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Full name: Nguyen Thi My Hanh

Writing 16/10/2020

In the time being, environmental problems are among the serious issues that human beings
are facing with, which leads to non-stop debates on the causes of such problems. The loss of
some certain fauna and flora can be seen as one significant reason for this situation. While
some people add that numerous problems related to the environment can be listed. I, in this
essay, will discuss both points of view and state my own opinion.
Firstly, it cannot be denied that the destruction of the biodiversity including plants and
animals may be one of the most negative effects to the surroundings. Animals have been
killed to make food or medicine, while plants have been cut down to make room for concrete
jungles such as offices, residential areas, hospitals and schools. The more buildings the cities
have, the fewer tree-lined street they own. Moreover, the natural habitat for varied types of
animals and plants have been reduced due to the increase of industry land and housing. Such
animals are kept in some reserves and zoos, which is not ideal for their breeding. On land,
wild animals are being hunted to extinction for bush meat, ivory, or "medicinal" products. At sea,
huge industrial fishing boats equipped with bottom-trawling or purse-seine nets clean out entire
fish populations.
Actually, there have more existed other environmental consequences, namely air pollution
and soil degradation. In such crowded cities like Hanoi, for instance, especially in rush hours,
every street is congested with people and vehicles. The atmosphere is hardly fresh to breathe
as the atmosphere is overloaded with carbon coming from vehicle fumes. Citizens are nearly
exhausted due to polluted air. More seriously, soils are being damaged due to the overuse of
fertilizers and pesticides on purpose of better crops. Soils are also polluted because of the
activities that benefit people’s lives/
In conclusion, there are more environmental problems to the earth than we expect. It is hope
that one day, such problems will be reduced thanks to people’s efforts.

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