Career Webquest Rubric

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Career WebQuest Rubric

Day 1 Check-In The teacher will come around at the end of class, so be prepared to report the
- Members of your group
Total Point Value: 15 - Three careers you will research
- Workload divided among yourselves

Day 3 Check-In The teacher will come around at the end of class, so be prepared to report the
- Collection of information on your three chosen careers

Total Point Value: 15

The teacher will come around at the end of class, so be prepared to report the
Day 5 Check-In following:
- An outline of your presentation
- A collective document started for making your slides
- Any type of scripting or speaking notes you would like to use
Total Point Value: 15

Within your presentation, your slides should include the following:

- Introduction Slide
1. Title
Slide 2. Names of group members
3. Class period
Presentation - Chosen Careers (three slides, one per career)
1. Title of career
2. Average yearly income for this career
3. Requirements of this career (degree, certifications, etc.)
4. Field of work/study
5. Need for workers within this career
6. Skills/traits utilized within this career
- Best Fit (three slides, one per group member)
1. Name of group member
2. Title of best fitted career
3. Defined result of that member's personality test
4. Listed reasons as to why this group member is a good fit for the
research career based on research and personality test results
- Conclusion Slide
Total Point Value: 50 1. Resources used for research (website links)

Presentation The following show good presentation etiquette:

- Confidence in presentation
Etiquette - Smooth flow of oral presentation
- Avoidance of reading directly off of slides
- Neat, consistent slides with minimal grammar mistakes
Total Point Value: 5 - Respect to other presenters

Total Points _____________ / 100

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