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of t h e
Experimental Biology and Medicine
1949 No. 1

Enzyme Inhibition in Relation to Chemotherapy.* (17313)

From the McArdle itfentorial Laboratory, Medical School, University of Wisconsin, Nadison.

Studies on enzyme inhibitors are frequently but has a dissociation constant so small that
reported in terms of the percent inhibition in the combination seems irreversible. We shall
comparison with a control containing no in- therefore refer to this type of inhibition as
hibitor. It is the purpose of the present paper pseudo-irreversible. Equally possible is a
to show that this approach is frequently in situation in which the enzyme reacts with
danger of giving misleading results for the an inhibitor in a truly irreversible manner,
reason that with some inhibitors the percent that is to say, the enzyme is converted to a
inhibition is a function of the enzyme con- form which cannot be converted back into
centration. As will be pointed out in the active enzyme. In either case, the amount of
discussion, the existence of such inhibitors enzyme inactivated will depend not only upon
is of lconsiderable importance from the stand- the amount of inhibitor but upon the amount
point of pharmacology, chemotherapy and of enzyme present. Regardless of the exact
related fields, and it is therefore of some im- nature of the irreversibility, it can be recog-
portance to have an effective experimental nized very simply by means of an experimental
method for their recognition. test: by determining the rate of reaction a t
The phenomenon which we prapose to de- different enzyme concentrations plus or minus
scribe is essentially the outcome of an “ir- inhibitor, it should be found that in the
reversible” reaction between enzyme and in- case of ‘thecontrols, the rate is proportional to
hibitor, so ,that for all’ practical purposes the the enzyme concentration, so that a straight
enzyme is effectively titrated or stoichio- line through the origin is obtained when rate
metrically combined with a definite amount is plotted against enzyme amount. In the
of inhibitor. From the theoretical standpoint presence of a (reversible inhibitor a straight
the “irreversible” reaction. between enzyme line through the origin also resultts, but the
and inhibitor may occur in a variety of ways; slope of the line is less than in the case of
the simplest case is one in which the enzyme- ithe control. Inl the case of an irreversible in-
inhibitor complex is theoretically reversible hibitor, the slope of the line is thle same as
that of the control but it will pass through the

*This work was supported in part by a grant

from the Public Health Service and by the
X-axis to sthe right of the origin by an amount
Jonathan Bowman Fund for Cancer Research. that is proportional to the amount of inhibi-
A preliminary report of this work was given at tor (see Bainl). This graphic test is not de-
the Annual Meeting of the American Association ~

for Cancer Research, April 16 and 17, 1949, l B a h , J. A., PROC.SoC. Em. BIOL.AND MED.,
(Cancer Research, 1949, 9, 602). 1949, 72, 9.

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pendent upon any theoretical assumptions as method is accompanied by a mathematical

