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Chronology May 16, 1977-August 15, 1977

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Autumn, 1977), pp. 469-482
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 19/02/2012 16:13

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May 16, 1977-August 15, 1977

ArabIsraeliConflict war which gave underground and other guerrilla forces

operating inside enemy occupied territory the right to
be treated as prisoners of war when captured. Israel
(See also, General, Lebanon) opposed the rule. [NYTI
May 28: A bomb exploded in the Old City of
1977 Jerusalem, injuring 5 people. [NYT]
Israeli Ambassador to the US Simcha Dinitz met
May 16. Jewish Defense League leader Rabbi Meir with US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance to discuss
Kahane and 9 followers were detained by Israeli questions arising out of recent statements by Carter
security forces when they tried to lay the foundation on the Middle East. [NYT)
stone for a Jewish settlement outside Nablus. [NYTI May 31: Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon met with
May 19: Israeli Likud Bloc leader Menahem Begin US Ambassador to Israel Samuel Lewis in Jerusalem
visited the Jewish settlement of Camp Kaddum in and asked him to convey Israel's concern about
the West Bank and referred to the West Bank as Carter's statements concerning a Palestinian "home-
"liberated" territory. [JPJ land" and "compensation" to Palestinians. [NYTJ
May 24: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd met with US June 3: Israel accused Egypt of deploying additional
President Jimmy Carter in Washington on the Middle missiles near the Suez Canal in violation of the interim
East situation. [NYT] accord of 1975. [NYT]
Syria agreed to a 6 month extension of the June 5: Arab merchants in Nablus, Hebron and Ramal-
mandate of the UN buffer force between Israeli lah closed their stores to protest the Israeli occupation
and Syrian troops. [NYT] of the West Bank 10 years before. Merchants in other
The Israeli Likud Bloc circulated a statement West Bank towns did not participate in the protest.
which pledged not to impose Israeli jurisdiction in [NYT]
the West Bank and Gaza "so long as there are June 9: American and Arab representatives at the
negotiations with the aim of achi ving peace between annual conference of the International Labor Or-
us and the Arabs." [NYT) ganization (ILO) reached a compromise entrusting the
May 25: US President Carter met with Saudi Arabian ILO's Director General with the investigation of
Crown Prince Fahd and later said he had been as- conditions of Arab workers in Israeli occupied ter-
sured there was "no threat of an oil embargo" ritories. [NYT}
against the US to force concessions from Israel. June 16: An African sponsored meeting concerning
[NYT} South Africa was held at the UN. The US walked out
Israel accused Egypt of deploying ground to air to protest Israel's exclusion from the meeting. [NYT]
missiles near the Suez Canal in violation of the June 17: US Vice President Walter Mondale said
Israeli-Egyptian interim accord of 1975. [NYT) Israel should not be asked to withdraw from oc-
May 26: Carter said that among the "binding policies" cupied Arab territory unless it could obtain "real
of the US government were included "the right of the peace" but added that Israel's security would be
Palestinians to have a homeland, to be compen- enhanced if it agreed as part of a settlement to
sated for losses that they have suffered," the with- return to "approximately" the pre 1967 borders
drawal of Israel from territories occupied in the 1967 shielded by special "security lines." [NYT]
war and "an end of belligerency and a re-establish- June 19: The Sunday Times of London published al-
ment of permanent and secure borders." [NYTI legations of Israeli mistreatment and torture of Arab
A 109 nation Geneva conference approved a rule of prisoners from the West Bank and Gaza. [NYT]

List of Abbreviations
CSM, The Christian ScienceMonitor; FBIS, Foreign BroadcastInformation ServiceDaily Report-Middle East and
North Africa; JP, The Jerusalem Post; MEED, Middle East EconomicDigest; MEES, Middle East EconomicSurvey;
NYT, The New York Times; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington Post.


June 20: A procedural device was used at the ILO Palestine said that some of its military commanders
annual conference to prevent the adoption of a com- had been arrested in Jordan while on their way to the
mittee report that would have referred the issue of Israeli occupied West Bank for underground oper-
Israel's treatment of Arab workers in occupied ter- ations. [NYT)
ritories to an independent group of legal experts. July 18: Al Ahram published an interview with Sadat
[NYT) in which he said that Egyptian Jews who had left the
June 22: The New York Times reported that the US country since 1948 might return as full citizens to
Defense Department, citing "security reasons," had Egypt. [NYTI
rejected a proposal for Israel to co-produce a military July 19: Egypt transferred to Israel 19 coffins said to
communications system with the US. [NYTI contain the bodies of soldiers killed in the October
June 25: An Egyptian military court sentenced an 1973 war. [NYT3
Egyptian to death on charges of spying for Israel. Carter and Israeli Premier Menahem Begin began
[NYT] talks in Washington on the Middle East situation.
June 27: A State Department spokesman delivered a [NYT}
US policy statement which said that Israel should July 20: Israeli Premier Begin held a news con-
agree to withdraw from occupied territories on all ference in which he outlined his proposals for
fronts in return for Arab agreement to a durable peace. He said no prior conditions should be per-
peace. [NYTI mitted for any party to a Geneva conference and
US Senator Jacob Javits criticized Carter's Middle refused to accept the participation of the Palestine
East policies and said that there was an "imbalance Liberation Organization (PLO). [NYTI
in what the Israelis and the Arabs were being called Carter and Begin held a second day of talks. Carter
on to do," with too many concessions being demanded indicated he believed the talks had laid the ground-
of Israel. [NYT) work "that will lead to the Geneva conference in
June 28: An Israeli spokesman said there was "no October." [NYT]
foundation for the assumption implied" by the US
July 22: The PLO observer at the UN said that Israel's
that Israel excluded "any territories whatsoever"
refusal to allow the PLO to be a "main party" at
from negotiations with the Arabs. [NYT]
Geneva amounted to a precondition to holding the
June 29: An Egyptian student was sentenced to 10 years
conference. [NYT)
hard labor on charges of spying for Israel. [NYT)
Begin urged UN Secretary General Waldheim to
A letter was sent by 9 US Senators to Carter
try to arrange the departure of about 800 Jewish
offering support in his efforts to arrange a Middle
families from Syria. [NYT]
East settlement. [NYTI
The UN Economic and Social Council voted 27 to
The European Economic Community (EEC) issued
11 to admit the PLO into its Economic Commission
a statement calling on all parties to "refrain from
for Western Asia as a full member. [NYT]
statements or policies which could constitute an
obstacle to the pursuit of peace" and said a peace July 26: Begin gave official approval to 3 Israeli settle-
settlement should be based on "the need for Israel to ments on the West Bank, including Camp Kadum,
end the territorial occupation" maintained since near Nablus. [NYT}
1967. [MEES] The US State Department said the US was "deeply
July 6: Three Arabs and 2 West Germans went on trial disappointed" by the decision to give official ap-
in Israel before a secret military court, accused of proval to the Israeli settlements and said it created
conspiring to shoot down an Israeli airliner in Kenya "an obstacle to the peacemaking process." [NYT}
in 1976. Israel had held the 5 in secret since they July 28: Carter said the Israeli action to legalize the
had been turned over by Kenya in January 1976. settlements was an obstacle to peace although it was
[NYTI "not an insurmountable problem." [NYT]
A pipe bomb exploded at an open air market in A bomb exploded in a Tel Aviv outdoor market,
a Tel Aviv suburb, killing 1 person and injuring injuring 9 people. A second bomb went off in
20. [NYTI Jerusalem, injuring 2. [NYT]
July 9: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim met July 29: A bomb exploded in a vegetable market in
with Pope Paul VI in the Vatican on the situation Beersheba, injuring 29 people. [NYT]
in the Middle East. [NYT) Israeli State Attorney Gabriel Bach said author-
July 10: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat and Jor- ities had uncovered Arab terrorist activity in the
danian King Husayn agreed in Alexandria to secure a prison at Nablus. [NYT]
Palestinian role in Middle East peace talks by State Attorney Bach said charges had been filed
establishing an "explicit link between Jordan and the against 10 Israeli military reservists in connection
Palestinians." [NYT) with the fatal beating of an Arab during an Arab
July 12: Carter disclosed that Egyptian President demonstration the year before. [NYT]
Sadat was withdrawing "extra" troops from Sinai Israeli Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur charged that
in response to Israeli protests. [NYT) Iraq was developing nuclear weapons with the as-
July 14: The Popular Front for the Liberation of sistance of France. [NYT]

