview or dren with ASD, a developmental assessment is more often
completed as a survey. The VABS has been designed for ages appropriate given the flexible methods of administration,
from birth through 90 years. Individual items sum to yield an lack of timed questions, and less dependence on receptive
overall composite score (Adaptive Behaviour Composite) and expressive language to measure non-verbal domains.
along with standard scores in the domains of Communica- There is evidence that DQ scores may provide a reasonable
tion, Daily Living, Socialization and Motor Skills (Sparrow approximate for cognitive ability in children with ASD
et al., 2005). The Communication domain encompasses (Delmolino, 2006; Kurita, Osada, Shimizu, & Tachimori,
items that describe an individual’s expressive and receptive 2003; Portoghese et al., 2010); as such, where a DQ was
language, as well as reading and writing. The Daily Living reported, this was used as the IQ estimate.
domain describes skills related to personal (e.g. eating, dress- IQ scores were available for 54.61% (n = 1215) of the
ing, hygiene), domestic (e.g. household tasks performed) and sample and reflected the variation in assessment protocols
community (e.g. using money, answering the phone) tasks. used across diagnostic centres. There were several possi-
The Socialization domain comprises items related to how an ble explanations for this high proportion of missing data:
individual interacts with others, plays or uses their leisure (1) very young children are often administered develop-
time, and their responsivity and sensitivity to others. Finally, mental rather than cognitive assessments; (2) behavioural
the Motor Skills domain assesses gross and fine motor skills, difficulties may have made some cognitive assessments
including movement and coordination skills as well as unreliable and therefore not reported; (3) if a clinical pres-
manipulation of objects using hands and fingers. All scored entation did not indicate possible ID or developmental
domain scores are then summed to yield a composite score, delay, clinicians may have chosen not to conduct cogni-
apart from the Motor Skills domain, which is only adminis- tive/developmental testing to minimize assessment bur-
tered and included in the composite score for children under den; and (4) scores may not have been finalized and
the six years of age. Raw items are summed and then sum available to report by the notifying clinician (as diagnostic
scores are standardized to age norms; these standard scores evaluations are conducted by a multidisciplinary team in
have a mean of 100 and an SD of 15. Descriptive categories Western Australia).
are provided for interpreting these standard scores: High
(⩾130), Moderately High (115–129), Adequate (86–114),
Moderately Low (71–85) and Low (⩽70). Due to the wide
Data analysis
range of years spanned by this study, the original Vineland
Scales (Sparrow et al., 1984), as well as the second edition Three sets of analyses were conducted on the VABS
(Vineland-II; Sparrow et al., 2005), in survey, interview or Composite and domain scores (Communication, Daily
school versions were reported (Vineland-I, n = 657, Vine- Living Skills, Socialization, and Motor Skills): (1) To test
land-II, n = 1888; version number missing for 15.1%). Cor- the association between IQ and VABS across and within
relations between the first and second versions have been groups, first univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs)
reported between 0.68 to 0.96 across the domains/sub- were conducted on the VABS Composite and domain scores
domains and across ages (Sparrow et al., 2005). with ID group as the between-group factor. Pearson’s bivar-
iate correlations were then conducted to test the association
Cognitive assessments.  Clinicians used a variety of cogni- between continuous IQ estimates, and each of the VABS
tive assessments over the study period, all comprising Composite and domain scores. (2) To test for the effects of
standardized (i.e. normed) outcomes (M = 100, SD = 15) age of diagnosis in the relationship between IQ and VABS
6 Autism 00(0)

