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Chronology August 16, 1975 - November 15, 1975

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Winter, 1976), pp. 63-76
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:07

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August 16, 1975-November 15, 1975

Aug. 20. Israeli planes bombed a Palestinian guerrilla

ArabIsraeliConflict base in northeast Lebanon and 3 Arabs were killed
after they crossed the Lebanese border into Israel.
1975 [NYTI
Aug. 21: Kissinger arrived in Israel to begin talks to
conclude a new Sinai agreement. [NYTI
Aug. 16: Sporadic artillery shelling was reported on the Aug. 22: Kissinger flew from Israel to Egypt. Israeli
Israeli Lebanese border. [NYT) Premier Yitzhak Rabin said the impending accord
The Central Council of the Palestine Liberation would commit both sides to nonbelligerence and
Organization (PLO) denounced the US sponsored he denounced protests against the accord in Israel
Sinai negotiations and called for expediting the as a "serious blow against the backbone of our life."
establishment of a Syrian PLO joint command. [NYTI
[NYT) Kissinger met with Egyptian President Anwar
Egyptian officials welcomed the prospect of another al-Sadat in Egypt. [NYT)
visit by US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for Aug. 23: Kissinger flew from Egypt to Syria where he
negotiations. [NYT) met with President HIafiz al-Asad and said Israel
Aug. 17: The Israeli Cabinet authorized its negotiators was ready to negotiate a modest Jawlan withdrawal
to work with US Secretary of State Kissinger during after a Sinai accord is reached. [NYT)
a new round of negotiations with Kissinger acting Kissinger flew from Syria to Israel and met with
as mediator traveling back and forth between Egypt Premier Rabin and Foreign Minister Yigal Allon.
and Israel. A Cabinet statement warned, however, that Allon said later that the talks were making progress.
major issues remained to be solved before an interim [NYT)
agreement could be concluded. [NYT) Aug. 24: It was reported that all major obstacles to a
US President Gerald Ford authorized Kissinger to Sinai accord were resolved and Kissinger said he
undertake another trip to the Middle East. [NYT) hoped to conclude an agreement within a week.
Aug. 18: Israel's Likud opposition leader Menachem [NYT]
Begin charged the government with backing down on Aug. 25: Kissinger flew from Egypt to Israel and said
its previous demand for a pledge of nonbelligerence progress was "continuing" on all issues and we still
from Egypt in return for Sinai withdrawals. [NYT) had not run into unusual difficulties. [NYT)
Zuhayr Muhsin, leader of the al-Sa'iqah Palestinian Aug. 26: Kissinger met with Israeli leaders and the
guerrilla group denounced any new Sinai agreement talks were called "exceptionally productive." [NYT)
saying it would detach Egypt from the Arab con- Aug. 27. Kissinger flew from Egypt to Israel. American
frontation with Israel. [NYT) officials said only the language of the accord was still
Aug. 19: The New York Times reported that Egypt, under negotiation. [NYT)
Israel and the US agreed that if the UN peace force The Arab Boycott of Israel Office removed 17
were not renewed by the Security Council an inde- Western companies from the list but withheld their
pendent peacekeeping force would be established. names to protect them from "Zionist pressure."

List of Abbreviations
ARR, Arab Report and Record;AW, The Arab World; B, Brief; CSM, The Christian ScienceMonitor; CB, Cyprus
Bulletin; E, The Economist; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Report-Middle East and Africa;
G, The Guardian (weekly international edition); JP, The Jerusalem Post; KT, The Kabul Times; KI, Kayhan
(international edition); MEED, Middle East EconomicDigest; MEES, Middle East EconomicSurvey; LM, Le Monde
(weekly English edition); NYT, The New York Times; PO, Platt's Oilgram; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The
Washington Post.


