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1.Refer to Johan Galtung's Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Farmers who cannot own, sell nor mortgage the land to take a loan. Select one:

Correct Answer: Structural Violence

2. Refer to Johan Galtung's Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Witchcraft performed as a part of native religion in Negroid populations in Africa often results to murder
of human Albinos as they are perceive as objects of fear and loathing. Select one:

Correct Answer: Cultural Violence

3. Refer to Johan Galtung's Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

In Yemen, a woman’ testimony isn’t taken seriously unless backed up by a man' testimony. Woman can’t
testify at all in cases of adultery, libel, theft or sodomy. Select one:

Correct Answer: Structural Violence, Cultural Violence

4. A person working as a house helper who does not meet his/her basic needs such as food because of
his/her employer's restrictions is a clear manifestation of Select one:

Correct Answer: Direct Violence

5. Refer to the reading, The Clash Within: The Manichean claim is that the real struggle is a struggle
within the individual self. Select one:

Correct Answer: False

6. Structural violence represents the existence of prevailing or prominent social norms that make direct
violence seem natural or right. Select one:

Correct Answer: False

7. Positive peace is the absence of violence, curative and achieved not always by peaceful means. Select

Correct Answer: False

8. Refer to Johan Galtung's Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Palestinians in Israel do not have 100% rights and privileges of Jewish citizen. Select one:

Correct Answer: Structural Violence, Cultural Violence

9. Indigenous people being viewed as primitive and uncivilized is a clear manifestation of Select one:

Correct Answer: Cultural Violence

10. The type of violence that represents behaviors that serve to threaten life itself and/or diminish one’s
capacity to meet basic human needs. Select one:

Correct Answers: Direct Violence

11. The article, The Clash Within, explains that religious violence is a product of clash of civilizations.
Select one:

Correct Answer: False

12. Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

In China, female babies are sometimes killed with a law limiting families to one child. Select one:

Correct Answer: Direct Violence, Cultural Violence

13. Peace comes in two forms: negative and positive. Select one:

Correct Answer: True

14. Women being deprived of political rights and viewed as inferior to men is a clear manifestation of
Select one:

Correct Answer: Structural Violence, Cultural Violence

15. Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Minority (ethnic) discrimination in workplace. Select one:

Correct Answer: Structural Violence

16. Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Murder Select one:

Correct Answer: Direct Violence

17. According to the reading on Galtung's Typologies of violence, discrimination is used to sanitize
massive cultural violence. Select one:

Correct Answer: False

18. True or False: Religious functions in both the promotion of cultural violence and cultural peace.
Select one:

Correct Answer: True

19. Negative peace includes structural (human) integration, preventive and achieved always by peaceful
means. Select one:

Correct Answer: False

20. True or False: Galtung's Typologies of violence present the idea of violence being inevitable. Select

Correct Answer: False

21. True or False: Massive cultural violence is labeled today as discrimination. Select one:

Correct Answer: False

22. All forms of violence are shaped by conscious or unconscious human agency where religious
influences are always operative. Select one:

Correct Answer: True

23. Massive cultural violence is till event today but now labeled as Select one:

Correct Answer: Prejudice

24. There is nothing inevitable about either violence or peace. Select one:

Correct Answer: True

25. Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Disabled people/handicapped rarely get a job they are qualified for. Select one:

Correct Answer: Structural Violence

26. Massive structural violence is still evident today but now labeled as Select one:

Correct Answer: Discrimination

27. The type of violence that represents the systematic ways in which some groups are hindered from
equal access to opportunities, goods and services that enable the fulfillment of basic human needs
Select one:

Correct Answer: Structural Violence

28. Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Women are still not allowed to vote in Vatican City. Select one:

Correct Answer: Cultural Violence

29. The members of the LGBT community being deprived of certain civil rights is a clear manifestation of
Select one:

Correct Answer: Structural Violence

30. The three forms of violence are independent with each other. Select one:

Correct Answer: False

31. True or False. The three forms of violence are interrelated and mutually reinforcing. Select one:

Correct Answer: True

32. The member of the LGBT community being viewed as “immoral” by some Christians is a clear
manifestation of Select one:

Correct Answer: Cultural Violence

33. Remote communities having no access to basic resources and services is a clear manifestation of
Select one:

Correct Answer: Structural Violence

34. Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Verbal attack/abuse Select one:

Correct Answer: Direct Violence

35. Refers to the repeated exile of the Jewish people from their homeland in Israel Select one:

a. Galut

b. Diaspora Nationalism

c. Zionism

d. Kabbalah

36. Conversion to Judaism is possible, but the concept of family heritage remains paramount. Select

a. True

b. False

37. Which does not accurately describe the Torah? Select one:

a. It applies to all of Jewish sacred literature, learning and law.

b. It provides the basis for the Jews’ relationship to God.

c. It serves as the constitution of the Jewish people.

d. It is the building block of Judaism therefore the most important of Judaism’s three points of reference

38. The Torah is a religious textual compendium developed over the history of the Jewish people. Select
a. False

b. Truev

39. The rabbis designated their literature the Written Torah. Select one:

a. False

b. True

40. What mainly differentiates the early Hebrews’ understanding of God to that of the ancient
Hebrews? Select one:

a. The ancient Hebrews believed in one God represented by a divine ruler on earth; early Hebrews also
believed in one God, but rejected the human representation of God.

b. The ancient Hebrews followed the life and teachings of David and Solomon; the early Hebrews
followed the life and teachings of Jesus

c. The ancient Hebrews were mostly polytheistic, believing in numerous deities; early Hebrews
innovated polytheism to a single, universal God.

d. The ancient Hebrews were mostly monotheistic; early Hebrews innovated monotheism to numerous
nature deities serving different tribes and nation.

41. God, Torah and Peoplehood are interrelated with each other. Select one:

a. False

b. True

42. One of Judaism’s elements that embodies Judaism’s intellectual culture, focusing on the study,
understanding, and interpretation of sacred texts. Select one:

a. Culture

b. Peoplehood

c. God

d. Torah

43. Geographical context was essential to the development of ancient Israelite monotheism. Select one:

a. True

b. False

44. A modern ideological movement of Jewish nationalism and the idea of the restoration of the Jewish
homeland in Palestine Select one:

a. Diaspora Nationalism

b. Kabbalah
c. Galut

d. Zionism

45. The stream of Judaism which emphasizes concerns with ethics and morality is referred to as Select

a. Moral Judaism

b. Ethical Judaism

c. New Wave Judaism

d. Rabbinic Judaism

46. The Jewish tradition of peopehood have produced the modern ideological movement of Jewish
nationalism called Select one:

a. Judaism

b. Bundism

c. Zionism

d. Diaspora Nationalism

47. Which of the following statement on the early Hebrew’s understanding of God is true? Select one:

a. Unlike Mesopotamians or the Egyptians, the early Hebrews disclaims that their laws came directly
from God.

b. Like Egyptians, the early Hebrews believed in singularity represented on earth by a divine ruler.

c. Unlike Mesopotamians or the Egyptians, the early Hebrews affirmed that their laws came directly
from God.

d. Like Mesopotamians, the early Hebrews worshipped numerous nature deities and represented them
in forms of images and symbols.

48. Which of the following statement on the Hebrew’s understanding of God is not true? Select one:

a. God was not an abstract concept or principle, but actively involved in history through revelation and

b. God’s relationship with the Jewish people implicates salvation through good and rightful acts and

c. God’s creation of the universe, including possibilities of good and evil, implies the existence of human
free will.

d. God’s covenant with the Jewish people and involvement in human history implies that individuals and
societies exist for a reason.
49. A Greek termed coined specifically for the dispersion of Jews throughout the Hallenistic or Greek-
speaking world Select one:

a. Holocaust

b. Haskalah

c. Diaspora

d. Shoah

50. The Hebrews believe that God was an abstract concept or principle socially constructed by
humanity. Select one:

a. True

b. False

51. The Hebrew term for the widespread and enormous genocide of the Jewish people brought by anti-
Semitism Select one:

a. Diaspora

b. Shoah

c. Haskalah

d. Holocaust

52. The movement born for the improvement of the Jews; the Jewish Enlightenment Select one:

a. Shoah

b. Diaspora

c. Holocaust

d. Haskalah

53. From the historical perspective, all Jews share a common ancestry descended from Abraham and his
wife Sarah. Select one:

a. False

b. True

54. The major Jewish holidays all originated as agricultural festivals. Select one:

a. True

b. False

55. The set of Jews' Divine laws informing both ethical and ritual behavior Select one:

a. Mitzvot
b. Solomon

c. Isaac

d. Canaan

56. Which of the following statements refers to Judaism? Select one:

a. Judaism is the belief that there is one God the Creator who communicates to people through
prophets and revelation.

b. Judaism is conceptualized as a triad with three points of reference: God, Torah and Peoplehood.

c. Judaism is the Jewish religion that teaches the life of Jesus.

d. Judaism is the belief of numerous nature deities, represented in the forms of images.

