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Yu Qin Science

This is how easy to score an A for Science

Paper 2 Paper 2 Paper 2
Paper 1 Marks
Sec. A Sec. B Sec. C
A+ 48/50 17/20 25/30 15/20 × 100% = 88%
A 45/50 15/20 20/30 12/20 × 100% = 76%
A- 40/50 10/20 15/30 10/20 × 100% = 63%

Spam Paper 1 Answering Knowledge Answering

Exercise Technique Technique
Yu Qin Science

Question Technique

Observation Say what you see. (usually in a form of comparison)

Type 1: Observation (RV) because reason

Type 2: Responding variable is affected by manipulated variable
Manipulated variable: Factors/substance that are being tested (usually copy from table)
Variables Responding variable: Result/observation (usually copy from table)
Constant variable: Measurable quantity (amount, mass, length, weight, size…) X apparatus
Type 1: The (higher the) manipulated variable, the (faster the) responding variable.
Hypothesis Type 2: Compare
Type 3: If manipulated variable (increase), then responding variable (also increase).
Relationship The (higher the) manipulated variable, the (faster the) responding variable.

Type 1: Subject is a substance/process/force that can responding variable.

Straight line graph Curved line graph Histogram: Continuous variation Bar Chart: Discontinuous variation

Diagram 3.1 and Diagram 3.2 shows an experiment to study the fermentation process of glucose.

Solution Condition of lime water

Glucose solution + Clear
distilled water
Glucose solution + yeast Cloudy

(a) (i) What is observe on the lime water at the end of the experiment in Diagram 3.2? [1M]
(ii) State one inference for your answer in (a)(i). [1M]
(b) (i) State one manipulated variable for this experiment. [1M]
(ii) State one responding variable for this experiment. [1M]
(iii) State one constant variable for this experiment. [1M]
(c) State the hypothesis based on the experiment. [1M]
(d) State the operational definition for fermentation. [1M]
(e) Mark (√) in the box provided the food which can be used to replace glucose solution in this experiment.
Pineapple Juice [ ] Egg [ ] Salt solution [ ]


Diagram 2.1 and Diagram 2.2 show an experiment to measure a focal length for different thickness of the
convex lens.

(a) Measure and write down the focal length in Diagram 2.2. [1M]
(b) Based on the observation, state an inference. [1M]
(c) State the hypothesis for this experiment. [1M]
(d) State the variables in this experiment.
(i) Manipulated variable [1M] ___________________________________________________
(ii) Constant variable [1M] ____________________________________________________
(iii) Responding variable [1M] __________________________________________________
(e) State the relationship between focal length and the thickness of convex lens. [1M]
(f) Predict the focal length if the thicker convex lens uses in Diagram 2.2. [1M]

Diagram below shows an experiment to study the effect of formic acid and ammonia solution on latex.

Solution Condition of latex

Formic acid + Coagulate
Ammonia + latex No changes

(a)(i) State one observation from the result of this experiment. [1M]
(ii) State one inference based on a(i). [1M]
(b) State the variables in this experiment. [3M]
(i) Manipulated variable [1M] ___________________________________
(ii) Responding variable [1M] ___________________________________
(iii) Constant variable [1M] ___________________________________
(c) State one hypothesis in this experiment. [1M]
(d) State the operational definition for formic acid. [1M]
(e) State an example of other acids that are also used in industry to coagulate latex. [1M]

Diagram 2 shows an experiment to study the effect of impurities on boiling point of distilled water.

The results obtained are recorded in Table 2.

(a) Based on the above experiment, complete Table 2. [1M]

(b) State the variables for this experiment: [2M]
(i) Responding variable: _____________________________________________

(ii) Constant variable: _______________________________________

(c) State the hypothesis based on this experiment. [1M]

(d) What is the operational definition for distilled water? [1M]

The diagram 2 below shows an experiment carried out to compare the hardness of an alloy with a pure

The table shows the result of the experiment obtained.

