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Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum

all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent

Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Department: BEED

Course Code: Fac Learn

Course Title: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
I. Course Description

This course explores the fundamental principles, processes and practices anchored on learner-centeredness and other
educational psychologies as these apply to facilitate various teaching-learning delivery modes to enhance learning.

II. Course Credit

3 units
54 hours
Prerequisite: None
III. Course General Objectives
1. Create a physical and psychological environment that facilitate learning for all kinds of learner.
2. Apply the various theories for learning and motivation to help students become highly motivated and self-directed learners.
3. Explore tools and strategies for facilitating a learner centered environment.
4. Encourage the learner to take more control of their learning process.
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

IV. Course Content

Assessment of
Content/Subject Intended Learning
Time Frame Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) Learning Outcomes
Matter Outcomes (ILO)
Prelim Chapter I: Learner- 1. Explain the Activity 1. Determine the
Period Centered Cognitive Motivational, Do this activity before you read about the cognitive and
Week 1 Psychological and effective factors of Learner-Centered Psychological LCP metacognitive
Principles teaching and learning. 1. Examine the title Learner-Centered factors.
1. Learning 2. Cite Classroom Psychological Principles quickly, jot down 2. Mention
Principles situations that at least 10 words that come to your mind. classroom
associated to manifest applications 2. Go back to each word and write phrases situation that
cognitive, of the principles about why you think the word can be manifest
metacognitive, associated with LCP. applications of
motivational 3. Analysis the principles.
and affective Form group of 3 members each, share your
factors responses and summarize it.

We think that Learner-Centered Principles

focus on ____________

1. Reporting
2. Lecture/Discussion
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

3. Sharing Insights/Interaction
4. Explain the cognitive, motivational, and
effective factors of teaching and learning.
1. Distinguish the cognitive and
metacognitive factors of teaching and
Week 2 Activity 1. Demonstrate the
Lesson 2: Learning 1. Explain the Through symbolism, present the development development and
Principles on development and and social factors and individual differences of social factors nd
Development, Social, social factors and learning creativity. In a short paragraph, explain individual
and Individual individual differences the implication of the symbolism presented., differences that
Differences that influence influence
learning. learning.
Cultural / Belief
A way of life of a group of people,
beliefs, values and symbols that
accept and they are passed from one
generation to the next.

1. Do you think students do not
feel discriminated upon and
ridiculed because of their
uniqueness as an individual.
1. Group discussion
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

2. Sharing of ideas
3. Teacher/student interaction
4. Explain the development and
social factors and individual
differences of learning
1. Discuss the development and
social factors and individual
differences that influence

Chapter 2: 1. Explain the meaning Activity 1. Discuss the

Metacognition: of metacognition and Use the prayer vocabulary definition model to meaning of
Thinking about metacognitive explain the three metacognitive knowledge. (the metacognition
Thinking knowledge declarative knowledge is shown below) with this a and
2. Determine guide, explain our definition to the class. metacognitive
Lesson 1: metacognitive knowledge.
Metacognition and 2. Short quiz
Knowledge Definition Characteristics
3. knowledge required in
a specific competency Examples Non-Examples
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Identify the following thoughts are more
declarative, procedural and conditional


1. Group reporting
2. Discussion
3. Teacher/Students interaction
1. Classify the meaning of metacognition and
metacognitive knowledge

Lesson 2: 1. Explain Activity

Metacognition 2. metacognition 1. Answer the short version of Approaches
Regulation and regulation and and study Skills for Students (ASSIST) 1.Determine
Control control to determine how you learn and study. metacognition
3. Analyze the regulation and
relationship among Directions: The questionnaire has been designed control
the three to allow you in a systematic way how you go 2.Evaluate the
metacognition about learning and studying. relationship
processes, Please respond truthfully so that your answer among the three
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

planning, accurately described your actual ways of metacognition

monitoring and studying and work your way through the process,
evaluating questionnaire quite quickly. Making sure that planning,
you give a response to every item monitoring and
Analysis evaluating
Instructions 3.Graded
SA means Strongly Agree Recitation
A means Agree
D means Disagree
SD means Strongly Agree

Statement SA A D SD
I organize my study time
carefully to make the best
use of it.
2.I am not sure what is
important in lectures, so I
try to get down all I can.

