Short Questions XI Physics 2020 New Book

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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc.

Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad

Physics Conceptual Questions

New Book 2020

F.Sc Part (I)

By: Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel

Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Chapter # 1


Q.1. For an answer to be complete, the units need to be specified. Why?

Ans: It is meaningless for the number to write without a unit so we put specific unit
according to its physical state to make it meaning full
For example: if we write 5 for specifying mass of any quantity it is meaning less but if we
put 5 Kg now it is meaning full that it is written the magnitude of mass
Q.2. What are the advantages of using international system of units (SI)?
International system of units (SI):
Ans : The greatest advantage of SI is that it has only one unit for each quantity (type of
measurement). This means that it is never necessary to convert from one unit to another (within
the system) and there are no conversion factors for students to memorize. For example, the one
and only SI unit of length is the meter (m). Numerical prefixes may be attached, but they do not
form a separate unit.
Q.3.How many radians account for circumference of a circle? How many
steradians account for circumference of a sphere?

Ans: Radians in one Circle:

Number of radians = Arc length /Radius of same circle = s/r

Number of radians in one revolution = Circumference of circle/ Radius of same circle

Number of radians in one revolution = 2πr / r = 2π radians

Steradians in one sphere:

Number of steradians in sphere = Area of sphere / r2

Surface area of closed sphere of radius r is 4πr2

So , number of steradians in sphere = 4πr2 / r2 = 4π sr

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Q.4. What is least count error ? How can least count error be reduced?

Least count error :

”It is the least value of measurement that can be measured by measuring instrument is
called least count error”

Reduction of least count error:

Least count can be reduced by using instruments with higher resolution.

Q.5 Why including more digits in answers, does not make it more accurate?

Ans: When we add more digits to our answer so it only increases the precision of
answer but not the accuracy because they rarely equal but two different terminologies of
measurement e.g Accuracy is the one which is closest to actual value and Precision is
how the values are to each other.

Q.6. What determines the precision of a measurement?

Ans: Precision is how the measurement are close to each other , When the least count
of instrument is so small then measurement will be more precise and vice versa.

e.g M = 12.5 + 0.1 Kg it will be more precise if it is written as M = 12.50 + 0.01 Kg

Q.7. If two quantities have different dimensions, is it possible to multiply and/or

divide. Can we add and/or subtract them?

Ans: Yes we can multiply and divide quantities with different dimensions and after
multiplication/division we get new dimension of any derived quantities.

E.g Force = mass x Acceleration

F = [M][LT-2] = [MLT-2]

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Q.8. The Human Pulse and the swing of a pendulum are possible time units. Why
are they not often used?

Ans: The standard of choosing the unit depends upon two factors that is the quantity is
accessible and invariable (constant), The above both examples it does not obey the
standards rule to implement the unit of time as swing of pendulum and human pulse.

Q.9. If an equation is dimensionally correct, is that equation a right equation?

Ans: If an equation is dimensionally correct then it may or may not be a right equation
for example 2nd law of motion is dimensionally consistent but not correct if we put
constant with it like 2π.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Chapter # 2

Vectors and equilibrium

Q.1. Is it possible to add three vectors of equal magnitude but different directions to get a
null vector? Illustrate with a diagram.

Answer: Yes, it is possible to add three vectors of equal magnitude if they are added to form a
closed triangle then we get a null shown in the diagram below.

Q.2. The magnitudes of three vectors are 2m, 3m and 5m respectively. The directions are
at your disposal. Can these three vectors be added to yield zero? Illustrate with a

Answer: Minimum number of unequal vectors which give the result into a null vector are three.
In this case three vectors form the sides of a triangle as shown in the figure below.

Let us consider three vectors A, B and C such that they form a closed triangle as shown in the

Mathematically A + B + C = 0.

Q.3. What units are associated with the unit vectors i, j and k ?

Answer: Unit vectors are unitless and dimensionless vectors so, there will be not units are
associated with unit vectors i, j and k they are used only to give direction.

Unit vectors is given by formula: A = A / |A|

From above formula it is shown as ratio so it just give us magnitude of unit vector but no unit.

Q.4. Can a scalar product of two vector be negative? Provide a proof and give an

Answer: Yes scalar product of two vectors can be negative.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

If two vectors are antiparallel so their scalar product is negative.

A.B = ABCos180

A.B = AB(-1)

A.B = -AB

Another example of negative vector if we taken as force and displacement opposite so work will
be negative

W = F.d Cos180

W = -Fd

Q.5. A and B are two non-zero vectors. How can their scalar product be zero? And how
can their vector product be zero?


Scalar Product:

Yes, the scalar product of two non-zero vectors can be zero if both vectors are perpendicular to
each other

A.B = ABCos90

A.B = 0

Vector Product:

Yes, the vector product of two non-zero vectors can be zero if both vectors are parallel to each

A x B = ABSin0


Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Q.6. Suppose you are given a known non zero vector A. The scalar product of A with an
unknown vector B is zero. Likewise, the vector product of A with B is zero. What can you
conclude about B?