July 31: Sadat said that "alternatives"could be found to

having the PLO at Geneva "if Israel really intends to
establish peace." [NYT)
Aug. 1: US Secretary of State Vance met with 1977
Sadat in Egypt on the start of a Middle East
tour. [NYT} May 16: US Senate and House of Representatives
The US Civil Aeronautics Board rejected an appli- conferees reached agreement on the compromise text
cation by El Al Airlines of Israel to run charter of an anti boycott bill passed in differing versions
flights to Atarot Airport in Jerusalem. [NYT} by both houses. [NYT)
Aug. 2: Vance met with Sadat in Alexandria and said he May 18: Mauritanian Minister of State for Foreign
had accepted a proposal by Sadat that Arab and Affairs Hamdi Ould Moukness sent messages to the
Israeli Foreign Ministers should meet in the US in a Secretaries General of the Organization of African
"working group" to discuss procedural matters prior Unity, the Arab League and the UN asking inter-
to the convening of a Geneva peace conference. vention against Algeria so that an end would be put
[NYT] to Algerian "repeated attacks against the territories
Aug. 3: After a stopover in Beirut for talks with of its neighbors." [FBIS)
Lebanese leaders, Vance arrived in Damascus. [NYT] May 23: The Turkish Daily News reported that the
Begin endorsed the Egyptian proposal that Arab Polisario Front had acknowledged it was holding 6
and Israeli Foreign Ministers meet in the US. [NYT] French technicians captured in an attack on Zouerate,
Aug. 4: Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad met with Vance Mauritania. A Polisario spokesman said the 6 were
in Damascus and rejected the Egyptian proposal for regarded as "mercenaries" and were therefore
preliminary talks. [NYT] prisoners of war. [TDNJ
Israeli forces killed 3 Arab guerrillas and took 2 French Foreign Minister Louis de Guiringaud pro-
prisoner in a clash in the Jordan valley. [NYT] tested the Polisario action. [NYT]
Aug. 5: Vance and Jordanian King Husayn held talks in June 5: The Polisario Front said it had occupied the
Amman. [NYT] Bou Craa phosphate mines in Western Sahara for 3
Aug. 7: On a visit to the occupied Jawlan region, hours. [NYT)
Begin called on Jordan and Syria to reconsider their June 7: The French Parliament passed an anti-boycott
rejection of the Egyptian proposal. [NYT] law prohibiting state agencies from participating
Vance arrived in Ta'if for talks with Saudi Arabian in economic discrimination for ethnic, religious or
leaders. [NYT] racial reasons. A clause in the law allowed the
Aug. 8: Vance said that Saudi Arabian officials had government to suspend enforcement in exceptional
advised him to expect an imminent change in the PLO cases involving commercial relations abroad. [NYT]
attitude toward UN Security Council Resolution 242. June 8: The opening session of a conference of Arab
[NYT] boycott offices began in Alexandria, Egypt. [MEES]
A PLO spokesman said the PLO would be prepared June 9: The Arab boycott conference banned the inter-
to participate in negotiations on the basis of national Masonic movement because it planned to
Resolution 242 if it were modified to recognize a hold a conference in Israel. [NYTI
Palestinian national entity. [NYT] June 19: Boycott officials said that General Motors
Corporation and Westinghouse Electric Company had
Aug. 9: Israeli leaders told Vance that they remained
been "cleared" after submitting proof they had no
opposed to giving up territory on the West Bank, to
the creation of a Palestinian homeland or to any PLO dealings with Israel. [NYT}
June 20: Arab boycott officials ended their conference
participation in peace negotiations. [NYT]
in Alexandria. Twelve companies, 5 of which were
Aug. 100: Vance ended 2 days of talks in Jerusalem
American, were added to the boycott list. [NYT)
and later said that if the PLO accepted UN Security
June 22: US President Jimmy Carter signed the anti
Council Resolution 242 he would meet with the PLO
boycott bill into law. [NYT]
representative at the UN the following month. [NYT]
June 24: Barclay's Bank, Ltd. termed Arab reports that
Vance met with West Bank public figures and told it had ended its interest in the Israel Discount
them the US favored a transition period under US
Bank in order to get its name removed from the
trusteeship as a solution of the issue of a Palestinian
Arab boycott list "totally untrue and without founda-
homeland. [NYTJ
tion." [NYT]
Aug. 12. Syrian President Asad said there would be no July 3: Polisario Front guerrillas attacked Nouakchott,
direct or indirect meetings between the Syrian the capital of Mauritania, with mortars and automatic
Foreign Minister and Israel officials at the UN. weapons. [NYT]
[NYT} July 7: Gunmen wounded the Mauritanian Ambas-
Aug. 14: Israel announced it would extend govern- sador to France in Paris. The Polisario Front denied
ment services to inhabitants of the West Bank and responsibility for the attack. [NYTJ
the Gaza Strip and to grant them "equal rights" to July 8. Mauritanian Foreign Minister Hamdi Ould
those enjoyed by Israeli residents. [NYT] Mouknass accused Algeria of organizing the assas-

sination attempt on the Mauritanian Ambassador.

July 22: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
Morocco had flown 600 troops to Zouerate, (Seealso,General, Libya)
Mauritania, after the town was attacked on July 16.
July 24: French Premier Raymond Barre issued a
directive that suspended application of the anti boy- June 21: The official press agency reported that 6
cott law with respect to certain state agencies. Frenchmen convicted of economic crimes had been
[NYTIJ pardoned by President Houari Boumedienne.
July 23: Maltese Minister of Justice Joseph Cassar
arrived in Algiers for talks with Algerian leaders.
Petroleum Affairs [MEED]
Aug. 8: Cuban Vice President Raul Castro Ruz arrived
1977 in Algiers for talks. [MEED]

