Middle East Institute

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Chronology April 16, 1976-August 15, 1976

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 30, No. 4 (Autumn, 1976), pp. 519-538
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4325541 .
Accessed: 19/02/2012 16:18

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April 16, 1976-August 15, 1976

Arab Israeli Conflict Israeli troops clashed with Arab students waving
a Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) flag in
Nablus. [NYT)
1976 Apr. 25: The New York Times reported that Israeli
Apr. 17: A 6 year old Arab boy was killed when Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon had postponed a
troops clashed with demonstrators following a quarrel scheduled trip to the US in order to attend policy
among Arab residents in Ramallah. [NYTI meetings in Israel on Jewish settlements in the West
US Senator Jacob Javits met with Egyptian Bank. [NYT]
President Anwar al-Sadat in Cairo and later said Apr. 26: Israeli military governors in the West Bank
Sadat was "diligently seeking to bring conditions of met with newly elected municipal councillors in major
peace to the area." [NYT] towns to confirm them in office. [NYTI
Apr. 18: The slain Arab boy and a man killed in a previous Apr. 27: Syria addressed the UN Economic and Social
incident were buried at Ramallah. [NYT) Council and said that the ties between the "racist
About 30,000 Israelis participated in a 2 day march regimes of Pretoria and Tel Aviv" proved the UN
through the West Bank sponsored by the militant resolution equating Zionism with racism was jus-
Jewish group Gush Emunim. Arab counter demon- tified. [NYT]
strations in Nablus and Ramallah were broken The New York Times reported that the new mayors
up. [NYT} of Nablus, Ramallah and Tulkarim had been con-
Apr. 19: Israeli soldiers killed one Arab and wounded firmed in office by Israeli military occupation
2 in Nablus during a demonstration against the authorities. [NYT]
march. [NYTI Apr. 28: The Soviet Union called for the resumption
The march ended at Jericho. [NYT) of the Geneva peace conference in 2 stages, with
Apr. 20: Israeli security forces wounded 2 during a Palestinian participation in both stages. [NYT)
demonstration in Nablus. Demonstrations also A time bomb exploded inJerusalem killing 2 people
occurred in Jenin and Jerusalem. [NYT) and injuring 4. [NYT}
A curfew was imposed on Tulkarim. Nineteen Apr. 29: Italian President Giovanni Leone pardoned
demonstrators and curfew violators were arrested 3 Arabs arrested in March at Rome's Fiumicino
there and sentenced to prison terms. [NYT) Airport with weapons in their luggage. [JP)
Israeli Premier Yitzhak Rabin toured the Jordan May 1: Israeli soldiers killed an Arab protestor during
Valley and assured Jewish settlers in 16 villages that a demonstration in Nablus and a curfew was imposed
the settlements "are here to stay for a long on the town. Protests also broke out in Tulkarim
time." [NYT) and Jenin. [NYT)
Apr. 21. Clashes took place between Israeli troops and Egyptian President Sd-at called on Syria to "reckon
Arabs in East Jerusalem. [NYT) with the interests of all the Arabs" when deciding
Shopkeepers closed their shops in Tulkarim. A on whether to extend the mandate of the UN observer
curfew was in effect in the city center. [NYT) force in the Jawlan region. [NYT)
Apr. 24: IsraeliJustice Minister Haim Zadok said Israeli May 3: A bomb exploded on a commercial thorough-
militants such as those in the Gush Emunim move- fare near Zion Square in Jerusalem, injuring 30.
ment "are undermining democracy and should be Jewish youths set fire to buses in an Arab quarter of
opposed." [NYT) the city in retaliation. [NYT)
List of Abbreviations
ARR, Arab Report and Record; AW, The Arab World; B, Brief; CSM, The Christian Science
Monitor; CB, Cyprus Bulletin; E, The Economist; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Daily Report-Middle East and Africa; G, The Guardian (weekly international edition); JP, The Jeru-
salem Post; KT, The Kabul Times; Kl, Kayhan (international edition); MEED, Middle East Eco-
nomic Digest; MEES, Middle East Economic Survey, LM, Le Monde (weekly English edition);
NYT, The New York Times; PO Platt's Oilgram; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington


An Arab march from Ramallah to Jerusalem, May 12: Israeli delegate to the UN Chaim Herzog
planned in response to the march by Gush Emunim, said that Soviet charges of "racial genocide" on the
was prevented by Israeli authorities from being held. West Bank were "baseless." [NYTI
News coverage was not permitted. [NYT} Delegations from 7 Arab countries walked out as
A curfew was imposed for several hours on Tul- the Israeli delegate to the UN Conference on Trade
karim after an Arab demonstration against the Israeli and Development (UNCTAD) in Nairobi, Kenya,
occupation. [NYTI rose to speak. [NYT]
Military sources said an Israeli army major would May 15: An Arab youth was wounded by Israeli
be tried in connection with the death of an Arab who soldiers when he defied a curfew in Jenin. [NYTI
had been arrested after a West Bank demonstration May 16: An Israeli soldier shot a teenage Arab girl to
in March. [NYTI death in an apartment house in Nablus. An official
May 4: Former US Secretary of Defense James military announcement said the shot had been
Schlesinger said President Gerald Ford was under- accidentally discharged. Two Arabs protesting the
mining American "moral support" for Israel by putting shooting were later wounded. [NYT}
undue pressure on it to make concessions to the May 17: Demonstrations took place in Jenin, Nablus,
Arabs. [NYT) Ramallah and other West Bank towns. An Arab youth
The Security Council opened a debate on the was shot to death by Israeli soldiers at Kalan-
Middle East. Egypt called for the adoption of a dia. [NYT]
resolution condemning "Israel's brutal and illegal The WHO voted by 65 to 18 with 14 abstentions
actions in the occupied territories." [NYTI not to consider an expert committee report which
May 5: Israel charged in the Security Council that Egypt said that health services in the occupied Arab
had resorted to "double-faced hypocrisy" by support- territories had undergone "slow but steady" improve-
ing Palestinian extremists. [NYT} ment since 1967, because Israel had not allowed the
Israeli troops wounded 2 Arabs in Nablus during committee to enter the territories as a unit. [NYTl
demonstrations against Israeli occupation of the West May 18: Israeli border policemen fired on a crowd of
Bank. [NYT) Arab demonstrators in East Jerusalem and 1 man
was killed. [NYT)
May 6: Syria called on the World Health Organization
Three Arab terrorists were killed on the Israeli
(WHO) to impose "appropriate sanctions" on Israel
border with Jordan. [JPJ
because the rights of the Palestinian people had been
May 19: The WHO voted by 57 to 16 with 16 abstentions
"grossly disregarded." [NYTI
to accept a resolution which condemned Israel for not
May 8: Several thousand Israelis participated in a having allowed the expert committee to enter the
demonstration organized by the Mapam Party and occupied territories as a unit, and called on Israel to
called for the ejection of 125 Gush Emunim settlers let the committee move freely to "all parts of the
from Camp Kadum, a military base in the West occupied Arab territories." [NYT)
Bank. [NYT] Israeli Arab protestors at Hebrew University in
Israel said it was investigating reports that Arabs Jerusalem were attacked by Jewish counterdemon-
in the West Bank had offered to stage demonstrations strators led by American Rabbi Meir Kahane of the
in exchange for payment from foreign news- Jewish Defense League. Six people were wounded.
men. [NYTI [NYT]
May 9: Representatives of foreign news organizations Israeli soldiers broke up an Arab demonstration in
denied allegations that Arabs on the West Bank had East Jerusalem with tear gas. [NYTJ
been paid to stage demonstrations. [NYT) The UN Committee on the Exercise of the In-
The Israeli Cabinet called for intensified settlement alienable Rights of the Palestinian People adopted
on the West Bank. It also decided that the Gush by consensus a set of recommendations stressing the
Emunim settlers at Camp Kadum must move to an Palestinians' "right to return" to their home-
unspecified new site. [NYT) land. [NYT)
May 10: Settlers at Camp Kadum said they would not May 20: An Israeli official said Israeli troops would
agree "to any decision that will mean the dismantling keep away from future West Bank demonstrations
of the settlement," but a spokesman for the group except in cases where road communications between
said later they would move to another site if it were cities were threatened. [NYT}
in the "heartland of Samaria."[NYTI A bus was stoned by Arab youths in East
Soviet delegate to the UN Yakov Malik charged Jerusalem. [NYT]
in the Security Council that Israel had resorted to Soldiers in Tulkarim dispersed demonstrators with
"racialgenocide" in putting down unrest in the West tear gas. The mayor of Tulkarim said demonstrations
Bank. [NYT] would continue "as long as the Israelis build Jewish
May 11: African nations blocked an Algerian initiative settlements on our lands." [NYT)
in the UN Economic and Social Council that would May 23: The head of the 350,000 member Zionist
have linked Zionism with racism in 2 Economic and organization Hadassah criticized "Jewishpersonalities
Social Council resolutions. [NYT) who have taken it upon themselves to publicly
A small bomb exploded in a Tel Aviv movie theater criticize certain policies of Israel at this critical
slightly injuring 3 people. [NYT) juncture." [NYT}

