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Moderately 4 sme, touch your ted - ° you. ve my heart © 20, c c ce ot @ - FAITH Words and Music by George Michael © F Am om ¢ verse c we Z ’ ’ guess would be nke oo coud 2 See tonal ies F 2 ’ Ve 2 2 ’ ¥ 1 koow not ey = 'y-bad = ys got bad the ’ , Ieee , bat te gotta chine twee be tore ' F wax and row all the games youplay, be-cause | pay ther 8 F aoe we ’ , , tut need sore tine off from 3 Se ational ics F tt, tine to pick my hear up ff the Moor F (Oh, wren that ve comes own win am om To code @ ’ , Ve ’ - ’ tor, wel takes 2 strong - man, baby bat I'm Chorus ° c , , , , iF e , showeing you the door, "Cause 1 gotta have ath, 1 gotta have . coe . le coe - faith, Dercause I gotta have felthy faith, 1 wot ta have a] rr a DiS. al Coda © 2 , ee we 2 ee V faith, faith, ith 28a. faith, faith, faith, 2.6 © coe 6 Ne. Le Z eR ’ wat tor some = thing mera, “cause | gotta have ° Pore y le aoe , fax, 1 pote have tat, be-cause 1 + + ’ ’ le ’ coe faith, fatty faith, | got ta have faith, faith, faith Aeatenel yrs 2. Baby om you're asking me to stay ‘Sayin’ plete, please, please, con't go away You sy Pm giving you the blues Maybe you mean every word you sey (Gare hetp but think of yestorday ‘ad another who tied me down to overboy res ‘Before this river becomes an ocean ‘Before you throw my neat back the feer ‘Oh, baby | recarsider my foolish nation el, | ed someone 1 old me ut at for something more "Cause gotta have fith 2, Before this river bacomes an ecean ‘Before you throw my heat back the flecr (Oh, naby | ecersier my foolish natien Wel, | nad someone to hele me ut wait for something more "Came | gotta rave ttt

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