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Accuracy of working length measurement:

electronic apex locator versus cone-beam
computed tomography

 pez1, J. A. Martın2, V. Robles1 & M. P. Gonza

C. Lucena1, J. M. Lo lez-Rodrıguez1
Department of Conservative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Granada, Granada; and 2Private Practice, M

Abstract Results Mean differences with respect to AL ranged

from 0.26 to 0.36 mm and from 0.05 to 0.18 mm,
 pez JM, Martın JA, Robles V, Gonza
Lucena C, Lo lez-
respectively, for the electronic measurements at the
Rodrıguez MP. Accuracy of working length measurement:
‘constriction’ mark and ‘apex’ mark. CBCT measure-
electronic apex locator versus cone-beam computed tomography.
ments were an average of 0.59 mm shorter than AL.
International Endodontic Journal, 47, 246–256, 2014.
Percentages of electronic measurements falling within
Aim To compare the accuracy of working length (WL) 0.5 mm of the corresponding AL referred to the
determination using the Raypex 6® electronic apex ‘apex’ mark were greater than at the ‘constriction’
locator and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). mark, but the differences were only significant in
Methodology A total of 150 extracted human teeth group 4 (with Ultracain®). Percentages of CBCT mea-
were decoronated and randomly assigned to five groups surements falling within 0.5 mm of AL (46.7%)
(n = 30). WL was measured with the Raypex 6® at both were significantly lower than electronic measure-
the ‘constriction’ and the ‘apex’ marks under dry condi- ments, regardless of the condition of the root canal.
tions (group 1) or with 2.5% NaOCl, distilled water or In 30–38.5% of the measurements taken at the ‘apex’
Ultracain® (groups 2–4). The radiological WL (group 5) mark and in 3.4–13.3% of those at the ‘constriction’
was calculated from bucco-lingual and mesio-distal CBCT mark, the file tip extended beyond the foramen.
sections. Differences between electronic, CBCT measure- Conclusions Electronic measurements were more
ments and actual length (AL) were calculated. Positive reliable than CBCT scans for WL determination. The
and negative values, respectively, indicate measurements Raypex 6® was more accurate in locating the major
falling short or long of AL. Two-way ANOVA and the foramen than the apical constriction under the exper-
Bonferroni and Welch tests were used to compare mean imental set-up.
differences amongst groups. The chi-squared and Fisher’s
Keywords: apex locator, cone-beam computed
exact tests were used to compare percentages of precise,
tomography scans, endodontics, irrigating solution,
0.5 and 1.0 mm of the AL measurements amongst
root canal length determination.
the experimental groups. Statistical analysis was per-
formed at a = 0.05. Received 20 February 2013; accepted 19 May 2013

treatment (Seltzer et al. 1963, Ricucci 1998, Ricucci

& Langeland 1998) – the apical constriction (AC)
The accurate determination of working length (WL) being the recommended end-point for canal prepara-
has a major impact on the outcome of root canal tion by several authors (Kuttler 1955, Ricucci &
Langeland 1998, Gordon & Chandler 2004).
Periapical radiographs and electronic apex locators
(EALs) are usually used for determining WL. Limita-
Correspondence: Cristina Lucena, Facultad de Odontologıa,
University of Granada, Campus de Cartuja Colegio M aximo tions of conventional radiography include the sensi-
s/n., E-18071 Granada, Spain (e-mail: tivity of the technique, subjectivity and errors due to

246 International Endodontic Journal, 47, 246–256, 2014 © 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Lucena et al. Accuracy of EAL and CBCT