to the nature of the irreversibility and is of analysis in which one of the components of
considerable value in the interpretation of the graph (rate) is obtained as a function
inhibitor data whether obtained with pure of the other component (enzyme amount) in
enzymes, homogenates, minces, slices or whole an equation involving othler variables (sub-
cells. I t is of interest that the curve for the strate amount, inhibitor amount, enzyme-sub-
pseudo-irreversible type of inhibitor is simply strate dissociation constant, and enzyme-in-
one of a family of curves, and thzt the curve hibitor dissociation constant). The graphic
for th$ereversible type can be obtained from method involves no assumptions as to the
the same general equation that is derived from mechanism of inhibitor action, but in con-
the familiar Michaelis-Menten equation in the junlction with ithe equation given it permits
theoretical part of this paper. With the same one to obtain an apparent dissociation con-
equation it can be shown that when the dis- stant for the enzyme-inhibitor complex. The
sociation constant of the enzyme-inhibitor word “apparent” is used here because in the
complex has an intermediate value, thte plot case of an inhibitor which gives a line that
of activity against enzyme amiount yields a intercepts the X-axis it would not be possible
line that is intermediate between the two to decidje from the graph whether the inhibi-
types described above. Since many of the tor was pseudo-irreversible (i.e., dissociation
recently discovered enzyme inhibitors appear constant of enzyme-inhibitor complex very
to fall in this category the test may be of small) or truly irreversible. In addition, the
value in understanding their action, since in apparent dissociation constant will be affected
these cases the per cent inhibition also depends by the specificity of the inhibitor and the
upon the enzyme concentration. presence of other compounds with which it
The fact that inhibitors may fall into 3 may combine. I t must be emphasized that
broad categories depending upon the relation- the main purpose of th’e graph is not to
ship between the dissociation constant of the determine the dissociation constants but to
enzyme-inhibi tor complex and the concentra- distinguish between the reversible type of
tion of enzyme has been emphasized previous- inhibitor and thoe “irreversible” inhibitors. I t
ly by Straus and Goldstein2 and by Gold- is believed that the graph will permit this
stein3 They pointed out that previous rnathe- distinction regardless of the presence of inter-
matical treatments based on the Michaelis- fering compounds ar,d no evidsence to the con-
Menten equation assumed “that the concen- trary has been obtained.
tration of enzyme centers is constant and so The data given are for illustrative purposes
small compared with the concentration of any only, and have no intrinsic interest except
substance with which it may combine that insofar as they illustrate the principles de-
it may be neglected.” They called attention scribed above. For this work, succinoxidase
to the fallacy in this assumption and de- was employed as the test systsem because pre-
veloped the Michaelis-Menten equation along vious experience4 showed that it could be
lines that include the factor of enzyme con-
cen tration. t t The important contributions by Michaelis and
Menten, by Haldane, a d by Lineweaver and Burk
Our own observations and those of Bainl (ref erred t o by Straus and Goldstein23) provide
are in accord with the conclusions of Straus the foundation for the further expansion of the
and Goldstein2p3 and are believed to suppIe- basic equations to include the amount of enzyme
ment their work by presenting a simple as a variable. The older equations are still very
graphic method for rsecognizing the situations useful as well as approrviate i n situations i n which
in which the older mathematical treatments competitive inhibition between reversible inhibitors
are more or less inadequate. The graphic and substrates occurs since in these situations
~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ___- variation in enzyme amount does not affect the
Xtraus. 0. H., and Golclstein, A., J . Geqi.
3 per cent inhibition. T h e newer treatment is more
Physiol., 1943, B6, 559. appropriate in the case of the pseudo-irreversible
3 Goldstein, A,, J . Gen. Physiol., 1944, 27, 529. inhibitors.

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inhibited by two types of inhibitors, the mal-

onate-type and the type that combines with
sulfhydryl groups. Whole homogenates were
used as in the previous work, in which it was
shown that the sulfhydryl inhibitors x t e d
upon, an essential group that could be pro-
t x t e d by malonate, although malonate wouId
not protect other enzymes against the sulfhy-
dry1 inhibitors. It thus s e e m clear that the
sulfhydryl reagents used in this study inacti-

