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Chronology February 16, 1975-May 15, 1975

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Summer, 1975), pp. 329-343
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:09

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February 16, 1975-May 15, 1975

ArabIsraeliConflict Husayn, held secret meetings between 1967 and

1973 in an unsuccessful attempt to work out a
peace agreement. [NYT]
Feb. 21: Cairo's Akhbar al-Yawm said a second
1975 Egyptian Israeli disengagementaccord was "cer-
Feb. 16: Egyptian Foreign Minister Isma'il Fahmi tain" unless an "unforeseensurprise occurs." A
was quoted by Beirut's Daily Star as saying that US spokesman responded that "nothing is cer-
he had reason to believe there would be new tain." [NYT]
Israeli withdrawals on the Egyptian and Syrian The UN Commissionon Human Rights passed
fronts by the end of June. [NYT] resolutionscensuring Israel for policies "aimedat
Feb. 17: The Israeli military reportedthat the Suez colonizing and changing the physical and demo-
Canal was open and that a British tanker and graphic composition of the occupied Arab terri-
several Egyptian naval vessels had recently made tories" and for the "deliberate destruction" of
the passage. [NYT] Qunaytirah. [NYT]
Feb. 18: Foreign Minister Fahmi said Egypt would Syria's President Hafiz al-Asad told News-
not return to the Geneva Convention until her wceekmagazine that Syria would agree to peace
October 1973 War arms losses were replaced with Israel when Israel withdraws from all Arab
and he confirmed that the USSR resumed arms territory occupied in 1967 and recognizes a sep-
supplies under the terms of an old arms accord. arate Palestinian state in the West Bank and
[NYT] Gaza. He said: "When everything is settled it
US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger met will have to be formalized with a formal peace
with the Shah of Iran in Zurich. When asked if treaty" and "this is not a new logic in Syria's
Iran would supply Israel with oil if Israel would l.olicy . . . it is our fundamentalposition decided
return the Sinai oil fields to Egypt, the Shah by party leaders." [NYT]
said: "Our policy is to sell oil to those who . . . Feb. 22: One Palestinian guerrilla was killed in an
will buy it . . . Once the tankers are loaded, where attemptto abductIsraeli hostages near the village
it goes is of no importanceto us." [NYT] of Shtula. Israel said the raiding party came from
UN Secretary GeneralKurt Waldheim arrived Lebanon. [NYT]
in Iraq for talks on the Arab Israeli situation. Feb. 23: Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon said
[JP] his country ruled out foreign guarantees of
Feb. 20: Egypt warned Israel that Israeli plans to Israel's existence unless "Israel is capable to de-
build an aircraft plant in East Jerusalem could fend itself . . . But as far as I know no such offer
destroy chances for peace because building the was made to us or to anybodyelse." [NYT]
plant would be "aggression." [NYT] Feb. 25: A Syrian spokesman said the Feb. 21
Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan Newsweek report of an interview with President
said Israeli and Jordanianleaders,includingKing Asad was not an "honestreflectionof the content

List of Abbreviations
ARR, Arab Report and Record; AW, The Arab World; B, Brief; CSM, The Christian Science
Monitor; CB, Cyprus Bulletin; E, The Economist; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Daily Report-Middle East and Africa; G, The Guardian(weekly internationaledition); JP, The Jeru-
salem Post; KT, The Kabul Times; KI, Kayhan (international edition); MEED, Middle East Eco-
nomic Digest; MEES, Middle East Economic Survey; LM, Le Monde (weekly English edition);
NYT, The New York Times; PO, Platt's Oilgram; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington


of discussion,particularlyconcerningthe question of talks in Turkey. [NYT]

