Pt. Surya Nordfinans: Product Range Operating Lease Financing

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Surya NordFinans Indonesia commenced operations in Indonesia as a

Scandinavian focussed finance company in March 2001. The company’s target customers
are International corporations with emphasis on Scandinavian based corporations and
related businesses in manufacturing, trading and services. NordFinans has a license from
the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia to act as a multi-finance company in

Product Range with computer suppliers to be preferred

provider of Lease Financing.
Operating Lease Financing IT Leasing is provided for Hardware and
Software, and NordFinans has agreed
Fleet Leasing with several major software suppliers for
NordFinans has Operating Lease financing to their
emerged as a customers with residual value agreements
s ig n ific a n t and maintenance agreements included.
provider of fleet Consumer Goods Financing includes a
leasin g to limited section of goods for an exclusive
international corporations active in customer range.
In addition to the main activity areas of the
company, PT. Surya NordFinans is also
entitled to conduct credit card business.
NordFinans, whilst having some
especially good working relations with PT. Surya NordFinans is confident of its
major manufacturers and retailers ability to provide financial services to its
( T o y o t a , targeted customers at prices and service
G e n e r a l levels well ahead of its competition in this
Motors, Audi) market segment.
of brand The utilisation of its well developed
v ehicle s , is
providing fleet
l e a s i n g
services which
allow for a
varied fleet for the corporation.

IT Leasing
has developed
e x p e r tis e in
L e a s e
Financing of IT-
Equipment and
is in advanced
n e go tia tio n s

PT . Surya NordFinans
Graha Niaga 25th floor, Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 58, Jakarta 12190
Telephone: +62 (21) 250-5609 Facsimile: +62 (21) 250-5638
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taxation expertise provides a distinct over the world, are providing support for
advantage for its customers for the choice the development in Indonesia as well as
of financing and for natural financing positioning themselves for participation in
structures. Indonesia’s
incre a singly
important role as
a v i a b l e
partner and
provider to the
region and to the world.
Household names like Volvo, Electrolux,
Scania, SKF, Maersk and many others
The financial services provided to the are already reaping benefits from
customers of PT. Surya NordFinans Indonesia’s re su rg ence into the
include a range of investment banking commercial arena. These companies are
services, including Structured Finance providing goods for the reconstruction of
and restructuring of finances), fund raising Indonesia’s economy and also assisting
activities (private placements, loan the growth of the Indonesian export
arrangements etc) and other specialist economy thro ugh the usage of
financial support as desired by clients of manufacturing facilities in Indonesia with
PT. Surya NordFinans and provided regional export capacity. Service
throu g h the companies in
sister company transportation,
PT. Surya shipping and
Consultindo. other strategic
areas are
It is our promoting
expressed Indonesian
target to provide our products and
clients with the most supporting
efficient fina ncing sa les wo rld -
available in the country. In wide.
doing so we expect to
prov ide fo r gre a te s t c us tom e r Target Products
satisfaction and opportu nity to
continuously service our clients to their Leasing
L e asin g
Target Market transactions
are currently
Th e S ca n din a v ia n on offer to
business community in Indonesia is ever- s e v e r a l
growing, with representation from Scandinavia
manufacturing, services, export and n corporations for the support of their
import industries, forestry ant aid related activities in Indonesia and for their export
services. Scandinavian corporations, and import business. The strict
many of whom are household names all adherence to the taxation rules and

PT . Surya NordFinans
Graha Niaga 25th floor, Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 58, Jakarta 12190
Telephone: +62 (21) 250-5609 Facsimile: +62 (21) 250-5638
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regulations in any and all jurisdictions in E . S t e f a n M eurling, P r e s id e n t
which they operate forces local Commissioner and CEO (Chairman of
managements to ensure that financing Board of Commissioners and
facilities are tax effective as well as CEO), a Swedish national
astute financial instruments. PT. Surya with more than 25 years
NordFinans provides both taxation experience in the finance
advise and the financial products to serve industry and almost two
the companies. decades spent in South East
Joint Venture arrangements in many Mr Meurling has worked with
jurisdictions, though beneficial for sales, international banks in Europe, Singapore,
may create disputes between partners New Zealand and Indonesia. Through his
with respect to activities as a banker and advisor to
o wn e rs hip of banks and financial service organisations
patents and in Indonesia, he has supported the
s p e c i a l i t y expansion of the financial services
machinery. The leasing option allows for industry in Indonesia.
the holder of such machinery and patterns
to retain their hold whilst at the same time Trillenium Investments Pte Ltd, a
allowing for efficient utilisation thereof. Singapore based holding company which
holds a significant stake in PT. Surya
Fleet leasing is a rational tool for rational NordFinans is controlled by Meurling
usage of funds, family interests.
without tying up
o p e r a t i n g
resources, for the Mr Otto Sasha Stamboel,
advancement of C ommissioner. Mr
facilities for management and selected Stamboel is Marketing and
staff. Operating leases of fleets of PR executive with
vehicles have proven efficient both as a extensive experience from
sales argument for within the financial sector.
vendors and as a
practical means of
o b t a i n i n g
Ms Irma Soekarno has
vehicles for operations.
a cq u ire d th e H u m a n
Relations portfolio for PT.
IT Leasin g is
Surya NordFinans through
provided to
h e r a p p o in t m e n t a s
r e p u t a b l e
Director - Human Relations
for the Surya Group and all
organisations, with lease
the companies within the Group.
facilities ranging from
isolated IT equipment to
co m p lete systems an d


PT . Surya NordFinans
Graha Niaga 25th floor, Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 58, Jakarta 12190
Telephone: +62 (21) 250-5609 Facsimile: +62 (21) 250-5638
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