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Regeneration and repair of Jan Egelberg

Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA,


periodontal tissues
Egelberg J: Regeneration and repair of periodontal tissues. Journal of Periodontal
Research 1987: 22: 233-242. Accepted for publication September 26, 1986

Chronic periodontitis leads to loss of generation of alveolar bone, may histo- to eliminate most of the intraosseous
the tooth-supporting tissues, eventually logically show an apical regrowth of defects by significant bone fill combined
resulting in loss of teeth. Ideal treatment junctional epithelium along the treated with some resorption of the defect crests
should involve not only the prevention root surface (11). (17-19). Other studies, however, report
of further attachment loss, but the re- more limited mean gains in attachment
generation of lost supporting tissues, and bone levels of 1-1.5 mm (20-22).
2. Clinical studies on regeneration of
comprising new alveolar bone and a
human periodontal defects
new periodontal ligament. This review
is an attempt to describe what we know Effect of osseous grafting
Regeneration of periodontal tissues cir-
about periodontal regeneration and re- cumferentially around teeth does not Initial reports by several authors indi-
pair in humans and experimental ani- seem to be possible in humans at this cated favorable results following use of
mals within the confines of the follow- time. Efforts have primarily been di- various types of osseous grafts:
ing outhne: rected at regeneration of localized peri- autogenous cancellous bone; fresh or
1) New connective tissue attachment odontal lesions. This review will focus frozen ihac crest autogenous cancellous
to previously diseased root sur- on those periodontal defects where the bone and marrow; frozen allogenic iliac
faces; root surface lesion is surrounded by re- cancellous bone and marrow; and free-
2) Clinical studies on regeneration of maining walls of alveolar bone (in- ze-dried allogenic cortical bone (23-28).
human periodontal defects; frabony/intraosseous defects). However, more recent studies on oss-
3) Healing of the supracrestal root Since biopsies of treated human eous grafting have observed more mod-
surface wound; lesions are generally not available, ob- est results (29-30). In fact, several stud-
4) Heahng of the periodontal liga- servations on intraosseous defects have ies have observed little or no advantage
ment wound; mostly been limited to results from chni- to osseous grafting over non-grafted
5) Root resorption; cal methods of measurement. These controls (29, 31, 32).
6) Future research needs. methods are not capable of identifying There is little indication that grafts
Various aspects of periodontal re- new connective tissue attachment and of cortical or cancellous bone have any
generation and repair have been cover- can only assess apposition of new al- inductive effect on formation of new
ed in previous reviews (1-8). veolar bone and improved adaptation bone (33, 34). Also, there is little reason
of the gingival tissue. However, given to beheve that such bone grafts would
this limitation, each of the following stimulate connective tissue attachment
1. New connective tissue attachment chnical methods of observation may to the root surface. Therefore, a benefi-
to previously diseased root surfaces yield useful information: 1) probing at- cial effect, if any, may primarily be ex-
It has long been questioned whether tachment level measurements; 2) prob- plained by the role of these grafts as
new attachment of connective tissue to ing bone level measurements ("bone "fillers", providing some postoperative,
root surfaces previously denuded by sounding"); and 3) direct bone measure- mechanical support to the surgical fiaps
periodontitis is at all possible. Over the ments at surgery and at a subsequent prior to the gradual resorption or re-
years, histological observations from exploratory re-entry procedure (16). placement of the grafts.
human biopsies of treated cases have Animal experimentation indicates
been reported which suggest that parts that grafts of decalcified bone may have
Effect of surgical debridement
of previously diseased root surfaces higher osteogenic potential than other
showed a new connective tissue attach- A therapy consisting of elevation of mu- types of bone graft materials (35, 36).
