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Diana had a meeting yesterday. Today, Diana met Alison.

Alison asked her wha t

they ha d said. Diana to ld her that they would
use her plans.

• Direct Speech is the exact words someone said. We use quotation marks (' ') in direct speech.
e.g. 'I'm very tired,' /v1ary said.
• Reported Speech is the exact meaning of what someone said, but not the exact words. We do not use
quotation marks in reported speech. We can either use the word that after the introductory verb or we
can omit it. e.g. Mary said (that) she was very tired.

/ '
~ ....

We use the verb say:

• both in direct and reported speech without the preposition to when it is not followed by the person
being spoken to.
e.g. Jerry said, "need some money. ' Jerry said (that) he needed some money.
• both in direct and reported speech with the preposition to when it is followed by the person being
spoken to.
e.g. Jerry said to me, "need some money. ' Jerry said to me (that) he needed some money.
• in expressions such as: say good morning/afternoon, etc., say something, say one's prayers, say so, etc.
We use the verb ten without the preposition to:
both in direct and reported speech when it is followed by the person we are talking to.
e.g. Jerry told me, '/ need some money.' Jerry told me (that) he needed some money. (NOT: deff'y' ffiieJ k3 m&
fRat he ...)
in expressions such as: tell the truth, tell a lie, tell a secret, tell a story, tell the time, tell the difference, tell sb
one's name, tell sb the way, tell one from another, etc.

B 'What shall we do?' asked Carrie. 'It's raining ou

Fill in the gaps with say or tell in the
side, so let's watch television,' I (1) .. .. .. .. .. ... ......... .
correct tense.
I turned on the television and Carrie (2) ............... .. .
to me, 'Look! That's my favourite programme. Let'
A Richard (1) '" t old ... Sarah that he was having a watch it. ' 'To (3) ............................. you the truth ,
party on Saturday night. He (2) ........ .. ........ ........... don't like it,' I (4) ........ ..................... .
that it would start early but it would finish quite late.
He (3) ........ .......... ........... her to bring her sister C 'Good morning, Mr Pearson,' (1) .. ..... .. ........ .. Sell,
along as well. Sarah (4) .......... ............ she was look- 'Good morning, Sella,' he replied. 'I've got lots (
ing forward to going. Richard (5) ........ .. .... .. .. ..... .. letters for you to type today,' he (2) .. ............ ...... .. ..
her he would probably call again on Friday to (6) to her. 'Alright,' Sella (3) .. .. ..... ... ...... ............ 'I'll typ
............ .. ........ ....... her the way to his house. them after I finish writing this report for you.'

I'm having
a great time. I
really like their Yesterday, the Johnsons and the
new house. ~:E!Jr:" Smiths had a barbecue together.
What did Laura say to Jim?
What did Ed say to Celia?
Laura told Jim that the hot dogs
were delicious and that he was a
great cook. Ed told Celia that he was
having a great time and that he really
liked their new house.
The hot dogs are delicious.
You're a great cook.

V When we report statements (that is, a positive or negative sentence), we use the verbs 'say' or 'tell' to
introduce the statement. Pronouns and possessive adjectives change according to the meaning.
e.g. Sop hie said, 'I bought a new camera yesterday. '
Sophie said (that) she had bought a new camera the day before.
t> When the introductory verb is in the past simple, the verb tenses change as follows:

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Present Simple Past Simple

'I want to find a better job,' he said. He said he wanted to find a better job.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
'They're playing table tennis,' he said. He said they were playing table tennis.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
'I've ordered a new fridge, ' she said. She said she had ordered a new fridge.
Past Simple Past Perfect
'Jack left the country,' they said. They said Jack had left the country.
Future (will) Conditional (would)
'f'J1 send you a letter,' he said. He said he would send me a letter.

