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The new economy has created great business opportunities as well as great turmoil.

Not since the

Industrial Revolution have the stakes of dealing with change been so high. Most traditional
organizations have accepted, in theory at least, that they must make major changes. Even large
new companies recognize that they need to manage the changes associated with rapid
entrepreneurial growth. Despite some individual successes, however, this remains difficult, and
few companies
PROGRAMmanage the process
STUDI as well as theyPERKANTORAN
ADMINISTRASI would like. Most companies have begun by
installing new technology, downsizing, restructuring, or trying to change corporate culture, and
most have had low success rates. AboutSoal Ujian Akhir
70 percent Semester
of all change initiatives fail.
Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2020/2021
The reason for most of these failures is that in their rush to change their organizations,
managers become mesmerized
Nama by all the different,
: Nabilaand sometimes conflicting, advice they receive
about why companiesNPM should change, what: they should try to accomplish, and how they should
do it. The result is thatMata
they Kuliah
lose focus and :fail
Bahasa Inggris
to consider whatuntuk
work best for their own
company. To improveHari/Tanggal
the odds of success, :itSelasa, 29 Desember
is imperative 2020 understand the nature
that executives
and process of corporate change much better. : 10:00-12:30
Tipe Ujian : Closed book
Most companies use a mix of both :Janthi
Dosen hard andDharma
soft change strategies.
Shanty, S.S.,Hard change results in
M. Hum.
drastic layoffs, downsizing, and restructuring. Soft change is based on internal organizational
Petunjuk Umum
changes and :the gradual development of a new corporate culture through individual and
Bacalah soal-soal
learning. dengan cermat may
Both strategies sebelum Saudara but
be successful, menjawab.
it is difficult to combine them
seluruh soal pada kertas lembar jawaban yang telah
that are able to do this can reap significant disediakan.
payoffs in productivity and
Tulis identitas Saudara secara lengkap.
4. Tidak diperkenaankan bekerja sama dalam bentuk apa pun termasuk pinjam-meminjam.
5. Soal dikembalikan beserta lembar jawaban.

Petunjuk Khusus :
Tulis jawaban di lembar soal.

I. Read the texts that follow. Select the best answer to each question. (20 POINTS)
1. What is the article mainly about?
(A) Corporate marketing plans (C) Ways for companies to increase profits
(B) New developments in technology (D) How companies try to adapt to new conditions
2. The word “manage” in paragraph 1, line 6, is closest in meaning to
(A) correct (C) handle
(B) attract (D) regulate
3. According to the article, why do so many attempts to change fail?
(A) Soft change and hard change are different. (C) The best methods are often not clear.
(B) Executives are interested only in profits. (D) Employees usually resist change.
4. What is soft change based on?
(A) Changes in the corporate culture (C) Relocating businesses
(B) Reductions in company size (D) Financial markets

Optimum Software Company

meeting with
Advantage Power Systems, Inc.
November 2
Advantage Power Systems attendees: Optimum Software attendees:
Katharine Morandi Ujjwal Ahmed
Chom Tai Yusra Singh
Peter Bodell

Ujjwal Ahmed Introductions
Review objectives
Katharine Morandi Advantage Power Systems: project overview and
development schedule
Yusra Singh Optimum product overview
 Core software functions
 Software platform requirements
Peter Bodell Optimum training and consulting
Yusra Singh Technology questions and answers
Ujjwal Ahmed Next steps
To: Katharine Morandi
From: Ujjwal Ahmed, Optimum Software Company
Subject: Yesterday’s meeting
Dear Katharine,
Thank you for taking the time to get together with us yesterday. Everyone on our team felt that it was a productive
meeting. We have a better understanding of your project’s needs now, and we’ve started looking at ways to adapt our
software to meet your requirements.
While the basic function of the software is well suited to the project overall, as discussed, we will explore ways to
adapt it to the needs of the different departments at Advantage that will be using it. This will incur some additional
cost, as we indicated—we’ll provide details about that at our next meeting, once our engineers have assessed the
changes that will need to be made.
I’ve asked Peter Bodell to prepare a document for you that indicates when the Training and Consulting Department
could start providing services to you. He’ll send this information to you directly—since you’ve worked with him in the
past, it seems the most efficient way to go.
As agreed, let’s set up a meeting for the week of November 26 by which time our engineers will be able to outline their
approaches to your departmental needs, and we’ll have the information we need to put together a contract.
In the meantime, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
5. Why was the meeting held?
(A) To talk about hiring costs (C) To discuss work on a project
(B) To train software users (D) To review a contract
6. Who would probably be the best person at Optimum to answer technology questions?
(A) Ujjwal Ahmed (C) Yusra Singh
(B) Chom Tai (D) Katharine Morandi
7. What is the main purpose of Mr. Ahmed’s e-mail to Ms. Morandi?
(A) To request a meeting with the engineering (C) To follow up on a meeting with Advantage
(B) To introduce Peter Bodell (D) To explain how Optimum has adapted its software
8. What service will Peter Bodell’s department provide?
(A) Training and consulting (C) Publicity
(B) Legal advice (D) Changes to the software
9. What will happen in the week of November 26?
(A) Peter Bodell will make a presentation. (C) A contract will be signed.
(B) Optimum and Advantage will meet again. (D) Training in the new software will occur.
We are delighted to offer for sale this dry cleaning company which was established 13 years ago. It has been in
the hands of the current owner for the last 7 years, who now intends to relocate.  It is located on a busy high
street and is part of a parade of shops. 
The business provides a dry cleaning service, alterations, shoe repairs and a free collection and delivery service.
The positive attributes of the business are: 
 Loyal clientele. 
 Fully equipped premises
 Turnover of $105,600 pa
 An easily run operation.
 Loyal, trained staff
 Low rent, rates and overheads
 A niche operation with little competition.
 Good local reputation
The concern currently employs 1 full time employee who has a good understanding of the business. Until now,
she has not had a management role, as the owner has had full involvement in the day to day running of the
business. However, she is very capable of managing. If required, the owner would be able to provide extensive
training to the new owners during the handover period. The owner would also be happy for prospective buyers
to observe the business at work prior to making an offer.
The business is located in an affluent area with good pedestrian flow and is well-known. Consequently,
marketing and promotion has not been deemed necessary in the past few years. 
There are 15 years remaining on the lease. This is renewable or negotiable for longer term if required. The rent
is $30,000 pa, and rates are $4,200.
10. What is the purpose of this article?
(A) to advertise a service  (C) to sell a business
(B) to give business advice (D) to offer a job 
11. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of this business?
(A) There is a good customer base. (C) The business is located in a rich area.
(B) There are no similar businesses locally. (D) The business has a six-figure annual profit.
12. According to the text, the current owner…
(A) is moving to another area. (C) is planning to retire.
(B) never managed the business. (D) is female.
13. What has the owner promised to do before handing the business over?
(A) extend the lease (C) instruct the new owners
(B) promote the business locally (D) hire a new manager