ment (5, 9-11). However, conclusive evi- cogingival fiaps, removal of granuloma- Again, there is no evidence that such
dence was not presented until appropri- tous tissue from the intraosseous lesion, grafts might facilitate connective tissue
ate reference notches in the root surface debridement and planing of the root attachment to the root surface. As yet
were utilized (12-15). surfaces, and replacement of the surgi- there are only limited data available in-
Despite the reports of successful new cal fiaps, can result in significant clinical dicating that decalcified bone is a su-
connective tissue attachment, this does improvement. Gains of probing attach- perior graft material for periodontal use
not seem to be the typical outcome of ment levels and gains of probing bone (15, 37). Nevertheless, since freeze-
regenerative attempts in humans. Many levels amounting to 3 mm or more have dried, decalcified bone allografts are
cases that clinically are considered suc- been reported. Re-entry observations commercially available and seem to
cessful, including cases of significant re- have demonstrated that it is possible have no antigenic side effects, they
234 Egelberg

might constitute an appealing material provide clinically successful results in smooth and unresorbed surface (68-71).
for those clinicians and researchers who individual cases in terms of defect fill Conceptually, if initial surface re-
want to continue to explore the benefits and improved adaptation of the gingival sorption occurs, newly formed collagen
of osseous grafts. tissues. Deep and narrow 3-wall defects fibrils could interdigitate and somehow
Grafts of fresh, iliac cancellous bone may have the best regenerative potential link up with collagen fibrils from the
and marrow seem to play a more active (18, 19, 62-64). cementum or the dentin matrix being
role during healing. Root resorption, Animal experimentation has demon- exposed by the resorptive process. A
frequently observed in experimental strated that new connective tissue at- subsequent formation of a layer of mi-
animals after use of these grafts, has tachment over extended portions of the neralized cementum would reinforce
also been reported in humans (5, 25, treated root surfaces is possible. Still, in this attachment. In the absence of a re-
38-42). It is not known if the root re- spite of an impressive number of clinical sorptive process, it appears that the at-
sorption is caused by activity originat- studies, predictable results have not tachment of a layer of mineralization to
ing from the grafted iliac tissue or if been obtained in humans. This lack of the root surface would have to rely upon
these grafts somehow may facilitate an success would seem to indicate that interlocking mineral crystals. This con-
initial connective tissue attachment to presently used techniques are inad- cept is supported by the frequent obser-
the root surface, initiating resorption equate, and that the focus of attention vation of artifactual splits, located be-
due to "successful" prevention of epi- in our approach to treating intraosseous tween the layer of new cementum and
thelial migration. defects in humans needs to be altered. the dentin surface in histological and
The lack of suitable animal models ultrastructural preparations. It is also
to simulate human intraosseous defects supported by the fact that these splits
Effect of ceramic grafts
is probably one of the reasons for the seem to be less frequent against root
Grafts of ceramic tricalcium phosphate limited advancement of our clinical re- surfaces showing resorptive surface ir-
and hydroxyapatite, including a porous generative procedures. In fact, the logi- regularities, and against root surfaces
hydroxyapatite of coral origin, have cal investigative sequence of initial stud- which have been superficially decalci-
been evaluated. These materials seem to ies of a new therapy in a suitable animal fied as part of the treatment procedures
be inert and do not cause an infiamma- model, followed by the application and (70-75).
tory tissue reaction. Hydroxyapatite is gradual improvement of this therapy in The limited information available on
non-resorbable and will remain in the human studies to finally reach clinical molecular and cellular interactions dur-
grafted defect. Tricalcium phosphate, significance, is yet to be seen. This cir- ing the early healing events at the inter-
supposed to be resorbable, has still been cumstance, however, does not deny the face between the root surface and the
observed in defects 9 months after graft- importance of past studies in various coagulum/granulafion tissue is surpris-
ing. Bone formation around grafted animal models in terms of improving ing in light of the importance that this
particles has been reported, but may not our knowledge of the healing process. interface would seem to have for pre-
occur regularly (43-52). Such studies, together with a multitude vention of subgingival reepithelization.