May 20: Indonesia said that after consultations with

other Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun-
tries (OPEC) members it had decided to forego a Bahrayn
5% crude oil price increase scheduled for July 1.
(See also, United Arab Amirates)
May 24: Kuwayti Oil Minister 'Abd al-Muttalib al-
Kazimi said that the Indonesian announcement
unilaterally to drop the oil price increase had resulted 1977
from a misunderstanding. [MEES]
June 29: OPEC announced that 9 member countries May 19: Housing Minister Shaykh Khalid bin 'Abdal-
had resolved to forego application of the scheduled lIh Al Khalifah left Manama for South Korea for a 4
5% increase in oil prices on July 1. [MEES] day visit. [FBIS]
July 3: Saudi Arabia and the UAA said they would June 21: Libyan Foreign Secretary 'All 'Abd al-
align their marker crude price with that of the other Salim al-Turayki arrived in Manama from Abiu
OPEC countries, effective July 1. [MEES] Dhabi for talks with Bahrayni leaders. [FBIS]
July 5: The Iraq press agency reported that Iraq had June 29: The government announced that an agreement
decided to forego a scheduled 5% increase in the giving US naval vessels base rights at the port of
price of crude oil. [NYTI Jufayir would be terminated on July 1. [NYT]
July 12: A Ministerial Meeting of OPEC opened in July 19: Jordanian King Hlusaynmet with Ruler Shaykh
Stockholm, Sweden. [MEES] 'Isa bin Salman Al Khallfah in Manama. [FBISJ
Saudi Arabian Petroleum Minister Shaykh Ahmad
Zaki Yamani and Iranian Interior Minister Jam-
shid-i Amuzgar, called for an oil price freeze in 1978.
[NYTI Cyprus
Afghanistan May 20: Turkish and Greek Cypriot negotiators met in
Nicosia for a "general discussion." [MEED]
1977 May 27. Intercommunal talks in Nicosia were ad-
journed indefinitely. [MEED]
May 18: Economic talks between Afghanistan and June 3: Intercommonal talks resumed in Nicosia.
West Germany began in Kabul. [FBIS] [MEED}
May 27: The Afghan Minister of Planning arrived in June 16: President Archbishop Makarios arrived in
Tehran to participate in the Iranian-Afghanministerial Athens for talks with Greek leaders on the situation
commission. [FBIS] in Cyprus. [NYT]
June 9: Minister of Communications Abdul Karim June 21: Two Greek Cypriots convicted of charges
Atayee returned to Kabul from a visit to the USSR. connected with the assassination of US Ambassador
[FBIS] Roger Davies in 1974, were sentenced. [WP]
June 22: Pakistani Premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto arrived July 7: A new Cabinet of the self-declared "Turkish
in Kabul for talks with President Mohammad Daud. Federated State of Cyprus" was formed:
[FBIS} Necat Konuk: Premier
July 29: Afghanistan and the USSR concluded a 6 year Vedat Qelik: Defenseand ForeignAffairs
consumer goods agreement in Kabul. [FBIS] Orhan Zihni Belgehan: Interior
Erol Kazim Andac: Communications& Public Works religious organization Jama't al-Takfir wa al-Hijrah,
Ali Atun: Health who said he would be killed if 60 members of the
Mustafa 1;akatay:Labor & Social Insurance group were not released from jail. [NYT]
Hakki Atun: Housing & Rehabilitation July 4: Persons claiming to represent the kidnappers
Ihsan Kudiik: Agriculture, Natural Resources& Power said Former Awqaf Minister Dhahabi had been slain
Kenan Atakol: Culture, Education & Training after a second negotiating deadline had passed.
Recep Ali Gurler: Commerce,Industry & Tourism [NYTI
Tansel Fikri: Finance [MEEDI July 5: Police discovered a booby trap at an apartment
Aug. 3: President Archbishop Makarios died of a heart that had been said to contain Dhahabi's body. [NYT]
attack, aged 63. [NYT] July 6: Dhahabi was found murdered. Police arrested
The government announced that Spyros Kyprianou, 3 people, 1 of whom confessed to the slaying. [NYTI
President of the House of Representatives, would be Two bombs exploded in Cairo, wounding 9 people.
Acting President until presidential elections would be [NYTI
held in February 1978. [NYT] July 7: Members of the Takfir group claimed responsi-
Aug. 4: Greek Cypriot leaders met to discuss pro- bility for the 2 explosions. [NYT)
cedures for choosing a new President. [NYT) July 8: The government said it had arrested Shukri
Aug. 8: Archbishop Makarios was buried at the Kykko Ahmad Mustafa, the leader of the Takfir group.
Monastery in the Troodos Mountains. [NYT] [NYT)
Aug. 10: Lefteris Papadopoulos, a leader of the Eoka-B July 11: Vice President Mubarak returned to Cairo
underground, was sentenced to life imprisonment for from Khartum where he had held talks with Sudanese
his part in a coup in 1974. [JPJ President Numayri. [FBISJ
Aug. 13: The 4 main Greek Cypriot parties chose Acting Al Ahraim reported that 81 more members of
President Spyros Kyprianou as their candidate to the Takfir group had been arrested. [NYT]
succeed Archbishop Makarios as President. [NYT] July 12: Al Ahraim reported that authorities had
broken up a cell of Takfir members within the armed
forces. [NYT)
Aug. 12: An Egyptian student hijacked a French jetliner
bound for Cairo and forced it to land in Brindisi,
Egypt Italy. [NYT]
Aug. 13: The hijacker was captured. [NYT]
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Libya, Aug. 14: Middle East News Agency quoted President
Morocco, Saudi Arabia) Sadat as saying Egypt had decided to suspend cotton
shipments to the Soviet Union and a Soviet bloc
nation because the latter had halted shipments of
1977 tanks to Egypt as a result of "incitements' from
the Soviet Union. [NYT)
May 16: Omani Sultan Qabas bin Sa'id arrived in
Cairo for a 3 day state visit. [MEED]
May 17: Former Libyan Premier 'Abd al-Hamld al-
Bakush arrived in Cairo and officials said he had been
granted political asylum. [NYTI
May 20: President Anwar al-Sadat met with Sudanese
President Ja'far al-Numayri in Alexandria. [MEED)
June 8: Foreign Minister Isma'il Fahmi arrived in
Moscow for talks and was met by Soviet Foreign (Seealso, Petroleum Affairs, Afghanistan,Jordan, Sudan)
Minister Andrei Gromyko. [NYT]
June 10: Foreign Minister Fahmi met with Soviet
Communist Party leader Leonid Brezhnev in Moscow.
[NYTI May 28: Foreign Minister 'Abbas 'All-i Khal'atbari
June 16: Talks were held between Yemeni Premier returned to Tehran following visits to Sudan and
'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani and Premier Mamduh Somalia. [FBISJ
Salim in Cairo. [FBIS) May 31: The Regional Cooperation for Development
June 21: Vice President Husni Mubarak arrived in Cairo organization concluded a session in Mashhad. [FBIS]
at the end of a tour of African and European June 8: The State Department denied reports that the
nations. [FBIS} US had made a decision not to sell Iran 250 F-18L
June 25: The government announced that it had re- fighter planes. [NYTI
ceived a shipment of military spare parts from June 23: Brazil and Iran signed a 5 year $6.5 billion
China. [NYTJ trade agreement calling for the exchange of Iranian
July 2: Prince Muhammad 'All Ibrahim, cousin of oil for Brazilian products. [NYT]
ex-King Fa.ruiq,died in Paris, aged 77. [NYT) The New York Times reported that the Inter-
July 3: Former Awqaf Minister Muhammad Husayn national League for Human Rights, a UN affiliate,
al-Dhahabi was kidnapped by members of the had protested to the Shah that it had evidence of

