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Onboard Maintenance Systems (ATA 45)

1.1 Introduction
Onboard maintenance systems (also called central maintenance son board maintenance systems)
are electronic systems used to facilitate the maintenance of modern aircraft. The exact
configuration of on board maintenance systems varies from one aircraft model to another.
However, the core functions of these systems are the same. They monitor the aircraft for faults,
record and store the fault data, and provide information about these faults to flight crews and
maintenance personnel.
The data collected by on board maintenance systems can be accessed both in flight and on the
ground. In flight, the system advises the flight crew of faults that may affect aircraft operation. On
the ground, maintenance crews use the system for testing and troubleshooting purposes. In some
applications, the aircraft can radio fault information to the ground while in flight.
Onboard maintenance systems also electronically store data contained in maintenance manuals,
flight manuals, and other publications. The systems allow maintenance personnel to access these
publications without having to carry books and papers to the aircraft. Onboard maintenance
systems allow such technical data to be uploaded, downloaded, viewed, and printed by
maintenance personnel. The systems are used for both line and base maintenance.
For the most part, the information provided here is general. When aircraft-specific information is
given, it should be noted that system details and terminology differ somewhat among the various
aircraft manufacturers.

1.2 Central Maintenance Computers

The central maintenance computer (CMC) is the main processing unit for an on board maintenance
system. Like all computers, the CMC has inputs and outputs and it is programmable. Inputs to the
CMC come from the various systems being monitored, which are located all over the aircraft.
Outputs from the CMC are provided in the form of visual displays, printed text, and digital data
that may be downloaded. Figure 7-1 shows a block diagram of the Airbus A330 central
maintenance system.
Figure 7-1 Airbus A330 central maintenance system.

It is common for an aircraft's on board maintenance system to have two redundant CMCs installed.
With dual CMCs, all data inputs are available to both units. One CMC will be "active" at any given
time. The other CMC is on "standby." The active CMC is the one providing outputs. If the active
CMC should fail, the standby can be immediately substituted for it. In some systems this
changeover occurs automatically. The system monitors itself, and when it senses the failure of the
active CMC, it automatically switches to the standby CMC. The switching can also be done
CMCs are controlled by control units in the cockpit, such as the MCDUs (multipurpose control
display units) found on the Airbus A330. Figure 7-2 shows the locations of the MCDUs on the
pedestal of the A330. The MCDUs enable the user to navigate the onboard maintenance system
by selecting from various on screen menus. These menus allow the user to view both current faults
and fault history. Current faults are, of course, important for determining the aircraft's current
status. Fault history can be useful for monitoring trends, such as recurring failures of a particular
component. In addition, a CMC menu permits the user to check the current status of individual
systems, even if no fault condition is present.

Figure 7-2 A330 Pedestal, showing the locations of the multipurpose control display units (MCDUs).

Figure 7-3 shows an example of navigating the central maintenance system menus on an A330's
MCDU. In this example, there are three faults: A bleed air system fault, and anti-ice system fault,
and an electrical system fault. The menus allow the user to access specific information about each
fault that was sensed, such as the date and time the fault occurred.
Figure 7-3 Maintenance Menus on the A330.

In addition to the cockpit-mounted control units, some on board maintenance systems allow for
the connection of a personal computer. When the personal computer is connected, it can be used
to access the data stored in the CMC. Reports of current faults and fault history can be downloaded
to the personal computer.
Some types of system failures will immediately affect the operational capability of the aircraft,
while other failures have no immediate impact. Because of the redundancy designed into aircraft
for safety purposes, some faults can be tolerated. The minimum equipment list (MEL) determines
which faults must be corrected before further flight, and which faults may be deferred for
correction later. The fault indications provided by the CMC should be compared with the MEL to
determine whether the aircraft can be dispatched.
The CMC classifies faults according to their severity. More severe faults will trigger cockpit
indications for the flight crew so that their effect on operations can be evaluated. Less severe faults
will not be displayed to the flight crew; that fault information will simply be stored and dealt with
by maintenance personnel after the flight.
As an example, the CMC in the Airbus A330 divides faults into three classes: Class 1, Class 2, and
Class 3. Class 1 faults are the most serious, and involve something listed in the MEL. A Class 1
fault may ground the aircraft (a NO GO condition), or it may limit the conditions under which the
aircraft may fly (a GO IF condition). An example of a GO IF Class 1 fault would be the failure of
a pressurization system component that limits the aircraft to unpressurized operation only.
Class 1 faults are indicated in the cockpit by warning or caution lights, by failure messages on
indicator screens, or by flags on the flight instruments. These indications are referred to as "flight
deck effects."
Class 2 faults are less serious. The aircraft can be dispatched with a Class 2 fault because
operational capability is not compromised (a GO condition). When a Class 2 fault exists in a
system, the system is still functioning normally, although it may not have full redundancy. The
flight crew is provided with a notification that the fault has occurred, in the form of a "maintenance
status" message. Repair of Class 2 faults may be deferred for a period of time in accordance with
the operator's approved maintenance program.
Class 3 faults are minor discrepancies within a monitored system. They do not affect the operation
of the aircraft. The flight crew is not notified of Class 3 faults. Maintenance personnel can access
the CMCs record of Class 3 faults and repair them when convenient.
The information gathered by central maintenance computers can be relayed to the ground through
the ACARS system. ACARS stands for aircraft communications reporting and addressing system.
ACARS is a data link system that uses the aircraft's VHF communications radio, and in some
aircraft a SATCOM (satellite communications) radio. Worldwide, a network of ground stations is
able to communicate digitally with aircraft using the system. Figure 7-4 shows the ACARS system.

