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2020/2/2 Notification Messages

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Notification Settings

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Noti cation Messages

Messages can be set up under Noti cations

Noti cations are canned messages that can be sent from the Spider to the website, via SMS or by email to your members.

You can customize how your members receive these and set up unique messages per aircraft and per event.

How To Setup Noti cations

1. Select the 'Admin' cog in

2. Click 'Manage' on the organisations page 1/3
2020/2/2 Notification Messages

3. From within your organisation settings pages, click 'Noti cations' on the left-hand menu.

4. Select the aircraft you would like to create the noti cations for or you can use the 'Apply To All Aircraft' function, that will allow you to apply
batch settings to all the aircraft in your account.

Please Note- When using 'Apply to All Aircraft', there will always be nothing checked/saved, as this is used to make changes only, which will
override any existing noti cation of the given type of the individual aircraft.

5. Select the 'Event' noti cation you would like:

- Mark 1, Mark 2, Mark 3, Mark 4

- Speed Up, Slow Down

- Watch On, Watch Off

- ROD Exceeded, ROC Exceeded

6. To edit the 'Event' text for Mark 1, select the text in the box and update it to your own personal preference.

The message within the noti cation has a maximum length of 50 characters and can be anything you choose.

7. Next, select who the message should be sent to, and how SMS or email.

8. Click 'Save' after each update. 2/3
2020/2/2 Notification Messages


Q. What is the cost for sending the messages?

A. Each SMS message costs US$0.20 per recipient, each SOS message costs US$0.50 per recipient and emails are at no cost.

For further help or assistance, please email us at

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