(a) Complete the table above. [1M]

(b) State the relationship between the depth of dent and the hardness of the material tested. [1M]
(c) State the variables for this experiment: [3M]
(i) Manipulated variable: _________________________________________

(ii) Responding variable: _____________________________________________

(iii) Constant variable: _________________________________________________

(d) State the inference based on the observation obtained. [1M]

(e) State the composition of bronze. [1M]

(f) Draw pattern formed by the constituent atoms for copper and bronze.

Question 10 Answering Technique [10%]
a) Hypothesis [1 mark]
Answering format: The greater the manipulated variable, the greater the responding variable. //
If the manipulated variable increase, then responding variable will decrease. //
A is greater than B.
b) (i) Aim of the experiment [1 mark]
Answering format: To study the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding
variable. //
To study the effect of manipulated variable on the responding variable.
**The answer should not contain the results, example words should not appear:
can/does/not/better/higher/lower etc.) **
(ii) Variables [2 marks]
Answering format: Manipulated variable
Responding variable [1 mark]
Fixed variable [1 mark] Measurable quantity (amount, mass,
length, weight, size…) X apparatus

(iii) Apparatus and material [1 mark]

Answering format: You are allowed to list down everything in one line make sure you put all apparatus
and material including the measuring instrument in the list.

(iv) Procedure [4 marks]


Answering format: 1. The apparatus is set up as shown in the diagram above.

A 2. (Way to control/manipulate the manipulated variable – make sure to mention the
M value you are going to use.)
O 3. (Method you obtain observation and measure the responding variable.)
R 4. Experiment is repeated by replacing ….
T 5. Observation is tabulated
** The answer provided for the manipulated variable must be LOGICAL and can be obtained in
school lab. **

(v) Tabulation of data [1 mark]

(manipulated variable) [unit] (responding variable) [unit]

A Leave it blank
B Leave it blank

Study the following statement.

Thermosets is more able to withstand heating compared to thermoplastic.

(a) Suggest one hypothesis to investigate the above statement. [1M]

(b) Using Perspex as an example of a thermoplastic and Bakelite as an example of a thermoset, describe
one experiment to test your hypothesis based on the following criteria:
(i) Aim of the experiment [1M]
(ii) Identification of variables [2M]
(iii) List of apparatus and materials [1M]
(iv) Procedure [4M]
(v) Tabulation of data [1M]

Study the following statement.

Vulcanised rubber is stronger than natural rubber.

You are given a piece of vulcanised rubber, a piece of natural rubber, loads with different weights and
other apparatus.
(a) Suggest one hypothesis to investigate the above statement. [1M]
(b) Describe an experiment to test the hypothesis in 10(a) based on the following criteria:
(i) Aim of the experiment [1M]
(ii) Identification of variables [2M]
(iii) List of apparatus and materials [1M]
(iv) Procedure or method [4M]
(v) Tabulation of data [1M]

Study the following statement.

Both student P and Q have the same size of shoes.

However, both of them have different body weight. They
found that the shoes soles of student P worn quickly
compared to student Q. Research states that force will
affect pressure produced by shoes.

(a) Suggest one hypothesis to investigate the above statement. [1M]

(b) Using five 50g weight, wooden block, plasticine and other suitable apparatus, describe one experiment
to test the hypothesis in (a).
Your description should include the following criteria:
(i) Aim of the experiment [1M]
(ii) Identification of variables [2M]
(iii) List of apparatus and materials [1M]
(iv) Procedure or method [4M]
(v) Tabulation of data
Question 11 & 12 Answering Technique [10%]
Concept question
(a) State four differences between cell division by mitosis and meiosis [4M]
(b) Diagram below shows a type of variation.

Study Diagram above. Explain how you can build a concept on variation.
Your explanation should include the following:
(i) Identify two common characteristics. [2M]
(ii) Give one example and one unrelated example. [2M]
(iii) Explain the actual concept. [2M]


(a) State four differences between voluntary action and involuntary action. [4M]

(b) Figure 9 shows several activities that occur in a human body.