scores, hierarchical multiple linear regression analyses were domain and composite scores for the entire sample (Table
then conducted on the VABS composite and domain scores. 2); however, correlations varied within the two ID groups.
Step 1 included sex as the first predictor (dummy coded), For the whole sample, Socialization exhibited the smallest
Step 2 included continuous IQ scores (mean-centred), Step correlation with IQ (r = 0.11, p < 0.001), which did not
3 entered ID group (dummy coded), Step 4 entered age at reach statistical significance when examined within indi-
diagnosis (mean-centred) and the last step entered the inter- vidual ID groups. For the Composite and other domain
action between age and ID group. (3) To examine the dis- correlations, all remained significant within groups, but
crepancy between VABS and IQ as a function of the two the coefficients reduced in magnitude. Correlations were
groups and age, IQ estimates were subtracted from the also rerun with sex as an additional between-groups factor;
VABS composite and domain scores (excluding the Motor these correlations remained broadly consistent, however,
Skills domain as this is only calculated for children there were no longer any significant correlations between
< = 6 years of age). Age at diagnosis was categorized into IQ and VABS for females with ID. These correlations were
early childhood (<5 years), childhood (6–12 years) and ado- also reanalysed for IQ and DQ estimates separately to con-
lescence (> 13 years) groupings. These difference scores firm consistency of effects across cognitive estimates; see
were then entered as dependent variables with ID groups Tables S3 and S4, available online.
and age at diagnosis (< 5 years, 6–12 years, > 13 years) as
between-group factors in separate univariate ANOVAs. For
Age at diagnosis
all statistical tests, statistical assumptions for multiple
regression and ANOVAs were met. Significance was set at a Age at diagnosis was negatively associated with the VABS
Bonferroni adjusted alpha level of 0.01 within each set of composite (r = −0.22, p < 0.001, n = 2149), Daily Living
analyses due to the five adaptive functioning outcomes (r = −0.23, p < 0.001, n = 2197), Socialization (r = −0.27,
(composite score and four domains) included for analysis, p < 0.001, n = 2191) and Motor Skills (r = −0.25, p < 0.001,
and effect sizes were interpreted as small for d = 0.20 or n = 1654) domains, but not with the Communication domain
r = 0.10, moderate for d = 0.50 or r = 0.30 and large for (r = 0.01, p = 0.55, n = 2200). Age at diagnosis was posi-
d = 0.80 or r = 0.50 (Cohen, 1988). tively correlated with IQ scores for the whole sample
(r = 0.16, p < 0.001, n = 1160), but not when considered
separately for children without ID (r = 0.07, p = 0.08,
Results n = 726) or with ID (r = −0.10, p = 0.04, n = 434). VABS
Composite and domain scores were then entered into a
Adaptive functioning and intellectual ability series of hierarchical linear regression models, with sex,
VABS scores were compared between the two groups IQ, ID group, age and the interaction between age and ID
(with and without ID) in a series of univariate ANOVAs. group as predictor variables. For the Composite and
As expected, the ID group had significantly lower scores domains, IQ made significant but small contributions to
on the VABS Composite (M = 59.00, SD = 9.81, n = 1007) predicting adaptive functioning after controlling for sex
compared with children without ID (M = 65.66, SD = 12.13, (ΔR2 between 0.00 and 0.06; see Tables S5A-E, available
n = 1142); F(1, 2147) = 192.25, p < 0.001, d = 0.60. The online) with the largest change in variance explained by IQ
largest difference, associated with a large effect size, was for the Communication domain (ΔR2 = 0.21). ID group did
observed for the Communication domain; with ID: not significantly explain additional variance in any model,
M = 58.41, SD = 11.28, n = 1030; without ID M = 72.97, while the addition of age at diagnosis into these models did
SD = 14.88, n = 1170; F(1, 2198) = 654.91, p < 0.001, (ΔR2 between 0.03 and 0.13). The interaction between age
d = 1.09. The smallest difference, associated with a small and ID group significant explained additional variance only
effect size, found on the Socialization domain; with ID: in the Daily Living Skills and Motor Skills domains, add-
M = 60.52, SD = 9.45, n = 1027; without ID M = 63.30, ing a small amount of additional variance explained.
SD = 11.90, n = 1164; F(1, 2189) = 35.98, p < 0.001, Overall, VABS scores alone were not well predicted by IQ,
d = 0.26. We also conducted secondary analyses by adding ID group, age, or the interaction between age and ID group.
sex as a between-groups factor. Males and females did not
significantly differ on the VABS Composite or any domain
Discrepancy between VABS and IQ scores
score and while two interaction effects were observed on
the Composite and Daily Living Skills, this fell above the We next examined the difference (or discrepancy) between
Bonferroni corrected p threshold. See Tables S1 and S2 for VABS scores and IQ, calculated for the VABS Composite
Composite and domain scores for the total sample and score and each domain except Motor Skills (omitted since
between ID groups and sex, available online. it is used only for children below 6 years of age). Significant
Bivariate correlations then explored the association main effects were observed for ID group (all medium-
between adaptive functioning and IQ. Significant correla- large effect sizes; smallest F(1, 1200) = 152.90, p < 0.001,
tions were observed between IQ and VABS across all η2p = 0.11, Communication domain) and age groups (all
Alvares et al. 7