57. Term for the mystical tradition within Judaism Select one:

a. Kabbalah

b. Zionism

c. Galut

d. Diaspora Nationalism

58. What was the consequence given for Jews to achieve civil equality and acceptance in European
countries like Germany and France? Select one:

Correct Answer: Jews should assimilate to modern, mainstream customs, shed their particular customs
and become member of the Enlightenment society.

59. What was the greatest and most relevant achievement of Zionism? Select one:

a. The emergence of a new politics of Jewish national revival

b. The formation of a new modern political ideology and movements

c. The established of a modern Jewish state in Israel

d. The acceptance of Western societies for Jews

60. The promised land in Jewish' history which Jews' intended to return to after their enslavement in
Egypt Select one:

a. Isaac

b. Solomon

c. Mitzvot

d. Canaan
61. One of Judaism's elements that includes customs and foods, arts and music, dance and folkways
Select one:

a. God

b. Peoplehood

c. Torah

d. Culture

62. King David's son who built a Holy Temple in Jerusalem Select one:

a. Canaan

b. Solomon

c. Isaac

d. Mitzvot

63. Kabbalah was the movement of common folk, stressing populism and social welfare. Select one:

a. True

b. False

64. Which of the following statements speaks for early Hebrew's understanding of god? Select one:

a. The early Hebrews preserve the singularity of a sovereign God.

b. The early Hebrew’s believe that God is an abstract concept and/or principle.

c. The early Hebrews believe in numerous deities, represented in the forms of images and symbols.

d. The early Hebrews’ religion posited an unchanging set of nature deities represented on earth by a
divine ruler.

65. What accusations and/or events of the anti-Jewish reactionaries led to the formation of a new
political movement, anti-Semitism or the elimination of Jew from the society? Select one:

Correct Answer: The accusatios of disloyalty and of creating a state within a state

66. The vision of a universal, singular God is arguably one of the greatest religious innovations of the
Jewish tradition among the world's historic religious system's. Select one:

a. True

b. False

67. In response to the anti-Semitism of Internationalist socialism in European regions, a socialist Jewish
movement was born called as Select one:

Correct Answer: Bundism

68. What was the main goal of the movement, Reform Judaism, during the modern period? Select one:

Correct Answer: Reshape traditional Judaism in order to conform more closely to the universalist

69. The totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and Sunnah

Select one:

a. Ummah

b. Shariah

c. Tawhid

d. Quran

70. The rules of pronunciation, intonation, and approach governing the recitation of Quran 

Select one:

a. Tlawah

b. Tawhid

c. Tajwid

d. Fatihah

71. The opening chapter (surah) in the Quran which is recited by many Muslims as part of their prayer

Select one:

a. Fatihah

b. Tawhid

c. Tajwid

d. Tlawah

72. Islamic term for a universal community

Select one:

a. Shariah

b. Tawhid

c. Quran

d. Ummah

73. The Quran is composed of chapters called as surahs which include themes such as the following
Select one:

a. Stories of messengers before Muhammad

b. Righteous behaviors a Muslim must obey to be able to be saved on the Day of Judgment

c. Passages about the Day of Judgment

d. Prayers and praise of God and a recounting of God’s signs in creation

74. The recitation of the Quran which is considered as a science, an art and a form of devotion

Select one:

a. Tajwid

b. Tawhid

c. Tlawah

d. Fatihah

75. What is/are Islam’s understanding of God/Allah?

Select one:

a. The Divine being represented on earth as prophets and/or messengers

b. The Creator and Ruler of the entire universe and the ultimate Judge of all human beings ✓

c. The One who guides humanity to the path of righteousness through messengers and prophets

d. A rather abstract concept or principle that guides humanity to the path of righteousness