Sneezing Actions Breathing


Study the above activities. Explain how you would develop a concept based on the information in the
Your explanation of the concept should include the following:
(i) Identify two common characteristics [2M]
(ii) Develop initial concept [1M]
(iii) Give other examples and non-examples in relation to the concept [2M]
(iv) Explain the actual concept [1M]

Problem solving question
(a) Name the pollutant that is released from a nuclear power plant and state three effects on human
health. [4M]
(b) A scientist who works in a nuclear laboratory finds that he has health problems such as hair fall and
vomiting. Explain what he should do to overcome his health problems.
Your explanation should include the following aspects:
(i) Problem statement [1M]
(ii) State one reason why the problem occurs. [1M]
(iii) State three methods of solving the problem. [3M]
(iv) Choose the best method and explain your choice. [1M]

(a) State two advantages and two disadvantages of plastics. [4M]
(b) According to one study in science, Malaysia becomes the eighth worst country worldwide for plastic
waste . Plastic waste is illegally dumped and burnt which lead to respiratory diseases among people .
Explain how to overcome this problem.
Your explanation should include the following aspects:
(i) Identify the problem [1M]
(ii) Clarification of problem [1M]
(iii) State three methods to solve the problem [3M]
(iv) Choose the best method and explain your choice [1M]

Problem solving question
(a) Sterilisation is a process of making something free from living microorganisms.
Explain two types of sterilisation methods. [4M]
(b) Diagram below shows two methods to obtain immunity of human body.

Study Diagram above and choose the suitable injection to prevent a healthy teenager from hepatitis B
Your explanation should be based on the following criteria:
(i) Aim of choice. [1M]
(ii) Differences between both of the injections. [3M]
(iii) Choose the most suitable injection. [1M]
(iv) Reason for your choice. [1M]


(a) Give two types of chemicals in food additive and state their function. [4M]
(b) Diagram 11.1 and Diagram 11.2 show the label of two mango juice. You want to buy a bottle of
nutritious mango juices.

Study Diagram 11.1 and Diagram 11.2, choose the best mango juice for your health.
Your answer should be based on the following aspects:
(i) Aim of choice [1M]
(ii) The best mango juice that you choose [1M]
(iii) Three advantages for the mango juice that you choose [3M]
(iv) One disadvantages of the mango juice that you do not choose [1M]

1. Section A
a. (i) The lime water becomes cloudy. // Gas bubbles released.
(ii) Lime water turns cloudy because carbon dioxide is released.
b. (i) Presence of yeast.
(ii) Cloudiness of lime water.
(iii) Volume of glucose solution.
c. Fermentation require the presence of yeast.
d. Fermentation is a process that will produce carbon dioxide and cause the lime water to becomes
e. Pineapple juice
a. 4.7 cm
b. Thinner lens produces longer focal length than thicker lens.
c. If the convex lens is thicker, then the focal length will be shorter. //
Thicker convex lens produces a shorter focal length while thinner convex lens produces a longer
focal length. //
The thicker the convex lens, the shorter the focal length.
d. (i) Thickness of convex lens.
(ii) The object distance/ Type of lens.
(iii) Focal length.
e. The thicker the convex lens, the shorter the focal length.
f. 3.5cm (< 4.7cm)
a. (i) Latex that is added with formic acid coagulates. // Latex that is added with ammonia remains
the same.
(ii) The presence of hydrogen ions in acid causes latex coagulate. // The presence of hydroxide
ions in ammonia prevent latex from coagulating.
b. (i) Solution added into latex
(ii) Coagulation of latex.
(iii) Volume of fresh latex
c. Latex will coagulate when acid is added. // Latex will not coagulate when ammonia solution is
d. Formic acid is a substance that will coagulate latex.
e. Ethanoic acid // acetic acid.
a. 102 °C
b. (i) The boiling point of distilled water
(ii) Volume of distilled water
c. Sugar / impurities increases the boiling point of distilled water.
d. Distilled water is a substance that has a boiling point of 100°C
a. Copper: 1.5
Bronze: 1.1
b. The smaller the dent produced, the harder the material is.
c. (i) Type of metal block
(ii) Depth of dent
(iii) The height of the load from the ball bearing // Mass of load // Size of ball bearing.
d. Bronze block has a smaller dent than copper block because it is harder copper.
e. Copper and Tin


