Commercial Pooled Plans Terms & Conditions

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2020/2/2 Commercial Terms

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Commercial Terms
Commercial Pooled Plans Terms & Conditions

Billing - Billed monthly.

Term - Plans are one year xed term.

Hours - Each subscription has an annual allocation of tracking hours*.

Shared pool - The annual allocation is combined and shared in a pool between all commercial subscriptions on your account. This combined
allocation is available to all aircraft on a rst come, rst served basis.

Subscriptions - Each active aircraft (Spider) requires a separate plan subscription and they all must be subscribed to the same commercial
plan (Basic, Premium or Unlimited).

Adding subscriptions - If additional subscriptions are added after the term Start Date they will be pro-rated for the remaining term.

Rollover - Any remaining pooled allowance does not roll over at the end of the term.

Termination - If a plan is terminated before the end of the term it will be subject to payment of any remaining fees.

Additional hours - Once you’ve exceeded your annual allocation you will be charged $2/hour for additional tracking hours*.

Spidertxt add-on - Optional add-on for unlimited Spidertxt.

*Tracking hour is measured by the time the Spider device is powered-on.

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