Middle East Chronology - 1977-08-16 - 1977-11-15

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Chronology August 16, 1977-November 15, 1977

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Winter, 1978), pp. 45-58
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4325712 .
Accessed: 19/02/2012 16:21

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August 16, 1977-November 15, 1977

Arab Israeli Conflict Aug. 27: A bomb exploded in Gaza, injuring 1 Arab.
A second bomb blew up at the Jaffa Gate in Jeru-
(See also, Lebanon) salem, but no one was hurt. [NYT}
Aug. 28: PLO leader Yasir 'Arafat arrived in Moscow
1977 for talks with Soviet leaders. [NYTI
A public opinion poll was released in Israel
Aug. 16: A bomb exploded on a bus in the Jezreel which said that 67.7% of the adult Jewish popula-
Valley in Israel, injuring 9. [NYT) tion in Israel favored continued government sup-
Aug. 17: The Israeli government approved construc- ported Jewish settlement on the West Bank. [CSM}
tion of 3 new Jewish settlements on the occupied Aug. 30: Israeli Premier Menahem Begin said a Syrian
West Bank. [NYT) suggestion that the Arab League represent the PLO
A bomb was thrown in the town square of at a Geneva peace conference was "completely
Nablus, wounding 6 people. [NYT] unacceptable." [NYT)
Aug. 18: The US criticized the Israeli settlement deci- Aug. 31: The Israeli Foreign Ministry said Israel
sion as "illegal" and "unilateral"and said it served to had agreed to allow the UN Educational, Scientific
create "obstacles to constructive negotiations." [NYT] and Cultural Organization to send a mission to the
Aug. 20: The New York Times reported that Egypt, occupied Arab territories to investigate cultural
Syria and Jordan had told US Secretary of State freedom there. [NYT)
Cyrus Vance during his Middle East tour in August Sept. 3: A meeting of Arab League Foreign Ministers
that they would sign peace treaties with Israel as opened in Cairo. Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister
part of an overall settlement. [NYT) Prince Sa'fid al-Faysal called for joint action to face
Aug. 21: Reacting to US criticism of its West Bank Israel's "flagrant challenge" on the West Bank.
policies, Israel said it did not accept "the assertion [NYT]
that settlement by Jews on the land of Israel is Israeli Agriculture Minister Ariel Sharon said he
illegal." [NYT] had a plan to settle about 2 million Jews in a
Aug. 22: Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan "security belt" in occupied Arab territory. [NYTI
arrived in London on a visit to meet with British Sept. 4: The Arab League Foreign Ministers agreed to
Jewish leaders. [JP} urge the UN General Assembly to condemn Israeli
Aug. 25: A bomb exploded in the Israeli town of settlement policy in the occupied territories. [NYT}
Netanya, injuring 3. Earlier a bomb found in the Sept. 7: Israel protested to the UN that Egyptian
town of Rehovot was disarmed. [NYT) troop concentrations in the Sinai were in excess of
Israeli Minister for Religious Affairs Aharon Abu- those permitted. [NYT]
hatzeira proposed that public services be provided Israeli colonists moved into Yattir, south of
for inhabitants of the occupied Jawlan region and Hebron, in the first step towards implementing
Sinai equal to those provided for Israelis. [NYT) the decision to form 3 new West Bank settle-
Aug. 26: The Central Council of the Palestine Libera- ments. [NYT)
tion Organization (PLO) ended a meeting in Damas- Sept. 8: The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv cited Agriculture
cus and reaffirmed the PLO decision not to accept Minister Sharon as saying that several Jewish settle-
UN Security Council Resolution 242. [FBIS] ments had been established in the West Bank during
Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad said he was ready the past month with no publicity. [JPI
to sign a "peace agreement" with Israel but rejected Sept. 1'1: A Jordanian military court sentenced 6 Jor-
the idea of a "normalization" of relations until danians to death in absentia for selling their real
Israel eliminated its "expansionist character." [NYTI estate in the West Bank to Israelis. [JP]

List of Abbreviations
CSM, The Christian Science Monitor; EG, Egyptian Gazette; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily
Report-Middle East and North Africa; JP, The JerusalemPost; MEED, Middle East EconomicDigest; MEES, Middle
East EconomicSurvey; NYT, The New York Times; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington Post.


A bomb exploded in a Beersheba bus station, Oct. 2: Thirty Gush Emunim members moved into
wounding 10 people. [NYT] an army camp near Sebastia. [JP)
Sept. 12: Jordanian King Hlusayn met with French A bomb exploded in the Jerusalem central bus
President Valery Giscard d'Estaing in France on the station, wounding 3 people. [NYT)
Middle East situation. [NYT} Oct. 4: Carter spoke before the UN in New York.
The Swiss League for Human Rights accused He later met separately with Fahmi and Dayan.
Israel of having "commonly and systematically" [NYT]
employed torture on Arab inhabitants of the occu- Oct. 5: Carter and Dayan reached agreement on a
pied West Bank. [NYT] "working paper" specifying procedures for a recon-
The US State Department said that Palestinian vened Geneva peace conference. [NYTI
representatives would "have to be at Geneva for the Oct. 7: Vance met with Fahmi on the "working
Palestinian question to be solved." [NYT] paper." [NYT)
Sept. 17: Israeli Foreign Minister Dayan unexpectedly Oct. 8: The Popular Front for the Liberation of
returned to Israel from Brussels and met with Premier Palestine (PFLP) threatened to use "revolutionary
Begin. [JPI force" against any Arab or Palestinian leader who
Sept. 19: Dayan met with US President Jimmy Carter recognized Israel. [NYT]
in Washington. [NYT] Oct. 10: News editors of the state owned Israel
An Arab man who had attacked an Israeli soldier Radio rejected a Foreign Ministry request that they
was killed by other soldiers in the occupied stop using terms such as "occupied Arab territory,"
Gaza Strip. A bystander was also killed. [NYT] saying they were "not an information center of the
Sept. 21: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismi'il Fahmi Government." [NYT]
met with US President Carter in Washington. Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Mordechai Zip-
[MEED] pori said Israel had approved 6 new Jewish settle-
Sept. 22: Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmi said the ments for the West Bank to be populated by
Arabs were "ready for the first time to accept Israel members of the nationalist group Gush Emunim.
as a Middle Eastern country." [NYT] [NYT]
Sept. 24: US Secretary of State Vance met with a Oct. 111: The Israeli Cabinet unanimously approved
Jordanian delegation in Washington on the Middle the "working paper." [NYT]
East situation. [NYT} Oct. 12: The US sent the "working paper" to the
Sept.25: The Israeli Cabinet approved, subject to certain capitals of the appropriate Arab nations for their
conditions, a US proposal calling for a single Arab consideration. [NYT]
delegation, including Palestinian representatives, at Oct. 13: Dayan divulged the contents of the "working
the opening session of a reconvened Geneva con- paper" at a public session of the Knesset. [NYT]
ference. [NYT] Gunmen hijacked a West German airliner with
Begin told leaders of the Jewish nationalist group 91 people aboard, had the plane refueled in
Gush Emunim that the government would not sanc- Rome and Cyprus and then flew to Bahrayn.
tion their plans to build 11 new settlements in [NYT]
the West Bank. [NYT] Oct. 14: The hijacked plane landed in Dubai. The
Sept. 28: Leaders of Gush Emunim accepted a pro- hijackers demanded release of 11 terrorists from
posal by Begin that members of the organization West German jails and 2 Palestinian terrorists
move into 6 military camps in the West Bank rather held in Turkey. [NYT]
than establish new settlements outright. [JP] The Turkish government rejected the demands of
Syria and Jordan told Carter that they accepted hijackers for the release of 2 Palestinian terrorists
the US proposal for a unified Arab delegation at held in Turkish jails. [NYT]
the Geneva conference but they disagreed with Oct. 15: Two bombs exploded in the Old City of
Israel's conditions for the proposal. [NYT] Jerusalem. A bomb in the coastal city of Netanya
Sept. 30: Vance met with Soviet Foreign Minister blew up. [NYT]
Andrei Gromyko in New York on the Middle Oct. 16: The hijacked plane flew to South Yemen
East situation. [NYT] and landed beside the runway after the South
Vance and Dayan held discussions on obstacles Yemeni government had refused landing permission
hindering the reconvening of a Geneva conference. and closed the airport. [NYT]
[NYT] Oct. 17. The hijackers killed the pilot of the airliner
Oct. 1. The US and the Soviet Union issued a joint and flew to Mogadishu, Somalia. [NYT]
declaration calling on all parties to the Middle Oct. 18. Egyptian President Anwir al-Sadat and 'Arafat
East conflict to work out a "comprehensive settle- met to discuss Arab response to the "working
ment" within the framework of a Geneva peace paper." [NYT]
conference and asserting that the settlement should West German commandos stormed the plane in
insure the "legitimate rights of the Palestinian people" Mogadishu, killing the terrorists and freeing the
and establish "normal peaceful relations" in the area. hostages. [NYT]
[NYT] Oct. 21: The UN Security Council approved a 1 year