Israel formed a Committee of Ministers to study June 11: The UN Conference on Human Settlement
Arab grievances and said it would set up a joint council ended in Vancouver, Canada. A "Declaration of
with Jewish and Israeli Arab members to speed in- Principles" embracing the General Assembly resolu-
tegration of Israeli Arabs into the society. [NYT) tion equating Zionism with racism was approved by
May 24: Israeli Premier Rabin refused a request by a vote of 89 to 15 with 10 abstentions. [JP)
Israeli Arab leaders to cancel plans to take over Arab June 19: A small bomb exploded in the Old City of
land in Galilee for development and turned down Jerusalem wounding 1 Arab. [NYT)
demands for a special inquiry into the Galilee riots June 21: The US State Department confirmed that the
of March. [NYTI US had sent by indirect channels a message of thanks
The Executive Board of the UN Educational, to the PLO leadership for its help in a sea evacuation
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) of Western nationals from Lebanon. [NYTI
voted by 26 to 1 with 10 abstentions to extend an June 24: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel had
"urgent appeal" to Israel to insure educational and protested the US expression of thanks to the PLO for
cultural rights in Israeli occupied Arab territories. help in the evacuation. [JP)
[NYTI June 27: A Jetliner on its way from Tel Aviv to Paris
May 25: A suitcase bomb exploded at Ben-Gurion with 257 persons aboard was hi jacked after a stopover
International Airport in Israel, killing the owner and in Athens. It was flown to Libya and refuelled. [NYT)
a customs official and wounding 7. A second suitcase June 28: The hijacked plane was flown to Entebbe
exploded minutes later. [NYT) Airport in Uganda. [NYTI
May 26: At the end of a debate on the Middle East, Uganda radio broadcast a statement by the
the Security Council presented a majority statement hijackers, identifying them as members of the Popular
deploring Israeli measures altering the demographic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. (PFLP). [NYT)
character of the occupied territories. The US June 29: Arab merchants in the West Bank called for
dissociated itself from the statement. [NYTI a strike to protest a new Israeli value added tax that
UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim arrived in would raise prices by 8% starting July 1. [NYT)
Syria seeking extension of the mandate for the UN The Israeli Treasury decided to postpone imposi-
observer force in the Jawlan region. [NYTI tion of the new tax in the West Bank until August
May 27: UN Secretary General Waldheim said that 1. [JPJ
Syria had agreed to extend the mandate of the UN The hijackers demanded that Israel and 4 other
observer force in the Jawlan region for another 6 countries release 53 imprisoned Palestinians and pro-
months. A UN official informed Israel that no con- Palestinians by July 1 and fly them to Uganda. [NYT)
ditions were attached to the Syrian decision. [NYT) June 30: The hijackers released 47 hostages but said
May 28: The Security Council extended the mandate they would blow up the aircraft and remaining
of the UN observer force in the Jawlan region by hostages if their demands were not met. Ugandan
a vote of 13 to 0, with 2 nations not parti- President Idi Amin said negotiations with the hijackers
cipating. [NYTI were deadlocked and appealed to the countries in-
May 29: The governing body of the International Labor volved to meet the hijackers' demands. [NYT)
Organization (ILO) voted by 24 to 23 with 4 ab- An Israeli district court in Jerusalem overturned a
stentions to bar the PLO from representation at the magistrate's decision of January and ruled that 8
ILO sponsored World Employment Conference. Jewish defendants were guilty of disturbing the peace
[NYTI by praying on the Temple Mount. [NYT)
May 30: A rally in support of Israel drew an estimated July 1: Israel agreed to negotiate with the hijackers.
100,000 people in Paris. [NYTI [NYT)
May 31: A Foreign Ministry spokesman said Egypt had The hijackers released 101 more hostages and ex-
asked the Arab League to admit the PLO as a full tended the deadline for compliance with their
member. [NYT) demands to July 4. [NYT)
June 4: The ILO governing body voted by 31 to 23 with Foreign ministers of the Arab League condemned
1 abstention to reverse its previous decision and the hijacking. [NYT)
admit the PLO. [NYT) US President Ford signed 2 foreign aid bills that
June 5: Israeli troops clashed with Arab demonstrators included military and economic assistance to Israel.
in Nablus. [NYT) [NYT)
June 6: Israel said it would boycott an upcoming meeting July 2: Israel advised France of the terms under which
of the UN Security Council which had been called to it would be prepared to release imprisoned terrorists
discuss a plan for creating a Palestinian state in in exchange for the hostages. [NYT)
Israeli occupied territory. [NYTI Israeli troops fired on rioters in the West Bank,
June 8: The US and Israeli delegations walked out of killing 1.person and wounding 30. [NYT)
the ILO World Employment Conference as the PLO July 3: Violent demonstrations broke out in Nablus
observer rose to speak. [NYT) but were dispersed by tear gas. [NYT)
June 9: Israeli troops in the West Bank used tear gas to The New York Times cited the International Com-
disperse Arabs demonstrating against the Syrian mittee of the Red Cross as saying it had protested
intervention in Lebanon after the protestors began regularly to Israel in the last year about incidents
stoning Israeli patrols. [NYT) in the occupied Arab territories. [NYT)

July 4: An Israeli commando unit raided Entebbe Aug. 15: In a speech in Washington, Israeli Justice
Airport, freed 103 hostages and returned to Israel Minister Zadok opposed the use of capital punishment
after a stopover at Kenya. Israel reported 4 Israelis, against terrorists. [NYTI
7 terrorists and about 20 Ugandan soldiers had been
killed during the raid. One Israeli hostage was left
behind in a Ugandan hospital. [NYTJ
Kenya denied charges that it had cooperated in
any way in the Israeli raid. [NYT1
Amin called for global condemnation of the Israeli
raid. [NYTI 1976
Rabin accused Amin of "collaborating with the
terrorists, while using deceit and false pretenses." Apr. 22: A ministerial conference of Arab and African
[NYT) states ended in Senegal with publication of the draft
July 5: The French commander of the hijacked plane of an 8 point charter of co6peration between delega-
said that the hostages had been "exclusively secured tions of the Arab League and the Organization of
by the hijackers" and that "Ugandan soldiers were African Unity (OAU). [NYTI
never substituted for the hijackers." [NYTI Apr. 26: Bechtel Corporation filed a response in United
July 8: Waldheim called on the world community to act Stated District Court denying Justice Department
urgently against the "increasingly pervasive and charges that it violated antitrust laws by taking part
pernicious practice of terrorism." INYTI in the Arab boycott of Israel. [NYTI
July 9: The Security Council began a debate on the Apr. 27: Arab League states at a meeting of Arab
Entebbe incident and Uganda demanded Israel's Finance and Economy Ministers in Rabat signed an
condemnation for the raid. Israel in turn charged that agreement to set up an Arab Monetary Fund with a
Amin had connived with the terrorists. [NYT} capital of around $875m. [MEES]
July 12: Israel announced it had uncovered 8 terrorist May 7: The New York Times reported that the Finance
cells in the West Bank belonging to the PFLP, and Committee of Israel's Knesset had approved a deal
said that 50 suspects had been detained "in recent giving a US oil concern a partnership in the develop-
weeks." [NYT) ment of an oilfield off the Sinai coast. [NYTJ
July 14: The Security Council ended debate on the May 10: A special meeting of OPEC Finance Ministers
Israeli raid without approving either a resolution was held to complete arrangements for the setting
condemning the raid or a rival resolution condemning up of an $800m Special Fund. [MEESI
hijacking and terrorism. [NYT] May 13: The newly appointed Director General of the
July 18: A bomb exploded in a bus in a suburb of Tel OPEC Special Fund announced that OPEC would
Aviv, injuring 10 people. [NYT) contribute $400m to the projected International Fund
July 25: A Druze Arab serving in the Israeli border for Agricultural Development (IFAD) on condition
police was killed in a West Bank Palestinian refugee that the developed nations give $600m. [MEES)
camp by an explosion believed set by Arab guer- May 18: The fourth round of dialogue between the
rillas. [NYT} European Economic Community (EEC) and the Arab
Aug. 1: Israeli authorities put a value added tax into League states opened in Luxembourg. [MEES]
effect on the West Bank. [NYT} May 27: A 2 day ministerial council meeting of
Arab merchants in the West Bank closed their shops Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) members
to protest against the value added tax. [NYT) ended in London. [NYT]
One Israeli soldier was injured during a demonstra- June 8: Polisario guerrillas attacked Nouakchott, the
tion in Nablus. [NYTI capital of Mauritania, in 2 separate incidents, and
Aug. 4: An Israeli army spokesman said 25 members of a guerrilla was killed in 1 of the raids. [NYT]
an Arab guerrilla group had been detained by Israeli June 9: US Treasury Secretary William Simon indicated
security forces. [NYT) that the US was making progress in diminishing
Aug. 10: Israel said it would court martial a soldier the force of the Arab boycott of Israel but added
involved in the slaying of an Arab girl on May 16. that legislation to curb the boycott would "be
[NYT) detrimental to the totality" of US interests. [NYT]
Aug. 11: The mayor of Nablus charged that Israelis The head of the US Securities and Exchange
had retaliated against a 10 day strike in protest of the Commission (SEC) said that the SEC had 9 investiga-
value added tax by restricting trade between Jordan tions underway concerning the Arab boycott. [NYT]
and the West Bank. [NYT) June 10: A newspaper in Nouakchott reported that the
Pro-Palestinian guerrillas attacked passengers in Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Sayid
the transit lounge of Yesilkoy Airport in Istanbul, el-Wali, had been killed by Mauritaniantroops. [NYTI
killing 4 people and wounding more than 30. Police The New York Times reported that the Polisario
captured 2 guerrillas. [NYT) Front had declared all of Mauritania and southern
Aug. 12: A Turkish state prosecutor said the 2 Morocco as far as Agadir to be "war zones." [NYT]
Palestinian guerrillas would face the death penalty if June 18: The New York Times reported that the first
convicted. [NYT) Secretary General of the Arab League, 'Abd
al-Rahman Hasan 'Azzam Pasha, had died in May 2: Iranian Interior Minister Jamshid-i Amuzgar
June. [NYT) said the issue of price differentials for differing grades
June 21: The Polisario Front confirmed that its secretary of crude oil "could have grave consequences" for
general, Sayid el-Wali, had been killed. [NYT) OPEC unity and predicted the issue would "attract
June 30: The New York Times reported that the more discussion" at the upcoming OPEC conference
Polisario Front had named Mahmoud Larussi as than would the setting of a base price for Arabian
interim leader. [NYT) light crude. [NYT]
July 2. Morocco and Mauritania walked out of an OAU May 20: Saudi Arabian King Khglid warned the in-
foreign ministers' meeting protesting that the issue dustrialized nations that "if the prices of manufactured
of the Western Sahara should not have been goods continue to rise, this means that the industrial
raised. [NYT] countries want us to change our policies regarding
July 3: Morocco and Mauritania threatened to quit the the price of crude oil." [NYT)
OAU unless the current summit meeting cease dis- May 24: Iraqi Oil Minister Tayih 'Abd al-Karim said
cussion on the Western Sahara region. [NYTI Iraq would ask for an oil price increase of at least
The Polisario Front said it had pulled back its 15% at the upcoming OPEC conference. [NYTI
forces operating in Mauritania to spare the civilian May 25: The New York Times reported that UAA Oil
population of Nouakchott "from too great a repres- Minister Sa'ld al-'Utaybah had said the UAA would
sion." [NYTI support a continued freeze on oil prices at the up-
July 22: The American Jewish Congress (AJC) said it coming OPEC conference but industrialized nations
had filed a complaint against Citibank and Morgan should take steps to control increases in prices of
Guaranty Trust Company charging them with serving manufactured goods. [NYT)
as "enforcers" of the Arab boycott in violation of May 27: OPEC opened a conference of oil ministers in
New York state law. [NYT) Bali, Indonesia. Saudi Arabia's Minister of Petroleum
July 23: Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the UAA, Kuwayt and Shaykh Ahmad Zaki Yamani said Saudi Arabia would
Bahrayn signed an agreement providing for the estab- oppose any increase" in the price of oil. [NYTI
lishment in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, of a Technical May 28. OPEC decided to continue a freeze on
Consulting Bureau for Arabian Gulf Ports. [MEES] petroleum prices "for the present." An Algerian
July 24: The Head Boycott Office of the Arab League system of pricing different grades of crude oil was
said that oil companies which helped Israel prospect adopted "in principle." [NYTI
for oil in the Sinai would be boycotted throughout June 8. Kuwayt cut its price for heavy crude oil by 7 cents
the Arab world. [NYT] a barrel. [NYT)
Aug. 5: A US State Department spokesman said the June 9: The ArabianAmerican Oil Company (ARAMCO)
US had initialed agreements containing "the most reported a Saudi Arabian decision to reduce the price
stringent safeguards"with Israel and Egypt that would of medium grade crude oil by 5 cents a barrel and of
provide each country with 2 nuclear reactors. [NYT) heavy crude by 10 cents a barrel. [NYT)
Aug. 6. The annual meeting of the OPEC Ministerial Aug. 9: Saudi Arabian Petroleum Minister Yamini
Committee on Financial and Monetary Matters predicted some increase in crude oil prices in 1977
ended in Vienna. A communique reiterated an OPEC but said he would oppose any "drastic"rises. [NYT)
pledge to allocate $400m to the IFAD, provided The US Treasury said OPEC nations had ac-
the developed countries contributed $600m. A further cumulated a net surplus of $41.06 billion in
$400m in direct aid to developing countries was 1975. [NYT}
pledged. [MEES]
Aug. 11: The AJC said that 2 investment banking
houses, Blyth Eastman Dillon & Company and
Dillon, Read & Company had cooperated in the Arab Afghanistan
boycott to deny business to stockbrokers on the boy-
cott list. [NYT)
Apr. 23: The League of Red Cross Societies said that
about 100,000 people in Afghanistan had been left
Petroleum Affairs homeless by earthquakes, torrential rains and
floods. [NYT)
(See also, General) May 26: Iran agreed to lend Afghanistan $ 1Om to help
establish an Export Promotion Bank. The loan was
1976 part of an agreement signed during a 3 day visit to
Kabul by Iranian Commerce Minister Manuchihr
Apr. 21.' Stringent security precautions were taken in Taslimi. [MEED]
Geneva to protect ministers of OPEC member June 7: Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto began
nations arriving for an unannounced meeting. [NYT) a 4 day visit to Afghanistan. [MEED)
Apr. 23. Oil Ministers of the 13 OPEC countries ended June 8: Pakistani President Bhutto met with Head of
a 2 day meeting in Geneva. [NYT) State Mohammad Daud. [FBIS]