1. Individual reporting
2. Lecture/Discussion
3. Teacher/Student
4. PowerPoint
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Distinguish metacognition regulation and


Show them graphic organizer
1. What do I know?
1. Explain 2. What do I want to know
fundamental 3. What do I find out 1. Pinpoint
principles to teach 4. What have I learned metacognitive
metacognitive skills 5. What actions will I take strategies to a
1. Identify 6. What new questions do I have particular
metacognitive Analysis Through visual displays, learners are lesson
Lesson 3: strategies for a guided in their thinking as they fill in the needed 2. Graded
Metacognition particular lesson. information. recitation
Instruction Abstraction
1. Discussion
2. Interaction
3. Sharing of ideas
1. Determine the fundamental principles to
teach metacognitive skills.
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Activity Identifythe stages of
Asked students questions about “How cognitive
Learning Occurs” development as well
Mid-Term Chapter 3: .Explain terms and concepts as teaching
associated with Piaget’s Analysis strategies of Paget’s
Piaget’s cognitive theory. Varied answers of the students theory
Week 7-12 Cognitive 2. Discuss the strategies of Abstraction/Generalization
Developing cognitive development, and 1. Power Point Presentation
Theory 3. Identify teaching 2. Lecture/Discussion
strategies that are 3. Sharing of ideas
Lesson I Piaget’s suggestive of Piaget’s theory 4. Explain stages of cognitive development
Cognitive and teaching strategies that are supportive
Development Theory of Piaget’s theory

1. Clarify stages of cognitive development

Lesson 2: 1. Explain the socio- Activity

Vygotsky’s cultural theory of
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Socio-cultural cognitive development. Challenge

Theory of 2. Discuss the major 1. Playing house is part of kids childhood
Cognitive terms and concepts expression. How beneficial is it in cognitive 1. Determine the
Development related to the theory development sociocultural of
3. Cite classroom cognitive
implications of the Analysis development
theory From the playing house do you think the kids 2. Establish the
are being benefited in the cognitive development? major terms and
concepts related
Abstraction/Generalization to the theory
1. Power Point Presentation 3. Short quiz
2. Group reporting
3. Discussion
4. Sharing of insights/ideas
5. Distinguish the sociocultural of cognitive
1. Distinguish the sociocultural theory of
cognitive development

Lesson 3: 1. Explain the major Activity

Information features of the Recall your experience when you want to 1. Determine the
Processing information theory study and review your lessons. major features of
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Theory 2. Cite teaching the information

implications derived Analysis processing
from the theory. Cite your experience the techniques you’ve theory
made when you study and review your lessons. 2. Short quiz
Varied experiences given

1. Power Point Presentation
2. Group reporting
3. Discussion
4. Sharing of experiences
5. Teacher/students interaction
6. Generalization made by the students

1. Discuss the major features of the
information processing theory
2. Group participation

Lesson 4 1. Classify the
Problem 1. Explain the 1. Answer the match puzzle stages/processes
Solving and stages/processes of ofproblem
Creativity problem solving and solving and
creativity creativity
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Instructions: Remove 8 matches to leave just

one square which should not touch


2. What would happen if human had one more

eye at the back of her head?
Write as many answers then indicate why.

Your answer Why

Group yourselves by five (5) then share your
answers to the following questions

1. How did you find the activities?

2. What did you do to be able to solve the
3. What kind of question were you given in
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Activity #2?
4. Was this type of question necessary for you
to be able to come up with more than one
answer? Could you have come up with
more than one answer if the question
asked was “Who is the incumbent
President of the Philippines?”
1. Power Point Presentation
2. Group reporting
3. Sharing of ideas/insights

1. Clarify the stages, process and the major

elements of problem solving.

1. Think of a teacher that’s most unforgettable
1. Explain how behaviors to you in elementary or high school.
are learned according 2. Are there things that when you encounter at
Chapter 4 to Pavlovian and present (see, hear, touch, smell) make you “go 1. Demonstrate
Behavioral Watsonian theories back to the past” and recall the teacher? how behavior are
Learning What are these things? learned
Theories _ according to the
________________________________________________ Pavlovian and
Lesson I Watsonian
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Pavlov’s 3. What kind of rewards and punishments did theories.

Classical she/he apply in your class? For what 2. Short quiz
Conditioning student behaviors were the rewards and
punishments for

Student Behavior Reward/Punishment


1. What makes this teacher unforgettable for

2. Why do your answers in no.1 make you

recall the teacher? Describe the connection
these things have on your past teacher.
3. Were the rewards and punishments given
effective? Please elaborate.
1. Group reporting
2. Power Point Presentation
3. Discussion
4. Sharing of ideas
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

1. Cite how behavior are learned

according to Pavlovian and Watsonian

Activity pp. 80
Complete the segmented explanatory
organizer related to the application of the Laws of
Learning by Edward Thorndike
Lesson 2 1. Identify the primary
Thorndike’s laws of learning 1.
Connectionism postulated by Edward Law of Readiness by Law of Primacy