extension of the UN peacekeeping force separating Nov. 8: A 3 nation committee created by the UN
Egyptian and Israeli troops in the Sinai. [NYT} General Assembly reported that life in the occupied
Oct. 24: The JerusalemPost reported that Israeli Mayor Arab territories was marked by demonstrations and
ofJerusalem Teddy Kollek had said he would not host riots "attributable to the fact of occupation." The
a tour ofJerusalem for US Treasury Secretary Michael committee had not been permitted by Israel to visit
Blumenthal because Blumenthal had asked for an the territories. [NYT)
"official tour" of West Jerusalem and a "private tour" 'Arafat met with Egyptian President Sadat to dis-
of East Jerusalem. [JP} cuss efforts to reconvene the Geneva conference.
Oct. 25: After meeting with Carter, Saudi Arabian [NYT)
Foreign Minister Prince Sa'cudsaid the only way to Israeli policemen and Arab villagers clashed at
achieve a "real" settlement in the Middle East was Majdal Krum and 1 Arab was killed after a house
to try to settle the Palestinian dispute by dealing that had been built without a permit was torn down.
with the PLO. [NYT] [NYT]
Oct. 27: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Nov. 9: Sadat said his commitment to peace was so
Palestine-Special Operations claimed it had been determined that he was "ready to go to the Israeli
behind the hijacking of the West German airliner. Parliament itself and discuss it with them." [NYT]
[NYTI Nov. 10: Begin said he "welcomed" Sadat's statement
Oct. 28: The UN General Assembly adopted a resolu- that he was ready to visit Israel. [NYT)
tion by 131 to 1 with 7 abstentions which "strongly Nov. 12. Begin verbally invited Sadat to come to
deplored" Israel's establishment of settlements in oc- Jerusalem. [NYT)
cupied Arab territories, and called on Israel to desist Foreign Ministers of the Arab League nations
from changing the demographic composition of the opened a 3 day meeting in Tunis. [NYTI
territories. [NYT] Nov. 13: Two Arabs were killed in separate bomb
Oct. 30: Israel said it was prepared to release Greek explosions in Jerusalem. [NYT]
Catholic Archbishop Hilarion Capucci, who had been The Democratic Front for the Liberation of
convicted of arms smuggling, from jail if a formal Palestine (DFLP) claimed responsibility for a bomb
request to do so were received from Pope Paul VI. blast in Jerusalem. [NYT]
[NYTI Nov. 14: Sadat said he was prepared to go to Israel
Nov. 1: The US withdrew from the International once he had received a formal invitation from
Labor Organization. [NYT] Begin. [NYTI
Nov. 2: Egyptian President Sadat met with Saudi Nov. 15: Begin transmitted a formal invitation to
Arabian King Kh5lid in Riyadh on the Middle East Saddt through US diplomatic channels to visit
situation. [NYT] Jerusalem and speak to the Knesset. [NYT]
Jordanian King Ijusayn conferred in Damascus Four Israeli Arab Muslims left Israel to make the
with Syrian President Asad on Middle East strategy. bajj to Mecca. Israeli Arabs had been banned by
[NYT]. Saudi Arabia from making the hijj since 1948.
Nov. 3. A Vatican representative delivered a letter from [NYT]
Pope Paul VI to Israeli President Ephraim Katzir Yediot Aharonot published an interview by Israeli
asking clemency for Archbishop Capucci. [NYT] Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur in which he said that
The General Assembly condemned air piracy and Egypt was preparing for war and warned that if
called on all governments to take steps to prevent Sadat had in mind "another deception like that on
it. [NYTI the eve of the Yom Kippur War, his intentions
Nov. 4: The Christian Science Monitor cited a state- are clear to us." [JPJ
ment by the PFLP as saying the PFLP had ex- Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weizman said that
pelled Wadi Haddad from its ranks in February Chief of Staff Gur had made his comments "with-
1976 because he had refused to acceed to a policy out my approval" and that he could "only regret"
decision to stop hijackings. The PFLP denied re- the remarks. [JP}
sponsibility for recent hijackings. [CSM]
Nov. 6: Israel commuted the jail sentence of Arch-
bishop Capucci and put him aboard a flight to
Rome. [NYT}
Israel rejected an Egyptian proposal for preliminary
talks to agree on an agenda for a reconvened (See also, Tunisia)
Geneva conference. [NYT}
Nov. 7: King Husayn arrived in Damascus from 1977
Cairo and met with Syrian President Asad on
prospects for reconvening the Geneva conference. Aug. 20: The New York Times cited sources in Nouak-
[NYT] chott, Mauritania, as saying that a total of 18 Mauri-
A small bomb exploded in the Petah Tikva tanian troops and 30 Polisario guerrillas had been
central bus station. No one was injured. [NYT] killed in 2 clashes in the past 48 hours. [NYT)