Answer: Vector B must be a null vector

Case 1 : If B is a non-zero vector and it is perpendicular to A then their scalar product will be

A.B = ABCos 90

A.B = 0

Case 2: If B is non zero vector and it is parallel or antiparallel to A then the magnitude of their
vector product will be zero

In case of parallel vector:

AxB = ABSin0

AxB = 0

In case of antiparallel vector:

AxB = ABSin180

AxB = 0

Q.7. Why a particle experiencing only one force cannot be in equilibrium?

Answer: Yes, A particle experiencing only one force cannot be in equilibrium because a body
will be in equilibrium if the net force acting on it is zero as 1st condition stated

∑F = 0

But under action of single force, net force cannot be zero.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Q.8. To open a door that has the handle on the right and the hinges on the left a torque
must be applied. Is the torque clockwise or counterclockwise when viewed from above?
Does your answer depend on whether the door opens toward or away from you?

Answer: Suppose the door has the handle on right and hinges on left now we observe it in
different cases.

Case 1: When door is pulled towards us:

When we pull the handle of the door towards us to close it, the door will rotate clockwise

Case 2: When door is pushed from us:

When we push the door away from us to open it the door will rotate anticlockwise

Case 3: Does your answer depends in whether the door opens towards or away from you:

Yes the direction of torque will be reversed if door opens or closes opposite to the above
mentioned situation.

Q.9. Explain the warning ‘Never use the large wrench to tighten a small bolt’

Answer: We should not use large wrench because the torque of large wrench is greater so it will
damage to small bolt. We know that the torque depends upon

Torque = (force)(moment arm)

In the case of large wrench, the moment arm is greater due to which torque is greater.

Q.10. A central force is one that is always directed toward the same point. Can a central
force give rise to a torque about that point?

Answer: No central force (centripetal force) can not apply torque on body. Gravitational force
between earth and satellite acts as central force (Centripetal force). Moment arm (radius of
orbit) makes angle of 1800 with the gravitational force so torque must be zero

Torque = rFSin180

Torque = 0

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Chapter # 3

Motion and Force

Q.1. If you are riding on a train that speeds past another train moving in the same
direction on an adjacent track, it appears that the other train is moving backward. Why?

Answer: It is due to relative motion between two trains, When we are sitting in train which is
moving faster than the other train then everything appears to us in moving backward direction
as well as slow moving train.

Q.2. Can the velocity of an object reverse the direction when acceleration is constant? If
you think so, give an example.

Answer: Yes the velocity of an object can reverse direction even though its acceleration is
constant. For example if we throw an object vertically upward its acceleration is 9.8m/s2 but
when the object reaches its maximum height it reverses its direction of motion but the
acceleration is still 9.8 m/s2. Here object is reversing its direction but acceleration is uniform.

Q.3. When you stand still on the ground, how large a force does the ground exert on
you? Why doesn’t this force make you rise up into the air?

Answer: The force exerted on the person is equal to its weight

F = W = mg

According to 3rd law of motion ground exerts equal but opposite reactions and this reaction is
just sufficient to keep us standing on ground but this reaction force can not make us to rise
because force acting downward is greater than the upward force.

Q.4. A man standing on the top of the tower throws a ball vertically up with a certain
velocity. He also throws another ball vertically down with the same velocity. Which ball
will hit the ground with higher speed? Neglect air resistance.

Answer: Both the balls will hit the ground with same velocity. The ball which is thrown vertically
upward when it comes back to the point from where it was thrown it has the same speed with
which ball was thrown downward. So from that point both balls will have same speed. Due to
same speed at starting point both balls will hit the ground with same velocity.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Q.5. The cricket coach explains that the follow through with the shot will make the ball
travel a greater distance. Explain the reasoning in terms of the impulse-momentum

Answer: It is according to impulse momentum theorem, the change in momentum is equal to

the impulse When the player played the follow through shot then it is increased the momentum
and hence increase the velocity of the ball so that it travel a greater distance.

Q.6. When you release an inflated but untied balloon, why does it fly across the room?

Answer: It is according to law of conservation of linear momentum When it released air escapes
from the balloon that carries momentum, to conserve the momentum, the balloon acquires
momentum which is exactly opposite to the momentum.

Q.7. Modern cars are not rigid but are designed to have “crumple zones” (irregular fold)
that collapse upon impact. What is the advantage of this new design?

Answer: Crumple zones (Bumpers) in the cars reduce the impact of force during a collision this
is according to force momentum relation,

F = ΔP / Δt

So according to above relation the time of collision is greater due to bumpers so that impact of
force reduces and hence the car is save from damaging.

Q.8. Why we can hit a long sixer in a cricket match rather than If we toss a ball for our

Answer: It is due to the time of collision is very short and it increases the impact of force on the
ball hence the ball go larger distance.

F = ΔP / Δt

The motion of ball when hit for six is like projectile motion so it will have greater distance at an
angle of 450 with the ground, In a cricket match this is possible to achieved but difficult to
achieve when we toss the ball for ourselves

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Q.9. An aero plane while traveling horizontally, dropped a bomb when it was exactly
above the target, the bomb missed the target. Explain.