Table 2.  Bivariate correlations between cognitive estimates and adaptive behaviour scores.

For ID groups All cases Without ID With ID

N R n r n r
Composite 1182 0.26*** 743 0.16*** 439 0.15**
Communication 1203 0.47*** 752 0.31*** 451 0.19***
Daily Living Skills 1198 0.19*** 749 0.11** 449 0.15**
Socialization 1197 0.11*** 748 0.05 452 0.07
Motor Skills 812 0.21*** 460 0.14** 352 0.13*

For ID groups Without ID With ID

split by sex
Male Female Male Female

N r n r n r n r
Composite 614 0.15*** 126 0.24** 353 0.16** 86 0.13
Communication 621 0.29*** 128 0.42*** 361 0.19*** 90 0.19
Daily Living Skills 618 0.09* 128 0.27** 360 0.16** 89 0.09
Socialization 618 0.05 127 0.05 359 0.09 90 −0.03
Motor Skills 376 0.15** 83 0.10 279 0.17** 73 −0.02

ID: intellectual disability.

*p < 0.05.
**p < 0.01.
***p < 0.001; 2-tailed.

small-medium effect sizes; smallest F(2, 1200) = 14.83, large for all children as age at diagnosis increased.
p < 0.001, η2p = 0.02, Communication domain) for the Combined, these results highlight that the term ‘high func-
Composite and Communication, Daily Living and tioning autism’, used to denote individuals without ID
Socialization discrepancy scores; see Figure 2. There were (IQ ⩾ 70), is not a good descriptor for adaptive functioning
no significant interaction effects observed between age levels at the time of diagnosis. These findings support the
and ID group across all analyses (largest F(2, 1195) = 2.18, notion that ‘high functioning’ is a clear misnomer when
p = 0.11, η2p  = 0.00, Socialization domain). The main based on IQ alone; intelligence estimates are an imprecise
effects of ID group reflected a more pronounced discrep- proxy for functional ability in ASD and are incongruent
ancy in adaptive behaviour scores compared with IQ esti- with age at diagnosis.
mates in children with ASD without ID, relative to children Previous studies comparing mean adaptive differences
with ID. The main effects of age group reflected increases between ASD and non-ASD samples have consistently
in discrepancy scores as individuals got older at the point found overall lowered adaptive functioning in ASD and
of diagnosis; however, these changes with age were con- positive correlations of VABS scores with IQ (Kanne et al.,
sistent across ID groupings; see Table S6 for mean dis- 2011; Kenworthy et al., 2010; Klin et al., 2007; Mouga
crepancy scores by age and ID group and Figure S2 for et al., 2015; Perry et al., 2009). More recently, very large-
scatterplots of VABS discrepancy scores by age at diagno- scale studies pooling data from multiple sources have con-
sis and ID groups, available online. firmed the decline of adaptive functioning in individuals
with ASD with increasing age (Chatham et al., 2018). The
results from this study confirm and extend these reports,
Discussion first by illustrating that the difference between standard-
To our knowledge, this is the largest investigation of the ized adaptive and IQ scores is more apparent in children
relationship between adaptive functioning and IQ at the without ID than those with ID, and, second, by showing
time of ASD diagnosis. Our findings confirm that while that these discrepancy scores remain large with increasing
there was an association between adaptive functioning and diagnostic age. These findings are consistent with a recent
IQ, age at diagnosis explained a greater proportion of vari- large study of school-aged children with ASD, which
ance in adaptive scores than IQ alone. For all domains reported VABS scores below mean IQ levels for children
except Communication, IQ was only a weak predictor of with borderline or average IQs, and a negative association
adaptive functioning, and the addition of age at diagnosis of VABS with age (Pathak, Bennett, & Shui, 2019). This
improved the predictive capacity of the models. The gap study adds to this large evidence base confirming signifi-
between standardized adaptive and IQ estimates was large cant adaptive functioning support needs for individuals
for those children without ID and continued to remain with ASD by specifically highlighting these needs at the
8 Autism 00(0)