Sept. 4: An Arab League meeting of Arab Foreign Following consultations between their Oil Minis-
Ministers in Cairo approved the admission of Djibouti ters, it was announced that Saudi Arabia and the UAA
as the 22nd member of the organization. [NYT] had reached agreement on a common stand in oil
Oct. 25: Polisario Front guerrillas abducted 2 French prices. [MEES]
nationals during an attack on a railway linking Nov. 12: The New York Times cited US "Administra-
Zouerat with Ouadibou in Mauritania. Six French tion officials" as saying the Shih had informed the
nationals had been captured previously. [FBIS} US that Iran would not take the lead in seeking an
Oct. 29: The French Interior Ministry announced it had increase in oil prices at the next meeting of OPEC.
expelled 8 representatives of the Polisario Front from [NYT]
the country. [NYT) Nov. 14: Venezuelan Minister of Mines and Hydro-
The Arab League and the European Common carbons Valentin Hernandez completed a tour of Gulf
Market ended 4 days of talks in Brussels. [NYT} OPEC countries to work out strategy for the up-
Nov. 2: The New York Times reported that France coming conference. [MEES]
had sent about 300 troops to its garrison in Senegal
to bolster its diplomatic efforts to win release of 8
French citizens captured by Polisario Front guerrillas Afghanistan
in Mauritania. [NYT]
Nov. 7: Moroccan King Hasan said that if escalation 1977
of the conflict in Western Sahara continued Morocco
would be obliged to use the right to pursuit even Sept. 4: Indian External Affairs Minister A. B. Vajpayee
if that should lead to "crossing borders and violating met with President Muhammad Daud in Kabul.
the sovereignity of our neighbors." [FBIS} [FBIS]
Nov. 8: Algerian Foreign Minister Abdelaziz Bouteflika Sept. 12: An agreement was signed in Abiu Dhabi
warned Morocco that any penetration of the Algerian whereby the Abiu Dhabi Fund for Arab Economic
border would be aggression that would have "cata- Development (ADFAED) would lend Afghanistan
strophic repercussions". [NYT] $7.5m. [MEED}
Nov. 9: Moroccan Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Oct. 11: Pakistani Chief Martial Law Administrator
Mohamed Boucetta said in Paris that the Algerian Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq met with President Daud at
regular army was carrying out military operations the Presidential Palace. [FBIS}
in the Western Sahara. [FBIS} Oct. 16: Hungarian Chairman of the Presidential
Nov. 10: Egyptian Vice President Husni Mubarak Council Pal Losonczi met with Daud in Afghanistan.
left Cairo for Morocco on a mediation mission [FBIS)
between Algeria and Morocco. [FBIS} Oct. 20: Foreign Minister Wahid Abdollah met with
Nov. 14: French envoy Claude Chayet resumed talks in Iraqi President Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr in Baghdad.
Algiers with Polisario Front representatives concern- [FBIS]
ing the release of French prisoners held by the Oct. 22: Foreign Minister Abdollah arrived in Aba
Polisario Front. Earlier talks had broken off the week Dhabi to discuss UAA participation in the Afghan
before. [MEED] 7 year plan. [MEED}
Oct. 23: Iraqi Vice President Muhyi al-Din Ma'rif
met with Daud at the Presidential Palace. [FBIS]
Oct. 29: A cultural cooperation agreement between
Petroleum Affairs the People's Republic of Mongolia and Afghanistan
was signed in Kabul. [FBIS)
Nov. 7: It was reported that Daud had appointed the
1977 following to the Central Council:
Aug. 31. Arab Oil Ministers of the Organization of Abdol Majid: State
Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) Ghulam Haidar Rasuli: National Defense
met in al-Ta'if, Saudi Arabia, and approved the Seyyed Abdol Elah: Finance
establishment of an OAPEC Judicial Council. Abdol Dayyum: BorderAffairs [FBIS]
Oct. 12: The Vice President of the Algerian state oil
and gas concern Sonatrach called in Vienna for a
15% increase in crude oil prices in each of the (See also, General, Petroleum Affairs,
next few years. [NYTI South Yemen, Tunisia)
Nov. 7. The Economic Commission of the Organiza-
tion of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 1977
met in Vienna to prepare recommendations for the
upcoming ministerial conference in Caracas. [MEES} Sept. 21.' South Yemeni Presidential Council Chairman
Nov. 8: Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad Salim Rubayyi' 'Ali arrived in Algiers for talks.
Zaki Yamani began a tour of Gulf oil states. [MEES] [FBIS)
Oct. 3: A hijacked Japan Air Lines jetliner left support resumption of intercommunal talks on Cy-
Damascus and landed in Algiers where the hijackers prus. [NYT)
released all remaining hostages and surrendered. Nov. 9: The UN General Assembly voted 116 to 6 with
[NYT] 20 abstentions to approve a resolution calling for
Oct. 5: Algeria refused an indirect request by the a resumption of intercommunal talks in Cyprus.
Japanese government for the return of 5 hijackers [NYT}
and a $6m ransom. [NYTI Nov. 12: Bishop Chrysostomos of Paphos was elected
Oct. 11: Tunisian Foreign Minister Habib Chatti head of the Orthodox Church in Cyprus. [NYTI
ended a visit to Algiers during which he held talks Nov. 13: Archbishop Chrysostomos was ordained as
with President Houari Boumedienne. [FBIS] head of the Cypriot Orthodox Church and said the
Oct. 20: Yugoslavian President Tito arrived in Algiers church would "continue the struggle" as long as
from Lisbon for talks with President Boumedienne. Cypriot land remained "under foreign occupation."
Nov. 8: The West German airline Lufthansa can-
celled its round trip Frankfurt to Algeria flight be-
cause Algeria refused to let West German guards
conduct passenger security checks for people board-
ing in Algiers. [NYT}
Nov. 12: Lufthansa resumed its Algerian flight. [NYT] (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iran, Jordan,
Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen)

Aug. 20: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met
with President Anwar al-Sadit in Alexandria.
1977 [MEED)
Aug. 23: The trial of 54 members of the religious
Oct. 3: Saudi Arabian Interior Minister Prince Nayif
organization Jama't al-Takfir wa al-Hijrah for their
Ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz arrived in Bahrayn for a 4 day visit.
parts in the killing of a former Cabinet Minister
began in Cairo. [NYT]
Oct. 29: Premier Shaykh Khalifah bin Salman Al
Aug. 31: President Sadat met with Somali President
Khalifah left Manama for Paris to hold talks on
Mohamed Siad Barre in Egypt. [FBIS]
bilateral relations. [FBIS]
Sept. 7: Coca-Cola signed an agreement with the
Oct. 31: Crown Prince and Defense Minister Shaykh
Egyptian Agriculture Company calling for the de-
Hamad bin 'Isa Al Khalifah left Bahrayn for Saudi
velopment of citrus groves near Ismailia. [NYT)
Arabia. [MEED]
The leadership of the Coptic Christian minority
met in an emergency session to study moves by
Egyptian authorities to introduce legislation that
would apply Islamic law to criminal as well as
Cyprus religious offenses. [NYT)
Sept. 8: A speeding passenger train derailed, killing
1977 40 and injuring 150 people. [NYT]
Sept. 10: Military policemen clashed with members of
Aug. 16. The Iranian newspaper Rastikhiz quoted the Jama'at al-Takfir wa al-Hijrah sect during the
Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denkta? as saying the trial. Sixteen people were injured. [NYT}
time had come "to declare independence." [NYT] Sept. 11: Deputy Premier for Financial and Economic
Aug. 25: Cyprus called for a UN Security Council Affairs 'Abd al-Mun'im al-Qaysuni left Cairo on a
meeting to discuss the "deteriorating situation" there. week long visit to London for economic talks with
[NYT} British leaders. [FBIS]
Aug. 31: Acting President Spyros Kyprianou took Sept. 12: Coptic Pope Shenuda III met with Premier
office as President. [NYT] Mamd-uhSalim concerning the proposed legislation.
Sept. 7: The Turkish Daily News reported that Turkish [NYTI
Cypriot leader Denkta? had had talks with Turkish Sept. 14: Somali President Barre arrived in Cairo for
Premier Siileyman Demirel in Ankara. [TDN] further talks with Sadat. [NYT)
Sept. 15: The Security Council adopted a resolution Sept. 15: Vice President Husni Mubarak left Cairo on
calling for resumption of talks on Cyprus as soon as a 9 nation African tour. [FBIS)
possible. [NYTI Sept. 18: The Middle East News Agency said that a
Oct. 2: Greek Foreign Minister Dimitrios Bitsios met survey by the Egyptian Atomic Energy Commission
with Turkish Foreign Minister Ihsan Sabri Ca- had proven the existence of large quantities of
glayangil in New York. The 2 leaders agreed to uranium in various desert regions. [NYT}

