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Cooling Towers

By: Madan Karki

1. Provide thermostatic control to Cooling Towers.

2. De-scale Cooling Tower Fill

3. Install low-loss, efficient drift eliminators

4. Install meters for continuous monitoring

5. Optimize cooling water treatment. Consider COC improvement measures for water savings.

6. FRP Blades instead of Metallic Blades

7. Switch to cogged belts instead of plain V belts for Cooling Tower Fan Drive System.

8. Improve water Spray. Use square spray nozzles. Clean Spray Nozzles regularly.

9. Install strainers in Water Distribution Systems to avoid nozzle clogging. Check it regularly to
maintain adequate condenser water flow.

10. Establish Cooling Tower efficiency – maintenance program

11. Improve Air Flow in Cooling Tower

12. Provide sump sweeper piping

13. Ozone Treatment for Cooling Towers

14. Upgrade to 2-speed or variable speed tower fan motors. Control cooling tower fans based on leaving
water temperatures.

15. Adopt special approach for saving in Cooling Tower Pumps.

16. Replace Forced Draft Type Cooling Towers with Induced Draft Type ones.

17. Check & reset Condenser Water Temperature. Keep the cooling water temperature to a minimum

18. Monitor cooling water to air ratio in Cooling Tower; amend these depending on the design values
and seasonal variations.

19. Maintain proper basin water level

20. Monitor approach, effectiveness and cooling capacity to continuously optimize the cooling tower
performance, but consider seasonal variations and side variations.

21. Check whether manufacturer’s recommended clearance around cooling towers is maintained or not.
Relocate or modify structures that interfere with the air intake or exhaust. Provide clearances around
cooling towers as recommended so that no object interferes with air intake or exhaust.

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22. Take blow down from the return water header. Automate blow down to minimize it. Send
blowdown to other uses. Optimize the blow down flow rate, taking into account the cycles of
concentration (COC) limit.

23. Check & Optimize cooling tower fan blade angle. Check & Correct excessive /uneven fan blade tip
clearance and poor fan balance. Use a velocity pressure recovery fan ring.

24. Replace splash bars with self-extinguishing PVC cellular film fill. Replace slat type drift eliminators
with low-pressure drop, self-extinguishing PVC cellular units.

25. Balance flow to cooling tower hot water basins. Cover hot water basins to minimize algae growth
that contributes to fouling.

26. Premium Efficiency Compressor Motors

27. Upgrade the cooling tower fill. Replace splash bars with self-extinguishing PVC cellular–film fill.
Replace slat-type drift eliminators by high-efficiency, low-pressure-drop, self-extinguishing PVC
cellular units.

28. Install side-stream filters on the cooling towers.

29. Float the head pressure in the refrigeration system.

30. Upgrade the chemical treatment system.

31. Re-line leaking cooling tower cold water basins.

32. Check water overflow pipes for proper operating level.

33. Locate make-up & blow down tie-ins to minimize heat-tracing cost in winter.

34. Implement a cooling tower winterization plan to minimize ice build up.

35. Avoid simultaneous water heating & cooling in cold weather.

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1. Provide thermostatic control to Cooling Towers. Control cooling tower fans
based on exit water temperatures. - In Kathmandu Valley, temperature varies hugely
during day & night & also during summer and winter. According to ambient temperature, water
temperature also varies. During the night & winter season, Cooling Tower fan may not be required
to run. But, cooling tower has not been provided any thermostatic controls.

Hence, it is recommended to install temperature sensors at Cooling Tower inlet & outlet. Install
thermostatic controller for temperature regulation of cooling water. Install interlocks to prevent
fan operation when there is no water flow. A thermostat senses the sump water temperature. The
thermostat upper and lower limits are set around the average cooling water temperature required,
and the thermostat switches the cooling tower fan on and off when the upper and lower set
temperatures respectively are reached. Time delays may be introduced between sensing of the
temperature and switching. Thermostat control introduces energy economy during low loads, at
nights, and in winter, by saving on fan power.

2. De-scale Cooling Tower Fill – When water evaporates from the cooling tower, it leaves scale
deposits on the surface of the fill from the minerals that were dissolved in the water. Scale build-up
acts as a barrier to heat transfer from the water to the air. Excessive scale build-up is a sign of water
treatment problems.