Answer: When a bomber drops the bomb when it is vertically above the target, it misses it
because at the dropping point speed of the bomb is same as that of the bomber. Therefore
when a bomb is dropped, it makes the projectile motion and falls ahead of the target and hence
misses it.

Q.10. Calculate the angle of projection for which kinetic energy at the summit is equal to
one-fourth of its kinetic energy at point of projection.


Q.11. For any specific velocity of projection, the maximum range is equal to four times of
the corresponding height. Discuss.

As we know that height of projectile is given as:

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

H = vi2sin2θ/2g…………….(i)

And range of projectile as:

R = vi2Sin2θ/g……………. (ii)

 R = vi22sinθ cosθ/g
 R = vi22sinθ/g × 2 cosθ

 R = vi2sin2θ/2g × 4 ……………….(iii)

But we know that: vi22sin2θ/2g = H, so putting this value in equation (iii), we get:

 R = H × 4 cot θ

The range of projectile is maximum at 45o, so substituting value of cot 45o = 1 in above equation
we get

 R = (H) × (4) × (1)

R = 4H

Q.12.What is the angle for which the maximum height reached and corresponding range
are equal?

Answer: Since we know that the range of projectile is given as:

R = Vi2Sin2θ/g

And height of the projectile is given by:

H = vi2sin2θ/2g

According to the given condition


 Vi2Sin2θ/g = vi2sin2θ/2g.
 Sin 2θ = sin2θ/2.
 2 sin θ cos θ = sin2θ/2

 2 cos θ =

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

 4 =

 4 = tan θ
 θ = Tan-1(4)
 θ = 75.96o = 76o

So at an angle of 76o the range and height of the projectile will be equal.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Chapter # 4

Work and Energy

Q.1. A bucket is taken to the bottom of the well, does the bucket possess any potential
energy? Explain.

Answer: Yes the bucket possesses potential energy. Since we know that surface of the earth is
taken as zero energy level, therefore potential energy above this point is taken as positive. If
object is taken below this level then object has negative potential energy.

Q.2. When an arrow is shot from a bow, it has kinetic energy. From where does it get the

Answer: When an arrow is shot from a bow it has kinetic energy. Since we know that work is
done in stretching the string of the bow, this work done is stored in string in the form of elastic
potential energy. When the arrow is released, this elastic potential energy is then converted into
kinetic energy.

Q.3. Does a hydrogen filled balloon possess any P.E? Explain.

Answer: Yes, the hydrogen filled balloon has potential energy. Since we know that the
potential energy of an object of mass “m” at certain height “h” is given as:

P.E = mgh.

As hydrogen filled balloon is less dens than air, therefore it is always at the certain height from
the reference level or ground, therefore it has potential energy with respect to the reference

If the hydrogen filled balloon is at certain level from the reference level, it possesses potential
energy with respect to reference level.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Q.4. Is Kinetic energy a vector quantity?

Answer: No, kinetic energy is not a vector quantity. It is a scalar quantity.

Since we know that:

K.E = ½ mv2.

In the above equation “m” represents the mass of the object where as “v2” is the magnitude of
velocity (v2 is the dot product of v with v) so v2 is a scalar quantity. As mass and square of
velocity both are scalar quantities therefore kinetic energy is also a scalar quantity.

Q.5. What happens to the K.E of the bullet when it penetrates to the target?

Answer: When the bullet penetrates into a target then its kinetic energy reduces and becomes
equal to zero. Following energy changes take place:

1. Some of its kinetic energy is used in doing work against target.

2. Some kinetic energy is converted into heat energy.
3. Some of kinetic energy of bullet is converted into sound energy.

Q.6. Does the tension in the string of a swinging pendulum do any work? Explain.

Answer: Tension in the swinging pendulum is given as:

Irrespective of the position of the pendulum, no work is done by it.

Since we know that: W = F.S

Since tension in the string always balances the weight or the component of the weight and no
displacement is covered in the direction of tension. Hence work done is equal to

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

i.e. W = T. S

➔ W=0.S

➔ W=0

Hence work done by the tension is equal to zero.

Q.7. A meteor when enters the earth’s atmosphere burns. What happens to its energy?

Answer: When a meteor enters into earth atmosphere it burns. The meteor possesses K.E.
When it burns, its kinetic energy is converted into heat energy and light energy. Some of its
kinetic energy is also gained by the air molecules as their kinetic energy.

Q.8. What type of energy is stored in the spring of a watch?

Answer: The spring of a watch possesses elastic potential energy. As we know that work is
done in twisting the spring of the watch, this work done in twisting the spring of the watch is
stored in the spring in the form of elastic potential energy which is then gradually converted to
rotational kinetic energy.

Q.9. A man drops a cup from a certain height, which breaks into pieces, what energy
changes are involved?

Answer: When the cup is dropped from a certain height it has potential energy. When cup is
falling down, its potential energy is being converted into kinetic energy. When the cup hits the
ground it breaks into pieces. Some of its kinetic energy is used in doing work to break it where
as some kinetic energy is changed into sound energy and heat energy.

Q.10. A man rowing boat upstream is at rest with respect to the shore, is he doing work?

Answer: As the man rowing boat upstream is not covering any displacement with respect to its
surroundings so he is not doing any work.