image magnification, distortions or the superposition- remains of whether WL should be established at the
ing of anatomical structures (Real et al. 2011). point where the EAL indicates the constriction or at a
Moreover, because the AC cannot be detected radio- certain distance coronal to the foramen signal (Tsel-
graphically, the radiographic WL is actually an nik et al. 2005).
estimation based on the average distance between the The Raypex 6® (VDW, Munich, Germany) is a new
constriction and the major foramen. Thus, WL is multifrequency EAL with a reliability that has not yet
often measured 0.5–1 mm short of the radiographic been established. The present laboratory study
apex. Nevertheless, the major foramen does not involves the following objectives:
always coincide with the anatomical apex, but may • Evaluation of the accuracy of the Raypex 6® in
be located laterally (Kuttler 1955, Dummer et al. locating both the apical constriction and the major
1984, ElAyouti et al. 2002) and at a distance of up foramen.
to 3 mm from the anatomical apex (Green 1955, • Comparison of the accuracy of the Raypex 6®
Dummer et al. 1984). The above reasons could under dry conditions and in the presence of differ-
explain the common overestimation of radiographic ent irrigating solutions (2.5% NaOCl, distilled
WL (ElAyouti et al. 2001, Williams et al. 2006). water and Ultracain®).
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a con- • Assessment of the accuracy of WL measured from
temporary radiological imaging system that produces CBCT images.
undistorted images with a significantly lower-effective
radiation dose than conventional computed tomogra-
Materials and methods
phy (CT) (Durack & Patel 2012). The CBCT images of
the area of interest can be displayed in mesio-distal, The experimental protocol was approved by the Ethics
bucco-lingual or coronal planes or simultaneously in Committee of the University of Granada (Spain).
the three orthogonal planes, affording the clinician a Patients who donated their teeth signed an informed
three-dimensional view of the area of interest (Patel consent document prior to extraction.
2009). This improved visualization of root canal A total of 150 human teeth (95 single- and 55
morphology could increase the accuracy of WL multirooted teeth), extracted for periodontal or ortho-
measurements (Jeger et al. 2012). In fact, previous dontic reasons, were used. Teeth with immature
studies have determined WL from pre-existing CBCT apexes, metallic restorations, fractures, root resorp-
scans, with results comparable to those afforded by tion, calcifications or previous endodontic treatments
EALs (Janner et al. 2011, Jeger et al. 2012). However, as evidenced by radiographic examination were
more studies are needed to validate the accuracy of excluded. The teeth were stored in 10% formalin solu-
the WL measurements when using CBCT images by tion for not longer than 2 weeks after extraction.
comparing them with actual root canal length. Once calculus and soft debris were removed, the teeth
The accuracy of the latest generation EALs varies were sectioned horizontally at the cement–enamel
over a wide range (45–97.6%), depending on the junction to provide unrestricted access to the canal
device, the acceptable error range (0.5 mm or and to obtain a flat surface. The crowns were marked
1 mm) used and the mark (‘constriction’ or ‘apex’) with a permanent marker to serve as reference for
chosen by the operator for readings (Haffner et al. the placement of the rubber stop. In each multirooted
2005, Goldberg et al. 2008, Cianconi et al. 2010, tooth, one canal was randomly chosen for study.
Stoll et al. 2010). Many authors (Erdemir et al. 2007, Gates–Glidden drills (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues,
ober et al. 2011, Gomes et al. 2012) have used the
St€ Switzerland) of numbers 1 through 3 were used to
‘0.5’ mark, because it theoretically indicates that the flare the coronal orifices. Canals were cleaned with
tip of the file is at the AC. Conversely, it has been 5 mL of saline solution and dried with paper points.
suggested (Gulabivala & Stock 2004) that EALs Then, the patency of the canal and major foramen
should be used with reference to the ‘apex’ mark, was checked with a size 10 K-Flexofile (Dentsply Ma-
because the impedance characteristics given for the illefer).
canal coronal to the apical foramen cannot be cali-
brated accurately. However, studies that have evalu-
Electronic measurements
ated the accuracy of measurements referred to both
apical references (i.e. ‘constriction’ and ‘apex’) are For the electronic measurements, the RayPex 6®
scarce (Jung et al. 2011). The question therefore number series R6 2011090535 was used. A total of

© 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 47, 246–256, 2014 247
Accuracy of EAL and CBCT Lucena et al.

