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AACN Clinical Issues

Volume 15, Number 4, pp. 607-621

© 2004, AACN

Assessment of Fluids and

Heidi Nebelkopf Elgart, RN, MSN, CRNP

tracellular fluid (ICF) accounts for approxi-

■ Bedside evaluation of a patient’s mately two-thirds of total body water.
Potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and
intravascular volume status is challenging,
even for the seasoned practitioner. There
protein compose the majority of the ele-
is no single diagnostic test to determine
ments in the intracellular space. The extra-
whether a patient is hypovolemic,
cellular fluid (ECF) is divided into the in-
hypervolemic, or euvolemic. Often,
travascular fluid (plasma) and interstitial
underlying or concomitant disease states,
fluid (lymph fluid, transcellular fluid). Of
medications, and other therapeutics can
the one-third of total body water found in
make available data difficult to interpret.
the extracellular compartment, 25% is lo-
Therefore, a combination of clinical
cated in the intravascular space and 75% is
evaluation, laboratory studies, and other
located in the interstitial space. Sodium and
diagnostics are required to make a clinical
chloride are the primary electrolytes found
judgment regarding volume status.
in the extracellular compartment (Figure 2).
Patients who demonstrate alterations in
their volume status are likely to have
 Fluid Movement
electrolyte abnormalities as well, and
assessment of serum electrolyte values
and potential therapeutic interventions is a
Fluid movement between the intracellular
vital piece in caring for critically ill patients.
and extracellular compartments is main-
(KEYWORDS: electrolytes, intravascular
tained by the cell wall, which functions as a
volume, intravenous fluids)
semipermeable membrane. Through active
and passive transport, electrolytes and water
move between the ICF and ECF. The cell
membrane is completely permeable to wa-
ter, thus any condition that alters the osmotic
 Normal Distribution of Water pressure in either compartment will cause a
redistribution of water. Electrolytes have an
Total Body Water Composition “osmotic potential,” which refers to the affin-
ity an electrolyte has for water—its ability to
In healthy adults, the total body water is ap-
proximately 60% of body weight (Figure 1). ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪
The proportion tends to be less in women
From St Luke’s Hospital, Department of Trauma,
and the elderly because of decreased mus- Bethlehem, Pa.
cle mass and increased fat stores. Water in Reprint requests to Heidi Nebelkopf Elgart, St Luke’s
the body is distributed between the intra- Hospital, Dept of Trauma, 801 Ostrum St, Bethlehem, PA
cellular and extracellular compartments. In- 18015 (nebelkh@

608  NEBELKOPF ELGART AACN Clinical Issues

2.8 L plasma (intravascular)
11.2 L interstitial Osmolality is the concentration of solute par-
28.0 L intracellular ticles in solution related to the concentration
_____ of water molecules in solution. It is ex-
42.0 L total body water pressed as osmotic activity per volume of
water. The number of osmotically actively
Figure 1. Example fluid distribution of 70 kg adult with particles within any given compartment is
60% water content. between 290 and 310 mOsm/L.

pull water into a compartment. Sodium and  Tonicity

dextrose have high osmotic potentials, and
movement of these solutes can result in ma- Tonicity refers to the fluid tension within the
jor fluid shifts between the ICF and ECF. ECF or ICF and describes the relationship be-
Within the extracellular compartment, the tween the total solutes and water within these
electrolyte concentration is fairly similar be- compartments. Tonicity is determined by fluid
tween the interstitial fluid and intravascular osmolality—the weight of particles in the
fluid. The one main difference is the large compartment or solution that can attract fluid.
amount of plasma proteins found in the in- When fluid tension of a compartment or solu-
travascular space. Proteins (predominantly tion is equal, the fluid is considered “iso-
albumin) in the plasma exert an osmotic tonic.” When a compartment or solution is
pressure that prevents fluid from leaving the more dilute, it is considered “hypotonic.”
intravascular space and exerts a “pull” from Compartments or solutions that are more con-
the interstitial space. This is referred to as centrated are said to be “hypertonic.”
the colloid osmotic pressure. Simultane-
ously, the volume of blood exerts a pressure  Evaluation of Volume Status
within the blood vessel to exceed the pres-
sure in the interstitial space. Hydrostatic Physical Examination
pressure is the “pushing” force that is ex- In a vast majority of patients, careful physical
erted on the compartment wall which causes examination will allow an assessment of
water and electrolytes to move through the whether a patient’s volume status is normal,
capillary wall into the interstitial space. Col- increased, or decreased.
loid osmotic pressure and hydrostatic pres-
sure represent the “pull” and “push” re- VOLUME OVERLOAD. Weight gain is the most
quired to maintain homeostasis between the sensitive and consistent sign of volume ex-
interstitial and intravascular spaces. cess.2 Gravity-dependent edema, another

Intracellular Extracellular (Plasma)

Potassium 150 mEq/L Sodium 142 mEq/L
Magnesium 40 mEq/L Potassium 4 mEq/L
Sodium 10 mEq/L Calcium 5 mEq/L
Phosphate and sulfate 150 mEq/L Magnesium 3 mEq/L
Bicarbonate 10 mEq/L Chloride 103 mEq/L
Protein 40 mEq/L Bicarbonate 27 mEq/L
Phosphate 2 mEq/L
Sulfate 1 mEq/L
Organic acids 5 mEq/L
Protein 6 mEq/L Figure 2. Electrolyte composi-
tion of body compartments.2
Vol. 15, No. 4 Oct.-Dec. 2004 FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTES  609