Section C
1. (a) Hypothesis: Perspex melts easily when heated while Bakelite does not melt when heated.
(b)(i) Aim: To study the effect of heat on thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics
(ii) Identification of variables:
Manipulated variable: Type of plastic
Responding variable: Condition of the plastic after it is heated
Constant variable: Quantity of plastic
(iii) Apparatus/ Materials: Bunsen burner, boiling tube, retort stand, Perspex, Bakelite

(iv) Procedure:
1. The apparatus set up is shown in the diagram above.
2. A few pieces of Perspex are put in a boiling tube as shown in the diagram. The Perspex Is
3. The changes of the Perspex is observed and recorded.
4. The experiment is repeated by using Bakelite.
5. The result is observed and tabulated as below.
(v)Tabulation of data:
Type of plastics Condition of plastic after heated
2. (a) Vulcanised rubber is stronger than natural rubber.
(b)(i) Aim of experiment: To compare the elasticity of natural rubber and vulcanised rubber.
(ii) Variables:
Manipulated variable: Type of rubber
Constant variable: Original length of rubber
Responding variable: Stretching of rubber
(iii) Apparatus and materials: A piece of vulcanised rubber, a piece of natural rubber, 100g
weight, clip, retort stand and metre rule.
(iv) Procedure:

1. The apparatus set up is shown as the diagram above.
2. A piece of natural rubber is clipped to a retort stand and a 100g weight is hung from the
as shown in the diagram above.
3. The stretching of the rubber is recorded.
4. Steps 1,2 and 3 are repeated using the vulcanised rubber piece.
5. The result is observed, data is collected and tabulated as table below.
(v) Tabulation of data:
Type of rubber Stretching of rubber (cm)
Natural rubber
3. (a) Hypothesis: The larger the force, the larger the pressure exerted// The deeper the dent of the
(b)(i) Aim: To study the larger the force, the larger the pressure exerted/ The deeper the dent of
the plasticine.
(ii) Variables:
Manipulated: The mass of the weight // Force applied
Responding: The depth of the dent // Pressure
Constant: The surface area of the wooden block in contact with plasticine.
(iii) Apparatus and materials: Five 50g weight, wooden block, plasticine and ruler.

(iv) Procedure:
1. The apparatus set up is shown in the diagram above.
2. Place a 50g weight on top of the wooden block.
3. Remove the weight and measure the depth of the dent on plasticine.
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 by using 100g, 140g, 200g and 250g weights.
5. Result is observed and tabulated as below.
(v) Tabulation of data
Force exerted (N) Depth of dent (cm)

4. (a)
Mitosis Meiosis
Two daughter cells are produced Four daughter cells are produced
Number of chromosomes of daughter cell is Number of chromosomes of daughter cell is
the same as parent cell half the number of chromosomes of parent
Division occurs only once Division occurs twice
Chromosomes of daughter cell are exactly the Chromosomes of daughter cell are different
same as parent cell from parent cell
Replication occurs Replication occurs only during the first division
Occurs in all body cell except reproductive cell Occurs in testis (sperm) and ovary (ovum)
Crossing over does not occur Crossing over occurs
Occurs at the tips of roots and shoots of plants Occurs at the anther and ovary of plants
(i) - Show definite differences
- Influenced by genetic factor
(ii) One other example:
- Ability to roll the tongue/Type of ear lobe/ Colour of iris
One unrelated example:
- Height/Weight/Skin colour/Intelligence
(iii) Actual concept:
- Discontinuous variation is a variation that shows definite differences and will only influence by
genetic factor.