As we know that:

W = F.S, since S = 0,

 W = 0.S ➔ W = 0.

Therefore the man is not doing any work with respect to the shore.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Q.11. Why energy savers are used instead of normal bulbs?

Answer: Energy savers are used instead of normal bulbs due to the following reasons:

1. Energy savers have very much better efficiency as compared to normal bulbs.
2. Energy savers consume less units of electricity due to less heat losses as compared to
the ordinary bulbs.
3. Energy savers have longer life time as compared to the normal bulbs so energy savers
are economical choice.
4. They give cold light as compared to the ordinary bulbs.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Chapter # 5


1. Why is the fly wheel of an engine made heavy in the rim?

Answer: The fly wheel of an engine is made heavy on the rim to increase the moment of
inertia. Since we know that moment of inertia is given by:

I = mr2.

The fly wheel stores the energy during the power part of the ice stroke and keeps
moving the parts of engine during the non power parts of the strokes. The heavier the fly
wheel the more energy it can store and helps for the smooth running of the vehicles. The fly
wheel should not be so heavy so that the motor cannot move it.

2. Why is the rifle barrel “rifled”?

Answer: The riffle of the barrel is made riffled because it increases the range and
accuracy. Without riffle the reaction is totally imparted in backward direction. This
makes the shooting uneasy. With riffles backward reaction is reduced because the
motion is not only translatory but it is also rotatory. With spinning bullet the centripetal
force is also provided by the air in all directions which keeps the bullet to hit the target

3. Is it possible for a person to distinguish between a raw egg and a hard boiled one
by spinning each on the table? Explain.
Answer: Since we know that the moment of inertia is given by:

I = mr2

When a raw egg is spun, the yoke of the egg being denser moves away from the axis of
rotation, this increases the moment of inertia of the egg. Hence it will be difficult to spin a
raw egg.

On the other hand when a hard boiled egg is spun, its yoke being fixed, its moment of
inertia does not change. Hence it can be rotated easily.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

4. Why is the acceleration of a body moving in a circle, directed towards the centre?
Answer: The acceleration of a uniformly moving body is always directed towards the
centre of the circle. Since we know that the centripetal force which only changes the
direction of motion of the body is always directed towards the centre of the circle.
Therefore according to the Newton’s 2nd law of motion the acceleration produced in the
body is always in the direction of the force. Hence centripetal acceleration is also
towards the centre of the circle.

5. A ball is just supported by a string without breaking. If it is set swinging it breaks.

Answer: When the ball is just supported by the string, its weight its weight is balanced by
the tension in the string as shown in the figure.

i.e. W = T.

But when the ball is set into swinging the tension in the string does not remain constant.
It is minimum at the highest point in a vertical circle and maximum at the lowest point
therefore the string will break when the ball is set into swinging due to the increase in

6. An insect is sitting close the axis of a wheel. If the friction between the insect and
wheel is very small, describe the motion of the insect when the wheel starts
Answer: Since the insect is sitting close to the axis of rotation and the frictional force
between the insect and wheel is very small, therefore when the wheel starts rotatory
motion it will move away from the axis of rotation. Due to its moment of inertia its motion
is along the tangent.

7. Explain how many minimum numbers of satellites are required for the global
coverage of TV transmission?
Answer: The minimum number of geostationary satellites required for the global
coverage of the communication is three. If these satellites are correctly positioned such
that each satellite covers 120o of the longitude then the global coverage of the
communication is possible due to these correctly positioned satellites.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

8. Explain the significance of moment of inertia in rotatory motion?

Answer: The moment of inertia is also called angular inertia. It is the rotational
analogue of the mass. It is used for the smooth running of the machine. Greater the
moment of inertia of the body, more difficult is to start or stop its motion.

The moment of inertia of fly wheel is used in machines to resist variation in applied
torques. It is also helpful in studying kinetic energy and angular momentum etc.

9. Why does the coasting rotating system slow down as water drops into the
Answer: The coasting rotating system slows down when the water is dropped into the
beaker. Since we know that the angular momentum of the system is given as:


=> L = mr2 ω

The moment of inertia and angular velocity are inversely proportional to each other for
constant angular momentum.

When water is dropped into the beaker, the moment of inertia increases due to the
increase in mass since no external torque is exerted. In order to conserve the angular
momentum the angular velocity of the beaker decreases. This results in slowing down of
the rotating system.

10. A body will be weightless when the elevator falls down just like a free falling body.
Answer: When a body falls freely its apparent weight becomes equal to zero and he
feels weightless. When an elevator falls freely, the opposing force which prevents the
body from falling becomes equal to zero.

Since we know that the apparent weight of a body moving down with an acceleration “a”
is given as:

T = mg – ma

When an elevator falls freely, then a = g.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

=> T = mg – mg = 0.

This shows that the body becomes weightless when it falls freely.

