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Annex 3: Summary of FS Procedure of Hydropower Projects

Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

MOU sign Inception Report Interim Report Draft Final R. Final R.


Discussion with Lao authorities

Site visit of Lao authorities

1. Basic Data/Information

1.1 Socio-economic survey

1.2 Social & natural environment survey

1.3 Topographical survey

1.4 Geological, seismic & construction

material survey
1.5 Meteorological/hydrological survey

2. Hydropower Development Planning Study

2.1 Power market survey and demand forcast

2.2 Project features

2.3 reservoir operation

2.4 Alternative study and optimization study

3. Recommended Project

3.1 Project description

3.2 Project layout/preliminary design & drawings

3.3 Energy production/output

3.4 Project cost

3.5 Project development & construction schedule

3.6 Economic & financial analysis

3.7 Risk analysis

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

5. Preparation & printing of Final Report

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