76. The following state Islamic understanding of God/Allah except:

Select one:

a. The ultimate Judge of all human beings

b. The Divine being represented on earth as prophets and/or messengers

c. The Creator and Ruler of the entire universe

d. The One who guides humanity to the path of righteousness through messengers and prophets

77. One of the Sunni Muslim’s “five pillars of Islam” referring to the pilgrimage to Mecca

Select one:

a. khalifah

b. shahadah

c. madrasah

d. hajj
78. Referring to the successor of Muhammad

Select one:

a. hajj

b. khalifah

c. madrasah

d. shahadah

79. What term refers to a stream of interpretation of Islam emphasizing the interior path of mystical
love and knowledge of God?

Select one:

a. Shari’ah

b. Islamism

c. Sufism

d. Salafis

80. The unity and oneness of God which Muhammad spoke of in contrast to polytheism

Select one:

a. Tawhid

b. Quran

c. Ummah

d. Shariah

81. What is the difference between Shi’a and Sunni interpretations of the Quran?

Select one:

a. Sunni Muslims believe that leadership was passed on by the designation of a successor (Imam) within
the Prophet’s family; Shi ‘a Muslims believe that the sources of religious authority were the Quran, the
custom of the Prophet, and the communal consensus of Muslims.

b. Sunni Muslims believe that Muhammad, the Messenger and the final prophet of God, is a Divine
being; Shi’a Muslims rejected this belief.

c. Shi’a Muslims believe that Muhammad, the Messenger and the final prophet of God, is a Divine being;
Sunni Muslims rejected this belief.

d. Shi’a Muslims believe that leadership was passed on by the designation of a successor (Imam) within
the Prophet’s family; Sunni Muslims believe that the sources of religious authority were the Quran, the
custom of the Prophet, and the communal consensus of Muslims.
82. What refers to the movement born during the European colonialism arguing that the faith and
practice of Muslims had become distanced from the original message of Quran and the Prophet, as the
masses have adapted and innovated devotional practices? 

Select one:

a. Conservatism

b. Fundamentalism

c. Salafis

d. Sufism

83. Traditional schools throughout the Muslim world for advanced study of law, philosophy, theology,
arts and sciences

Select one:

a. shahadah

b. hajj

c. khalifah

d. madrasah

84. Which of the following is not true about the Veda?

Select one:

a. The religious orientation of Vedic culture was toward orderly functioning of the cosmos and the well-
being of life on earth.

b. The Vedic texts consist of recitation of hymns, chanting of mantras, ritual sacrifices and practices.

c. Most Hindus believe that Visnu revealed the Vedic texts to the early people in Indus River who then
wrote about the greatness of His words and acts.

d. Most Hindus believe that the Vedic texts are revealed or heard and not composed by humans.

85. True or False: The Hindu understanding of creation is that it goes through cycles of existence and

Select one:

a. False

b. True

c. Either true or false

d. Neither true nor false

86. True or False: Traditionally, the Hindu society has been matriarchal manifested by the strong
presence of female deities. 

Select one:

a. True

b. Either true or false

c. False

d. Neither true nor false

87. The Hindu epic that tells the story of a great prince who battled a demon to rescue his abducted wife

Select one:

a. Krishna

b. Puranas

c. Mahabharata

d. Ramayana

88. True or False: Most Hindus believe that the Vedic texts are revealed or heard and not composed by

Select one:

a. True

b. Neither true nor false

c. Either true or false

d. False

89. What was/were the new concept/s introduced in the Upanisads which was/were critical in the
development of    Hindu belief?

Select one:

a. The concept of time as rather cyclical than linear

b. The concept of God as the Ultimate Creator and Judge of all creations

c. The concept of human personhood as an eternal and immutable soul

d. The concept of Hinduism as a unitary, coherent package of beliefs and rituals

90. What is/are Hinduism’s concept/s of Creation?

Select one:
a. The Creation is an ending process where there is an end in time and everything is destroyed forever.

b. The Creation is an ending process of existence and non-existence.

c. The Creation goes through cycles of existence and dissolution

d. The Creation began as soon as time existed and would end when time stops to exist.

