Grade - 3 Subject - Social Studies

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12/14/2020 Grade: 3 Subject: Social Studies

Grade: 3 Subject: Social Studies

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Grade: 3 Subject: Social Studies

How could you help sick people? *

Remind them to take medicines

Read out storybooks and newspaper

Make a “Get Well Soon” card

All of these

Which of the following should you do to be safe in school? *

Never run in the corridors

Never jump and stand on desks

Inform your teacher if you feel sick

All of the above

What should we understand and follow for our safety while traveling by road? *

Road signs or traffic signs

Advertisement banners

Shops on the road

All of the above

You may get an electric shock if you touch these with wet hands. *

Electric gadgets and switches 1/5
12/14/2020 Grade: 3 Subject: Social Studies

To buy vegetables

Books and bags

None of the above

Which of the following should be avoided when someone is sick at your home? *

Do not cook healthy food

Stop doing your homework

Listen to the music at high volume

None of these

Which of the following are called differently-abled people? *

Who cannot buy books, toys and food

Who cannot speak, hear, see or walk

Who can go to the school

Who can run and speak

Which of the following are needy people? *

They do not have clothes to wear

They do not have enough food

They are not able to go to the school

All of these

Which of the following should you play with differently-abled people? *

Play games which you like

Play games which your friend like

Do not play any game

Play games in which everybody can take part

How can we avoid accidents? *

Follow safety rules 2/5
12/14/2020 Grade: 3 Subject: Social Studies
Follow safety rules

Don’t follow safety rules

Drive vehicles very fast

None of the above

What do you call when an injured person receives first help after an accident? *

First communication

First help

First call

First aid

Which of the following we all need in our life? *

love and care

Games and toys

hate and time

None of the above

How can you help the needy people? *

Give away things that you no longer use

Give money to them

Hit and push them

None of the above

You can teach this thing to elderly people. *

To use computer

To buy vegetables

To walk on the road

To stitch clothes 3/5
12/14/2020 Grade: 3 Subject: Social Studies

What do you call a touch that makes you feel uncomfortable, afraid, and unsafe?

Good touch


Nice touch

Bad touch

How can you help differently-abled people? *

Be Friendly with them

Never make fun of them

Spend time with them

All of these

Which of the following are sharp and hot objects? *

Toilet cleaner

Knife, boiling water

Bath soap

Cotton balls

What would you remember to wear while you are in a car ? *


A cap and sunglasses

A sweater

A seat belt 4/5
12/14/2020 Grade: 3 Subject: Social Studies

What should you do in case of a minor burn? *

Put the burnt area under cool water for about 5 minutes.

Put the burnt area under hot water for about 5 minutes.

Put the burnt area under a cloth for about 5 minutes.

None of the above

What should you do when you are on the metro, train, or bus? *

Offer your seat to elderly

Help them to get into the bus

Never sit on the reserved seat for elderly people

All of these

Which of the following is an example of an emergency? *

A break out of fire

An earthquake, flood

A robbery and sudden illness

All of the above

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