11. When a tractor moves with uniform velocity, its heavier wheel rotates slowly than
its lighter wheel, why? Explain.
Answer: Since we know that the moment of inertia of a body depends upon the
distribution of mass from the axis of rotation. Larger is the moment of inertia, difficult is
to rotate the body. Since the rare wheels of the tractor have larger size, therefore their
moment of inertia is also larger as compared to the front wheel. Therefore the heavier
wheel rotates slowly than the lighter wheel.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Chapter # 6


1. From the top of a tall building, you drop two table-tennis balls, one filled with air
and the other with water. Which ball reaches terminal velocity first and why?
Answer: The lighter, air-filled table tennis ball reaches terminal velocity first, its mass is
less for the same shape and size, so the friction force of upward air resistance become
equal to the downward force of mg sooner.

2. Why can a squirrel jump from a tree branch to the ground and run away
undamaged, while a human could break a bone in such a fall?
Answer: The squirrel jumps from a tree with extended legs so its surface area becomes
maximum and in result large drag force is applied so that less terminal velocity will have
for squirrel but in case of human we have less amount of drag force so very large
terminal velocity and hence falls on ground with greater force.

3. How does the terminal speed of a parachutist before opening parachute compare
to the terminal speed afterward? Why is there a difference?
Answer: The drag force depends upon the expose surface area of the falling object so
in case of open parachute greater will be the exposed area of body and greater will be
the drag force so low will be its terminal velocity. But in case of close parachute there will
be low drag force and high terminal velocity.

4. You can squirt water over a greater distance by placing your thumb over the end
of a garden hose, than by leaving it completely uncovered. Explain how this
Answer: Water squirt with greater distance by placing a thumb on the end of garden
hose than by leaving it completely uncovered it is according to equation of continuity
which states that the speed of liquid emerging out from an opening is inversely
proportional to the area of cross section of that opening.

5. Why does Smoke rise faster in a chimney on a windy day?

Answer: Smoke rises in the chimney faster when a breeze is blowing. According to the
Bernoulli’s equation the pressure reduces when the speed is higher. When the breeze
blows the pressure on the top of the chimney reduces whereas the pressure inside the

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

room is normal and higher. Due to this difference in pressure the smoke is pushed
upward. Hence smoke rises in chimney when a breeze is blowing.

6. Two boats moving in parallel paths close to one another risk colliding. Why?
Answer: This is according to Bernoulli equation which states that “where the pressure is
high speed is low and where the pressure is low speed is high” so when two boat is
moving parallel so pressure decreases in between the boats and pressure is high at the
surrounding so that there will be a risk of colliding.

7. A cricket ball moves past an observer from left to right spinning

counterclockwise. In which direction ball tends to deflect?
Answer: Since the Cricket ball is moving from left to right and it is spinning anticlockwise
therefore the side which is nearer to the observer the speed of air is high so pressure is
small and side of the ball which is farther from the observer the speed is small so
pressure is high. Due to this difference in pressure a force will push the ball to the

8. If aero-foil lift the areo-plane in upright position, how do the pilots make the aero-
planes fly upside down?
Answer: When a wing is tilted with the leading edge up relative to the incoming wind,
the air tends to pile up under the wing, causing high pressure that pushes the wing
up. They don't rely at all on wing shape for lift. To fly upside down, a stunt plane just
tilts its wings in the right direction.

9. Why do the golf balls have dimples?

Answer: Dimples on a golf ball create a thin turbulent boundary layer of
air that clings to the ball's surface. This allows the smoothly flowing air
to follow the ball's surface a little farther around the back side of
the ball, thereby decreasing the size of the wake

10. How by using wind deflectors on the top truck cabs reduce fuel consumption?
• Answer: Many trailer trucks use wind deflectors over the top of the cabs. These
wind deflectors reduce the air friction which greatly opposes the motion of trucks
at high speeds. If there is frictional force then the engine of the trucks need to do
more work and consumes more fuel. But when the wind deflectors are used

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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there is less fuel consumption due to the less frictional force. Hence it is helpful in
reducing the fuel consumption.

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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Chapter # 7


1. Give two applications in which resonance plays an important role.

Answer: If the frequency of force acting on a vibrating body becomes equal to the
natural frequency of the body, then it starts vibrating with maximum amplitude. This
phenomenon is called resonance.

(i). Radio: When we tune the knob of the radio to a station, we actually change the
frequency of our radio set. When the frequency of radio circuit and transmission
matches then the resonance occurs and we hear only that radio station.

(ii). Microwave-oven: In radio waves, only micro waves have heating effect. Also the
natural frequency of water and fat molecules is same as that of the microwaves.
Therefore when food containing water is placed in oven, then water molecules resonate
absorbing maximum heat energy and hence gets heat up.

2. What happens to the time period of a simple pendulum when its length is

Answer: Since we know that the time period of a simple pendulum is given as:

T = 2π√l/g

According to the condition if the length is made four times then we have:

T` = 2π√4l/g

=> T` = 2 (2π√l/g)

=> T` = 2T

This shows that the time period of the simple pendulum will become double if its length
is made four times.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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3. What will be the frequency of a simple pendulum if its length is 1 m?

Answer: Since we know that the frequency of a simple pendulum is given as:

f = 1/2π √g/l

It is given that: l= 1m and g = 9.81 m/s2.


f = 1/2x3.142 (√9.81/1)

f = 1/6.284(3.13)

f = 0.5 Hertz.