Figure 2.  Difference between Vineland (VABS), (a) Composite and (b–d) domain scores and IQ by age at diagnosis and ID groups.

time of diagnostic evaluation, where clinical service needs ID are diagnosed much later than those with ID, these
are most likely to be identified. results emphasize the need for functional adaptive assess-
The present findings also highlight age as an important ments at the time of diagnosis to guide treatment planning
moderator of adaptive behaviour. Adaptive functioning, (Tomanik, Pearson, Loveland, Lane, & Shaw, 2007).
when measured using tools such as the VABS, is scored The arbitrary use of IQ cut-offs as a proxy for func-
relative to normative data, so this continuing gap between tioning levels has significant implications for funding
IQ and adaptive scores as individuals get older reflects a models and service provision. While different govern-
large discrepancy in skill development for children diag- ment-supported or health insurance models exist interna-
nosed with ASD that continues with age. Expectations for tionally, these are largely based on receiving a diagnosis
older children diagnosed with ASD may be different to of ASD and/or ID. More recently, some countries have
those for younger children; informants who complete moved towards models that consider both diagnostic
adaptive assessments may rate behaviours as not being thresholds and functioning levels for receiving services.
achieved because of different expectations relative to an For example, in Australia, the new National Disability
individual’s age and cognitive capacity. In addition, the Insurance Scheme allocates government funding based
expectations for individuals as they grow is to attain on the gap between current functional capacity and the
greater independence in the skills assessed in these kinds degree of support required to participate in everyday
of functional behaviour instruments, which may be par- activities expected of an individual of the same age. In
ticularly challenging for individuals with ASD to demon- the United States, funding for intervention services is
strate. Alternatively, lag in functional abilities in children provided through public or private health insurance.
without ID may be due to a slower rate of acquisition of However, state-level discretion determines eligibility for
skills, which is more evident as children get older. services; this may include an adaptive behaviour assess-
Combined with our data confirming that children without ment, but this is often only requested for individuals with
Alvares et al. 9