mass arrests and torture of Iraniancitizens at home and

of harassment of Iranian citizens abroad by the Iraq
secret police. [NYTJ
July 1: Senagalese President Leopold S6dar Senghor left (See also, Petroleum Affairs, Iran, Kuwayt, South
Tehran after a 3 day visit during which a trade agree- Yemen, Syria, Turkey, Yemen)
ment was signed. [MEEDI
July 7: The US Defense Department notified Congress
of a proposed $1.2 billion sale of 7 radar planes to 1977
Iran. [NYT] May 16: US Assistant Secretary of State Philip Habib
July 9: An Iraqi delegation led by Interior Minister met with Foreign Minister Sa'duin Hammadi in
'Izzat Ibrahim al-D:ri left Tehran at the end of a 5 Baghdad. [FBIS)
day visit. [MEED] May 17: Tunisia and Iraq signed an agreement in
July 17: Iran said it would sue a French company Baghdad on economic, trade and technical co-
which had contracted to put turbines for a hydro- operation. [FBIS3
electric dam into operation but failed to do so, May 31: President Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr met with
thereby exacerbating power shortages in Iran. Czechoslovak President Gustav Husak in Baghdad.
July 26. Jordanian King H{usayn arrived in Iran and June 16: The director general of the Kurdish Cultural
met with the Shah. [FBIS] Foundation was assassinated. [MEED)
July 28: US President Jimmy Carter agreed to with- June 22: A
Presidential decree appointed 'Aziz Rashid
draw a notification to Congress of the sale of the
'Aqrawi Minister of Transport. [FBIS]
radar planes to Iran and resubmit it later in the
Vice President Taha Muhyl al-Din Ma'riufreturned
year. [NYTI
to Baghdad at the end of a tour of Yemen,
July 31. Iran indicated it was withdrawing its request Somalia and South Yemen. [FBIS]
to buy the radar planes. [NYT] June 26. French Premier Raymond Barre left Baghdad
Aug. 6: Premier Amir 'Abbas-i Huvayda resigned. at the end of 2 days of talks with Iraqi leaders.
Aug. 7. Jamshid-i Amuizgairwas named Premier. [NYT] July 2: South Yemeni Premier 'Ali Ni$ir Muhammad
The members of the new Cabinet were introduced arrived in Baghdad on a 3 day visit to Iraq. [FBIS]
to the Shah: July 3: Talks between Kuwayti Interior and Defense
Jamshid-i Amuizgar:Premier
Minister Shaykh Sa'd al-'Abdallah al-Salim Al $ab:h
'Abbas 'Ali-i Khal'atbari:ForeignAffairs and Vice Chairman of the Revolution Command
Mihrdad-i Pahlbud: Culture Arts Council $addam Husayn ended in Baghdad. It was
Hushang-i An$ari: Economics& Finance agreed to set up a joint committee to work out a
$afi-i A$fiyi: State for Economic & Development Af- settlement. IMEEDI
fairs July 4: Yemeni Premier 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani
Muhammad Yiganah: State and Directorof the Plan &
met with President Bakr in Baghdad. [MEED]
Budget Organization
July 20: Iraqi and Kuwayti troops began to withdraw
Riza-i 'Azimi: War from frontier positions as a result of a disengage-
Qasim-i Mu'Ini: Labor& Social Services ment agreement reached the week before. [MEED]
Manuichihr-iGanji: Education & Training
GhuliamRi7a Khiyinpdr:Justice
Mahnaz Afkhami: State for Women'sAffairs
Shuji' al-Din-i Shaykhalisliamzadah:Health & Welfare
Karim-i Mu'tamidi: Post, Telegraph& Telephone
Nasir IEfahini:Interior (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, General,
Murtaza $ilihi: Roads & Communications Lebanon, Morocco)
Mahmuid-iKashifi: State for ParliamentaryAffairs
Manuchihr-i Agih: State for ExecutiveAffairs 1977
Ahmad 'Ali Ahmadi: Agriculture& Rural Development
Taqi Tawakkuli: Energy May 17: Voters went to the polls in national elections.
Firaz Tawfiq: Housing & Urban Development [NYT)
Muhammad Rizi-i Amin: Industries & Mines May 18: The Likud Bloc emerged as the dominant
Diryuish Humiyiun: Information& Tourism party in the elections. [NYT]
Kizim Khusrawshihi: Commerce{FBIS] May 19: Acting Premier Shimon Peres rejected a Likud
Bloc invitation for the Labor Party to join a co-
alition government. [NYT]
May 20: Premier Yitzhak Rabin indicated he would end
his leave of absence and resume his duties in the
Cabinet. [JP]
May 23: Likud leader Menahem Begin was taken to a
hospital suffering from chest pains. [NYT]
May 24: Premier Rabin resumed his duties in the June 26: The Vietnamese refugees arrived in Israel.
Cabinet. [JPJ [NYTI
Coalition negotiations between the Likud Bloc and June 29: Police opened an investigation into black market
the Democratic Movement for Change (DMC) began. advance sales of copies of national high school
liJP exams. [NYT]
May 25: The pound was devalued by 1.9%. [JPJ July 2: A man was killed in Bnei Brak when the
The Likud Bloc announced that Former Defense landrover he was in crashed through a chain set up by
Minister Moshe Dayan had agreed in principle to the municipality to block road travel on the Sabbath.
accept the post of Foreign Minister in a Likud led [JP}
government. [JPJ July 6: The US State Department said a decision to
May 26: The Likud Bloc decided to reconsider the block a sale of Israeli jets equipped with US engines
appointment of former Defense Minister Dayan as to Ecuador remained unchanged. [NYT)
Foreign Minister. [JP} Attorney General Aharon Barak said the case
May 27: Dayan resigned from the Labor Party but against Former Foreign Minister Abba Eban for pos-
retained his seat in the Knesset. [NYT] sible currency violations had been closed and criminal
May 30: The Shlomzion Party of Ariel Sharon joined charges would not be brought. [JP}
the Likud faction in the Knesset. [JP) July 8; A military inquest into the helicopter crash
June 7: President Ephraim Katzir invited Likud Bloc which killed 54 servicemen in May said the pilot had
leader Begin to form a new government. Begin called been responsible for the crash. [NYT}
again for a coalition government that would include July 10: The Jerusalem Post reported that secular and
the Labor Party. [NYTI religious Jews had clashed in Bnei Brak over the
June 8: The Agudat Israel Party agreed to support question of Sabbath travel on a Bnei Brak main
Begin in Parliament, pending approval by the Coun- street. [JP]
cil of Torah Sages. [NYT} July 16: Police clashed with Jewish demonstrators in
June 9: The Council of Torah Sages approved the Bnei Brak during disturbances concerning the closing
decision of the Agudat Israel Party to support of a major intersection on the Sabbath. [NYT]
Begin in Parliament but opposed Party participation July 17: Finance Minister Ehrlich announced an austerity
in the Cabinet. [NYT] policy which included price increases in subsidized
June 10: Begin met with DMC leader Yigael Yadin on basic commodities and cuts in government spending.
the possibility of forming a coalition. [NYT] [NYTI
June 13: The new Knesset was inducted. Yitzhak A 2% devaluation of the pound was announced.
Shamir, the Likud candidate, was elected Speaker. [NYT]
[NYT} July 18: Begin arrived in Washington for talks with US
The DMC voted to break off negotiations with President Jimmy Carter. [NYT}
the Likud. [NYT] The Histadrut called on all wage earners to protest
June 15: The Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Shlomo the price increases with a 1 hour work stoppage.
Goren, met with US President Jimmy Carter in [NYT)
Washington. [NYT] July 22: The US announced it had agreed to permit
June 19: Israel cancelled the official visit to Tel Aviv Israel to use $107m in US military aid to produce the
of a Chilean navy training vessel because it had Israeli Merkava tank. [NYT]
served as a political prison. [NYT] July 31: The government announced a 1.9% devalu-
June 21: The Knesset voted 63 to 53 to accept a ation of the pound. [NYT]
coalition government: Aug. 3: The DMC decided not to join the Likud
Menahem Begin: Premier coalition government "under the present circum-
Simha Ehrlich: Finance stances." [JP]
Ezer Weizman: Defense Aug. 10: The Finance Ministry issued regulations to
Moshe Dayan: ForeignAffairs banks allowing Israelis to keep 1/3 of all foreign cur-
Yosef Burg: Interior rency they receive. [NYT]
Yigal Horowitz: Industry & Commerce
Ariel Sharon: Agriculture
Zevulun Hammer: Education & Culture
Gideon Patt: Construction& the Environment
Yitzhak Moda'i: Energy & Infrastructure
Aharon Abu-hatzeira: Religious Affairs
David Levi: Absorption
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Bahrayn, Iran,
Eliezer Shostak: Health UP]
Saudi Arabia, Syria)
Begin said Israel would offer asylum to 66
Vietnamese refugees. [NYT}
Israelis voted to fill leadership positions in the 1977
Histadrut. [NYT]
June 22. The Labor Party retained its control of the May 19: Omani Sultan Qabuis bin Sa'ld arrived in
Histadrut in the elections. [NYT} Amman on a private visit to Jordan. [FBIS]