Sept. 24: President Ziaur Rahman of Bangaladesh Sept. 13: Gunmen on the French Riviera attacked a car
arrived in Cairo and met with Sadat. [FBIS} in which Princess Ashraf Pahlavi was riding, killing
Oct. 5: Vice President Mubirak returned to Cairo 1 person and wounding another. Princess Ashraf was
at the end of a tour of 8 Arab states and Iran. unhurt. [NYT]
[FBIS] Sept. 26: East German Deputy Premier Wolfgang
Oct. 22: US Treasury Secretary Michael Blumenthal Rauchfuss met with Premier Jamshid-i Amuzgar in
arrived in Cairo for talks on economic cooperation Tehran. [MEED)
and met with Deputy Premier Qaysini. [FBIS] Sept. 29: An economic agreement with East Germany
Oct. 23: Sudanese President Numayri arrived in Cairo was signed in Tehran. [MEED)
to attend a joint session of the Egyptian and Sudanese A fire swept through the Grand Bazaar of Tehran,
People's Assemblies. [FBIS} causing some deaths. [MEED]
Oct. 24: Egypt and Sudan convened a joint session of Iran said 47 people had died in the past 6 months
their parliaments in Cairo. The meeting was attended from a "cholera-like" disease. [NYT}
by 610 members of the 2 parliaments. [NYT] Oct. 7: US Senate majority leader Robert Byrd urged an
Oct. 25: The Cabinet was reshuffled and the following immediate moratorium on arms sales to Iran. [NYT)
changes were made: Oct. 16: Iran signed contracts with France for two 900
'Abd al-Mun'im al-Qaysiini: Deputy PremierforFinan- megawatt nuclear power plants and a 10 year supply
cial & EconomicAffairs and Planning of enriched uranium fuel. [NYT}
Muhammad Hiifiz Ghinim: Deputy Premierfor Social Oct. 17: The New York Times reported that a man
Developmentand Minister for Cabinet and Sudan convicted of killing an Iranian employee of the US
Affairs Embassy in Tehran had been executed. [NYT]
Butrus Butrus Ghili: State Oct.22: The government said the Shah had ordered the
Nalim Mu$tafi Abui Tilib: State release of 279 prisoners from Iranian jails to mark his
'Ali al-Silmi: State birthday. [NYT)
Sa'd Muhammad Ahmad: Manpower & Training Oct. 27: US Treasury Secretary Michael Blumenthal
'Abd al-Sattir Mujihid: Transport, Communications met with the Shih in Iran. [FBIS}
& Shipping Oct. 30: An explosion and fire at 1 of the thermal
Muhammad Nabawi Ismil: Interior processing units at the Abadan refinery left 4 people
Ahmad 'Izz al-Din Hilil: Industry, Petroleum & dead. [MEES)
Mining Oct. 31: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat met with
Mustafi Kamil Hilmi: Education & ScientificResearch the Shih in Tehran. [MEED)
IMEED] Nov. 1: Egyptian President Sidat met with UAA
Oct.26: Sidit said that Egypt would suspend repayment President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultin Al Nuhayyan in
of military debts to the Soviet Union in January Tehran and thereafter concluded his visit to Iran.
1978, and said a ban on cotton exports to Czecho- [FBIS]
slovakia and the Soviet Union would be instituted. Nov. 2: UAA President Shaykh Zayd met with the
[MEED} Shah in Tehran. [FBIS}
Oct. 29: The Ford Motor Company signed an agree- Nov. 8: Iran confirmed that it had purchased 7
ment with Egypt for a $30m joint venture to AWACS planes from the US. [NYT)
manufacture trucks. [NYTJ Nov. 14: The Shah arrived in the US for talks with
Oct. 30: Sidit met with Rumanian President Nicolae US leaders. [NYT)
Ceausescu near Bucharest. [NYT) Nov. 15: The Shah met with US President Carter in
Washington. Opponents of the Shah clashed with his
supporters near the White House, leaving 1 19 people
injured. [NYT)
(See also, Petroleum Affairs, Cyprus, Egypt,
Kuwayt, Pakistan, Qatar) Iraq
1977 (See a/so, Afghanistan, Jordan, Sudan,
Aug. 22: Muhammad Ri;i Shih Pahlavi arrived in Syria, Turkey)
Warsaw at the beginning of a state visit to Poland.
Aug. 31: The Shih returned to Iran at the end of a
visit to Czechoslovakia. [FBIS] Aug. 22: Djibouti President Hassan Gouled met with
Sept. 7: US President Jimmy Carter asked Congress to President Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr in Baghdad.
agree to the sale of $1.2 billion worth of AWACS [FBIS}
radar planes to Iran. [NYTI Aug. 29: Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Babakr
Minister of State Muhammad Yiginah was named Mahmud al-Bishdari returned to Baghdad at the end
Chief Oil Negotiator. [NYT) of an 8 day visit to the Soviet Union. [FBIS]