120 teeth were randomly assigned to four groups

(n = 30 each) according to the irrigating solutions
Group 1: No irrigating solution (dry canals);
Group 2: 2.5% NaOCl;
Group 3: Distilled water (Milli-Q, Millipore Co.,
Billerica, MA, USA);
Group 4: Ultracain® (40/0.005 mg mL 1, Labora-
torios Normon S.A., Madrid, Spain).
The teeth were numbered and embedded in an
alginate model developed to test apex locators
(Lucena-Martın et al. 2004). The Raypex 6® was used
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Mea-
surements were taken with a standard size 10 or
15 K-Flexofile (Dentsply Maillefer), depending on the
width of the root canal, under dry conditions for sam-
ples belonging to group 1 and after irrigation of the
canal with 2 mL of the corresponding irrigant for
samples belonging to groups 2–4. Cotton tips were
used to eliminate excess irrigating solution and to dry
the tooth surface.
For measurements taken with the ‘constriction’
mark as reference, the file was advanced within the
root canal until the third green bar limit of the Ray-
pex 6® display was reached. In the case of measure-
ments taken with the ‘apex’ mark as reference, the
file was introduced to a point just beyond the major
foramen (red ball) and was then retracted slightly to Figure 1 The mould used for CBCT measurements was
the limit of the third yellow bar. In both cases, the placed upon a camera tripod.
measurements were considered to be valid when the
reading remained stable for at least 5 s. Unstable To standardize imaging, the working model was
measurements were not considered for statistical eval- placed in a reproducible position upon a camera
uation. The rubber stop was adjusted, and the dis- tripod (Fig. 1). A 36 s exposure time was established,
tance between it and the tip of the file was measured with a current amplitude of 8 mA and a voltage of
with digital calipers (Mitutoyo Corp., Tokyo, Japan). 84 kV. The data were reconstructed with 1.0-mm-
Measurements were recorded in millimetres. All teeth thick slices at an interval of 0.5 mm. The CBCT
were measured by a single operator experienced in images were obtained by an experienced radiology
the use of EALs. technician not involved in any step of the endodontic
All CBCT measurements were performed by an
CBCT measurements
investigator well trained in CBCT diagnostic applica-
The remaining 30 teeth were used for the CBCT mea- tions. First, the root canal of each selected tooth was
surements (group 5). A model that simulated a lower placed in a vertical position to visualize, whenever
jaw was produced, using a model base (Dentalite, possible, the whole length of the canal in a single
Madrid, Spain) as mould; 15 teeth were included in slice. This procedure was repeated to obtain a bucco-
each mould using polyvinyl siloxane impression lingual (BL) and a mesio-distal (MD) section of all
material (Putty Soft Proclınic S.A., L′Hospitalet de teeth included. The measurement line was traced
Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain). from the reference occlusal plane following the cen-
The CBCT images were obtained with the Planme- tre of the canal to its terminus (Fig. 2). In the case
ca ProMax 3Ds (Planmeca, Helsinki, Finland), with a of curved canals, a multiple-line tracing tool was
basic voxel size of 0.5 mm and FOV 50 9 80 mm. used (Fig. 3), following each visible canal curvature

248 International Endodontic Journal, 47, 246–256, 2014 © 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Lucena et al. Accuracy of EAL and CBCT

Figure 2 The measurement line was traced from the reference occlusal plane to the end of the canal.

Figure 3 The multiple-line tracing tool was used to measure curved canals.

in the respective CBCT slice (Jeger et al. 2012). The measurements inserted the same size K-Flexofile used
arithmetic mean between the root canal length mea- for the electronic measurement into each canal until
sured in the BL section and the MD section was the tip became visible through the major foramen.
obtained and recorded as the CBCT WL. Apart from The file was then withdrawn until a magnifying glass
reformatting procedures and saturation/contrast (92.5) showed its tip at the level of the most coronal
adjustments, the images were not modified. The border of the major foramen (Fig. 4). The rubber stop
alignment and measurement procedures for the was adjusted to the occlusal reference, and the
CBCT images described in this study were all per- distance from the stop to the file tip was measured
formed using specialized software (Planmeca Romexis with the digital calipers. This measurement was
Viewer, Helsinki, Finland). recorded as the actual length to major foramen
To observe the apical constriction, a window 3 mm
Actual length measurements
in diameter was made in the apical portion of the root
For the AL measurements, the specimens were removed using a diamond bur until the root canal became visi-
from their respective moulds and cleaned with water to ble, followed by careful removal of the remaining tis-
remove deposits. A third operator blinded to previous sue with a size 12 scalpel blade (Bard Parker, Lincoln

© 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 47, 246–256, 2014 249
Accuracy of EAL and CBCT Lucena et al.

canal until the tip became aligned with the apical

constriction (Fig. 5b). The rubber stop was adjusted
to the occlusal reference, and the distance from the
stop to the tip of the instrument was measured and
recorded in mm as the actual length to apical con-
striction (ALAC).

Statistical methods
The sample size was estimated as 26 teeth per group
(a = 0.05, b = 0.05, with a minimum value for clini-
cal relevance of 0.5), but 30 teeth per group were
finally used to compensate potential losses of samples
during the study.
Figure 4 The tip of the file at the level of the most coronal
border of the major foramen. Data processing
Differences between electronic/CBCT measurements
and actual length (AL) were calculated. Negative and
positive values indicated measurements that respec-
tively fell long and short of the AL, whilst 0.0 indi-
cated coinciding measurements.