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3. Install low-loss drift eliminators. Replace slat type drift eliminators with
low-pressure drop, self-extinguishing PVC cellular units: Plant personnel do not
have any idea about this. Nowadays, drift loss as low as 0.001% is available. We need to know this
value of the fill material used in the Cooling Tower. If it is higher than above value, we shall
contemplate to change it.

4. Install Meters & gauges to capture the readings

Most efficiently designed systems are horribly inefficient after several years of operation
Do you really know how your systems are operating?
How can we improve if we don’t monitor key metrics?
Load and utility consumption data are essential for efficient operations

It is to be noted here that efficiency & effectiveness of a cooling system depends on the temperature of
hot & cold well and their potential difference. For a given cold well temperature defined by a process,
the temperature of hot well will rule the energy efficiency. A reduction of 0.55oC in temperature of
the water returning from the cooling tower reduces compressor power consumption by 3%.

Basic System Data:

The performance of cooling towers shall be evaluated to assess present levels of approach and range
against their design values, identify areas of energy wastage and to suggest improvements. Install
instruments to measure the following parameters:

• WB to cooling water temperature differential (if variable)

• Cooling Tower Data (# towers, # cells/tower, motor hp, # motor speeds)
• Wet bulb temperature of air
• Dry bulb temperature of air
• Cooling tower inlet water temperature
• Cooling tower outlet water temperature
• Exhaust air temperature
• Electrical readings of pump and fan motors
• Water flow rate
• Air flow rate
5. Optimize cooling water treatment. Consider COC improvement measures
for water savings: From the look of Cooling water at cooling tower, I got the feeling that the
Cooling Water treatment (e.g. to control suspended solids, algae growth) is not followed. It is
mandatory for any cooling tower independent of what fill media is used. With increasing costs of
water, efforts to increase Cycles of Concentration (COC) by cooling water treatment would help to
reduce make up water requirements significantly. In Bottlers, improving the COC shall be the key
area for water conservation.

6. FRP Blades instead of Metallic Blades - The Cooling Towers at Bottlers have metallic
blade fans. It is to be noted here that replacement of metallic fans with FRP blades will accrue 20-
30% savings with simple pay back period of 6 to 7 months.

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This is because the fan efficiency is greatly dependent on the profile of the blade. Metallic blades,
which are manufactured by extrusion or casting processes and therefore it is difficult to produce
ideal aerodynamic profiles. Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) blades are normally hand molded which
makes it easier to produce an optimum aerodynamic profile tailored to specific duty conditions.
Because FRP fans are light, they need a low starting torque requiring a lower HP motor, the lives of
the gear box, motor and bearing is increased, and maintenance is easier.

An efficiency of 85-92% can be achieved with blades with FRP blades of an aerodynamic profile,
optimum twist, taper and a high coefficient of lift to coefficient of drop ratio. However, this
efficiency is drastically affected by factors such as tip clearance, obstacles to airflow and inlet shape,

7. Switch to cogged belts instead of plain V belts for Cooling Tower Fan Drive
System: All the chillers have been driven by induction motor through Pulley & ordinary V-belts.
V-Belt, (efficiency 95% - 98%) at installation, can reach 93% over the time if the belt is not
periodically re-tensioned. Under-tension is the main cause of V-belt failure also. In addition, at high
torque condition, efficiency drop further due to increasing slippage. The friction gives the belt’s
sidewalls a shiny or glazed appearance. Left unattended, this slippage creates heat that hardens the
belt’s rubber compound. The consequent flexing required on hardened condition causes cracks &
will fail prematurely.
Cogged belts have slots that run perpendicular to the belt’s length, which reduce the bending
resistance of the belt. It can be used with the same pulleys. They run cooler, last longer, and have an
efficiency that is about 2% higher than that of standard V-belts.
Synchronous belts require timex pulleys. They offer an efficiency of about 98% & maintain it over a
wide load range contrary to V-belts. Synchronous belts require less maintenance & re-tensioning,
operate in wet & oily environments, & run slip-free. They have better efficiency ( 98%) over a wide
load range.
Replace existing V belts by cogged belts immediately, then shift to synchronous belts gradually.
8. Improve water Spray. Use square spray nozzles. Clean Spray Nozzles
regularly – Algae and sediment that collect in the water basin as well as excessive solids that get
into the cooling water can clog the spray nozzles. This causes uneven water distribution over the fill,
resulting in uneven air flow through the fill and reduced heat transfer surface area. This problem is a
sign of water treatment problems and clogged strainers.
» Install nozzles that spray in a more uniform water pattern. Replace old spray type nozzles with
new square spray nozzles that do not clog
» Clean plugged cooling tower distribution nozzles regularly

9. Install strainers in Water Distribution Systems to avoid nozzle clogging.

Check it regularly to maintain adequate condenser water flow.