important finding, is not usually apparent Other cardiovascular findings of volume de-
until 2 to 4 kg of fluid have been retained. In pletion may include tachycardia; weak,
patients who are ambulatory, edema is gen- thready pulse; narrow pulse pressure; hy-
erally seen in the lower extremities; in pa- potension; and flat jugular neck veins that
tients who are bedridden, it is often evident represent decreased venous filling. Early
in the sacrum and buttocks. Patients may ex- signs of peripheral vasoconstriction (eg,
hibit dyspnea and auscultation of the lungs cool, clammy, pale skin) may also indicate
may reveal crackles or wheezing. Cardiovas- fluid depletion.3 Other skin findings include
cular signs of volume expansion include dry mucous membranes, absence of axillary
jugular vein distension, increased pulse pres- sweat, and decreased or delayed capillary
sure, hypertension, and an S3 gallop. The refill. Mottled skin is a late finding of hypov-
presence of hepatic congestion—hepato- olemia. Thirst is another finding in fluid vol-
jugular reflux—may be evident. Hepatojugu- ume deficit. The thirst center in the hypo-
lar reflux is an increased jugular venous thalamus is sensitive to changes in
pressure induced by manual pressure over osmolality—an increase in osmolality by
the liver. Patients may also demonstrate only 1 to 2% is sufficient to stimulate thirst.2
vomiting and diarrhea from bowel and in- Decreased skin turgor due to loss of skin
testinal edema (Table 1). elasticity may also be a clinical finding;
however, this is not of diagnostic value in
VOLUME DEPLETION. One of the most sensitive the elderly or chronically ill. Skin turgor is
tests to determine volume depletion is the also difficult to assess in obese
evaluation of orthostatic hypotension (the patients. Neurologic findings related to re-
measurement of the arterial blood pressure duced cerebral perfusion may include dizzi-
and pulse rate of a patient in the supine and ness, weakness, syncope, lethargy, de-
standing positions). A fall in the systolic creased deep tendon reflexes, or coma.
blood pressure by 15 mmHg or an in- Patients may exhibit anorexia, nausea, or
crease in the pulse by 15 beats per minute vomiting. Urine output may be reduced to
immediately after the position change is 0.5 mg/kg/hr or may be absent4 (Table 1).
suggestive of intravascular volume deficit.1 A
repeat reading after 2 to 3 minutes may Laboratory Data
identify orthostatic hypotension not seen in
the first reading.2 Orthostatic hypotension Laboratory studies may be helpful in con-
unrelated to vascular volume can also occur firming physical examination findings, espe-
in patients with Parkinson’s disease, dia- cially when determining volume depletion.
betes mellitus, and other conditions produc-
ing autonomic neuropathy, as well as pa- URINE STUDIES. Urine sodium and chloride
tients taking antihypertensive medications. excretion often reflect renal perfusion. With

TABLE 1  Physical Examination Finding of Volume Depletion and Overload

Body System Exam Findings Volume Depletion Exam Findings Volume Overload

Skin Decreased turgor; cool, clammy, pale; Dependent pitting edema

absence axillary sweat; dry mouth and
mucous membranes
Central nervous Weakness, syncope, lethargy, coma, Anxiety, agitation
system decreased deep tendon reflexes
Cardiovascular Orthostatic hypotension; tachycardia; S3 gallop, hypertension, bounding pulse,
weak, thready pulse; hypotension; jugular vein distention, hepatojugular reflex
flat jugular veins
Pulmonary Nonspecific findings Dyspnea, crackles, wheezing
Renal Oliguria or Anuria (prerenal from Nonspecific findings
Gastrointestinal Thirst, anorexia, nausea, vomiting Vomiting, diarrhea
610  NEBELKOPF ELGART AACN Clinical Issues

volume depletion, aldosterone is secreted The normal range of serum osmolarity is

which causes reabsorption of sodium and 280 to 295 mosm/kg.5 Plasma osmolarity can
chloride, resulting in decreased urinary be calculated by accounting for the most
sodium and chloride 20 mEq/L each.3 Ex- prevalent solutes in the plasma: sodium, glu-
ceptions may occur with patients receiving cose, and urea in the equation:
diuretic therapy, salt-wasting disease states,
Osmolality (mOsm/kg) = 2 (Na+ [mEq/L]) +
and adrenal insufficiency. In these condi-
(glucose [mg/dL]  18) + (BUN [mg/dL] + 2.8).6
tions, lab data may be misleading as the kid-
neys cannot maximally reabsorb sodium and An osmolar gap is defined by the mea-
chloride, despite the presence of hypov- sured serum osmolality exceeding the calcu-
olemia, resulting in higher levels of urinary lated osmolality by 10 mOsm/kg. An os-
sodium and chloride. Urine chloride is more molar gap can occur when significant
reflective of volume status in patients with quantities of unmeasured solutes are present
sodium losses such as vomiting, certain di- in the serum, but not measured or accounted
uretics, or those in ketoacidosis. for in this formula (eg, mannitol, lipids, pro-
The fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) teins, alcohols). Sodium is the primary deter-
is another marker for renal perfusion. FENa is minant of ECF osmolality, and serum osmo-
defined as the percentage of filtered sodium lality plays an important role in the
that is excreted in the urine. Under normal evaluation of hypo- and hypernatremia.
circumstances the FENa is 1%. This indi-
cates that 99% of filtered sodium is reab- Diagnostic Studies
sorbed by the nephrons. In hypovolemic
states, the FENa is usually 1% and can be as INVASIVE DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES. It is not uncom-
low as 0.5%.5 FENa is most helpful in deter- mon for critically ill patients to have physical
mining prerenal hypovolemia (FENa 1%) assessment findings and laboratory studies
from renal causes of acute oliguric renal fail- yield uncertain or contradictory data regard-
ure (FENa 2%). ing volume status. This is especially true
A microscopic urinalysis may show hya- when there is evidence of volume overload
line casts and rare granular casts in patients in the interstitial or “third spaces” while there
with hypovolemia due to the relative con- is evidence of intravascular volume deple-
centration of the urine. Urine-specific gravity tion. Hemodynamic monitoring may be of
is the relative density of urine to water, a value for these patients, although contro-
measurement of 1.020 and a urine osmo- versy exists over the validity, accuracy, and
larity of 500 to 600 mOsm/L reflects volume clinical implications of measurements ob-
depletion. Again, renal failure or diuretic tained. However, hemodynamic monitoring
therapy may impair the renal response to may be beneficial to assess response to ther-
volume depletion, resulting in altered urine apeutic interventions (ie, fluid boluses) and
study results. following trended data. (see Hemodynamic
Assessment by Adams elsewhere in this is-
SERUM STUDIES. Typically, volume depletion sue.)
causes increased urea absorption, causing an A central venous pressure (CVP) or right
elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level atrial pressure (RAP) is the measurement of
disproportionate to the serum creatinine. pressure in the right atrium. The average CVP
This results in a BUN-to-creatinine ratio of in a healthy, supine patient is 6 to 8 mmHg,
20:1. In the presence of liver disease or but up to 10 mmHg may be accepted as nor-
protein deficiency, BUN may not be ele- mal in acutely ill patients.7 Controversy exists
vated. Conversely, patients in a catabolic over whether the measurement of CVP reli-
state or with gastrointestinal bleeding may ably indicates intravascular volume status. It
have an elevated BUN as a result of nitrogen is generally accepted that a reduced CVP will
breakdown, which may not imply volume occur during and after acute volume loss.
depletion. Serum studies may reveal a rela- Therefore, a low CVP may reflect a volume
tive elevation in hematocrit, uric acid, and deficit. However, CVP values depend on ve-
serum protein (albumin) due to a depletion nous wall compliance, which can change
of intravascular volume. rapidly to accommodate variations in blood
Vol. 15, No. 4 Oct.-Dec. 2004 FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTES  611