vate succinoxidase by direct interaction with
the enzyme.
Experimental. Test System. In these
studies the succinoxidase system was em-
ployed. I n all experiments a 10% water
homogenate of liver was prepared in the usual
manner and used as a source of the succinic FIG.1.
dehydrogenase after diluting to 2.5%. The The reaction velocity as measured by oxygen
basal reaction mlixture used was the same in uptake for the enzymatic dehydrogenation of suc-
cinate to fumarate in the presence and absence of
all cases and prepared as previously de- inhibitors. The concentration of malonate was
scribed? The concentration of inhibitors and 1 X 1 0 a M ; oxalacetate was 6.7 X 104M and
homogenate are in the corresponding plots of 3.4 X lO-5M; copper sulfate was 1.3 x lO4M and
2.6 X 10-4M; itaconate was 5 X 1O-zM; quinone
the experimental data. The total volume of was 3.3 X 10-1M. I n all cases the concentration
material in each flask was 3 ml and the of suceinate was 5 X 1OaM. I n the curve systems
labeled malonate, oxalacetate, Ch SO4, itaeonate
temperatuae of the reaction 38°C. The rate and quinone, ithe broken lines represent activity in
of oxygen uptake per 10 minutes was de- the presence of the inhibitors. The system of
termined on 'the basis of 4 successive 10- Curves labeled theory were calculated from equa-
tion (13) assuming for all cases S = 5 X 10-2M
minute periods. With all inhibitors except and K, = 1 0 4 : for the solid curve It = 0; for
oxalacetate in experiments reported in Fig. 1, the broken curve Kt = 104, I, = 1 X 103M;
f o r the dashed curve Ei = 10-6, I, = 5 X lO-5M;
the homogenate was incubated for 30 minutes for the double lined curve E, = 10-9, I, = 1 X
at room *temperaturewith the inhibitor before 10-sM.
the addition of succinate, since some inhibi-
tors do not react instantly with the enzyme, succinic dehydrogenase is the limiting factor
and are affected by the presence of the in the succinoxidase system when both cyto-
substrate. chrome c and cytochrome oxidase are present
in excess. It was established that the reaction
Compounds Tested. The itaconic acid was
rate in the absence of inhibitors was pro-
obtained from the Chas. Pfizer Company while
portional to the amount of homogenate. Since
the malonic acid and quinone were obtained
a d'ifferent liver homogenate was used for
from the Eastman Kodak Company. Oxal-
each experiment, it was necessary to include
acetic acid was prepared from sodium ethyl controls each time an inhibitor was tested.
oxalacetat e.
I t may 'beseen in Fig. 1 that the control data
Reszclts. E8ect of Enzyme Concentration. in each instance (open circles) yielded a
The reaction velocity for the enzymatic de- satisfactorily straight line that passes through
hydrogenation of succinate to fumarate could the origin.
be measured in terms of the oxygen taken up However, when such data were obtained
in sulccessive 1O-minute intervals, since the with various inhibitors present and were
4Potter, V. R., and Du Bois, I(. P., J . Gen. pIotted in the same manner, significant dif-
Physiol., 1943, 26, 391. ferences between the inhibitors were revealed
GSchneider, W. C., and Potter, V. R., J . BWZ. insofar as they were affected by enzyme con-
Chem., 1943, 149, 217. centra tion.

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In the presence of malonate or itaconate

(Fig. l ) , which are structurally similar to s70py
succinate, the rat8e of dehydrogenation was
also proportional to the enzyme concentration,
but the slope of the line was less than in the
case of the controls. Thae per cent inhibition
was thus the same at any concenttration of
enzyme and depended solely uponl the con-
centration of inhibitor since thne succinate con-
centration was constant.
I n contrast to the data obtained with
malonate and itaconate, oxalacetate, which W I