Aug. 28. Israeli jets attacked targets in Lebanon. [NYT) tiations with Syriawere months away and a final peace-
The Arab delegate caucus at the Conference of ful solution "a matter of years and years." [NYT)
Nonaligned Nations agreed not to press for a resolu- The official Saudi press agency reported that
tion calling for the expulsion of Israel from the UN. Kissinger told King Khalid that "there will be nego-
[NYT) tiations between Syria and Israel" for an interim
Aug. 29: Allon said that the presence of American accord in the Jawlan region. [JPI
technicians in the Sinai passes to operate electronic Israeli planes attacked targets in south Lebanon.
warning systems was "one of the central conditions" [NYTI
making possible Israel's consent to a new Sinai accord. Sept. 3: Palestinian guerrillas staged protests in
[NYTJ Lebanon against the Sinai accord. {NYT}
Aug. 30: An Egyptian spokesman said the proposed US Kissinger met with King Hlusayn in Jordan and
presence in Sinai was an "important part" of the im- with President Asad in Syria before flying back to the
pending agreement from Egypt's viewpoint. [NYT) US. He assured both that the US would seek further
The Soviet Union's Pravda called the proposed Arab Israeli accords but US officials said he was
r6le of US technicians in the Sinai a "new complicat- received cooly. [NYT)
ing element" of the situation. [NYT) Syria called the Sinai agreement a "setback to the
The Conference of Nonaligned Nations meeting in march of Arab struggle" which made the US a "party"
Lima, Peru, called on the UN Security Council "to in the conflict and established "secure borders for
take all necessary measures" to compel Israel to Israel inside Egyptian territory." [NYTI
abide by UN resolutions on the Middle East. Some US Congressional leaders, including Senator
[NYT) John Stennis and House Speaker Carl Albert, ex-
Israeli Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur said the new pressed concern that the use of US personnel in the
Sinai accord increased Israel's military advantage over Sinai would be reminiscent of the early days of US
Egypt by putting more distance between the 2 armies. involvement in Viet Nam. [NYT)
[JP] The Israeli Knesset approved the Sinai agreement
Aug. 31.' PLO leader Yasir 'Arafat called for an Arab by a vote of 70 to 43. [NYT)
summit meeting to discuss "new American moves" Israeli planes bombed a Palestinian refugee camp
in the Middle East. [NYT] near Tyre, Lebanon. [NYT)
Kissinger flew from Egypt to Israel and it was re- Sept. 4: Palestinian spokesmen said an Israeli force
ported that the issues were sufficiently resolved that a attempted to land near Saida but was driven off.
return to Egypt would not be necessary. [NYTI [NYT)
Israel reported that 2 Arab guerrilla attempts to Sadat accused the USSR of trying to split the
infiltrate from Lebanon were halted and 4 Arabs Arabs by not attending the signing of the Sinai accord.
killed. CNYT) He also denounced anti-Egyptian demonstrations in
Sept. 1: Egypt and Israel initialed a new Sinai agree- the Arab world. [NYT)
ment which included the following points: Egyptian Demonstrations were held in Damascus protesting
forces would advance to the Israeli line and Israeli Egypt's new agreement with Israel. [NYT)
forces would withdraw to the east of the Mitla and Rabin said some Soviet-American cooperation
Gidi Passes; a UN buffer zone force would occupy the would be needed "in order to achieve an overall
zone in between and would be renewed annually; the settlement." [NYT)
two sides would agree to resolve their differences by Ford asked the US Congress to approve within
peaceful means and not resort to force or threat of 21/2 weeks the stationing of US technicians in the
force; Egypt would permit the passage of non-military Sinai so the accord could go into effect. [NYT)
cargoes bound for Israel through the Suez Canal Israeli and Egyptian representatives formally
and the US would man surveillance posts in the signed the Sinai accord in Geneva. US and Soviet
Mitla and Gidi Pass regions. [NYT) representatives did not attend. [NYT)
President Ford appealed to the US Congress to Sept. 5: Rabin said there was "virtually no chance"
approve use of US civilians to monitor the Sinai re- for an interim accord with Syria because Israeli
gion. [NYT) settlements in the Jawlan region were "not estab-
Libyan head of state Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi lished in order to be evacuated" and that the room
said the Arab Israeli conflict would "never" be for withdrawal was often only 100 to 200 yards.
settled by an agreement and pledged "unlimited [NYT)
support" for the continuation of the Palestinian Syria called the Sinai pact "strange and shameful."
"revolution". [NYT) A high PLO official, Zuhayr Muhsin, called Sadat a
Sept. 2: Kissinger met in Taif with Saudi leaders who "traitor and conspirator" for signing the accord.
endorsed the Sinai accord. He then flew to Jordan [NYT)
to discuss the agreement with King Husayn. [NYT) Sept. 7: Israeli military officials said Israeli raids against
President Sadat said he would visit the US in Palestinian guerrillas in Lebanon were stepped up
October. [NYTI after the Sinai pact to prevent guerrilla attempts
Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres said nego- to interrupt the agreement. [WP)
The PLO paper in Beirut, al-Thawrah,said the demands and the terrorists flew to Algiers with their
PLO "regards the US presence in Sinai as an enemy hostages who were then released. The PLO said it
target that should be shot by every struggler." was not responsible for the attack. [NYT]
[CSM] Egypt and Israel continued their talks in Geneva.
Sept.8: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ism.'il Fahmi said [NYTI
Israel and Syria would begin negotiating an interim Ford said US commitments to aid Israel did not
agreement on the Jawlan region "next month." constitute a security treaty and that assurances to
[WP] supply advanced military equipment, such as the
Israel's UN Ambassador Chaim Herzog told the Pershing missile, were not firm commitments. [NYT)
UN that Israel was willing to open its ports to The 4 terrorists who occupied the Egyptian
Arab transit trade and to turn its Negev arid zone Embassy in Madrid were turned over to PLO of-
research center into a regional project for all Mid- ficials in Algiers by Algerian authorities. [NYTI
east countries. [CSMJ Sept. 17. Rabin said an interim agreement with Syria
The US said it was resuming talks with Israel was unlikely. [NYT)
on the sale of F-15 jets and other arms. [NYTI Israeli Defense Minister Peres told reporters in
Asad said Syria was prepared to accept demilitari- Washington that Israel needs Lance and Pershing
zation of the Jawlan region as long as it was reciprocal. missiles to deter the Arabs from using missiles and
[MEED] he said Israel would guarantee that they would not be
Sept.9: Egyptian and Israeli delegations met in Geneva used for nuclear warheads. [NYT)
to discuss means of implementing the Sinai agree- Sept. 19: The New York Times reported that Arab
ment. [NYT] countries, including Saudi Arabia, Libya, Algeria,
Sept.10: Rabin told the Israeli Cabinet that no decision Iraq, Kuwayt and Abu Dhabi, pledged to provide
had been reached on negotiating an interim agree- UNESCO with $25 million to replace funds being
ment with Syria but that Israel was ready to nego- withheld by the US. [NYT)
tiate an overall peace settlement with all Arab neigh- Sept. 21: The Israeli Cabinet approved Israel's initial-
bors, including Syria. [NYT] ling the agreement reached with Egypt in Geneva,
Syria told the UN that the Sinai accord proved but delayed formal signing until the US Congress
"that the aim of Zionism and colonialism is to freeze approved sending US technicians to the Sinai. [NYTI
the statusquo in the region." [NYTI US Defense Secretary James Schlesinger said even
Egypt and Israel continued their talks in Geneva if the US agrees to sell Israel the Pershing missile
and a spokesman said they were now dealing with it could not come off the production line until 1978.
"concrete" issues. [NYTI [NYT)
Sept. 11: Egypt closed down the PLO's radio station, Sept. 22: Kissinger suggested that an "informal meet-
"Voice of Palestine" which broadcast from Cairo. ing" of interested nations be arranged to discuss peace
[CSM] in the Middle East and clear the way for further
The New YorkTimesreported that the US made progress. [NYT)
secret assurances to Egypt, as part of the Sinai Sept. 23: Egyptian and Israeli diplomats completed
accord, that the US would attempt to bring about an agreement in Geneva detailing the procedures for
Israeli-Syrian negotiations and would consult with implementing the Sinai accord and the Geneva
Egypt if Israel should violate the accord. [NYT) agreement was initialled by both sides. [NYT)
Egyptian and Israeli representatives met in Geneva Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko said
for 5 hours to continue discussion of the Sinai the Geneva Peace Conference was the "appropriate
agreement. [NYT) mechanism" for solving the Middle East question.
An official of the "Voice of Palestine" radio in [NYTI
Cairo said that Egypt had taken over the station and Sept. 24: Allon met at the UN for 3 hours with Soviet
sent the staff home. [NYT) Foreign Minister Gromyko to discuss the Middle East
Israeli jets raided targets near Tyre in southern problem. [CSM}
Lebanon. [NYT) Speaking in the General Assembly, Iraq called for
Sept.15: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim warned the expulsion of Israel from the UN. [NYT)
against complacency in the Middle East peace effort Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
and said an agreement should be sought which would said Syria does "not agree to hold talks on Golan"
include "recognition of the rights of the Palestinian and that reports of "bilateral and multilateral talks
people." [NYT} are not true." [NYT)
Sadat said no amount of pressure from the Soviet Sept. 26: France told the UN that it would be willing
Union or the Palestinians could force Egypt to alter to participate in military safeguards of a Middle
her policies. [NYT) East peace agreement. [NYT)
Sept. 16: Four Palestinians seized hostages in the A White House spokesman said the US would con-
Egyptian Embassy in Madrid and threatened to blow sider Egypt's request for arms "to increase Egypt's
up the Embassy unless Egypt repudiated the Sinai confidence in its course" as part of the US peace
accord. Sadat said Egypt would not bow to the effort. [NYT)

Sept. 27: The Arab League warned the US against Oct. 27: A bomb exploded in a parked car in Jerusalem
supplying Israel with large quantities of weapons injuring 5. tNYTI
which would "encourage Israel toward new aggres- Sadat met in Washington with Ford who said the
sion" and consolidate Israel's occupation of Arab US would not "tolerate stagnation or stalemate" in
territory. [NYT) the Middle East. [NYT}
Israel reported killing 3 Arab guerrillas who in- Oct. 28: Sadat urged the US to open a dialogue with
filtrated from Lebanon. [NYT) the PLO. [NYT)
Sept. 28: Israel said 55 Arabs were arrested in the Oct. 29: Israel reported that 2 Arab guerrillas were
West Bank on suspicion of being terrorists. [NYT) killed and 5 captured after they infiltrated from
Sadat said the US sent technicians to Israel to Syria. [NYT)
help in the October 1973 War. [NYT) In a speech to the UN General Assembly, Sdiat
Sept. 29: A Greek tourist ship, Stella Solaris, sailing urged the UN to help in reconvening the Geneva
directly from Egypt, arrived in Ashdod, Israel. Conference. [NYT)
[NYT) Oct. 31: Sadat criticized the US foreign aid bill which
Sept. 30: Syria told the UN that she would not would give $1.5 billion in military aid to Israel and
participate in interim talks with Israel unless they none to Egypt. [NYTI
aimed at "unconditional withdrawal" of Israeli France authorized the PLO to open an office in
troops from all land occupied in 1973. [NYT) Paris. France said the move was taken to prompt
Oct. 3: A bomb exploded in Tel Aviv wounding 2 "the PLO to take a responsible and moderate stand."
people. Police said an Arab suspect was detained. [NYT)
[NYT) Egyptian officials processed a Greek freighter to
Oct. 8: The US House of Representatives approved carry a cargo of cement through the Suez Canal to
stationing US technicians in Sinai by a vote of 341 Eilat, Israel. [NYT}
to 69. [NYT) Nov. 2: Rabin charged that the US was reneging on
UNESCO's Board voted by 23 to 3 to ease the anti- the aid agreement which was part of the Sinai pact
Israel action taken in November 1974. [NYT) because Ford's aid bill called for $2.24 billion for
Oct. 9: The US Senate voted by 70 to 18 to send US Israel rather than $2.3 billion. [NYT)
technicians to Sinai. [NYT) The Greek ship carrying cargo to Israel passed
Oct. 13: Ford signed a Congressional resolution author- through the Suez. [NYT)
izing the US to put technicians in Sinai. [NYT) Ford and Sadat met in Florida and discussed the
Oct. 15: Syria charged that Israel was building up military Middle East situation and the Lebanese crisis. [NYT)
forces in the Jawlan area. Israel denied the charge. Nov. 3: PLO delegate Faruq Qaddiimi opened the
UN Assembly debate on the Palestine issue. [NYT)
Oct. 177:Egypt reported that it had withdrawn its air-
Nov. 4: Egypt proposed in the UN that the PLO be
forces which were stationed in Syria. [NYT)
An Israeli spokesman said Israel extracted 224m invited to participate in the Geneva Conference "on
an equal footing" with the other parties. [NYT)
barrels of oil from Abu Rudays oil field since
occupying it in 1967. [MEED] Nov. 7: The US told the UN General Assembly that
Oct. 18: Sadat said new American arms sales to Israel the US would work for a settlement taking into
"does not fit the new American role in the Middle account the legitimate right of the Palestinians.
East." [NYT) [NYT)
Asad said Syria would soon receive new Soviet Nov. 8: The PLO was granted observer status in the
weapons and he rejected "American offers to medi- Food and Agriculture Organization. The US and
ate" an interim accord with Israel. [NYT) Israel objected. [NYT)
Oct. 20. Syria reported that her troops clashed with an Nov. 10.' The Israeli Knesset passed a resolution
Israeli patrol. Israel said shots were exchanged across rejecting the UN resolution on Zionism and saying
the frontier. [NYT) Israel should not participate in the Geneva talks
Oct. 21: The US said that a UN draft resolution if the PLO were invited to attend. [NYT)
equating Zionism with racism "must not pass the Israeli troops dispersed Palestinians demonstrating
General Assembly." [NYT) in Ramallah against Israeli occupation of the West
Oct. 22: Egyptian and Israeli military officers met in Bank. Dozens of students were reported arrested.
the Sinai to discuss implementing the Sinai accord. [NYT)
[NYT) The UN General Assembly passed a resolution
Israeli military authorities reinstated Rashid al- defining Zionism as "a form of racism or racial
Shawa as Mayor of Gaza. [NYT) discrimination." The vote was 72 to 35 with 32
Oct. 23. The UN Security Council extended the peace abstentions and 3 absences. The US Ambassador,
force in Sinai for 1 year by a vote of 16 to 0. [NYT) Daniel Moynihan, said: "The United States . . .
Oct. 26: Israeli military authorities said infiltrators does not acknowledge, it will not abide by, it will
from Jordan were driven off by Israeli forces. [NYT) never acquiesce in this infamous act." [NYT)

