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North South University

SBE, Department of Marketing and International Business

Course Code: MKT 202
Semester: SPRING 2021



Faculty:________________Rst______________________ Date: ______________


Marks obtained:

(This space is for faculty’s usage. Do not write here.)

Exam Guidelines

1. Font style: Times New Roman

2. Font size: 12
3. Line spacing: 1.5
4. Margin on 4 sides: 1 inch
5. Cover page with: Fill in the details with your Full Name, NSU student ID, Roll, Section
and Date of Submission. Attach the cover page to your answer sheet. One answer sheet
should be submitted per group.
(Roll is the number provided in the excel file beside your Name and ID)
6. Word limit for each answer: 400 - 500 words.
7. You must mention the secondary sources at the end of the answers under “References”
(like newspapers, magazines, electronic sources etc.)
8. Write your answers on a MS Word document.
9. Save the file with MKT 202 and your group number given in the goggle classroom.
10. Table of content is not required.
11. You can answer in paragraphs and incorporate diagrams to answer the questions
12. The submission deadline: 9th April, 2021…………………………………..
13. Upload the file on Google Classroom.
14. This is a group assignment.
15. Late submissions will not be accepted at any cost.
Answer the following questions (all) keeping the current contexts in mind for your product and brand
mentioned in the excel file. One product from a specific brand is mentioned against your group in the list
attached to the assignment.

1. Discuss whether the product assigned for you is using the

Production/ Product /selling/ marketing/ Societal Marketing
concept. Justify your answer. ( 3 marks)

2. Which strategies for growth are being used by your assigned product?
(Market penetration/ Product development/ Market development/
Diversification) explain ( 6 marks)

3. What are the marketing mixes being used by your assigned brand (4 p’s –
Product/ Price/ place/ promotion)? (6 Marks)

4. What Characteristics are affecting the consumer buying behavior for

your assigned product? (5 marks)

5. How is your assigned brand segmenting the consumer market (Bases for
segmenting the consumer market)? (5 Marks)

6. How is your assigned product selecting an overall positioning

strategy for competitive advantage to gain a winning value
(5 Marks)

7. A. Discuss the “levels of product” for your assigned product (3 marks)

B. state the type of classification the assigned product falls under
for consumer products (types of consumer products) (5 marks)


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