4. Give one practical example of each free and forced oscillations?

Answer: Free oscillations: A body is said to have free vibrations if it is oscillating with
its natural frequency without interference of an external force. For example oscillation of
a simple pendulum with its natural frequency.

Forced oscillations: A body is said to have forced oscillations if it is oscillating under

the action external force. For example vibration of a factory floor caused by the running
of the heavy machinery.

5. How can you compare the masses of two bodies by observing their frequencies of
oscillation when suspended by a spring?

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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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6. A wire hangs from the top of dark high tower so that the top of tower is not visible.
How you would be able to determine the height of that tower?

Answer: First we tied a point mass with this string and then make it vibrate. The time
period of this pendulum can be noticed. Now a/c to formula
L=gT/4 π2
By knowing the value of g, the time period of vibration the length of wire can be

7. Explain why in SHM the acceleration is zero when the velocity is greatest?

Answer: According to Newton’s 2nd law of motion acceleration of a body is directly

proportional to the force, i.e. a ∞ F.

Since we know that the restoring force acting on S.H.O is maximum at extreme position,
therefore acceleration will also be maximum but at that position net force acting on the
SHO is equal to zero, therefore acceleration will also be equal to zero although the
velocity is maximum.

8. What is the total distance travelled by a simple harmonic oscillator in a time equal
to its period. The amplitude is A?

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Answer: The total distance covered by the body is 4A. In one round trip total distance
covered by simple harmonic oscillator is four times greater than its amplitude so total
distance covered = A + A + A + A = 4A
9. What happens to the frequency of a simple pendulum as its oscillations die down
from larger amplitude to the small?

Answer: Since we know that the frequency of a simple pendulum is given by:

f = 1/2π √g/l

From the above relation it is clear that frequency of oscillation of a simple pendulum
depends only on the length of the pendulum and acceleration due to gravity. It is
independent of amplitude of vibration. Therefore, the frequency of the simple pendulum
remains same when its oscillation dies down from large amplitude to small.

10. A singer holding a note of right frequency can shatter a glass. Explain.

Answer: A singer holding a note of particular frequency can shatter a glass. This is due
to the resonance phenomenon. Since we know that glass is made up of atoms which
have their natural frequency of oscillation. When the frequency of the note of the singer
becomes equal to the natural frequency of the atoms the resonance occurs and the
amplitude of vibration of atom increases which causes to shatter the glass.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Chapter # 8


1. What is the difference between progressive and stationary waves?

Answer: Those waves which travel from one point to another point due to the
disturbance of the medium are called progressive waves. These waves transfer
energy from one point to another point. For example water waves produced in standing
water are progressive waves because these waves travel along the surface of water.

The waves which are formed due to the superposition of waves of same frequency
moving in opposite direction are called stationary waves. These waves do not transmit
energy from one point to another point because the nodes produced in the waves are
always at rest and antinodes vibrate with maximum amplitude.

2. Clearly explain the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves.

Answer: Transverse waves: Those waves, in which particles of the medium vibrate
perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave, are called transverse waves. A
transverse wave consists of crests and troughs and the distance between two
consecutive crests or two consecutive troughs is called wavelength. Examples of
transverse waves are water waves and waves produced along a string etc.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Longitudinal waves: Those waves, in which particles of the medium vibrate parallel to
the direction of propagation of waves, are called longitudinal waves. Longitudinal waves
consist of compressions and rarefactions and the distance between two consecutive
compressions or rarefactions is called wavelength. Examples of longitudinal waves are
sound waves and waves produced in a compressed spring etc.

3. How are beat useful in tuning musical instrument?

Answer: The beat frequency is the difference in the two frequencies that are being
combined. The beat frequency is the frequency of the increasing and decreasing
sound. As two sounds are tuned to the same frequency, the beat frequency goes to
zero and the beats are not heard. This can be useful in tuning musical instruments.

4. Two wave pulses travelling in opposite direction completely cancel each other as
they pass. What happens to the energy possessed by the waves?

Answer: When two waves travelling in opposite direction cancel each other completely,
then their energy is converted to the heat energy. Secondly two waves cannot
destructively reinforce everywhere, so some energy is still there. In case of
electromagnetic waves when two waves interfere destructive, the energy is released in
the form of infrared radiations.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

5. What are the conditions of constructive and destructive interference?

Answer: There are two types of interference of waves:

(a). Constructive interference: For two waves to interfere constructively they must be
in phase and path difference between two waves must be the integral multiple of the

i.e. P.D = m λ

Where m = 0, 1, 2, 3 …………..

The amplitude of the resultant wave is the sum of amplitudes of individual waves.

(b). Destructive interference: For destructive interference the two waves must be out
of phase and the path difference between two waves must be odd multiple of half
wavelength. i.e.

P.D =( m +1/2) λ

Where m = 0, 1, 2, 3 …………..

Hence the amplitude of resultant wave is equal to the difference in amplitude of

individual waves.