Data analysis
Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to
identify possible significant interactions between the
mark (constriction/apex) of the EAL chosen for read-
ings and the condition (dry/NaOCl/distilled water/Ul-
tracain®) of the canal.
The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test revealed a normal
distribution, and the Bonferroni test was then used
for pairwise comparisons amongst groups of irrigating
(b) solutions referred to the apical constriction (AC).
Likewise, one-way-ANOVA and the Welch test were
used to compare means amongst groups of irrigating
solutions and CBCT referred to the major foramen
In addition, the differences between the electronic
or CBCT measurements and AL were classified into
three categories:
• Precise: Including those measurements coinciding
with the AL;
• 0.5 mm: Including those differences falling
within 0.5 mm of the AL;
• 1.0 mm: Including those differences falling
Figure 5 (a) A window opened in the apical portion allows
within 1.0 mm of the AL.
visualize of the apical constriction. (b) The tip of the file The chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests were used
aligned with the apical constriction. to compare percentages of precise, 0.5 mm and
1.0 mm measurements amongst the experimental
Park, NJ, USA), under a stereomicroscope (SZ-TP, groups.
Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) (Fig. 5a). The corresponding The statistical analysis was carried out accepting a
size 10 or 15 K-Flexofile was gently inserted into the level of significance of 5%.

250 International Endodontic Journal, 47, 246–256, 2014 © 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Lucena et al. Accuracy of EAL and CBCT

tion’ mark ranged from 61.5% (when Ultracain® was

used as irrigant) to 76.7% (with NaOCl), but the
Five teeth were excluded, because of unstable differences between groups were not statistically
measurements. significant. The percentage of 0.5 mm electronic
Two-way ANOVA showed a significant interaction measurements to the ‘apex’ ranged from 79.3% (with
between the mark of the EAL chosen for readings distilled water) to 100% (with Ultracain®), the differ-
(constriction/apex) and condition of the root canal ences between these two groups being statistically
(dry/NaOCl/distilled water/Ultracain®) (P < 0.001). significant (P = 0.043). Radiographic measurement of
The means and standard deviations of the differ- WL in CBCT images (with only 46.7% of the measure-
ences between the electronic or CBCT measurements ments within the error range of 0.5 mm) proved
and AL are shown in Table 1. less accurate than the electronic measurements,
When the ‘constriction’ mark was taken as refer- regardless of the root canal contents (P < 0.05).
ence, the mean differences obtained in the presence As seen in Table 2, the percentages of electronic
of distilled water and Ultracain® were significantly measurements taken with the ‘constriction’ mark as
different from those obtained under dry conditions reference and coinciding with AL to the major fora-
or in the presence of 2.5% NaOCl (Table 1, men ranged from 0 to 11.5%. Between 51.7% and
P < 0.001). Furthermore, electronic measurements 80% of the measurements fell within 0.5 mm to the
obtained in dry canals and with 2.5% NaOCl were major foramen. Overall, a greater percentage of 0.5
longer than the AL, whilst in the presence of dis- and 1.0 mm measurements was obtained in the
tilled water and Ultracain®, the measurements were electronic measurements with the ‘apex’ mark as ref-
shorter than the AL. When the ‘apex’ mark was erence than with the ‘constriction’ mark (Table 3),
taken as reference, both electronic measurements although the difference only proved statistically signif-
and measurements on CBCT scans tended to fall icant within both precision ranges in the group in
short of AL. Nevertheless, no statistically significant which Ultracain® was used as irrigating solution.
difference was found amongst the irrigating solutions Table 4 shows the frequency and percentages of
(P > 0.05). electronic or CBCT measurements that prove precise,
The mean difference between the electronic short and long with respect to actual length.
measurements taken with the ‘constriction’ mark as
reference and AL to the major foramen (ALMF)
ranged from 0.28 to 0.63 mm. The positive sign of
the mean in all the groups indicates that most of the Because there have been no previous studies on the
measurements fell short of the major foramen. accuracy of the Raypex 6®, the primary objective of
Table 2 shows the percentages of precise, 0.5 and this study was to determine which reference mark
1.0 mm measurements obtained. Percentages of (‘constriction’ or ‘apex’) affords a more exact determi-
0.5 mm electronic measurements to the ‘constric- nation of WL with this EAL and to establish whether