volume. Therefore, it may be misleading to Normally, as the ventricular volume is in-

assess fluid volume status from a single CVP creased by intravenous fluid administration,
reading. CVP can be elevated in a variety of the stroke volume will increase until a
disease states: right heart failure, infarction, plateau is reached. The ventricle will reach
tricuspid regurgitation, increased intraab- its filling pressure based upon contractility,
dominal pressure, pericardial tamponade, compliance, and afterload. Generally, an un-
tension pneumothorax, positive pressure derfilled ventricle will show a slight increase
ventilation, or fluid overload. Thus, the find- in the CVP or PAOP with a constant or slight
ing of a low CVP may support the diagnosis increase in the cardiac output/index in re-
of hypovolemia, but an elevated CVP does sponse to a fluid bolus. Once the ventricle is
not necessarily support the diagnosis of vol- filled or at its plateau, small increments of
ume overload. It is possible to have a CVP of fluid administration will result in greater in-
20 mmHg caused by any of the above dis- creases in the PAOP or CVP and may show a
ease states, and still have an underfilled right decrease in the cardiac output. Administer-
ventricle. CVP values may be most helpful in ing fluid boluses and observing the cardiac
patients with single system organ failure (eg, output (or index), PAOP or CVP can help de-
cardiac) or uncomplicated acute blood loss. termine whether the ventricles require addi-
CVP readings may be useful during early re- tional intravenous fluids or have reached fill-
suscitation from acute injury with hypoten- ing potential. See Figure 3 for examples of
sion by following trends and response to fluid challenge algorithms.11-14
fluid therapy.7-10
Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure MINIMALLY INVASIVE DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES. Trans-
(PAOP), also referred to as the pulmonary thoracic echocardiography (TTE) can be
capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), measured used in the acute care setting to assess car-
with a pulmonary artery catheter allows esti- diac output, left ventricular (LV) systolic
mation of left atrial pressure, which allows function, systolic pulmonary arterial pres-
estimation of the left ventricular end dias- sure, wall motion, and ejection fraction.15,16
tolic pressure, an important determinant of Clinically, the TTE can be used to evaluate
cardiac output and indirect diagnostic tool the diastolic function and filling pressures of
to determine intravascular volume. A low the LV, which can be useful in the acute care
PAOP may indicate hypovolemia, while an setting to determine responsiveness to fluid
elevated PAOP may indicate impaired car- administration.17 Limitations of TTE include
diac function. However, PAOP is influenced operator dependence, a single view in time
by factors such as blood volume, ventricular rather than continuous trended data, and ex-
function, intrathoracic and intraabdominal pense. TTE images may have poor diagnos-
pressures, vasopressors, vasodilators, and tic quality in patients who are obese; have
fluid therapy. There are no accepted high severe chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
and low PAOP values to definitively diag- ease; are unable to be properly positioned;
nose hypovolemia versus cardiac dysfunc- have thoracic incisions, chest tubes, or dress-
tion. A PAOP 10 mmHg may indicate an ings; or are uncooperative.15,18
underfilled left ventricle (hypovolemia) Transesophageal doppler uses sonography
while a PAOP 18 mmHg may suggest a within the lumen of the esophagus to deter-
full, distended, or noncompliant left ventri- mine pressures within the descending tho-
cle. Again, factors such as valvular defects, racic aorta. The device measures the velocity
ventricular defects, or pulmonary venous re- of blood flow in the aorta and mathematically
sistance (eg, chronic obstructive pulmonary translates flow into stroke volume and cardiac
disease) may elevate the PAOP, even in con- output. Drawbacks to using this technology
junction with an underfilled ventricle.7-10 in acute care include the bulky size of the
Using the CVP or pulmonary artery esophageal tube, and time-consuming mea-
catheter to evaluate a patient’s response to surements. Factors such as anemia, tachycar-
fluid boluses may be helpful to determine dia, or a thick chest wall may interfere with
intravascular volume. This is based upon the the data values. Because this is a relatively
Frank-Starling relationship that describes the new technology, its widespread use is cur-
effect of volume loading on cardiac function. rently limited.19-22
612  NEBELKOPF ELGART AACN Clinical Issues

With Central Venous Pressure (CVP):

Select bolus: 250 mL-1000 mL 10 minutes
If CVP increases by 2 mmHg Repeat
If CVP increases by 2-5 mmHg Hold until drops within 2 mmHg of baseline
If CVP increases by 5 mmHg Discontinue challenge

With Pulmonary Artery Occlusion Pressure (PAOP):

Initial PAOP Give Bolus (over 10 minutes)
12 mmHg 200 mL
12-16 mmHg 100 mL
16 mmHg 50 mL
PAOP rises 3 mmHg Repeat bolus
PAOP rises 7 mmHg Stop
PAOP rises 3-7 mmHg Observe
After observation remains the same Stop
After observation decreases to within
3 mmHg of baseline Repeat

With PAOP and Cardiac Index (CI):

Boluses as above
PAOP rises 3 mmHg Repeat if CI fails to rise
PAOP rises  7 mmHg Stop if CI adequate, if CI not adequate
consider inotropes
PAOP rises 3-7 mmHg Observe
After observation CI remains the same Repeat measurements in 30 min
After observation CI declines Repeat bolus

Figure 3. Sample fluid challenge algorithms.11-14 RAP, right atrial pressure; PAOP, pulmonary artery occlusive
pressure; CI, cardiac index.