July 4: Indian Premier Indira Ghandi arrived in Kabul June 1: In a letter to the UN, Greek Cypriot
for a 3 day visit. [MEED) negotiator Tassos Papadopoulos described the latest
Aug. 8: US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger met Turkish Cypriot proposals as "completely unaccept-
with President Daud in Kabul. [WPJ able." [NYTI
June 7: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim said in
a report to the Security Council that the fate of Greek
Cypriots in Turkish occupied areas had become a
Algeria matter of "serious concern." [NYT)
June 11: Foreign Minister John Christophides charged
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, in the Security Council that thousands of Greek
Petroleum Affairs, Lebanon) Cypriots were being expelled from areas occupied by
Turkish forces in preparation for a Turkish annexation
of the territory. [NYT}
1976 June 14: Turkish UN delegate Ilter Turkmen told the
Security Council that Turkish forces would make no
May 15: The New York Times reported that President effort to partition Cyprus and said Turkey would not
Houari Boumedienne had signed a decree lowering retain its troops on Cyprus. [NYTI
the voting age from 19 to 18. [NYT] June 15: Foreign Minister Christophides objected to the
June 27: Algerians voted overwhelmingly in a nation- text of a UN resolution to extend the mandate of
wide referendum for a new National Charter that was the international peacekeeping force in Cyprus.
to form the basis of a new Constitution. [MEED) [NYT]
July 8: Roman Catholic Auxiliary Bishop Gaston Marie The Security Council voted by 13 to 0 with 2
Jacquier was assassinated in Algiers. [NYT] abstentions to renew the mandate of the UN peace-
July 19: The Algerie Presse Service reported that the keeping force in Cyprus. The vote came only 17
Algerian national oil company Sonatrach had signed a minutes before expiration of the mandate. [NYT)
contract with the Foster Wheeler Corporation of the June 20: Turkish Cypriots elected Rauf Denkta? President
US for the building of a $1 billion natural gas of the self-declared "Turkish Federated State of
liquefaction plant in Algeria. [NYT) Cyprus." Denkta?'s National Unity Party won 30 out
of 40 seats in the State Assembly. [MEEDI
July 3: Denkta? was sworn in as first President of the
"Turkish Federated State of Cyprus" and chose Necat
Bahrayn Unuk to be Premier. [NYT]
July 5: The new Cabinet of the "Turkish Federated
(See also, General, Kuwayt, Lebanon) State of Cyprus" was announced by Denkta?:
Necat Konuk: Premier
Vedat Celik: Deputy Premier,Defenseand Foreign
1976 Orhan Zihni Bilgehan: Interior and State
Erol Kazim Anda~: Construction& Transport
Apr. 28: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Hallm Nail Atac: Trade, Industry & Tourism
Khaddam arrived in Bahrayn for a brief visit. [FBIS] Hakki Atun: Housing & Rehabilitation
May 26: Defense Minister Shaykh Hamad bin 'Isa Al Ihsan Kuiuk: Agriculture
Khalifah returned to Manama at the end of a 5 day Kenan Atakol: Power & Natural Resources
official visit to Iran. [FBIS) Ali Atun: Health & Social Affairs
June 18: Middle East Economic Digest reported that Mehmet Altinay: Finance
Ibrahim 'Abd al-Karim had become Minister of Dervi? Eroglu: Education & Culture [MEED]
Finance & National Economy. [MEEDI

Cyprus (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Lebanon,
Saudi Arabia, South Yemen)
(See also, Lebanon, Turkey)

Apr. 16: The newspaper al-Ahram reported that the last
Apr. 17: The government rejected as "unacceptable" 5 Soviet warships had left Alexandria the day before
Turkish Cypriot peace proposals, saying they did not in compliance with Egyptian orders. [NYT}
contain "any concrete proposals on the territorial Apr. 18: Vice President Husni Mubarak arrived in
aspect of the problem." [NYT) Peking at the head of a 36 man delegation for talks
Apr. 29: It was announced that general elections would with Chinese leaders on military, economic and trade
be held in Cyprus on Oct. 3. [NYTI affairs. [MEEDI
The New York Times reported that War Minister July 18: A protocol setting up the $2 billion Gulf
'Abd al-Ghani al-Jamasi had returned to Egypt from Fund for Development in Egypt was initialled in
a 5 day arms buying visit to Rumania which he de- Cairo by representatives of Saudi Arabia, Kuwayt,
scribed as successful. [NYTI Qatar, the UAA and Egypt. [FBIS]
Apr. 19: The Libyan Ambassador opened fire with a July 23: An amnesty for 1,075 prisoners to mark the
machine gun to break up a demonstration of about 50 24th anniversary of the 1952 Revolution was de-
Libyan students in the Embassy compound in Cairo. clared. [MEEDI
No one was injured. [NYT" July 26: Sadat said the $2 billion Gulf Fund was
Apr. 21: Egypt and China signed a military protocol still inadequate, and stated that Egypt needed $10-
in Peking. [NYTI $12 billion in aid over the next 5 years. [MEES]
Apr. 22: Egypt announced it had asked the Libyan Am- Aug. 6: Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Ahmad
bassador to surrender the submachine gun which he Fu'ad Sharif died, aged 50. [NYTI
had used to break up a demonstration. [NYTI Aug. 8: Two bombs exploded in a government office
Apr. 25: Justice Minister 'Adil Yunis died. [MEED) building in Cairo, injuring 14. One of the wounded
Apr. 28: A trade protocol with the Soviet Union was was later arrested. Officials accused Libya of plan-
signed by Minister of Trade Tawflq 'Abd al-Fattah ning the bombings. [NYT]
in Moscow. [FBISJ Libya denied having had anything to do with the
May 2: Cairo Domestic Service reported that Presi- blasts. [NYT)
dent Anwar al-Sadat had issued a decree appointing Aug. 12: A sit down strike at an Alexandria tex-
Ahmad Tal'at as Justice Minister. [FBIS] tile company ended with 15 people injured and 36
May 8: Economy Minister Muhammad Zaki Shafi'i arrested. [NYT)
said that Egypt had decided to establish a commercial Aug. 13: The newspaper al-Ahrim said that Egypt
exchange market in which foreign exchange rates had sent troops and weapons to western Egypt to
would be "fixed daily on the basis of supply and protect its border with Libya. [NYTJ
demand." [NYT} Aug. 14: A bomb exploded on a train in Alexandria.
May 16: War Minister al-Jamasi began a tour of North At least 8 people were killed and 51 injured. The
Korea, China and Pakistan. [MEED] government press agency said it was "within the
framework of the Libyan sabotage plan." [NYT)
May 30: The People's Assembly approved a bill Aug. 15.' Libya denied responsibility for the Alex-
prohibiting the sale of alcohol except in tourist
andria bomb blast. [NYT]
areas. [NYT)
Libya called for an urgent meeting of the Arab
June 3: About 300 students seized the Syrian Em- League to discuss an Egyptian troop buildup on its
bassy in Cairo in protest against Syria's ro5e in border. [NYT)
Lebanon. [NYT}
June 5: A spokesman said Egypt had ordered the with-
drawal of its entire diplomatic mission from Da-
mascus and requested the Syrian Embassy staff Iran
to leave Egypt following an attack on the Egyptian
Embassy in Damascus by hundreds of students. (See also, Petroleum Affairs, Afghanistan, Bahrayn,
[NYT) Turkey)
June 6: Egypt and the People's Republic of China
signed a $103.2m trade agreement. [MEED)
June 7. President Sadat said the Palestinian Libera- 1976
tion Organization (PLO) would be allowed to re-
Apr. 21: Talks resumed between Iran and a consortium
sume radio broadcasting from Cairo. [NYT)
of Western oil companies which had been seeking
June 26: Salah Nisir, former chief of intelligence, revision of a 1973 agreement. [NYTI
was sentenced to 10 years hard labor for having Apr. 25: The newspaper Ittila'at reported that 26
ordered the torture of the journalist Mustafa persons had been killed in the last week by floods
Amin 11 years earlier. [NYT) that hit 28 villages in northeastern Iran. [NYT)
June 30: The Libyan Ambassador was expelled from Apr. 27: Iran said that 3 members of an Islamic-
Egypt after being held overnight for distributing Marxist extremist group had been killed the week
pamphlets advocating the overthrow of the Egyptian before in a gun battle with security forces in
government. [JP} Tehran. [NYTI
July 7. Cairo newspapers reported that 3 Libyans had May 9: US Federal Energy Administrator Frank
been arrested following 3 bomb explosions at an Zarb said the Iranian government had beeq holding
Egyptian coastal town near Libya. [NYT) talks with US companies about bartering billions of
July 13: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri arrived dollars worth of oil for American products. [NYT)
in Egypt for talks with Sadat on "military co- May 11: Three US companies confirmed they had
6rdination" between the 2 countries. [MEED) been negotiating a multi-billion dollar barter deal of
July 15: Egypt and Sudan signed a joint defense oil for rnilitary equipment with the Iranian govern-
pact. [FBIS] ment. [NYT)