Nov. 11: Kissingersaid the US would ignore the UN

resolutionon Zionism. [NYT]
UN GeneralAssemblyPresidentGastonThornin (Seealso, Arab IsraeliConflict,Morocco)
Luxembourgsaid the UN resolution destroyed the
atmosphere of conciliation established in recent
months. [NYT) 1975
Nov. 13: A large bomb exploded in Jerusalem'sZion
Squarekilling6 people andwounding40. [NYT) Aug. 17: An Algerianofficialwas seized in Franceby a
Nov. 14: Israel withdrew from the Sadr oil fields in group of Algerian exiles. They said that Algerian
Sinai. [NYT) refugees from the Algerian war for independence
Nov. 15: Two Israeli cars on the West Bank were shouldbe allowedto travelto Algeriaanddemanded
bombed. [NYT) that Franceopen talks with Algeriato achieve this.
Aug. 18: French police freed the hostage held by
Algerianexiles in France.[NYTI
General Sept.11: SaudiOil MinisterAhmadZaki Yamanimet
with President Houari Boumediennein Algiers to
discuss policies for the Organizationof Petroleum
1975 ExportingCountries.[MEED}
Sept. 15: Rumania signed an industrialcooperation
Sept. 8. The Washington Post reported that more than
1,000 inhabitantsof Diego Garciawere evicted to Oct.5: Senegal'sPresidentLeopold
Mauritiusbefore 1972 to makeway for an American Senghormade a 1
day visit for talks with PresidentBoumedienneon
base on the island. [WPI increasingeconomicrelations.[MEED)
Oct. 10: The UN General Assembly admittedthe 42 Oct. 22:
Yemen's Foreign Minister 'AbdallahAsnad
member Islamic Conference as a permanent ob- arrivedfor talkswith Boumedienne.[MEED]
server. [NYT)
Nov. 2: The centralbanksof Bahrayn,Kuwayt,Qatar
and the UAA concluded a 2 day meeting and said
they had set up a committeeto harmonizeexchange
ratesas a firststep towarda unifiedcurrency.[MEED)
(Seealso, General)

Afghanistan 1975
Aug. 23: It was announcedthat a numberof Bahraynis
1975 were arrestedfor conspiraciesplotted with groups
outside the country.[JP)
Oct. 17: Iran signed an agreementto provide aid and Aug. 24: Amir Shaykh 'Isa bin Salman al-Khalifah
technical assistance to expand Afghanistan'srail asked resigning Premier Shaykh Khalifah bin
systemandKabulairportandto builda meatprocess- Salmanal-Khalifahto form a new government.[JP}
ing plant. [MEED] The Cabinetresigned chargingthat the National
Nov. 21: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat the Assembly was obstructingthe Cabinet'sefforts to
followingCabinetwas appointedin October: govern. [JP)
MuhammadDawud:President, Premier, Defense and Aug. 25.' A new Cabinetwas announced:
ForeignAffairs Khalifahbin Salmanal-Khalifah: Premier
MuhammadHasanSharaq:1st Deputy Premier Hamadibn 'Isaal-Khalifah: Defense
SaidAbdul Ala:2nd Deputy Premier andFinance MuhammadHusaynHumaydan:Communications
Abdul Qadir:Interior Jawad Salim al-'Urayyid: Statefor Cabinet Affairs
AbdulTawebAsefi:Mines & Industry HusaynMuhammadal-Bakharinah: State
AzizullahWasifi:Agriculture Khalidibn 'Abdallahal-Khalifah:
Abdul KarimAttahi:Communications Tariqal-Mu'ayyad:Information
Ali AhmadKhurram:Planning 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Muhammad al-Khalifah:Edu-
NazarMuhammadSkandar:Public Health cation
Sardar Abdul Majid:Justice 'AbdallIhibn Khalid al-Khalifah:
Justice & Awqaf
Abdul RahimNawin:Information and Agriculture
FaizMasoud:Frontier Affairs 'Ali Muhammadal-Kakhru:Health
Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat the first 'Isaibn Muhammadibn 'Abdallih:Labor
commerce agreement with Turkey was signed. MajidJawadal-Habashi:PublicWorks
[MEED) Muhammadibn Muhammadal-Khalifah: Interior