End-tidal carbon dioxide (CO2) monitor- into account insensible losses, such as those
ing (PetCO2) may also give diagnostic clues resulting from fever, mechanical ventilation,
regarding volume status. During conditions and open wounds.
of low cardiac output, expired CO2 is re-
duced as a consequence of caused by de-
creased pulmonary perfusion. As circulating  Evaluation of Electrolytes
volume is restored, PetCO2 should increase.23
Lastly, an often overlooked and underuti- Serum electrolyte concentrations influence
lized tool for assessing volume status in movement of fluid within and between body
acute care patients is daily patient weight. compartments. The major extracellular elec-
Retention of one liter of fluid will result in a trolytes are sodium, calcium, chloride, and
weight gain of approximately 2.2 pounds.24 bicarbonate. The most abundant cation is
Obtaining a weight balance will also take sodium; chloride is the most abundant an-
Vol. 15, No. 4 Oct.-Dec. 2004 FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTES  613

TABLE 2  Composition of Gastrointestinal Secretions

Sodium Potassium Chloride Bicarbonate
Secretion (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L ) (mEq/L)

Saliva 60 20 15 50
Stomach 30-90 4-12 50-150 70-90
Pancreatic 135-155 4-6 60-100 70-90
Bile 135-155 4-6 80-100 35-50
Jejunal 70-125 3.5-6.5 70-125 10-20
Ileostomy 90-140 4-10 60-125 15-50
Diarrhea 25-50 35-60 20-40 35-45

Reprinted with permission from Barke RA. Fluids and electrolytes. In Abrams JH, Cerra FB, eds. Essentials of Surgical Critical
Care (p 481). Copyright by Quality Medical Publishing, Inc.25

ion. Potassium, magnesium, and phosphates cal and medullary collecting tubules in the
are the major intracellular electrolytes, of kidney to reabsorb water. Thus, both the hy-
which potassium is the most plentiful cation pothalamus and kidneys influence homeo-
and phosphate is the most abundant anion. static sodium levels.
Serum electrolyte concentrations affect all The most common cause of hypernatremia
metabolic activity in some way. Abnormal is dehydration—a pure water loss or hypo-
electrolytes may reflect fluid or acid-base im- tonic fluid loss from the body. Increased wa-
balance, or renal, neuromuscular, endocrine ter loss may be caused by insensible losses
or skeletal dysfunction. See Table 2 for com- such as sweat, burn injuries, wounds, or pro-
mon gastrointestinal electrolyte losses.24,25 longed hyperventilation. Gastrointestinal
losses include severe vomiting and diarrhea,
and biliary, gastric, or fistula fluid losses. Cen-
tral (neurogenic) and nephrogenic diabetes
Sodium affects body water distribution, pro- insipidus (DI) are both associated with hyper-
motes neuromuscular function, maintains natremia from an inadequate replacement of
acid-base balance, influences chloride and urinary water losses. Central DI is associated
potassium levels, and helps the kidneys reg- with a decrease in ADH secretion, which
ulate water. Serum sodium disorders are al- causes a relatively dilute urine. It may be in-
ways evaluated in relation to the patient’s duced by trauma, pituitary surgery, hypox-
fluid status and may be associated with emia, or ischemic encephalopathy. Nephro-
hypovolemic, hypervolemic, or isovolemic genic DI is classified by normal ADH
states. Normal serum sodium levels are 135 secretion in the presence of renal resistance
to 145 mEq/L. Maintenance of the plasma to ADH’s water-retaining effect. Hyper-
sodium concentration depends on two glycemia, osmotic diuretics (ie, mannitol,
mechanisms: the ability of the kidneys to glycerol), and urinary concentrating defects
regulate water and an intact thirst mecha- can cause an increase in renal water loss, re-
nism with access to water. Arginine vaso- sulting in serum hypernatremia. Hyperna-
pressin or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is the tremia can also result from aldosteronism,
primary hormone that regulates water excre- steroid administration, or excessive sodium
tion. ADH is synthesized in the supraoptic intake. Additionally, iatrogenic replacement
and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothala- of hypotonic losses with isotonic fluids can
mus. A 1 to 2% reduction in plasma osmolal- result in hypernatremia. Symptoms are most
ity inhibits ADH release, while a 1 to 2% in- prominent with a significantly large or rapid
crease in plasma osmolality (or a 7-10% (over hours) increase in the serum sodium
decrease in blood pressure or volume) stim- concentration and are generally seen when
ulates ADH release. The presence of ADH the sodium exceeds 160 mEq/L26 (Table 3).
causes the luminal membranes of the corti- Symptoms are often attributed to either the
614  NEBELKOPF ELGART AACN Clinical Issues