Clinical studies have reported varying of experimental approaches to investi- It is equally surprising that our lack of
amounts of defect fill following use of gate more specific aspects of periodon- success in previous attempts to manipu-
ceramic grafts (53-58). The beneficial tal healing, form the basis of current late the epithelium as the approach to
effect of these grafts over bone grafts concepts. treatment has not redirected our focus
or non-graft procedures has not been of interest from the epithehum to the
convincingly demonstrated. However, root surface. It is well known that the
3. Healing of the supracrestal root
their use as a "filler" in specific situ- surgical removal of the junctional epi-
surface wound
ations may need to be further explored. thelium, or repeated postoperative epi-
Successful new attachment of connec- thelial curettage, is inefficient (76-78).
tive tissue to the treated root at the gin- Also, other attempts at surgical manipu-
Effect of citric acid root conditioning
gival margin requires a healing process lation for the purpose of delaying the
Encouraged by results from animal that only allows a limited epithelization apical migration of the oral epithelium
models, clinical investigators have of the interface between the root surface do not seem to have given clinical suc-
evaluated the effect of superficial de- and the healing granulation tissue. Fol- cess beyond that of conventional flap
mineralization of the dcbrided and lowing mechanical debridement and management (63, 79-82).
planed root surfaces with citric acid. In root planing, the cementum or dentin A recent approach to preventing ep-
spite of the fact that several animal stud- surface is covered by a smear layer ithelization and to facilitate an undis-
ies have shown that this treatment facili- (65-67). The sequence of events leading turbed connective tissue healing at the
tates attachment of connective tissue to to connective fissue attachment, includ- marginal wound interface involves the
the root surface, clinical studies have ing the formation of a layer of new ce- use of barrier membranes placed under-
failed to demonstrate that citric acid is mentum on this root surface, is not fully neath the reapposed surgical flap (83).
a significant adjuvant to surgical debri- understood. The observation of minor The interposition of barrier membranes
dement (20, 29, 59-61). surface irregularities reminiscent of cla- extending coronal to the flap margin
stic resorption bays under newly formed will prevent the oral epithelium from
cementum suggests that there is an in- migrating over the root surface. Animal
Predictability of regenerative procedures
itial phase of surface resorption. "Denti- experimentation has indicated the po-
in human intraosseous defects
nolytic" type resorption has also been tentials of this approach. Increased
There is little doubt that all of the above suggested. However, new cementum can amounts of connective tissue attach-
methods of regenerative surgery can also be seen on what appears to be a ment have been obtained following the
Regeneration of periodontal tissues 235

use of membranes as compared to non- ing prepares the root surface for im- alone (96, 103-104). One animal study
membrane controls (84-85). Successful proved adhesion and maturation of the resulted in increased connective tissue
application of this method in a human blood clot. attachment following use of fibronectin
case has also been reported (83). Several studies have demonstrated in- as compared to demineralization alone
The traditional concept of a "race" creased amounts of new connective tis- (117), whilst other experimentation in
between epithelial migration and con- sue attachment following acid con- animals has failed to demonstrate such
nective tissue attachment supposes that ditioning compared to non-acid treated a difference (134).
the oral epithelium will continue to mi- controls (12, 107-119). Other studies In spite of the biological grounds po-
grate from the margin of the surgical have not been able to confirm the find- inting to the potentials of root surface
fiap and apically until it meets resistance ing of increased connective tissue at- preparation, it must be remembered
from connective tissue, which somehow tachment following acid conditioning that the results in experimental animals
has attached to the root surface. An- (120-124). These discrepancies may be are confiicting, and that clinical success
other way of approaching this problem explained by the use of different models in humans has not been accomplished.
is to ask questions such as: How can we for experimentation. Successful results Also, a new connective tissue attach-
make the coagulum adhere to the root would seem to require models with a ment may subsequently be subjected to
surface to the extent that it would pre- certain minimum distance from the host tissue intervention resulting in root
vent epithelial cells from migrating margins of the sutured surgical fiap to resorption.
along the marginal wound interface? the base of the lesions to allow for the
How can the root surface be prepared demonstration of a difference between
4. Healing of the periodontal
to provide an initial adhesion of the experimental and control procedures.