To achieve optimum cooling tower performance, water must be distributed uniformly over the wet
deck or coil. Uneven distribution is a sign of clogged distribution nozzles. Some manufacturers offer
integral low-pressure drop strainers upstream of the hot water basins, which help prevent the
nozzles from clogging. Suction strainers in the cooling tower basin keep loose debris from reaching

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the pump and clogging the distribution nozzles. Most manufacturers have designed strainers that
can be accessed from outside the equipment, which allows easier cleaning without interrupting
operation. Inspect and clean both the inlet strainer and the basin strainer as necessary.

Blockage in this strainer at higher loads will cause an increase in condenser refrigerant temperature
due to poor heat transfer.

10. Establish Cooling Tower efficiency – maintenance program

11. Improve Air Flow in Cooling Tower – Poor air flow through the tower reduces the
amount of heat transfer from the water to the air. Poor air flow can be caused by debris at the inlets
or outlets of the tower or in the fill. Other causes of poor air flow are loose fan and motor
mountings, poor motor and fan alignment, poor gear box maintenance, improper fan pitch, damage
to fan blades, or excessive vibration. Reduced air flow due to poor fan performance can ultimately
lead to motor or fan failure.
12. Provide sump sweeper piping
Cold water basins should be sloped to guide water and debris towards the suction strainer. Other
accessories such as sump sweeper piping can minimize the accumulation of dirt in the tower.
Keeping the recirculating water clean makes the water treatment program more effective, reducing
treatment costs. Additionally, system heat exchangers remain cleaner, reducing overall system

13. Ozone Treatment for Cooling Towers

» Is effective in killing bacteria, algae and viruses in cooling towers.
» Ozone works as biocide.
» Primary saving will be due to continuously cleaner heat transfer surfaces.
» Additional saving from reduced maintenance & reduced blowdown.

Recently, ozone has drawn the attention of both environmentalists & water treatment professionals.
The contrast is that environmentalists are bothered about the alarming depletion of ozone layer in the
atmosphere while water treatment professionals are pitching in to capitalize on the strong oxidizing
ability of ozone. From drinking water to industrial process water, ozone plays a radical role. The
application of ozone in cooling tower water management is also becoming popular, as it is quite
simple. Ozone systems are designed to control an array of critical issues like scale formation, corrosion
and organic growths. Let’s at the relatively new technology of ozonation that is being used to tackle
these problems.

Scale Formation and Silt Accumulation

Scale formation and silt accumulation are common in a water transferring system. They reduce the
efficiency and performance of the cooling system by restricting heat transfer and interfering with water
flow. To tackle this problem, plants usually bleed off in a controlled manner. Precise application is
needed to prevent severe damage to the system.

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Corrosive product build up also interferes with heat transfer and water circulation. This may be
amplified by inclusion of scale, silt, airborne material and organic matter. Corrosive attack on the
metal surfaces reduces the life of the plant alarming repairs or complete replacement.

The control of calcium bicarbonate concentrations in the circulating water using the Langelier Index is
an excellent method in theory. However, in practice, it requires a very precise control to give the
desired protection without causing scale formation.

The use of various inhibitors such as chromate, zinc and phosphates has been successful. But the
increasingly tighter controls on the discharge of toxic wastes into natural or piped disposal systems
limit the use of these chemicals. The toxic water droplets or aerosols in the air exhausts from the tower
have also caused concern to health authorities.

Organic Growths
Organic growths have major implications on cooling tower systems. Algae and slimes reduce heat
transfer and interfere with water distribution. They help in binding more layers of scale and silt to
adhere firmly to internal surfaces of the cooling system. This further aggravates heat transfer problems.
Corrosion is accelerated by the presence of organic matter.