91. Which of the following is true about Hinduism’s concept of God?

Select one:

a. Multiple divine forms being worshipped are manifestations of One Ultimate

b. God is the highest Judge and Ruler among other divine beings

c. God is the Ultimate Creator of the universe and of mankind

d. God is the One and the only Divine being

92. What Hindu concept was the major basis to the development of the Hindu caste system?

Select one:

a. Karma; a person is born in a specific group because of their actions in past life

b. Asrama; the acceptance of one’s fate in accordance to the universe/cosmos’ will

c. Brahman who permeates all existence and is unity with the atman, the immutable soul

d. Moksa; liberation of the soul from entrapment in a succession of bodies through disciplinary practices
of the body

93. How did Mahatma Gandhi envision India during the British rule?

Select one:

a. An independent country focused on democratic and economic self-sufficiency

b. A country whose religious identity (Hinduism) remain intact despite Western colonization

c. A country whose people are willing to fight in any forms for independence

d. A country strongly influenced by religion that seeks to transform along with moderniza1tion

94. The Hindu Ultimate permeating all existence is:

Select one:

a. Brahman

b. Visnu

c. Krishna

d. Siva
95. The Hindu epic that tells the story of a cataclysmic war between two sets of cousins

Select one:

a. Mahabharata

b. Ramayana

c. Puranas

d. Krishna

96. Where do scholars associate the origin of Hinduism with?

Select one or more:

a. Nomadic tribes arriving in India from Central Asia

b. Harappan civilization whose cultural centers  emerged and flourished along the Indus River

c. European civilization that arrived in India for trade and Hindus later developed a sense of distinctive
identity and belief system

d. Interactions with Christian communities and missionaries led to the realization of Hindus to establish
their own distinctive religious beliefs

97. What was/were the major concern/s of reforms and movements in the modern period of Hinduism?

Select one:

a. Fighting against “untouchability” and for greater equality for women in all areas of family and public

b. Encouraging Hindu to strengthen devotional beliefs and practices despite modernization

c. Reshaping traditional Hinduism in order to adapt to the universalist modernization

d. Removing the caste system in Hindu society as it is a manifestation of inequality and discrimination

98. Which is not true about Hindu belief?

Select one:

a. The idea of “many and the One” with which worship of diverse manifestations of the divine is

b. The belief that people are born in a specific group (based on caste system) because of their actions in
past life

c. The understanding of time and creation as cyclical rather than linear

d. The relationship of God with humankind throughout history

Christianity is originally an Arabic word that means “submission.”



Religious traditions and practices are uniform.



Cultural studies primarily concerns in the following except

a. Heightening attention to beliefs and practices implicitly enforced ❌

b. Understanding about ritual practices and what scriptures say

c. Understanding how codes of behavior are articulated, enforced and reshaped ❌

d. Understanding ways in which identities are formed

The Hasidism is a movement that sought to preserve the essentials of Judaism while changing the public
image of the Jew though secular education.

a. True

b. False

Muslims generally consider translations of Quran to different languages to be interpretations and not
the Quran itself.

a. True

b. False

Dispersion of Jews throughout the Hellenistic or Greek-speaking world

a. Diaspora

b. Baptism

c. Monasticism

d. Methodism

An Islamic stream of interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and knowledge of

a. Sufism

b. Catholic Reformation

c. Salafim

d. Pentecostalism
Kabbalah represents the repeated exile of the Jewish people.

a. True

b. False

Muslims claim that Muhammad is the final prophet of God.

a. True

b. False

Fiqh is the totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and Sunnah.

a. True

b. False

Hinduism is the religion of the Indus River region.


b. False

The assumption/s of cultural studies approach in understanding religion is/are:

a. Culture norms represent absolute and universal truths

b. Knowledge claims arise from particular historical and cultural contexts

c. Knowledge claims are relative from person to person thus are all equally valid

d. Culture is exclusive of political and economic influences

What does a religious literate person need to understand?

a. the truth about God and what one needs to be saved

b. the words in sacred literatures such as the Bible or the Quran are not to be taken literally

c. the diversity of religious beliefs, traditions and institutions among and within religions

d. the true religion and which presents more credible interpretations

Theology is the academic study of religious beliefs, behaviors and institutions.

a. False

b. True

is the religion of a people who believes that there is one God the Creator (Allah in Arabic) who
communicates to people through prophets and revelations. Islam
Sufism is a stream of Islam interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and knowledge
of God.