Muhammad ibn Mubaraq: Foreign The Turkish Cypriot Assembly voted to give
Mahmad al-'Alawi: Finance Denkta?the authorityto declarethe Turkishsector
Yusuf al-Shiriwi: Development a separate state if the circumstanceswarranted.
Sept. 6: Ibrihim 'Abd al-Karim was named Minister [MEED)
of Trade, Agriculture & Economy. [FBIS) Oct.2: Machinegun fire was reportedalong the Green
Sept. 13: Finance Minister Mahmuid 'Alawi arrived in Line in Nicosia. ?NYTJ
the People's Republic of China for a 10 day visit to Oct. 7: ArchbishopMakariostold the UN General
develop bilateral relations. [MEED) Assemblythat there should be "wide and effective
Sept. 26: Middle East EconomicDigest reported that the internationalguarantees"of any Cyprussettlement.
US agreed to a raise in rent from $600,000 to $4m [NYTI
annually for naval facilities. [MEED) Oct. 10: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
Oct. 3: Middle East EconomicDigest reported that the Denkta? founded a new political party called the
government officially informed the US that the US NationalUnity Party.[MEEDI
naval facility would be closed down by mid-1977.
Oct. 24: Tunisia's Premier Hedi Nouira concluded a
visit after signing an agreement to cooperate in
industry and tourism. [MEED] Egypt
Nov. 4: The government concluded its first economic (Seealso, ArabIsraeliConflict,UAA)
agreement with Iraq. The accord calls for Iraq to
provide Bahrayn with aid in agriculture and industry.
[MEED) 1975
Aug. 18: It was announced that Culture Minister
Yuisufal-Siba'iwas given the portfolio of Minister
of Information, replacing Jamanl'Abd al-Majd.
Cyprus [MEED]
(Seealso, Syria) Aug. 27: Middle East News Agency reported that a
Libyanarmy jeep crossing the border on Aug. 25
1975 clashedwith Egyptiantroops. [JP]
Sept. 10: The Voice of Palestine broadcasting from
Aug. 20: It was reported that the Greek military com- BaghdadsaidPresidentAnwaral-Sadathad survived
mand seized several million dollars worth of Ameri- an assassinationattempt "lastweek" in Alexandria.
can ammunition during the Cyprus crisis in the EgyptianspokesmanTahsin Bashir said the report
summer of 1974. [NYT) had "nofoundation."[NYT)
Aug. 22: The government announced an Emergency Sept. 13: Lloyd'sof Londonreduced by 33% the war
Economic Action Plan to spend $1 34m in fiscal risk tax on vessels passingthroughthe Suez Canal.
year 1975/76 with the main objectives of creating [NYT)
employment and replacing production lost in 1974. Oct.12: PresidentSadatconfirmedthe deathsentenceon
[MEED) 2 men convictedof an attackon a militaryacademy
Sept. 8: The official opening of negotiations in New in April 1974. INYT)
York was delayed again but UN Secretary General Oct. 19: Jordan's Premier Zayd Rif'ii met with
Kurt Waldheim met unofficially with Turkish Cypriot Sadatin Cairo.[MEED]
leader Rauf Denkta? and Greek Cypriot negotiator Oct. 23: People's Assembly Member MahmuidAbu
Glafkos Clerides. Wafi'announcedthe creationof a "socialdemocratic
Sept. 9: UN Secretary General Waldheim was unable platform"withinthe ASU. [JP)
for the second day to convene talks in New York Oct.26: Sadat arrivedin the US for an officialvisit.
between Clerides and Denkta?. Both sides accused He said it was importantthat the US agree to sell
the other of stalling. Denkta? said the Greeks wanted armsto Egypt.[NYT)
only to make propaganda to prevent the US Congress Oct. 28: Sadat and the US signed 4 economic and
from lifting the arms embargo against Turkey. culturalexchangeagreementsin Washington.INYT)
Clerides charged that the Turks were unprepared to Oct.29: PremierMamduihSalim said the government
discuss territorial compromise. [NYT) plansto develop Cairointo "oneof the world'smajor
Sept. 10: Waldheim announced in New York that "in money markets."[MEED)
the absence of concrete proposals, the talks were ad- Nov. 5: Sadataddresseda joint session of Congressin
journed" and he added that he would remain in con- the US and an accord was initialled agreeing "in
tact with both parties. [NYT) principle"for the US to supplyEgyptwith 2 nuclear
Sept. 23: President Archbishop Makarios left for New reactors.[NYT)
York to address the UN and he said he had the means Nov. 8: Sa.datconcluded a 3 day visit to Britain. It
to oppose a declaration of independence by the was reported that the UK agreed to sell Egypt $2
Turkish sector. [MEED) billionworth of militaryequipment.[NYT)
Nov. 9: Sidat returned from France after talks with Sept. 18: Turkish Energy Minister Selahattin Kilig con-
French leaders which concluded a 10 day tour of the cluded a visit and a communiqu6 said a committee
US and 3 days in Britain. [NYTI would be set up to promote energy and resources
policy coordination. [MEED)
Sept. 21: Saudi Oil Minister Zaki Yamnir arrived to
discuss "Arab relations." [MEED}
Iran Oct. 13. India's naval commander in chief S. N. Kohli
(Seealso, Jordan, Oman, Tunisia, Turkey, arrived for talks on the regional situation. [MEED]
Yemen, Petroleum Affairs) Oct. 26: Tunisian Premier Hedi Nouira arrived for
talks on bilateral relations. [MEED]
1975 Oct. 29: Information Minister Tariq 'Aziz flew to Mos-
cow for talks reported to concern Iraqi Syrian rela-
Aug. 26: Talks were concluded with an Iraqi delega- tions. [MEED]
tion on sharing water and shipping in the Shatt Nov. 1: A US intelligence official said the American
al-'Arab. [MEED) Central Intelligence Agency supplied the Kurds with
Aug. 27. The Shah received Yemen's head of state, millions of dollars worth of arms in 1972 at the
IbrThim al-Hamidi, who arrived on an official visit. request of the Shah of Iran. [NYTI
[FBIS} Nov. 3: The Iraq News Agency said an Israeli spy, Alex-
Sept. 1: Oman's Sultan Qabus arrived for talks with the ander Harun, who worked with the Kurdish rebels
Sh5h. [MEED) was hanged. [NYT)
Sept. 6: Oman's Sultan Qabuis ended a visit after talks
with the Shah. [FBISJ
Sept. 8: The Shah said Iran's oil revenues would reach
$21.9 billion in 1975 compared with $2 billion 4
years earlier. [CSM)
Sept. 11.' Iraq's Minister of Education arrived to discuss Israel
educational, scientific and cultural cooperation.
[MEED} (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Iraq, Lebanon)
Sept. 12: Air Force Commander Muhammad Khatami
was killed in an accident. [MEED]
Sept. 13. The Shah appointed Fazael Taday Commander 1975
of the Air Force. [MEED}
Sept. 16: Turkey's Energy Minister Selahattin Kilic Aug. 20: Demonstrators protesting the expected con-
arrived to discuss cooperation. [MEED] clusion of a new Sinai agreement with Egypt broke
Nov. 5: Syria's Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim into the home of Foreign Minister Yigal Allon and 7
Khaddam arrived for an official visit. [MEED) were arrested. [NYT)
Aug. 21: Demonstrations were held throughout the
country protesting the arrival of US Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger for talks on a new agreement
Iraq with Egypt. [NYT}
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Bahrayn, Iran) Sept. 6. Officials said the US ban on arms sales to
Israel was lifted after the Sinai accord was signed on
1975 Sept. 4. [NYTI
Sept. 8: Energy Advisor Tzevi Dinstein said Israel was
Aug. 23: It was announced that the government had flooded with offers to supply oil at market prices.
agreed in principle to loan Yemen $15m. [MEED] [WP}
Aug. 26: The government issued a protest to Syria The pound was devalued by 2%. [WP}
charging that Syrian war planes were violating Iraqi The Israeli Shippers Council reported that the re-
airspace. [JP) opened Suez Canal was not an economical route for
Aug. 31: Karl Moersch, West Germany's Minister of Israeli trade. [NYT]
State for Foreign Affairs, arrived for talks on expand- Sept. 22: An unofficial delegation, including 2 Members
ing economic ties. [MEED] of Parliament, arrived in the Soviet Union for a 10
Sept. 1. The government again protested alleged day visit. [NYT)
Syrian violations of Iraqi airspace. [JP) Sept. 28: The Cabinet announced a 10% devaluation of
Sept. 8. France announced that an accord was initialled the pound and a series of tax increases. [NYTI
providing for cooperation in nuclear energy develop- Sept. 30: Workers for El Al held a 2 hour strike to
ment. [MEED] protest the recent devaluation. [NYT}
Sept. 11: Vice President Siddim Husayn al-Takriti Oct. 7: The leader of the Ashdod port workers union,
returned from France after confirming that France Yehoshua Peretz, was sentenced to 2 months in jail for
agreed to the sale of arms such as the Mirage jet. illegally closing the port in July. Workers protested
[MEED] the ruling throughout Israel. [JP}

Oct. 19: An El Al strike entered its 4th day and a Sept. 5: Middle East EconomicDigest cited press reports
companyspokesmansaid it had alreadycost El Al as saying Deputy Premier Jabir al-'Ali al-Sabah
$2m. [NYT] announced arms were being purchased from the
Nov.2: ZevulunHammerwasnamedthe thirdReligious Soviet Union under an agreement reached early
PartyMinisterin the Cabinet.[NYT) in 1975. [MEED)
Nov. 3: A 19 day strike againstEl Al Airlines ended. Sept. 15: Palestinians and Kuwayti supporters held a
[NYTI 1 day strike to protest the signing of an Egyptian
Israeli accord on the Sinai. The government called the
strike "unwarrantedabsenteeism." [MEED)
Sept. 26: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
Jordan Defense Minister Shaykh Sa'd al-'Abdallah said
(Seealso, Arab IsraeliConflict,Egypt,Oman, Kuwayt does not want to join in a Gulf military
Pakistan,SaudiArabia,Syria) alliance. [MEED]