ligament wound
coagulum and allow a subsequent unin- Also, the quality of wound closure, fiap
terrupted maturation and organization adaptation, and postoperative fiap sta- Studies on replantation of teeth indicate
of the granulation tissue? Perhaps the bility may be critical to prevent mechan- that, once the periodontal ligament is
prevention of epithehalization is not the ical interference and rupture at the destroyed around the full circumference
primary issue. It appears that the ad- wound interface (109, 115, 125). These of the root, a new ligament will not
hesion of the coagulum/granulation tis- factors may have differed between stud- develop. Drying, radiation, or mechan-
sue to the root surface is of critical im- ies observing benefit versus no benefit ical removal of the periodontal ligament
portance. A break in this adhesion may from the use of citric acid conditioning. in freshly extracted teeth prior to their
lead to a renewed contamination of the Furthermore, the difficulties in obtain- replantation lead to an aberrant healing
root surface and to failure, even in the ing adequate wound protection may process resulting in ankylosis of the al-
absence of epithelium. Eventually, epi- also explain why successful results using veolar bone to the root surface and to
thelium originating somewhere around citric acid have not been accomplished root resorption. Eventually, the entire
the tooth will cover the granulation tis- in human intraosseous defects. root will disappear by a gradual remod-
sue which failed to attach to the root. Superficial demineralization of the elling and resorptive process. This is in
root surface has also been performed contrast to teeth which are replanted
using acids other than citric acid, e.g. soon after extraction without any de-
Root surface preparation
hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid structive treatment of the ligament
(66, 73, 74, 90). Also, acid solutions of (136-145). The critical elements respon-
Conditioning of the root surface by top-
tetracycline and stannous fluoride have sible for regrowth of a ligament are ap-
ical application of acids, primarily citric
been introduced (126-129). In vitro parently located in that part of the peri-
acid, has been used to facilitate new
odontal ligament which remains at-
connective tissue attachment (73, 74, studies using tetracycline have demon-
tached to the tooth following
86). Between 1 and 3 min of treatment strated that this treatment, compared
extraction. Apart from this, little is
dissolves the smear layer, and causes to use of citric acid, further enhances
known about the specific molecular and
a demineralization of the root planed adsorption of fibronectin and sub-
cellular determinants for periodontal
dentin to a depth of 1-5 /xm, thereby sequent adhesion of fibroblasts
ligament reformation. Attempts at re-
exposing collagen fibrils of the dentin (103-104). Tetracycline may also be
plantation of extracted teeth following
matrix (67, 87-90). The acid treatment valuable because of its antimicrobial
in vitro cultivation of periodontal liga-
may also contribute to detoxification of properties (129-132). Animal studies ment cells on the root surfaces of the
any remaining root surface contaminant have confirmed that tetracycline hy- extracted teeth have met with limited
following root planing (91, 92). The ex- drochloride is an alternative to citric success (146). However, it appears that
posed collagen fibrils may facilitate an acid to facilitate new connective tissue this area of research could be expanded,
adhesion of fibrin or other blood clot attachment (133-134). The use of stan- considering that these tissue elements
components to the root surface (93). nous fiuoride for demineralization may could be studied and manipulated out-
The exposed fibrils may also enhance reduce the potential for root resorption side the living animal.
adhesion, proliferation, and migration (128).