also bears a close structural relationship to 0 MINUTES 30 60 90

succinate, yielded data that do not fall on FIG.9 .
Rate of inactivation of succiiiic dehydrogenase
a line through th3eorigin, but rather on a line hj- copper in the presence aiid absence of succinate.
which appears to intercept the enzyme axis The final concentrations of succiiiate and of Cu
(Fig. 1 ) . SO4 were 0.067 M and 3.3 X lO-SM, respectively.
The solid circles represent extrapolated points.
Even more striking are the results with Thc open c+irclesare experimental points.
quinone and copper (Fig. 1 ) . Here the
data fell on lines that tend to be straight addition of succinate, and show that when
and parallel to the control. With these succinate was present no inactivation of the
inhibitors the per cent inhibition is clearly enzyme by the copper occurred? since the de-
related not only to the inhibitor concentra- cline in rate was no greater than in the con-
tion but also to the enzyme concentration. trols. The broken line indicates the rate of
Interfwerzce Phenomenon with Irrezjersible enzyme inactivation by copper when no suc-
Inhibitors. I n earlier studies on succinoxi- cinate was present, and shows that a progres-
dase4 it was shown that the inhibition pro- sive decrease in active enzyme occurred as
duced by malonate was instantaneous and in- long as succinate was absent. but as soon as
dependent of the order of addition of sub- succinate was added the process of inactiva-
strate and inhibitor. This was in contrast tion ceased abruptly. This experiment shows
to results obtained with agents like quinone that succinate interferes with the reaction be-
and copper. which produced a slowly increas- tween copper and succinic dehydrogenase,
ing per cent inhibition that was strongly while copper once combined with the enzyme
affected by the presence or absence of suc- cannot be effectively displaced by succinate.
cinate or, indeed, of malonate. In the pres- When larger amounts of sulfhydryl inhibi-
ence of succinate or malonate, the sulfhydryl tors were added to the succinoxidase system,
inhibitors react more slowly with the enzyme it was possible to progressively inhibit the
than they do when both of these compounds enzyme even in the presence of succinate, al-
are absent. A more detailed experiment on though not as rapidly as in the absence of
this point is reported in Fig. 2 . In this ex- succinate. I t is clear that copper and suc-
periment a series of ‘CVarburg flasks was cinate compete for the enzyme and that their
prepared with the usual reaction mixture but reactions with it are mutually exclusive as
no succinate, and with an equal amount of suggested earlier in the case of quinone? For
tissue in each flask. At zero time copper in the present we shall refer to this type of
the form of CuSU4 was added to all of the effect as an ‘(interference phenomenon” and
flasks, and at successive intervals succinate will not attempt to describe it as competitive
was added from the side arm and oxygen inhibition. But it must be pointed out that
uptake was measured. Th’e continuous lines the latter term is a purely operational concept
represent the rate of oxygen uptake during that is at present restricted to reversible in-
successive 1 0-minute time in tfervals after the hibitors. The experimental approach indi-

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cated in Fig. 2 provides a means of studying

competition between substrates and irreversi-
ble inhibitors during the course of the reac-
tion between the inhibitor and the enzyme as
opposed to competition during the measure-
ment of enzyme activity. I t is proposed that By substituting the value of (EI) fr'om (6)
this kind of competition be called interference into ( 3 ) and rearranging one obtains expres-
in order to avoid needless confusion in ter- sion (7).
Theoretical. To dlerive an expression in
which ES is expressed as a function1 of F, S, If one substitutes (If) of expression ( 7 )
It, K,, and Ki,the symbols listed M o w were into (6), solves the resulting expression for
used : (EI) and substitutles what is then equivalent
E t = Total Enzyme Concentration. to (EI) into (4) one arrives at expression (8).
Ef z Uncombined Enzyme Concentration.
EI = Enzyme-Inhibitor Complex Concentration. (Ed (It)
ES x Enzyme-Substrate Complex Concentration. (8)
S = Total Substrate Concentration.
Sf = Uncombined Substrate Concentration. (Et) = (Ef) + (Ed
+ (ES)
P = Product Concentration.
K I z Enzyme-Inhibitor Complex Dissociation I+-
Constant. &
K, Enzyme-Substrate Complex Dissociation small, (8) reduces
It = Total Inhibitor Concentration.
If = Uncombined Inhibitor Concentration.
k = Velocity Constant.
The equation was developed along lines
similar to the familiar Michaelis-Menten
equation but includes more variablest The I+-
following assumptions were made:
If one solves equation ( 5 ) for (Ef) and
(a) The reaction between enzyme and sub-
substitutes the result into (9) one arrives at
strate or inhilbitor can be formulated as in
equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) : (10).
Ef ++ IfSf * EIES -4 P + Ef (1)
(b) Where (S) is very large, (Sf) is as-
sumed to equal (S) and (Ef) approaches zero.
(c) Tihe total inhibitor cmcentretion is By multiplying through equation (10) by
equal to the sum of the uncombinled and the (term 1+[K, (ES)J/[Ki(S)] and re-
combined forms. arranging and solving for (ES) by the quad-
(It) = (If) +
(EI) (3)
ratic formula one obtains expression (11),
in which (ES) is expressed as a function of
(d) The total enzyme concentration is the
sum of the uncombined enzyme, that combined (Ed*
with the inhibitor and that combined with the
(Et) = ( E f ) + P I ) + (ES) (4)
An equation in which ES is expressed as
a function of E,, S, It, R, and Ki may now
be derived. 2
From expressions (1) and ( 2 ) and the
mass law one can write: v
I K' ( S )