Aug.22: It was announcedthatagreementwas reached Lebanon
with Syria to form a Supreme Syrian-Jordanian (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict)
CommandCouncilto coordinateforeignandmilitary
policy. [MEED} 1975
Aug. 23: Yemen's Head of State IbrThimal-Hamdi Aug. 24: Civil disturbances occurred in Zahle between
began talks with King Husayn on promoting eco- some city residents and people from the village of
nomic cooperationbetween the 2 countries.[JP) Sa'd Nayil. [FBIS)
Sept.18: The governmentrejecteda US offer to supply Aug. 28: Shooting incidents broke out in Zahle,
Hawk missiles which would limit the use of the reportedly between Palestinians and Phalangists.
missiles to "defensive and non-mobile antiaircraft [FBIS)
weapons."The governmentsaid the offer was "in- Four persons were killed and 20 wounded in
sultingto nationaldignity."[NYT) skirmishes between the Christian town of Zahle and
Sept. 19: The US State Department said intensive the Muslim town of Sa'd Nayil. [NYTI
negotiations"clearedup" misunderstandingsabout Aug. 30: Clashes between Christians and
Muslims were
the Hawk missileoffer and thatJordanhadaccepted reported in Zahle and Sa'd Nayil and in the Beirut
the conditionsof saleandwouldpurchasethe missiles. suburbs. [NYT}
[NYT) Sept. 2: An auto accident touched off communal
Sept. 22: It was announcedthat a joint civil aviation skirmishes with small arms in Tripoli.
companywould be establishedwith Syria.[MEED) Sept. 3: Fighting was reported in the suburbs of
Sept.25: The US State Departmentsaid Iranwas pre- Beirut. [NYT]
paring to transfer 12 American built jet fighters Sept. 7: Fighting in the north escalated after Christian
to Jordan.[NYT) gunmen ambushed a bus in Zaghorta. [WP]
Oct. 2: The New York Times reported that 37 inter-
Sept. 8: Heavy fighting continued in the Tripoli area and
nationalcompaniestold the governmentthatthey will an emergency Cabinet session failed to arrive at a
move their headquartersfrom Beirut to Amman. settlement plan. [WPI
Sept. 9: Heavy fighting continued around Tripoli.
Oct. 27: The Joint SyrianJordanianCommittee con- Premier Rashid Karami said that agreement was
cluded 3 days of talksafter decidingon measuresto reached with President Sulaymin Franjiyyah on
cooperate in phosphate development, electricity, "effective measures" to bring peace. [NYT)
and communications.[MEED] Sept. 10: Premier Kar6mi announced that the army was
Nov. 14: An amnestywas announcedfor all political ordered to take up positions between Christians and
prisoners.[MEED] Muslims in the Tripoli area and that army commander
Iskandar Ghanim was replaced by Hanna Sa'id.
Kuwayt [NYT)
Sept. 1'1: Army troops began occupying positions in
(Seealso, General,Pakistan,Syria,Tunisia, Tripoli and Zaghorta. Leftist leader Kamal Jumblat
PetroleumAffairs) said there would be a general strike on the 15th to
protest the use of army troops. [NYT]
1975 Karami said the Cabinet agreed on the details
of an army "reform bill" in its "final form." [NYTI
Aug. 29: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedLondon Sept. 12: US officials said Libya had sent "tens of
officials as saying that Britain agreed to provide millions" of dollars to support leftist groups in
technicalaid for a nuclearenergy program.[MEED] Lebanon in the previous 6 months. [NYT]

Tripoli and Zaghortawere reported quiet after Oct.8: The latestceasefirewasbrokenby heavyfighting
2,000 armytroopswere deployedin the area.[NYT) in Beirut which killed 25 people. Karanmi met with
Sept. 14: Scattered fighting broke out in Beirut. Franjiyyahto discussthe crisis. [NYT)
Karami announced the leftist leaders agreed to Oct. 9: Kar5miwent to Syria to seek help in ending
calloff ageneralstrikescheduledforthe 15th. [NYT) civil strife while heavy fightingcontinuedin Beirut
Sept.15: Skirmishingbroke out in Tripoli and Beirut. and Tripoli. Karami met with Syrian President
After a Cabinet meeting InteriorMinister Camille Hifiz al-'Asadand 'Arafatin Damascus.'Arafatre-
Chamounsaid "firmmeasures"were adoptedto end turnedto Beirut with Kar5mito attemptto end the
the fighting and that the army would be called in fighting.[NYT}
if necessary.[NYT) Oct. 11: Fightingcontinuedin Beirut and Tripoli and
Sept. 17: Fighting escalated in Beirut and Tripoli. the ArabLeaguesummonedits membersfor anurgent
Phalangistleader PierreJumayyilcalled on Kar5imi meeting on October 14 to discussLebanon.[NYT)
and PalestinianleaderYasir'Arafatto agreeon a firm Oct. 12: Beirutwas reportedquiet and the government
position to end the conflict.[NYT) urgedcivil servantsto returnto work. [NYT}
After a 2 hour Cabinetmeeting it was announced Oct. 13: Only sporadicsniperfirewasreportedin Beirut
that the governmenthadpostponeda decisionto call and some governmentemployees returnedto work.
in the armyand would attemptto bringthe warring [NYT)
factions together in a Committee of National Oct. 15: An ArabLeagueconferenceopened in Cairoto
Reconciliation, headed by Kar5mi and including discuss the crisis in Lebanon.Syria, Libya and the
InteriorMinisterChamoun.[NYT) Palestine LiberationOrganization(PLO) boycotted
Sept. 18: Heavy fighting broke out in Beirut. the meeting. [NYT}
Franjiyyahmet with Cabinet members but no Fightingresumedin Beirut and 12 persons were
decisionswere announced.[NYT) killed. [NYT)
Sept. 19: Fightinggrew worse in Beirut and Syrian Oct. 16. The Arab League concluded its meeting on
Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddamarrived Lebanon and warned Israel not to interfere in
for talks with Franjiyyahin an attemptto mediate southernLebanon.[NYT)
the dispute. [NYT) The Cabinetmet to discussa 5 point peace pro-
Sept. 20: Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon said posal made by the PLO and police tore down barri-
Israelwould not interferein Lebanon"so long as it cades as civiliansreturnedto work in an effort to
is a dispute between the Lebanese themselves . . . I restoreBeirut life to normal.[NYT)
should not like Syriato interpretthe new situation Oct. 18: Light skirmishingwas reported in Beirut as
in which no great power intervenesas giving her a political leaders met informallyto discuss reforms.
license to interveneherself."[NYT) [NYT}
A ceasefire agreementwas worked out with the Oct. 20: Heavy fightingbroke out and spreadinto Ras
help of a Syrianmediationteam. [NYT) Beirut, the foreignquarterof Beirut. fNYT)
Sept. 21: Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddamsaid his Thirteen people were killed and 40 wounded in
mediationmission would remain in Lebanon"until increasingstreet fighting.[NYT)
the crisis is solved."Relative calm was reported in Oct. 22: Two Americanemployeesof the US Informa-
Beirutas a ceasefireagreementwasin effect. [NYTr tion Agencywere kidnappedin Beirut. [NYT)
Sept.23: The ceasefireappearedto be breakingdown as Oct. 23: Kar5miaccused Chamoun'sNational Liberal
fightingresumedin Beirut. [NYT) Partyof prolongingthe fighting.[NYT)
Sept. 24: Karimi announced that a 20 member Oct. 24: Army units were positioned in Beirut in an
committeewas formed to work out a settlementand attemptto halt the street fightingwhich continued.
that all parties agreed to a new ceasefire effective [NYT)
at 5:00 p.m. [NYT] Oct. 26: Fiercefightingwas reportedto have escalated
Sept.25: Isolated shooting incidentswere reportedin to engulf the hotel district of Beirut. Karimi met
Beirut. [NYT) at the Parliamentwith 45 deputies. [NYT)
Sept.30: Fightingbroke out in Beirut but some banks After heavy fightingin Beirut Kar5miannounced
and stores opened. [NYT) that a new ceasefirewas agreed on but it was not
Oct. 1: Fighting spread in beirut and all banks and obeyed. 'Arafatcut short a visit to Rumaniaand
stores were closed again.[NYT) returnedfor mediationefforts. [NYT)
Oct. 3. Another ceasefireagreementwent into effect Oct. 27: Heavy fighting continued in Beirut. Karami
aftera meetingof the 20 memberNationalReconcili- announced another ceasefire but it was ignored.
ation Committee.[NYT) [NYT]
Oct. 4: Four men were foiled by securityforces in an Oct. 28: Heavy fighting continued and the National
attackon the Beirut airportin an apparenteffort to Assembly was attacked.Karanmi announced that a
hijackan Egyptianplane. [NYT) 10 mancommitteeof politicalleaderswould meet at
Oct. 6: Sporadic skirmishing continued in Beirut. his residence continuouslyuntil peace was restored
[NYT) but only 3 committeemembersshowedup. [NYT)