of fibroblasts on the root surface In vitro experiments demonstrate that The periodontal ligament may regen-
(94-104). Electron microscopic obser- fibronectin binds more to demineralized erate completely following localized in-
vations indicate that the exposed colla- dentin surfaces than to undemineralized jury. Window type defects have been
gen fibrils of the dentin matrix interdigi- dentin (103-135). The combination of created by elevation of a mucoperiosteal
tate with newly formed collagen fibrils surface demineralization and appli- fiap and removal of alveolar bone, peri-
in the healing tissue after 7-14 d (89, cation of fibronectin has been found to odontal ligament, and cementum in an
105, 106). Thus, there are several obser- enhance the in vitro adhesion of fibro- area over the root apical to the alveolar
vations suggesting that acid condition- blasts compared to demineralization crest. During healing, the granulation
236 Egelberg

tissue of such wounds seems to be cells could be responsible for the de- placement (or transformation stimulus)
gradually replaced by ingrowth of new posits (157, 158). Cells from the perios- of the cells of the granulation tissue over
ligament, new cementum, and new bone teum on the inside of the surgical fiaps extended root surface areas? Will cen-
from the periphery of the lesions (73, is another possible source in situations tral areas of large wounds, more distant
147). Defects beyond a certain size may where the surgical fiaps are proximate from the borders of the lesion, resist
not be completely restored. Although to the root surfaces during wound clos- replacement (or transformation) and la-
restitution takes place in the periphery, ure. It cannot be excluded that gingival ter be prone to development of clastic
the healing of the central portions may connective tissue cells also may initiate cells leading to a gradual resorption of
be complicated by ankylosis and poss- a mineralization process. Furthermore, the root?
ibly also by root resorption (143, superficial root surface resorption as Another approach to the investiga-
148-150). Dehiscence type defects creat- part of the early healing response may tion of guided cell repopulation has
ed at the alveolar crest may show partial expose matrix proteins which may in- been suggested following observations
restitution, again by ingrowth of liga- ifiate a phase of mineralization. Such a of fibroblast orientation and migration
ment, cementum, and bone from the U- process may be accelerated by prior acid in vitro. Fibroblasts and endogenously
shaped borders of the lesions (85, 124, conditioning of the root surface produced collagen fibers have been
151). Horizontal or circumferential re- (159-166). found to bridge "interdental spaces" be-
duction of periodontal support is Thus, different types of cementum- tween dentin particles and between
usually followed by a periodontal liga- like deposits may form on the root sur- transversally cut root slices (94, 98). Mi-
ment regeneration limited to 1 or a few face depending upon the available con- gration of cells and orientation of con-
millimeters from the base of the lesion ditions during healing. It is possible that nective tissue cells and fibers in simulat-
(123, 152-155). only cementum formed by cemento- ed periodontal spaces have been studied
It appears from the above studies blasts originating from the periodontal (168, 169). These studies may represent
that: 1) regeneration of periodontal liga- ligament can serve as a lasting attach- initial efforts attempting to find out if
ment, including new cementum and ment. Other cementum-like deposits coronal migration of periodontal Hga-
bone, requires adjacent intact ligament may be subjected to subsequent re- ment cells somehow can be enhanced by
tissue from which proliferation and re- sorption, exposing the root dentin to provision of growth promoting spatial
formation can occur; and 2) the re- resorption as well. The possibihty of relationships or "scaffolds" to the
generation capacity of the periodontal cementum-like deposits of various gen- treated area?
ligament is limited. Future research esis needs to be investigated. Progenitor cells in the periodontal
needs to find answers to several ques- ligament seem to have a paravascular
tions: Is the regeneration capacity of origin (170-175). It is not known
Guided cell repopulation
periodontal ligament tissue so limited whether a single paravascular progeni-
that it will be impossible to obtain an Following replacement of the surgical tor cell within the ligament gives rise to
amount of regeneration which is chn- fiap in regenerative surgery of dehiscen- daughter cells which differentiate into
ically significant? Can the regeneration ce type defects, the elements of the peri- fibroblasts, osteoblasts, and cemento-
capacity be enhanced by some adjunc- osteum and the connective tissue on the blasts, or whether there are separate
tive measures to reach clinical signifi- inner surface of the fiap are approximat- progenitors.