June 30: Syrian Premier 'Abd al-Rahman Khulayfawi camp near Sidon, continued during the day, leaving 10
arrived in Amman for talks. [FBIS] guerrillas dead. [NYT)
July 20: King Husayn returned to Jordan at the end of May 22: Archbishop Karekin Sarkissian was elected
a tour to 4 Gulf states. [FBIS] Patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church. [NYT]
July 26: King Husayn left Amman on a private visit May 26: The New York Times reported that Nabatiyah
to Iran accompanied by Premier Mudar Bedran. had been coming under heavy shelling for the past
[MEED) week from artillery reported to have been stationed
in Israel. [NYT]
May 27: Leaders of the rightist Lebanese Front an-
nounced they considered the 1969 Cairo Agreement
Kuwayt regulating the Palestinians in Lebanon to be null
and void and termed the Palestinian presence in
(See also, Petroleum Affairs, Iraq, Oman, South Yemen) Lebanon "illegal." [NYT]
June 1: Palestinian guerrillas charged that Israeli troops
had crossed into southern Lebanon and seized a bor-
1977 der village after a "fierce" battle. Israel denied the
May 16: Foreign Minister Shaykh $abah al-Ahmad al- charges. [NYT]
Jabir Al $abih returned to Kuwayt at the end of a June 7: It was reported that Nabatiyah and nearby
tour of the Far East. [FBIS] villages had come under Israeli and Christian artillery
June 10: Middle East EconomicDigest cited Information fire during the day. [NYTI
Minister Shaykh Jabir al-'Ali al-Salim Al $abah as June 8: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
saying the magazine al-Risalah had been suspended for met with President Ilyas Sarkis in Lebanon. [NYTI
'criticising certain Arab countries." [MEED] June 24: Beirut money changers went on strike to
June 26: It was announced that the government had de- protest lack of police protection from robberies.
cided to take over full ownership of the American [NYTI
Independent Oil Company. [MEEDI June 28: Fighting in Beirut between al-Sa'iqah and
July 4: Amir Shaykh $abih al-Salim Al $abih left "rejection front" Palestinian guerrillas left at least 15
Kuwayt on a private visit to London. [FBIS] people dead. [NYT}
July 5. South Yemeni Premier 'Ali Nasir Muhammad June 30: A decree imposing restrictions on the press
began a 3 day visit to Kuwayt. [MEEDI was issued. [NYT]
July 8: Twelve hijackers seized a Kuwait Airlines jet The government decided to relinquish emergency
and forced it to land in Kuwayt to refuel. Some of powers. [NYT]
the passengers were released. [NYT) July 1: Rival Christian forces clashed in Beirut. [NYT]
July 10: The New York Times reported that the July 2: The Palestinian press service Wafa said that
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) had issued a Christian forces had captured the southern town of
statement condemning the hijacking and disclaiming Yarin but a counterattack had recaptured the town.
any connection with it. It identified the leader of the [NYT]
hijackers as a member of the Popular Front for
July 4: Syrian peacekeeping troops moved southward
the Liberation of Palestine, General Command. from Beirut. [NYT]
July 5. The Phalanges Party radio The Voiceof Lebanon
The New YorkTimes cited a government spokesman
said Israel was preparing for a military operation in
as saying the hijackers had released their hostages in
southern Lebanon to drive Palestinian guerrillas out
exchange for a promise of safe conduct to South
of the area. [NYT]
Yemen. [NYT]
July 6: Artillery dueis were reported in southern
The hijackers flew from Kuwayt to Damascus.
Later they surrendered to Syrian authorities. [NYTI Lebanon. [NYT]
July 24: Kuwayt announced it was reopening its border July 7: Palestinian guerrillas raided the Christian
with Iraq. The border had been closed to Kuwayti stronghold of'Ayn Ibl. [NYT]
citizens since 1972. [NYTI July 13: Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid
Junblat met with Syrian President Hjfiz al-Asad in
Syria on the situation in south Lebanon. [MEED]
July 14: Al H.awidith was suspended for a week for
Lebanon violating censorship regulations and criticizing the
new press law. [NYT]
July 17: Palestinian guerrillas of al-Sa'iqah fought with
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Saudi Arabia) rival guerrillas of the "rejection front" in Beirut.
1977 July 21. Premier Salim al-Hus. asked Parliament for
special legislative powers in development, recon-
May 21: Fighting that had broken out during the night struction, security and contractual affairs. [MEED]
between rival Palestinian guerrilla groups at a refugee A tripartite Syrian-Lebanese-Palestiniancommittee
met in Shturi on questions relating to the imple- July 21: Fighting broke out between Libyan and
mentation of the Cairo Agreement. [FBIS) Egyptian troops and each side termed the other the
A Palestinian spokesman said the PLO would imple- aggressor. Egypt reported that 3 "provocative and
ment a ceasefire in the south. [FBISJ sabotage acts" by Libya during the month had led up
July 22: Palestinian guerrillas and Christian forces to the Libyan attack across the Egyptian border.
exchanged artillery fire in southern Lebanon, breaking [NYT]
the ceasefire. [NYT] July 22: Middle East News Agency reported that
The government asked the US to apply diplomatic Egyptian planes had struck at a Libyan air base in
pressure on Israel to help end fighting between retaliation for 3 Libyan air raids against Egyptian
Palestinian and Christian forces in the south. troops near the Egyptian town of Salum. [NYT)
[NYT] Tripoli radio said defense units had shot down a
July 25: A second meeting was held in Shtura re- pilotless US reconnaissance aircraft on July 6 over
garding the Cairo Agreement. It was announced the border area with Egypt. [NYT)
that an agreement had been reached. [FBISJ July 23: Libya accused Egypt of conducting air raids
July 27: Artillery duels in southern Lebanon broke out deep inside Libya from the port of Tobruk to the
during the night and continued during the day. Kufra oasis. [NYT]
[NYTI Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman
July 30: Syrian peacekeeping troops set up gun posi- Yasir 'Arafat met with Egyptian War Minister 'Abd
tions around Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut al-Ghani al-Jamasiand 2 Libyan officers in mediation
under the terms of the Shtfir agreement. [NYT] talks in Cairo on the fighting. [NYTI
Aug. 8: Israeli Premier Menahem Begin said Israel Palestinian officials reported that the mediation
had been providing training, supplies and artillery meeting had led to a tentative ceasefire agreement.
support to Christian militiamen in southern Lebanon [NYTI
to prevent "genocide" by Palestinian forces. [WPJ July 24: Libya called up its military reserves. [NYT}
Aug. 10: Clashes took place in southern Lebanon Algerian President Houari Boumedienne met
between Palestinians and Christians. [NYT) with Qadhdhafi in Tripoli and then flew to Cairo
for talks with Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat.
Egyptian President Sadat ordered Egyptian forces
Libya to observe an immediate ceasefire. [NYT}
July 25: Algerian President Boumedienne returned to
(See also, Bahrayn, Egypt, Syria, Tunisia) Tripoli from Cairo, bringing a number of Egyptian
conditions for continuation of the ceasefire. [NYT)
July 26: Sadat said the conflict with Libya was over.
1977 [NYT]
May 16: The Eighth Conference of the Foreign July 29: Foreign Secretary Turayki said Libya was ready
to accept an agreement worked out by Arab medi-
Ministers of Islamic States opened in Tripoli.
ators. [NYT}
Al-Ahrdm reported that Sadat had accepted the
June 12. The New York Times reported that Secre-
tary General Mu'ammar had asked the accord. [NYT}
US to consent to the exchange of Ambassadors.
June 19: Secretary General Qadhdhafi met with Pakis-
tani Premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in Tripoli. [FBIS}
June 26: Qadhdhafi ended a 4 day visit to Yugoslavia
during which he held talks with Yugoslav President
Tito. [MEED] (See also, General)
June 27: Libya and Ethiopia signed an economic
cooperation agreement in Addis Ababa. [MEED]
June 30: Foreign Secretary 'Abd al-Salam al-Turayki
returned to Tripoli at the end of a tour of Maghrib May 22: King Hasan said in Rabat that Moroccan
countries. [FBIS] troops had completed their mission in Zaire. [MEED]
July 9. Yemeni Command Council Chairman Ibrahim June 2: King Hasan met with Mauritanian President
al-Hamdi visited Libya for talks with Qadhdhafi. Moktar Ould Daddah in Morocco. [FBIS]
[MEED] June 3: Voters went to the polls to elect a Chamber of
July 19. The New York Times reported that French Representatives. [NYT]
Foreign Minister Louis de Guiringaud had said June 4: Independents won 81 and right wing parties
French military transport planes had provided 33 seats in the 176 seat Chamber. [NYT)
"logistical support" earlier in the month to Chad June 6: The Christian Science Monitor cited Israeli
government forces fighting Libyan backed rebels in radio as saying Shaul Ben-Shimon, a member of the
Chad. [NYTI Histadrut leadership in Israel, had been visiting