Thorndike 1. Discuss the

Law of Exercise by Law of Intensity primary laws
Lesson 3 postulated by
Skinner’s Analysis Thorndike
Operant At the center says that “When I become a teacher
Conditioning I I will apply Thorndike’s”____

Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

1. Fill in the Venn Diagram by pointing out
the similarities and differences of
Behaviorism by Pavlov, Watson, Thorndike
and Skinner to Neo-Behaviorism by
Tolman and Bandura.Pp 90
Lesson 4 Neo 1. Distinguish
Behaviorism behaviorism by Pavlov, Neo-Behaviorism
Watson, Thorndike 1. Clarify the
and Skinner too Neo behaviorism by
Behaviorism. Pavlov, Watson,
Thorndike and
Behaviorism Skinner to Neo
What do you think the purpose of using Venn
Diagram in teaching?
1. Discussion
2. Interaction
1. Distinguish behaviorism by Pavlov,
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Watson. Thorndike, etc.

Chapter 5 Think of the topic that you studied when you
Constructivis were in elementary and high school
m Learning 1. Explain the major Analysis
Theories features of Compare and contrast the topic were taught to
constructivism by you in the different level.
Lesson 1 Bruner Gestalt and Abstraction
Jerome Ausubel 1. Reporting
Bruner’s 2. Cite teaching 2. Power Point Presentation
Finals Constructivist implications derived 3. Discussion/interaction Determine the major
Theory, from theories Application features of
Week 13-18 Gestalt Theory 1. Distinguish the major features of constructivism by
constructivism by Bruner Gestalt theory Bruner Gestalt theory
Lesson 2
Theory Activity
Show them video clip with two boys and 2 girls ,
The first boy said that , “ I have decided to be an
engineer, second girl cited that I decide when I go
for enrollment, the third boy conveyed that I
don’t know yet what to take in college.

1. Based from their answer kindly explain
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

1. Discuss the levels and what’s in their mind

stages of Erickson Abstraction
Moral Development 1. Discussion 1. Explain the
theory 2. Sharing of insight levels and stages
2. Explain the salient 3. Interaction of Erickson’s
features of Erickson’s 4. Power Point Presentation Moral
moral development 5. Video clip Development
theory Application Theory
1. Describe the levels and stages of Erickson’s
moral development theory
Chapter 6
and Humanist ,
Theories of

Lesson 1 1. Discuss the Activity

Erickson’s importance of Show them a video with a group of students
Psychosocial cooperative and doing experiment in Science.
Theory and experiential learning
Freud’s in K to 12 classroom Analysis
Psychosexual 2. Relate the features of Asked them their understanding about the
Theory collaborative and video.
experiential learning Abstraction
to constructivist; and 1. Video clip
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

2. Reporting
Cooperative 3. Discussion/interaction 1. Clarify the
and 4. Sharing of insights importance of
Experiential Application cooperative and
Learning 1. Explain the importance of cooperative and experiential
experiential learning learning to Kto12

1. Explain the big ideas

concerning learning Activity pp 235
style Read the research findings that reflect on your
2. Discuss the difference very own experience.
and similarities among 1.Students from low income families are among
the different learning those most likely to be at risk of failing and
style performance; and dropping out of school.
3. Design learning
activities that will Analysis
cater to the needs of a Do your experiences and observations support
diverse classroom or contradict the research findings, share your 1. Elaborate the
answer to the similarities and
Abstraction among different
learning style
1. Reporting
2. Discussion
3. Interaction/Sharing of ideas
4. Power Point Presentation
Chapter 7 Application
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Students 1. Determine the similarities and differences

Diversity among different learning style

Lesson 1
Learning Style

1. Explain the concept of Show them video where different learning style
multiple intelligence like visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
2. Discuss each
components of Analysis
multiple intelligence Give your example of learning style through
3. Suggest activities that visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
will cater to the needs Through this you may recognize which of this
of multiple varied multiple intelligence you belong.
intelligence od=f the
learners. Abstraction
1. Group report Describe the concept of
2. Discussion multiple intelligence.
3. Interaction
4. Sharing of ideas

1. Clarify the concept of multiple intelligence

Lesson 2 Multiple
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.


VI. Course Requirement

 Regular Class Attendance
 Complete quizzes
 Complete periodic examinations: Prelims, Midterm, Finals
 Active participation, recitation
 Complete Project, Research work

VII. References:
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching - by
Ferdinand Bulusan. Marcelo R. Raquepo. Marilyn L. Balmeo . Joselito C. Gutierez

Prepared by: Recommending Approval:


Instructor Department Chair



Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
Tomas del Rosario College graduates capable of meeting the growing
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City human resources needs in the profession,
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082 government, business, industry and home.

Vice President for Academics, Student Affairs and Extension Services

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