Bacteria are other forms of organic contamination. They rapidly multiply in an ideal growing
condition within the cooling water system. Special attention is needed to the virulent power of
Legionella bacteria, especially on the old people with health problems. It is widely recognized that
many deaths caused by Legionella have been attributed to other causes, such as pneumonia due to
diagnostic limitations.

In cooling towers, bacteria pass into the exhaust air from the tower in the fine water droplets called
aerosols. People inhale the aerosols sucked in by air conditioning systems thereby getting infected.
Bacteria also escape in the bleed off water and in the aerosols when the system is washed out or during

Wide ranges of chemicals, such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide as well as multitude of organic chemicals
are used to curb the growth of algae and slimes. However, there are problems in storing and handling
of toxic compounds containing chlorine. Moreover, the discharge, either directly or as aerosols, of
water containing some of these chemicals, is prohibited.

There is an urgent need for an improved control method, which is effective, particularly against
Legionella, and also safe, non-toxic and non-polluting. Undoubtedly, in the current scenario, ozone
treatment has been extensively practiced.

The New Method: Ozone Treatment

The ozone system is a process for the control of multiple issues like scale formation, corrosion and
organic growth of all types in re-circulating water systems such as condenser cooling water systems and
industrial cooling systems.

Ozone possesses a better deposition inhibiting property. Partly, it relies on the destruction of organic
binding matter such as slimes and algae, which in many systems; hold together precipitated calcium
carbonate with airborne dust, to form heat transfer reducing scales and deposits. Ozone breaks down

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these organic impurities to harmless by products. Thus, ozone eliminates all organic binder, which
would otherwise aggregate insoluble matter. The same properties generally result in the de-scaling of
fouled systems, by destroying the binding matter, and thereby, releasing inorganic deposits from the

The property of ozone to passivate metal surfaces by means of a stabilized oxide layer on the metal
surface is well documented. This effectively prevents corrosion, which is far superior to using calcium
carbonate in controlling corrosion.

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Biocidal Treatment
Ozone destroys organic growths by breaking them down into simple by products such as water and
carbon dioxide with the release of oxygen. Further, ozone breaks down almost every organic
contamination, which could be found in a cooling system, removing the major source of sustenance
for the growth, thereby having a two –fold effect in growth control.

Control of organisms such as Legionella is significantly increased when ozone is supplied in required
quantities. The risks of exposure to Legionares disease in aerosol emissions form the cooling tower and
the wastewater from the cooling water system is considerably reduced.

Hazardous scale preventing chemicals, corrosion inhibitors and organic growth retardant are not used
in this process. Chemicals currently used in cooling systems such as chromate, zinc and
pentachlorophenols are all highly toxic and their disposal into water courses is either forbidden or
strictly limited. The ozone system produces no such dangerous toxic wastes.

Monitoring and Control Equipment

Adequate ozone treatment results in the creation of a residual oxidation capacity in the water, which
can be sensed by an appropriate electrode and measured by a redox monitor in mili-volts (mV). It has
been amply documented that the required level of redox potential to achieve controls of scale
formation, corrosion and organic growths is between 700 and 900 mV. The redox meter gives a
continuous reading of the oxidation potential. It is fitted with an alarm in case of system malfunction
or heavy external infestation.

Recognition of Superior Treatment

In countries like Australia, Local government authorities have agreed to waive certain regulations in
cooling towers with ozone treatment. These include regulations like the cooling water system should be
completely chemically cleaned up every three months. Also waived is a regulation that the placing of
fresh air intakes should be at least 20 meters away from the cooling tower. They have recognized that
the use of ozone could be a solution to many of the perpetual problems often faced by a cooling tower
Ozone treatment requires no harmful chemicals and does not produce dangerous or toxic wastes.
Prevention of scale, silt and corrosion deposits allow the efficiency of the ozone sterilization process to
be enhanced. Ozone has access to all the surfaces and contents of the water system continuously for a
better result. The cost of ozone treatment has also been coming down. While exact costs would vary
ignificantly, cooling tower ozonation of a capacity of 1,00,000 liters can be executed within Rs. 3 lacs.