Certain words and time expressions change as follows:

Direct Speech

tonight, today, this week/month/year, etc. that night, that day, that week/month/year, etc.
now then, at that time, at once, immediately
yesterday, last night/week/month/year, etc. the day before/the previous day, the
previous night/week/month/year, etc., the
night/week/month/year, etc. before
tomorrow, next week/month/year, etc. the day after/the following /next day, the
next/following week/month/year, etc.
two days/months/years, etc. ago two days/months/years etc. before
this, these that, those/the/some
here there
come go

- -- - - ---- - - -
When the introductory verb is in the present, future or present perfect simple or when the sentence
expresses something which is always true (general truth), there are no changes in the verb tenses in
reported speech.
Direct speech:
Reported speech:
She says, 'I don't like him .'
She says (that) she doesn't like him.
I 'It is cold in the Arctic,' said the teacher.
The teacher said (that) it is cold in the Arctic.
+ The past continuous, past perfect simple and past perfect continuous do not change in reported speech.
Direct speech: 'I was watching 1V while she was cooking,' he said.
Reported speech: He said (that) he was watching TV while she was cooking.
• Certain modal verbs do not change in reported speech. These are WQuld, could, might, should and ought to.
Direct speech: 'I could run fast when I was young,' Tom said.
Reported speech: Tom said (that) he could run fast when he was young.

7 'I can't go out tonight,' she said to me.

Fill in the gaps with the correct
pronouns or possessive adjectives.
8 'I forgot to pay the bill,' he said.
1 Mary said, 'I want to go out with my friends .'
9 'We've brought you a present,' she said to me.
Mary said (that) ... e;he... wanted to go out with
... her.. . friends.
10 'I'll phone you tomorrow,' she said to Peter.
2 Tom said, 'I have lost my keys.'
Tom said (that) .... ........... .. .... had lost ..... .. .. :........... .
3 Bob and Marie said, 'We are taking our dog for a In which of the following sentences d<t1)
walk.' the tenses not change? Why? Then, tuna
Bob and Marie said (that).. .. ........... were taking the following statements from directl
........ ...... . dog for a walk. into reported speech.
4 Andrew said, 'My sister is coming to visit me next
week.' 1 'I'll paint the house next week,' he says.
Andrew said (that) ............... sister was going to visit Tene;e£5 do not change becau£5e the Introductory
............... the following week. verb ;£5 in the present £5jmple. He £5aye; (that) he
5 Mr Jones said, 'I need to buy a present for my wife.' will paint the hou£5e .
Mr Jones said (that) ............... needed to buy a 2 'I've put the washing in the washing-machine,' Rose
present for .... ........ ... wife. said.
6 Father said, ') want you to wash my car for me.'
3 'A giraffe is bigger than a mouse,' he said.
Father said (that) ..... .......... wanted .... .. .. .. ..... to
wash ............... car for ............... .
4 'We haven't seen Tom fo r two weeks,' she said.

5 'I haven't phoned my uncle since last month,' she says.

Turn from direct into reported speech.
6 'Birds can fly,' the student said.
1 ') can 't find my bag,' she said.
7 'He's studying for an exam now,' she said.
She said (t hat) she couldn't find her bag.
2 'They are working in the garden,' he said.
8 'Leaves fall from the trees in autumn,' he said .

3 'We got married six months ago,' she said to us. 9 'We visited the circus last weekend,' they said.

4 'I'll go shopping tomorrow,' he said. 10 'She dropped the vase on the floor,' Tony said.

5 'I bought a new car last week,' he said. 11 'He took the money to the bank this morning,' she said.

6 'We aren't dOing anything next week,' they said. 12 'The Earth moves round the sun ,' the teacher said.

1 'How old are you?' he asked me.
He a sked me how old J wae;,
2 'When will you call me?' she asked George.

3 She asked, 'Can you play the piano?'

4 He asked, 'Who's there?'

5 'Do you like fish?' she asked Jonathan.

6 'What have you done today?' Mother asked.

7 Jim asked, 'Did you go to work yesterday?'

8 'How did you get here?' he asked.

