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II. AUTHOR: Unknown (an Egyptian Tale)
III. SETTING: On the house, field, near the river and Valley of the Pine
a. Bata- younger brother, kind- hearted brother towards Anpu
b. Anpu- elder brother, caring brother but he is gullible when it comes.
c. Wife of Anpu- selfish woman who seduced Bata and put Bata to shame.
d. Re Harakhti- gracious God who helped Bata
e. Pharoah- who wanted the wife of Bata
V. POINT OF VIEW- the point of view is third person because it talks about the
experience of Bata
VI. CONFLICT- man vs. man (two brothers vs. wife)
VII. PLOT- When the wife of Anpu came jealously, Anpu loved his brother a lot,
and wanted to kill Bata but in the end Anpu trusted his brother and killed his
VIII. THEME: The theme is a life process where it tells the experience of two
IX. MORAL OF THE STORY: The story helped me learn that blood is thicker
than water. The two brothers were each other's keeper. Care, giving and love
is important to all siblings and that all relationships. Don't expect anything in
return  when you offer a gift. A gift conceived in greed, is not going to yield
Froth- a mass of small bubbles in liquid caused by agitation, fermentation
Ennead- a group or set of nine.
Depict- portray in words; describe.
Pharoah- a ruler in ancient Egypt.
Resurrect- restore (a dead person) to life.
1. Why did the wife get jealous to Bata?
- She gets jealous to Bata because Bata is Kindhearted and own good
attitudes that attract everyone.
2. Anpu’s wife had pretended that she was beaten by Bata by painting her body
with blue and black and appeared to be in great pain. She even act as if she
cannot give Anpu water to wash his hands, did not light the fire for him, and acts
very sick. These acts of Anpu’s wife are disagreeable because telling lies and
pretending to be a victim makes others’ lives miserable just like what have
happened to Anpu and Bata. Their loving ties have been cut by Anpu’s wife’s
3. If I were Bata, I would also flee and wait for my brother's head to clear. I won't
stay as blood may be drawn and someone might be killed. I would also tell him
the truth and explain what actually happened.

4. No, because I know my brother well more than anyone else and i know that he
would'nt do such thing to make angry on him
5. Every people have their own beliefs to believe in and traditions to practice.
Sometimes it can cause gap between groups of people because their beliefs
differ from others and their tradition is opposite of theirs. But most of the time
these beliefs and traditions make unity and build a harmonious relationship. For
example when celebrating victorious and glorious occasion in their community.

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