Oct. 29: The US said it had urged "interested govern- A US Congressman disclosed that the US State
ments" not to intervene in Lebanon. [NYT) Department barred the training of Libyan airmen in
Oct. 30: The US State Department said the US was the US and the shipment of 8 C-130 cargo planes
giving "absolutely no consideration" to military to Libya because of Libya's opposition to US peace
intervention in Lebanon. [NYT) efforts in the region. [NYT)
Fighting subsided in central Beirut but continued Aug. 27: Col. Jabir denied that he made any statements
heavy in the suburbs. Karkmi announced that a new to the press about a coup attempt. [FBIS]
ceasefire was arranged but it had little effect. INYTI Sept. 3: Le Monde quoted Revolutionary Command
Oct. 31: Karami said the crisis was easing and that Council Chairman Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi as
additional political moves would be taken to restore saying: "It is necessary to purge the popular as-
calm but fighting became heavy again in the evening. semblies . . . " of Libya which contained "treason-
[NYT) ous" elements along with the army. [MEED}
Nov. 1. Fighting worsened in Beirut's suburbs and Sept. 7: The Sunday Times of London reported that
foreign embassies began evacuating staff. [NYTl Libya annexed a uranium rich part of northern Chad
Nov. 2: Fighting subsided as political leaders tried to along the Libyan border. [WP}
enforce a new ceasefire. [NYT) Sept. 8: An official spokesman denied that Libya had
Nov. 3: The US said it would supply the government annexed any territory of Chad. [NYT}
with $500,000 worth of medical aid for the crisis. Sept. 10: Transport Minister Mansur Badr said Libya
[NYT) was embarking on a program to possess "a strong
Sniper fire and light skirmishing marred the latest commercial fleet." [MEEDI
ceasefire. [NYT) Sept. 16: OccidentalPetroleum filed notices of arbitra-
Nov. 4: Syria praised the return of calm to Lebanon tion in The Hague against "continuous breaches by
and reported that 30,000 Lebanese had become the Libyan government of its oil concession agree-
refugees in Syria. [NYT) ments and its exploration and production sharing
Gunmen began pulling out of positions in Beirut agreement." [MEED)
and Karami said members of the security "coordina- Sept. 19: South Yemen's Planning Minister 'Abd al-
tion committee" were confiscating weapons. [NYT) 'Aziz 'Abd al-Wall arrived seeking economic coopera-
Nov. 5: The Cabinet met for the first time in 2 weeks tion. [MEED)
and Franjiyyah praised Karami for arranging the Sept. 21: The London Daily Telegraph reported that
ceasefire. Some shops opened and Beirut was quiet. there were 700 Soviet military advisors in Libya and
[NYT) that the number would rise to 1,600 by 1976.
Nov. 6: Beirut was quiet but a shipload of arms was [MEED}
delivered to Christian forces and Karami threatened Sept.24.' A 5 year housing development plan to cost $4.5
to resign because the army did not prevent its un- billion was announced in Tripoli. [MEED]
loading. [NYT) Oct. 2: Occidental Petroleum Corp. said Libya was
Nov. 10. It was reported that 200 kidnappings in the preventing 520 of its non-Libyan employees from
1st week of the truce was endangering the ceasefire. leaving the country. [NYT)
[NYT) Oct. 20: Libya was elected to a 2 year term on the UN
Nov. 12. The Cabinet agreed to accept a French offer Security Council. [MEED]
to mediate the domestic crisis. [MEED] Oct. 23: Tunisia's Premier Hedi Nouira concluded an
Nov. 13. Firing resumed in Beirut and Karimi called official 4 day visit and talks on economic coopera-
an urgent meeting of the ad hoc security committee. tion. [MEED}
[NYT} Oct. 24: The US protested to Libya over the transfer
Nov. 14: Karimi rejected a proposal that the army be of 7 American built F-5A jets to Turkey. [NYT)
used to enforce the ceasefire. [NYT)
Nov. 15: Karami announced that Franjiyyah agreed to
discuss proposals to reform Lebanon's political
system. [NYT) Morocco
Libya Aug. 21: King Hasan said Morocco was awaiting the
World Court's decision on the Spanish Sahara and if
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Egypt, Lebanon, South
Yemen, Sudan, Turkey) the Court did not reach the correct conclusion "only
an armed struggle will remain" and Morocco would
1975 "reoccupy the Sahara before the end of the year."
Aug. 25: Beirut's Bayrit al-Masai' quoted Chief of Sept. 11: It was reported that Morocco refused at the
Staff AbCuBakr Yuni as saying RCC member 'Umar UN to take part in a 4 nation conference with Spain,
Muhayshi was involved in an aborted coup "last Algeria and Mauritania to discuss the future of the
month" but escaped to Tunisia. [JP) Spanish Sahara. [MEED]