Table 1 Mean and standard deviations (mm) of differences between electronic or CBCT measurements and actual length


Group n Mean (SD) Max Min Mean (SD) Max Min Mean (SD) Max Min
a a a
1 30 0.36 (0.39) 1.32 0.72 0.12 (0.31) 0.64 0.82 0.31 (0.31) 0.24 1.05
2 30 0.31 (0.35)a 1.06 0.45 0.08 (0.24)a 0.34 0.98 0.28 (0.28)a 0.26 0.98
3 29 0.25 (0.63)b 0.79 2.62 0.18 (0.53)a 0.60 1.70 0.63 (0.59)b 0.40 2.90
4 26 0.26 (0.47)b 0.57 1.10 0.05 (0.28)a 0.50 0.50 0.47 (0.39)ab 0.30 1.20
5 30 0.59 (0.48)b 0.35 1.58

ALAC, actual length at apical constriction; ELC, electronic length at ‘constriction’ mark; ALMF, actual length at major foramen;
ELF, electronic length at ‘apex’ mark; CBCTL, root canal length measured on CBCT scans.
*Applicable in groups 1–4.
**Applicable in group 5.
Group 1, dry conditions; Group 2, 2.5% NaOCl; Group 3, distilled water; Group 4, Ultracainâ; Group 5, CBCT. Positive values indi-
cate smaller means than the AL. Negative values indicate greater means than the AL. Maximum, the largest measurement with
respect to AL. Minimum, the shortest measurement with respect to AL. Different small letters denote statistically significant differ-
ences between groups (P < 0.001).

© 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 47, 246–256, 2014 251
Accuracy of EAL and CBCT Lucena et al.

Table 2 Frequency (%) of measurements precise/0.5 mm tomical variability of the apical region, some authors
of the AL/1 mm of the AL take 1 mm to be the acceptable error range (Real
Group n Precise 0.5 mm 1 mm et al. 2011). However, 0.5 mm is the margin
regarded as acceptable by most authors. Three mea-
ALAC-ELC 1 30 2 (6.7)a 20 (66.7)a 29 (96.7)a
surements’ precision ranges (precise, 0.5 mm of the
2 30 0 (0)a 23 (76.7)a 28 (93.3)a
3 29 2 (6.9)a 20 (68.9)a 27 (93.1)a AL and 1.0 mm of the AL) were considered in the
4 26 1 (3.9)a 16 (61.5)a 24 (92.3)a present study. On the other hand, although the mini-
ALMF-ELF 1 30 0 (0)a 26 (86.7)ab 30 (100)a mum proportion of acceptable measurements required
2 30 2 (6.7)a 29 (96.7)ab 30 (100)a to define an EAL as precise has not been established
3 29 2 (6.9)a 23 (79.3)b 28 (96.5)ab
(Guise et al. 2010), it seems obvious that the greater
4 26 2 (7.7)a 26 (100)a 26 (100)a
5 30 0 (0)a 14 (46.7)c 24 (80.0)b the percentage of acceptable measurements, the
ALMF-ELC 1 30 0 (0)a 24 (80.0)a 29 (96.7)a greater the accuracy.
2 30 1 (3.3)a 24 (80.0)a 30 (100)a In this study, the third green bar limit of the
3 29 2 (6.9)a 15 (51.7)b 25 (86.2)b Raypex 6 display was considered to represent the apical
4 26 3 (11.5)a 17 (65.4)b 23 (88.5)b
constriction in accordance with a previous study (Ding
ALAC, actual length at apical constriction; ELC, electronic et al. 2010) that used this reference to detect the
length at ‘constriction’ mark; ALMF, actual length at major
apical constriction with the Raypex 5 EAL. However,
foramen; ELF, electronic length at ‘apex’ mark; Group 1, dry
conditions; Group 2, 2.5% NaOCl; Group 3, distilled water; the choice of another display reference could modify
Group 4, Ultracainâ; Group 5, CBCT; Precise, measurements the accuracy percentages of the electronic device.
coinciding with the actual length; 0.5 mm, measurements fall-
Therefore, each operator should correlate his or her
ing within 0.5 mm of the AL; 1.0 mm, measurements falling
within 1.0 mm of the AL. own radiographic and clinical findings with the ana-
Different smaller letters in columns denote statistically signifi- log dial readings on the instrument (Mayeda et al.
cant differences (P < 0.05) in percentage of measurements
within categories (ALAC-ELC/ALMF-ELF/ALMF-ELC) amongst
the experimental groups. In addition, as explained in the Materials and Meth-
ods and in coincidence with previous studies (Jenkins
the use of different irrigating solutions could signifi- et al. 2001, Azabal et al. 2004), determination of the
cantly affect the accuracy of the measurements actual working length at the major foramen was
obtained. In addition, the accuracy of the root canal made by observing the latter with a magnifying glass
measurements made from CBCT images with respect (92.5). However, because identification of the apical
to the AL of the canals was compared. constriction required higher magnification, a stereo-
Locator reliability is generally evaluated by calcu- microscope (920–25) was used. This methodological
lating the discrepancy between the electronic mea- difference may have implied less precision in the mea-
surements and the reference control length and/or by surements of the actual length to the major foramen.
calculating the percentage of acceptable measure- Taking into account the above limitations, in this
ments, that is, the number of measurements of the study, the Raypex 6® was able to precisely locate the
device that fall within an arbitrarily pre-established AC in only 5 (4.3%) of the 115 measurements made
error range. Taking into account the enormous ana- (Table 2). In 68.7% (79 of the 115) and 94% (108 of