Sept.4: The RevolutionCommandCouncil(RCC)was

(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Lebanon)
$addamnHusayn: Vice Chairman
TahaYisin Ramad,n
Sa'dunGhaydan 1977
Na'lm HamidHaddad Aug. 17: Israel said it would not take part in the World
Tayih'Abd al-Karim Conference for Action against Apartheid to be held
Mu,hammad MahjiubMahdi in Nigeria. [NYT]
'Adnin Husayn'Abbas Aug. 25: Premier Menahem Begin arrived in Bucharest
Ghanim'Abdal-Jalil for talks with Rumanian leaders. [NYT)
Tihir TawfiqYusuf Sept. 7: Premier Begin met with Democratic Move-
'Abd al-FattihMuh.ammad Amin ment for Change (DMC) leader Yigael Yadin in an
Hasan'Ali al-Nasir effort to secure DMC support for the governing
Sa'dunShakirMah.mad coalition. [NYT)
Ja'farQisim Hammadi Sept. 8: Yehoshua Bension, serving a sentence for
'AbdallahFadhil'Abbis embezzelment, was released from prison. A pardon
Tiriq 'Aziz issued by President Ephraim Katzir, upon the recom-
'AdnanKhayrallihTulfih mendation of Begin, had secured the release.
HikmatMiqdamIbrahim UP]
Muhammad'AyishHamad Sept. 12: Begin defended his role in the release from
Burhanal-Din 'Abd al-Rahmin prison of Bension as a "good, humane, positive
Muhyi 'Abd al-HusaynMashhadi:SecretaryGeneral act." [JP}
[MEED] Sept. 19: The pound was devalued by 1.93% with
Sept.4: A bomb exploded in the center of Baghdad, respect to the dollar. [JP)
wounding35 people. [MEED] Sept. 24: Authorities said they were holding and
Sept. 8: The government decided to expel the First would expel 25 black American members of a "black
Secretary in the Syrian Embassy in Baghdad. Hebrew" sect who intended to settle illegally in Israel.
[FBIS} The Americans said they were Presbyterian tourists.
Sept.25: Oil MinisterTayih 'Abd al-Karimleft on a [NYT)
visit to Moscow.[MEEDJ Sept. 27: Panamanian Head of State Omar Torrijos
Sept. 28: Iraq announced a death from cholera. arrived in Israel on a 2 day visit. [JPJ
[NYT) Sept. 30: Begin was hospitalized, suffering from fatigue.
Oct. 2: The first conference of Gulf states Trade [NYT)
Ministersopened in Baghdadand 7 Arab nations Oct. 11: Begin was released from the hospital. [NYT)
attended.[FBIS] Oct. 19: The leadership of the DMC voted 14-1 to
Oct. 3: HungarianPremier Gyorgy Lazararrived in align the party with the government. [NYT)
Baghdad and met with RCC Vice Chairman Oct. 23: Finance Minister Simha Erlich announced that
Husayn.[FBIS] the government would slash subsidies on food and
Oct.15: The followingwere appointedto the Cabinet: public transportation. [NYT)
'AdnanKhayrallah Tulfih: Defense Oct. 24: The following Cabinet Ministers were con-
Sa'd Qisim Hammudi: Information and Acting firmed by the Knesset:
Minister of Culture & Arts. [MEEDI Yigael Yadin: Deputy Premier
Nov. 1: Talks between Foreign Minister Sa'd-un Meir Amit: Transport& Communication
Hammadi and Kuwayti Foreign Minister Shaykh Shmuel Tamir:Justice
Sabah al-Ahmad al-JabirAl Sabah.were held in Yisrael Katz: Labor & Social Betterment[NYT)
Baghdad.[FBIS}. US Treasury Secretary Michael Blumenthal met
Nov. 10: CanadianExternalAffairs Minister Donald with Begin in Jerusalem. [NYT)
Jamiesonsaid that Canadahad declaredthe second Oct. 25: The New York Times cited an article in
rankingdiplomatin the Iraqi Embassypersonanon Rolling Stone magazine as saying Israel had assembled
gratafor "unacceptable" spyingactivities.[NYT) a nuclear arsenal nearly 10 years before from en-
Nov. 12: A Cabinetreorganizationwas decreed: riched uranium stolen in the US and Europe and
Mukarram Jamil:Transport purchased from West Germany and France under the
'Aziz Rashid:State cover of staged hijackings. [NYT)
'Abd al-WahhibMahmud'Abdallah:Irrigation A White House spokesman said that investigations
Himid 'Alwan: State for ForeignAffairs by US government agencies had "all failed to reveal"
Hishim Hasan:State that any uranium diversions by Israel had occurred.
KarimMahmuidShintaf:Culture& Arts [FBIS] [NYT)
Oct. 26: Canadian External Affairs Minister Donald
Jamieson arrived in Israel for a 5 day visit. [JP)

Oct. 28: The government abolished currency controls

and floated the pound. [NYT)
Oct. 30: Postal workers and communications tech-
nicians staged strikes to protest the economic (See also, Iraq, Pakistan)
measures of the government. [NYT)
Oct.31: Airport, dock and factory workers went on strike
to protest the economic measures. [NYT)
Nov. 3: Thousands of workers went on strike against Aug. 28: The government ordered the release of a
the economic measures. Begin said he would not be Lebanese who had hijacked a jetliner in June.
swayed by "Bolshevik-like tones." [NYT) [NYT}
Nov. 6: Israeli trade unions announced a halt to strikes Aug. 29: Police arrested 1 15 Iranians when they
and demonstrations. Leaders of the Histadrut pre- attempted to enter the country illegally from a cargo
pared to present their demands to the govern- ship. [MEED)
ment. [NYT] Sept. 8: The Oil Ministry announced that the price of
Nov. 7: A Foreign Ministry spokesman said Israel heavy crude would be cut by 10? a barrel. [MEED]
would adhere to a UN Security Council resolution Sept. 16: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre arrived
calling for an arms embargo against South Africa. in Kuwayt for talks. [FBIS)
[NYT) Sept. 19: Kuwayt nationalized the American Inde-
Nov. 13: Rabbi Bezalel Zolti was elected Ashkenazi pendent Oil Company after a deadlock in negotia-
Chief Rabbi, and Rabbi Shalom Mashash Sephardi tions with the company had been reached. {JP}
Chief Rabbi, of Jerusalem. [JPJ Sept. 22: The magazine Al 'Amil was suspended for 3
months for violating press laws. [FBIS]
Sept. 28: The Ministry of Health reported at least 10
cases of cholera in Kuwayt. [MEED)
Jordan Oct. 2: Amir Shaykh Sabah al-Salim Al $abih
returned to Kuwayt after a 3 month holiday in
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, London. [MEED]
Pakistan, Syria) Oct. 3: A hijacked Japan Air Lines jetliner refueled
in Kuwayt and then departed for Damascus after 7
hostages had been released. [NYT)
1977 Oct. 12: The newspaper Al AnbX' reported that
Communications Minister Sulayman al-Zayd had sub-
Aug. 18: King Husayn arrived in London for a 2 week mitted his resignation for health reasons. [FBIS]
private visit. [MEED] Oct. 26: US Treasury Secretary Michael Blumenthal
Sept. 5: King Husayn arrived in Paris for talks with ended a visit to Kuwayt and said his talks with
French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing. [NYT) Kuwayti leaders had focused on economic ques-
Sept. 1 1: Twenty two cholera cases were reported, tions. [MEES)
raising the total number of confirmed cases to 166.
Oct. 2: An agreement with Saudi Arabia was signed
in Riyadh whereby $25m would be lent for port Lebanon
expansion in Aqaba. [MEED)
Oct. 9: Amman DomesticServicereported that a Jordanian (See also, Kuwayt)
student in Iraq had been executed by the Iraqi
government in September for spying and said that
Jordan had decided not to permit its citizens to en- 1977
roll in Iraqi colleges in the future. [FBIS]
Oct. 17: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Aug. 21: Phalanges radio reported that 10 people had
Khaddam visited Amman for talks with King been killed while leaving a church in the town of Brih
Husayn. [MEED] in the Chuf region. Maronite Christians and Druzes
Oct. 26: Saudi Arabian Interior Minister Nayif Ibn clashed in the town. [NYT)
'Abd al-'Aziz arrived in Amman for a 5 day visit to Aug. 22: Syrian peacekeeping troops moved into the
discuss bilateral co6peration. [MEED] Chuf region and cordoned off the village of Brih.
Nov. 7. King Husayn returned to Amman following a [NYT}
3 day tour of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria. Artillery duels intensified in the south. [NYT)
[FBIS) Aug. 23: A joint committee of Christians and Muslims
was formed to help prevent a recurrence of fighting
in the Chuf region. [NYT)
Aug. 24: Artillery duels between Christian militiamen
and Palestinian guerrillas occurred in southern
Lebanon. [NYT)
Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
met with Foreign Minister Fu'ad Butrus in Shtawrah. Rockets fired from southern Lebanon landed in the
[FBIS) Israeli town of Qiryat Shemona, injuring 2. [NYTI
Aug. 25: A bomb exploded in the center of Beirut, Sept. 24: Israel said 1 Israeli soldier had been
killing 3 people. [NYT) killed and 3 wounded in a clash with Palestinian
A Druze leader was ambushed and killed in the guerrillas at the frontier with Lebanon. [NYTI
Chuf region. [NYT} Sept. 26: Israel announced that a ceasefire in southern
Aug. 26: Christian leaders of the Lebanese Front Lebanon had been arranged "thanks to the good
gathered at Ihden to discuss "security measures" offices of the United States." [NYT]
to deal with conditions in the Chuf region. [NYT} Israel radio reported that Israeli troops and armor
Renewed fighting between Christian militiamen were returning to Israel from sorties made in
and Palestinian guerrillas left 4 people, including Lebanon. [NYT}
the mayor of Bint Jubayil, dead. [NYT) Rockets fired from Palestinian positions hit the
Aug. 27: Christian leaders of the Lebanese Front issued Israeli towns of Qiryat Shemona and Safed before
a manifesto calling for the withdrawal of Palestinian the ceasefire took effect. [NYT}
guerrillas from the area near the Israeli border, Oct. 5. Israeli and Palestinian forces traded artillery
criticizing Syrian peacekeeping troops and warning fire across the border. [NYT]
that they would reconsider their support for President US President Jimmy Carter met with Foreign
Ilyas Sarkis if security conditions continued to Minister Butrus in New York. [NYTI
deteriorate. [NYT). Oct. 7: Fighting between Christian and Muslim forces
Aug. 31: Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader broke out in southern Lebanon. [NYT]
Yisir 'Arafat arrived in Beirut following a 2 day visit Oct. 9: Pope Paul VI proclaimed Sharbel Makhliuf, a
to the Soviet Union. [FBIS] monk who had died in 1898, to be a saint.
Sept. 2: It was reported that Israeli troops struck [NYT)
across the border and seized at least 16 people from
Oct. 16: The Israeli Defense Ministry acknowledged
2 Lebanese villages for questioning. Israel denied the
that Israeli artillery had fired into southern Lebanon
report. [NYT]
the week before. [NYT]
Sept. 3: A spokesman for the Popular Front for the
Liberation-of Palestine said that Palestinian positions Oct. 28: Syrian soldiers set up roadblocks in Beirut.
in southern Lebanon were under "heavy and con- [NYT]
centrated" artillery fire from Israel. [NYT] Oct. 30: A 3 man Syrian delegation led by Foreign
Sept. 9: A bomb damaged the home of a former Minister Khaddam arrived in Beirut and began talks
Information Minister near Tripoli. [NYT] with President Ilyas Sarkis. [NYT]
Sept. 12: Lebanon reported 2 suspected cholera deaths. Nov. 5: President Sarkis held talks with Syrian President
[NYT] Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus on the situation in
Sept. 13: Shelling in south Lebanon during the night southern Lebanon. [NYT]
left 3 people dead. [NYT] A fishing boat with 3 men on board opened
Sept. 14: Palestinian guerrillas reported they had re- fire on an Israeli patrol boat off northern Israel
pulsed an attempt by Christian militia forces to and was sunk by return fire. [JP}
capture a strategic bridge on the Litani river. Nov. 6: Rockets fired from southern Lebanon struck
[NYT] the Israeli town of Nahariya, killing 2 people.
Sept. 16: Heavy fighting broke out in southern [NYT]
Lebanon. [NYTI PLO leader 'Arafat said Palestinian forces would
Sept. 17: Christian forces backed by Israeli artillery not pull out of southern Lebanon. [NYTI
and air support continued advancing on Palestinian Sarkis and Syrian President Asad concluded talks
positions in southern Lebanon. [NYT) in Damascus. No joint statement was issued. [NYT]
Sept. 18: The Palestinian command said that heavy Nov. 7: Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weizman warned
casualties had been inflicted on Christian forces as that Israel would "act intensively and quickly to re-
Palestinian guerrillas blunted a Christian offensive. store quiet" if shelling from southern Lebanon
[NYT] continued. [NYT]
Sept. 19: Palestinian and Israeli backed Christian It was reported that Israeli artillery fire had
forces battled in southern Lebanon. [NYT} struck villages in southwestern Lebanon during the
The New York Times reported that Israeli military night. [NYT]
forces had been placed on alert in the north because Nov. 8: Rockets fired on Nahariya from Lebanon
of the fighting in Lebanon. [NYT} killed 1 person. [NYT}
Sept. 20: It was reported that Israeli mobile units had Israeli gunners bombarded Palestinian concentra-
crossed into southern Lebanon to aid Christians in tions in southern Lebanon with heavy artillery fire.
the fighting with Palestinian guerrillas. [NYT} [NYT]
Sept. 22: Christian forces shelled the town of Khiyam. Nov. 9: Israeli jets struck targets in and around
[NYT] Tyre, killing more than 100 people and levelling 2
Sept. 23: Christian forces opened a major artillery farm villages. [NYT]
attack on the town of Khiyam. [NYT) Nov. 10: US President Carter said the "overriding