of a peace treaty." [NYT] Mar. 12: A PLO spokesman said there would be
Feb. 26: In an apparentreferenceto the Arab Boy- more attacks like the one in Tel Aviv, only
cott, US President GeraldFord said that "foreign against "any Israeli strategic target wherever we
businessmen and investors are most welcome in can reach it, in Israel or in Japan or in the United
the United States when they are willing to con- States." [NYT]
form to the principles of our society" and that Kissinger met in Egypt with Sadat and told
"any allegations of discrimination will be fully reporters that both sides wanted a new agree-
investigated and appropriateaction taken under ment in the Sinai but that important differences
the laws of the United States." [NYT] remained over key issues. [NYT]
Feb. 27: Egyptian President Anwar al-Saddt said Mar. 13: After meeting in Aswan with Saddt,
he would not receive a PLO delegation scheduled Kissinger said: "We have passed from an exam-
to visit Egypt but would talk only with the entire ination of general principlesto an examinationof
PLO Executive Committee. The PLO canceled concrete ideas . . . I shall now be taking some
the delegation'splannedvisit to Cairo. [NYT] concrete ideas to Israel tomorrow."[NYT]
Feb. 28: Israel expelled 5 Arabs from the West Mar. 14: An Israeli official said Egypt's "concrete
Bank to Lebanon. [NYT] ideas" for a new Sinai accord fell short of what
Mar. 1: The Arab Boycott announced that the was needed. [NYT]
American National and Columbia Broadcasting Mar. 15: The PLO accepted Syria's invitation to
Systems would be permitted to continue news consider uniting "political and military" com-
coverage in the Arab world "under supervision" mands. [NYT]
but that all other activities of the 2 companies Kissinger met in Syria for 5 hours with Asad
would be banned. [NYTI and then flew on to Jordan. [NYT]
Mar. 2: Israeli troops evicted 60 Orthodox Jews Mar. 16: Kissinger met with Israeli leaders after
from a site east of Jerusalem in the occupied the Israeli Cabinet empowered its negotiating
territory where they tried to settle. [NYT] team to continue the talks. [NYT]
An Israeli spokesman said organized settlers Mar. 18: Kissinger met with Saddt and then flew
would not be prevented from settling in Ma'aleh to Israel. He said there had been some progress
Adumim in the West Bank if they would work in but that "several substantial areas of disagree-
the Israeli industrial plants being built there. ment" remained. [NYT]
[WP] Mar. 21: The Palestine Central Council meeting in
Mar. 5: Eight Arab guerrillas landed on the beach Damascus approved Syria's proposal to create
at Tel Aviv and attacked the Savoy Hotel. unified political and military commandsand said
Eighteen people were killed including7 guerrillas. talks to implement the proposal would begin
One guerrilla was captured. [NYT] within a week. [NYT]
The Arab Boycott denied having an anti- President Ford sent an urgent letter to the
Jewish bias and said its "sole criteria for includ- Israeli government.[NYT]
ing companies on its blacklist was to stop com- Mar. 22: Kissinger announcedhe was suspending
panies from contributing to the development of his negotiations because of "irreconcilable"dif-
Israel." [NYT] ferences between Egypt and Israel. He called for
Mar. 6: Al-Fath claimed responsibilityfor the at- a "period of reassessment."
tack in Tel Aviv. [NYT] Egypt said Israel's demand for an immediate
Mar. 7: US Secretary of State Kissinger flew to declaration of nonbelligerency "brought to an
Egypt to resume his negotiations for an Egyptian end" the negotiations. [NYT]
Israeli interim agreement in the Sinai. [NYT] Mar. 23: A high ranking PLO representativear-
Asad said Syria was willing to unify Syria's rived in Cairo for talks on coordihatingstrategy
military command with that of the PLO "as a against Israel. [NYT]
means to consolidate the Palestinian struggle." Kissinger returnedto the US to brief Ford on
[NYT] the breakdown of negotiations. He said of the
Mar. 8: Kissinger met in Aswan with Egyptian Mideast conflict: "We will now have to look for
President Sadat who said later that the negotia- different methods and new forums." [NYT]
tions would be "very hard" and that Egypt Rabin said the Kissinger talks broke down be-
would not sign a document declaring "non- cause Egypt refused Israeli proposals for (1) an
belligerence"against Israel in return for territory Israeli withdrawal from strategic Sinai passes
in the Sinai. [NYT] and oil fields in return for an Egyptian "state-
Mar. 9: Kissinger flew from Egypt to Damascus ment of the end of the war" or (2) more limited
for a brief meeting with Asad and then on to territorial concessions in return for "a general
Israel. [NYT] statement about the readiness to limit the use of
Mar. 10: Kissinger met in Israel with Premier force" and "certain practical expressions . . . of
Yitzhak Rabin. [NYT] a movement toward peace." [NYT]
Mar. 11: Kissinger returned to Israel after a day Mar. 24: France and the USSR called for Israel to
withdrawfrom territory occupiedin 1967. [NYT] Kingdom does not object to the rights of worship
Ford ordered a total reevaluationof US policy of any religion. However, these rights do not
in the Middle East including "all aspects and all mean or justify the occupation of Jerusalem."
countries."A US spokesmansaid American mili- [NYT]
tary aid to Israel would continue during the re- PLO Chairman Yasir 'Arafat said he had
assessmentbut that its volume would be uncertain. evidence that Israel possessed 3 to 5 nuclear
[NYT] weapons. [NYT]
Afar. 26: Kissinger told a news conferencethat the Apr. 5: Rabin told NBC TV that Israel requested
US remained "committed to the survival of the International Red Cross to seek an Arab
Israel." He said that the issues might have to be Israeli agreement to refrain from striking at
negotiated "comprehensively,under more difficult populationcenters in the event of renewed fight-
circumstances"and that the US would be in touch ing. [NYT]
"with the co-chairman of the [Geneva] Con- Apr. 6: Sadat said Egypt would accept an arms
ference, the USSR, in the near future." [NYT] limitationproposalwith Israel as part of an over-
Mar. 27: Ford was reportedto have said at a news all Middle East settlement. [NYT]
conference that if Israelis had been "a bit more PLO spokesmanAbu Iyad said Jordan had to
flexible" in the talks "it would have been the best be considered part of the Arab front against
insurancefor peace." [NYT] Israel. [NYT]
The Soviet Communist Party paper Pravda Apr. 7: PLO leader 'Arafat met in Cairo with
said the breakdown of the Kissinger talks "has Sadat and officials said afterwardsthat Egyptian-
again reaffirmedthe hopelessness of attempts at PLO relations were improved. [NYT]
so-called partial solutions . . . by means of 'quiet Apr. 9: Amnesty Internationalaccused Israel and
diplomacy'." [NYT] Syria of violations during the October 1973 War
Mar. 28: Two bombs exploded in Jerusalem injur- of the Geneva Conventionson treatment of war
ing 13. The PLO claimed responsibility for the prisoners. [NYT]
attacks. [NYT] Apr. 12: Sadat said it was time for the US to de-
Mar. 29: Sadat said Egypt would reopen the Suez
clare whether it was "protectingIsrael within its
Canal on June 5 and would extend the UN peace borders or whether it is protecting Israel's occu-
keeping forces' mandate in Sinai for 3 months,
pation of the land of other states as well."
from April 24 to July 24. [NYT]
Mar. 30: Rabin said Egypt's decision to renew the
UN forces' mandate for 3 months instead of 6 Apr. 14: Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin said the
months was a "negative"move in the search for Arab countries must become "more unified" be-
peace. [NYT] fore facing the US and Israel at the GenevaCon-
Egyptian officials said that neither Israeli ships ference. [NYT]
nor Israel bound cargo on other ships would be Apr. 17: The UN Security Councilvoted to extend
allowed to pass through the Suez Canal. [NYT] the UN force in Sinai from Apr. 24 to July 24.
Mar. 31: Egypt said Israel bound cargo would be [NYT]
permitted through the Suez Canal only if an Apr. 20: The New York Times reportedIsraeli of-
agreementfor furtherwithdrawalof Israeli troops ficials as saying Israel would not reconsider its
in the Sinai is reached. [NYT] negotiating position over the Sinai as long as the
About 20,000 Israelis marched to a site in the US holds military arms aid talks with Israel in
occupied West Bank to protest the Israeli gov- suspension. [NYT]
ernment'srefusal to allow more Israeli settlement Fahmi said the USSR suggested that the
there. [NYT] Geneva Conferencebe convenedin June and that
US Defense Secretary James Schlesinger said Egypt had "no objection to this date." [NYT]
the US would be "reluctant"to conclude new Apr. 21: The Washington Post reported that both
arms agreements with Israel while US Mideast Egypt and Israel had suspended talks with the
policy was being assessed. [NYT] US on the sale of nuclear power plants. [WP]
Apr. 1: Rabin said the reopening of the Suez Israeli Foreign Minister Allon met in Wash-
"contributes nothing of benefit to Israel" but ington with Kissinger and said some "misunder-
"benefitsfirst of all Egypt" and then the USSR standings" still existed between the US and
and Europe. [NYT] Israel. [NYT]
It was reported that Egypt formally requested Apr. 22: Fahmi concludedtalks in Moscow. A joint
the US and USSR to reconvenethe Geneva Con- communique said that "careful preparations"
ference. [NYT] would be necessarybefore reconveningthe Geneva
Apr. 3: The New York Times quoted the Saudi Conferenceand that the PLO must take part in
Ministry of Informationas saying: "In an answer Geneva "enjoying equal rights with the other
to a question about Jewish rights in Jerusalem, participants."[NYT]
His Highness [Minister of State for Foreign Af- Apr. 23: After 2 days of meetings in Riyadh, Saudi
fairs Prince Sa'fid ibn Faysal] said that The Arabia, Sadat and Asad announced that they

agreed to set up a committee to coordinatestrat- scheduled meeting in Salzburg in June between

