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Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic
values that govern our reasoning and behavior. Natural law maintains that these rules of right
and wrong are inherent in people and are not created by society or court judges. The COVID-
19 pandemic is, first and foremost, a health crisis. However, it is also causing a perfect storm
for the global economy and societies too. COVID-19 is bringing deep- and hard-set structural
problems in every nation—problems that negatively impact our health, well-being, and also
the economy. In this conflict situation, it poses a question of what is more important, the
economy or people’s health. If we are going to analyze it deeply, health is more important
than any other things because health is wealth. The health of the people in a country also
influences the economy. Improving the health of a nation’s citizens can directly result in
economic growth, because there will be more people able to conduct effective activities in
the workforce. We cannot have a good economy when the life of the countrymen is at risk
because the workforce will be limited and it can also scare other people knowing that some
of the workers might carry the virus. If we are going to prioritize our economy at the
moment, it may result to many deaths of Filipino citizen. I think it is better if we are going to
improve our health care systems first so that the workers will recover faster and can come
back to their works immediately. Effective public health systems are essential for providing
care for the sick, and for instituting measures that promote wellness and prevent disease. The
healthier the citizens of a country, the more effective the workforce. However, it is clear that
health care systems in our country were totally unprepared for the enormous challenge. In
addition, the vaccine for COVID 19 is the major key in this pandemic. Administration of the
chosen vaccine will provide a way for the Filipinos to become at ease. And maybe we can
finally go back to the normal way of how the country works.

2. During this pandemic, many Filipinos become innovative in earning money. One of the
means they use is selling online. They sell different kinds of stuff and services from food,
alcohol, delivery, mask, sanitizing rag, etc. But some of the online sellers don’t have the
necessary permit to operate. Some even sell fake products that are sub-par in quality. But
there are ethical problems arising from these situations. Is it ethical to operate an online store
during pandemic without a legal permit? Is it okay to sell fake products to earn money for
their daily sustenance during the time of pandemic?
1. Operate an online store during pandemic without a legal permit
2. When I want to earn money during pandemic, I shall operate an online store without a
legal permit
3. Everybody ought to operate an online store without a legal permit, when they want to
earn money during pandemic
4. Do not operate an online store without a legal permit, when you want to earn money
during pandemic
0. Sell fake products during the time of pandemic
1. When I want to earn money for daily sustenance, I shall sell fake products during the
time of pandemic
2. Everybody ought to sell fake products during the time of pandemic, when they want to
earn money for daily sustenance
3. Do not sell fake products during the time of pandemic, when you want to earn money for
daily sustenance

It is unethical to open an online store during pandemic without a legal permit because if someone
starts to operate an online store knowing that they don’t have a legal permit then everyone can
now start their own business without considering to have a legal permit. It would be unfair for
the business owners that have a legal permit to operate. We should have a fair game when trying
to operate a new business even if it is in the time of pandemic. On the other hand, it is also
unethical to sell fake products because these business owners are taking advantage of the
situation. Buyers will be fooled that they are buying the original products. It is not ethically
correct to fool someone for one’s own benefit. In addition, if someone will sell fake products
then the original brand will also be affected because their brand names are the one using by the
fake sellers.

3. National Telecommunication Commission (NTC), a government regulatory office, handed

ABS-CBN company a cease and desist order stopping its broadcast. It is due to the company’s
expired franchise. The company’s franchise expired May 4, 2020. Many people are saddened.
ABS-CBN’s top official contested the stoppage of their broadcast. They would argue that it is
wrong to hand down the order of stoppage because it will greatly affect their eleven thousand
employees (11,000). Arguments could go as far as saying that the stoppage will be against the
interest of the Filipino because of the pandemic we are experiencing. They would even claim that
it clear violation of press freedom. Let us analyze this. Is it unethical for NTC to issue stoppage
of ABS-CBN because of their expired franchise to operate? Or it is unethical for NTC to issue
stoppage of ABS-CBN because of their expired franchise but it is pandemic and greatly affects
11,000 employees?

If we are going to analyze it deeply, it would be unethical to issue the stoppage of ABS-CBN
during the time of pandemic. We all know for a fact that it is so hard nowadays to get a job to
sustain the daily living of a family. Then all of a sudden they’ve issued the stoppage of ABS-
CBN which greatly affects 11,000 employees. Not all the employees in ABS-CBN have the
privileged to sustain a living without a job. Unlike the actors and actresses, the most affected of
this situation is the people behind the camera. The government didn’t think about the sake of
these 11,000 employees and they just decide to shut it down in a snap. Maybe it is okay if there
are waiting jobs for these 11, 000 people assigned by the government but no. The state could
have done really a lot of interventions before arriving at this point. But obviously the
congressmen did not, obviously NTC did not, and obviously the Office of the President did not.
It is clear that this closure of ABS-CBN is an economic disaster for the country and for many
families. Easily a hundred thousand Filipinos will be negatively affected if the House of
Representatives decides to close down the network. Aside from its permanent workers and
contractors, also affected will be suppliers, banks, and businesses such as restaurants around its
stations in Quezon City and elsewhere. In my view, those responsible for the closure should be
accountable for the economic havoc such closure will cause. In addition, the ABS-CBN has an
important role in helping to mitigate the national coronavirus crisis. It is one of the most reliable
and credible sources when it comes to news and happenings in our country and even outside the
country. Especially that the infections are surging, the people need reliable and credible news
sources as well as good entertainment options.

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