consideration is not to condemn Israel at this Sept. 2: Princess Lalla Nouzha, sister of King Hasan,
point for retaliation." [NYT] was killed in an automobile accident. [NYT]
Nov. 11: Rockets from Lebanon were fired at the Sept. 13: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ahmed
settlement of Yiron but landed outside it. [NYT] Laraki met with US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance
Israeli fighter bombers raided southern Lebanon, in Washington. [FBIS}
wounding 14. [NYTI Sept. 20: Mauritanian President Moktar Ould Daddah
Israeli and Palestinian forces exchanged artillery met with King Hasan in Ifrane. [FBIS]
fire. [NYT] Sept. 21: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd arrived
Nov. 14: Foreign Ministers of Arab League States in Fez on a private visit. [FBIS]
ended a 3 day meeting in Tunis, condemned Israel Sept. 29: Senegalese President Leopold Sedar Senghor
for the raids on Lebanon, and called on the "great met with King Hasan in Ifrane. [FBIS}
powers" to take "all necessary measures" to stop Oct. 5: King Hasan dismissed the Cabinet and asked
Israel's "aggressive acts". [NYTI Premier Ahmed Osman to form a new one. [MEED]
Oct. 10. A new government was announced:
Ahmed Osman: Premier
Libya Mohamed Boucetta: State for Foreign Affairs &
(See also, Pakistan, Tunisia) Mohamed Bahnini: State for Cultural Affairs
Mahjoubi Aherdane: State for Post, Telegraph &
1977 Telephone
Mohamed Benhima: State for Interior
Aug. 20: Turkish Minister of Industry and Tech- Maati Bouabid: Justice
nology Okuzhan Asilturk arrived in Tripoli on a 4 Mohamed Douiri: Equipmentand National Revival
day visit for talks on bilateral cooperation. [MEEDI Abdellatif Ghissassi: Finance
Aug. 23: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim arrived Mustapha Faris:Agricultureand Agrarian Reform
in Tripoli and met with Secretary General Mu'ammar Mohamed Larbi Khattabi: Information
al-Qadhdhafi. [FBIS] Ahmed Ramzi: Religious Endowments & Islamic
Aug. 24: Libya and Egypt began exchanging prisoners Affairs
taken during a border war between them the month Mohamed Bouamoud: Labor & VocationalTraining
before. [NYT} Mohamed Benyakhlef: AdministrativeAffairs
Aug. 28: A ministerial meeting between Libya and Mohamed Haddou Chiguer: Relationswith Parliament
Egypt was held in the border town of Salum. Azzedine Laraki: National Education and Cadre
[MEED] Training
Sept. 20: Tunisian Minister of National Economy Abdelhafid Kadiri: Youth & Sports
Abdelaziz Lasram arrived in Tripoli for economic Abbes El Fassi: Housing & National Territory
talks. [FBIS} Abdallah Gharnit: Social Affairs & Handicraft
Sept. 25: Oil Minister 'Izz al-Din al-Mabriuk said Mohamed Nacer: Transportation
that the Socal and Texaco oil companies had Abdelkamel Reghay: Trade & Industry
agreed to accept "fair compensation" for their Rahhal Rahhali: Health
assets nationalized by Libya in 1973 and 1974. Moussa Saadi: Energy & Mineral Resources
[MEESI Ben Ali Mansouri: Tourism
Oct. 9. Air flights between Egypt and Libya were Abbes Kissi: SecretaryGeneral
resumed following a suspension of more than 2 Taieb Bencheikh: Secretary of State to Premier in
months. [FBIS} Charge of Planning
Oct. 27: Maltese Premier Dom Mintoff arrived in Abdeslem Znined: Secretary of State to Premier in
Tripoli for talks on bilateral cooperation. [FBIS} Charge of GeneralAffairs
Nov. 1: Tunisian Foreign Minister Habib Chatti Driss Basri: Secretaryof State for Interior
arrived in Tripoli to discuss bilateral cooperation. Osman Slimani: Secretary of State to Premier in
[FBIS] Charge of EconomicAffairs
Abderahman Baddou: Secretaryof State for Foreign
Morocco Said Benbachir: Secretaryof Statefor Higher Education
Abdelhak Tazi: Secretaryof State for Cadre Training
(See also, General, Tunisia) [FBIS]
Oct. 12. Tunisian Foreign Minister Habib Chatti
1977 met with King Hasan at the Royal Court. [FBIS}
Aug. 29: Minister of Commerce Abdellatif Ghissassi met Oct. 14: King Hasan presided over the opening
with French officials in Paris on the dispute arising session of parliament. [FBIS}
from a French and European Economic Community
(EEC) decision to improve quotas on imports from
countries outside the EEC. [MEED]