egy against Israel. A communiquesaid the next Ford and Sadaftbut that Asad endorsedthe talks.
stage of the conflict would requireclose coordina- [NYTI
tion between Egypt and Syria. Sadat then flew May 7: Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres
to Iran. [NYT] warned that Libya stockpiled Soviet weapons
Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khad- which, together with Libya's "murderousspirit,"
dam arrived in Moscow for talks. Soviet Foreign threatenedthe Middle East. [WP]
Minister Andrei Gromyko said: "Israel may get, May 12: Israeli forces raided the Lebanese village
if it so wishes, the strictest guarantees, with the of Bint Jubayl, Yarin and Aita al-Sha'b, kidnap-
participation,under an appropriateagreement,of ping 5 suspectedguerrillas. [NYTI
the Soviet Union." [NYT] May 13: Israeli Defense Minister Peres said that
US Defense Secretary Schlesinger told Israeli the Jordanian army had advanced tanks to the
Ambassador to the US Simcha Dinitz that the plain on the East Bank during the "last few
US reassessment of Mideast policy would not days." [NYT]
diminish American support for Israeli security. May 15: An Arab-owned bus was burned in the
[NYT] Old City of Jerusalem. Claiming responsibility
Apr. 24: The Shah of Iran said at the conclusion was a new group calling itself "Terror for Ter-
of a visit to Tehran by Sadat that Iran backed ror, an Eye for an Eye." [NYT]
"the policies of Egypt 100%"in the Arab Israeli
conflict. [NYT]
The New York Times cited reports that Jor-
dan agreed to form a joint military commandwith General
Syria. [NYT]
Apr. 26: Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddamended
a 2 day visit to Moscow. A joint communique 1975
said the Geneva Conferenceshould be resumedas
soon as possible and that Syria's armed forces Feb. 24: The governors of Arab League Central
should be strengthened. [NYT] Banks meeting in Iraq called for the creation of
Apr. 27: Syria announcedagreementsto extend the a World Monetary System which would "disci-
UN force in the Jawlan region until July 30. pline the financial policies of the major industrial
[WP] countries" and stabilize the exchange rate of
The Israeli Cabinet barred discussion of peace Arab currency reserves. [NYT]
proposals to be submitted to the Geneva Con- The Iraq News Agency reportedthat the Cen-
ference on the grounds that such discussionwould tral Banks of some Arab states agreed to the es-
appear to be weakness in the face of US diplo- tablishment of an Arab Monetary Agency. It
matic pressure. [NYT] would have 750 million special drawing units
Apr. 28: Allon began talks in France on the Middle called the Arab Dinar worth approximately$1.75
East situation. [NYT] billion. [NYT]
'Arafat arrived in Moscow for talks on the May 9: Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky an-
proposed Geneva Conference. [NYT] nouncedagreementby the Israel Labor Party and
Apr. 30: Jordan's King Ijusayn said there was by the Egyptian Arab Socialist Union to meet
"no substance" to reports that Syrian and Jor- under the auspices of the Middle East Committee
daniantroops would be joined under a joint com- of the Socialist International.[NYT]
mand. He also said that it was "too early" to May 10: An agreement to establish an industrial
know whether Jordan would participate at Gen- organizationwas signed by Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
eva. [WP] the United Arab Amirates and Qatar. Each
May 3: Palestinian guerrillas in Beirut claimed re- countrywill contribute$1.04 billion for capitaliza-
sponsibility for 2 rockets which exploded in tion. [NYT]
Jerusalem early in the day. [NYT]
May 4: A bomb exploded in a Jerusalem apart-
ment building wounding several Israelis. Pales-
tinian commandosin Syria claimed responsibility. Afghanistan
King Husayn warned that if no new moves
toward peace were made in the coming months 1975
then "we are headed for a major disaster."
[NYT] Feb. 26: The government issued a statement pro-
May 5: 'Arafat concluded his talks in Moscow. testing the US decision to lift the arms ban on
[NYT] Pakistan. [FBIS]
The New York Times cited sources in Beirut Mar. 13: President MohammadDawud concluded
as saying Asad declined an invitation to join the an official visit to India. [MEED]
Mar. 19: Planning Minister Ali Khorram began Cyprus
talks with Iraq's Industry Minister in Baghdad
on expanding Iraqi aid to Afghanistan. [MEED]
Mar. 20: President Dawud concluded a visit to
Iraq. [MEED] 1975
Mar. 21: Middle East Economic Digest reported
that India offered to help build the country's first Feb. 16: Greek Cypriot negotiator Glafkos Clerides
railroad. [MEED] arrived in New York to speak before the UN
Security Council. [NYT]
The USSR called for a "representativecon-
ference within the UN framework"to deal with
Algeria the Cyprus question. [NYT]
Feb. 19: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim
1975 concludedtalks on the Cyprus problemin Ankara
and flew to Athens. [NYT]
Feb. 20: El-Moujahid quoted Interior Minister Feb. 20: Clerides asked the UN Security Council
Muhammad Abdel Ghani as saying the state to fix a deadline for the withdrawal of Turkey's
bureaucracywould be reformedby decentralizing troops from Cyprusand to restore Greek refugees
authority and breaking up concentrations of to their homes.
skilled personnel. [MEED] A Turkish Cypriot representative, Vedat
Apr. 3: The Feroug Dam near Mohammediawas Gelik, said the proclamationof a separate state
inaugurated.It began supplying water and power by Turkish Cypriots was an internal administra-
to the industrial center at Arzew and to Oran. tive act to improve social and economic services:
[MEED] "We are not seeking political recognition as a
Apr. 10: French President Valery Giscard d'Es- separate country." [NYT]
taing arrived for the 1st presidential visit since Feb. 21: UN Secretary General Waldheim urged
Algeria won independencefrom France. [NYT] that Cypriot negotiations be resumed "on a new
Apr. 12: Giscardd'Estaing concludedhis visit after agreed basis" and offered UN help to both sides.
it was agreed to go ahead with a $2 billion natural [NYT]
gas pipeline from Algeria to France. [MEED] Feb. 24: Clerides met in Washington, D.C. with
May 11: The government asked the Arab League US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Sweden
to suspend preparationsfor talks with the Euro- and France urged the UN to take a large r6le
pean CommonMarket in protest against the trade in the problem. [NYT]
agreement with Israel. [NYT] A 50 member constituent assembly was sworn
in in the Turkish sector. [MEED]
Mar. 4: A bomb damaged the office of the Bishop
of Limassol. [JP]
Bahrayn Mar. 7: US Secretary of State Kissinger met with
Greek Foreign Minister Dimitrios Bitsios in
Athens to discuss the Cyprus problem. [NYT]
1975 Mar. 10: Kissinger flew to Ankara from Israel to
discuss the Cyprus situation. [NYT]
Feb. 16: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim Mar. 11: Kissinger ended talks in Ankara and
arrived in Bahrayn as part of a Mideast tour. said he believed progress was made toward a
[MEED] solution in Cyprus and that talks might resume
Mar. 6: Bahrayn's Foreign Minister Shaykh Mu- soon. [NYT]
hammadbin Mubdrakal-Khalifah said the future Mar. 12: The UN Security Council passed a
of American naval facilities and commercialrela- resolution urging the Greeks and Turks of
tions would rely on "the American stand con- Cyprus to resume talks under the "personal
cerning peace and stability in the Middle East." auspices" of Waldheim. [NYT]
[NYT] Mar. 17: Turkish Cypriot leader Denkta* said he
Mar. 12: Bahrayn announcedthat it would assume would not attend renewed intercommunaltalks,
100% ownership of its oil. [MEES] but would be replaced by gelik. [MEED]
Mar. 14: The Middle East Economic Digest re- Apr. 1: Heavy firing broke out during the night
ported that the US agreed to a 600%oincrease in in Nicosia between Greek and Turkish troops.
the rent paid for the use of naval facilities. [NYT]
[MEED] Apr. 19: Clerides said he had withdrawnhis resig-
Apr. 26: An 8 man Chinese delegation arrived in nation tenderedbecauseof criticism of his "realis-
Bahrayn for talks on developing trade and co- tic evaluation." [MEED]
operation. [MEED] Apr. 27: Waldheim met with Greek and Turkish