The passivation of metal surfaces by ozone, and the threshold raising effect of ozone through micro
flocculation and scale inhibition, result in a remarkably effective scale prevention, corrosion inhibition
and organic control. The treatment does not require any toxic chemicals or harmful products in the
aerosol or wastewater from the cooling water system. Further, the bleed off from the system can be
significantly reduced, with the resultant saving in water consumption. There is less need to washout
the systems to control Legionella bacteria. In India & other countries, the level of Legionella control
may allow regulating authorities to exempt the cooling water system using fully-controlled and
monitored ozone treatment from regulations requiring extended distances between the fresh air
intakes and the cooling towers. As no law & governing authorities exist in Nepal for this, there is no
issue to it.

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Ozonation is a credible option for cooling tower maintenance. It will be interesting to see its growth in
coming years.

14. Upgrade to 2-speed or variable speed tower fan motors

A thermostat senses the sump water temperature. The thermostat upper and lower limits are set
around the average cooling water temperature required, and the thermostat switches the cooling tower
fan Off, Low Speed & High Speed when the upper and lower set temperatures respectively are
reached. Time delays may be introduced between sensing of the temperature and switching.
Thermostat control introduces energy economy during low loads, at nights, and in winter, by saving
on fan power.

Cooling tower performance is affected by the outdoor wet-bulb temperature. Higher wet-bulb
temperatures correspond to higher air saturation temperatures. As air loses the ability to extract heat
from water droplets flowing through a cooling tower (increasing wet-bulb temperature), a higher air
flow rate is required to remove the desired amount and reduce the condenser water to the design
temperature. The cooling water fan motor is often sized to perform under design conditions (i.e., full
water flow rate at maximum air flow rate and design wet-bulb temperature). During periods of lower
outdoor wet-bulb temperature, the design amount of cooling can be obtained with lower air flow
As the air flow rate decreases, the fan speed and the motor power requirements also decrease. It may
then be beneficial to install a two-speed motor for the cooling tower fan to reduce the fan motor
power consumption. Two-speed motors may be part of new or retrofit construction. Savings for the
addition of a two-speed fan motor are estimated based on the number of hours per year that the wet-
bulb temperature occurs at various ranges between design wet-bulb and minimum wet-bulb
temperatures and the power requirements for various air flow rates. It should also be noted that
variable speed drives for fan motors achieve cooling tower energy savings in the same manner as two-
speed motors.
15. Adopt special approach for saving in Cooling Tower Pumps.
The typical inefficiencies in a cooling water pumping system are excess capacity, excess head and under-
loaded process. To overcome this, the approach
Application Recommended adopted in Cooling Water Pumping system is unique.
Ts (in C) The Temperature Difference (T) across a heat
Air Compressors 10
exchanger is the criteria for assessing the adequacy of
Process Applications 5-10
cooling water flow rate. Generally,
Lift Effectheat exchangers
on Part are
Load Chiller
Turbine Condensers 10
Refrigeration 7-8 designed with following Ts: Efficiencies


 Provide a supply header on the delivery side of the pump. Fix a pressure gauge on the header.
 Fix the pressure on the header as required by the process if it is known by adjusting the valves.
Else, assume existing pressure is the required pressure.

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 Then, measure temperature (T) of cooling water & refrigerant across the condenser.
 If T is less than 7C, it is highly likely that the flow rate is excessive. Throttle the delivery valve
till T reaches 7C. This will cause the header pressure to go up. Throttle suction side valve to
maintain the header pressure as before. While doing so, please check T of refrigerant too and
ensure that it is not reduced.
 Go to step (iii), measure T, and adjust the parameters as per (iv).
 The final adjustment will give the exact flow required. Running the system on throttled condition
will provide only marginal savings.
 Study condensers for Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD). Based on this, heat transfer
area may be increased by adding condensers/coolers.
 Estimate the revised cooling water requirement with above procedure.
 Install correct size pump matching the head & flow rate. Alternatively, install a VFD/VSD &
operate the pump at lower speed with T across the condensers as the control parameter.

16. Replace Forced Draft Type Cooling Towers with Induced Draft Type

In Bottlers, we have mechanical forced-draft towers, which are designed to provide an air supply at
ground level and at amounts that are easily controlled by fans. Unfortunately, there are some problems
with this design as well. Firstly, it is a non-uniform distribution of air over the area.
Secondly, the vapor is recirculated from the discharge into the inlet causing ice formation on the
blades of draft fans (only when the temperatures drop low enough in the winter months). Thirdly, the
physical limitations of the fan size might prove a problem.
In case of induced-draft towers, the fan is mounted on the top of the roof. This arrangement improves
air distribution. The make-up of water is also less.