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Since the velocity of reaction ( V ) is equal

velocity constant for conversion of the enzyme-
to the product of the concentration of the substrate complex to the product.
enzyme-substrate complex and the velocity For small values of Ki, i.e. where the bind-
constant for its conversion to the product, ing of inhibitor with enzyme is great com-
then: pared to that of the substrate with enzyme,
the terms of equation (13) containing Ki
V = k (ES) (12)
approach zero and the equation approaches
or if one multiplies through expression (11)
the form of a straight line with a slope k and
by k and substitutes V = k (ES) one obtains+
an intercept on the enzyme axis. Such an
inhibitor virtually “titrates” the enzyme.
2 -k r 1

B, ( S )
-+ - - -
I<, ( S ) (Et)
2 1 +

V’L 2 1
(13) V = k(E,) - k(1,) (15)
v K,
The velocity is thus expressed in terms However equation (14) only approaches the
form of (15) since the term containing Ki
which can be experimentally determined.
We may now consider various tests of the only approaches zero. When equation (14) is
equation. If one lets (It) equal 0, then plotted using various values of Ki, a system
equation (13) reduces to the following form: of curves is obtained as shown in Fig. 1,
theoretical scurves. For values of Ki that
-k(S) Ki k(E,) k(S) Ki k(E,)
V 1 ----
2 2KS 2
approach the magnitude of K,, i.e. 10-4 com-
pared to 11k2, a straight line through the
V = k(E,) (14) origin is obtained. Kor smaller Ki values a
For large values of (S) and no inhibitor, it curved line is obtained and for very small val-
follows from expression (4) that (E,) equals ues, i.e., a curve is obtained which rapid-
(E,) ; hence expression (14) is in agreement ly approaches a straight line at a point
with (12). Expression (14) is the equation equal to kI, and has a slope equal to k.
of a straight line of slope k passing through the These plots may assist in the interpretation
origin. It is also what is experimentally ob- of the experimental data. Malonate with a
served when values of V are plotted against Ki equal to 10-1 gives a straight line through
corresponding values of (E,) in the absence the origin. Itaconate, a less effective inhibi-
of inhibitor (Fig. 1). The slope is the tor, is of the same nature. Copper and
quinone which combine with sulfhydryl
On the basis of the same assumptioii made in groups probably have very small Ki values,
deriring equation (11), Goldsteins has developed while oxalacetate,6 an intermediate case (Ki
the following expression : near l O - O ) , occupies an intermediate position.
1’ = s’ [I] +
(1-a) E,’
Thus it is possible to explain the na,ture
of the experimental curves relating velocity
of reaction (to enzyme concenhration on the
wherein 1’, S’ and E’ represent the “specific con-
centrations” of I, S and E, and a is the fractional
basis of the degree of binding of the enzyme-
activity of the enzyme. I f one multiplies through inhibitor 8complex relative to the enzyme-
the expression of Goldstein by the dissociation substrate complex. This approach also pro-
constant, K, ‘of the enzyme-inhibitor complex, vides an experimental method for determinin-
converts the specific concentrations t o absolute ing when one is justified in using the Michael-
concentrations and substitutes ES/E, f o r a, then is-Menten equation to calculate values of ISi
on solving the resulting equation for (ES) in or when a more exact expression is necessary.
terms of I,, Ki, K, and E, one also arrives at
expression (11) which was used in developing fi Pardee, A. B., and P,otter, V. R., J . Biot.
expression (13). Chem., 1948, 176, 1085.