Cypriot leaders in Vienna to prepare for the re- Apr. 11: It was announcedthat a tunnel was being
sumption of negotiations. [WP] constructed under the Suez Canal. [MEED]
Apr. 28: The 2 sides meeting in Vienna agreed to Apr. 12: Sadat said that despite the danger of war
set up a joint committee to study proposals for with Israel, the policy of economic and political
a governmenton Cyprus. [NYT] liberalization in Egypt was "irreversible."
Apr. 29: Negotiators for both sides in Vienna said [NYTI
progress was being made and UN officials said Apr. 13: Premier Hijazi resigned. [NYT]
the atmosphere was "good and constructive." Apr. 14: Mamdfih Salim was appointed Premier.
May 3: Denktas and Clerides concludeda week of Sadat said the nation had 3 main domestic
talks in Vienna by agreeing in principle to re- problems: inflation,bureaucracyand profiteering.
open the Nicosia airport. It was also agreed to He said that "parasitic activity" was increasing
resume talks in Vienna on June 5. [NYT] and warned that he would not allow Egypt to
revert, under whatever circumstances, to that
state of affairs that existed before the revolu-
tion . . ." [MEED]
Apr. 16: Sadat swore in a new Cabinet:
MamdfuhSalim: Prime Minister
Egypt MuhammadHafiz Ghanim:Deputy Prime Minis-
ter and Higher Education
1975 Isma'il Fahmi: Deputy Prime Minister and
Feb. 17: Premier 'Abd al-'Azlz HijAzl flew to Muhammad 'Abd al-Ghani al-Jamdsl: Deputy
Britain for talks. [MEED] Prime Minister and War
Feb. 18: Foreign Minister Isma'il Fahmi said So- 'Abd al-Latif Baltiyah: Manpower & Training
viet Egyptian relations had made real progress Ahmad Sultan: Electricity
and that Soviet party leader Leonid Brezhnev Ibrahim Najib: Tourism
would soon visit Egypt. [NYT] 'A'ishah Ratib: Social Affairs
Feb. 19: The New York Times reported that US 'Uthman Badran: Agriculture & Sudanese
intelligence sources said the USSR resumed the Affairs
delivery of advanced arms to Egypt with the Ahmad Kamal Abui al-Majd: Information
shipmentof 6 Mig 23 jet fighters to Alexandria. Ahmad Kamal al-Badri: War Production
[NYT] Yuisuf al-Sibd'i: Culture
Feb. 22: It was reported that the worst Nile flood Ahmad Fu'ad Muhyl al-Din: Health
in 20 years killed at least 15 persons and dis- Ahmad 'Izz al-Din Hil,A: Petroleum
placed 12,000 more between Cairo and Aswan. 'Abd al-Fattah 'Abdallah Mahmuid: State for
[NYT] Cabinet Affairs & Control
Mar. 11: It was announced that 'Abd al-Qudus Albert Barsum: State for People's Assembly Af-
was appointed chairman of al-Ahrdm and 'All fairs
Hamdi al-Gamal was made Editor. [JP] 'Uthm.dnAhmad 'Uthman: Housing & Recon-
Mar. 12: President Anwar al-Sadat appointeda Na- struction
tional Press Council to draw up a code of ethics, Muhammad 'Abd al-Fattah Ibrahim: Insurance
arbitrate disputes and plan press expansion. Mustafa Kamal Hilmi: Education
[NYT] Muhammad Hamid Mahmuid: State for Local
Mar. 21: It was announced that the population Rule & Popular Organizations
reached 37 million. [MEED] 'Abd al-Rahman al-Shadill: Supply
Mar. 22: United Press International reported that 'Adil Yuinis: Justice
1 man was killed and 40 or 50 arrested during Mahmfid 'Abd al-Rahman Fahmi: Maritime
anti-government demonstrations in a weaving Transport
plant in Mahalla al-Kubra on Mar. 21 [NYT] Ibrahim Ililml 'Abd al-Rahman: Planning &
Mar. 28: Algerian President Houari Boumedienne Administrative Development
met with President Sadat in Cairo. [MEED] Husayn Fahmi: Interior
A4pr.3: Deputy Premier MamduihSalim said there ZakariyyaTawfiq 'Abn al-FattMhyTrade
were no longer any political prisoners in Egypt. 'Abd al-'Azm Abdallah Abfu al-'Ata': Irrigation
[MEED] 'Isa 'Abd al-Hamid ShAhin:Industry
Apr. 5: Cairo newspapersreportedthat a court or- Muhammad'Abd al-Mabuidal-Jubayli: Scientific
dered former War Minister 'Abd al-Ghani al- Research & Atomic Energy
Jamasi to pay $75,000 in damages to a prisoner Ahmad Ahmad AbfuIsma'il: Finance
who was tortured under the regime of Gamal Muhammad MuhammadZaki Shdfi'i: Economy
'Abd al-Nasir. [NYT] & Economic Cooperation
Muhammad al-Sayyid Husayn al-Dhahabi: Mar. 4: It was announcedthat the state would pur-
Awqaf & Al-Azhar Affairs chase up to 8 nuclear reactors from the US
Jamal al-Din MuhammadSidqi: Transport as part of a $15 billion trade agreement. US
Hamdi Abui Zayd: Civil Aviation Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called it the
Air Force commander Husni Mubarak was "largest agreement of this kind that has been
appointed Vice President. [NYT] signed between 2 countries." [WP]
Apr. 17: Japan announced a loan of $140 million Mar. 7: The Shah returned from an OPEC sum-
to widen the Suez Canal. [WP] mit conferencein Algiers and said that the agree-
The government said an "abusive" note was ment signed with Iraq "finally" ended the
receivedfrom Libya threateningto sever relations "ancient differences" between the 2 countries.
and to take action against Egyptians working in [NYT]
Libya. [WP] Mar. 15: Talks began in Tehran between Foreign
Apr. 19: Foreign Minister Fahmi flew to the Minister 'Abbas Khal'at'bari and Iraqi Foreign
USSR for an official visit. [NYT] Minister Sa'duin Hamadi on implementing the
Apr. 24: Sadat concludeda visit to Iran and talks Mar. 5 Algiers accord with Iraq. Algerian For-
with the Shah. [NYT] eign Minister Abdel Aziz Bouteflika was also
Apr. 27: Premier Salim said the "open door" eco- present. [NYT]
nomic policy would be continued and that some Mar. 16: Australian Deputy Premier James Cairnes
remaining restrictions on foreign investment in arrived for talks on expanding trade. [MEED]
Egypt should be removed. [MEED] Apr. 7: Two men who hijacked an Iraqi plane to
May 1: Sadat said the USSR had rejected a re- Tehran were executed. [NYT]
quest to reschedule Egypt's debt. [NYT] Apr. 9: China's Vice Premier Li Hsien Nien con-
May 12: Sadat arrived in Kuwayt at the start of a cluded a 5 day visit and it was agreed to expand
10 day tour of Arab countries. [NYT] economic relations. [MEED]
May 14: Sadat, in an interview with Beirut's al- The Shah said Kurdish leader Mustafa Bara-
Hawadith, said he would seek US aid to settle zani had taken up residence with his family
Egypt's debts to the Soviet Union. [NYT] "somewhere near Tehran." He added that Iran
ended its support of the Kurdish rebellion in
Iraq because it "was useless bloodshedthat could
not come to anything so it had to be settled."
Apr. 24: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat ar-
rived for talks with the Shah. [CSM]
Iran Apr. 26: Afghani President Muhammad Dawud
arrived for a 4 day visit. [FBIS]
Apr. 27: The Shah issued a decree stating that
1975 49% of private companiesand 90%,of state com-
Feb. 16: The administration of President Gerald panies, oil and tobacco excluded, would be sold
Ford gave approval for Iran to buy $300 million, to the public by 1979. [MEED]
or 13%, of Pan American World Airways. Apr. 29: Iraqi Vice President Siddam Husayn al-
Feb. 17: While on vacation in Switzerland, the Takriti arrived for an official visit. [MEED]
Shah met with French President Valery Giscard May 9: The Shah, during a visit to Venezuela,
d'Estaing for talks on energy problems. [MEED] joined with President Carlos Andres Peres in
Feb. 22: The Shah returned from talks and vaca- calling for a quick resumptionto talks prepara-
tioning in Europe. [MEED] tory to a world energy conference. [NYT]
Feb. 25: A trade agreement was signed with the May 15: The Shah conferred with President Ford
USSR worth about $3 billion and would include on the first day of a visit to the US.
Iranian financing for a paper mill in the USSR.
Mar. 2: The Shah declared Iran a one party state
led by a new party, the National Resurrection
Party, for "at least the next 2 years" and that Iraq
Premier Amir Huvayda would head the party.
The Shah also said that 49% of all private in-
dustry would be sold to the workers and 99%s 1975
of all government owned industry, except key
industries, would be sold to workers with the Feb. 21: Beirut's al-Nahar quoted Vice President
government holding 1% on all management Siddam Husayn al-Takriti as saying Iraq would
rights. He also announced a new minimum produce30 million barrels of oil annually beyond
monthly wage of $184. [NYT] its own needs to finance aid to other countries.