Morocco and was expected to talk with political May 18: The Pir of Pagaro was freed from house arrest
leaders there. [CSM) on the third day of disorders involving his followers
June 14: Zairian President Mobutu Sese Seko arrived in the south of Pakistan. [NYT)
in Rabat for talks with King Hasan. [MEED] June 2: The Lahore High Court ruled that martial law
June 18: Egyptian Vice President Husni Mubarak was illegal under the 1973 Constitution. [NYT}
met with King Hasan during a visit to Morocco. The government freed a number of opposition
[FBIS) leaders from detention. [NYT}
June 20: Premier Ahmed Osman returned to Rabat The New York Times cited "State Department
from Nouakchott, Mauritania, after attending the first sources" as saying the administration of US President
session of the Moroccan-Mauritanian supreme de- Jimmy Carter had decided to withhold the sale of 110
fense committee. [FBISI A-7 attack planes to Pakistan. [NYT]
June 24: Morocco and China signed a trade agree- June 3: Premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto met with Pakistan
ment. [MEED) National Alliance (PNA) leaders. It was agreed that
July 5: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat left Morocco the last 3 detained PNA leaders would be released
after a 2 day visit for talks with King Hasan. and press censorship would be lifted. [NYTI
[MEED] June 7: In a joint statement with the opposition,
July 7: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ahmad the government announced that martiallaw in Lahore,
Laraki held talks in Paris with French Premier Karachi and Hyderabad would be lifted immediately.
Raymond Barre. [MEED] [NYTI
July 18: Mauritanian Minister of State for Foreign Af- June 10: Talks between the government and the PNA
fairs Hamdi Ould Mouknass left Rabat for Nouak- continued and some progress was reported. [NYT}
chott after a brief visit. [FBISI June 14: Government and opposition spokesmen said it
had been agreed to hold a new election before the
end of the year. [NYT}
June 18: Premier Bhutto left Karachi on a tour of
Oman Middle Eastern nations. [FBIS}
June 25: The government gave the opposition proposals
for holding general elections. [NYT]
(See also, Egypt, Jordan)
July 1: Bhutto met with leaders of the opposition.
1977 July 2: Bhutto and PNA negotiators agreed on a plan
for new elections, subject to approval by the PNA
May 17: Sultan Qabas bin Sa'id met with Egyptian central council. [NYT]
President Anwar al-Sadat in Alexandria. [FBIS] July 4. The New York Times reported that the National
June 6: The Kuwayti weekly Al Yaqzah said that South Conference Party led by Shaykh Mohammed Abdul-
Yemeni Foreign Minister Muhammad $aidhMuti' had lah had won elections for the State Assembly in the
paid a "secret visit" to Muscat for talks con- Indian controlled part of Kashmir. [NYT]
cerning South Yemeni support for the Popular Front July 5: The army seized power, dismissed the govern-
for the Liberation of Oman. [MEED] ment and dissolved the National Assembly, declaring
June 16: A decree issued by Sultan Qibiis extended martial law. General Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq became
Omani fishing limits to 200 miles. [MEED] chief martial law administrator. [NYT]
June 17: A cyclone caused extensive damage on the Bhutto, his Cabinet and leaders of the PNA were
island of Masirah, leaving 98% of the buildings on taken into "temporary protective custody." [NYT]
the island destroyed. [NYT] July 8: Chief Martial Law Administrator Zia-ul-Haq said
July 11: Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Sa'iudal- he hoped Bhutto would run for office in future
Faysal left Muscat for Riyadh at the end of a visit to elections. [NYT]
Oman. [FBIS} July 9: In Kashmir a government headed by Shaykh
Abdullah was sworn in. The National Conference
Party had won 46 of 76 seats in the State As-
sembly. [NYT]
Pakistan An inquiry into the conduct of the director general
of the Federal Security Force was ordered by the
military rulers. [NYT]
(See also, Afghanistan, Libya, Saudi Arabia,
July 10: Martial regulations were issued decreeing tra-
United Arab Amirates)
ditional Islamic punishments for certain crimes.
1977 Pakistan announced it would release 200 Indian
nationals held since the 1971 war with India. [NYT]
May 16: Gunbattles broke out in the town of Sanghar July 28: Bhutto and 15 other political leaders were
between police and Hur tribesmen protesting the freed from detention. [NYT]
detention of the Pir of Pagaro, an opposition leader. July 29: Bhutto addressed supporters in Islamabad.
Aug. 1: It was announced that national elections would al-Hamdi left Riyadh at the end of a 3 day visit
be held on October 18. [NYT) to Saudi Arabia. [FBIS}
Aug. 8: Police used tear gas to stop thousands of July 5: Lebanese Foreign Minister Fu'ad Butrus met with
people trying to reach Lahore airport to greet King Khalid in Ri'asah Palace on the situation in
Bhutto on his arrival. [NYTI Lebanon. [FBIS]
Aug. 10: Military authorities prevented Bhutto from July 7: Jordanian King Husayn left Jidda at the end
making a pilgrimage to a Muslim shrine in Lahore. of a 1 day visit to Saudi Arabia. [FBIS}
[NYT) July 10: President C. K. Yen of Taiwan arrived in
Aug. 14: Zia-ul-Haq announced the release within 7 Saudi Arabia on a 3 day visit and met with King
days of all political prisoners arrested since January Khalid. [NYT}
and not facing criminal charges. [NYT) July 12: King Khalid met with Somali President
Mohamed Siad Barre in Jidda. [FBIS]
July 25: Prince 'Abdallah, a nephew of King Khalid,
left London for the US for heart treatment. [NYT}
July 28: The New York Times reported that an applica-
Qatar tion of Foreign Minister Prince Sa'ud to buy an apart-
ment in New York had been rejected by the build-
ing's residents. [NYT)
1977 July 31: South Yemeni Presidential Council Chairman
May 16: Sudanese Premier al-Rashid al-Tahir ended a Salim Rubayy' 'All arrived at Ta'if for a 3 day visit to
visit to Qatar. [FBIS] Saudi Arabia. [FBIS]
May 31: The Ruler, Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad Al Aug. 2: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met with
Thini issued a decree appointing his son, Shaykh King Khalidin Ta'if.[FBIS}
Hamad bin Khalifah Al Thini, Crown Prince. A
second decree created a Ministry of Defense and
appointed the Crown Prince Defense Minister.
[MEES) South Yemen
June 29: Troops led by Crown Prince Hamad boarded
a Gulf Air VC-10 and overpowered its armed hi- (See also, Iraq, Kuwayt, Oman, Saudi Arabia)
jacker. [NYT]
Aug. 14: A power failure cut the electricity supply
throughout Qatar. [NYT] 1977
June 4: Foreign Minister Muhammad $lih Muti' ar-
rived in Abui Dhabi for talks with UAA leaders.
July 7: Premier 'All Na-ir Muhammad returned to
Saudi Arabia Aden after visits to Iraq and Kuwayt. [MEED]
Aug. 13: South Yemeni Presidential Council Chairman
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs, Salim Rubayy' 'All arrived in Yemen, for talks with
Oman, Yemen) Yemeni leaders. [FBIS]