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If a plot of data representing the change of Bainl) .‘TI It is difficult to see how the presence
velocity of reaction with changes in enzyme of the other SH groups in the homogenate
concentration appears to intencept the en- could produce the type of curve seen with cop-
zyme axis when extrapolated to zero velocity, per or quinone in contrast to the malonate
then the amount of inhibition will vary with curve, since the ratio between succinoxidase
enzyme concentration. I n such a case the SH groups and “other” SH groups would re-
value of Ki determlined from the Michaelis- main constant as the amount of homogenate
Menten equation will not be a constant but was increased. The enzyme system and inhibi-
will vary depending on the entzyme concentra- tors chosen fforthis study are probably not tbe
tion used in the experiment and a more exact best possible examples for illustrative pur-
expression than the Michaelis-Menten equa- poses, but the data and conclusions are
tion is necessary for calculating Ki. We have strongly supported by the accompanying paper
not attempted to derive such an expression on cholinesterase by Bain.l I n the case of
because in the case of “titration type” curves any “irreversible” inhibitor the degree of in-
the results can be due either to high affinity hibition produced at any given molarity will
or true irreversibility as explained earlier. depend upon the concentration of enzyme and
The analysis trepresented, by equation ( 11) upon the concentration of other substances
is incomplete insofar as it does not encom- that will combine with the inhibitor. This
pass the effect of the presence of substances fact applies to any inhibitor, since it can
other than the enzyme that can combine with never be assumed that an inhibitor, even
the inhibitor. It is clear that the more spe- though it is known to be highly specific, does
cific is the inhibitor the less important these not react with unknown constituents in living
considerations will be. cells or in preparations th.erefrom. The re-
Discussz’o.n. The main purpose of this paper action with unknown constituents becomes
is ( 1 ) to s h m that in the case of “irreversible” of great importance if it is irreversible. How-
inhibitors, regardless of the nature of the ever, the occurrence of side reactions does
irreversibility, the degree of enzyme inhibi- not invalid’ate the conclusion that copper and
tion depends upon the enzyme concentration quinone in effect irreversibly inactivate suc-
and ( 2 ) to consider thle implications of this cinoxidase. This inactivation cannot be re-
fact. The first question that arises is whether versed by succinate, (which has a lower af-
the phenomenon of decreasing per cent inhi- finity for the enzyme than copper does) but
bition with increasing enzyme amount is a can be reversed by gl~tathione,~ which has
general phenomenon for high affinity inhibi- an affinity for copper similar to that of the
tors, or whether *thedata presented here are enzyme (cf also Barron and Kalnitsky.8) This
merely due to the fact that the high affinity inhibition is therefore considered to be ps,eudo-
inhibitors are non-specific and are used in a irreversible, i.e. it has a dissociation constant,
whole homogenate. We believe that the phe- but the constant is so small that the percent
nomenon is a general one and that increasing inhibition varies with the amount of enzyme.
numbers of examples will be found (cf. Oxalacetate, which is an intermediate case,
fi Note added Oct. 24, 19p9: Since this paper is a potent inhibitor for succinoxidase and is
was submitted for publication, two additional re- not known to inhibit any other enzyme (its
ports that the enzyme concentration may affect the action in ithe malic dlehydrogenase system is
degree of inhibition have appeared: E. C. Slater an equilibrium effect.)
reported studies with a partially purified suc- It is thus concluded that the results are
cinoxidase system in Biochem. J., 1949, 48, 130, not artifacts and that their significance may
especially page 138, and 0. H. Lowry, 0. A. Bessey be examined.
and E. J. Crawford have reported the effect of
From the standpoint of studies in enzyme
2 -amino-4-hydroxy-6-formylpteridine upon p terine __-
oxidase and commented that “The extremely low 7Hopkins, F. G., Morgan, E. S., and Lutwak-
dissociation of the enzyme-inhibitor complex per- Mann, C., Biochena. J., 1938, 32,1829.
mits a virtual titration of the enzyme.’’ (J. Biob. SBarron, E. S. G., and Kalnitsky, G., Biochem.
Chem., 1949, 180,399). J., 1947, 41, 346.