cance? Would it be possible to create ing the wound interface. Placement of As mentioned above, in vitro exper-
conditions that would stimulate undif- barrier membranes, bridging from the imentation has demonstrated that
ferentiated cells of the granulation tissue outer surface of the reduced alveolar superficial demineralization enhances
to form a functional periodontal liga- crest to the cervical portion of the tooth, the adhesion, migration, and prolifer-
ment? prevents access of the cells of the surgi- ation of fibroblasts on the surface of
cal fiap to the wound interface. Instead, dentin specimens, and that the fibro-
Repair cementum
a compartment for the blood clot is blast adhesion can be further enhanced
created with access for ingrowth of by application of fibronectin to the de-
Typically, formation of new cementum blood vessels and cells from the borders mineralized dentin surface. Investiga-
frequently occurs at the base of the of the lesion. Thus, placement of barrier tions using application of growth pro-
treated defects coronal to the intact membranes may facilitate the repopula- moting proteins have also been sug-
periodontal ligament. It is assumed that tion of the root surface with ligament gested, as have applicafions of gels of
this cementum is formed by cemento- forming elements. Indeed, membrane collagen (8, 100). These studies rep-
blasts originating in the periodontal experimentation in dehiscence type de- resent attempts at preparing the root
ligament and capable of some coronal fects has demonstrated increased re- surface to facihtate the initial popula-
migration. However, cementum-like de- generation of cementum, ligament, and tion of connective tissue cells. It is con-
posits associated with inserting collagen alveolar bone as compared to non- ceivable, however, that such measures
fibers have also been observed in areas membrane controls. Also, the amounts may be undesirable as subsequent infiux
remote from the base of the treated de- of healing aberrations - ankylosis and of periodontal ligament cells may be
fect (156-158). It seems unhkely, be- root resorption - have been reduced (85, competitively inhibited. In fact, obser-
cause of the spatial relationships, that 167). It remains to be investigated, how- vations have been made indicating an
this "cementum" is formed by cemento- ever, to what extent there are limits to impaired migration of "periodontal H-
blasts originating from the periodontal the guided cell repopulation concept. gament" cells from the wound margins
ligament. The observation of a conti- For example, can the membrane ap- of citric acid treated periodontal fen-
nuity of such deposits with newly proach, preventing access of cells from estration defects as compared to non-
formed alveolar bone suggests that bone the surgical fiaps, provide a gradual re- acid treated controls (176). Also, anky-
Regeneration of periodontal tissues 237

losis and root resorption was more blood. Chemoattraction for the precur- protection of the treated root surface
prevalent following acid conditioning sor cells and stimulus for initiation of around the circumference of the tooth
(177). clastic activity may be provided by the from mechanical, microbial, and other
exposed elements of the denuded root injury. This may possibly be ac-
surface. complished by manipulation of existing
5. Root resorption
Future research is needed to find out surgical fiaps, by use of tissue trans-
Root resorption as a potential healing how to prevent clastic cells from initia- plants for wound coverage, or by some
aberration following periodontal regen- ting root resorption. It has been sug- other means of assisted wound protec-
erative surgery seems to be a function gested that the cells responsible for root tion. Such methods, minimizing the risk
of the magnitude of the surface area resorption originate from the surgical of mechanical rupture and contami-
of initial connective tissue attachment fiaps (179-180). If this is true, placement nation at the root surface/coagulum
obtained. Two different "types" of root of barrier membranes between the surgi- interface, may obviate the need for at-
resorption have been distinguished: that cal flaps and the root surface might pre- tempts at preventing the oral epithelium
located more coronally (cervical or su- vent resorption. The resorptive poten- from early access to this interface.
prabony resorption), and that located tial of granulation tissue originating Methods of root surface conditioning
more apically in areas of newly formed from bone has been demonstrated (181). need to be developed that will improve
bone (ankylosis associated resorption). Clastic cells may also be blood borne immediate adhesion and early matu-
The cervical resorption may be more and barrier membranes may have lim- ration of the coagulum, and that will
aggressive as evidenced by the frequent ited preventive effect. If this latter is accelerate the development of connec-
presence of multinucleated cells and the true, can the root surface be conditioned tive tissue attachment. However, it ap-
size of the resorption bays. The anky- to resist clastic activity? pears that these methods will need to
losis associated resorption may become Root resorption has only been oc- stimulate, or at least allow for sub-
temporarily arrested, either by bone ap- casionally observed following regener- sequent repopulation of the root surface
position or by a layer of "osteocemen- ative periodontal surgery in humans. It by periodontal ligament cells (resident
tum" (157, 178). seems to be most prevalent following or transplanted).
