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Narrative Text Story Telling

Arrange by group 1 from X MIPA 6

Names of group members :

1. Alvia Sahya Uzlami (03)
2. Nabila Salsabila Ruslan (22)
3. Nasywa Salsabila (25)
4. Talitha Naa’ilah Shabrina (32)

Academic 2021/2022
The Legend of Roro Jonggrang

 : Pengging Kingdom and Baka Kingdom
 : Tense up, touching
 : Evening and morning

Cast and Characters

 Nasywa Salsabila as Narathor
 Nabila Salsabila Ruslan as Roro Jonggrang
 Polite, cherish parents, and liar
 Talitha Naa’ilah Shabrina as Bandung Bondowoso
 Arrogant, strong, manly, powerful,greedy, and cruel person
 Alvia Sahya as Patih Gupala and Prabu Damar Maya
 Patih Gupala was a obedient and cunning person, and Prabu Damar
Maya was a wise and vengeful person

The Story of Roro Jonggrang

Story Summary:
Roro Jonggarang is a princess from the Prambanan Kingdom who is liked by Prince
Bondowoso, but Roro doesn't love him in the end..roro states that Prince Bondowo makes
1000 temples until the sun rises. But when the rooster crows, Prince Bandung Bondowoso
fails, which is less than 1 temple. Putri Roro Jonggrang was made into the 1000th temple.

Orientation :
Once upon a time in the Central Java area there is a fertile and prosperous kingdom called the
Pengging Kingdom. This kingdom was led by Prabu Damar Maya. He had a mighty and brave
son named Raden Bandung Bondowoso.
Not far from Pengging Kingdom is another dry and barren kingdom called Baka Kingdom.
This kingdom was led by Prabu Baka, a scary and greedy king. But he had a daughter named
Roro Jonggrang who was very pretty. One time the Baka Kingdom invaded Pengging Kingdom
to prove who was greater.

Complication :
They attack with full force and destroy everything. Heard his kingdom was attacked, Prabu
Damar Maya sent his son to control the attack.
Prabu Damar Maya : “Bondowoso! you're revenge the attack from Prabu Baka”.
Bandung Bondosowo : “As you command, father”.
The fight between Bandung Bondowoso and King Baka was inevitable.The persistence of
Bandung Bondowoso made it stronger. He managed to defeat Prabu Baka.
Bandung Bondowoso : “My soldiers! we'll hit it back Baka Kingdom”
They ran when they were chased by Bandung Bondowoso. Patih Gupala report his defeat to
the Princess.

Patih Gupala : “Princess Roro Jonggrang, the King is dead, we should leave the kingdom”.
Roro Jonggrang : “What?! no way?”
Patih Gupala : “Bandung Bondowoso is heading to our Palace, Princess”

Meanwhile Bandung Bondowoso has reached the Palace of Baka Kingdom.

Bandung Bondowoso :”What? It's so deserted. Have they all run away?”.
Then he met the Princess.

Bandung Bondowoso :” aaaa, Are you the one named Roro Jonggrang?”.
Roro Jonggrang :” Hah Bandung Bondowoso?!”.
Bandung Bondowoso :”I can't believe you're so beautiful as an angel. If you want to be my wife,
I'll forgive you and your whole people.”
Roro Jonggrang :” Marry you?”.

Roro Jonggrang is very confused. She wanted to save her kingdom but Bondowoso was the
man who killed his father. Patih Gupala whispered something to Roro Jonggrang.

Patih Gupala : “Princess, just put the conditions that he can't possibly do”.
Roro Jonggrang :”All right, I'll accept your proposal, but there's a requierements. First, make
me a Jalatunda well”.
Bandung Bondowoso :”hmmm okay, I'll do what you ask”.
Because of his supernatural powers, the well was built by bondowoso in a moment. Before
Bandung Bondowoso came out of the well, Patih Gupala buried the well with the rocks and
soil. But the mighty Bandung Bondowoso was able to come out of the well. He was so angry
and met Roro Jonggrang.

Bandung Bondowoso : “You tricked me!”.

Roro Jonggrang : “ Calm down Bandung Bondowoso. It was the first test.You have succeeded
in fulfilling my first terms. The second requirementsI’m asking you to
build a thousand temples overnight”.
Bandung Bondowoso : “I'll fill your terms, but watch yourself if you fool me”.
That night, Bandung Bondowoso started building a thousand temples with Jin's help. Time is
long, but a thousand temples are almost done. Roro Jonggrang really didn't expect if Bandung
Bondowoso so powerful.

Roro Jonggrang : “I have to do something Patih Gupala”.

Patih Gupala : “I have an idea princess. We wake up all the kingdom maids”.

She’s going to meet the ladies in her kingdom soon.

Roro Jonggrang : “Mash the rice right now. Take the others!”.

The sound of rice pestle began to be heard. besides that, the women also burned the straw in
the east. the sound of the rice pestle and the glow from the fire made the chickens think it was
morning. it scared Jin. they thought the sun had risen.

Bandung Bondowoso : “What's going on?”.

Reorientation :
Bandung Bondowoso ran towards the village. He saw the ladies holding a pestle and burning
straw. This time Bandung Bondowoso was really angry with Roro Jonggrang.

Bandung Bondowoso :”You cheated twice. I really can't forgive you anymore. I will make you
into my temple decoration!”.

Immediately Roro Jonggrang's body turned into a stone statue. The statue is known as the
durga statue which fulfills the thousandth temple. The temple complex is now known as the
Prambanan temple, and is located in the district of Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Moral Value :
“Don’t try to be a sly or tricky person because you will get your punishmen”
“Keep every promise you maks and only make promises you can keep”

Thank you

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