RO. Box 325
Dallas, Texas
William j Farrell
7 Waverly Street
Edinburgh, Scotland
Return this portion with your check US $50 Annual US $600 Lifetime US $25 Initiation Fee (Due in 'addition to Annual or
Lifetime payment if renewal payment not received within 60 days of expiration of present membership.)
Enclosed is my check for $ _____________ made payable to Captains Club
Please issue a courtesy card for my spouse:
       (Print full name of spouse)
87054526 06/01
$75 AFTER 09/01
14. What is this form?
(A) An airline ticket (C) A membership card
(B) A check (D) An invoice

15. What should be written on the back of the form?

(A) Membership card number (C) Spouse's name
(B) Job title (D) New address
Statistics for die lodging industry worldwide were mixed last year. as total revenue was up 20.7% on a per-room basis
while occupancy was down 5.5% from the previous year. Payroll and related expenses soared 35.3%, while the
average daily rate per occupied room rose 25.5% to $59.20. Sharp increases in the median total sales per available
room were recorded in Africa. Asia, Australia, Central America, Mexico and the United States.

16. Which of the following statements is true about the hotel industry last year?
(A) More statistical reports were issued than in the (C) Fewer hotel rooms were rented than in
previous year the previous year
(B) Wages of hotel workers decreased by 5.5% (D) The average room rate was $35.30

17. Where did total room sales NOT increase significantly?

(A) Canada (C) Central America
(B) Africa (D) The United States

A $100 deposit per person is required for the 5-day course and $50 per person for the 2 day course. Deposits are
refundable if notice of cancellation is received at least 14 days prior to reservation period, less a $10 handling
charge. Deposit will not be refunded if cancellation is received less than 14 days prior to reservation period. Deposit
may be transferred to another session if notice of change is received at least 7 days prior to original date of
enrollment. Transfer of deposit to another session Is contingent upon availability of space in that session.

18. Which of the following would be the best heading for this notice?
(A) Procedures for Depositing Checks (C) Spring Course Offerings
(B) Availability of Registration Forms (D) Policy on Withdrawals
19. How much most you pay if you cancel your registration three weeks before a session begins?
(A) Nothing (C) $10
(B) $5 (D) $5
20. What determines if your deposit can be transferred to a different course?
(A) If you have paid the handling charge (C) If the first course is canceled because of low
(B) If there is any space left in the second course (D) If your original space can be fitted
II. Choose the correct answer. (10 POINTS)
1. Adidas has several competitors, including Reebok and Nike.
2. Generally speaking, our employees are very happy with their work.
3. Instead of selling their products through stores or agents, producers can offer directly to the customers.
4. She is in charge for the Logistics Department.
5. The Sales Manager reports to the Sales and Marketing Director.
6. We offer many different services, but we specialize in cleaning and hygiene.
7. The company is operated in Slough, just outside London.
8. Last year, the company’s sales increased by 10%.
9. The IT Manager is responsible on developing new software solutions.
10. The company is divided into three business units.
III. Fill in the blanks with the words in the table below and change the form accordingly. (10 POINTS)
take dea Consist Involve Work
part l

1. He’s involved in two or three big research projects.

2. I want to take part in this year’s summer conference.
3. She works for an electrical company.
4. They can’t deal with the customers about the price
5. Our job consists of answering calls and taking messages.