He said an Egyptian request to purchase 1 mil- But fighting was reported to be continuing.
lion tons of oil was answered by an immediate [NYT]
decision to send Egypt the oil together with a Mar. 15: A Kurdish spokesmanin Iran said fight-
"reproach" to Egypt for offering to pay. ing in Iraq had ceased. [NYT]
[MEES] Mar. 22: Kurdish leader Mustafd Barazdni said
Feb. 25: Egyptian Special Envoy Ashraf Marwan that "the fighting is over," that the Kurds had
arrived for a meeting with President Ijasan al- no foreign supportand that he might take refuge
Bakr. [FBIS] in the US. [NYT]
Feb. 27: Beirut's Beirut magazine reported that Mar. 25: Irrigation Minister Mukarram al-Tala-
Syria was providing military assistance to Kur- bani said Euphrates water flowing from Syria
dish rebels in northern Iraq. [NYT] reached a record low and that cultivation in the
Mar. 1: A new trade agreement was signed with Euphrates basin was only 4% of its previous
Egypt after a 10 day visit to Baghdad by Egyp- totals. [MEED]
tian Economy Minister Muhammad Dhfu al- Mar. 26: Iran's Premier 'Abbas Huvayda arrived
Fiqar. [MEED] for an official 4 day visit. [FBIS]
Security guards killed 1 hijacker and captured Two agreements were signed with Egypt call-
2 after an Iraqi jet airliner was hijacked to ing for cooperation in agriculture, industry,
Tehran. [NYT] tourism and energy. [MEED]
Mar. 6: At the conclusionof a conferenceof OPEC Mar. 29: Turkey reported heavy fighting between
heads of state in Algeria, Algerian President Iraqi troops and Kurds near the Turkish border.
Houari Boumedienne announced that an agree- [NYT]
ment was reached between Iraq and Iran that A joint communique was issued at the con-
"completely eliminated the conflict between the clusion of Huvayda's visit saying the 2 sides
two brotherly countries." were determined to "expand cooperation in all
The Iraq News Agency reported that Egypt fields of mutual interest." [FBIS]
agreed to send 500 farm families to set up an Mar. 31: The general amnesty for Kurds who
agricultural cooperative and farm land near chose to surrender was extended to April 30.
Baghdad. [JP] [FBIS]
Mar. 7: A communiquewas issued in Algiers say- A joint committee with Iran began work on
ing that Iraq and Iran agreed to "proceed with defining the land border between the two.
a permanentdemarcationof their land frontiers," [MEED]
to "delimit their river frontiers according to the The army was ordered to advance into Kurd-
Thalweg line" and to control their borders "with ish held areas and to take control. [NYT]
a view to definitive cessation of all subversive Apr. 3: Tunisia's Foreign Minister Habib Chatti
infiltrations on both sides." [NYT] held talks in Baghdad on obtaining $15 million
Army units launcheda major offensive against aid for Tunisia. [MEED]
the Kurds. [NYT] Apr. 7: Constructionwas inauguratedon the Iraqi
Mar. 8: A general amnesty for Kurdish rebels was Turkish Pipeline to run from Kirkuk to Dortyol
issued to last until April 1. [FBIS] on Turkey's Mediterraneancoast. [MEES]
Mar. 10: The InternationalHuman Rights Federa- Iraq announced a request for an emergency
tion reportedthat the governmentlauncheda ma- meeting of the Arab League to discuss Syria's
jor offensive against the Kurdish rebels in the "blocking"of Euphrates River water. [MEED]
north. [CSM] Apr. 8: Sudan's President Ja'far al-Numayri ar-
Kurdish spokesmenreportedthat a government rived in Baghdad for 5 days of talks on $100 mil-
offensive begun against Kurdish rebels on Mar. lion worth of development aid for Sudan.
7 was making rapid progress. [NYT] [MEED]
Mar. 11: A Kurdish spokesman, Aziz Reza, said Apr. 9: Sudan's Economy Minister Ma'muinBi-
the Iranian decision to cut off supplies to the hayri began talks in Baghdad on developing eco-
Kurds was a "serious setback for our efforts to nomic cooperation. [FBIS]
achieve real autonomy." He said the Kurdish Apr. 12: Irrigation Minister al-Talabani said Iraq
struggle for Kurdish autonomy and democracy would have to import rice in 1975, rather than
in Iraq would continue and that the Kurds were export it as in the past, because of Syria's
switching to guerrilla tactics. [NYT] Euphrates water policy. [MEED]
Mar. 12: The New York Times quoted sources in Apr. 14: Vice President Takriti arrived in the So-
Tehran as saying the Kurds were running out of viet Union for an official visit. [NYT]
supplies because Iran ceased sending them across Apr. 15: An agreement for the peaceful develop-
the border following the Algiers agreement. ment of nuclear energy was signed with the So-
[NYT] viet Union. [MEED]
Mar. 13: The government announced a 2 week Apr. 18: A border agreement was signed with
ceasefire with Kurdish rebels at the request of Saudi Arabia. Saudi negotiator 'Abd al-Rahman
Iran to allow Kurdish refugees to cross to Iran. al-Shaykh said the agreementwas in "accordance
with a previous agreement."It was also agreed in South Africa surrenderedafter holding hos-
to repair the 1200 kilometer Navaf to Medina tages in a siege at the embassy that lasted 16
Road. [MEED] hours. Two persons were killed and 30 wounded.
Apr. 19: The Foreign Ministers of Iran and Al- [NYT]
geria began talks in Baghdad on implementing Apr. 30: After talks in France, Allon said "the
the Algiers accord. [JP] atmosphere" between Israel and France "had
Apr. 27: Takriti called for a regional defense struc- changed for the better." [NYT]
ture in the Gulf area to replace all foreign mili- May 9: Michael Tzur pleaded guilty to 14 counts
tary bases. [MEED] of larceny, bribery and corruption growing out
Apr. 28: Syria said Iraq had executed 35 people of his managementof and association in Israel
in a new crackdown on political dissidents and Corporation,Ltd., Zim Navigation and Oil Re-
that more arrests and trials were expected. [JP] fineries, Ltd. [NYT]
May 4: A military parade was held in Baghdad May 11: A freight train was derailed by saboteurs
celebrating the end of the Kurdish rebellion. who had removed a 58 foot section of rail outside
[JP] Jerusalem. [NYT]
The government signed a trade treaty with
the European Common Market. [NYT]
May 13: The US and Israel announcedagreement
on a package of economic accords and issued a
Israel statement which "reaffirmedthe policies of their
governmentsto oppose restrictive trade practices
or boycotts against countries friendly to either."
1975 [NYT]

Feb. 18: President Ephraim Katzir canceled a trip

to Nepal for the coronation of King Birenda be-
cause "certain elements intend to cause dis- Jordan
turbances during the ceremony." [NYT]
Feb. 24: The government presented a new budget
to the Knesset. It would total $9.38 billion, up 1975
$1 billion over the previous year and would in-
crease taxes between 7%'oand 20%. [NYT] Mar. 1: An earthquake in Taybeh made 500 per-
Feb. 26: Foreign Minister Yigal Allon began an sons homeless. [MEED]
official visit to West Germany. [JP] Mar. 8: Sultan Qabfis of Oman arrived for talks
Feb. 28: Foreign Minister Allon concluded an of- with King Ijusayn. [JP]
ficial visit to West Ger-many.He said he was Apr. 6: An agreement was signed in Amman with
very "satisfied"with the talks. [NYT] Syria removing trade restrictions such as the
Mar. 2: The governmentcompromisedin talks with need for import and export licenses between the
the General Federation of Labor, Histadrut, and 2 countries. [MEED]
agreed to lower a proposednew tax on payrolls Apr. 9: Iraqi Labor Minister Wahid Ibrahim
from 71/2% to 4%. [NYT] concluded a 5 day official visit. A joint com-
The Cabinet voted to abolish the Ministry of munique said it was agreed to strengthen and
Information. [JP] expand bilateral relations. [FBIS]
Mar. 3: President Katzir met in Washington with Apr. 17: Rumanian President Nicolae Ceausescu
President Gerald Ford. [NYT] ended a 4 day official visit. [WP]
Mar. 16: Katzir concluded a visit to the US. Apr. 20: King Ijusayn returned from talks in
[NYT] Saudi Arabia and Oman. [FBIS]
Apr. 14: The government publicly unveiled the 1st Apr. 28: Husayn ended a 4 day visit to France and
Israeli built jet fighter, the "Kfir." [NYT] flew to the US. [MEED]
Apr. 16: Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin called for Apr. 29: Husayn met in the US with President
social reform to end corruption and for reform Gerald Ford. [MEED]
of the "antiquated"Histadrut trade union or-
ganization. [JP]
Apr. 24: A police spokesman said 8 former De-
fense Ministry officials and several private de- Kuwayt
fense contractors were arrested and would be
charged with corruption. He said other arrests
were expected. [NYT] 1975
Apr. 27: The Cabinet approved the establishment
of Israel's first nuclear power station. [NYT] Feb. 18: The New York Times cited officialsources
Apr. 29: A security guard at the Israeli Embassy as saying that the government would try to get