May 15: The New York Times reported that the Iran- of terrorist organizations not already on wanted
ian National Assembly had approved a Treaty of lists. [NYT)
Boundaries with Iraq during the week, after negoti- July 6: Pakistani Premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto arrived
ations had resolved some final specific issues. in Tehran for 3 days of talks with the Shah and
[NYT} Premier Huvayda. [MEED}
May 16: It was reported that at least 11 terrorists Aug. 1: A US Senate study said that after former US
had been killed after the assassination of 3 Iranian President Richard Nixon had decided in 1972 to
security officials in Tehran. [NYT) "sell Iran any conventional weapons systems that it
May 17: The New York Times reported that Iran wanted," Iran had become so dependent on US per-
had announced the arrest of 4 people in connection sonnel to operate the systems it had bought that
with the slaying of Mullah 'Abd al-Hasan Shamsabi.di it could not go to war "without U.S. support on a
in April. [NYT) day-to-day basis." [NYT)
May 19: Officials announced that 10 guerrillas and Aug. 6: The Shah met with US Secretary of State
4 passers-by had been killed at 3 hideouts north- Henry Kissinger in Iran. Later he told reporters that
west of Tehran. [NYT] the US must continue to sell arms to Iran or risk
May 22: The newspaper Rastakhiz asserted that Libya instability in the area. [NYT]
had paid $100,000 to Iranian terrorists who opposed Aug. 7: At the end of a 2 day meeting of the Iran-
the Shah and had arranged to pay further sums in American Joint Commission, the US and Iran an-
the future. [NYT] nounced that Iran planned to spend $10 billion
May 24: Saudi Arabian King Khialidarrived in Tehran for military purchases from the US between 1975
for talks with the Shah. [MEED] and 1980. [NYT)
May 26: The Kuwayti newspaper al-Siyasah reported Aug. 10: Australian Minister of Natural Resources
that Iran was seeking to raise a $1.2 billion loan J. D. Anthony said that Iran and Australia were
from Saudi Arabia. [NYT} planning a joint venture for uranium development in
The deputy director of the National Intelligence Australia. [NYTI
and Security Organization (SAVAK) denied charges Aug. 15: The New York Times reported that the Shih
that it tortured political prisoners. [NYT] had granted amnesty to 307 prisoners to mark the
May 28: The International Commission of Jurists 50th anniversary of the Pahlavi dynasty. [NYT}
said that there was "abundant evidence showing the
systematic use of impermissible methods of torture of
political suspects" in Iran. [NYT] Iraq
During a visit to France, Premier Amir 'Abbas-i
Huvayda said that Iran had no intention of using
nuclear plants, which were to be built for Iran by (See also, General, Petroleum Affairs,
France, in order to develop nuclear weapons. Lebanon, Syria)
May 31. Middle East EconomicSurvey reported that
Iran had signed contracts worth $1.2 billion for the
purchase of 2 French nuclear power plants. [MEES]
June 1: About 15 Iranian students occupied the Apr. 24: Morocco and Iraq signed 3 cooperation agree-
Iranian Consulate General in Geneva to protest re- ments at the end of a 3 day visit by Moroccan
pression of political dissidents in Iran. [NYTI Premier Ahmad Osman to Baghdad. [MEEDI
June 4: Muhammad Riza Amirtaymur, who had re- Apr. 27: Turkish President Fahri Koruturk and Foreign
cently ended service as Ambassador to Britain, was Minister Ihsan Sabri Caklayangil flew to Iraq for talks
found dead in London. [NYT) on bilateral relations. [TDNJ
June 15: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat arrived May 3: Foreign Minister Sa'dan Hammidl ended a visit
in Tehran on a 6 day visit. [MEED] to Cuba and flew to Mexico for talks on cooperation
June 17. The National Iranian Oil Company con- within the nonaligned bloc. [MEED]
firmed the discovery of an offshore natural gas field, May 10: The following appointments to the Cabinet
with an estimated reserve of 200 trillion cubic were announced:
feet, near Bushehr. [NYT] Hamid al-Jub&ri:Head of Officeof Deputy Chairman of
June 21: Omani Sultan Qabus bin Salid arrived in of the RCC
Tehran for talks with the Shah on Gulf security. 'Izzat Mustafa: Labor & Social Affairs
[MEED] Taha al-Jazrawi:Public Works& Housing
Iran announced it intended to purchase $125m of Hasan al-'Amiri: Internal Trade
cumulative voting preferred stock in the Occidental 'Adnan al-Hamdani: Planning
Petroleum Corporation. [NYT] Anwar 'Abd al-Qadir: Municipal & Rural Affairs
June 29.' Policemen killed 10 Communist terrorists, Ahmad 'Abd al-Sattar al-Juwiri: Awqif
including 2 women, in a gun battle in Tehran. 'Abd al-Sattar Tahir Sharif: Transport
[NYT] Fulayyih Hasan al-Jasim:Industry & Minerals
July 5. A general amnesty was announced for members Riyad Ibra.himHusayn: Health [FBISJ

May 18: Libyan Premier 'Abd al-SalamJalluidarrived in May25: Local council elections were held in 5 Arab and 2
Baghdad and met with Revolution Command Druze villages in Galilee. Communists were elected
Council (RCC) Vice Chairman Saddam Husayn. council heads in 2 villages and 4 villages elected
[FBIS) Labor Party members or supporters. A runoff was
Iraq and Yugoslavia signed an agreement under necessary in the seventh village. [JP)
which Yugoslavia would build an agriculturalcomplex May 31: In response to an assertion by an opposition
in central Iraq at an estimated cost of $339m. [MEEDI Member of the Knesset, the Defense Ministry said
May 29: Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin arrived in there were "no Israel defense forces personnel in
Baghdad on a 4 day visit. [NYTI South Africa." [NYT]
May 31: Iraq and the USSR signed an economic and The New YorkTimes reported that Israel and South
technical cooperation agreement. [MEES) Africa had announced a program to strengthen their
June 1. The Israeli newspaper YediotAharonot reported scientific and technological ties. [NYTI
that an Iraqi born Jewish family had returned to June 1: The New York Times reported that the governor
Baghdad after 25 years in Israel. [NYTI of the Bank of Israel, Moshe Sanbar, had called for
June 14: Iraq said that a Syrian pilot had defected to cuts in all spending except defense because of
Iraq with his aircraft. [FBIS) Israel's "desperate" economic situation. [NYT}
July 17: A second Syrian pilot was reported to have June 3: The Jerusalem Post said that 11 Israeli families
defected to Iraq. [FBISJ from Jaffa had announced plans to emigrate to
July 30: Middle East EconomicDigest cited RCC Vice Morocco. UP]
Chairman Husayn as saying the government had June 11.' President Katzir arrived in London for a 10 day
decided to stop resettling Kurds in southern and visit. [JP]
central Iraq. [MEEDI June 20: The government cut its defense budget by
1.6%. Defense Minister Peres warned that the reduc-
tion would harm Israel's security. [NYT]
June 24: The pound was devalued 2%. [JP]
Israel July 1. A value added tax went into effect in Israel. [NYT]
July 18: The Israeli pound was devalued from 7.97 to
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iraq, Lebanon) 8.12 pounds to the US dollar. [NYT]
The government approved a currency reform under
which the Israeli pound's exchange rate would be
reckoned against a basket of 5 currencies, including
1976 the US dollar, instead of against the dollar alone.
Apr. 18: Israel announced a 2% devaluation of its [NYT]
currency. [NYT] Aug. 8. The New York Times reported that the state
Apr. 25: A 3 day work slowdown by about 2/3 of radio had said Israel was building 2 long range gun-
Israel's 60,000 civil servants began. [NYT] boats for the South African Navy. [NYT]
Apr. 27: The Asian Games Federation decided to ban
Israel from participating in the 1978 games "for
security reasons." [JP]
Apr. 29: A US guided missile destroyer docked in Haifa.
It was the first US naval ship to visit Israel in nearly
13 years. [JP) (See also, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria)
Israel's UN Delegate Chaim Herzog rejected
criticism of a recent visit to Israel by South African
Premier John Vorster and denied the visit "auto- 1976
matically" meant Israeli endorsement of South
African policies. [NYTI May 17. Soviet Deputy Minister of Defense Marshal
May 2: The New York Times reported that President Pavel Kutakhov arrived in Amman on a 6 day visit at
Ephraim Katzir had cancelled a private visit to France the head of a Soviet military delegation. [MEED]
because of a controversy regarding protocol. [NYT] May 22: At the end of his visit to Jordan, Soviet
May 13. The Ministry for Religious Affairs cancelled Deputy Defense Minister Kutakhov expressed a wish
the appointment of Rabbi Moshe Weiler as a for the consolidation of Soviet-Jordanian friendship.
member of the Jerusalem Religious Council when it [MEED]
was learned that he was chairman of the National May 31. An international symposium on the Jordanian
Council of Reform Rabbis. [NYT] economy opened in Amman and a new ?1.2 billion 5
May 19: The government announced a 2% devaluation year economic development plan was officially
of the Israeli pound. [JPJ launched. [MEED]
May 24: Slum dwellers, resisting the demolition of a June 16: King Husayn said that it was "no secret" that
warehouse built without a permit in Tel Aviv, attacked Jordan was investigating the possibilities of providing
police. Four rioters and 3 policemen were wounded. itself with "an air defense system of Soviet manufac-
[NYT} ture." [NYT]

The New York Times reported that the US had against any party that resumes military operations."
cautioned Jordan that it could lose American [NYT)
military and economic aid if it bought a Soviet Police said 208 people had been killed in intense
missile system. [NYT} fighting during the day. [WP}
June 17: King Husayn arrived in Moscow on an 11 day Apr. 18: Interior Minister Camille Sham'un rejected the
visit for talks with Soviet leaders on the possible 7 point accord reached by Syria and the PLO. [NYT)
purchase of a missile defense system. [MEED] Apr. 19: The Higher Military Committee announced it
June21: AJordanian military delegation left for Moscow had decided to form "supervision committees" and
to join King H.usayn. [NYT) "deterrent units" to enforce the ceasefire. [NYTI
July 5: King Husayn returned to Jordan after a 2 day Apr. 20: A ceasefire went into effect but fighting and
visit to Saudi Arabia. [FBIS] shelling continued in the Beirut port area. The Higher
July 13: Premier Zayd al-Rifa'l resigned and Mudar Military Committee met to examine the situation.
Badran was asked to form a new Cabinet. [NYT) [NYT]
July 14: A new Cabinet was formed: Apr. 21: President Sulayman Franjiyyah sent envoys to
Mudar Badran: Premier,Foreign and Defense Damascus to obtain "clarifications"on the agreement
Dhuqan al-Hindawi: Education between Syria and the PLO. [NYTI
'Adnan Abu 'Awdah: Information & Culture Units of the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA)
Muhammad al-Bashir: Health began taking up positions in Beirut. Fighting
Salim al-Masa'idah:Finance continued in the port quarter of the capital. [NYT]
Ghalib Barakat: Tourism & Antiquities April 23: US Special Envoy to Lebanon L. Dean
Ahmad al-Shubaki: Public Works Brown met with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
Ahmad 'Abd al-Karim al-Tarawinah:Justice in London. Kissinger later said the US position was
Marwan al-Hammuid:Municipal & Rural Affairs that "there would be no intervention by any outside
Mahmad al-Hawamdah: Transport powers." [NYT)
Raja'l al-Mu' shshir: Industry & Trade Sporadic sniping and shelling continued throughout
$alhi Jum'ah: Agriculture & Supplies the day in Beirut. [NYT)
Hasan Ibrihim: Reconstruction & Development and Apr. 24: President Franjiyyah signed a constitutional
State for ForeignAffairs amendment that would permit election of a new
'Isam al-'AjlIni: Labor President. [NYT)
Kamil al-Sharif:Awqif, Islamic Affairs & Holy Places Apr. 26: Speaker of Parliament Kimil al-As'ad flew to
Marwan al-Qasim: Premier'sOffice Damascus and met with Syrian President Hifiz
Sulayman 'Arar:Interior al-Asad. [NYT}
'Abd al-Ra'uf al-Rawabidah:Communications[FBIS) Apr. 27: The New YorkTimes cited Speaker of Parliament
al-As'ad as saying the Parliament would meet on
May 1 to elect a new President. [NYT)
An alliance of leftist factions headed by Progressive
Kuwayt Socialist Party leader Kamil Junblait attacked the
(See also, General, Petroleum Affairs, Egypt, decision to hold elections so soon. [NYT)
Saudi Arabia) Apr. 28: Ilyas Sarkis announced his candidacy for the
presidency. [NYT)
1976 The alliance of leftist factions demanded that the
special session of Parliament be postponed to end
Apr. 20: Bahrayni Minister of Labor & Social Affairs "foreign pressures" on the election. [NYT)
Shaykh 'Isa bin Muhammad Al Khalifah arrived in Apr. 30: As 'ad announced a week's postponement of the
Kuwayt for talks on welfare and labor matters. special session of Parliament. Progressive Socialist
[MEED) Party leader Junblit announced support of the
June 6: Bank of America said it had formed the presidential candidacy of Raymond Edde (Iddah).
Financial Group of Kuwayt, a finance and investment [NYT)
company based in Kuwayt City. A wholly owned May 1: US Special Envoy Brown returned to Lebanon
Bank of America subsidiary would hold 40% of the from Washington. [NYT)
company's shares, with Kuwayt real estate projects Heavy shelling and fighting raged on all fronts in
co-owning the rest. [NYT) Beirut. [NYT)
May 2: Leftist factions agreed to an extension of the
truce. [NYT)
Lebanon Heavy shelling and mortar fire in Beirut during the
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict) night left as many as 100 people dead. Shelling was
resumed at dusk the following evening. [NYT)
1976 May 3: Fighting in the port district of Beirut continued
and Beirut airport came under artillery fire. The
Apr. 16: Syria and the Palestine Liberation Organization Higher Military Committee met and called for the
(PLO) proclaimed a 7 point program to end the halting of all shelling. Brown resumed consultations in
fighting and said they would take "a unified stand Lebanon. [NYT)