May 19: King Khalid opened discussions with Syrian
President Hifiz al-Asad and Egyptian President
Anwar al-Sadat in Riyadh to co6rdinate policy. (See also, Egypt, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
United Arab Amirates)
May 22: Crown Prince Fahd met with British Premier
James Callaghan in London to discuss bilateral 1977
issues and the situation in the Middle East. [NYT]
May 30: Riyadh Radio reported that a government May 17: President Ja1faral-Numayri charged in Paris
decree had been issued giving foreign banks 1 year to that peace on the Horn of Africa was threatened by
turn over majority control to Saudi nationals. [NYT} the Soviet Union, which was embarked with Cuba on
June 4: A fire broke out in the Abqa'iq area following "a new form of colonialism" in Africa. [NYT)
the rupture of a gas pipe. The fire was extinguished. May 18: The government expelled all Soviet military
[MEES] advisors serving in Sudan and shut down the military
June 7: Foreign Minister Prince Sa' id al-Faysal ended department of the Soviet Embassy. [NYT]
a tour of Egypt, Syria and Jordan. [MEED] May 19: At the end of a visit to France by Presi-
June 18: King Khalid received Pakistani Premier dent Numayri a joint communique said African na-
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in Riyadh. [FBIS] tions should be allowed to settle their own problems
July 4: Yemeni Command Council Chairman Ibrihim without outside interference. [NYT]

Al $iha~fahreported that the government had asked

the Soviet Union to cut its diplomatic mission by
half. [NYTI
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Francis Deng (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Jordan, Kuwayt,
arrived in Somalia for talks on bilateral relations. Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Amirates)
May 22: Iranian Foreign Minister 'Abbas 'All-i
Khal'atbari arrived in Khar,tm for talks on bilateral 1977
relations. [MEEDI
May 24: Numayri met with US Ambassador to the UN June 13: Premier 'Abd al-Rahman Khulayfawi returned
Andrew Young in Sudan and asked the US for to Damascus at the end of a 5 day visit to Yugoslavia
"defensive weapons." [NYT] during which 2 agreements were signed. [FBIS]
Two Syrianswere publicly hanged after having been
May 29: A presidential decree appointed the following convicted of belonging to an assassination squad
vice presidents: acting with the "instigation and financial support of
Muhammad al-Baqir Ahmad (First Vice President), the Iraqi regime." [NYT3
Abel Alier and al-Rashid al-Tahir. [FBIS] June 15: Libyan Foreign Secretary 'Ali 'Abd al-Salam
A presidential decree reshuffled the Cabinet of al-Turayki arrived in Damascus for talks with Presi-
Vice President and Premier al-Rashid al-Tahir and the dent Hafiz al-Asad. [FBIS3
following changes occurred: June 18: The commander of the army's missile corps
Ma'mun 'Awad Abui Zayd: Energy& Mining was assassinated in Damascus. [MEEDI
'Abd al-Rahman 'Abdallah: Industry June 19: Yemeni Premier 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani
Hasan Umar: Attorney General arrived in Damascus at the start of a 4 day visit.
BThi al-Din Muhammad Idris: PresidentialAffairs
'Umar Muhammad al-Tayyib: Chief of National June 22: Jordanian King Ijusayn arrived in Damascus
Security for talks with President Asad. [MEED]
Khalid al-Khayr 'Umar: State at the Presidency June 30: Defense Minister Mustafa Talis met with Soviet
Mu'awiyah Abu Bakr: State at Ministry of Con- Premier Alexei Kosygin in Moscow. [MEEDI
struction & Public Works [FBISJ July 1: Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam met
May 31: Soviet diplomats reported that the Soviet with French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing in
Union had recalled its Ambassador to Sudan. [NYTJ France. [MEED]
June 4: Yemeni Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj July 4. Six people were killed when a car filled with
met with Numayri in Sudan. [FBIS] explosives blew up near the Air Defense Command.
June 6: Numayri arrived in the People's Republic of [NYT)
July 10: A bomb exploded opposite the headquarters
China for talks. [NYT]
of the Ministry of Interior in Damascus, killing at
June 19: The government ordered the Soviet cultural least 1 person. [NYT3
center in Khartum to be closed. [NYT] July 19. President Asad gave his consent for the proxy
July 2: Numayri told the summit meeting of the marriages of 12 Syrian Jewish women to members of
Organization of African Unity (OAU) in Gabon that the SyrianJewish community of Brooklyn whom they
"socialist imperialism threatens to turn the African had not met. The women would be allowed to emi-
continent into a vast area of conflict." [NYT] grate to the US. [NYTJ
Aug. 1. Syrians went to the polls to elect a new
July 18: Numayri announced a reconciliation between
the government and the Mahdist religious group. People's Council. The government announced voting
would be extended to a second day because of a
poor turnout. [NYT]
July 27: The State Department disclosed that the US Aug. 14: Yemeni Minister of Foreign Affairs 'Abdal-
had informed Sudan it was prepared "to contribute lah al-Asnaj left Damascus after a 1 day visit for talks
Sudan's legitimate defense needs." [NYT) with Asad. [MEED]
Aug. 4.' A US military delegation arrived in Khart-um
for talks on supplying Sudan with military equipment.
Aug. 7: Numayri issued a general amnesty for all polit- Tunisia
ical prisoners involved in anti-government activities
since May 1969. [MEED] (See also, Iraq)
Aug. 12: French Foreign Minister Louis de Guiringaud
visited Khartuim for talks on bilateral relations.
[MEED] 1977
Aug. 14: Numayri pardoned 30 politicians, including May 20: Middle East EconomicDigest cited National
former Premier $adiq al-Mahdi. [MEED} Defense Minister Abdullah Farhatas saying Libya had