TABLE 3  Hypernatremia Symptoms

Hypovolemic symptoms Thirst, dry mucous membranes, tachycardia, hypotension, cool
Central nervous system symptoms Muscle weakness, restlessness, lethargy, confusion, delirium,
seizures, hyperreflexia, spasticity

underlying volume depletion or a decrease in 72 hours. It is important to correct the

cellular volume, particularly cerebral cellular sodium at a rate no greater than 0.5
volume. Chronic hypernatremia is much less mEq/L/hr or 10 to 12 mEq/L/day.26 Therapy
likely to cause symptoms due to the brain’s should stop when the serum sodium has
ability to adapt slowly to volume loss with a reached 145 mEq/L. To calculate the esti-
solute gain to restore lost water.26 This re- mated change in plasma sodium per liter of
sponse normalizes the brain volume and ac- infused IV fluid:
counts for the milder symptoms of chronic  serum Na+/L of IVF =
hypernatremia. (Infusate sodium in mEq/L – serum sodium)
Treatment of hypernatremia starts with divided by ([0.6 x wt (kg)] +1)26,28
identification of the underlying cause. For pa-
tients with hypovolemic hypernatremia, free The sodium content of normal saline
water replacement is required after replace- (0.9%) is 154 mEql/L and Ringer’s lactate is
ment of the intravascular volume. Fluid ther- 130 mEq/L. One-half normal saline (0.45%)
apy with 5% dextrose or hypotonic saline is has 77 mEq/L, one-quarter normal saline
guided by the calculation of the amount of (0.2%) has 34 mEq/L, and 5% dextrose has
free water deficit. This is calculated by: 0 mEq/L.26,28 See Figure 4 for patient exam-
Deficit (L) = 0.6  body wt (kg)  Hyponatremia can be associated with hy-
( [Serum Na divided by 140] –1)27 per, hypo-, and isovolemic states. Hyperv-
The constant 0.6 represents the normal olemic hyponatremia is generally seen in
body proportion of water in healthy males. edematous states. Causes include: congestive
Use 0.5 in young females and elderly males heart failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome,
and 0.4 in elderly females. Markedly obese hypoalbuminemia, and hypothyroidism. Hy-
patients may require even lower values, with povolemic hyponatremia can be due to con-
replacement based on an adjustment body ditions causing volume depletion or losses
weight. Overly rapid sodium correction is where sodium losses are greater than volume
potentially dangerous. Rapid reduction of loss. This includes gastrointestinal losses
the plasma sodium concentration may cause (vomiting, nasogastric suctioning, diarrhea,
cerebral edema and lead to seizures, perma- and fistula loss), diuretics, cerebral salt wast-
nent neurologic damage, or death. Replace- ing, burn injury, excessive sweating, and
ment of half of the free water deficit should third space fluid losses (eg, peritonitis, pan-
be done in the first 24 hours, with the re- creatitis, bowel obstruction). Renal disease
mainder being replaced over the next 24 to (eg, nonoliguric renal failure, renal tubular

A. Fluid deficit = (0.6 x 70 kg) x [165/140)-1] = 7.5 L free water deficit

B. Change in serum sodium = Na+ infusate - 165 / [(0.6 x 70 kg) +1)

Using .45 NS = 77-165 divided by 43 = -2 mEq/L reduction in serum sodium per liter of in-
Using D5W = 0-165 divided by 43 = -3.8 mEq/L reduction in serum sodium per liter of in-

Figure 4. A 70-kg male with serum sodium level of 165 mEq/L.

Vol. 15, No. 4 Oct.-Dec. 2004 FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTES  615

acidosis, and other salt-wasting neph- TABLE 4  Signs and Symptoms

ropathies) is another cause of hypovolemic of Hyponatremia
hyponatremia. Symdrome of inappropriate
ADH secretion (SIADH), another cause of hy- Lethargy Personality changes
ponatremia, may be caused by increased Fatigue Confusion
ADH secretion, potentiation of the ADH ef- Malaise Seizures
fect, or a resetting of the hypothalamic osmo- Headaches Ataxia
stat. Other causes of isovolemic hypona- Muscle cramps Incontinence
tremia include water intoxication, thiazide
Anorexia Depressed reflexes
diuretics, renal failure, and iatrogenic causes
Nausea Respiratory depression
(eg, excessive hypotonic fluid administration,
excess hypotonic irrigation of tube or body Vomiting Coma
cavities). Hyponatremia is often seen in pa-
tients following transurethral prostatectomy,
lithothripsy, or with uterine irrigation after
endometrial ablation. The hyponatremia is Treatment for hypovolemic hyponatremia
usually due to large amounts of irrigation includes administration of isotonic fluids.
solutions containing glycine, sorbitol, or Symptomatic patients may require hypertonic
mannitol. Absorption of the solutions results saline combined with furosemide to decrease
in a dilutional reduction in plasma sodium rapid expansion of the ECF volume. Patients
concentration.29 Hyperosmolar hyponatremia with asymptomatic hypervolemic hypona-
may also be seen in patients with plasma hy- tremia require water restriction (800
perosmolality. This is most commonly seen mL/day) and close observation. Patients with
with hyperglycemia, where the osmotic gra- severe symptoms may require isotonic or hy-
dient across the cells facilitates water move- pertonic saline. Patients with cardiac disease
ment out of cells and into the plasma, with may benefit from optimization of hemody-
the resulting dilutional hyponatremia. The namics including the use of angiotensin-
following formula can be used to determine converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors which
an estimate appropriate sodium level in the increase the excretion of water and improve
presence of hyperglycemia: hyponatremia. Loop diuretics also promote
(serum glucose mg/dL – 100)  0.016 = free water excretion. For nonhypotonic hy-
expected change in serum sodium27 ponatremia, treatment is directed at the un-
derlying disorder and includes insulin for di-
This estimate varies with body size, falling abetics, and correction of water, potassium,
more in smaller patients. and sodium deficits. Hemodialysis may be re-
Pseudohyponatremia is caused by an in- quired for patients with impaired renal func-
crease in the plasma concentration of pro- tion. Sodium should not increase by more
teins (eg, immunoglobins in multiple than 0.5 to 1 mEq/L/hr (or 8-10 mEq/day)
myeloma) or lipids (eg triglycerides) which and should stop when the serum sodium
can transiently displace water in a given reaches 125 to 130 mEq/L. For patients with
volume of plasma, but do not effect the severe symptoms, initial correction may be 1
sodium concentration. The result is an arti- to 2 MEq/L for several hours. This rapid cor-
ficially low plasma sodium in relation to the rection should be halted when the life-threat-
percentage of plasma water. ening symptoms have ceased, or the serum
Patients who develop severe hypona- sodium reaches 125 mEq/L.30 The calculation
tremia (serum sodium below 120 mEq/L) or to determine the change in serum sodium
who develop hyponatremia over 24 hours per liter of intravenous fluid administered is
are most likely to demonstrate signs and the same as in hypernatremia (see Figure 4).
symptoms.29 Signs of hyponatremia are listed Hypertonic (5%) saline contains 855mEq/L
in Table 4. Treatment is directed toward first and 3% hypertonic saline contains 513
determining volume status. The amount of mEq/L. Hypovolemic patients should be
total body water excess can be calculated: monitored closely. As the ECF volume is re-
Water excess = (0.6 x wt [kg])  stored, the stimulus to release ADH will
(1-[Serum Na divided by 140])27 cease. This can cause a rapid diuresis and in-
616  NEBELKOPF ELGART AACN Clinical Issues

