Bio11-Course Outline

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[Life Science 11]

Mr. M. Korbutt

In Biology it is our aim to introduce students to the patterns and wonders of the natural world –
both big and small – and help them appreciate, understand, and analyze them more effectively.
We want our students to be scientific thinkers, who can engage inquiry and problem solving
challenges with meaningful critical and creative thinking skills.
While we are passionate about Biology and excited to share that journey with you, we

understand that learning is bigger than just the topics we will explore this year. In order
to help you become better life long learners, and to better prepare you for your leanring
jouney’s ahead after high school, we want to focus on dispositions and aptitudes that can be
transferred to any area of life. In order to do that, the following are our goals for the course
this year:

Students can communicate effectively, in well-constructed forms, both verbal
and written, that are effective for audience and purpose. They are able to aquire,
critically analyze, and integrate information from a range of sources. They are able to ask thought-provoking
questions, solve conflicts and challenges, and work well with a team.

[Creative Thinking] I can develop creative works that can be used to solve a problem. I can develop
ideas that are new, or ideas that rework existing ideas, into something that
has not previous existed before. I can problem solve to generate something new in light of criteria. I can handle
ambiguity, set-backs, and failure, and use them to advance my thinking.

Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better.

Samuel Beckett
I can compile evidence or examine evidence from various perspectives, analyze
[Critical Thinking] and make well-supported judgements, interpretations and conclusions. I am
open-minded and patient, taking the time to explore, discover and understand. I can connect the results of my
inquiries and analyze them in light of criteria or relevence in the natural world or everyday marketplace of life.
I understand my learning is continuous and that I will contine to grow and evolve.
[Personal Growth] I can take ownership for my goals, learning and behaviour. I can set priorities,
implement, monitor and adjust a plan. I can take responsibility for seeking help as I need it. I use strategies for
working toward a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and for managing stress. I can advocate for my learning needs,
and recognize the implications of my choices. I strive to use every opportunity as a chance to improve.

Be > Yesterday
[Practical Stuff]
Materials: Pen/Pencil, Ruler, Binder with ruled/graph paper, textbook
Attendance: If you are absent, please have your parents call the school or email me the day of your absence.
Tech: NO, unless authorized. Zero tolerance. This is your first warning. 2nd I take it for the block. 3rd I will call
home and ask what they would like me to do with your phone.
Communication: Outside of class Teams or email is the best way to get a hold of
me. Messages will be responded to in a timely fashion, depending on the time of
day they were received, or the extent of the request.
Extra Help: I am available to provide extra help upon request. Please email or see
me in class and I am happy to set up a mutually beneficial time.
• Characteristics of Living Things - What • Questioning & predicting, making good

Curricular Objectives
Big Ideas & Content

characteristics allow living things to live on land? hypotheses and observations

What unique characteristics allow organisms to • Using appropriate SI units and equipment, and
live in extreme environments? apply concepts of accuracy and precision
• Process of Evolution - What is the role of DNA in • Use lab equipment accurately to attain data
evolution and biodiversity? What characteristics • Construct,
allow organisms to live in unique environments? analyze and
• Taxonomy - Why do two organisms compete to interpret diagrams
coexist in the same niche? How is DNA analysis • Construct graphs,
used to demonstrate the relatedness of species? and analyze slopes
How can morphology indicate relatedness? using best fit lines
and units
• Use scientific
concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent
with evidence
• Communicate scientific ideas, constructing
evidence-based arguments using scientific
language and representations.
• Applying principles of Biology to create
something innovative
Several times a week there will be a short 5-point quiz. These quizzes will be on schoology for the afternoon blended
class. This quiz is designed to help students check their conceptual understanding from the previous day or days.
The quizzes are a way to check this level of understanding. The quizzes should not take more than 5-10 minutes, and
are usually 1-5 questions. Once a week, there will be a graded 20-30 minute Flashback quiz in class. All flashback quizzes are
cumulative, and will assess your understanding of the vocabulary, concepts and content in the course so far. Moving ideas from
short-term to long-term memory involves repetition, and this structure will help you as a student better retain the information,
and us as a teacher to track your progress in your learning. At the end of each unit their will be a unit test, that will
bring together all the different ideas
presented in the unit. Flashback Quizzes 10%
Lab Skills & Lab Quizzes, 30%
In addition to quizzes and tests, we will Assignments
be working on our critical thinking,
creative thinking, communication skills, Content Knowledge 60%
and curricular objectives, which will be assessed through
labs and projects, please the course schedule for more details.

Block D: Online quizzes will open and close during class time, please check Teams & Schoology updates throughout the day.
If you are absent for a test day, you must have a legitimate reason, provided to Mr. Korbutt PRIOR to the test. One missed test
can be written at the end of the course on missed test day.
To qualify to re-write ONE test (provided you are not already doing a missed test) a Ticket-to-Rewrite must be completed and
handed in on the day of the unit test. On test re-write day the latter score will apply (even if your mark drops).

Schoology ( will be used by teacher and student as a portal to track their progress
in the course. Check the calendar or materials for Parents will be able to view and comment on student
progress, should they wish. Schoology Course Code:____________________
Microsoft Teams will be used for communication and it is where lesson recordings will be posted.

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