developmental delay/ID (Bowen, 2014; Danaher, 2011). ascertainment limits potential heterogeneity and allows
Many US states determine eligibility for services explic- for a more standardized snapshot of adaptive functioning
itly on the basis of an IQ less than 70, rather than a func- with the same reference point for all age groups. In addi-
tional assessment (Bowen, 2014). Using IQ cut-offs as a tion, data were collected from both government and pri-
proxy for adaptive functioning in those without ID risks vate clinical practices, rather than from a research setting,
inequitable distribution of funds and inadequate funding improving the potential generalizability of findings to
to increase functional capacity. Although functional current clinical practice. In using a systematic and popu-
assessments are broadly recommended by various pro- lation-wide ascertainment, these results provide more
fessional bodies involved in ASD diagnostic assessments clinically relevant and translatable outcomes to demon-
and clinical services (e.g. in Australia, the Australian strate the significant effects of IQ and age on adaptive
National Guidelines for ASD Diagnosis; Whitehouse, functioning in ASD at the time of diagnosis.
Evans, Eapen, Prior, & Wray, 2018; in the United Despite these strengths, we acknowledge several limi-
Kingdom, National Collaborating Centre for Women’s tations. A variety of cognitive assessments and VABS edi-
and Children’s Health (UK), 2011), this is not an explicit tions were utilized during the time period this study
requirement for receiving an ASD diagnosis. While the covered. Although we used standardized estimates, the
use of clinical specifiers (with or without intellectual variety of tools used may have added greater risk of bias to
impairment, or language impairment) is already embed- analyses. In addition, there were insufficient numbers of
ded within the DSM-5 (APA, 2013), ideally a compre- recently diagnosed cases with both VABS and IQ data, so
hensive ASD diagnostic evaluation would incorporate we were unable to test for differences between DSM-IV
functional assessments. This would help identify and DSM-5 diagnoses. To further confirm the robustness
strengths and challenges that can guide services and of these findings, further research should examine adap-
funding that are more aligned with the types of support tive functioning in a larger sample of recently diagnosed
needed and maximize the potential for better long-term cases in comparison with individuals with ID only or with
outcomes (Tomanik et al., 2007). another neurodevelopmental condition (e.g. language dis-
The use of IQ as a proxy for adaptive functioning has orders). Finally, this study used data captured cross-sec-
also resulted in the assumption that functioning levels are tionally from cases at the time of diagnosis, which may be
stable over time and context. However, there has been lit- confounded by possible sampling differences across ages
tle systematic investigation into adaptive functioning pro- and over time; for example, children with cognitive and/or
files of individuals with ASD across the lifespan. Several language difficulties may be more likely to be identified
recent studies have recently shown that, when assessed and diagnosed at younger ages. Evidence from longitudi-
repeatedly over development, distinct adaptive function- nal studies, however, suggest that early delays in adaptive
ing trajectories may be observed in children with ASD; functioning may remain stable or continue to worsen for
while the majority exhibit stable or worsening trajectories children with ASD, which may be predicted by age at diag-
of functioning with increasing age, some demonstrate nosis and cognitive factors (Farmer et al., 2018; Szatmari
moderate improvements over time (Farmer, Swineford, et al., 2015). The period during which cases were ascer-
Swedo, & Thurm, 2018; Szatmari et al., 2015). These tained spanned almost two decades, which may suggest
recent findings highlight the need for periodic adaptive that changes in diagnostic practices over time may influ-
behaviour assessments over an individual’s lifespan to ence interpretation of the present findings. However, DSM
help with understanding potential developmental trajecto- diagnostic criteria were used for all cases (the majority
ries and in planning for clinical service provision assessed to DSM-IV criteria), there was only one change
(Szatmari et al., 2015). to criteria during the study period (with the introduction of
The strengths of this study include the large sample DSM-5 in 2013), and diagnostic practices have remained
size and prospective design, with data collection stand- consistent within Western Australia over time due to fund-
ardized across the sample to the time of diagnosis. ing requirements (see ‘Sample’ for further details). Indeed,
Previous research in this area has primarily utilized con- the significant strength of this dataset lies in the consist-
venience samples from clinics, data collected through ency of case ascertainment, data collection and diagnostic
participant registries, or pooled data across multiple sam- practices over the study period.
ples (Chatham et al., 2018; Frazier, Georgiades, Bishop, Based on the present findings, we argue that ‘high func-
& Hardan, 2014; Pathak et al., 2019), which introduces tioning autism’ is a poor clinical descriptor when based
selective sampling biases and heterogeneity from com- solely on IQ and should not be used in current clinical or
bining data from different populations with different research practices to infer functional abilities. In line with
ascertainment and diagnostic methods. By contrast, this calls from neurodiversity advocates, the continued use of
study uses data collected at the point of diagnosis, within the terms ‘high functioning’ can be harmful, denying sup-
a state in Australia that has a standardized method for ports to those presumed to have greater functional ability
ASD diagnostic evaluations. This method of sample based on IQ in addition to restricting agency and autonomy
10 Autism 00(0)

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This work was supported by a National Health and Medical children under Part B of IDEA (NECTAC Notes No. 27).
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