crease the correction of hyponatremia. sium release from cells. Pseudohyper-

Overly-rapid correction can lead to Osmotic kalemia, an elevation of measured serum
Demyelination Syndrome, also known as potassium, is due to potassium movement
Central Pontine Myelinolysis, which can re- out of cells during or after the blood is
sult in severe neurologic sequelae (eg, quad- drawn. Mechanical or technical causes of
riplegia, oculomotor abnormalities, ataxia, pseudohyperkalemia include hemolyzed
dysarthria, dystonia, coma, or death).31 blood sample, drawing blood above a site
where potassium is infusing, and repeated
clenching and unclenching of a fist during
phlebotomy.2 Additionally, potassium moves
Potassium is the major intracellular cation. It out of white blood cells and platelets after
maintains cellular osmolarity equilibrium, clotting has occurred. Patients with marked
muscle activity, enzyme activation and plays leukocytosis (100,000 mm3) or thombocy-
a role in acid-base balance. Normal serum tosis (1,000,000 mm3) may have an ele-
potassium is 3.3 to 5.0 mEq/L while intracel- vated measured serum potassium.29
lular levels are generally 125 to 140 mEq/L.29 Symptoms of hyperkalemia include weak-
Acute changes in plasma concentration can ness, parasthesias, areflexia, ascending paral-
have dramatic effects on muscle contractility ysis, nausea, and diarrhea. Patients may ex-
and nerve conduction. hibit bradycardia, prolongation of the AV
Hyperkalemia is often caused by either in- conduction leading to complete heart block,
creased potassium release from cells or de- ventricular fibrillation, and asytole (see Table
creased urinary potassium excretion. Burns, 5).30
crush injuries, tumor lysis, and massive he- Treatment of hyperkalemia includes cor-
molysis can cause transcellular redistribution recting factors that cause potassium to shift
of potassium out of the cell and into the vas- from the cells into the vascular space (eg,
cular space. Beta-adrenergic blockade inter- acidosis, insulin deficiency, hyperosmolal-
feres with the potassium uptake by cells, al- ity). Treatment of severe hyperkalemia in-
though this usually results in minor elevations cludes intravenous calcium to stabilize the
of serum potassium (0.5 mEq/L) 29 in heart by reinstating the delta change re-
healthy patients. Potassium shifts from the quired to move between resting and thres-
cells into the ECF in the presence of acidosis. hold membrane potential. Other therapies
Serum potassium concentration rises approxi- include intravenous insulin with glucose, al-
mately 0.7 mEq/L (range = 0.2-1.7) for every buterol, and sodium bicarbonate to drive
0.1 pH unit decrease during acidosis.29 The potassium back into the cells, and Kayex-
movement of potassium out of the cells dur- alate, loop diuretics, and dialysis to remove
ing acidosis is primarily governed by chlo- potassium from the body.
ride. The inability of chloride to permeate the
cell membrane causes the transcellular ex-
change of hydrogen for potassium. Insulin TABLE 5  Electrocardiogram
deficiency often combined with hyper- Findings With
glycemia hyperosmolality frequently leads to Hyperkalemia
Impaired urinary potassium excretion can Potassium
by caused by renal failure, hypoaldostero- Level ECG Findings
nism, adrenal insufficiency, potassium-spar-
5.5-6.0 mEq/L Peaked T waves, shortened QT
ing diuretics, and type-1 renal tubular acido- interval
sis. Excessive intake from supplements or
6.0-7.0 mEq/L Lengthening of PR interval,
blood transfusions may also cause hyper- QRS widening
kalemia. Medications can cause hyper- 7.0-7.5 mEq/L Flattened P waves, further
kalemia through potassium retention (eg, widening QRS
potassium-sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors) > 8.0 mEq/L Fusion of QRS and T wave,
or potassium redistribution (eg, succinyl- imminent ventricular standstill
choline). Digitalis toxicity can interfere with
the Na+-K+-ATPase pump, resulting in potas- ECG, electrocardiogram.
Vol. 15, No. 4 Oct.-Dec. 2004 FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTES  617