IV. Match the left column to the right column to make sense the sentence. (5 POINTS)
1. c. an employment agency finds staff for other companies. a. a supplier
2. e. a customer buys your products. b. a public relation officer
3. d. a subcontractor helps you do the work that you can’t do c. an employment agency
4. a. a supplier sells their products to you. d. a subcontractor
5. b. a public relation officer deals with the image of a e. a customer

V. Choose the correct answer from the words in italics. (14 POINTS)
1. I asked the company to give me a quote.
2. The customer asked me for a refund.
3. Jack called our supplier to make an enquiry.
4. We looked on the website to track the shipment.
5. They were late paying their last bill.
6. Eva confirmed the order by e-mail.
7. I’m calling to ask about the goods we purchased from your store last Monday. Can you tell me when you
will deliver them?
8. We’d like to order a hundred PDAs for customers. Could you check that you have enough stock?
9. Hello, I’m phoning to cancel my order. We have found another supplier who can ship the goods to us
10. Can you confirm the price of the product we ordered from you? The price you quoted is different from the
price on the invoice.

VI. Complete the conversations with the words or the phrase from the table. (10 POINTS)
disposal Unusual efficient environmentally initiative
convenient Affordable recycling popular good value
for money
1. A: Does your new hybrid car cause any pollution?
B: No, it’s very environmentally friendly.
2. A: Is the rent for your office expensive?
B: No, it’s quite affordable, actually.
3. A: The new design of the AS982 is quite strange, isn’t it?
B: Yes, it is. It’s quite unusual.
4. A: How much did you pay for your new office furniture?
B: It was a bit expensive, but it’s beautifully made. I must say that it was good value for money.
5. A: Do you reuse plastic carrier bags?
B: Yes, we do. We believe in recycling.
6. A: How far do you live from your office?
B: Not far at all. I can walk to work. It’s very efficient.
7. A: Who told you to turn off the lights at 6 o’clock?
B: It’s an initiative from Head Office to reduce costs.
8. A: The new ordering system seems to be working well.
B: Yes, it’s quite convenient, isn’t it?
9. A: What do people think of the new dish in the canteen?
B: Most people like it. I think it’s very popular.
10. A: Where does this smell come from?
B: Well, the disposal of waste is our biggest problem.
VII. Rearrange these jumbled words into sentences. (10 POINTS)
1. to provide / Outsourcing / using / means / . / a service / an external company
Outsourcing means a service to provide using an external company.
2. Adam Smith / first / The idea / suggested / was /. / of / by / outsourcing
The idea of outsourcing was suggested first by Adam Smith.
3. in / published / first / Adam Smith’s / , / The Wealth of Nations / , / book / was / 1776 /.
Adam Smith’s book, The Wealth of Nations, was first published in 1776.
4. outsourcing / money / The advantage /, / resources / of / , / energy / and / . / is / saves / it / that
The advantage of outsourcing that it is saves resources, energy, and money.
5. application / last / . / The / month / that / handed in / turned / they / were / forms / down
The application forms that they were handed in last month turned down.

VIII. Three managers of Fitstart, a sports-shoe manufacturer, are discussing a new sales campaign in Central
Europe. Listen and complete the notes. (8 POINTS)

1. €28.6 million 5. 7-10% increase
2. €37.5 million 6. 7-10%
3. On a big outdoor advertising campaign 7. Poland, Hungary
IX. Listen to a meeting of festival organizers. The speaker is giving a report on her research into the use of
podpads. Answer the questions. (8 POINTS)
1. What was the purpose of the research?
The purpose of the research was to find the most comfortable place for visitors to stay during outdoor festivals.
They wanted to find out which accommodation would keep people dry in bad weather.
2. Why did they choose podpads?
Because they are much stronger than tents. They also have an installation team who put up the podpads before
the event and take them down afterwards.
3. Who put the podpads up and took them down?
The installation team.
4. How many podpads did they order?
They order 50 podpads.
5. How did the researchers attract people to take part in the research?
On their website, they are food free accommodation to 50 visitors if they take part in the research.
6. How many times did they speak to the people in the podpads?
They speak to the people in the podpads 2 times.
7. What did the farmers think of the podpads team?
The farmers commented on the efficiency of the teams who put up the podpads and took them down as soon as
the festival was over.
8. Was the experiment a success or a failure?
The experiment of podpads was a huge success, they were popular with both visitors and farmers and they will
protect the people using them from bad weather.

X. Listen to Petr reporting the result of a recent Survey to Ludmila and answer the questions. (5 POINTS)
1. Which age group and sex uses the internet the most?
16-24 age group and men uses the internet the most.
2. What are the two most popular activities?
The most popular activity is searching for information about goods and services. The second most popular
activities is sending and receiving emails.
3. Where do we usually log on?
87% person log on from home.
4. Why don’t we use the internet more?
Because they don’t have time and some are worry about the security and the privacy.
5. What do we buy the most of online?
The buy films and music the most of online.


Ketua Program Studi / Tanggal

Koordinator Mata Kuliah

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