Figure 7-4 shows the ACARS system.

Although the on board maintenance system can be connected to it, ACARS is a stand-alone system.
It can be used by the flight crew to send messages manually, and it automatically sends reports
about occurrences not associated with the on board maintenance system. ACARS sends data
automatically when the on board maintenance system detects a serious fault. This alerts
maintenance personnel about the faults before the aircraft arrives, allowing them more time to
prepare for dealing with the faults. Parts or LRUs (line replaceable units) can be pulled from stock,
and can be waiting for the aircraft when it lands. This can reduce down time, helping to keep flights
on schedule.

1.3 Bite
Units that are monitored by the CMC contain special circuits known as built in test equipment
(BITE). BITE is installed in many systems throughout the aircraft including navigation systems,
flight control systems, environmental control systems, and others. Within each system, the BITE
circuitry tests numerous individual parameters to determine whether the system is functioning
properly. The individual system BITE circuits are connected to the CMC by a digital data bus.
ARINC 429 buses are used for this purpose in many aircraft. Other data buses, such as ARINC
629, may also be used.
Whenever a system that contains BITE is first powered on, the BITE automatically performs a test
of that system. This is referred to as an initialization test or a power-up check. If any fault is
detected by the BITE during this test, an output is generated and sent to the CMC. If the system
passes the initial test, BITE begins its regular monitoring of the system parameters. This
monitoring is sometimes referred to as a "watchdog" function. During operation, the monitoring
process is continuous. If anything that is being monitored fails, BITE will alert the CMC
In some aircraft, the user can run the BITE power-up check for a given system from the CMC
control unit at any time. This capability is provided as a CMC menu item. This function can be
useful when troubleshooting the system. Some LRUs containing BITE have indicator This
capability is provided as a CMC menu item. This function can be useful when troubleshooting the
system. Some LRUs containing BITE have indicator lights that indicate the status of the LRU.
Green lights indicate a normal condition, red lights indicate that the BITE detected a fault in the
LRU. Figure 7-5 shows an LRU with BITE indicators.

Figure 7-5 Built In Test Equipment (BITE) Indicators.

BITE systems also have the capability of storing fault history. The history is kept in non-volatile
memory. Non-volatile memory holds the stored information even after the system has been
powered off.

1.4 Data Loading Systems

An aircraft's data loading system provides a means to upload data to, and download data from, the
on board maintenance system. The data loading system connects to other onboard systems, as well.
The data loading system can be used with any digital system that requires data uploads and
downloads while installed in the aircraft.
Early data loading systems used floppy disks as the data storage medium. An example of this is
the MDDU (multipurpose disk drive unit) used on many Airbus models. The MDDU uses 3.5 inch
floppy disks for uploading, downloading, and data storage. In the Airbus system, a Data Loader
Selector switches the MDDU to the various systems that require a data upload or download.
On the Boeing 777, data loading is accomplished through a maintenance access terminal (MAT)
on the flight deck. Figure 7-6 shows the MAT.
Figure 0-6 Boeing 777 Maintenance Access Terminal (MAT).

Data loading systems also allow for the use of other forms of storage media. Newer systems can
be connected to a laptop computer through a USB (universal serial bus) cable. A CD-ROM disk,
or a USB memory stick or "flash drive" may also be used. In some aircraft, there are multiple
locations to connect external devices to the data loading system. For example, the 777 has two
laptop maintenance access terminal interfaces. One is located on the flight deck, and one is located
in the main equipment center below the flight deck.
The primary uses for the data loading system are the uploading of program updates, the uploading
of database updates, and the downloading of reports. An example of a unit requiring program
updates is the central maintenance computer, which contains an operating program that is upgraded
from time to time. The program upgrades to the CMC are input through the data loading system.
The same is true for other aircraft systems with internal programming. The number of systems that
require program updating varies from aircraft to aircraft.
An example of a database that requires updating is the navigation database which forms a part of
the flight management system (FMS). The navigation database contains a great deal of information
used by the flight crew. This includes the locations of airports, airways, waypoints, and
intersections, the locations and frequencies of radio navigation aids, and other information needed
to create and follow a flight plan. Because changes to this information occur from time to time,
the navigation database requires periodic updates. These updates are uploaded through the data
loading system. The standard frequency for navigation database updates is every 28 days. Figure
7-7 shows examples of navigation database update software.