a. True

b. False

The majority of Muslims believe that the last prophet of Allah is Muhammad

who wrote the last revelation in the Qur’an

The Hasidism is a movement that sought to preserve the essentials of Judaism while changing the public
image of the Jew though secular education.

a. True

b. False

There was a time when Indian society was not at all divided according to these hereditary social groups
called vanas

a. True

b. False

Religion functions in the promotion of both violence and peace.

a. True

b. False

Why are generalizations such as, “Buddhists encourages internal peace.” or “Islam encourages
violence.” problematic and even wrong?

a. All religions encourage both peace and violence. ❌

b. Buddhists are really violent and majority of Muslims is peaceful.

c. There is a vast diversity of beliefs and interpretations of sect/branches within a particular religion

d. People’s behaviors in the 21st century are more influenced by media and not by religion anymore.

Three elements or points of references OF JUDAISM God, Torah, Peoplehood ❌

Physical evidence of early Hindu religious thought in Harappa is the terracotta figurines also found in the
large public baths that depicted venerated goddesses.



Studying religion helps one understand the modern world we are living in today - locally, nationally, and


The nature of method of cultural studies approach to religion is multi and inter-disciplinary.

a. True

b. False

The communal expansion of the Diaspora also served to fragment world Jewry.

a. False

b. True

Christians believe that the common ancestor of humankind is Abraham and his wife Sarah.

a. False

b. True

Religions function in isolation from political, cultural, and economic contexts.



In what way/s is Christianity similar to Judaism?

a. the belief that righteous acts and deeds are ways to be saved on the Day of Judgment

b. the belief in one God as the Creator and the Divine Ruler

c. the belief in Abraham and Sarah as the common ancestor of humankind

d. the belief in Jesus as the prophet and messenger of God

Religions are static and separate from the movements of history.



True or False. Both religion and spirituality are multidimensional.

a. True

b. False

c. Neither true nor false

d. Either true or false

Religious expressions and traditions are uniform within all sects/branches or denominations.

a. False

b. True
The communal expansion of the Diaspora also served to fragment world Jewry.

a. False

b. True

The Christian scriptures have been translated into many languages leading to more conversions into the



The three forms of violence are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.

a. True

b. False

One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.

a. False

b. True

The rabbis designated their literature the Oral Torah.

a. False

b. True

What it the form of violence, according to Galtung, that represents the existence of prevailing or
prominent social norms that make direct violence seem natural or right.

a. Traditional Violence

b. Structural Violence

c. Cultural Violence

d. Direct Violence

The ancient Hebrews affirms that their laws came directly from God.

a. False

b. True

A movement to return the era of the First Muslim Community.

a. Pentecostalism

b. Catholic Reformation

c. Sufism
d. Salafim ❌

The essay, “Overcoming Religious Illiteracy: A Cultural Studies Approach” proposes which of the
following to diminish religious illiteracy?

a. Religion should be taught by religious leaders because an academic study of religion presumes
religious legitimacy of claims which can be problematic between religions.

b. World religions should be taught in primary and secondary schools in a nonsectarian perspective

c. Religion should only be discussed inside families in their own devotional perspectives

d. Theology should be taught in primary and secondary schools.

What is/are Islam’s understanding of God/Allah?

a. a rather abstract concept or principle that guides humanity to the path of righteousness

b. the One who guides humanity to the path of righteousness through messengers and prophets

c. the Divine being represented on earth as prophets and/or messengers

d. the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe and the ultimate Judge of all human beings

Judaism was a word invented by the English-speaking Western world



Judaism is conceptualized as a triad with three points of reference namely:

a. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit

b. God, Jesus and the Bible

c. God, Bible, Peoplehood

d. God, Torah, Peoplehood

The three forms of violence are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.

a. True

b. False

A study of religion in a devotional perspective presumes religious legitimacy of knowledge claims.

a. False

b. True

What is the type of violence that represents the systematic ways in which some groups are hindered
from equal access to opportunities, goods and services that enable the fulfillment of basic human
a. Direct Violence

b. Traditional Violence

c. Structural Violence

d. Cultural Violence

How did Islamic civilization persist despite European colonialism?

a. The struggle for power over Europeans led to competition of colonialism therefore spreading Islamic
civilizations across the world. ❌

b. The struggle to understand how God would allow Muslims to become subjugated to foreign, non-
Muslim powers contributed to the emergence of three major perspectives: Salafism, modernism and

c. The widespread Islamic civilization in other societies in Asia, America and Africa

d. The acceptance of European societies of the beliefs, practices and traditions of Islam.