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kinetics as carried out in vz‘tro, it appears that to be explained as a result of variations in

experiments along the lines suggested by Fig. the amount of cholinesterase in the 3 tissues,
1 and 2 would be helpful in the study of onie would expect the enzyme content of these
any new inhibitor. If the plot of rate against tissues to vary in the way that was actually
enzyme concentration is a straight line through observed, viz. the authors found relative ac-
the origin in the presence of inhibitor (cf tivity values of 100, 28 and 10 in the 3
malonate, Fig. 1 ) and if the inhibition is tissues from control animals. Thus the
independent of th’e time of addition of sub- absolute amount of enzyme destroyed was
strate (in contrast to Fig. 2 ) then it is very similar in the 3 tissues, Le., 4.5, 6.2 and
feasible to proceed with the determination of 10.0. Injections of higher levels of inhibitor
K, values and tests for competitive inhibition. produced 100 per cent inhibition) first in sub-
On the other hand, if the data are comparable maxillary gland, thlen in brain. These data
to those obtained with copper, quinone, or do not prove the point that is being made
oxalacetate, reports of inhibitor potlency with- here since many factors obviously affect the
out showing the effect of enzyme concentration data in the case of whole animals; but the
will be meaningless while the determination viewpoint stressed here may need to be in-
of Ki values and the tests for competitive in- cluded in any future examination of similar
hibition by existing methods will also be of data.
little significance. The production of alloxanLdiabetesl0 may
I t is from the standpoint of studies on be cited as another possible example of this
whole animals or on tissue preparations that type of phlenomenon, with the difference that
the results have the greatest significance. If in this case specific cells have been destroyed
it is established that the “irreversible” inb without the demonstration of inhibition of an
hibitors (either pseudo-irreversible or irre- enzyme. Alloxan is a general SH inhibitor
versible) affect enzyme activity to an extent and it seems very unlikely that it reacts with
that depends upon the concentration of the an enzyme occurring only in the insulin-pro-
enzyme and the conclentration of inhibitor- ducing cells. According to our interpreta-
binding compounds in the tissue, it may be tion, thtese cells would be more vulnerable to
anticipated that when an inhibitor (or drug alloxan b’ecause of smaller amounts of a vital
or chemotherapeutic agent) is injected into an enzyme that is more plentiful in other tissues.
animal different tissues and tissue components The spwific dcestruction of insulin-producing
will be inhibited to different extents depend- cells by alloxan may serve as a prototype for
ing on their composition. In other words, a cancer chemotherapy. ‘Since the enzyme pat-
tissue containing a small amount of a given tern in cancer tissue may conceivably include
enzyme might have its enzyme completely no *enzymesthat are not also found in normal
inactivated by an injection of an inhibitor tissues ( L e . if it arises by a process of enzyme
that would inactivate only a small fraction of deletion), the chemotherapy of cancer may
the enzyme in tissues containing larger require thle inhibition of an enzyme that is
amounts of enzyme and comparable amounts also present in normal tissues. I t should be
of other reacting components, Data which possible to completely inhibit an enzyme
may be an illustration of this phenomenon present in cancer tissue in small amounts,
are available in a paper by DuBois and Mang- while producing only partial inactivation of
~ n Following
. ~ injections of hexaethyl tet- the enzyme in tissues containing it in larger
raphosphate at a level of 1 mg/kg in rats, amounts.
they found that the per cent inhibitions of
The interference phenomenon described in
acetyl-choline esterase were 4.5, 2 2 and 100
Fig. 2 is of considerable importance in inter-
in samples of brain, submaxillary gland and
preting studies on whole animals, especially
serum respectively. If these variations are
since interference between reversible and ir-
9 Du Bois, K. P., and Mangun, G. H., PRDC.SOC.
EXP.BIOL.AND MED., 1947, 64, 137. lOLukens, F.0.W.,Physiol. Reg., 1948, 28, 304.