May 4: Junblat declared that Syria would have to with- May 16: PLO leader 'Arafat conferred with Asad in
draw Syrian and Syrian backed Palestinian al-S'iqah Damascus after the PLA troops were reported to
forces before his faction would participate in the have been allowed by Syria to withdraw from
presidential election. [NYT] Tripoli. [NYT]
A parliamentary delegation headed by former Heavy shelling in Beirut and its suburbs left
Premier Amin Hafiz went to Damascus to ask Syria as many as 150 dead. The editor in chief of the
to lift its opposition to the candidacy of Edde. [NYT} newspaper L'Orient-Le Jour, Edouard $a'b, was
Fighting grew in intensity in Beirut and officials killed. [NYTI
estimated 90 people had been killed and 120 wounded May 17: Libyan Premier 'Abd al-Salam Jallud arrived
in 24 hours. The Christian town of Zahlah came in Lebanon from Damascus to mediate between
under heavy shelling. [NYT) Syria and leaders of the PLO. [NYTI
May 5. Fighting slackened in Beirut and the PLA set up May 20: Libyan Premier Jallud said that Libya sup-
positions,between rival factions. Sporadic fighting in ported demands of the leftist factions and asserted
Beirut's suburbs and nearby mountain towns con- that "pan-Arab interests" required a solution to the
tinued. [WPJ civil war. [NYT]
May 7: It was decided to hold the presidential election Following a meeting with Sarkis the night before,
on the following day despite objections by some Junblat said that Sarkis "had made a proposal
factions. [NYTI which deserves study and an answer." [NYT)
Junblat called for a general strike and urged his Fighting slackened in Beirut and nearby mountain
followers to block routes to the scene of the scheduled areas. The estimated death toll for the past 24 hours
presidential election. [WPJ stood at 65. [NYT]
May 8: IlyaisSarkis was elected President by a vote of 66 May 21: General 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Ahdab, who had
to 0 with 3 blank ballots cast. Backers of Edd6 staged a coup in March, announced he was re-
boycotted the meeting, protesting interference by signing as military governor of the country. [NYT}
Syria in favor of Sarkis. [NYT) French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing said
May 11. Brown concluded his mission to Lebanon. France would be willing to send "several regiments"
[NYTI of troops to Lebanon for peacekeeping duties under
The coalition of factions headed by Junblat offered certain conditions, if requested to do so by the
to cooperate with Sarkis on condition that he keep Lebanese government. [NYT]
Syria out of Lebanon's internal affairs and that he May 22: Junblat issued a statement rejecting the
protect the Palestinian presence in the country. French offer of troops. [NYT]
[NYTI May 23: Premier Karimi rejected the French offer and
May 12: Sharp clashes were reported in Tripoli said Lebanon would "never go back to the days of
between guerrillas of al-Sa'iqah and those of the the mandate." [NYT]
Iraqi backed Arab Liberation Front. Fighting broke May 24: Fighting intensified on all fronts and about
out between Muslims from Tripoli and Christians 60 people were estimated to have been killed in
from Zaghorta. [NYT] 24 hours. [NYT)
May 13: Intense fighting left as many as 300 people May 25: Christian gunmen ambushed and wounded the
killed or wounded. Pro-Egyptian units of the PLA
Maronite leader Edde north of Beirut. [NYT]
took part in fighting in the mountain areas of
Clashes were reported between elements of al-
eastern Lebanon. Skirmishes were reported between
$i'iqah and al-Fath in the port of Sidon. [NYT]
units of al-$S'iqah and members of the Arab Libera-
tion Front in Beirut. [NYT] May 26. Shelling intensified and clashes were reported
The New York Times reported that Iraq had in Beirut, its suburbs and in northern Lebanon.
accused Syria of "flagrant intervention" in Lebanese A meeting between Sarkis and Junblat had to be
internal affairs. [NYTI postponed. [NYT]
May 14.' Leaders of the PLO accused Syria of imposing May 27.' Sarkis met with Lieutenant Ahmad al-
a sea blockade to keep supplies from reaching Khatib, leader of the Lebanese Arab Army, and con-
Palestinian forces. [NYT] ferred with Muslim religious leaders. [NYT]
PLO leader Yasir 'Arafat ordered Syrian con- Junblat's sister was killed by an unidentified
trolled units of the PLA to withdraw from Tripoli gunman. A meeting between Junblat and Sarkis
and join in the fighting against Christian factions. had to be postponed. [NYT]
[NYTI May 28. Palestinian sources said that 'Arafat had
It was reported that the Christian "capital" of been prevented by Syrian officials from entering
Juniyah had come under shelling. [NYT) Syria from Lebanon. He later flew from Lebanon to
The Higher Military Committee met under Premier Libya, stopping over in Cairo "to keep the line open
Rashid Karimi and ordered a new ceasefire. [NYT] with Egypt in case of further difficulties with the
May 15: Sniper fire and skirmishing in Beirut and the Syrians." [NYT)
nearby mountains marred the ceasefire. [NYTI Beirut airport was heavily shelled. Minister of
Imam Musa al-Sadr, leader of the Shli Muslims, Public Works 'Adil 'Usayran denied Christian charges
met with Asad in Damascus on the dispute between that the airport was being used to bring arms into
Syria and the Palestinians. [NYTI the country. [NYT]

May 29: Christian positions shelled a market near a bers of Syrian troops had moved into Lebanon in
Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut and 50 casualties the past 24 hours. [NYTI
were reported. The Christian cities of Zahlah and The Arab League met in Cairo to discuss the
al-Qubayyat were heavily shelled by Muslim forces. crisis in Lebanon and representatives from all
[NYTI member countries attended. [NYT)
May 31: More than 160 people were reported to have 'Arafat called for withdrawal of all Syrian forces
been killed in 24 hours as heavy fighting and shell- from Lebanon and asked members of the Arab
ing occurred in Beirut and in northern Lebanon. League to send a "token" joint military force to
[WPJ oversee an immediate ceasefire. [WP)
The Christian towns of Qubayyat and 'Andaqat Jallud and Algerian Education Minister Abdel
in the north, under heavy shelling, appealed to Asad Karim Ben Mahmoud arrived in Beirut on a media-
to intervene. [WP} tion mission. [NYT)
Syria sent an estimated 2,000 troops into the Akkar Eight Syrian armored vehicles were reported
Valley of northern Lebanon in response to the re- destroyed after 2 armored columns entered the
quests for intervention. [NYTI southern city of Sidon. [NYTI+
June 1: Palestinian sources said that 3,000 more June 9: Syrian armor was reported halted in the
Syrian troops had entered Lebanon during the day. mountains east of Beirut and outside the port of
Syrian tanks advanced along the Damascus to Beirut Sidon after meeting stiff resistance. [NYT]
highway and halted close to leftist positions near Beirut came under intense artillery and rocket fire
the Dahr al-Baydar mountain pass. [NYT} and clashes occurred in Tripoli between leftist
June 2: Bashir Jumayil, son of the leader of the factions. [NYT)
Phalanges Party, met with Junblat to offer con- The Soviet Union called for an end to foreign
dolences for the death of Junblat.'ssister. [NYTI intervention in the civil war. [NYT)
The PLO asked the Arab League to call an urgent June 10: Member nations of the Arab League agreed
meeting to discuss the Syrian intervention. [NYT) to send a token Arab peacekeeping force to Leb-
The last electricity line to Beirut was severed anon to "replace" the large Syrian force there.
by shelling near the village of Kahale. [NYT) [NYT)
Syria said it had been obliged to take "urgent
June 3: French Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnargues and appropriate measures" to counter a reported
met with Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim
buildup of Iraqi military forces near the Iraqi border
Khadda.mand renewed France's offer to send peace- with Syria. [NYT)
keeping troops to Lebanon. [NYTI
June 11: Arab League Secretary General Mahmud
A general strike in Muslim areas of Beirut called
Riyid arrived in Damascus to complete arrange-
by leftist factions was nearly 100% effective. [NYT} ments for the joint peacekeeping force. [NYT)
Egypt condemned Syria's military intervention in June 12: Damascus radio reported that Jallud had said
Lebanon and called for an urgent meeting of the a ceasefire had been declared "as a result of Alge-
Arab League to put an end to it. [NYT] rian, Syrian and Libyan talks." [NYT)
June 4: The Lebanese Arab Army appealed to Libya and The ceasefire appeared to be taking hold in
Algeria to send representatives to Beirut to discuss Beirut. [NYT)
"the Syrian invasion of Lebanon" with Syrian Army Beirut radio charged that a Syrian armored column
officers. [NYTI was moving toward the Arkub region near the Israeli
It was announced that the leftist factions, the border. [NYT)
Lebanese Arab Army and all Palestinian guerrilla June 13: Syrian Information Minister Ahmad Iskandar
organizations except al-Saiqah had agreed to form Ahmad said that Syria intended to keep its forces
a joint command. [NYT) in Lebanon until a government under President elect
June 5: Christian leaders issued a statement supporting Sarkis could start operating. [NYT)
the Syrian intervention in Lebanon. [NYT) June 14: Syrian troops were reported to have oc-
June 6: Sharp clashes broke out between al-Sa'iqah cupied a Lebanese Arab Army garrison in south-
guerrillas and leftist factions. The PLO charged that eastern Lebanon. [NYT)
Syrian forces were shelling Palestinian refugee camps June 15: Israeli Premier Yitzhak Rabin said Israel's
in Beirut's outskirts. [WP] security interests would be jeopardized if the civil
Air strikes and shelling were reported on Pal- war in Lebanon ended with the Syrians or the Pal-
estinian and leftist positions in eastern Lebanon. estinians in control of the country. [NYT)
[NYT] Arab League Secretary General Riyid had talks
June 7: Syrian or pro-Syrian jets attacked 3 Pal- with Franjiyyah about the Arab League initiative.
estinian refugee camps in the outskirts of Beirut. [NYT)
[WP) 'Arafat met with Saudi Arabian King Khalid in
Beirut airport was closed indefinitely. [NYT) Riyadh on the civil war in Lebanon. [NYT)
At least 4 Syrian tanks were destroyed along June 16: US Ambassador to Lebanon Francis Meloy,
the Damascus to Beirut highway in clashes with leftist Jr., and Economic Counselor Robert Waring were
factions. [WP) shot to death along with their Lebanese chauffeur
June 8. Western diplomats reported that large num- on their way to meet with Sarkis. [NYT)
Jalluid travelled to the Christian quarter of artillery fire and destroyed on the ground. The ter-
Ashrafiyyah in Beirut to meet with Phalanges Party minal building was also damaged by shelling. [NYT)
leader Pierre Jumayil. [NYT] Units of the Lebanese Arab Army shelled the
A statement by Christian factions said that "Leba- Christian town of Juniyah. [NYT}
nese fears" arising from the Arab League resolu- June 28. The Phalanges Party said it had joined other
tions had been "allayed altogether" after Riyad Christian factions in the attacks on the 2 Palestin-
had "corrected" the League's position. [NYT] ian refugee camps. [NYT)
June 17: Palestinian security agents said that 3 Leba- Palestinian spokesmen said Syria had moved 4,000
nese had confessed to involvement in the slaying of US more soldiers into Lebanon. [NYT)
Ambassador Meloy. [NYT) June 30: Christian forces overran the Jisr al-Basha
Franjiyyah said he was appointing Sham' mn camp during the night. [NYTI
Foreign Minister. [NYTI July 1: The Arab League conducted an emergency
Asad said in Paris that Syria would continue its meeting in Cairo. [NYT)
military efforts in Lebanon. [NYTJ Christian militiamen intensified efforts to capture
June 18: During a visit to Moscow, Jordanian King Tall al-Za'tar. [NYT)
Husayn strongly defended the Syrian intervention About 1,300 Saudi Arabian and Sudanese peace-
in Lebanon. [NYT] keeping troops arrived overland in Beirut from
A convoy organized by the British Embassy to Syria. [NYT)
evacuate citizens of Western nations arrived in The Soviet Union began to evacuate its na-
Damascus. [NYT} tionals by ship from Sidon. [NYT)
The US Embassy "strongly urged" all remaining A special Arab League envoy, Hasan Sabri
US citizens to leave Lebanon. [NYT) al-Khali, met with Jumayil and Franjiyyah. [NYT)
June 19: A second British organized evacuation con- An Arab League committee including Riyid, and
voy was cancelled because of fighting along the con- Foreign Ministers Habib Chatti of Tunisia and
voy's route. [NYTI Shaykh Muhlammad Bin Mubiarak Al Khalifah of
June 20: The US evacuated 263 American and foreign Bahrayn arrived in Damascus en route to Beirut.
nationals from Beirut by sea. The operation took [NYT)
place under security provided by PLO and leftist July 2: Christian forces overran the outer defenses of
factions. [NYT) Tall al-Za'tar. [NYT)
June 21: About 1,000 Syrian and Libyan troops, the The Arab League committee flew to Juniyah to
vanguard of the Arab League peacekeeping force, meet with Christian leaders. Christian radio said the
arrived in Beirut overland and took up positions leaders had agreed to a ceasefire. [NYT)
at the airport. [NYTI July 3: The Arab League Committee met with Pal-
'Arafat, Sidat and King Khalid met in Riyadh to estinian and leftist leaders. Heavy fighting contin-
discuss developments in Lebanon. Later 'Arafat ued around Tall al-Za'tar despite the announced
flew to Cairo to press Riyad for an early dispatch ceasefire. [NYT)
of the peacekeeping force. [NYT) July 4. The International Red Cross said that the op-
Christian forces belonging to Sham'uan'sNational posing parties had agreed to safeguard an evacu-
Liberal Party attacked the Palestinian refugee camp ation of wounded from Tall al-Za'tar. [NYT)
of Tall al-Za'tar. [NYT] 'Arafat returned to Beirut after a long mission
June 22: Some Syrian troops withdrew from positions to other Arab capitals. [NYT)
around Beirut airport. [NYTI July 5: Leftist forces launched heavy attacks on the
A British evacuation convoy left for Damascus Christian town of Shikka in the north in order to
by road. [NYT) relieve military pressure on Tall al-Za'tar. [NYT)
June 23: Beirut airport was reopened after a 2 week Renewed fighting prevented an International Red
closure. [MEED) Cross convoy from evacuating wounded from Tall
Heavy shelling was traded by Christian and Mus- al-Za'tar. [NYT)
lim sections of Beirut. Christians pressed attacks July 6: Heavy fighting took place in northern Lebanon
on Nab'ah, Tall al-Za'tar and the Palestinian camp as Christian forces counterattacked near Shikka.
Jisr al-Basha. [NYT) [NYT-
June 24: Jalliid continued mediation talks aimed at July 8: A spokesman for the leftist factions said that
consolidating a ceasefire between Syria and leftist they would have secured their objective in the north
factions. [NYT} "except for the Syrian intervention." [NYT}
June 25. Fighting spread from the suburbs to the port Syria denied its expeditionary force in Lebanon
area of Beirut. [NYT) was fighting on the side of the Christians. [NYTJ
June 26: The Phalanges Party said that if a committee Christian forces gained ground in the north and
representing factions from both sides were not estab- attacked the leftist town of Enfeh near Tripoli.
lished to insure that no arms were entering Lebanon [NYT)
by air, it would "be forced to put the airport out July 9. Leftist factions shelled Christian areas near
of action." [NYT] the Tall al-Za'tar refugee camp and attacked
June 27: Beirut airport was closed indefinitely after a Christian positions near the port district. [NYT)
Middle East Airlines commercial jetliner was hit by Syrian guns outside of Sidon were reported to