Hypokalemia is one of the most prevalent TABLE 6  Symptoms of

electrolyte abnormalities found in acute care. Hypokalemia
There are multiple causes of hypokalemia in-
cluding renal losses from diabetes, acute Cardiovascular Tachydysrthymias, flattened
tubular necrosis, diuresis, hypercalcemia, T waves, prominent U waves,
hypochloremia, and multifactorial polyuria. ST segment depression,
conduction abnormalities
Other causes include aldosteronism, Cush-
Central nervous Malaise, fatigue, weakness,
ing’s syndrome, thiazide and loop diuretic system/neuro- hyporeflexia, parasthesias,
use, postresuscitation, postmyocardial infarc- musculoskeletal cramps
tion, and hematologic malignancies. Gastric Gastrointestinal Constipation, paralytic ileus,
losses from vomiting, nasogastric suctioning, vomiting, anorexia, nausea,
biliary drainage, diarrhea, fistulas, and postin- prolonged gastric emptying
testinal bypass surgery can lead to hy- Pulmonary Respiratory failure
pokalemia. Transcellular shifts of potassium
can also occur, moving potassium from the
plasma into the cells. Beta-adrenergic ago-
nists (eg, albuterol, terbutaline, dopamine) Magnesium
can stimulate muscle cell membranes to move
potassium into the cells. This effect changes Magnesium helps regulate intracellular me-
the serum potassium by 0.5 to 1.0 mEq/L. tabolism, activates enzymes, affects metabo-
Respiratory or metabolic alkalosis also pro- lism of nucleic acids and proteins, helps
motes the transcellular shift of potassium and transport sodium and potassium across the
can have a variable and unpredictable effect cell membrane, and influences intracellular
on serum potassium.29 calcium by its effect on the secretion of the
Clinical signs and symptoms may be unre- parathyroid. Normal serum magnesium is 1.3
liable for assessment of hypokalemia and are to 2.2 mEq/L.
generally not present until potassium levels Hypermagnesemia can be caused by re-
fall below 3.0 mEq/L.2 Patients receiving digi- nal failure, overuse of magnesium-contain-
talis and patients with hepatic failure may ex- ing antacids or laxatives, adrenal insuffi-
hibit symptoms with even mild hypokalemia. ciency, or lithium toxicity. Signs and
Symptoms are often related to skeletal, symptoms generally correspond with serum
smooth, and cardiac muscle weakness (see levels (see Table 7) and may include hypore-
Table 6). flexia, lethargy, flushing, EKG changes, res-
Treatment depends on the severity of the piratory depression, and hypotension. Treat-
potassium deficit, which must be estimated, ment includes administration of calcium
because there is no correlation equation to gluconate, hydration to enhance excretion,
determine plasma potassium concentration in intravenous glucose and insulin, and he-
relation to total body potassium stores. The modialysis for severe hypermagnesemia.
loss of approximately 200 to 400 mEq/L body Hypomagnesemia can be caused by de-
potassium will lower the serum potassium creased intake, decreased intestinal absorp-
from 4 to 3 mEq/L, an additional 200 to 400 tion, diuretic therapy, chronic alcoholism,
mEq/L loss will reduce the serum potassium renal or metabolic disorders, gastric losses
to approximately 2 mEq/L.29 Approximately (nasogastric suctioning, severe diarrhea, in-
40 to 60 mEq/L of potassium administration testinal fluids), other electrolyte abnormali-
(oral or intravenous) will increase the plasma ties, and severe burns are just a partial list of
concentration by 1 to 1.5 mEq. The serum the etiologies of magnesium loss. Symptoms
potassium will increase by 2.5 to 3.5 mEq/L include vertigo, ataxia, nystagmus, altered
after administration of approximately 135 to mentation, parasthesias, seizures, tetany,
160 mEq/L potassium. Intravenous potassium muscle spasms or tremors, weakness, hyper-
is irritating to peripheral veins, therefore it reflexia, hypertension, cardiac dysrthymias,
should be administered in a concentration 20 nausea, constipation or ileus, and abdominal
to 40 mEq/L and can be given centrally in cramps. Treatment includes administering
concentrations of 140 to 200 mEq/L (14-20 oral or intravenous magnesium, and correct-
mEq/mL).2 ing other electrolyte deficiencies.
618  NEBELKOPF ELGART AACN Clinical Issues

TABLE 7  Effects of Clinical evaluation of the patient may re-

Hypermagnesemia veal lethargy, stupor, coma, decreased mus-
cle tone and strength, pathological fracture,
Magnesium anorexia, nausea or vomiting, constipation or
Level Clinical Findings ileus, abdominal pain, hypertension or hypo-
volemia, polyuria, renal insufficiency, inter-
4 mg/dL Hyporeflexia, anticonvulsant stitial nephritis, electrocardiogram (ECG)
effects changes including a shortened Q-T interval,
5 mg/dL Loss of deep tendon reflexes, widened T-wave or dysrhythmias, or hyper-
flushing, lethargy
chloremic acidosis. Treatment includes hy-
6 mg/dL Flushing, diaphoresis,
dration, loop diuretics, and calcitonin.
7 mg/dL Nausea, emesis, weakness,
Hypocalcemia can be related to hypopara-
somnolence thyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, chronic al-
9 mg/dL Diplopia, prolonged PR interval coholism, renal disease, sepsis, or hypothy-
10 mg/dL Respiratory depression, roidism. Some medications can cause
hypotension hypocalcemia including: bisphosphonates,
13 mg/dL Complete heart block, calcitonin, furosemide, phenytoin, phenobar-
paralysis, respiratory arrest, bitol, estrogens, cimetidine, radiocontrast
cardiac arrest agents, heparin, theophylline, and propylth-
ioruacil. Ionized hypocalcemia is a common
finding in ICU patients. Causes include: alka-
Calcium losis, pancreatitis, sepsis, renal failure, and
Calcium helps regulate neuromuscular and magnesium depletion. Calcium can also bind
enzyme activity, skeletal development, and to the citrate preservative found in banked
blood coagulation. Calcium is measured as blood. This causes a transient hypocalcemia,
two forms, either bound to protein or as a which resolves when the citrate is metabo-
positively charged ion (“ionized calcium”). lized by the liver and kidneys. Patients with
Normal serum calcium is 8.9 to 10.1 mg/dL, renal or hepatic insufficiency will have a pro-
assuming normal albumin levels. A decrease longed hypocalcemia.
in albumin decreases the amount of total Signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia may
measured calcium in the plasma, but may include peripheral numbness and tingling,
not change the amount of active calcium, muscle twitching, tetany, Chvostek’s sign (fa-
measured by the ionized calcium. The fol- cial muscle spasm) or Trousseau’s sign (car-
lowing formula is used to correct calcium in popedal spasm), seizures, confusion, hy-
the presence of abnormal albumin: potension, ECG changes (Q-T interval
prolongation, ST segment changes, T wave
Corrected total Ca = measured total Ca + 0.8 changes), laryngospasm, bronchospasm, and
 (4.0 – albumin)33 papilledema. Treatment includes oral or in-
Normal ionized calcium is 1.1 to 1.3 travenous calcium administration, magne-
mmol/L. The ionized calcium accounts for ap- sium administration, and oral phosphate
proximately half of the total serum calcium binding agents for renal failure patients.
concentration and is physiologically more rel-
evant than the total calcium level. Ionized cal-
cium represents the physiologically active
portion of calcium in the body; therefore, cal- Normal phosphorus levels range from 2.5 to
cium imbalances should be assessed and 4.5 mg/dL. Phosphorus helps regulate cal-
treated by the measured ionized calcium.23 cium levels, and has a role in carbohydrate
Hypercalcemia can be caused by parathy- and lipid metabolism and acid-base balance.
roid disorders, hyperthyroidism, pheochro- Hyperphosphatemia is most often caused
mocytoma, malignancy, renal failure, med- by renal failure. Other causes include: hypo-
ications (calcium-containing agents, lithium, volemia, lactic acidosis, severe hypothermia,
thiazide diuretics, and estrogens), prolonged tumor lysis syndrome, skeletal disease, in-
immobilization, osteoporosis, and Paget’s testinal obstruction, hypoparathyroidism, or
disease. acromegly. Patients are often asymptomatic.
Vol. 15, No. 4 Oct.-Dec. 2004 FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTES  619

