Ya Kun Kaya Toast

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Ya Kun Kaya Toast

Asumsi :

1. Outlet buka setiap hari dalam satu tahun

2. Outlet melayani 300 orderan dalam sehari
3. 1 karyawan membutuhkan waktu 15 menit untuk menyiapkan satu toast
4. Jadi total waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyiapkan 300 toast adalah = 300 x 0,25 jam = 75

Calculate employee’s work hours

Working Hours/ day 8 hours

Personal time when employee is not working 0.5 hours
Employee breaktime 0.5 hours
Actual working time (8-1) 7 hours

Jadi, Ya Kun Kaya Toast Manpower Required for 300 toast every day :

75/7 = 10.7 -> 11 karyawan

Also consider the following while planning manpower :

1. Employees will need a weekly off

2. Employees will take short or long leave during the year
3. Employees will take sick leave during the year
4. Employee turnover
To composate for the employee absence, add 10% additional manpower, maka :
10.7 + 4 (1.07) = 14.98 -> 15

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