US military experts to train Kuwaytis in Kuwayt Mar. 11: The New York Times reported that
in the use of $250 million worth of US arms pur- Muslims were demanding a reorganization of
chased in Dec. 1974. [NYT] the Army Commandto win an equal voice for
Mar. 12: Oil Minister 'Abd al-Muttalib Kazimi Muslims in military decisions. [NYT]
said at the opening talks with the oil companies Mar. 14: A 2 week old general strike in Sidon
that he expected the negotiations would move ended after the government promised to attend
swiftly because the companiesagreed in principle to the local grievances. [MEED]
to the government's take over. [PO] Apr. 7: Health Minister Majid Arslan submitted
Mar. 15: The government announceda temporary his resignation but it was reported that Presi-
ban on dollar transactionsuntil the world mone- dent Sulayman Franjiyyah refused to accept it.
tary situation "clears up." [NYT] [MEED]
Mar. 18: The dinar's link with the US dollar was Apr. 13: Fighting broke out in Beirut between
severed and a new exchange system linking the membersof the Christianconservative Phalangist
dinar to 16 European currencies and the IMF's Party and Palestinian guerrillas. At least 22 per-
Special Drawing Rights came into effect. sons were killed. [NYT]
[MEED] Apr. 14: Generalstrikes were called by Palestinians
and Phalangists as street fighting between them
spread to Tripoli, Tyre and Sidon. [NYT]
Lebanon Apr. 15: Street fighting between Phalangists and
Palestinians continued in Beirut. Over 100 peo-
ple were reported killed. Premier al-Sulh said
1975 14 persons believed connected with the outbreak
of fighting had been arrested and he hoped there
Feb. 26: One soldier was killed and several would be "a settlement tonight." [NYT]
wounded during a demonstrationin Sidon pro- Apr. 16: A cease fire agreement was reached be-
testing the government'sgranting of an exclusive tween the Palestinians and Phalangists with the
fishing franchise to a large fishing company. mediation of Arab League Secretary General
[NYT] MahmiudRiyad. [NYT]
Feb. 27: Thousands demonstratedin Beirut, Sidon Apr. 17: Small skirmishes continuedin Beirut and
and Tripoli against a government decision to Premier al-Sulh said the cease fire was "80 to
award coastal fishing rights to a large commer- 90% effective." [NYT]
cial company. [JP] Apr. 18: Middle East Economic Digest reported
Feb. 28: The Cabinet met in emergency session that the government decided to limit the fishing
to discuss demonstrationsand strikes in the south concession granted the Proteine Co. to waters
and it was announced that Henri Lahfid, the beyond 18 kilometers from shore. The original
governor of the region, was given "administrative concession was for exclusive right to the entire
leave." [JP] coastline and it sparkedviolent demonstrationsin
Mar. 1: A military communique said 2 soldiers Sidon. [MEED]
were killed and 16 people wounded in Sidon Apr. 19: Beirut was reported near normal for the
when soldiers tried to remove roadblocks in the 1st day since Apr. 13. [NYT]
town put up by protesting fishermen. [NYT] Mav 5: Bombs exploded at a Phalangist Party of-
Mar. 2: Army troops fought with fishermenin Si- fice and at the pro-Palestinian newspaper Al-
don for the 5th day. A military spokesman said Mujharir,both in Beirut. [NYT]
5 soldiers were killed and 10 wounded as the May 7: Six Ministers resigned from the Cabinet
rebels used rockets against army troop carriers after criticizing the handling of the Phalangist-
and armored cars. Premier Rashid al-Sulh said Palestinian clash. The six included2 Phalangists,
in the evening that the situation was "completely 2 Liberals and 2 independents.[WP]
restored to normal." [WP] May 13: Four Cabinet members resigned. [NYT]
A cease fire began between police and demon- May 15: Premier al-Sulh resigned. He said the
strators in Sidon. [JP] Phalangist Party was responsible for the civil
Mar. 5: Thousands of demonstrators filled the strife in April and he called for political reform
streets of Beirut in support of the army against giving Muslims a greater share of political and
"attacks of leftist political groups." [JP] military power. [NYT]
Mar. 7: Demonstratorsclosed down the streets of
Beirut, Tripoli and Sidon while marching in
funeral processions for leftist leader MaruifSa'd Libya
who was killed during clashes in Sidon. [JP]
Mar. 9: Premier al-Sulh said he was determined
to remain in office and to press for reorganization 1975
of the army and granting of citizenship to long
time foreign residents. [MEED] Feb. 22: Le Monde quoted Revolution Command
Council Chairman Mu'ammar al-QadhdhMfias Hunter jet fighters from Jordan as a gift.
saying he would not attend the OPEC summit [OmianNeuws]
conference in Algiers; he also said that Libya Feb. 28: The LibyantNews Agency reported that
delivered a "sizeable quantity of arms" to Libyan Command Council Chairman Mu'ammar
Lebanon. [MEES] al-Qadhdhafi sent a warning to Oman and the
Feb. 27: A ban was proclaimedon "certain"Egyp- Arab League that Libya would wage war against
tian newspapers which allegedly spoke with a Sultan Qabius unless Iranian troops were ex-
"voice for imperialism."[FBIS] pelled from Oman. [JP]
Mar. 3: Iraqi Vice President Siddam Husayn al- Mar. 1: Am4iman Radio reported that 31 Jordanian
Takriti met in Tripoli with Premier 'Abd al- Hawker Hunter jet fighters were given to Oman,
Salam Jallfid. [MEED] and a combat battalion sent to Dhufar. [MEED]
Mar. 5: The Tunis Africa-Press Agency reported Mar. 5: Italian President Giovanni Leone made a
that up to 40 student demonstrators were ar- 1 day visit to Oman. [FBIS]
rested in Benghazi in Feb. for criticizing Revo- Apr. 1: A Central Bank was established. [MEES]
lutionary Command Council Chairman Qadhd-
hafl. [JP]
Apr. 9: Sudan's al-Sahafa quoted Qadhdhafi as
saying Libya was planning to become a nuclear
state "for the good of peace." [MEED]
Apr. 20: An Irish delegationbegan talks in Tripoli
on the possibility of opening trade between the Pakistan
2 countries. [JP]
Apr. 22: A spokesman for an Irish Parliamentary
delegation said it received assurances that Libya 1975
would not interfere in Irish affairs and that
Irish companies would be taking part in Libyan Feb. 16: Premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's ruling
construction projects. [MEED] People's Party lost a byelection in Hyderabadin
Apr. 26: Premier concluded 2 trade agreements Bhutto's home province of Sind. The Provincial
with East Germanyand flew to Italy. [MEED] Assembly seat was won by the Party of Religious
Apr. 27: London'sSunday Telegraph reported that Scholars. [CSM]
Bulgaria was helping to construct a line of anti Feb. 17: President Bhutto assumed direct control
tank fortifications along the border with Egypt. over the Northwest Province. He said: "Since a
[MEED] foreign neighboring force is actively involved in
disrupting normal life in the province there can
hardly be any doubt that this is a situationbeyond
Morocco the power of the provincial government to con-
trol." [WP]
1975 Feb. 18: Indian Foreign Minister Y.B. Chavan
said he sent the US a letter on Jan. 28 warning
Feb. 23: The new oppositionParti du Progres et dut of the harmful effect on Indian US relations
Socialisme concluded its first national congress. which a resumptionof arms supplies to Pakistan
[MEED] would have. [NYT]
Mar. 3: King Hasan announced that the October Feb. 24: The US announcedthat the 10 year old
elections would be postponedto preserve national ban on arms sales to Pakistan and India was
unity while Morocco pressed Spain for the re- lifted. [NYT]
turn of Spanish Sahara. [MEED] Feb. 25: The Shah of Iran arrived for a 3 day
Mar. 15: Foreign Minister Ahmad Laraki arrived visit. [MEED]
in Peking on an official visit. [MEED] Feb. 27: The Shah of Iran concluded a visit and
Apr. 7: Patrol boats seized 1 Spanish fishing boat talks with Bhutto. [FBIS]
inside the 70 mile limit. A second boat escaped Mar. 4: A $60 million trade pact was signed with
with the help of a Spanish destroyer. [MEED] the USSR according to The Christian Science
May 4: French President Valery Giscardd'Estaing Monitor. [CSM]
arrived for the first visit by a French President Mar. 10: Bhutto denied reports that Pakistan
since the protectorate ended. [JP] would offer military bases to the US in return
for new arms supplies. [JP]
Apr. 22: China's Vice Premier Li Hsien Nien met
Oman in Rawalpindi with Bhutto. [FBIS]
May 7: Chief Minister Nasrullah Khan Khattak
1975 and 5 other Cabinet members were sworn in
Northwest Frontier Province, ending 3 months
Feb. 27: Oman received 15 British made Hawker- of direct rule by the federal government. [NYT]