Figure 0-7 Navigation system update software.

The data loading system can also be used to download reports from the aircraft. An example of
this is the report of faults stored within the central maintenance computer. Reports on both current
faults and fault history can be downloaded.

1.5 Electronic Library System

An electronic library system (ELS) consists of databases containing information used by flight
crews and maintenance personnel. These databases can include maintenance manuals, illustrated
parts catalogs, wiring diagram manuals, flight manuals, service bulletins, and many other kinds of
documentation from the manufacturer or the aircraft operator. The ELS takes the place of paper
manuals. This results in a weight savings, and can make accessing the information in the manuals
quicker and easier. The system has the capability of storing the equivalent of hundreds of pounds
of paper manuals its computer memory.
The databases in an electronic library system can be accessed through an onboard display terminal
and keyboard. They can also be accessed by an external personal computer, or through another
digital device such as a tablet or smart phone. The laptop or other external device is typically
connected to the system using a serial bus cable.
The databases in an ELS must be updated periodically as revisions are made to the technical data
contained in the manuals. These revisions can be input through the data loading system.

Many aircraft have capability to print out paper copies of reports from the on board maintenance
system, as well as other documents. Aircraft printers typically conform to ARINC Standard 744A,
which gives technical requirements for such printers. These printers are able to print high-
resolution alphanumeric text, as well as graphical images. The printers can print on paper up to 8.5
inches wide. Figure 7-8 shows an example of an aircraft printer.
Figure 0-8 An aircraft printer.

The speeds of aircraft printers vary, depending on the specific model of printer, and on what is
being printed. Text generally prints faster, and images take longer. Some printers can print a page
of text in as little as 5 seconds, while others are slower. Print resolution also varies. A standard
resolution is 300 dots per inch (dpi), but some printers are capable of greater resolution. The paper
supply for aircraft printers comes in the form of rolls. The paper rolls are typically 150 feet long,
and may be perforated or non-perforated.
Inside the printer, an electric motor is used to advance the paper. The printer uses a thermal print
head, and the paper is heat sensitive. For this reason, care must be taken to keep the paper away
from heat sources and out of direct sunlight while it is being stored. Exposure to heat can darken
the paper, making it unusable for printing.
Aircraft printers receive input from CM Cs, the ACARS system, and other sources by means of
data lines, which may be ARINC 429 buses or Ethernet cables. Some printers are capable of
receiving input wirelessly, and operated as part of a wireless LAN (local area network).
A typical aircraft printer is equipped with an indicator light to show whether the power is on or
off. It will also give an alert when the paper supply is running low. Some printers perform a self-
test on power-up, and will provide an indication if a fault is found during the test.

Structure monitoring, also known as damage tolerance monitoring, has been recognized as an
important function in aircraft maintenance. As aircraft age, their structures becomes more
susceptible to damage caused by fatigue. Repeated cabin pressurization cycles cause fatigue.
Repairs and alterations can change the structural characteristics of an aircraft, introducing different
stresses than were present with the original design. Corrosion can seriously weaken an aircraft's
structure. Also, events such as hard landings can lead to structural damage which may be difficult
to detect.
Certification regulations require aircraft manufacturers to identify critical areas of the aircraft's
structure. These areas are known as fatigue critical structures (FCS). These critical structures are
identified by performing fatigue testing on test articles, which are subjected to repeated load cycles
until they fail. The results of this testing are analyzed to determine the FCS for the aircraft.
Aircraft operators are required to monitor all FCS on their aircraft. This monitoring is intended to
detect cracks and other structural deformations before they reach critical proportions, resulting in
catastrophic failure. The FCS monitoring process is accomplished by performing damage tolerance
inspections (DTis). DTis are inspections focused specifically on fatigue critical structures. The
aircraft's DTI program will state where to inspect, how to inspect, and how often to repeat the
required inspections.
DTI inspections may be accomplished using visual inspection, eddy current, penetrant, X-ray, or
other methods. In addition to these, strain sensors may be used for structure monitoring. A strain
sensor is a device that is bonded to a critical point on the structure. If the structure at that point
becomes deformed, the strain sensor also becomes deformed. This deformation changes the
electrical characteristics (typically the resistance) of the sensor. When the electrical characteristics
of the sensor are measured, the changes indicate that the structure has deformed.
Effective structure monitoring is crucial for preventing accidents caused by structural failure. For
this reason, all data gathered during damage tolerance inspections must be recorded and carefully
evaluated to ensure that the aircraft remains structurally sound.

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