Both suprabony and ankylosis associ- use of grafts of fresh iliac cancellous Repopulation of the root surface by
ated resorption has been observed in bone and marrow (9, 10, 38, 42, 182). cells originating from the periodontal
animal studies utilizing submergence of The infrequent occurrence can be ex- ligament may require methods that pre-
treated roots under the surgical flaps, plained by the fact that human regener- vent access to the root surface by com-
also enabling connective tissue attach- ative attempts generally have resulted in petitive cells, e.g. alveolar bone cells and
ment over extended portions of root reepithelialization of the major portion cells from the periosteum or the connec-
surfaces (123, 144, 152-154, 158, 167). of the treated root surfaces (5, 10, 11, tive tissue of the surgical fiaps. Al-
Therefore, root resorption seems to be 15). Also, humans may be less prone to though repopulation by ligament cells
the unwanted sequalae to clinically root resorption than monkeys and dogs. is not necessary for successful initial
meaningful amounts of new connective Available evidence from tooth replan- connective tissue attachment and sub-
tissue attachment, and it appears that tation suggests that root resorption de- sequent coronal bone apposition, such
regenerative periodontal therapy cannot velops slowly in humans as compared repopulation may be necessary to avoid
be truly successful until we know how to monkeys and dogs. the development of root resorption.
to prevent this complication. Once more, predictable and success- The attainment of new functional
Root resorption during wound heal- ful regenerative techniques have been periodontal ligament over extensive
ing following regenerative periodontal developed in man, the propensity of portions of the treated root surfaces
surgery may be of similar nature as the root resorption needs to be carefully in- may not be realistic. It is possible that
root resorption occurring following re- vestigated. Treated human teeth need we will have to settle for a compromize
plantation of teeth with a non-vital peri- to be carefully monitored over several in terms of a "functional scar". Maybe
odontal membrane. In both situations years. If possible, new regenerative tech- it will be possible to develop root con-
the root surface has been deprived of an niques should be tested in animal ditioning methods which will not only
attached layer of vital tissue, thereby models for root resorption prior to in- facilitate connective tissue attachment
allowing multinucleated clastic cells ac- troduction in humans. and bone apposition, but will also make
cess to the root surface. the root surface resistant to resorptive
Clastic activity on the root surface activity, thereby allowing for a long-
6. Future Research Needs lasting, non-ligamentous reunion.
requires: a) mobilization of precursor
cells with clastic potential into the From a therapeutic point of view future As has become apparent from this
wound coagulum, b) chemoattraction, research could be focused in the follow- review, we may not have enough infor-
or possibly random migration of these ing three conceptual areas: 1) Methods mation at this point to approach the
cells to the denuded dentin, and c) in- to improve protection of the healing above conceptual research areas in a
itiafion of clastic activity. Clastic pre- wound at the root surface; 2) Methods logical manner. In spite of the fact that
cursor cells may be mobilized from to enhance the adhesion and maturation we know how to obtain new connective
three possible sources: 1) the alveolar of the coagulum at the root surface; and tissue attachment over extended por-
bone at the base of the treated defects; 3) Methods of achieving repopulation tions of root surfaces in animal models,
2) the periosteum or the connective tis- of the root surface by cells originating we don't understand the healing events
sue on the inside of the surgical fiaps; from the periodontal ligament. leading to this new attachment. For ex-
and 3) cells of the monocytic family Surgical techniques need to be de- ample, we don't know the origin of cells
brought to the wound by the circulating veloped that will provide an adequate developing the attachment - or attach-
238 Egelberg

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