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Educational Programmes Abroad


Thinking about Interning Abroad?

Choosing a Study Abroad Program

The opportunity to study and work in an exciting and new foreign

environment provides depth and enrichment of cross-cultural
knowledge that can only be done through experience. When is a
better time to walk along the bank of the Thames River, admire the
fountains of Cibeles and Jupiter in Madrid, or visit the historical
Berlin Wall in Germany? Not only does going abroad allow for
unique and personal perusal of new places, but it also gives future,
Fountain of Cibeles,
potential employers the indication of a person who is willing to ex-
Madrid, Spain
plore and succeed in unprecedented areas and environments.

Participating in a European Internship

Program Locations
EPA was the first study abroad program to allow American students
the opportunity to participate in internships throughout parts of
Western Europe and has continued to do so for the past thirty years.
We are deliberately small. This means we are flexible and happy to
accommodate special requests.
Our internship placements have expanded to areas of politics, law, Program Deadlines
health care, art & theatre, business, finance, journalism, and many
more. We care about the quality of every student’s experience and Fall April 15
are dedicated to making it the best it can possibly be. Internship Spring October 1
placements are catered to you, allowing for the best fit internship to Summer March 1
ensure you a worthwhile experience.

Loans and Scholarships

Some students have received alternative educational loans for study
abroad, including summer programs. These loans are not federally subsi-
dized, but still offer very competitive interest rates. Many financial insti-
tutions now offer such loans: CitiBank offers alternative loans called
"CitiAssist Loans;" Key Bank offers "Key Alternative" loans, and Sallie
Mae offers alternative educational loans as well.

Even if you can easily afford to pay for your semester or year overseas,
you may still consider these scholarships. Check with a financial aid ad-
Cologne Cathedral viser to discuss how it would affect your aid package. Many scholarships
must be applied for as early as one semester or one year prior to your
in Germany intended term abroad.

• The Gilman Scholarship: This is the first approved federal scholarship

program for study abroad. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of both
need and merit.
• The Institute for International Education: The Institute for Interna-
tional Education sponsors a variety of scholarship programs.
• The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): DAAD offers
scholarships for studying in Germany.
• General web sites for study abroad scholarships: and

For more program details,

Educational Programmes Abroad, UR/Lattimore Hall 206, Rochester, NY 14627-0375

Tel: 585.275.8850 Email: or

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