Qatar Cabinet of King Faysal with King Khilid as

Premier and Foreign Minister. [NYT]
Mar. 29: King KhVlidmade the following appoint-
1975 ments to the Council of Ministers:
Amir Fahd ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz: First Vice Presi-
Mar. 2: Qatar's Minister of Justice Shaykh 'Abd dent
al-Rahman al-Thani died in an accident. Amir 'Abdallah ibn 'Abd al-'Azlz: Second Vice
[FBIS] President
Mar. 18: Qatar severed the link of the riyal to the Amir Nayif ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz: Minister of State
US dollar. [MEED] for Interior Affairs
Sa'fid al-Faysal ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz: Minister of
State for Foreign Affairs
Mar. 31: Deputy Premier Prince Fahd delivered a
Saudi Arabia policy statement of the new government. It said
that the building of Saudi military forces would
continue, that the nation would do everything
1975 possible "to regain the lost rights of the Pales-
tinian people," that a "consultative assembly"
Feb. 16: King Faysal met with Syrian Foreign would be established in the governmentand that
Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam in Riyadh. Faysal's policies would be continued. [NYT]
[MEED] Apr. 6: An amnesty was declared for all political
Feb. 17: Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad Zaki Yamani prisoners "who have shown good conduct."
denied reports that the governmentwas consider- [FBIS]
ing long term agreements to sell oil at reduced Apr. 12: The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of
prices. [NYT] Staff, George Brown, arrived for talks with
Feb. 24: Algerian Foreign Minister Abdul Aziz King Khalid on arms sales. [MEED]
Bouteflika arrived for a 1 day visit. [FBIS] Apr. 19: The director of the border security force
Mar. 1: A 5 year economic and technical coopera- returned from talks in Iraq. He said that a
tion agreement was signed with Japan. [MEES] border agreement was signed which "fixed the
Mar. 5: The President of Italy, Giovanni Leone, final demarcationin accordance with a previous
concluded an official visit and talks with King agreement"concluded with Iraq. [FBIS]
Faysal and initialeda technicalcooperationagree- King Ijusayn of Jordan met in Riyadh with
ment. [FBIS] King Khalid.
Libya's CommandCouncilChairmanMu'ammar Apr. 23: President Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt con-
al-Qadhdhafiarrived for an official visit and met cluded a 3 day visit and talks with King Khalid.
with King Faysal. [FBIS] [MEED]
Mar. 7: Libya's Chairmanal-QadhdhMficoncluded Apr. 28: The Shah of Iran arrived for a 2 day visit
a 3 day visit. [MEED] and talks with King Khalid. [NYT]
Mar. 12: Kuwayt's Premier Shaykh Jabir al- Apr. 29: The Shah of Iran concludeda 2 day visit.
Ahmad al-Sabah concludeda 4 day visit. A joint [CSM]
communique said the problems of the Neutral May 9: The New York Times reported that gov-
Zone Partition Agreement were discussed and ernment sources said US Secretary of State
solutions "agreed" upon. Defense Minister Sul- Henry Kissinger, in a recent message, indicated
tan 'Abd al-'Aziz said the broadoutlines of an off- US readiness to revive efforts to bring about a
shore boundariesagreementwere also determined. conference of oil consumers and producers.
Mar. 14: The government announced that the May 10: Negotiations toward a $2 million technical
Saudi Riyal's link to the US dollar was cut. This assistance contract between Massachusetts Insti-
raised the riyal's value by 2.3%. [NYT] tute of Technology and the Saline Water Con-
Mar. 17: It was announced that aid extended to version Corporationbroke down over the issue
foreign countries in the 2 years up to Feb. 1975 of visas. [NYT]
totalled $4.6 billion. [MEED]
Mar. 25: King Faysal was assassinated by a
nephew, Faysal ibn Musa'id Abd al-'Aziz, dur-
ing a reception in the palace in Riyadh. An of- South Yemen
ficial announcement said the assassin was
"mentally deranged." Crown Prince Khalid ibn
'Abd al-'Aziz al-Sa'uid was crowned King. 1975
Mar. 26: Faysal was buried in Riyadh. [NYT] Feb. 27: It was reported that Libyan Revolution
Mar. 28: King Khalid issued a decree keeping the CommandCouncilmember'AbdallIhal-Muhayshi
concluded an official visit after it was agreed to Syria
"'putan end to Iranian infiltration in the Arab
Gulf area and to support the Omani revolu-
tionaries." [FBIS]
Mar. 3: The governmentpermittedthe landing of a
German airliner with 5 German hijackers and
several hostages aboard. The 5 fugitives were 1975
leftist radicals who had kidnappeda German po-
litical leader. [NYT]
Mar. 8: The government said it expelled the 5 Feb. 27: The US agreed to loan the government
West Germans who were let out of prison in $20 million and to give $5 million as a grant for
Germany as ransom payment for a kidnapped developmentprojects. [MEES]
German political leader. [NYT] Mar. 1: Jordan's Premier Zayd al-Rifi'i arrived
Apr. 4: It was announced that 2 new Ministries for official talks. [JP]
were formed and Ministers appointed to head Mar. 4: Agreement signed with Jordan.
them: Mar. 15: Algerian Foreign Minister Abdel Aziz
MahmuidSa'id Mudhi: Trade & Supply Bouteflikaended an official visit. [MEED]
'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Wall: Industry Mar. 17: The government signed a "production
Rashid MuhammadThabit was appointedMinis- sharing service contract" with a group of US
ter of State for Cabinet Affairs. [FBIS] companies to explore for offshore oil. [MEES]
Apr. 21: Libyan Chief of Staff Abu Bakr Yuinis Mar. 29: It was announced that the Socialist
concludedan official 3 day visit. [FBIS] Unionists Party would merge with the Ba'th
Party. [MEED]
Apr. 3: Jordan's King Ijusayn arrived for a 1 day
visit and talks with President HIfiZ al-Asad.
Apr. 5: The Ba'th Party's 6th Regional Congress
opened in Damascus. [MEED]
Sudan Apr. 8: Beirut press reports said between 100 and
200 senior Ba'th Party members were arrested
in March on charges of spying for Iraq. [WP]
1975 Apr. 9: Saudi Minister of State MuhammadAbil
al-Khayl arrived for talks on expanding eco-
Mar. 5: Libya's Command Council Chairman nomic relations. [FBIS]
Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhdficoncludeda 4 day visit Apr. 10: Saudi Arabia agreed to loan Syria $220
and talks with President Ja'far Numayri. A million for economicdevelopmentplans. [MEED]
joint communiquesaid the 2 sides agreed to ex- Apr. 12: The government denouncedan Iraqi re-
plore means of carrying out the Tripoli Charter. quest for the Arab League to discuss Iraq's
[FBIS] charge that Syria was withholding Euphrates
Mar. 11: The Defense Ministry reported that 8 water from Iraq. The Syrian government said
army soldiers were killed in the performanceof the waters question was technical in nature and
their duties in Akobo in the southern region. did not require discussion by Arab ministers.
[JP] [NYT]
Mar. 23: The Cabinet announcedthat all obstacles Apr. 14: The Ba'th Party Congress ended after
to Arab investment in the country would be re- electing new leadershipfor the 21 membercentral
moved at once and said a special office to deal committee.Premier MahmfidAyyubi lost his seat
with Arab investmentwould be set up. [MEED] on the committee. [MEED]
Apr. 2: President Numayri signed a decree creating Apr. 15: Information Minister Ahmad Iskandar
a Ministry of Cooperation. [FBIS] confirmed that arrests were made among the
Apr. 6: Holland promised $10 million in develop- Ba'th Party but said these were only a "handful"
ment aid during a visit of Dutch Minister and denied that army officers were involved.
Johannes Pronk. [MEED]
Apr. 11: Middle East Economic Digest reported Apr. 19: The governmentissued a statement accus-
that 30,000 Eritrean refugees had fled from ing Iraq of "procrastination"in negotiating a
Ethiopia's civil strife to Sudan. [MEED] definitive settlement of the distribution of Eu-
Apr. 22: Qandil Ibrahim was appointed Minister phrates water. [MEED]
of Cooperation.[FBIS] Apr. 22: The Arab League decided to appoint a
Apr. 27: The Sudanese News Agency said Numayri technical committee to meet with Syria and Iraq
was mediating the dispute between Egypt and in Riyadh and discuss the Euphrates dispute.
Libya and that both sides welcomed the efforts. Iraqi Foreign Minister Sa'duinIjammidi said
[MEED] the dispute was politically motivated. [MEED]