6. How one can locate the position of nodes and antinodes in vibrating string?

Answer: The standing waves with a number of loops can be produced along a vibrating
stretched string. The points on the wave which are vibrating with maximum amplitude
are called antinodes and the points of wave having zero amplitude are called nodes as
shown in the figure 1.

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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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7. Is it possible for an object which is vibrating transversely to produce sound


Answer: Yes, it is possible for an object which is vibrating transversely to produce

longitudinal or sound waves. In all musical instruments like guitar and sitar etc each
point moves transversely due to which sound waves are produced, which are
longitudinal waves.

8. Why do sound waves travel faster in solids than in gases?

Answer: Since we know that the speed of sound in a medium is given as:

v = √E/ρ

From this equation it is clear that speed of sound depends upon density and elastic
modulus. Since the elastic modulus of solids is more than the gases therefore sound
waves travel faster in solids than in gases.

9. Why does the speed of sound in gas change with temperature?

Answer: Since we know that the speed of sound in a given medium is given as:

v = √E/ρ

It is clear from the above equation that the speed of sound depends upon density.
When the temperature of gas decreases it becomes less dens thus result in increase of
speed of sound. Hence speed of sound increases with temperature.

10. Is it possible for two astronauts to talk directly to one another even if they remove
their helmets?

Answer: No it is not possible for two astronauts to talk directly to one another when they
remove their helmet. Because the sound waves are mechanical waves, i.e. they require
a material medium to pass through. Since in space there is no medium, therefore sound
waves cannot travel from one place to another place.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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11. Estimate the frequency at which a test tube 15 cm long resonates when you blow
across its lips?

Answer: In this case the tube behaves like the close organ pipe whose frequency is
given as:

fl = v/4L

Let v = 332 m/s, and L = 15 cm = 0.15 m, so:

fl = 332/(4x0.15)

fl = 553. 33 Hz

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Chapter # 9

Physical Optics

1. A soap of bubble looks black when it bursts, why?

Answer: colours are seen on the soap of bubble due to the interference of light reflected
from the inner and outer surface of the thin film soap. As the thin film becomes thinner
due to the evaporation, the rays reflected from the inner and outer surface of the bubble
undergoes a phase change of π radian(180) which corresponds to the path difference of
λ/2. Hence destructive interference occurs and bubble appears black.

2. What is the difference between interference and diffraction?

Answer: interference: The superposition of two waves of same frequency moving in

same direction is called interference of waves.

Diffraction: diffraction is the spreading of waves from an opening or sharp edge.

3. In Michelson’s interferometer a second glass plate is used. Why?

Answer: In Michelson’s interferometer a second glass is used in order to equalize the

path difference. The light coming from the movable mirror ‘M1’ reaches the eye after
transmitting through the glass. In order to make the light from M2 to be transmitted the
compensating glass is used so that the light reaching from the fixed mirror is also a
transmitted wave. Thus it gives the sharp dark bright fringes because the intensities of
both the lights are same.

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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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4. How can you explain Brewster’s law of polarization?

Answer: According to the Brewster law we have:

.n2/n1 = Tan (ip)

Where ip is the polarizing angle.

Brewster’s law shows that the ratio between the refractive indices of two pair of media is
equal to tan ip .

For glass of refractive index 1.55, the angle of incident is ip = 57o.

5. What is meant by the path difference with reference to the interference of two
wave motion?

Answer: The extra length of a path which one wave covers than the other wave is called
path difference.

If the path difference is integral multiple of wavelength, then constructive interference

occurs and if the path difference is odd integral multiple of wavelength then destructive
interference occurs.


P.D = (m +1/2) λ

6. Why it is not possible to see the interference where the light beams of the head
lamp of car overlap?

Answer: Since we know that for detectable interference pattern the two combining
waves must be from a coherent source of light i.e. the phase difference between two
sources of light must be constant. Light emitted by the head lamps of a car does not
produce detectable interference pattern beam because the light from head lamps is not
from coherent source of light.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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7. A telephone pole casts a clear shadow in the light from the distant head lamp of a
car, but no such effect is noticed for the sound from the car horn, why?

Answer: For the diffraction phenomenon to occur the wavelength of the wave must be in
comparison with the width of slit or edge. A telephone pole casts the shadow on the
road because light cannot be diffracted from the pole because the wavelength of the
light is not in comparison of the poles. On the other hand sound waves are diffracted by
the poles because the wavelength of the sound is in comparison with the dimensions of
the pole. Hence sounds are diffracted while passing through the pole where as light
waves are not.

8. Why it is not possible to obtain the diffraction of X-rays by Young’s double slits

Answer: To observe the diffraction phenomenon the width of slit must be in comparison
with the wavelength of the x-rays. Since wavelength of x-rays is very small (of the order
of 10-10 m) therefore the width of the slit must be in this range. In Young’s double slit
experiment such a small width is impossible to construct. Hence x-rays diffraction is
impossible to observe in Young’s double slit experiment.

9. Can we apply Huygens’s principle to the radar waves?

Answer: The radar waves are radio waves which are electromagnetic in nature and they
travel with the speed of light. Radar waves are transverse waves. Hence like ordinary
waves, radar waves can reflect from the object on which they fall. Therefore Huygens’s
principle is applicable to them.