9 'Have you seen my blue jacket anywhere?' she


10 He asked, 'Will you take me to work tomorrow?'

11 She asked, 'Where have you been?'

Yesterday, Mary went to the doctor's. 12 She asked, 'Will they visit us in the summer?'
The doctor asked Mary how often she exercised.
She also asked her if/whether she drank milk.
There has been a fire in a busy area of your
We introduce reported questions with a.k or town. Read the reporter's questions and
want to know. turn them into reported speech.
In reported questions, the verb is in the affirm-
ative and the question mark is omitted. Verb
tenses, pronouns and time expressions change
as in statements.
e.g. 'Are you working tomorrow morning?' Paul
asked her.
Paul asked her if she was working the next
When the direct question begins with a questkm
word (who, where, how, when, why, what, etc.),
then the reported question begins with the same
question word. 1 'How did the fire start?'
e.g. 'Why are you late? ' Mother asked me. The reporter asked how the fire had e;tarted.
Mother asked me why I was late. 2 'Who called the fire brigade?'
The reporter wanted to know ........ ......................... .
When the direct question begins with an auxi... 3 'Did you ask people to leave the building?'
lary (is, do, have, etc.) or a modal verb (can, The reporter asked .................................. ............... .
may, etc.), then the reported question begins 4 'Was anybody injured?'
with if or whether. The reporter wanted to know ................. .. ............. ..
e.g. 'Can you speak French?' they asked me. 5 'How many fire-fighters are here now?'
They asked me if/whether I could speak The reporter asked ........... ........... ........................... .
French. 6 'Have any of the houses been damaged?'
The reporter wanted to know .. .. ............. ............... ..


~~~- . . . .-. _... -

Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the lis,l
in the correct form.

order, tell, ask, beg, suggest

1 'Let's call Brian,' Susan said to me.

Susan ... suggested ... calling Brian.
Let's make some cards. 2 'Don't make any noise,' Mother said to us.
Ruth, sit down please. Mother .. .......... .... ........ ... us not to make any noise.
Be careful with the glue. 3 'Please stay a little longer,' Kate said to her sister.
Don 't make a mess. Kate .... .... ... ... .... ...... her sister to stay a little longer.
4 'Fire!' the General said to the soldiers.
The General .... ............ ...... .... ..... the soldiers to fire.
5 'Please, please forgive me,' she said to him .
She .... ... ........................ .............. him to forg ive her.

Turn the following sentences into

reported spe ech.

The teacher suggested making some cards.

She asked Ruth to sit down.
She told the children to be careful with the glue.
She also told them not to make a mess.

To report commands or instructions we use the

verbs order or tell + sb + (not) to c infinitive.
e.g. 'Give me your money!' he said to me.
1 Be carefu l of the glass! The f ire-fighter told them
He ordered me to give him my money.
t o be careful of the glass.
'Don't shoot!' he said to them. 2 Stand back! ........................... .. ....................... .. ..... ... .
He ordered them not to shoot. 3 Bring the light nearer! .. ........ .. .. .. .......... .. .. .. .............. .
'Cut the paper into two pieces, ' she said to me. 4 Pass me an axe! .......... .......................... ........ .. ...... .. .
She told me to cut the paper into two pieces. 5 Go to the other side of the plane! .... ................ .... .. ..
• To report requests, we use the verbs ask or beg
+ sb + (not) to - infinitive. The sentence in direct
speech usually contains the word 'please'. Turn f rom direct into reporte d sp eecfro,
e.g. 'Listen to me, please, ' Laura said to Bob.
Laura asked Bob to listen to her. 1 Mary said to me, 'Come with me, please.'
'Please, please don't tell anyone I'm here, ' she Mary asked me to go with her.
said to him. 2 The shop assistant said to the child, 'Don't touch
She begged him not to tell anyone (that) she anything .'
was there.
To report suggestions, we use the verb suggest 3 The secretary said to me, 'Wait here, please.'
+ -Ing form.
e.g. 'Let's play a game,' Father said to us. 4 She said, 'Shall we go swimming? '
We can/could play a game,' Father said to us.