Table 3 Frequency (%) of measurements precise/0.5 mm of the AL/1 mm of the AL: comparison between electronic mea-
surements referred to the ‘constriction’ mark versus the ‘apex’ mark

Precise 0.5 mm 1 mm

Group n ‘Constriction’ ‘Apex’ ‘Constriction’ ‘Apex’ ‘Constriction’ ‘Apex’

1 30 2 (6.7) 0 (0) 20 (66.7) 26 (86.7) 29 (96.7) 30 (100)

2 30 0 (0) 2 (6.7) 23 (76.7) 29 (96.7) 28 (93.3) 30 (100)
3 29 2 (6.9) 2 (6.9) 20 (68.9) 23 (79.3) 27 (93.1)* 28 (96.5)*
4 26 1 (3.9) 2 (7.7) 16 (61.5)* 26 (100)* 24 (92.3)* 26 (100)*

Precise, measurements coinciding with the corresponding actual length; 0.5 mm, measurements falling within 0.5 mm of the
corresponding AL; 1.0 mm, measurements falling within 1.0 mm of the corresponding AL; Group 1, dry conditions; Group 2,
2.5% NaOCl; Group 3, distilled water; Group 4, Ultracainâ.
*Denotes statistically significant differences between electronic measurements referred to the ‘constriction’ mark versus the ‘apex’
mark (P < 0.05).

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Table 4 Frequency (%) of electronic or CBCT measurements that prove precise, short and long with respect to actual length

Shorter than AL Shorter than AL Longer than AL Longer than AL

Group n (>0.5 mm) (≤0.5 mm) Precise (≤0.5 mm) (>0.5 mm)

ALAC-ELC 1 30 1 (3.3) 1 (3.3) 2 (6.7) 17 (56.6) 9 (30.0)

2 30 0 (0) 4 (13.3) 0 (0) 19 (63.3) 7 (23.3)
3 29 7 (24.1) 11 (37.9) 2 (6.9) 7 (24.1) 2 (6.9)
4 26 9 (34.6) 8 (30.7) 1 (3.9) 7 (26.9) 1 (3.9)
ALMF-ELF 1 30 3 (10.0) 18 (60.0) 0 (0) 8 (26.7) 1 (3.3)
2 30 1 (3.3) 17 (56.6) 2 (6.7) 10 (33.3) 0 (0)
3 29 5 (17.3) 13 (44.8) 2 (6.9) 8 (27.6) 1 (3.4)
4 26 0 (0) 14 (53.8) 2 (7.7) 10 (38.5) 0 (0)
5 30 15 (50.0) 13 (43.3) 0 (0) 2 (6.7) 0 (0)
ALMF-ELC 1 30 6 (20) 20 (66.7) 0 (0) 4 (13.3) 0 (0)
2 30 6 (20) 19 (63.3) 1 (3.3) 4 (13.3) 0 (0)
3 29 14 (48.3) 12 (41.4) 2 (6.9) 1 (3.4) 0 (0)
4 26 9 (34.6) 12 (46.2) 3 (11.5) 2 (7.7) 0 (0)

ALAC, actual length at apical constriction; ELC, electronic length at ‘constriction’ mark; ALMF, actual length at major foramen;
ELF, electronic length at ‘apex’ mark; Group 1, dry conditions; Group 2, 2.5% NaOCl; Group 3, distilled water; Group 4, Ultracainâ;
Group 5, CBCT; Shorter, measurements shorter than the actual length; Longer, measurements longer than the actual length.