5. (a)
Voluntary action Involuntary action
Controlled by the cerebrum Controlled by the medulla oblongata
Speed of action can be quickened or slowed Speed of action slow and cannot be
down controlled
Actions that happens under our conscious Actions that are not happen under our
mind conscious mind
Short duration effect Long duration effect

(b) (i) Actions that are controlled by the medulla oblongata

Actions that are not happen under our conscious mind
(ii) Actions that are controlled by the medulla oblongata and not happen under our conscious mind
is known as involuntary action
(iii) Other example: coughing and digestion
Other non-example: reading and writing
(vi) Involuntary actions are actions controlled by the medulla oblongata and does not control by
our conscious mind.
6. (a) Name of pollutant: Radioactive radiation
Effects on human health:
- Cancer
- Gene mutation
- Leukaemia
(b) (i) The scientist experience (hair fall and vomiting) due to exposure to radioactive radiation.
(ii) Improper protection against the radioactive radiation
(iii) Use a protective shield such as lead during working time.
Wear a dosimeter in order to measure the radiation received.
Avoid eating and drinking in the laboratory.
(iv) The best method is using a protective shield. By using a protective shield, he can prevent
radioactive radiation from entering his body.
7. (a)
Thermoplastic Thermosetting plastic
Low melting point High melting point
Can be moulded or recycle Cannot be moulded or recycle
No cross linkages between molecules Cross linkages between molecules

(b) (i) Plastic waste causes water and air pollution

(ii) Disposal of plastics waste illegally
Method Explanation
Recycling Lessen the cost of raw material/ To produce new products
Use biodegradable plastic Plastic can be decomposed.
Reuse plastic - Use used plastic bag as rubbish bag.
- Use used plastic bag to make decorative items.
- Use used plastic bag to carry things.
Avoid using plastic. Use recycle bag instead.
Enforcement of law Fine offender.
Educate/ Campaign To raise awareness of the society about the importance of
conserving environment
Burn plastic in incinerator Burn plastic in enclosed areas to avoid release of poisonous gas
that will cause air pollution.
(iv) Reuse plastics – Can reduce plastic waste and also reduce pollution to the environment.

8. (a)
• Boiling: Substances are sterilised in boiling water for 20 minutes to kill microorganisms and their
• Autoclave: Equipment are sterilised with steam under high pressure to kill all microorganisms
including their spores.
• Antiseptics: Solution that is applied on the skin that prevents bacterial growth without damaging
the body tissues.
• Disinfectant: Solution that destroy microorganisms and also human body tissue. Hence only can
be applied on the object or equipment.
(Any two answer)
(b)(i) Aim of choice: To choose the suitable injection to prevent a healthy teenager from hepatitis B
Vaccine injection Antiserum injection
Prevents diseases permanently Treats diseases immediately
Involves healthy people Involves sick people
Long lasting and permanent effect Short and temporary effect
Contains dead or weakened pathogens Contains antibodies

(iii) Most suitable injection: Vaccine injection

(iv) Vaccine injection is most suitable because vaccine injection prevents diseases permanently
or temporarily, that involves healthy people and long lasting or permanent effect.

9. (a)
Type of Chemical Function
1. Preservative Kill microorganism and make food last longer.
2. Food colouring To make the food more attractive.
3. Bleach To remove the natural colour of food,
4. Stabiliser Maintain the consistency and texture of food.
5. Flavouring To add taste and fragrance to food
6. Antioxidant To delay fat oxidation in food
7. Emulsifier To stabilise a mixture of oil and water
8. Sweetener To sweeten food or to replace sugar in food
(b) (i) To choose the healthiest mango juice.
(ii) Fresh mango juice// Diagram 11.1
(iii) 1. Fresh mango
2. Contains high level of vitamin C
3. No sugar added
4. Contains vitamin A and E
(iv) 1. Sweet
2. Contain citric acid


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