Tunisia Mar. 19: President Korutiirk asked the leader of

the Justice Party, SuileymanDemirel, to form a
government. [MEED]
1975 Mar. 20: Fighting broke out at Gazi Institute in
Ankara between left and right wing students and
Mar. 9: Iraqi Vice President Siddam Husayn al- 12 students were arrested. [MEED]
Takriti ended a 2 day visit and it was announced Mar. 27: The government declared martial law in
that Iraq would loan Tunisia $15 million for de- 4 provinces along the Iraqi border to prevent
velopment projects. [MEED] Kurdish rebels fleeing Iraq from entering
Mar. 19: The National Assembly approved con- Turkey. [NYT]
stitutional changes making President Habib Mar. 31: A new Cabinetwas announced:
Bourguiba President for Life and providing for
the Premier to become interim President if the Suleyman Demirel. PrimiieAMiniister
President's office becomes vacant. [MEED] Necmettin Erbakan: State and Deputy, Primiie
Bourguiba said the country faced no external Minister
danger, but did face danger "only from inside." Turhan Feyzioglu: State and Deputy Prime Min-
He warned against "strikes, tribal strife and the ister
thirst for power." [MEED] Alpaslan Tuirkes: State and Depuxtyt Prime Miii-
Mar. 25: It was announcedthat the World Bank ister
would loan Tunisia $80 million to $90 million for Seyfi Oztiirk: State
developmentprojects in 1975. [MEED] Hasan Aksay: State
Mar. 26: Libya's Chairman Mu'ammaral-Qadhd- Mustafa Kemal Erkovan: State
hafi left after talks with Bourguiba. [FBIS] Giyasettin Karaca: State
Apr. 1: Premier Hedi Nouira arrived in Peking for Ismail Miuftiioglu:Justice
an 8 day visit. [MEED] Ferid Melen: Defense
Oguzhan Asiltuirk: Interior
thsan Sabri (aklayangil: Foreign Affairs
Yilmaz Ergenekon: Finanice
Ali Naili Erdem: Education
Turkey Fehim Adak: Public Works
Halil Basol: Trade
Kemal Demin: Health & Social Welfare
1975 Orhan Oztrak: Customs & Monopolies
Korkut Ozal: Food-Agricultutreand Animal Hus-
Feb. 16: Defense Minister Ilhami Sancar said the bandry
government was negotiating with 5 West Euro- Nahit Mentese: Communiications
pean powers to buy arms. [WP] Ahmet Tevfik Paksu: Labor
It was reported that 4 persons died and 53 AbduilkerimDogru: Indutstrv& Technology
were injured in clashes between left and right Salahattin Kilit: Energy & Natural Resources
wing factions in Malatya. [MEED] Lutfi Tokoglu: Tourism
West German officials said their government Nurettin Ok: Housing & Resettlement
was consideringextending military aid to Turkey. Vefa Poyraz: Village Affairs
Feb. 24: Police and army troops broke up violent Turhan Kapanli: Forestry
clashes between left and right wing demonstra- Ali $evki Erek: Youth & Sports
tors in Erzincan for the second day. One hundred Rifki Danisman: Culture
persons were reported injured. [JP] Ahmet Mahir Ablum: Social Security
Feb. 27: London'sFinancial Times quoted Defense Apr. 6: Demirel presented his program to the
Minister Sancar as saying: "We are working on National Assembly calling for supporting a "bi-
nuclear energy. There are plans to manufacture zonal" solution on Cyprus, opposing Greece's
atom bombs and nuclear reactors. We have extension of territorial waters to 12 miles, staying
reached a fairly advanced state in rocket manu- in NATO, developing the eastern provinces and
facture." [JP] extending health and unemployment benefits.
Mar. 1: President Fahri Korutiirk asked Premier [MEED]
Sadi Irmak to form a national coalition govern- Apr. 7: Greecechargedthat Turkish planes violated
ment and he appeared during a national radio Greek airspace. [MEED]
broadcast to the political parties to support Apr. 8: Defense Minister Ferit Melen said Greek
Irmak's efforts. [NYT] charges of violations of Greek airspacewere false
Mar. 13: Sadi Irmak said his efforts to form a and said Greece was massing troops on the
national coalition government failed and blamed Dodecanese Islands. [MEED]
this on the polarization of right and left. He Apr. 12: The National Assembly gave a vote of
said he would stay on as acting Premier. [JP] confidenceto the Demirel governmentby a count
of 222 to 218 with 2 abstentions and 5 absences. Apr. 22: Special Envoy Ahmad al-Shami was shot
[NYT] in an assassination attempt in Beirut. [JP]
Apr. 17: The lira was devalued 1% against the Apr. 24: The governmentclosed down its embassy
dollar. [MEED] in Beirut because of the attempt on al-Shami's
Apr. 24: Rioting between left and right wing stu- life. [JP]
dents at Istanbul University resulted in 1 death
and 3 injuries. [WP]
Apr. 27: NATO Secretary General Joseph Luns
said NATO would soon begin shipping weapons Oil
to Turkey to compensatefor the cut off in US
supplies. [MEED]
May 13: Premier Demirel was assaulted by a man 1975
with brass knuckles and his nose fractured.
[NYT] Feb. 17: The Shah of Iran concluded talks with
French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing in
Switzerland and said oil producing countries
might find it possible to lower the price of oil
if prices of food and industrial goods are brought
down in the oil consuming states. [NYT]
United Arab Amirates Mar. 1: Abu Dhabi announceda reductionof crude
oil prices by up to $.55 per barrel on quality
1975 premiums. [NYT]
Mar. 2: A ministerial level conference of OPEC
Feb. 16: The New York Times reported that Abu opened in Algiers. Algerian Foreign Minister
Dhabi was "in danger of going into debt partly Abdul Aziz Bouteflika called for unified action
because oil production had been cut by 50% in to counter the "Westerncrusade"against OPEC.
recent months." [NYT] [NYT]
Feb. 20: Abu Dhabi's Oil Minister warned that Mar. 4: The first summit meeting of OPEC heads
the oil companies in his country would face of state opened in Algeria. Algeria's President
retaliation unless they raise oil production by Houari Boumedienne said OPEC should agree
40% from 700,000barrels per day to 1.2 million. to lower oil prices if the developednations would
He said productioncuts in January were "an in- establish a "new economic order" to help the
terference in the internal politics" of Abu Dhabi. developing world. [NYT]
[NYT] Mar. 5: Kuwayt announced the nationalizationof
Apr. 15: Oil Minister Sa'id Utaybah charged that the 40% of the Kuwayt Oil Companyremaining
the states of the UAA were not cooperating in in foreign hands. [NYT]
oil policy. [MEES] Mar. 6: The first conference of OPEC heads of
Apr. 18: Oil Minister Utaybah was quoted by state ended in Algiers. The conference issued a
Middle East Economic Survey as saying that call for talks with industrial states on the "sta-
while UAA still favored the principle of 100%o bilization" of oil prices provided the agenda for
takeover of the oil industry, it still lacked the negotiations also included raw materials and
trained people to run the industry and should monetary relations. [NYT]
not move "hastily."[MEES] Apr. 10: The Trans Arabian Pipeline Company
announced that it was closing down because of
losses of $100 million annually resulting from
competitionfrom supertankersand price disputes
with Lebanon. [NYT]
Yemen Apr. 11: The Shah of Iran said the failure of the
Paris talks would lead to higher oil prices be-
cause the West would "keep up the rate of in-
1975 flation" and "we are going to defend ourselves
by increasing the price of our oil." [MEES]
Feb. 25: A military court sentencedto death a man Apr. 20: Saudi Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad Zaki
who hijacked a Yemeni DC-3 which landed in Yamani said after talks with Kissinger that there
Saudi Arabia. [NYT] would be a confrontationbetween oil producers
Mar. 28: Middle East Economic Digest reported and consumers if the dialogue which broke down
that a government official accused South Yemen in Paris was not resumedbut he added that there
of committing acts of sabotage in the border re- was a "good chance" that the talks would be
gion. [MEED] resumed. [NYT]

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