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NGES - Application Requirements

Project is divided on Backoffice/Backend and Frontend which communicate together between each other.

Optimized for 1920x1080px but responsive.. (mobile version not important for now but might be in future so do not
Use Bootstrap and background color #162D32

First page is login, it only has a username, password and Login button. No forgot password option, no Register option.
After successful login, backoffice page is loaded.
Default Font-family: Open Sans 12px White 400 is default font

Navbar on top (black color)

|- Dashboard
|- Events
|- Entities
|- Sports
|- Categories
|- Leagues
|- Teams
|- Configuration
|- Admins
|- Logout

Leave it empty for now

It is a table with events created in the system. Table has the following columns (event id, startdate, sport, category,
league, event, action). Above table there is a “Date from-to” picker and search which is used to search through table
When the page is loaded by default it should show all events which started 2 hours before page is loaded and all
events in future. (eg, now is 06-Apr 10:14am. If i load page now it should show all matches which have started after
06-Apr 08:14am)
There should be a button to add New Event. Datepicker, Search and Add Event button should be placed on top of
Table should load 20 rows by default, and it should have a paging option on the bottom. Table should be sorted by
StartDate column

Add Event button

It's a popup window where admin has to choose Date and Time of event, Sport, Category, League, Team 1 and Team 2
and to have buttons Cancel and Submit. After clicking on Create popup close and the Event is created.
Sport, Category, League, Team 1 and Team 2 are dropdowns which use data from Entities list. Admin has to first
choose Sport for Category dropdown to be enabled as it will need to load all categories from selected sport. Leagues
cannot be chosen before Sport and Category are selected. Teams cannot be chosen before Sport, Category and
League are selected.

Action buttons
Edit event (opens same window as Create event), Enable/Disable Event (it’s a switch) (it will be used to show and hide
event on Frontend)

Event column
It should be formatted like Team1 - Team2 and admin needs to be able to click on that which will open Event details
in the new tab.

Event detail
At this moment just implement page to open after admin click on it and print Team1 - Team2 names
Structure of Entities is:

|- Sport
|- Category
|- Leagues
|- Teams

All Entities should be stored in DB (MySQL or sqlite3)

It's a table with a list of all Sports created in the system.
Table has the following columns: ID, Sport, Created, Last Edit, Action.
No duplicate names allowed.
Action has the option to Edit or Enable/Disable Sport.
Search bar and the Add Sport button are above the table.
Add Sport button is a popup with option to enter name of the sport, cancel and Submit button.
Create column is when a Sport entity is created in the system.
Last Edit is when the Sport entity last edited in the system.
Table is sorted alphabetically by Sport column.

It’s a table of all Categories in all Sports.
Above the table there is a Sports dropdown where admin has to first select Sport from the list to show data in table,
and Search and Add Category buttons.
Table has the following columns: ID, Category, Created, Last Edit, Action.
Action has the option to Edit or Enable/Disable Category.
Add Category button is a popup with option to enter the name of the Category admin wants to create in the selected
sport, Cancel and Submit button.
Table is sorted alphabetically by Category column.
There cannot be duplicate category names in the same sport, but there can be same category names in different
sports. (eg. Sport: Soccer, Category: England and Sport: Rugby, Category: England is allowed)
It’s a table of all Leagues in selected Sport and Category.
Above the table there is a Sports dropdown where admin has to first select Sport, and Category dropdown which is
enabled only when Sport is selected. Once both of these selected data is shown in the table. There are alsoSearch
and Add League button (Enabled only when sport and category selected).
Table has the following columns: ID, League, Created, Last Edit, Action.
Action has the option to Edit or Enable/Disable League.
Add League button is a popup with option to enter the name of the League admin wants to create in the selected
sport and category, Cancel and Submit button.
Table is sorted alphabetically by League column.
(eg. Category: Italy, League: Serie A, and Category: Brasil, League: Serie A is allowed)

It’s a table of all Teams in selected Sport.
Above the table there is a Sport dropdown where admin has to first select Sport to see data in the table. There are
also Searchbox and Add Team button.
Table has the following columns: ID, Team, Created, Last Edit, Action.
Action has the option to Edit or Enable/Disable Team.
Add Team button is a popup with option to enter the name of the Team admin wants to create in the selected sport,
Cancel and Submit button.
Table is sorted alphabetically by Team column.
Duplicates are not allowed in the same Sport.


It's a table with a list of all Admins created in the system.
Table has the following columns: ID, Username, Email, Created, Last Edit, Action.
No duplicate emails allowed.
Action has the option to Edit or Enable/Disable Sport.
Search bar and the Add Admin button are above the table.
Add Admin button is a popup with option to enter username, email, password, confirm password, cancel and Submit
Table is sorted alphabetically by Username column.

Logs out admin from system, returns to Login screen.

To access Frontend, the user does not need to login to the system. It is a showcase page, anyone should be able to
access it and see all data in it.
Use Bootstrap, background color #162D32
Font family, Titillium Web, 12px, 400, white

Structure of page



Sidebar Main_content (col-6) Right_column (col-5)


Navbar on top black (only sports is clickable at this moment, all other options are shown but disabled).

|- Sports
|- In-Play
|- Virtual Sports
|- Live Casino
|- Casino
|- Games
|- Lotto
Just place this text here at this moment. Will be developed later.
“This is placeholder for timeline and featured events”
Set background for entire row to #011F24

Sidebar on left side (col-1)
Sidebar is a tree-menu with Sports, Categories, Leagues list created in backend. By default shows list of sports and
expands on click to Category and then on League level. All levels are sorted alphabetically.

Main Content
This would be the place where Events created in the backend would be listed. At this moment show only table of
events in format:

{category} - {league} #0F4539

Time Event #042D0A 1 X 2 +more

HH:MM {team1} - {team} #011F24 OH OD OA +XX

HH:MM {team1} - {team} OH OD OA +XX

HH:MM {team1} - {team} OH OD OA +XX

HH:MM {team1} - {team} OH OD OA +XX

Columns 1, X, 2, +more, just place text as it is in the picture above. Rest of the information is pulled from the
database and shows real data. Use color codes provided for table backgrounds (highlighted with yellow color on
example above)
Only show events in future, meaning show only those events which are starting anytime after the user clicks on the
selected sport on the sidebar menu.

Right column
Just place this text here at this moment. Will be developed later.
“This is placeholder for Right column modules”

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