The establishment of Israel was more than a political event but also a cultural watershed.

a. True

b. False

Religious expressions and traditions are uniform within all sects/branches or denominations.

a. False

b. True

Apartheid in South Africa

a. Cultural Violence

b. Structural Violence

c. Traditional Violence

d. Direct Violence

Judaism is the way of life of the Jewish people.



The Quran originally functioned as an oral scripture that was meant to be recited, heard and

a. True

b. False
Which of the following definitions pertain to Cultural Studies?

a. an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of control

b. a personal set of or institutionalized system of religious beliefs, attitudes and practices

c. a typical widespread practice, procedure or custom

d. the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in our everyday

Which of the statements is not true about religion?

a. It shapes and is shaped by historical and social contexts.

b. It is isolated from human political, economic and social life.

c. Religion promotes both cultural peace and cultural violence.

d. Religion is socially constructed therefore inevitable to changes.

What does one need not to develop to attain spirituality?

a. A quest for faith

b. A quest for meaning

c. A quest for the sacred

d. A self-reflective existence

A follower of Islam is called a ________________.





Which of the statements is true about religion?

a. Religion is evitable from changes brought by historical and cultural movements.

b. Religion present absolute, universal truths.

c. Religion promotes both cultural peace and cultural violence.

d. It is isolated from human political, economic and social life.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Torah?

a. It contains passages on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

b. It contains the material that can be called as folklore, history, ethics and philosophy.
c. It applies to all of Jewish sacred literature, learning and law.

d. It is a religious textual compendium developed over the history of the Jewish people.

In Arabic, the word islam means called out.

a. True

b. False

Relativism presumes that all knowledge claims are equally valid.

a. False

b. True

Jews believe that the words of their sacred book were originally revealed by the Angel Gabriel.

a. True

b. False

Why did Martin Luther founded Protestantism, breaking away from the Church?

a. He contested whether the Bible is influenced from interpretations of the ‘followers’ from their
historical/social contexts.

b. He condemned the wrong and sinful acts and deeds of the Church leaders.

c. He did not believe in the life of Jesus as revealed and told by his disciples.

d. He insisted that religious authority lay not primarily in church traditions, nor in the hierarchy of
bishops and popes, but in the Bible alone.

What was Martin Luther’s argument in attacking the Catholic Church which eventually led him to
establish Protestant Reformation?

a. The Bible alone is the only source of religious authority and not in the hierarchy of bishops and

b. It is not certain whether the Bible is the revelation of God or a collection of inspired writings that are
products of particular historical contexts, with their own historical concern

c. The Bible and the worship life of the church must not be translated into different languages of people
because it will lead to misinterpretations.

d. All knowledge claims, including religious ones are mere interpretations and so is the Bible❌

Islam is originally an Arabic word that means “submission.”


The presumptions of religious literacy is/are:

a. Religion is isolated from human political, social and cultural life.

b. Religion, being socially constructed is malleable to changes.

c. Religion is static and isolated from historical and cultural movements.

d. There is a difference between religious learning and understanding about religion.

Muslims claim that Muhammad is only a messenger and not a divine being.

a. False

Which of the following is considered an element of religion?

a. spirituality❌

b. concept of Creation

c. belief in God❌

d. sacred space

A religious literate person needs to understand the following except:

a. religious dimensions across time and places

b. the diversity of religious beliefs, traditions and institutions among and within religions❌

c. the truth about God and the ways to be saved

d. understand the historical and cultural contexts that shaped religions❌

Ethnic discrimination in workplaces.

a. Structural Violence

b. Traditional Violence

c. Direct Violence

d. Cultural Violence

Sufism is a stream of Islam interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and knowledge
of God.

a. True

b. False

An energetic devotional reform movement, emphasizing the forgiveness and grace of a loving God

a. Methodism
b. Monasticism

c. Diaspora

d. Baptism

Religion functions in the promotion of both violence and peace.