have shelled an oil refinery, setting it on fire. administration of all parties and "progressive" groups
[NYT) in leftist and Palestinian controlled areas. [NYTI
It was reported that Enfeh was the last remaining July 23: Three Swiss representatives of the Inter-
community in the Qura region holding out against national Red Cross entered Tall al-Zatar under a
the Christian advance. [NYTI truce. [NYT)
July 11: A 6 man delegation of Christian rightist July 24: Arab League envoy al-Kh-uli announced that
factions met with Asad and Jallud in Damascus. a new ceasefire had been negotiated. Prospects for
[NYTI the ceasefire dimmed when as many as 500 civilians
'Arafat accused Syria of trying to "strangle" were trapped in an underground shelter in Tall
Muslim controlled western Beirut and of attempting al-Za'tar during a shelling attack. [NYT]
to paralyze Palestinian forces by shelling the re- July 25: The ceasefire failed to take effect. Saudi
finery of Zahrani south of Sidon. [NYT) Arabian and Sudanese peacekeeping forces came
Junblat appealed to Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, under fire as they attempted to expand a neutral
Libya and Algeria for political and military inter- zone between Christian and Muslim forces, and 7
vention in Lebanon. [NYTI were wounded. [NYTI
'Arafat appealed to Egypt to send fuel to Pales- Sham'an said that under no circumstances would
tinian forces. [NYT] he allow his party's military positions to be taken
July 12: The Arab League met in Cairo. Egypt offered over by Arab peacekeeping troops. [NYT]
to send tanks but not troops to strengthen the July 26: Khlli met with Christian leaders to try to
peacekeeping force in Lebanon. [NYT) salvage the ceasefire. [NYT)
Christian rightist troops were reported to have July 27: The US evacuated 308 American and foreign
advanced to the southern outskirts of Tripoli. nationals from Beirut by ship under security pro-
[NYT) tection of the PLO. [NYTI
Palestinian officials charged that Syrian artillery had
July 29: Syria and the PLO signed an agreement
been shelling 2 Palestinian refugee camps near Trip-
providing for both a general ceasefire without with-
oli for 3 days, but Syria denied the charge. [NYT]
drawal of Syrian forces, and the creation of cease-
July 13: A Syrian tank unit entered Baalbek. [NYT) fire supervision commissions which would include
Libyan authorities reported that Syrian forces Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese officers. [NYTI
overlooking Sidon had begun a limited withdrawal at
the request of Jallad. [NYT) July 30: The US State Department said its diplo-
mats in Beirut had begun receiving regular security
July 14: Syria withdrew further units from the vicinity protection from the PLO but denied the US was
of Sidon and Libyan peacekeeping troops moved into shifting its policy with respect to the PLO. [NYTI
the area. [NYT) Hopes for a ceasefire dimmed as fighting con-
July 16: The American Embassy announced that it tinued in Beirut's suburbs and in the mountains
would be eliminating its consular services and urged to the east. [NYT)
all American citizens "to leave the country at this July 31. Christian commanders refused permission for
time." [NYT) the International Red Cross to enter Tall al-Za'tar
July 18: Heavy fighting was reported in Beirut and to evacuate wounded. [NYTI
in the mountains. Christian factions launched a new Aug. 1: Israel allowed a group of 15 unemployed
attack on Tall al-Za'tar. [NYT) Lebanese workers to enter the country to work for an
Israel reported it had seized a freighter carry- Israeli cigarette factory as part of a "good fence"
ing munitions from Egypt to Palestinian forces in policy to foster good relations with Lebanon.
Lebanon. [NYT] [NYT]
July 19: The US Embassy postponed the departure Aug. 2: Christian commanders agreed to allow a Red
of an evacuation convoy scheduled for the next Cross evacuation of Tall al-Za'tar the following day.
day. [NYT) [NYTI
July 20: Asad said in a 3 hour speech that Syria Aug. 3: The Red Cross entered Tall al-Za'tar during a
would "never bow to any demand by any Palestin- truce and brought out 99 wounded civilians. [NYTI
ians to withdraw from Lebanon." [NYT) Aug. 4: The Jerusalem Post said that Israel Defense
July 21: Saudi Arabian peacekeeping troops took up Force liaison officers had held 3 meetings under
positions, despite Christian sniper fire, at a crossing UN auspices with representatives of the Lebanese
point between Muslim and Christian sectors of Arab Army. [JP]
Beirut. [NYT) The Red Cross evacuated 243 more wounded
A PLO delegation left for Damascus for talks civilians from Tall al-Za'tar. [NYTI
with Syrian leaders. [NYT) Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
An attempt to send an International Red Cross met separately with Palestinian and Christian delega-
relief column into Tall al-Za'tar was cancelled tions in Damascus to try to implement the cease-
because of heavy shelling in the area. [NYT) fire agreement with the Palestinians. [NYTI
July 22: Junblat announced the creation of a civil A ceasefire was agreed to by commanders of the

principal Christian militias during a meeting with

Arab League peacekeeping force Commander 'Abd
al-Hasan Ghunaym. [NYT)
After talks with Syrian leaders in Damascus, (See also, General, Iraq, Israel)
KhQli said he would convene the first meeting of
a new mixed faction ceasefire commission the follow-
ing day. [NYT)
Aug. 5: Sham'un charged that Iraq had sent troops into Apr. 22: The Arab Fund for Economic and Social
Beirut to fight alongside the Palestinians. The meet- Development extended a loan of $23.9m to Mor-
ing of the mixed faction ceasefire commission was occo to help finance an agricultural and irrigation
postponed because of the charges. [NYT) project in the Bani Amir area. [MEES)
Aug. 6: The Red Cross evacuated a further 74 people June 25: Foreign Minister Ahmed Laraki proposed
from Tall al-Za'tar but sniper fire caused the that the Organization of African Unity send "the
evacuation to be broken off prematurely. [NYTI necessary arms and even the men" to fight against
Christian factions said they had overrun the the South African government. [NYT]
Nab'ah area of Beirut. [NYT) July 18: Sidi Mohammed ben Moulay Arafa, who re-
Aug. 7: Former Premier S'ib Salim met with Pierre placed his cousin Mohammed V as Sultan in 1953 for
Jumayil in the Ashrafiyyah section of Beirut. [NYT) 2 years, died in France, aged 87. [NYTJ
Aug. 8: Fighting raged in Beirut's commercial center
and artillery duels continued in the suburbs as ef-
forts to reach a ceasefire became deadlocked. [NYTI
Aug. 9: A Greek Cypriot ship sank at the port of Oman
Tyre after an explosion. [NYT]
Aug. 10: Christian factions launched a new attack (See also, Iran, Qatar)
against Tall al-Za'tar. [NYTI
Aug. 11: Israel seized a Turkish freighter that had
left Tyre, but denied it was blockading Muslim 1976
supply routes. [NYT)
Aug. 12: Christian forces said Tall al-Za'tar had fallen. Apr. 18: Yemeni Command Council Chairman Ibra.him
[NYT] al-Hamdi arrived in Muscat for a 4 day official
Aug. 13: Syria severely restricted border travel with visit. [FBIS]
Lebanon. [NYT) July 5: Middle East EconomicSurvey reported that the
Aug. 14: Heavy shelling was reported between Chris- UAA and Oman had reached a preliminary agree-
tian and Muslim villages along the Beirut to Da- ment for the demarcation of their common borders.
mascus highway, and fighting raged in Beirut's [MEES]
suburbs. [NYT] July 19: The Omani government announced that Britain
Aug. 15: Christian artillery bombarded Palestinian would withdraw from air bases on al-Masirah island
and Muslim positions in the mountains east of and the town of Salalah in March 1977. [NYT)
Beirut. [NYT) Aug. 9: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Muscat on a
2 day visit for talks with Sultan Qabuis bin
Sa'id on bilateral relations. [MEED)