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reversible inhibitors can occur? Kosterll oxalacetate, quintone and cupric ion.
found that diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) 2. The reaction between succinic dehy-
given before physostigmine made animals drogenase and copper or quinone was not im-
more sensitive to the latter, while injections mediate but required 30 to 40 minutes when
of the latter protected animals against doses the amount of inhibitor was just sufficient to
of DFP that were several-fold greater than produce complete inhibition.
lethal. These data can be explained in terms 3 . The effect of thse strengths of binding
of interference between the two inhibitors of the inhibitor with the enzyme on the per
plus the fact that the DFP can be destroyed cent inhibition produced is shown to be re-
in the body as shown by Mazur.12 In other lated to the enzyme concentration.
words, physostigmine would lower the con- 4. An expression has been develop& which
centration of free enzyme and protect it relates the velocity of reaction to enzyme con-
against DFP for a time sufficient to allow centration in enzyme-inhibitor systems.
for the destruction of DFP, while DFP
5. The results are discussed in rlelation to
initially would lower the effective concentra-
tion of enzyme thereby sensitizing the animal the chemotherapy of cancer. It is pointed
against ph ysostigmine. out that the selective inhibition of an enzyme
not unique to cancer tissue is theoretically
Summary. 1. The effect of enzyme concen- possible.
tration on the inhibition prod\uced by certain
inhibitors of the succinic dehydrogenase sys- The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful
tem has been experimentally determined. The suggestions of Dr. J. A. Bain, whose data on
inhibitors studied were malonate, itacmate, cholinesterase inhibition were made available to us
prior to publication.
11Koster, R., J. Pharmmol., 1946, 88, 39.
12Mazur, A,, J. Eiol. Chem., 1946, 164,271. Received May 3, 1949. P.S.E.B.M., 1949, 72.

Mechanism of the Inhibition of 'Rat Brain Cholinesterase by Diisopropyl-

fluorophosphate, Tetraethylpyrophosphate, and Eserine." (17314)

JAMES A. BAIN(Introduced by C. C . Pfeiffer.)

From the Departments of Pharmacology and Psychiatry7 Uaiuersity of Illimis Medical School,
Chicago, Ill.

Kinetic analysis of the inhibition of enzyme constants for 'the enzyme-inhibitor complex
systems has generally been carried out by are calculated according to the classical Mich-
methods which assume a reversible combina- adis-Menten treatment1 from the concentra-
tion of the inhibitor and enzyme to form] an tion of inhibitor zt which enzymatic activity
inactive comp1ex.l4 Ordinarily, dissociation is reduced 50 per cent. Goldstein5 and
Ackermnn and Potter6+ have pointed out
*Supported in part by grants from the Miller that situations may exist when the assump-
Epilepsy Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation, and tions used in the Michaelis-Menten derivation
the Research Council of the Scottish Rite Masons.
are no longer valid. Such a case arises when
1 Michaelis, L., and Menten, M. L., Biochem. Z.,
1913,49, 1333. 5 Goldstein, A., J. Gen. Phylsiol., 1944, 27, 529.
2Haldane, J. B. S., Enzymes, Longmans, Green 8 Ackermann, W. W., and Potter, V. R., PRW.
& Co., London, 1930. Soc. EXP.BIOL.A N D MED., 1949, T2, 1.
3Lineweaver, H.,and Burk, D., J . Am. C h m . t The author is indebted to Dr. V. R. Potter for
Soc., 1934, 56, 658. making available a manuscript of this paper6
4Ebersole, E. R., Guttentag, C., and Wilson, prior to publication and for much correspondence
P. W.,Arch. Biochem., 1944, 3, 399. and discussion regarding ib contents.

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