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Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi


Program BSBS
Semester Fall 2020
Course Technical Report Writing DM
Google Classroom Code wrcmu6g
Course Code SS3130
Prerequisite(s) Freshman English
Course Facilitator Saad Hamid Usmani
Class Day(s) & Timing Friday: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm & 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Books Recommended 1. Public Speaking: An Audience Centered Approach 7th Edition by S.

A. Beebe/S.J Beebe. Allyn & Bacon 2009
2. Understanding Human Communication 10th Edition by Ronald B.
Adler/George Rodman. Oxford University Press 2008
3. Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication 11th
Edition by Adler L. Rosenfield R. Procter II. Oxford University
Press 2009

Course Description:
This course is designed to improve the students’ interpersonal, intrapersonal and public communication
abilities to analyze topics, support assertions with proof, amplify ideas, structure messages, use language in
appropriate and imaginative ways, and deliver messages with effective vocal and physical behaviour. Basics
of oral communication, examining the principles and context of communication; focus on interviewing,
public discussion, group problem solving, public speaking are a feature of the course.

Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• To increase public speaking skills by providing students with a variety of public speaking
• To clearly and logically present their ideas.
• To increase knowledge of the parts and functions of a speech
• To understand the dynamics of audience demographics
• To foster an awareness of the ethical responsibility of spoken discourse
• Listen and evaluate the content and delivery of speeches with perception and composure.
• To adapt to the needs of people of different backgrounds and culture, as well as to the rhetorical
expectations of diverse contexts and occasions
• To increase students confidence in themselves as public speakers in their academic, professional,
and social lives

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

• demonstrate an improved ability to listen, think, speak and communicate more effectively;
• compare the difference among interpersonal small group and public communication settings;
Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi

• demonstrate competence in speaking skills of invention, disposition, style and delivery;

• demonstrate understanding of critical thinking to analyze and craft ethical arguments that contribute to
active and ongoing discussions of issues;
• compose and deliver extemporaneous public presentations of messages that are effectively organized
and well supported;
• utilize media devices to enhance knowledge and skills;
• utilize computer technology to create visual aids and to explain concept clearly and effectively to
• develop formal outlines for speeches.

Student Assessment and Marks Distribution:

Instrument % of
Quiz 10%
Assignment 10%
Project 20%
Mid Term 20%
Final exam 40%

Session wise Course Breakdown

Lecture Plan: The course is tentatively scheduled as follows:

Lecture Topic Reading Assignments


(Per Week)

1 Introduction: Handout
a) What is Technical Writing
b) Traits of Technical Writing

2 7 Cs of Effective Communication Chapter 2, 3 & 4

3 Formats of Letters Appendix A

4 Memos Appendix A

5 Good News Messages Chapter 6

6 Informal Reports Chapter 9

7 Informal Reports Chapter 9

Mid Term Exam

Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi

8 Formal Reports Chapter 10

9 Persuasive Messages Chapter 8

10 Persuasive Messages Chapter 8

11 Resume Vs CV & Presentations Chapter 13

12 Resume Vs CV & Presentations Chapter 13

13 Research Proposals Handouts

14 Research Proposals Handouts

15 Presentations

16 Revision

Final Exam

Counseling Hours(Teacher’s Availability Online):

You can contact me using Google Classroom or email during these hours

Timing Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

10:00- 11:30 10:00- 01:00 10:00- 11:30 10:00- 01:00 10:00- 12:00

Course Instructor: Saad Hamid Usmani

Phone: 021 34311325 Ext: 106

(Instructor’s Signature)_________________________

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