'Shall we play a game?' Father said to us. 5 The park keeper said to them, 'Don't walk on the grass.'
'How about playing a game?' Father said to us.
I I 6 He said to them , 'Don 't stay out late tonight.'
Father suggested playing a game. 7 Annie said to Barry, 'Please, please help me.'
..... . .... .. ..... . ... .... .. .. ........ . .... . ..... .... ..... .... .. . . . ...... .. .. .......

Apart from 'say' and 'tell', there are other introductory verbs which can be used in reported speech. These
verbs give the meaning of the direct sentence more accurately and are followed by either the to - infinitive or
the '-ing form'. Study the table:

i Introductory Verb : Direct Speech Reported Speech

prOmiSe} 'I'll be home early.' He promised to be home early.

refuse + to - inf 'No, I won't wash the dishes.' He refused to wash the dishes.
offer 'Can I get you an aspirin?' He offered to get me an aspirin.
'You should stay in bed.' He advised me to stay in bed .
adViSe} .
ask 'Piease post this letter.' He asked me to post the letter.
beg + sb + to • inf 'Please, please listen to me.' He begged her to listen to him.
order 'Don't move! ' He ordered me not to move.
warn 'Don't go near the fire.' He warned me not to go near the fire.
suggest + -iog form 'Let's have some tea: He suggested having some tea.
'Shall we go to Helen's party?' He suggested going to Helen's party.

Choose an introductory verb and turn The people in the picture had a meeting
the following from direct into reported yesterday in which they discussed some
speech. business matters. Read their comments
and turn them into reported speech.
advised, asked, ordered, warned, promised,
begged, offered, refused, suggested

1 'I thi nk you should eat more vegetables,' my mother

said to me.
My mother advie7ed me to eat more vegetabJee7.
2 'Please get me a glass of water,' he said to Jill.

3 'No, \ won't help you,' she said to Jim.

4 '\'11 buy you something nice for your birthday,' her

mother said to her.

5 'Don't play near the road because it's dangerous,'

he said to us.
1 Tom : 'We should advertise on TV:
6 'Would you like me to do the shopping?' she said .
Tom e7uggee7ted advertie7ing on TV.
2 Alison: 'I'll help you organise the meeting.'
7 'Please, please don't leave me alone in the dark, '
she said to her parents. 3 Alex: 'I can give you copies of the plan.'

8 'How about going to the cinema tonight? ' he said . 4 Bob: 'Let's do some research on the subject.'

9 'Go to bed! ... Now!' his father said to him . 5 Nick: 'I'll give you all the details next week.'

10 'Shall we watch a video?' they said. 6 Diana: 'Don't decide until you know the cost.'

To turn a sentence from reported into direct speech, we follow the same steps as we do when we turn a sen-
tence from direct into reported speech (see page 93), but in reverse order. We also:
put the sentence in quotation marks.
• mention the speaker before or after the direct speech.
• put commas before or after the direct speech.
• begin the direct speech with a capital letter.
• put a question mark and not a comma if the direct speech is a question and the person being spoken
to comes after it.
reported speech: Jack told me that he was leaving the next day.
direct speech: Jack said to me, 'I'm leaving tomorrow.' or 'I'm leaving tomorrow, ' Jack said to me.
reported speech: The boss asked me if I enjoyed my work.
direct speech: 'Do you enjoy your work?' the boss asked me. or
The boss asked me, 'Do you enjoy your work?'

Turn the following sentences from 7 'Are you going out on Saturday night?' Ben asked
reported into direct speech. me.

8 Adam said that he had never ridden a horse before.

1 Trevor asked me if I had posted the letter.
'Did you post t he letter?' Trevor asked me. 9 'We'll go to the circus tomorrow,' said Mother.
2 Sarah told me she was looking for a new job.
10 Mr Carter told them to pick up the paper from the
3 Brian wanted to know what time the train to Leeds left. floor.

4 She said that she didn't like jogging. 11 Julia begged her parents to let her go to the party.

5 He said he would be back the following day. 12 Greg said , 'Let's have a party on my birthday.'

6 He asked how much my new car had cost.

7 I asked Marie if she could do the shopping for me. Turn the underlined sentences from
reported into direct speech.
8 Jill asked Ray to close the window.

