Leadership Role in Software Projects: October 2015

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Pavan Sutha Indukuri

Blekinge Institute of Technology


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Assignment 2: Leadership
Advanced Software Project Management – PA2513

Pavan Sutha Varma Indukuri

Department of Computer Science
Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH)
Karlskrona, Sweden.

Abstract— Leadership plays an important role in the Leader’s behavior can be relationship-oriented or task-
performance of the team, it impacts productivity. The leader oriented based on the situation. Relation-oriented leaders aim
influences the followers’ goals in a group towards the to accomplish tasks by developing good relationships with
achievement of organizational goals. This paper mainly focuses followers while task-oriented leaders concentrate only at the
on the role of the leader in a self-organizing agile team based on
completion of the given task [5].
Scrum environment in a software developing project. The leader
is responsible for building an effective team for a project and also Trait, style and contingency approach are the prominent
motivating the individuals with disabilities. A leader motivates qualities of leadership. Trait approach helps in distinguishing a
the individuals by encouraging team coordination, setting goals leader from a team, style approach focuses on behavior which
for the team, and emphasize team’s ability to achieve those goals. makes the leaders successful and contingency approach
The Leader is said to be successful if he is capable of opting highlights the situational behavior in a leader [1].
situationally appropriate leadership styles or behavior. Situational leadership depends on willingness, motivation
and readiness of individuals in doing specific tasks. Leadership
Keywords—leadership styles, agile team, scrum, behavior,
styles are divided into four categories telling, selling,
participating and delegating based on willingness and ability of
the followers [6].
An effective software development organization divides the GIVEN TASK:
individuals into teams and assigns a particular person among As a project manager in a software development organization,
them as a leader. The leader is responsible for the performance form a team of 8 members from the existing developers or
of the team. He monitors all the team members closely in order employ new people to develop a brand new innovative version
to accomplish the task given to the team which would lead to of the printer software. Available developers are:
achieving organizational goals. So the project success lies in  5 recently employed
the capability of the leader.  2 highly experienced developers
Leadership is known as “the process of influencing the  4 developers with relevant experience
activities of an organized group in its efforts towards goal  4 developers with experience from different projects
setting and goal achievement”[1].Leaders perceive future
outcomes to proactively react to present situations while in
The rest of the paper is organized in the following way:
contrast managers aim for stability and try to solve the problem
Section II focuses on team building. Team cooperation is
by executing existing ways [2].
briefly discussed in Section III. Section IV elevates the role of
Leadership styles can be broadly divided into two
leadership in team motivation. Section V deals with teamwork.
categories, Transformational leadership, and Transactional
This is followed by conclusion in Section VI.
leadership. Transactional leader’s relationship with the team
members is a process of exchange of rewards for performance. II. TEAM BUILDING
They offer rewards or threaten to punish to the team members
The team is ‘‘a small number of people with
to accomplish their given task. Transformational leaders
complementary skills who are committed to a common
motivate and inspire individuals to complete various tasks and
purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they
somewhat reduces employees’ stress. Though transformational
hold themselves mutually accountable” [7].
leadership seems to be effective than transactional leadership,
Selection of team members is not simply opting all the
often a combination of both these styles is considered for the
intelligent people because it won’t possess best results. Instead
success of the project.[3][4]
team must be cohesive in nature comprising people of all ages,
genders, different experience levels. To form a balanced team, have better coordination than others as they have worked
redundant characteristics in the team must be reduced so the together previously. Their presence in the group would
leader must assemble people with diverse strengths required for minimize the task of team coordination to some extent.
developing a software [8]. Previous experiences of the candidates also have an
Selection of candidates for an agile team should be based on impact on the effectiveness of software development projects
readiness of the people who are willing to perform specific [10]. Developers from different projects would increase
tasks, so that this would make the candidate work beyond cohesive nature in the group and their experiences in their
expectations in that particular task and reduce their weakness respective projects would be helpful for the team to develop an
in other fields [9]. innovative software. Selecting developers whose projects are
While assembling a team in a software development project, embedding software or other projects which are relevant to
leader must consider the following skills in the team members printer software would be beneficial to the team.
which are required for achieving the goals: According to my view one of the best possible team for
developing brand new innovative printer software would be:
 Technical skills: Leader must perceive the technical  1 recently employed
issues in the project development and choose people  2 highly experienced developers
with those skills. Candidates with these skills would  3 developers with relevant experience who have
assist the team to solve the technical problems which worked together before
would arise during the development process.  2 developers with experience from different projects

 Decision-making skills: Members with problem- III. TEAM COOPERATION

solving skills would be useful to suggest an efficient After forming a team, it is the responsibility of a leader to
solution when the team is facing any bottleneck emphasize team coordination and cooperation between them.
during the process. These skills can be improved by The leader may share his vision to the team members in order
training. to understand the task of the team.
Team cooperation is necessary for the members to
 Interpersonal skills: They refer to born qualities of a communicate with each other and share their visions towards
person. These skills are required to express his ideas the achievement of organizational goals. It involves an
by communicating with the team members and would exchange of information among the team members, leader and
result in a better teamwork coordination. Training the organization [9]. Team cooperation would lead to better
doesn’t help in improving these skills. understanding of the task and would allow the team members
to work together without any conflicts towards fulfilling the
 Product Development skills: These skills must be organizational goals.
carefully observed by the leader and later train them
to excel their skills which would allow the members IV. TEAM MOTIVATION
to work creatively and in an innovative manner [9]. Leaders must motivate the followers with disabilities by
explaining the importance of the work assigned to the
Experiences along with knowledge and skills would individual which is related to organizational goals [12]. A
increase the group capability as their preceding performance leader must also encourage follower to develop his own skill
and enhance their existing skills[10]. Highly experienced and at times training must be taken to describe the task in a
people are always given higher priority over others as they detailed way.
would have come across various projects and are aware of Leadership style towards the team members with
pitfalls and benefits in implementing a particular idea. Even disabilities should be telling or selling based on the situation to
though they are available part time, it is always advantageous scrutinize the follower actions and train him to match the team
to have highly experienced people in developing software standards [6].
projects as their valuable suggestions would reflect in the team Transformational leaders motivate and encourage team
performance to a higher extent. members’ skills to complete the given task. Candidates with
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exhibits various challenges[11].While developing an they work beyond expectation. Intrinsic motivation refers to
innovative software, selecting at least one newly employed the motivational state where people work with interest rather
undergraduate student in the team would be fruitful. Latest than for rewards. Team members with high intrinsic motivation
generation candidate ideas would be fresh and innovative to would search for creative solutions to a specific problem and
compete with the existing software. At times, they would play work with all their efforts for achieving the goals. Hence,
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