(See also, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia)
(See also, Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Turkey)

Apr. 22: Amman Domestic Service reported that Libya
and Jordan had agreed to reestablish diplomatic re- Apr. 19: India announced that Premier Indira Gandhi
lations. [FBIS} had offered to "discuss measures for the restora-
May 23: Revolution Command Council Chairman tion of diplomatic relations" with Pakistan. [NYT]
Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi ended a 3 day visit to Malta Apr. 24: Premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto said Pakistan
after talks with Malta's Premier Dom Mintoff. had taken the initiative to end a stalemate in
[MEED) relations with India in March when it had withdrawn
July 6: A Libyan citizen hijacked a Libyan airliner a complaint against India which had been lodged
on a domestic flight but surrendered to police before the International Civil Aviation Organiza-
after landing in Majorca. [NYT) tion. [NYT)

May 7: The New York Times reported that the govern- May 16: Omani Communications Minister 'Abd
ment was prosecuting 44 defendants, including sev- al-Hafiz Rajab arrived in Doha for talks on bi-
eral members of Parliament, in Hyderabad on lateral cooperation in technology and communica-
charges of sedition, sabotage and terrorism. [NYTI tions. [FBIS}
May 12: Pakistan and India opened talks in Islam- May 17: Middle East EconomicSurvey reported that the
abad aimed at normalizing relations. [NYT) government had decided on a 100% takeover of oil
May 13: Former Finance Minister Mohamed Shoaib producing ventures in Qatar. [MEES]
died, aged 70. [NYT) July 12: Middle East EconomicSurvey reported that the
May 14: Pakistan and India agreed to the re- government was insisting that the 100% takeover of
sumption of diplomatic relations "within a short oil producing ventures had to be retroactive to
period of time." Agreement was also reached to December 22, 1974. [MEES]
resume air and railway links. [NYT} July 17: Shaykh Qasim bin Hamad Al Thani, elder
May 28: The US Defense Department notified Con- brother of the Qatari Ruler and Minister of Educa-
gress it intended to sell Pakistan nearly $29m worth of tion & Youth Welfare, died in the US. [FBIS)
TOW antitank missiles. [NYT] July 28: Shaykh Khalifah left Doha for a 3 week
May 29: India's chargi d'affaires in the People's private visit to France. [FBIS]
Republic of China walked out of a banquet given for
Premier Bhutto in Peking after Bhutto called for
self determination for the people of Jammu and
Kashmir in a speech. [NYTI
Saudi Arabia
June 1: Pakistan and the European Common Market (See also, General, Petroleum Affairs, Egypt, Iran,
(EEC) signed a 5 year agreement to develop trade Jordan, Lebanon, South Yemen)
and economic co6peration. [NYT)
June 21: India announced that it had named an am- 1976
bassador to Pakistan and said that Pakistan had desig-
nated Syed Fida Hassan to be ambassador to India. May 4: Former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia James
[NYT) Akins told a Senate subcommittee that the US had
July 17: A minor Cabinet reshuffle was reported: ignored a Saudi proposal to reduce Soviet influence
Syed Qaim Ali Shah: Agrarian Management,Kashmir in Somalia. [NYT)
Affairs & Northern Affairs May 9: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Prince
Chaudry Mumtaz Ahmed: State for Agrarian Man- Sa'id and Kuwayti Foreign Minister Shaykh Sabah
agement al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabih conferred in Damascus
Mian Mohammad Attaullah: Federal Minister for with Syrian President H. fiz al-Asad on the subject
Industries. [FBIS} of Syrian-Egyptian relations. [NYT]
July 21: Ambassadors were exchanged and air links May 10: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismai'l Fahmi
reestablished between Pakistan and India. [NYT) said that the Premiers of Egypt, Syria and Kuwayt
Aug. 8: US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger flew to would meet with Crown Prince Fahd in Riyadh the
Lahore for talks with Bhutto. A senior official on following week. [NYT)
the plane said Pakistan could lose American aid if it May 19: Scheduled mediation talks in Riyadh between
bought a French nuclear reprocessing plant. [WP) Syria and Egypt were postponed shortly before they
Aug. 9: US Secretary of State Kissinger met with were due to begin. [NYT)
Bhutto and warned against buying the reprocessing May 23: The Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia and
plant. [WP) Kuwayt arrived in Cairo to meet with President
Kissinger said the US and Pakistan had agreed to Anwar al-Sadat on the differences between Egypt
seek a compromise on the reprocessing plant issue. and Syria. [NYTI
[NYT) May 30: King Khilid met with the Federal Republic
Aug. 10: Bhutto said Pakigtan planned to go through of Germany's Chancellor Helmut Schmidt in Riyadh.
with French nuclear equipment despite American [FBISJ
concern. [NYTI June 2: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri arrived
A government spokesman said that flood waters in Riyadh for a 3 day official visit. [MEED}
from rivers in northern Pakistan had killed more June 17: The South Korean Hyundai Construction
than 150 people and damaged 140,000 homes. Company announced that it had signed a contract
[NYTI with Saudi Arabia valued at $944m for the con-
struction of an industrial harbor at Jubayil. [NYT]
Qatar June 22: The New York Times cited a Raytheon
Company spokesman as saying the company had
(See also, Egypt, UAA) contracted with Saudi Arabia to provide it with $1.03
1976 billion anti-aircraft Hawk missile defense system.
Apr. 28: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim June 23: Egyptian Premier Mamduh Salim and Syrian
Khaddam arrived in Qatar for talks with the Amir, Premier Mah.mudal-Ayyubi met in Riyadh to discuss
Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad Al Thani. [FBISJ differences between their 2 countries. [MEED)
June 24: The conference between Egyptian and Syrian evidence" that Libya had prepared and executed
ministers ended. A communique said a joint com- the abortive coup. [NYTI
mittee would make recommendations in preparation July 6: Sudan broke diplomatic relations with Libya
for a meeting between the presidents of the 2 coun- and restricted air and automobile links between the 2
tries. [NYTI countries. [NYT]
July 17: Sudanese President Numayri and Egyptian July 15: LibyanRevolution Command Council Chairman
President Sadat flew to Saudi Arabia for talks with Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi denied any involvement in
King Khalid. [NYT} the coup attempt. [NYT]
Aug. 7: Jordanian King H{usayn arrived in Saudi July 16.' It was announced that Numayri had withdrawn
Arabia for talks with King Khalid. [MEED] the complaint against Libya in the Security Council
Aug. 11: A week long negotiating session between after the Organization of African Unity (OAU) had
Saudi Arabia and the Arabian American Oil Com- appealed to him to do so. [FBIS]
pany ended in Geneva. [MEES] July 25: The trial of 96 persons accused of
participating in the abortive coup was opened in
Khartum. [NYT}
Aug. 4: Sudan executed 81 people for their part in
South Yemen the coup attempt. [NYT)
Former Premier Sadiq al-Mahdi accepted respon-
(See also, Yemen) sibility in London for organizing the coup but denied
accusations that it had been carried out by mer-
1976 cenaries. [NYT)
Aug. 5: Seventeen more people were executed for their
Apr. 19: A Sudanese trade delegation led by Minister part in the coup. [NYT)
of State for Economic Affairs 'Uthman Hashim Aug. 7: Speakers at a mass rally in Omdurman con-
'Abd al-Salam arrived in Aden for talks. [MEED) demned Britain for letting former Premier Mahdi
May 3: Foreign Minister Muhammad Salih Muti' met attack the Sudanese government in a BBC inter-
with Crown Prince Fahd and other Saudi leaders in view. [NYT]
Riyadh. [FBIS] Aug. 8: The Arab League and the OAU disclosed that
May 5: A joint communiqu6 issued at the end of they were contacting member states to form a joint
Foreign Minister Muti"s trip to Saudi Arabia said commission to investigate Sudanese charges that it had
that the 2 countries had agreed to establish diplomatic been invaded by Libya in connection with the
relations at the ambassadorial level. [FBIS] abortive coup. [NYT)
June 22: Minister of Industry 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al- Aug. 10: A new Cabinet was announced:
Wall left for an official visit to Saudi Arabia and Ja'far Muhammad al-Numayri: President
talks on economic co6peration. [MEED] Rashid al-T5hir Bakr: Premier and Second Vice
Aug. 6: Former Premier Muhammad 'All Haytham President
was shot and wounded in Cairo by unknown assail- Muhammad Baqir Ah.mad:First Vice President
ants. UP] Mansfir Khalid:PresidentialAdviserfor ForeignAffairs
Bashir Muhammad 'Ali: Defense
Ma'mun Bahayri: Finance & National Economy
Sudan Dayfallah al-Hajj Yusuf: Education
'Abbas 'Abd al-Majid: Agriculture, Food & Natural
(See also, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, South Yemen, Resources
Tunisia) Bona Malwal: Culture & Information
Khalid Hasan 'Abbas: Health
1976 Fatimah 'Abd al-Mahmad: Social Affairs
Bashir 'Abbdli: Transport & Communications
June 10: US President Gerald Ford met with Presi- Badr al-Din Sulayman: Industry
dent Ja'far al-Numayrl in Washington. [NYT} Mustafa 'Uthman Hasan: Construction& Public Works
June 29: President Numayri ended a visit to the US 'Abd al-Rahman 'Abdallah: Public Services & Ad-
and arrived in Paris for talks on bilateral rela- ministrativeReform
tions. [MEEDI 'Awn al-Sharif Qasim: Awqcif
July 2: A military coup was attempted shortly after Zayn al-'Abdin Muhammad Ahmad: Youth & Sports
Numayrl returned to Sudan from visits abroad. Ma'mun 'Awad Abu Zayd: Interior
[NYT} Har-unal-'Awad: Trade & Supplies
July 3: Numayri declared that the coup had been Sharlf al-Khatim: Local Government
crushed. A curfew was imposed in Khartum. [NYTI Francis Deng: State for ForeignAffairs
July 4. Numayri called for an emergency meeting of Isma'il al-,Hajj Musa: Statefor Culture & Information
the UN Security Council to discuss the "foreign 'Izz al-Din al-Hi.fiz: Statefor General Education
invasion" behind the coup attempt. [NYT] 'Uthman Hashim 'Abd al-Sala.m:Statefor Economy
In a letter to the Security Council, the Sudanese Nasr al-Din Mustafa: State for Planning
UN representative said that there was "massive Bashir IbrThim 'Uthman: State for Finance