Turn from direct into reported speech or

vice versa.

1 'I've finished the h()usework,' she said.

She said (that) she had finished the housewor k.
2 'Why did you do that?' he asked her.
I met an old friend yesterday. I hadn't seen her for two
3 Susie told her mother that Titanic was the best film years. I asked what she had been doing. We decided to
she had ever seen . go for a drink. We sat in a cafe for three hours. We
talked about many different things. She asked me to
4 He told them to put the rubbish in the bin. give her my phone number and she wrote it down.
When we left the cafe, I told her to call me very soon.
5 'Please answer the telephone,' he said to her.
'What have you been doing?' I asked her.
6 Alex said that they were going to Hawaii for their

Corr ect the mis takes.

1 He asked me where was the post office.

Tim Stevens, the famous actor, gave a press conference
2 She suggested to visit the zoo. yesterday. lucy Morton, a young reporter, attended the
3 Mother said, 'You must always say the truth .' conference. Read what TIm Stevens said. Then, in pairs,
4 The doctor told me to not exercise a lot. ask and answer questions, as in the example.
5 My parents offered giving me a lift to the railway station.
SA: What did Tim Stevens say?
6 Our teacher said to us that the test was quite easy.
SB: He said that he was very happy to be in our
7 She asked how could she contact me.
a He said that Kate had left the last month . SA: What else did he say?
S The old man told good night and went to bed.
10 Jenny said me, 'I hate Maths.' 1 I'm very happy to be
in your country. 2 I have already
been to Venice
and Florence.

Underline the correct word(s).

1 A: Where are you going/do you go?

B: To work.
2 A: Did you do/Have you done your homework yet?
B: Yes. I was doing/did it last night.
3 A: Did you paint the house?
B: Yes. I did it all by me/myself.
4 A: Can you get the sugar from the shelf?
B: No, I'm not tall too/enough to reach it.
5 A: Do you still play tennis?
B: No, I used to/didn't use to play every week, but
I don't any more.
6 A: Do I have to go to the shops today?
B: No, you needn't/mustn't. I'll go instead.
7 A: Why are your clothes all wet? Lucy is writing an article about Tim Stevens for the
B: I was washing/have been washing the dog! magazine she works for. Complete the article using the
8 A: Have you read this book? information from the Oral Activity.
B: Of course. It is written/was written by my aunt!
9 A: Who's that woman over there? ~ FAMOUS ACTOR VISITS OUIt COUNTRY
B: It's the woman whose/who's son is in my class '\
Tim Stevens, who I'm sure ati fJj iJ6bt know, was

at school.
10 A: Shall/Must we go out tonight? here for a short visit. f was tw;kll enough to
B: Yes. Let's go to the cinema. attend the press conference he gav~ ~esterday .
This is what Mr Stevens taM, the r€tfJ6rters. He
A: Okay. I have to/will meet you there at 8 o'clock.
A: I need some paper. 1 said that he was very happy to be it'i. oUr country.
S: There is some in the drawer who/which is on
your right. )
\\" He also said .. .... ................. ...... " ...... . , ............. ..

12 A: Nicola's hair is short now.

,; ' '. ... ....... ..
.... ...... .. .... .. ....... ..... ..... .. ........ .... .... ~ ,

B: Really? It used to/didn't use to be really long .

GRAMMARWA Y 2. Express Publishing

CD A 2. said 3. told 4. said 5. told 6. tell

B. 1. said 2. said 3. tell 4. said

C. 1. said 2. said 3. said

@2 She asked George when he would call her.

(!{)2 he, his 5 he, his 3 She asked if/whether 1could play tile piano.
3 they, their 6 he, me, his, him 4 He asked who was there.
4 his, him 5 She asked Jonathan if/whether he iiked fish.
6 Mother asked what lrlad done that day.
@2 He said (that) they were working in the garden. 7 Jim asked if/whether! had gone to work the pre-
vious day/the day before.
3She told us (that) they had got married six months
before. 8 He asked how I had got there.
4 He said (that) he would go shopping the -rollowing/ 9 She asked if/whether I had seen her blue jacket
next day. anyvvhere.
S He said (that) he had bought a new car the pre- 10 He asked if/whether I would take him to work the
vious week/the week before. -[ollowing/next day/the day after.
6 They said (that) they weren't doing anything the 11 She asked where ! had been.
