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Topic: Importance of employer-employee relationship towards the growth of a business

The questionnaire was divided into 2 sections. The first section (Section A) concentrated on employers
(owners) views on the impact of relationships in organizations. The second section (Section B) focused
on employees views on the impact of relationships in organizations. A five point Likert Scale of I to IV
in the questionnaire was adopted to assess the degree of agreement of each parameter where I
represented ‘strongly disagree’, II ‘disagree’, III ‘uncertain’, IV ‘agree, and V ‘strongly agree’. The aim
was to evaluate whether the perceived questions were more agreed upon and widely relevant. Also,
Yes/No and multiple choice questions were used in order to obtain accurate and specific data. The
interview mainly focused on the respondents’ opinion, experience and knowledge of the subject
matter. In the process, data on judgments made by the respondents were weighted, and the basic
descriptive statistics were computed. Consequently, by using this approach, the respondents’
preferences were more precisely clarified.

Section A: Employer
Table 1. Business Survival and Relationship
No Questions Likert Scale
1. Business cannot survive without relationship?
2. Relationship enhances market competitiveness?
Percentage (%)

Table 2. Image and Profile, Relationship

Questions Category Frequency Proportion
Good employer-employee Yes
relationships create a positive No
business image and profile in the Skeptical

Table 3. Productivity, Customer Service, Retention, Strike, Trust and Communication, Others and
No Questions Likert Scale
1. Good relationships with employees increase productivity?
2. Good relationship with employees improves customer
3. Good relationships with employees makes it easy to retain
valuable employees?
4. Good relationship with employees reduces employee
5. Good relationship with employees create a favorable
working environment?
6. Good relationship with employees promotes trust and
open communication?
7. Good relationship with employees increase Job
8. The company attracts and retains outstanding employees
9. I have a good relationship with my employees
10. The business cares about employees and contributes to
their success
11. I communicate openly and honestly with employees
Percentage (%)
Section B: Employee
Table 4. Loyalty, Survival, Satisfaction, Organizational Growth, and Relationship
No Questions Likert Scale
1. Employee loyalty is valued and rewarded in this
2. I believe the organization deserves my loyalty
3. Over the years my loyalty to the company has grown
4. I would like to see my relationship with the organization
grow in the foreseeable future
5. Good relationship with customers provide the opportunity
to grow
6. I contribute to the success of this business
7. The employer communicates openly and honestly with
8. The company retains outstanding employees
9. I have a good relationship with my employers
10. The business cares about me and contributes to my
11. I am willing to work for this organization for the next five
12. Personally, I strongly feel attached to this organization
Percentage (%)
Most of the time, employer-employee partnerships may help or hinder the
accomplishment of corporate objectives. The form of partnership established in a
company may have an impact on competitiveness, either positively or negatively.
Though the goal of any company is to increase benefit, the employer-employee
relationship may be a hindrance to achieving those goals. The aim of this research is
to provide readers with evidence-based knowledge on the role of the employer-
employee relationship in the growth of a company. The paper also emphasizes the
importance of work satisfaction in inspiring positive relationships between these two
parties and recommends recommendations for managing the relationship.
Keywords: employer-employee relationships, organizational growth, job

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