Disabled people/handicapped rarely get a job they are qualified for.

a. Structural Violence

b. Cultural Violence

c. Traditional Violence

d. Direct Violence

Situated knowledge presents religious claims that are no different from other forms of universal truth.

a. False

b. True

The Christian scriptures have been translated into many languages leading to more conversions into the



What does one need not to develop to attain spirituality?

a. A quest for meaning

b. A quest for the sacred

c. A quest for faith

d. A self-reflective existence

Which of the following definitions pertain to Cultural Studies?

a. an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of control

b. a typical widespread practice, procedure or custom

c. a personal set of or institutionalized system of religious beliefs, attitudes and practices

d. the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in our everyday
Which of the following represents the Jews’ understanding of God?

a. God is a divine being represented on earth in the form of Jesus to teach the people to live in
accordance to His will.

b. God is an abstract concept/principle which guides humanity to do righteous behaviors and practices.

c. God is a divine being represented on earth in human form through nature deities.

d. God’s creation of the universe, including the possibilities of good and evil, implies the existence of
human free will.

The Torah is a religious textual compendium developed over the history of the Jewish people


There was a time when Indian society was not at all divided according to these hereditary social groups
called vanas



Withdrawing from everyday life to concentrate on prayer, meditation and practice of devotional beliefs

a. Monasticism

b. Diaspora

c. Methodism

d. Baptism

Slavery of Africans

a. Traditional Violence

b. Cultural Violence

c. Direct Violence

d. Structural Violence

Withdrawing from everyday life to concentrate on prayer, meditation and practice of devotional beliefs.

a. SufismXXX

b. Pentecostalism

c. Catholic ReformationXXX

d. Salafim

An Islamic stream of interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and knowledge of
a. Catholic Reformation

b. Pentecostalism

c. Sufism

d. Salafim

Slavery of Africans

a. Traditional Violence

b. Cultural Violence

c. Direct Violence

d. Structural Violence

How did Islamic civilization persist despite European colonialism?

a. The widespread Islamic civilization in other societies in Asia, America and Africa

b. The acceptance of European societies of the beliefs, practices and traditions of Islam.

c. The struggle for power over Europeans led to competition of colonialism therefore spreading Islamic
civilizations across the world.

d. The struggle to understand how God would allow Muslims to become subjugated to foreign, non-
Muslim powers contributed to the emergence of three major perspectives: Salafism, modernism and

Withdrawing from everyday life to concentrate on prayer, meditation and practice of devotional beliefs

a. Monasticism

b. Diaspora

c. Methodism

d. Baptism

The story of Jesus comes from that part of the Bible called the New Testament.

a. False

b. True

A Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian

a. Baptism

b. Diaspora

c. Monasticism
d. Methodism

Physical evidence of early Hindu religious thought in Harappa is the terracotta figurines also found in the
large public baths that depicted venerated goddesses.



Theology is the academic study of religious beliefs, behaviors and institutions.

a. True

b. False

Religions are static and separate from the movements of history.



The cultural studies approach in understanding religion assumes that

a. Religion is isolated from political, economical and cultural contexts of life.

b. Religious claims are relative on social/historical contexts thus are all equally valid.

c. Culture norms represent uncontested absolute, universal truths

d. Religious claims are situated in that they arise out of a particular social/historical contexts

Religion functions in the promotion of both violence and peace.

a. False

b. True

Monasticism was the movement emphasizing the forgiveness of and grace of loving God.

a. False

b. True

Christianity is a world religion with diverse religious beliefs, practices and traditions however uniform in

a. the interpretations of the words and passages in the Bible

b. the belief on Salvation and the ways to be saved

c. the belief on the origin of the universe and of mankind

d. the life and the teachings of Jesus

A nonsectarian perspective in understanding religion fosters religious literacy.

a. True

b. False

A new movement to reform the corrupt practices within the Catholic Church.

a. Salafim

b. Pentecostalism

c. Catholic Reformation

d. Sufism

Which of the following definitions pertain to Culture?

a. an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of control

b. the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in our everyday

c. a typical widespread practice, procedure or custom❌

d. a personal set of or institutionalized system of religious beliefs, attitudes and practices❌

Geographical context was essential to the development of ancient Israelite polytheism.

a. False

b. True

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