Oman Oct. 1: Zia-ul-Haq canceled the scheduled parlia-

mentary elections and extended martial law rule
indefinitely. [NYTI
1977 Oct. 9: Leaders of the Pakistan National Alliance
(PNA) urged Zia-ul-Haq to set a definite time-
Sept. 1: The Ministry of Health assumed responsibility table for a return to democratic government in
for the health care of the desert and mountain Pakistan. [NYT]
regions of Dhofar province. [MEEDI Oct. 11: Bhutto was formally charged with plotting to
Oct. 15: An economic cooperation agreement with murder a political opponent. He pleaded not guilty.
West Germany was signed. [MEED} LNYT)
Oct. 25: Police arrested 12 members of the Pakistan
People's Party for having taken part in a demon-
Pakistan stration demanding the release of Bhutto. [NYT]
Oct. 30: Zia-ul-Haq left Rawalpindi on a tour that
would take him to Kuwayt, Turkey, Libya and
(See also, Afghanistan, Turkey, Jordan. [FBISJ
United Arab Amirates)

Aug. 20: The New York Times reported that the
military government had lifted curbs on radio and 1977
television reportage. [NYT}
Aug. 28: Bangaladesh Foreign Secretary Tabarak Aug. 16: Ugandan Finance Minister Musa Ali arrived
Hussain met with Chief Martial Law Administrator in Doha for a 3 day visit. [MEED]
Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq in Rawalpindi. [FBIS} Sept. 20: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre met
Sept.3: Former Premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was arrested with the Amir Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad Al
on charges for having conspired to murder a political Thini in Doha. [FBIS]
opponent in 1974. [NYTI Oct. 8: Minister of Labor 'Ali bin Ahmad al-
Sept. 5: Federal investigators said Former Premier Ansari began a 7 day visit to Iran. [MEED]
Bhutto had been accused of having ordered a second Oct. 13: Indonesian President Suharto left Doha for
political murder, but it was not known whether Abiu Dhabi following a 1 day visit to Qatar.
formal charges would be brought. [NYT} [FBIS]
Sept. 6: French Foreign Minister Louis de Guiringaud Oct. 14: Ruler Shaykh Khalifah left Doha for a 2 week
met with Foreign Minister Agha Shahi in Paris and private visit to France. [FBIS)
confirmed that France would sell a nuclear fuel re- Oct. 22: A cultural and technical cooperation agree-
processing plant to Pakistan. [NYT} ment between Qatar and France was signed in Doha.
Sept. 9: The US and Pakistan agreed to trade informa- [FBIS}
tion about possible illegal activities by the Lockheed Oct. 26: Shaykh Khalifah met with French President
Aircraft Corporation and the Boeing Company in Val6ry Giscard d'Estaing in Paris. [MEED]
Pakistan. [NYT]
Sept. 11: Chief Martial Law Administrator Zia-ul-Haq
returned to Pakistan at the end of a visit to Saudi
Arabia. [FBIS} Saudi Arabia
Sept. 15: The government ended a 6 year state of emer-
gency and cut jail terms of all prisoners by 2 (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs,
months. [NYT] Bahrayn, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Syria)
Zia-ul-Haq ended a visit to Iran during which he
held talks with the Shah. [FBISJ 1977
Sept. 17: Bhutto and 4 former Cabinet ministers
were arrested under martial law. [NYTI Sept. 14: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre left
Sept. 19: Nusrat Bhutto, the wife of the former al-Th'if at the end of a 1 day visit during which he
Premier, became temporary leader of the Pakistan had held talks with King Khalid. [FBIS]
People's Party. [NYTI Sept. 20: Somali President Barre met with King
Sept. 20: The Supreme Court agreed to hear a petition Khalid in al-Th'if. [FBIS]
challenging the detention of Bhutto under martial Sept. 25: British Defense Secretary Fred Mulley ended
law. [NYTI a 6 day visit to Saudi Arabia. [FBIS]
Sept. 22: Zia-ul-Haq ousted Supreme Court Chief Sept. 26: Saudi Arabia announced measures to prevent
Justice Yakub Ali Khan. [NYT] the spread of cholera during the upcoming pilgrimage
Sept. 29: The military government arrested Bhutto's to Mecca. [NYT]
daughter and warned his wife against making provoca- Oct. 23: Spanish King Juan Carlos arrived in Riyadh
tive statements. [NYT} for a 4 day visit. [MEED]

Oct. 25: Foreign Minister Prince Sa'iid al-Fay~al met Aug. 24: Yemeni Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-
with US President Jimmy Carter in Washington. Asnaj arrived in Khart-um for talks on Red Sea
[MEED] security. [FBISJ
Oct. 28: US Treasury Secretary Michael Blumenthal Sept. 10: President Ja'far al-Numayri reshuffled the
met with King Khalid and Crown Prince Fahd during Cabinet and the following changes were made:
a trip to Saudi Arabia. [FBISJ Ja'far al-Numayri: Premierand Finance & Economy
Oct. 30: A solar energy agreement between Saudi Al-Rashid al-Tahir Bakr: Vice President and Foreign
Arabia and the US was signed. [FBIS] Affairs
Nov. 2: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat met with Bashir 'Abbadi: Industry
King Khalid and Crown Prince Fahd in Saudi Arabia. Yah.ya 'Abd al-Majid: Irrigation & Hydroelectric
[FBIS] Power
Foreign Minister Prince Sa'ud arrived in Riyadh Mu'awiyah Abu Bakr: Construction& Public Works
following a 14 day visit to the US and France. 'Abd al-Rahman 'Abdallah: Transport & Communica-
[FBIS] tions [MEED]
Sept. 27: Former Premier Sadiq al-Mahdi returned
to Khartum after an exile of 7 years. [MEED]
Oct. 21: An economic agreement with Iraq was signed
South Yemen in Baghdad. [MEED]