Sept. 21: Mauritanian Foreign Minister Hamdi Mak- Nov. 6: The UN Security Council called on Morocco to
nass arrived for talks on the Spanish Sahara ques- withdraw its marchers from the Sahara. [NYTI
tion. [MEED) Spain said it received a note from Morocco saying
Oct. 16: The World Court ruled in a consultative "the march will continue tomorrow unless the Spanish
opinion that evidence presented by Morocco did not government agrees to undertake bilateral negotiations
establish "any tie of territorial sovereignty" between dealing with the transfer of sovereignty" of the
Morocco and the Spanish Sahara at the time of Sahara. [NYT}
Spanish colonization. The Court said some ties of Thousands of marchers moved across the border
tribal allegiance existed but added that the Saharans into the Saharabut advance groups halted when they
should be allowed to choose their own future. [NYT) reached Spanish troops and minefields. [NYT)
King Hasan said he would lead a peaceful march Nov. 7: Algeria reported that Moroccan troops and
of 350,000 Moroccans into the Spanish Sahara to Saharan Polisario nationalists were fighting in north-
claim the territory. [NYT) east Sahara. The civilian Moroccan marchers re-
Oct. 18: Spain requested a Security Council meeting to mained encamped near the Spanish "dissuasion
discuss Morocco's planned march into the Spanish line". [NYT)
Sahara. Members of the Polisario Front in Sahara said Nov. 8: Hasan resumed talks on the Saharawith Spanish
they would prevent the Moroccans from entering the Minister of Presidential Affairs Carro Martinez who
territory. [NYT] arrived from Spain. [NYT)
Oct. 21: The first convoy of marchers left for the Nov. 9: Hasan called on the Moroccan marchers in
border staging town of Tarfaya. The UN Security the Sahara to return to their Moroccan base at
Council met but came to no conclusion on how to Tarfaya. He said their objective was achieved and
deal with the issue. [NYT) that negotiations with Spain must proceed in an at-
Oct. 25: Foreign Minister Ahmad Laraki concluded mosphere of "brotherliness and remote from any
talks in Spain and said the 2 sides were on "the road pressure by either side." [NYTI
to agreement" over the Spanish Sahara. [NYT) Nov. 1'1: Foreign Minister Laraki and Premier Osman
Oct. 27: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim arrived flew to Spain to continue the Saharan negotiations.
in Spain to mediate the Spanish Sahara question. [NYT)
[NYT} Nov. 12. Algeria sent an urgent message to Spain to pro-
Oct. 30: Negotiations with Spain on the Sahara ques- test any agreement giving the Sahara to Morocco.
tion broke off and the Moroccan and Mauritanian [NYT)
delegations left Madrid. [NYT) Nov. 14: Spain reached agreement with Morocco and
Oct. 31. An Algerian delegation arrived in Spain and Mauritania to share administration of the Saharauntil
warned that Algeria might go to war to prevent the end of February 1976 when Spain would with-
Morocco from annexing the Sahara. [NYT} draw. [NYT]
Nov. 1: The UN Security Council met in emergency
session to discuss the Sahara question. [NYT)
Nov. 2. Spanish Prince Juan Carlos de Borbon, the
acting head of state, flew into the Spanish Sahara and Oman
promised to protect the "legitimate rights" of the
(Seealso, Iran)
people and the "honor and prestige" of the Spanish
army. [NYT)
The Security Council met to discuss the Sahara. 1975
Spain told the Council it would repel "with all
means" the Moroccan civilian march into the Sahara. Sept. 19: Middle East EconomicDigest reported that the
Morocco said it would use all peaceful means to first contingent of Jordanian troops stationed in
assert its rights. The Council urged all sides to Oman had been withdrawn. [MEEDJ
avoid actions that would "escalate" tensions. [NYT) Sept. 21: The last contingent of Jordanian troops
Nov. 3: Premier Ahmad Osman flew to Spain to renew arrived in Amman after leaving Oman. [MEED)
talks on the Sahara question. [NYT} Oct. 1. Military salaries were increased 12.5%.
Nov. 4: Premier Osman met in Madrid with Spanish [MEED)
leaders and said the "green march" of 350,000 Oct. 18: Iran said Iranian forces were "mopping up"
Moroccans into the Sahara would go on even as talks after they captured a key rebel stronghold in Dhufar
continued. [NYT) province. {NYT}
Spain said it had established a "disuasion line" of
mines and troops 15 kilometers from the Moroccan
border. [NYT)
Nov. 5: Hasan said the march into Sahara would begin
on the 6th from the staging point of Tarfaya near
the border. He warned that the armywould defend the
marchers "against all those who would wish you
harm." [NYT)

Pakistan pected visit and delivered a message from King

Husaynto King Khalid.UJP)
(Seealso, Saudi Arabia) Oct. 9: Riyadh Radio announced that Gen. 'Uthman
al-H.amidwas appointedChief of Staffof the Armed
Forces. [MfEED]
1975 Oct.13: A new Cabinetwas announced:
King Khalidibn 'Abd al-'Aziz:Premier
Aug. 16: A Jordanian trade delegation arrived for an
Fahdibn 'Abd al-'Aziz:DeputyPremier
extended visit to explore the possibilities of expand-
Sul,tn ibn 'Abdal-'Aziz:DefenseandAviation
ing economic cooperation. [MEED)
Mut'ibibn 'Abd al-'Aziz:Public Works& Housing
Sept. 14: A seven man Syrian delegation led by Informa-
Nayif ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz:Interior
tion Minister Ahmad Iskandar arrived for talks.
Majidibn 'Abd al-'Aziz:Urban & Rural Affairs
Sa'fudibn Faysalibn 'Abd al-'Aziz:Foreign
Oct. 3: It was announced that diplomatic relations were
Hasanibn 'Abdallh 'Al al-Shaykh:HigherEducation
established with Bangladesh. [JPJ
Muhammadal-'AliAbaal-Khayl:Economy andFinance
Oct. 19: President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto left for official
AhmadZaki Yamanin: Petroleum
visits to France and Rumania. [NYT)
Ibr.himibn Muhammad'Al al-Shaykh:Justice
Oct. 31: The Supreme Court upheld the dissolution of
the National Awami Party on charges it was working
'Abd al-'AzizKhuwaytir:Education
for the secession of Baluchistan and the North West Ibrahim ibn 'Abdalla.hal-Anqari:Labor & Social
Province. [NYT)
Middle East EconomicDigest reported that Kuwayt's
Hishamal-Din Nazir:Planning
Interior Minister Sa'd 'Abdallah arrived for official
'Abd al-Wahab'Abd al-Wasi':Awqaf& Pilgrimmage
talks. [MEEDI
'Abd al-Rahmanibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Hasan 'Al
Qatar Husayn'Abd al-Razzaqal-Jazi'iri:Health
(Seealso, General, UAA) 'AlawilDarwishKayyal:PTT
Gh.zi 'Abd al-Rahmanal-Qusaybi:Industry
1975 'AbdallahMuhammadal-'Umran:State
Oct. 24: The United Arab Amirates' Foreign Minister Muhammad'Abdal-Latifal-Milhim:State
Ahmad Suwaydi arrived for talks. [MEED] Oct.20: Crown Prince Fahd met with British Prime
A trade agreement was signed after the arrival of MinisterHaroldWilsonin London.[NYT)
Tunisia's Premier Hedi Nouira. [MEED) Oct.22: Britainsigned an agreementto increasetrade
Oct. 27: Amir Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad al-Thani as CrownPrinceFahdended his visit. [NYT]
arrived in Paris for an official 2 day visit. [MEED)
Oct. 31: Middle East EconomicDigest reported that the
riyal was revalued by 2.7% against the dollar.
South Yemen
[MEED) (Seealso, Libya)

Saudi Arabia Oct. 5: Former Premier Muhammad'Ali Haytham
was wounded in an assassinationattempt in Cairo.
(Seealso Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria, Iraq, Sudan, [JP]
Syria, Yemen, Petroleum Affairs) Oct.22: A Libyantrade delegationarrivedto discuss
increasingeconomicties. [MEED)
Oct.26: IndustryMinister 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Waliflew
1975 to Iraq to discussexpandingeconomiccooperation.
Aug. 17: Sudan's President Ja'far al-Numayri met [MEED]
with King Khalid at the beginning of a 4 day visit. Nov. 7: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
[MEED} Foreign Minister MuhammadMutiyyah returned
Sept. 1. Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto arrived from a tourof Kuwayt,Bahraynandthe United Arab
for official talks. [MEED] Amirates.[MEED)
Sept. 2. Financier 'Adnan Khashoggi was quoted by
The Washington Post as admitting he pocketed a
$250,000 bribe from the Northrop Corporation of
the US for arranging an arms contract. [WI' (Seealso, SaudiArabia,Yemen)
Sept. 6: Beirut's Al-Anwa-r reported that Finance
Minister Musayd Ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz resigned and 1975
that a Cabinet reshuffle was imminent. [MEED) Aug.21: A 25 yearplanwas announcedto make Sudan
Sept. 29: Jordan's Premier Zayd Rifa'i paid an unex- the "breadbasket" of the Arab world. In the first