'Izz al-Din Hamid: State for Presidential Affairs $ubh.i Kahhalah: EuphratesDam
Bahi al-Din Muhaammad Idris: State for Premier's Shakir al-Fadh.ham:Education
Office Adib al-Nahawi:Justice
Yahya 'Abd al-Majid: State for Irrigation 'Umar al-SibiT: Communications
Husayn Idris: State for Agricultural Research Ahmad Qabalin: Agriculture & Agrarian Reform
'Aul Shummu: State for Youth 'Abd al-Sattar al-Sayyid: AwqiJ
Ahmad Adib 'Isa: State for Government Secretariat Muhammad al-'Imadl: Economy& Foreign Trade
[MEED] Husayn Ahlmad Kuwaydir: Statefor Cabinet Affairs
Aug. 14: The Sudanese newspaper al-S.ahifah reported Madani al-Khaymi: Health
that Mahdi and former Finance Minister Sharif Muhammad 'All Hashim: Higher Education
al-Hindi would be tried in absentia for alleged Zahir 'Abd al-Samad:State
complicity in the abortive coup. [NYTI Anwar Hamadah: Labor & Social Affairs
Shutaywi Sayfu: Industry
Nu'min al-Zayn: Transport
Ahmad Iskandar Ahmad: Information
'Adnan Dabbigh: Interior
Syria $idiq al-Ayydbi: Finance
Ahlmad 'Umar Yusuf: Electricity
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Bahrayn, Egypt, Iraq, Najah, 'Attir: Culture & National Guidance
Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia) 'Isi Darwish: Petroleum& Mineral Wealth
Ghassin Shalhub: Tourism
Diyi' Mallu,hi:State
1976 Muharram Tayyirah: Housing & Public Utilities
Na,zim Qaddar: Public Works& Water Resources
May 8: Jordanian King H{usayn arrived in Damascus
George Huriniyah: State for Planning
for talks with Syrian leaders. [FBIS]
YuisufJu'aydini: State
May 16: Tunisian Foreign Minister Habib Chatti
Sharif Kash: State
arrived in Damascus on a 4 day official visit.
May 19: Libyan Premier 'Abd al-Salam Jallad arrived
in Damascus from Baghdad and met with President
Hafiz al-Asad. [FBIS]
May 31: Information Minister Ahmad Iskandar Ahmad
said that Syria was ready to discuss any plans that
would help settle Syrian differences with Egypt and (See also, Lebanon, Syria)
Iraq. [NYTI
June 1: Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin arrived in
Damascus for talks with Syrian leaders. [NYTI?
June 10: Jordanian Premier Zayd al-Rifaii arrived in Apr. 23: Tunis DomesticServicereported that the State
Damascus and met with President Asad. [NYT) Security Court had sentenced 1 Libyan to death
June 17: Asad flew to Paris for talks with French and 2 others to 2 years imprisonment for their
President Valery Giscard d'Estaing. [NYTI part in a plot to kidnap or assassinate Premier
June 26: Asad arrived in Rumania from Yugoslavia. Hedi Nouira. ?FBISJ
[NYT) Sudanese Minister of Finance & National Economy
July 10: Iraqi Ba'th Party leader Ahmad al-'Azzwii, Ma'mun Bahayri arrived in Tunis for talks with
who had defected to Syria 18 months before, was President Habib Bourguiba. [MEED]
killed by a bomb in Damascus. [NYT] May 25: Minister of National Defense Muhammad Hedi
Aug. 1: Asad accepted the resignation of Premier Khefacha died. [FBIS]
Mahmad al-Ayyabi and named Major General 'Abd May 31: The Cabinet was reshuffled by President
al-Rahman al-Khulayfiawito succeed him. [NYTI Bourguiba as follows:
Aug. 7: A new Cabinet was formed: Hedi Nouira: Premier
'Abd al-Rahman al-Khulayfawl:Premier Mohammad Sayah: Deputy Premierfor Planning
'Abd al-Halim Khaddaim:Deputy Premierand Foreign Tayeb Salim: State
Jamil Shayya: Deputy Premierfor EconomicAffairs Slaheddine Bali:Justice
Fahmi al-Ydsufi: Deputy Premierfor Public Services Habib Chatti: ForeignAffairs
Mustaf'aTalas: Defense Tahar Belkhodja: Interior
Taha al-Khayrat:LocalAdministration Abdullah Farhat:National Defense
Muh.ammadGhabash: Supply & Internal Trade Mohammad Fitouri: Finance
'Abd al-Karim 'Adi: State for ForeignAffairs Abdel-Aziz Lasram:National Economy
Adib Milhim: State for Presidential Affairs Hasan Belkhodja: Agriculture

Mohammad Mzali: National Education May 22: Foreign Minister Caglangil met with Greek
Mahmoud Messadi: Cultural Affairs & Information Foreign Minister Bitsios in Norway and a com-
al-Munji al-Kuli: Public Health muniqu6 said that further efforts would be made to
Lasaad Ben-Osman: Public Works settle differences on airspace and continental shelf
Mohammad Ennaceur: Social Affairs questions concerning the Aegean. [NYTI
Abdel-Hamid al-Fasi: Transport & Communications June 20: Turkey and Greece ended 2 days of talks
Fouad Mbazaa: Youth & Sports in Switzerland on rights in the Aegean Sea, but
al-Munsif Bin Hajj Ammar: Minister in Charge of little progress was made. [MEED)
Relations with the National Assembly and the June 24: Rumania and Turkey signed a protocol and 3
GovernmentSecretariatGeneral [MEED] agreements during a visit by Rumanian Head of
State Nicolae Ceausescu. [TDN}
July 10: The New York Times reported that Turkey had
freed 2 Lithuanians who had hijacked a Soviet air-
Turkey liner to Trabizond in 1970. [NYT]
July 16: The Soviet Union accused Turkey of an "un-
friendly act" by refusing to turn over the 2 Lith-
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Cyprus, Iraq)
uanian hijackers to Soviet authorities. [NYT)
July 18: The 40,000 ton Soviet aircraft carrier Kiev
1976 sailed through the Bosphorus into the Mediterranean.
Apr. 17: Greek Premier Constantine Caramanlis pro- July 23. The Turkish seismic survey ship Sismik I
posed that Greece and Turkey "conclude a nonag- left Istanbul to explore for oil in the Aegean, but
gression pact and seek a peaceful solution of their its exact destination was kept secret. [NYT}
disputes," and said that they should put an end to July 27: A Greek Cypriot resident alien in the US was
their arms race. [NYTI charged with assaulting a foreign dignitary for pulling
Premier Suleyman Demirel called the Greek state- a loaded pistol on former Turkish Premier Bulent
ments a "positive reply" to Turkish calls for Ecevit in New York the day before. No shots were
negotiated settlements and said Turkey had no in- fired. [NYT]
tention of starting an arms race. [NYT) July 29: The seismic survey ship entered the Aegean.
Apr. 19: Foreign Minister Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil [NYT}
proposed that he and Greek Foreign Minister Aug. 7: Greece charged that the Turkish vessel had
Dimitrios Bitsios meet to discuss the offer of a cruised near the island of Limnos in Greek terri-
nonaggression pact. [NYT] torial waters. [NYT]
Apr. 22: President Fahri Koruturk, the Shah of Iran Aug. 8: Turkey rejected the Greek charges and said
and Pakistani Premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto met in the ship had sailed only in "international areas."
Izmir and agreed to set up a free trade area' within [NYT]
the framework of the Regional Cooperation for Aug. 9: Greece protested for a second time the
Development pact. [TDNJ activities of the Turkish ship. [NYTJ
Apr. 23: The Middle East Economic Digest reported Several Turkish military units were put in a state
that Turkey had concluded agreements with 9 of "advanced preparedness" following reports of
European countries on charges to be levied for similar instructions being issued to Greek military
international truck traffic over Turkish highways. contingents. [NYT}
[MEED] Aug. 10: US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said
Apr. 30: A military tribunal acquitted former Com- that there was "no legal basis for military action"
mander of the Air Force Gen. Amin Alpkaya and by either Greece or Turkey in the dispute over the
3 other officers of corruption charges during an Aegean Sea. [NYT}
investigation into alleged Lockheed payoffs. [TDN] Aug. 12. Bitsios opened a UN Security Council debate
May 1: The UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control said on the Aegean dispute and accused Turkey of "pro-
Turkey would get $2.6m to help control opium vocative acts." [NYT]
growing under 2 agreements signed during the day. Aug. 13: Caglayangil told the Security Council that
[NYT) Greek claims to the continental shelf betrayed a
A Turkish citizen hijacked an airliner bound to design to transform the Aegean into a "Greek lake."
Istanbul from Paris, but later surrendered to French [NYT]
authorities. [NYT] Aug. 14: US Secretary of State Kissinger met sepa-
May 3: Rival student groups clashed in Istanbul and 5 rately with Bitsios and Caklayangil. Later Caklayangil
students were injured. [NYT} advocated resumption of talks with Greece "at the
May 12.' Premier Demirel opened the seventh Con- highest level" to seek a peaceful solution to the
ference of Islamic Foreign Ministers in Istanbul. dispute. [NYT]
Representatives of 42 nations attended the con- Aug. 15: The survey ship arrived in port at Izmir.
ference. [NYT} [TDN]

United Arab Amirates Yemen

(See also, General, Petroleum Affairs, Egypt, Oman)
(See also, Oman)
Apr. 30: Middle East EconomicDigest reported that the
first oil refinery in the UAA had been opened in 1976
Aba Dhabi by President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultan
Al Nuhayyan. [MEED) Apr. 28: The WashingtonPost reported that US officials
May 2: The Amir of Sharjah, Shaykh Sultan bin had informed Congress of plans to sell $139m worth
Muhaammadal-Qasimi, ended a 2 day visit to Qatar and of arms to Yemen. [WP]
flew to the US for a private week long visit. [FBIS) June 5: Command Council Chairman IbrThim
May 6: The Supreme Defense Council, chaired by al-Hamdi met with South Yemeni Foreign Minister
Shaykh Zayd, issued a decision unifying land, sea and Muhammad $lihh Muti' in Sana'a'. [FBIS]
air forces under a single central command. [FBIS] July 24: A Foreign Ministry spokesman said the
Shaykh Khalifah bin Zayd Al Nuhayyan was Ethiopian Ambassador to Yemen had been granted
appointed Deputy Supreme Commander of the political asylum. [NYT)
Armed Forces and member of the Supreme Defense July 31: In a Cabinet reshuffle Muhammad 'Abd
Council. [FBISI al-Malik was appointed Minister of Supply. The
Aug. 1: Shaykh Zayd announced he would not accept Ministries of Municipal Affairs and Works were
another term as president when his current term combined and 'Abdallah al-Kurshami was appointed
expired in December. [MEES] Minister of Public Works & Municipalities. [MEED]

CSM, The Christian ScienceMonitor (1 Norway St., Boston, Mass. 02115). E, The Economist(25 St. James's St.,
London SWlA 1HG, England). FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information ServiceDaily ReportMiddle East and Africa
(NTIS, US Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. 22151). G, The ManchesterGuardian Weekly(164 Deansgate,
Manchester, M60 2RR, England).JP, TheJerusalemPost (TheJerusalem Post Building, Romema, Jerusalem P.O. Box
81). KI, Kayhan International (Ave. Ferdowsi, Tehran, Iran). MEED, Middle East EconomicDigest (84-86 Chancery
Lane, London WC2A IDI, England). MEES, Middle East EconomicSurvey (temporarily, P.O. Box 4940, Nicosia,
Cyprus). NYT, The New YorkTimes (229 W. 43 St., New York, NY, 10036). PO, Platt's Oilgram(1221 Ave. of the
Americas, New York, NY 10020). TDN, Turkish Daily News (Konur Sokak 16, Ankara, Turkey). WP, The Washing-
ton Post (1515 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005).

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