the 115) of the measurements made, the margin of irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl and 0.31  0.31 mm in
error in locating AC was 0.5 and 1.0 mm, respec- dry canals (Table 1).
tively. Thus, when the display showed the ‘constric- On the other hand, when the Raypex 6® was used
tion’ signal, the file tip was located an average of taking the ‘apex’ mark as reference, the file tip was
between 0.26 mm coronal and 0.36 mm apical with located precisely at the major foramen in only 6 (5.2%)
respect to the mentioned anatomical reference, of the 115 measurements made. Nevertheless, in the
depending on the irrigating solution used (Table 1). rest of the cases, the mean distance to the major fora-
Specifically, under dry conditions and in NaOCl-irri- men was minimal: 0.12  0.31 mm in dry canals and
gated canals, the Raypex 6® overestimated WL, whilst 0.08  0.24 mm in NaOCl-irrigated canals (Table 1).
in the presence of distilled water and Ultracain®, the These values are smaller than those registered by
locator underestimated WL. Kaufman et al. (2002) (0.57  0.10 mm under dry
Erdemir et al. (2007) found that independent of the conditions and 0.34  0.10 mm with NaOCl for the
irrigating solution used (0.9% saline, 2.5% NaOCl, Root ZX® and 0.56  0.08 mm under dry conditions
3% H2O2, 0.2% chlorhexidine, 17% EDTA, Ultracain® and 0.33  0.08 mm with NaOCl for the Bingo
or dry conditions), the Root ZX® underestimated WL 1020®), but coincide with those of Stoll et al. (2010)
referred to the apical constriction; indeed, none of (0.01  0.34 mm with the Dentaport ZX®,
their measurements exceeded that reference. How- 0.38  0.42 mm with Element Diagnostic and
ever, these findings are in conflict with most of the 0.06  0.17 mm with the Raypex 5®). On the other
existing literature (Tselnik et al. 2005, Wrbas et al. hand, in the present study neither the canal condition
2007). In fact, it has been seen that when the elec- (dry/irrigated) nor the type of irrigant significantly
tronic measurements are made at the ‘0.5’/’constric- influenced the magnitude of the discrepancy between
tion’ mark, the file tip is actually closer to the major the electronic WL and AL to the major foramen.
foramen than to the apical constriction. Specifically, The evaluation of these data and the percentages of
Wrbas et al. (2007), Ding et al. (2010), St€ ober et al. 0.5 mm measurements referred to the constriction
(2011) and Gomes et al. (2012), using the Raypex 5® (61.5–76.7%) and major foramen (79.3–100%)
(with 2.5–4% NaOCl or 0.9% sodium chloride) with indicate that the Raypex 6® detects the major fora-
the AC as reference, obtained a mean distance men more consistently than the apical constriction.
between the file tip and the major foramen of 0.15, This observation could be explained by the sudden
0.38, 0.17 and 0.22 mm, respectively. The present change in electric impedance produced when the file
data coincide with these results, because the mean is displaced from within the canal to the conducting
difference between the electronic measurements taken medium. In addition, the morphology of the apical
with the ‘constriction’ mark as reference and AL to constriction can differ greatly from what may be
the major foramen was 0.28  0.28 mm in canals regarded as the ‘typical’ morphology; in effect, there

© 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 47, 246–256, 2014 253
Accuracy of EAL and CBCT Lucena et al.