Systemic findings may include: muscle hypotonic solutions is similar to the distribu-
tetany from hypocalcemia, soft tissue calcifi- tion of water in the body. Thus, two-thirds of
cation, corneal clouding, dysrhythmias or fluid given will disperse to the ICF, while one-
heart failure, nausea, vomiting, or ileus. third will disperse into the ECF. Figure 5 illus-
Treatment includes oral phosphate binders, trates the example of D5W administration.
calcium and vitamin D supplements, glucose Hypotonic fluids will not replace the vascular
and insulin, or hemodialysis. space and cannot be used for volume resusci-
Hypophosphatemia is often multifactor- tation. Because of the significant accumula-
ial. Some identified causes are: chronic al- tion within the cellular space, dextrose is
coholism, acid-base disturbances, alu- rarely used as an intravenous fluid indepen-
minum or calcium-containing antacids, dently, but can be combined with isotonic
diuretic therapy, gastrointestinal losses, dia- fluids to provide minimal glucose calories.
betes, burn injury, hypothermia, and renal D5W may also be used to treat hypernatremia
losses. Clinical manifestations include mus- or increased serum osmolality.35
cle weakness, myalgias, fractures, respira- Isotonic fluids such as 0.9 normal saline
tory muscle weakness, mechanical ventila- (NS) and lactated ringers (LR) have a tonicity
tor dependence, decreased myocardial similar to plasma. When administered, these
contractility, hemolytic anemia, platelet fluids will distribute into the extracellular
dysfunction, parasthesias, ataxia, tremors, space. The interstitial space is three times
and seizures. Treatment is oral or intra- greater than the intravascular space, and fluid
venous phosphate administration. will be dispersed in this ratio (see Figure 5).37
There is a small fluid shift that occurs from
the intracellular space to the extracellular
 Assessment of Intravenous Fluids space because NS is actually slightly more hy-
pertonic than the ECF. Evidence suggests that
Intravenous Fluid Administration
after 1 hour of NS administration, approxi-
Intravenous (IV) fluid administration has mately one-quarter of the isotonic fluid re-
several purposes: to replenish fluid com- mains in the intravascular space.36 Thus, iso-
partments, replace renal and insensible tonic solutions are the crystalloid of choice
losses, correct electrolytes, provide glucose for fluid resuscitation or to replace intravascu-
calories, and correct/maintain acid-base bal- lar losses. Combination crystalloids such as
ance.23,34 The composition of commonly 5% dextrose with 0.9% normal saline will be
used crystalloid intravenous fluids can be dispersed as an isotonic fluid once the cells
found in Table 8. have utilized the glucose in the dextrose con-
Fluids are described in terms of their tonic- tent. Similarly, although 5% dextrose with
ity to plasma. Fluids with lower osmolality 0.45% normal saline is slightly hypertonic in
than plasma are considered hypotonic (ie, 5% solution, it becomes hypotonic as an infusion
dextrose in water). The body distribution of after the glucose is metabolized and will be

TABLE 8  Composition of Commonly Used IV Fluids10

Dextrose Na+ K+ Ca+ Mg+ Cl-
Fluid (mg/mL) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) Other

Lactated ringers 0 130 4 3 0 109 28 lactate

0.9% saline 0 154 0 0 0 154
5% dextrose 50 0 0 0 0 0
5% dextrose &
.45% saline 50 77 0 0 0 77
Plasmalyte 0 140 5 0 3 98 27 acetate
Normosol-R 0 140 5 0 3 90 50 acetate

Na, sodium; K, potassium; Ca, calcium; Mg, magnesium; Cl, chloride.

620  NEBELKOPF ELGART AACN Clinical Issues

Figure 5. Distribution of D5W and

0.9NS in body.

distributed into the compartments as 50% free and PAOP measurements; however, these
water and 50% isotonic saline.24 parameters are often used as guides to de-
For patients requiring fluid volume replace- termine the effect of fluid administration.
ment, the choice of which isotonic fluid to Sodium is often a key component in deter-
use, NS or LR, is generally a matter of clinician mining fluid distribution within the body.
preference. The sodium content in NS is Electrolyte abnormalities are a common
higher than LR, thus NS may be a better op- finding in critically ill patients and need to
tion for hyponatremic patients. The sodium be continuously evaluated. Isotonic intra-
concentration of NS is 154 mEq/L while LR venous fluids are the fluid of choice to re-
contains 140 mEq/L. It is thought that LR has place intravascular volume losses. Although
an advantage over NS in acidotic patients for hypertonic solutions are effective for vol-
several reasons. First, the pH of LR is 6.5 while ume replacement, further research is re-
the pH of NS is 5.5. Additionally, the added quired to determine benefits and safety of
lactate in LR is converted to bicarbonate in pa- using these solutions routinely.
tients with normal liver function, further rais-
ing the serum pH.36 Lastly, administration of
large amounts of NS can result in a hyper- References
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