10 years $6.3 billion would be needed for investment "follow up" on the satisfactory development of bi-
under the plan. [MEED) lateral economic and technical cooperation. [FBIS]
Aug. 27: The following Cabinet appointmentswere Aug. 31: President Asad met in Damascus with Saudi
announced: Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad Zaki Yamrni. [JP)
SulaymanGhandur:Interior Sept. 8: Asad began an official visit to Czechoslovakia.
'Abbas 'Abd al-Maild: State for Agriculture [WPJ
Fatimah 'Abd al-Mahmud: State for Social Welfare Sept. 10: Asad flew to Moscow for an unscheduled
Mubarak 'Uthman Rahmah: State for Supply 1 day visit. [MEEDI
Sharif al-Qasim: State for Budget Sept. 1.1: Asad left Czechoslovakia after an official visit
Karamallah al-'Awadi: State and signing of 4 economic cooperation agreements.
Sept. 5: Rebel army officers led by Col. Hasan Husayn [MEEDI
'Uthman captured Omdurman Radio station and Sept. 23: Jordan's King Husayn met in Damascus with
announced that the government was overthrown. Asad. [MEED]
Loyal troops put down the coup attempt within Oct. 9: Asad flew to Moscow for talks. [MEEDI
hours. The government said the rebels included Oct. 14: Premier Zayd al-Rifa'i of Jordan arrived for
Communists and Muslim Brotherhood members. consultations on bilateral cooperation. [MEED)
[NYT) Oct. 15: An agreement was signed withJordan providing
Sept. 6: The government reported that most of the for cooperation in air transport. [MEED]
rebels had been captured and that the leader, Col. Oct. 17: Kuwayt's Finance Minister 'Abd al-Rahman
'Uthman, was under guard in a military hospital al-'Atiqi arrived for a 4 day visit to discuss eco-
after being wounded. [NYT] nomic cooperation. [MEEDI
Sept. 7: Police announced that arms and ammunition Oct.26: Defense Minister Mustafa Tlas flew to Hungary
were seized in a police raid on the University of for talks. [MEED)
Khart.m. [WP} Nov. 4: Chicago Daily News reported that Saudi
Sept. 8. President Ja'far al-Numayri said evidence aircraft using Jordanian air bases took part in Syrian
was found indicating that Libya had supported the manuevers. [JPJ
recent coup attempt. [WPI Nov. 5. Saudi Chief of Staff 'Uthman al-Humayd arrived
Sept. 22. It was announced in Khartu6m that Saudi for an official visit. [JP}
Arabia donated $10m for flood disaster relief in
the northeastern region. [MEEDI
Sept. 26: Sudan signed an agreement with Libya estab-
lishing a joint agricultural company with capital of Tunisia
$19.2m to undertake projects in Sudan. [MEED}
(Seealso, Bahrayn, Iraq, Libya, Qatar)
Sept. 27: Chief of Staff 'All Bashir said the USSR
agreed to resume supplies of military equipment and
spare parts. [NYTI 1975
Oct. 10: Severe flooding was reported in the Bahr
al-Ghazal region. [MEED) Sept. 8: A conference with EEC officials opened in
Tunis in an attempt to improve trade relations.
Sept. 15: West German Interior Minister Werner
Syria Maihofer concluded talks on expanding economic
ties. [MEED)
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Oct. 18: Iran's Director of the Plan and Budget Majid
Lebanon, Pakistan, Yemen) Majidi ended an 8 day visit after discussing
possible Iranian financial aid and investment in
1975 Tunisia. [MEED)
Oct. 21: President Habib Bourguiba called for an in-
Aug. 17: Syrian Arab News Agency reported that it was
crease in production and a reduction in levels of con-
agreed with Jordan to abolish airport and border
sumption. He said salaries could not go up until this
taxes on each other's nationals. IMEEDJ was done. [MEED)
Aug. 18: Jordan's King Ijusayn arrived for an official
Oct. 22. Kuwayt signed an agreement to loan $13.3m
visit. [MEEDI
to expand the Tunis airport. [MEED]
Aug. 19.' Cypriot Commerce Minister Michael Colocas-
sides arrived for talks on means to expand bilateral
trade. [MEED]
Aug. 20: A Czechoslovak airliner crashed near Damascus
killing 126 passengers. [NYT)
Aug. 22: Jordan's King Ijusayn concluded a 5 day visit (Seealso Afghanistan, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq)
and it was announced that the 2 sides agreed to
form a "supreme command" to coordinate foreign
policy, information and military affairs. [NYTI
Aug. 27. Yemen's Head of State, Ibraihm al-Hamidi Aug. 22: Middle East EconomicDigest reported that a
concluded talks with President Hafiz al-Asad and joint bank with Libya would be set up in Istanbul
a joint communique said the 2 agreed on the need to with capital of $15m. [MEED]

Aug. 24: Following the visit of a Libyan trade delega-

tion, an official of the Chamber of Industry in Izmir,
Naim Karaosman, said Libya might recruit 100,000 (Seealso, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria)
Turkish construction workers for Libyan develop-
ment projects. [MEED) 1975
Aug. 28: The lira was devalued 1.72% against the
Aug. 16: Beirut's al-Nahar reported that a pro-royalist
dollar. [MEED}
coup attempt was broken up and Shaykh Bazil al-
Sept. 6: A heavy earthquake struck the eastern town of
Wahij arrested as he was leaving for Saudi
Lice. The death toll was expected to reach 1,700.
Arabia. [NYT)
Sept. 1: Saudi Arabia announced a $5m gift to aid relief
Sept. 9. Residents of Lice accused the government of
work in flood stricken areas in the north. [JP]
acting too slowly to aid earthquake victims. [NYT}
Sept. 5: After Chief of State Ibrahim al-Hamndi
Sept. 10. The government promised to provide earth-
returned from visits to Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Iran,
quake resistant housing in Lice. The death toll from
Bahrayn and Saudi Arabia, Middle East Economic
the quake reached 2,200. [NYTI
Digest reported Iran and Syria agreed to extend
Sept. 17: An earthquake destroyed 80 homes in the
economic aid to Yemen. [MEEDI
southeastern town of Hani. [NYT}
Sept. 20: Sudan's President Ja'far al-Numayri, on a 4
Sept.28: The government announced that farmers would
day visit, signed an agricultural and industrial co-
be permitted to double the acreage used for poppy
operation agreement. [MEED]
production. [WP]
Oct. 3: Command Council Chairman Haamadiissued a
Oct.2: The US House of Representatives voted by 237
decree establishing committees to carry out financial
to 176 to ease the US arms ban against Turkey.
and administrative reforms. [MEED)
Oct. 3. The US Senate approved a bill easing the
embargo. President Gerald Ford said the US would
move to rebuild the security relationship with
Turkey. A Turkish spokesman praised the action but
Petroleum Affairs
said American bases would not be reopened im- (Seealso, Libya)
mediately. [NYT} 1975
Oct. 7: President Ford signed into law the bill easing
the US arms embargo. [NYT) Aug. 26: Kuwayt's Finance Minister 'Abd al-Rahman
Oct. 12: Midterm Parliamentary elections were held for al-'At6qi said OPEC would probably raise the price
54 Senate seats and 6 vacant Assembly seats. [NYT) of oil by 10%. [MEED]
Oct. 17: Iran announced a loan of $1.7 billion to im- Aug. 30: Kuwayt's Finance Minister al-'Atiqi said
prove Turkish roads, railroads and industry. [NYT} the signing of a new Sinai accord would cause the
Oct. 22: Unknown assailants killed Ambassador to oil producing countries to be "more helpful and con-
Austria Danis Tunaligil in Vienna. [NYT} siderate" in reevaluating oil prices when the price
Oct. 24: Ambassador to France Ismail Erez was assas- freeze expired on Sept. 30. [NYT}
sinated in Paris by unknown gunmen who escaped. Sept. 2: Iran's Interior Minister Jamshld Amiuzgar told
[NYT] the UN that OPEC would probably raise oil prices
Oct. 25: Over 4,000 people demonstrated in Istanbul by less than 25% and that "the real issue is whether
to protest the assassinations of 2 Ambassadors. They or not the world is willing to realize that the era of
blamed "the Greeks" for the killings. [NYT) cheap and abundant energy is over." [NYTI
Nov. 2: The Shah of Iran concluded a 5 day state US Treasury Secretary William Simon told a World
visit. [TDN) Bank conference that a new oil price increase "would
Nov. 3. France said Turkey had submitted a list of seriously jeopardize the balance upon which global
French military arms Turkey wished to buy as part economic recovery depends." [NYT]
of a policy of diversifying its sources of arms. [JPJ Sept. 6. The Middle East EconomicSurvey reported that
Middle East oil production was down 14% in the
first half of 1975 compared with the same period in
1974. [MEES]
United Arab Amirates Sept. 23. The Shih of Iran proposed that OPEC
nations set aside a small percentage of revenue from
(Seealso, General, Qatar) each barrel of oil sold for a low interest develop-
ment fund for the "least developed" nations. [NYTI
1975 Sept. 27: OPEC agreed to a 10% increase in the price
of oil effective Oct. 1. [NYT)
Sept. 27: Egypt's Finance Minister Ahmad Abu Ism.'il Oct. 14. Saudi Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad Zaki
began talks on expanding bilateral economic rela- Yam5ni said his country favored freezing the new
tions. [MEED} oil price level until the end of 1976. [NYTI

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