may be several constrictions in one same canal, or 0.5 mm (group 4) and 0.3 mm (group 4), respec-
there even may be an extensive zone of parallel walls tively (Table 1). Consequently, to avoid the risk of
(Dummer et al. 1984) – a situation that could affect overinstrumentation, 0.5 mm should be subtracted
the accuracy of the locator. In this context, Herrera from the Raypex 6® reading referred to the ‘apex’
et al. (2007) reported that Root ZX® precision varies mark or 0.3 mm referred to the ‘constriction’ mark.
as a function of the apical constriction diameter. However, because it is difficult to know precisely
Nevertheless, the above does not necessarily imply the actual distance of the file tip with respect to the
that the ‘constriction’ mark cannot serve as a valid foramen, this correction implies the risk of underesti-
reference for establishing the position of the major mating the working length. In this experiment, the
foramen. It is also important to compare the repro- shortest measurement in the readings referred to the
ducibility of the measurements made with respect to ‘apex’ signal was 0.98 mm coronal to the major fora-
both references, this being indirectly evaluable from men (Table 1, group 2), whilst the shortest measure-
the magnitude of the standard deviation (Lee et al. ment in the readings referred to the ‘constriction’
2002). Table 1 shows that in proportion to the mag- signal was 1.20 mm with respect to the major fora-
nitude of the mean, the standard deviation is greater men (Table 1, group 4). Therefore, if the proposed
in the case of measurements made with respect to the correction was applied under these conditions, the file
‘apex’ (ALMF-ELF) than in those referred to the ‘con- tip actually would have been located 1.48 mm (in
striction’ mark (ALMF-ELC). According to Gomes et al. the former case) and 1.5 mm (in the latter case) coro-
(2012), if the readings are consistent (small standard nal with respect to the major foramen. In summary,
deviation), and if the mean distance between the file under the conditions of this experiment and applying
tip and the apical mark is known, an accurate WL the proposed correction, the file tip would be located
can be obtained by subtracting or adding a pre-deter- between 0 mm and approximately 1.5 mm coronal to
mined value from the device reading. Based on the the foramen in practically 100% of the cases
above, it was considered that although the ‘constric- (Table 1).
tion’ mark does not allow accurate location of the In relation to the canal irrigant factor, although
AC, it does represent a valid reference for determining electronic measurement of the working length in dry
the position of the major foramen. canals or canals irrigated with distilled water is not
On the other hand, from the data reported in included amongst the specifications for using the Ray-
Table 4, the percentage of measurements that pex 6, due to the great variability in the actual condi-
exceeded the major foramen can be calculated. When tions of use of the locators in clinical practice, it was
the locator was used in reference to the ‘apex’ signal, considered opportune to include both experimental
this percentage ranged from 30% (group 1: groups. The results, in agreement with previous stud-
26.7% + 3.3%) to 38.5% (group 4: 38.5% + 0%), ies (Erdemir et al. 2007, Gomes et al. 2012), show
depending on the irrigating solution. The percentage that electronic measurements in dry canals can be
of measurements exceeding the major foramen when performed with results similar to those obtained in
the Raypex 6 was used referred to the ‘constriction’ the presence of NaOCl or Ultracain®. On the other
signal was considerably lower (3.4–13.3% depending hand, the use of distilled water as irrigant had a neg-
on the irrigant). In most of the measurements referred ative effect upon the precision of the Raypex 6® –
to the ‘apex’ mark, the discrepancy was in the range although significant differences in percentages of
of 0.5 mm; however, because overestimation of the 0.5 mm measurements were only found between
WL worsens the prognosis of endodontic treatment, it the Ultracain® group and the distilled water group
was considered relevant to take these data into when the locator was used in reference to the ‘apex’
account. signal (Table 2). This result was expected, given that
Therefore, under the experimental conditions, the the conductivity of distilled water (which lacks many
Raypex 6® was reliable in detecting the major fora- ions such as chlorides, calcium, magnesium or fluo-
men when using either the ‘apex’ or the ‘constriction’ ride) can be almost zero (depending on the degree of
mark as reference. Furthermore, excluding the use of distillation).
the apex locator under dry conditions or with distilled Regarding the accuracy of the canal measurements
water as irrigant, the longest measurements with with CBCT, given the low percentage of measurements
respect to the ‘apex’ signal and with respect to the within the error range of 0.5 mm obtained (46.7%)
‘constriction’ signal exceeded the major foramen by and the magnitude of the discrepancy with respect to

254 International Endodontic Journal, 47, 246–256, 2014 © 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Lucena et al. Accuracy of EAL and CBCT

AL, it must be concluded that its performance is infe- either of the reference marks (‘apex’ or ‘constriction’).
rior to that of the Raypex 6®. However, the possibility The use of this locator does not fully avoid the risk of
of contrasting this observation is limited, although two overestimating WL.
previous studies (Janner et al. 2011, Jeger et al. 2012)
have used this radiological technique in determining
WL, both were in vivo studies, and they moreover used Acknowledgements
the electronic reading obtained with an EAL (Root This research was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e
ZX®) as control for the comparisons, instead of AL. Innovacion (Spain) grant MAT2009:09795.
Thus, with due consideration of these methodologi-
cal differences, the mean discrepancy found in the
present study between the CBCT measurements and References
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