10. How would you justify that the light waves are transverse?
Answer: In transverse waves the vibrations taking place in one plane which is
perpendicular to the direction of propagation of waves. In ordinary light the electric and
magnetic field vibrations are taking place in all directions but when ordinary light ray
passes through the Polaroid, the transmitted ray of light becomes plane polarized in
which the electric and magnetic vibrations are confined to one plane. This similarity of
plane polarized light and transverse waves shows that light waves are transverse waves.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

Chapter # 10

Heat and Thermodynamics

1. Why is the earth not in thermal equilibrium with the sun?

Answer: The earth is not in thermal equilibrium with sun because the earth is being
warmed by the radiant energy of the sun. It is also loosing heat in many ways like
conduction, convection and radiation. Secondly the earth is not in perfect thermal
contact with the sun. its like we get heat from the heater but we are not in thermal
equilibrium with the heater.

2. When a block with a hole in it is heated, why does not material around the hole
expand into the hole and make it small?
Answer: The hole will grow bigger. The distance between the atoms at the parameter of
the hole increases with the increase in the temperature. Since the distance between
the atoms increases and the number of atoms at the parameter does not change,
therefore the circumference should become larger. Hence the width of the hole also
grows bigger.

3. A thermometer is placed in direct sun light. Will it read the temperature of air or of
the sun or something else?
Answer: When a thermometer is placed in direct sun light, it will not measure the
temperature of sun or air. It will measure the temperature of the sensing element fixed
with thermometer. When thermometer is placed to sun light it heats up quickly than air.
But when it is placed in a shadow then it will get heat only through air. Hence in shade it
measures the temperature of the air but in direct sun light it measures the temprature of
sensor fixed in it.

4. The pressure in a gas cylinder containing hydrogen will leak more quickly than if
it is containing oxygen. Why?
Answer: The hydrogen gas will leak more quickly than the cylinder containing oxygen
gas because hydrogen is lighter than oxygen i.e. molar mass of hydrogen gas is smaller
than the molar mass of the oxygen gas. Due to this reason the hydrogen gas leaves
more quickly than the oxygen gas.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
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Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

5. What happens to the temperature of the room in which an air conditioner is left
running on a table in the middle of the room?
Answer: When an air conditioner is left running at the middle of the room then the
temperature of the room goes up. The A.C cools some of the air and warms the air of
the room at the other end. In addition the parts of A.C like pump fans get heated during
their operation, this heat energy is added to the room which results in increase of the
temprature of the room.

6. Why does the pressure of air in automobile tyre increase if the automobile is
driven for a while?
Answer: The pressure of air inside the tyre of an automobile increases when an
automobile is driven for a while because the automobile is driven, the work is done
against the frictional forces. This work done appears as heat energy. As a result energy
of the heat molecules increases which in turn increases the temperature and pressure of
the gas molecules due to the increase in number of collisions of gas molecules with the
walls of the tyres.

7. On moving the valve, the air escaping from the cycle tube cools. Why?
Answer: The air inside the tube of a cycle is at high pressure than the atmospheric
pressure. Therefore, when the valve is removed, the gas expands adiabatically which
results in decrease in the temperature of the air. Hence the air escaping from the tube
of a cycle is cool.

8. Write the limitations of first law of thermodynamics?

Answer: The first law of thermodynamics has following limitations:

(i). It gives no information about the direction of flow of heat i.e. whether heat can flow
from hotter body to the cooler body.

(ii). Practically all of the heat energy cannot be converted into work.

9. Is it possible according to the second law of thermodynamics to construct a heat

engine that is free from thermal pollution?
Answer: According to the Kelvin’s statement of 2nd law of thermodynamics it is
impossible to construct a heat engine which completely converts heat into work. Energy
supplied to a heat engine is used in performing work and the remaining energy is

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics
Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

rejected to the sink due to the heat loss against the friction. Hence it is impossible to
construct a heat engine which is free from thermal pollution.

10. Can specific heat of a gas be zero or infinity? Can specific heat be negative?
Answer: The specific heat of gas is defined as amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of one mole of a gas through 1 k. Mathematically ∆Q = nC∆T

=> C = ∆Q / n∆T

This relation shows that the specific heat is directly related to the amount of heat with the
condition that it should increase the temperature of a gas by 1 k. From this relation it is
not possible to have a specific heat either with zero or infinity value. Moreover the
specific heat of a gas cannot be negative.

11. An inventor claims to have developed a heat engine working between 27 C and
227 C having an efficiency of 45%. Is the claim valid? Why?
Answer: Temperature of heat source: T1 = 227 C = 500 K.

Temperature of heat sink: T2 = 27 c = 300 K.

Given that efficiency = 45%.

Now we calculate the efficiency by the given data.

η = (1 – T2/T1) x 100 %.

η = (1 – 300/500) x 100%

η = 40 %.

So the calculated efficiency is less than the given efficiency, so his claim is not valid. If
the claim is valid, then the calculated efficiency must be equal to given efficiency.

Prepared By Kanwer Muhammad Nabeel (MSc. Physics) Lecturer IMCB H-9 Islamabad
FSc Part (I) Physics

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