17. Condenser Water Temperature Reset. Keep the cooling water

temperature to a minimum level.

The power consumption of any chiller increases as the condensing water temperature rises. 1C
cooling water temperature increase may increase the electricity consumption by 2.7%.This is because,
as the condenser temperature increases, the pressure rise across the compressor (lift) increases and,
consequently, the work done by the compressor increases with the drop in COP.

Condensing water temperature setpoints are typically in the range between 65ºF and 85ºF, but can be
as low as 60ºF. In many cases the setpoint temperature is in the middle of the range, at about 75ºF.

A rule of thumb is that there is a 0.5% improvement in chiller efficiency for each degree Fahrenheit
decrease in the setpoint temperature for the condenser water.

The improvement tends to be higher near the upper range of setpoint temperatures and decreases as
the setpoint temperature decreases.

The amount of allowable decrease in the setpoint temperature must be determined by a detailed
engineering analysis that includes the following: the system capacity, minimum requirements for the

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plant process served by the condenser water system, and number of hours per year that the wet bulb
temperature is below a given value.

Condenser - The unit on the chiller in which heat is transferred out of the refrigerant. Cooled
condensing water flows over tubes containing a vaporized refrigerant in a tube-and-shell heat
exchanger. As the refrigerant cools, it condenses into a liquid and releases heat to the condensing

Condensing Water - Water that has been cooled in a cooling tower that is used to condense vaporized
refrigerant in the condenser.

18. Monitor cooling water to air ratio in Cooling Tower; amend these
depending on the design values and seasonal variations.

Increase water flow rate during summer and when approach is high. Increase air flow during
monsoon and when approach is low.

19. Maintain proper basin water level.

Cooling tower water recirculates through the system. A small portion of the recirculating water is
lost through evaporation and bleed or "blow down" operations (water that is drained out of the
tower to prevent accumulation of solids in the basin). This water is replaced either by means of a
make-up valve and float assembly or an electronic water level control and solenoid valve, which
keeps the water level at a preset level. Proper water level is necessary to prevent air entrapment in
the pump, which can lead to erratic operation and premature wear.

20. Monitor approach, effectiveness and cooling capacity to continuously

optimize the cooling tower performance, but consider seasonal
variations and side variations.

21. Check whether manufacturer’s recommended clearance around

cooling towers is maintained or not. Relocate or modify structures that
interfere with the air intake or exhaust. Provide clearances around
cooling towers as recommended so that no object interferes with air
intake or exhaust.

22. Take blow down from the return water header. Automate blow down to
minimize it. Send blowdown to other uses. Optimize the blow down flow
rate, taking into account the cycles of concentration (COC) limit.

A metering valve must be installed at the pump discharge to control the cooling tower’s bleed rate.
The bleed rate should be adjusted to maintain proper water chemistry in the tower and to prevent
the accumulation of impurities in the tower basin. A conductivity meter can reduce operating cost
by continuously monitoring the water chemistry and automatically adjusting the bleed rate, which
reduces both water and sewage cost. Biological control is easy to accomplish and essential for safe

23. Check & Optimize cooling tower fan blade angle. Check & Correct
excessive /uneven fan blade tip clearance and poor fan balance. Use a
velocity pressure recovery fan ring.

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24. Replace splash bars with self-extinguishing PVC cellular film fill.

25. Balance flow to cooling tower hot water basins. Cover hot water basins
to minimize algae growth that contributes to fouling.

26. Premium Efficiency Compressor Motors

27. Upgrade the cooling tower fill. Replace splash bars with self-
extinguishing PVC cellular–film fill. Replace slat-type drift eliminators
by high-efficiency, low-pressure-drop, self-extinguishing PVC cellular

28. Install side-stream filters on the cooling towers.

29. Float the head pressure in the refrigeration system.

30. Upgrade the chemical treatment system.

31. Re-line leaking cooling tower cold water basins.

32. Check water overflow pipes for proper operating level.

33. Locate make-up & blow down tie-ins to minimize heat-tracing cost in

34. Implement a cooling tower winterization plan to minimize ice build


35. Avoid simultaneous water heating & cooling in cold weather.

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