Overview of SOLMAN For SAP Monitoring

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Overview of SOLMAN for SAP Monitoring

Overview of Solution Manager

 The SAP Solution Manager is a centralized robust application

management and administration solution used to implement,
support, operate and monitor our SAP enterprise solutions.

 It is a platform providing integrated content, tools,

methodologies and access to SAP systems.

 It Supports the different phases of the application

Management Life cycle.

Features and Functionalities

 The following are the features and functionalities available in Solution

Manager with supports the different phases of the Application
Management Life Cycle

Benefits of Solution Manager

 SAP Solution Manager is delivered at no additional cost. It is included in

the annual maintenance cost.

 SAP Solution Manager can pro- actively controls Solutions and avoids
error in Implementation and Operations thus increasing the reliability of IT

 The tools and Contents delivered with Solution Manager improves the
efficiency of Upgrade, Support, Implementation, Rollout and Change
Management Projects.

Activating Early Watch Alert in the Solman System

 Step1: RTCCTOOL: Service Preparation Check

 Program RTCCTOOL is delivered via addon ST-A/PI.It is a service tool that eastablishes a
connection to SAP and accesses an up to date list of required actions and SAP Notes which
are necessary for our System.

 Step 2: Setup of the Service Data Control Center

 The Service Data Control Center (TCODE SDCCN) is a service tool that provides us with an
overview of SAP EarlyWatch Alert sessions and controls the data transfer between the
Satellite System and the Central SAP Solution Manager system .

 Step 3: Generating "Back RFC Connection" in SMSY

 Step 4: Central activation of SDCCN via Transaction SMSY

Activating Early Watch Alert in the Solman System

 Step 5: Defining our Solution Landscape and allocate the Systems


 To be able to monitor a satellite system via SAP EarlyWatch Alert,the system must be
integrated into a logical System and which must be integrated into a Solution.The below
steps must be executed in Solman System:

 Create a new Solution

 Create a logical component

 Add the Logical component to the solution

 Mark systems in logical component which are to be monitored in this solution

Purpose of EarlyWatch Alert

 The Early Watch Alert for solutions enables its users to gain an overview of
the current status of the entire Solution landscape within one Report.

 Early Watch Alert for solutions is particularly useful for the monitoring of
systems which participate in the monitoring of our documented Business

 Early Watch Alert for solutions also requires the following minimum
prerequisites in SAP Solution Manager System.

 Patch--ST-SER 700_2008_1

 Patch--ST Release 400, Support Package SP15

Details of the Early Watch Alert for the Solutions

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