(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria, Yemen)

Sept. 12: A delegation led by Minister of Communica- (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon,
tions Haydar Abu Bakr al-'Atas arrived in Moscow for United Arab Amirates)
talks on economic and technical co6peration.
Sept. 16: South Yemeni President Salim Rubayyi' 'Ali 1977
met with an Ethiopian delegation led by the Ethiopian
Sept. 2: Ethiopia charged that Syrian and Iraqi troops
Minister of Trade. [FBIS]
had joined Somalia in the Ogaden war. [NYT)
Sept. 23: Chairman of the Presidential Council 'Ali
Sept. 3: The Syrian and Jordanian Health Ministers
ended a trip to Algeria and left for Havana for
agreed on joint measures to control cholera.
talks with Cuban leaders. [FBIS]
Oct. 16: East German National Defense Minister Heinz
Sept. 15: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre arrived
Hoffman arrived in Aden for talks. [MEEDI
in Damascus from Egypt for talks with President
Oct. 21: South Yemen and the Philippines agreed
Hafiz al-Asad. [FBIS]
to establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial
Sept. 17: The Health Ministry reported that the
level. [FBIS]
number of cholera cases in the country had risen
Oct. 24: 'Ali issued a decree abolishing the Ministry
to "about 3,000, including 71 dead." [NYT]
of Housing, creating 2 new ministries and making the
Oct. 17: Saudi Arabian Second Deputy Premier Prince
following appointments:
'Abdallah Ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ended a 5 day visit to
Mahmuid'Abdallah 'Ushaysh: Communications
Syria during which he held talks with President
Ahmad Salim 'Ubayd: Information
Asad. [MEED]
'Ali Ahmad Nasir 'Antar: Defense
Oct. 22. An economic cooperation agreement with
Haydar Abu Bakr al-'Atas:Installations(new ministry)
India was signed in Damascus. [MEED]
Muhammad Salim 'Akk-ush: Fish Resources (new
Oct. 26: Syria accused Iraq of having planned an
attempted assassination on Foreign Minister 'Abd
'Abdallah Ahmad Bakir: Health [FBIS]
al-Halim Khaddam in the UAA. Iraq charged that
Nov. 2: Foreign Minister Muhammad Slih Muti' visited
Syrian agents had set off a bomb in Baghdad.
Mogadishu, Somalia. [MEED]
Nov. 2: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Damascus
and was met by Asad. [FBIS]
Sudan Damascus radio said that Iraqi agents had assas-
sinated a Syrian agricultural researcher, who was a
(See also, Egypt) district leader of the Ba'th Socialist Party, the day
before. [NYT]
Aug. 20: A US military mission ended more than
2 weeks of talks in Sudan to determine Sudanese
arms requirements. [NYT]

Tunisia Nov. 2: Pakistani Chief Martial Law Administrator

Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq ended a visit to Turkey.
(See also, Algeria, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco)

1977 United Arab Amirates

Aug. 19: Former Finance Minister Ahmad Ben-Salah,
leader of the Popular Unity Movement, was sentenced (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs,
in absentia by the state security court to 8 years Afghanistan, Iran, Qatar, Syria)
in prison. [MEED}
Sept. 1: The Swiss Human Rights League accused Tunisia
of violations of human rights, including torture of 1977
political prisoners. [NYTI
Sept. 19: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre met
Oct. 3: Former Interior Minister Ahmad Mestiri met
with President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultan Al Nuhayyan
with President Habib Bourguiba and proposed a
in Abu Dhabi. [FBIS)
national unity pact. [MEED}
Oct. 8: Pakistani Chief Martial Law Administrator
Oct. 9: Premier Hedi Nouira held talks in Athens with
Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq arrived in Abu Dhabi for
Greek Premier Constantine Karamanlis. [MEED}
a 2 day official visit. [FBIS]
Oct. 15: Foreign Minister Habib Chatti returned to
Oct. 24: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khad-
Tunisia from a mission to Algeria, Morocco and
dam arrived in Abiu Dhabi for talks with UAA
Mauritania. [MEEDI
leaders. [FBISJ
Oct. 18: A Libyan economic delegation led by
Oct. 25: Minister of State Sayf bin Sa'id al-Ghubash
Secretary for Trade Abju Bakr Sharif arrived in
was killed by a gunman who was attempting to
Tunis. [MEED}
assassinate Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam. Khad-
dam escaped unhurt. [NYT)
Oct.29: The Supreme Federal Council met in emergency
session to discuss the investigation into the assassina-
Turkey tion of Minister of State Ghubash. [FBIS]
Oct. 31: President Shaykh Zayd issued 3 decrees
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, replacing the members of the Abu Dhabi National
Cyprus, Libya, Pakistan) Consultative Council and calling the new Council to
meet the following day. [FBIS]
Nov. 9: Rashid 'Abdallah al-Nu'aymi was appointed
1977 Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. [FBIS}

Aug. 19: Gunmen in Ankara killed a student affiliated

with rightist causes. [NYT]
Aug. 29. Energy and National Resources Minister
Kamran Inan returned to Ankara following talks
in Baghdad on oil matters. [MEEDI
Sept. 8: The government increased the prices of basic
goods and services by large margins. Regular gasoline (See also, Sudan)
prices were raised more than 96%. [NYTI
Sept. 21: The lira was devalued by 10% against the
US dollar. [MEED] 1977
Sept. 29: The Ministry of Health reported 5 cases of
cholera in the southeast. [MEED] Aug. 23: South Yemeni Foreign Minister Muhammad
Oct. 5: An earthquake struck central and northern Salih Muti' met with Command Council Chairman
Turkey, but there were no reports of injuries. Ibrahim al-Hamd1. [FBIS}
[NYT] Sept. 8: Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj was taken
Oct. 13: An International Monetary Fund delegation to a hospital in Cairo after suffering a heart attack.
arrived in Ankara for financial talks with Turkish [MEEDI
leaders. [TDN] Sept. 21: Egyptian Vice President Husni Mubarak ar-
Oct. 14: Defense Minister Sadettin Bilgis, submitted rived in San'a and met with Command Council
his resignation to Premier Siileyman Demirel. Chairman Hamdi. [FBISJ
[TDN} Sept. 25: The Kuwayti newspaper Al Siycisah reported
Oct. 28. Premier Demirel made the following appoint- that an agreement had been reached between
ments: Hamdi and former Advisory Council Chairman
Turhan Karpanli: Defense Shaykh 'Abdallah al-Ahmar to end hostilities that had
Ali $evki Erek: Sports [TDN} broken out some months before. [FBIS]

Oct. 11: Hamdi, his brother and an armored corps com- charging the Cabinet to continue in office under
mander were assassinated. [FBIS] Premier'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani. [FBIS]
The Command Council met and decided on its Oct. 13: Command Council Chairman Ghashmi met
composition as follows: with South Yemeni Presidential Council Chair-
Ahmad Husayn al-Ghashmi: Chairman and Armed man Silim Rubayyi' 'Al in $an'X. [FBIS]
ForcesCommanderin Chief Oct. 22: The Emirates News Agency cited a Yemeni
'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani: Member envoy as saying an army officer had been killed
'Abdallih 'Abd al-'Alim: Member[FBIS} when he tried to assassinate Ghashmi in San'i'
Oct. 12: The Command Council issued a statement earlier in the week. [EG}


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10. Extentand natureof circulation. KATHLEEN H. B. MANALO

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