asked an Italian company to withdraw an oil explor- Necdet Ugur:Interior

ation platform from a disputed area in the Gulf of GunduzOksin: ForeignAffairs
Gabes. [MEED) Besim Ustiinel:Finance
May 27: An oil rig belonging to a US company under MustafaUstundag:Education& Culture
contract to Libya began operating in a part of the AbdulkerimZilan:PublicWorks
Gulf of Gabes claimed by Tunisia. [MEEDI Ziya Muezzinoglu:Commerce
May 28: Tunis Radio reported that a helicopter had Celal Ertug:Health
landed 6 Libyan soldiers on the oil rig. [MEEDI MehmetCan:Customs& Monopolies
May 29: Tunisia submitted a memorandum to the Arab FikretGiindogan:Agriculture
League accusing Libya of violating its territorial Erol Cevikce:Transport& Communications
waters by sending an American oil drilling platform BahirErsoy:Labor
to a disputed section of the Gulf of Gabes. [JP} TarhanErdem:Industry& Technology
June 8: Libyan Foreign Secretary 'Abd al-Salim al- Nelet Akmandor:Energy& NaturalResources
Turayki met with Foreign Minister Habib Chatti on AltanOymen:Tourism& Information
the territorial dispute. [FBIS] ErolTuncer:Housing
June 10: Tunisia and Libya signed an agreement to Ali Topuz:RuralAffairs& Cooperatives
submit their territorial dispute to arbitration at the Vecdi Ilhan:Forestry
International Court of Justice. [MEED] Yiiksel Cakmur:Youth& Sports
June 22: Premier Hedi Nouira arrived in Austria for a HayrettinUysal:SocialSecurity[TDN]
5 day visit. [MEED] June 28: Ecevit outlined his governmentprogramto
June 25: An economic cooperation agreement with Parliament.Oppositionmemberswalked out of the
Austria was signed. [MEED] session. [NYT3
July 7: Yemeni Command Council Chairman Ibrahim July 3: After being defeated in a vote of confidence
al-Hamdi arrived in Tunis on a 3 day official visit. in Parliamentby a vote of 229 to 217, Ecevit re-
[FBISI signed. [NYT)
July 15: Tunisia and Italy signed an agreement for the July 4: FormerPremierSiuleymanDemirel was asked
construction of a gas pipeline beneath the Mediter- to form a new government.[NYTI
ranean linking the 2 nations. [NYT] July 7: Ninety eightpeopleaccusedof violenceat a May
July 22: Agriculture Minister Hasan Belkhodja arrived Day rallyin Istanbulwent on trial.[NYT]
in the US for talks on bilateral cooperation. [MEED) July 21: A new Cabinetwas announced:
Siuleyman Demirel:Premier
Necmettin Erbakan:DeputyPremier
Turkey SeyfiOzturk:State
SiileymanArif Emre:State
1977 SadiSomuncuoglu:State
Ali $evki Erek:State
May 29: A bomb exploded as Republican People's Necmettin Cevheri:Justice
Party (RPP) leader Bulent Ecevit arrived at an airport SadettinBilgi~:Defense
in Izmir. One of Ecevit's aides was wounded. [NYT] KorkutOzal:Interior
Bombs exploded in Ye?ilk6y International Airport IhsanSabriCaklayangil: Foreign
and an Istanbul railway station. At least 4 people CihatBilgehan:Finance
died in the blasts. [NYT] Nahit Mente?e:Education
June 3: More than 300,000 people defied an official SelahattinKili4:PublicWorks
ban to attend a rally in Istanbul for RPP leader AgahOktayGiiner:Commerce
Ecevit. [NYT} CengizG6ksek:Health
June 5: Voters went to the polls to elect a new Gun Sazak:Customs& Monopolies
Parliament. [NYT] FehimAdak:Agriculture
June 9: The Turkish Ambassador to the Vatican was YilmazErgenekon:Communications
assassinated in Rome. The "Justice Commandos for FehmiCumalioglu:Labor
Armenian Genocide" claimed responsibility for the OguzhanAsilturk:Industry
killing. [NYT] KamranInan:Energy
June 14: President Fahri Koruturk asked Ecevit to form IskenderCenapEge:Tourism
a new government. [NYT] RecaiKutan:Housing
June 21: Premier Ecevit announced the new Cabinet: TurgutYiicel:RuralAffairs
Orhan Eyuboklu: Deputy Premierand Minister of State SabahattinSavcl:Forestry
Turhan Giine?: Deputy premierand Minister of State Onol $akar:Youth& Sports
Lutfi Dogan: Minister of State Avni Akyol:Culture
Kemal Bulutoglu: Minister of State TurhanKapanli:SocialSecurity[TDNJ
Selsuk Erverdi:Justice July 26: The oil pipeline linking Iraq and Turkey
Hasan Esat I?ik: Defense rupturedin southeasternTurkey.[MEES]

July 30: The New York Times reported that a bomb had June 16: SudanesePresidentJa'faral-Numayrimet with
exploded during the night on the grounds of the PresidentShaykhZayd in AbuiDhabi. [FBISJ
American consulate in Adana. An unexploded bomb June20: PakistaniPremierZulfikarAli Bhuttomet with
was later found and disarmed at the consulate ShaykhZayd in AbuiDhabi. [NYTJ
grounds. [NYT] June23: SomaliPresidentMohamedSiadBarrearrived
Aug. 1: The National Assembly voted by 229 to 219 to in AbuiDhabiand met with ShaykhZayd. [FBIS]
confirm the Demirel government in office. [NYT} July 16: Bahrayniheir apparentShaykh Hamad bin
Aug. 3: The Turkish Lira was devalued by 4.5% against 'Isa Al Khalifaharrivedin AbuiDhabi at the head
the West German Mark. [TDNJ of a delegation.[FBIS]
Aug. 4: Political violence in Ankara left 6 people dead.
Aug. 12: Bombs exploded at a Chamber of Industry and
Commerce office and at a grocery in Ankara, injuring Yemen
2 people. [NYTI
Yemen, Sudan,Syria,Tunisia)
United Arab Amirates
(See also, Petroleum Affairs, South Yemen) June 1: Yemen severed diplomatic relations with
1977 June 7: ForeignMinister'Abdallahal-A~najended a 2
day visit to Saudi Arabia. [MEEDI
May 16: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khad- June 20: Iraqi Vice President Taha Muhyi al-Din
dim arrived in Abui Dhabi from Doha for talks with Ma'rif arrivedin $an'Xfor a 3 day visit on a tour of
UAA leaders. [FBIS] Red Sea states. [MEED]
May 20: Sudanese Vice President al-Rashid al-Tahir July 6: A numberof cooperationagreementsbetween
left Dubayy at the end of a 4 day official visit to Yemen and Francewere signedin Parisunderwhich
the UAA during which talks on Red Sea security Francewouldextendabout$205m worthof financial
were held. [FBIS] assistanceto Yemen. [MEES]
May 31: President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultan Al Nuhay- Aug. 6: The Soviet Press Agency Tass said its cor-
yin issued a presidential directive appointing an ex- respondentin Yemen had been orderedto leave the
ecutive committee for the Currency Board. [MEED] country.[NYTI

CSM, The Christian ScienceMonitor (1 Norway St., Boston, Mass. 02115). FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information
ServiceDaily Report:Middle East and North Africa (NTIS, US Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. 22151).
JP, The Jerusalem Post (The Jerusalem Post Building, Romema, Jerusalem, P.O. Box 81). MEED, Middle East
EconomicDigest (84-86 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1DL, England). MEES, Middle East EconomicSurvey (P.O.
Box 4940, Nicosia, Cyprus). NYT, The New YorkTimes (229 W. 43rd St., New York, N.Y. 10036). TDN, Turkish
Daily News (Tunus Cad. 49/7, Ankara, Turkey). WP, The WashingtonPost (1 150 15th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.

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