next/following week. 12 She asked if/whether they would visit us in the
7 She told me (that) she couldn't go out that night. summer.
8 He said (that) he had forgotten to pay the bill. .~

9 She told me (that) they had brought me a pres- ® 2 who had called the fire brigade.
ent 3 if/whether we/they had asked people to leave
10 She told Peter (that) she would phone him the the build ing.
following/next day/the day after. 4 if/whether anyone had been injured.
5 how many fire-fighters were there then/at that time.
@3, 6, 8 and 12 do not change tense because they are 6 if/wllether any of the houses had been dam-
general truths. aged.
5 does not change because the introductory verb is in
the present simple. -® 2 told 4 ordered
. 3 asked 5 begged
2 Rose said (that) she had put the washing in the
washing machine. @)
2 The 'fire-'fighter told/ordered "them to stand back.
3 He said (that) a giraffe is bigger than a mouse. 3 The fi,e-'iigh1er told/ordered them to bring the light
4 She said (that) they hadn't seen TomJo~ --.--~- _ _ _ ---"'J.lje*cliJre.
(~ rr.._------------------
5 S;1e says (that) she hasn't phoned her un_ c le (2'.)
since iast month. 4 The fire-fighter told/ordered them to pass him an
6 The student said (that) birds can fly. axe.
7 She said (that) he was studying for an exam 5 The fire-fighter told/ordered them to go to the
then/at that time. other side o'f the plane.

8 He said (that) !eaves -10.11 from the trees in
®2 The shop assistant told the child not to touch
autumn. 3 The secretary asked me to wait the,s.
9 They said (thal) they had visited the circus the 4 She suggested going swimming .
previous weekend/the weekend before. 5 The park keeper told them not to walk on the
10 Tony said (that) she had dropped the vase on the grass.
floor. 6 He told them not to stay out late that night
11 She said (that) he had taken the money to the 7 Annie begged Barry to help her.
banK that morning.
12 The teacher said (that) the earth movss round
the su n.

- - - -_. -- - - - - -
@2 He asked·Jil! to get him
3 She refused to help Jim.
8. glass o-r water.
He asf<ed me wheTS the post office INElS.
<4 Her mother promised to buy her something nice She suggested vlsj1iing the zoo.
·ior her birthday. 3 Moiher said, 'You must always ~iSl~ the truth.'
5 He warned us not to play near ·the road because The doctor told rne il10~ ~{) exercise a lot

it w as dangerous. 5 NJy parents offered !(CI ~h/@ me a lift to the railway

6 She o·flered to do the shoppii~g. station.
7 She begged her parents not to leave her alone in S Our teacher ~'OllD] us that the test was quite easy.
the dark. 7 She asked hovv sJ;]19 ©Q~i.d contact me.
He suggested going to the cinema that night 8 He said that Kat6 had left ~h@ [O;'@vj©;.ss j'Ji!,Q)J'1Il'J/
9 His -rather ordered him to go to bed at once/ ~tJs rnorutjj ~e7'Oj"IS.
jmr(l ed~a·te iy . 9 The oid man sai~ good night and we;,-! to bed.
10 They suggested watching a video. 10 Jenny said ~©l me, 'j hate Maths.'

@ Alison offered to help organise the meeting.

® Have you done, did 8 was w ritten
9 whOSe
3 Alex oiVered to give them copies of the plan. 3 myself
4 Bob suggested doing some (;9search on the 4 enou gh 10 Shall , will
subject. 5 used to 11 which
5 Nick promised to give them ail the d etails the fol- {) needn't '12 used to
lowing w ee!,. 7 have been washing
6 Diana warned them not to decide until they knew
the cost.

®SUg9<=S"ilCl~ 6lIlSW\sTS}
2 Sarah said to me, 'I'm looking for a new job.'
3 Brian asked, 'What time does the train to Leeds

~LlJhe said , '; don't like jogging.'

5 'I'll be bac~( tomoi"m w,' he said .
6 He asked , ' }-low much did your n ew car cost?'
7 'Can you do tile Sllopping for ine, please?'
asked Mafie.
8 Jill said to Roy, 'Please dose the wi ndow.'

~,fSliJgj'£i""'$'}"'1'1 ~;"""w'~""~)
\,.y\2 .~~l, e :C~SI<VU --
i -.>"\: :~~: :l:~ r.-'~. J..,.~ . rJ.~~.~ ~.~ +
\iv. Iy ~ i le , ;~~d
j Iv i .al..
"'-'Iv , . ':.-t '..l

3 'Titanic is the best film I've ever seen,' Susie said

to her mother.
4 'Put the rubbish in the bin,' he said to them.
5 He aSKed her to answ er the telephone . .
{) 'W e're going to Haw aii for our honeymoon,' Aiex
said .
7 Ben asked me if/whether l was going out on
Saturday night.
8 'i've never ridden a horse before,' said Adam.
9 Mother said that we w ould go to the circus the
"following day.
10 'Pick up the paper from the floor,' Mi" Carter said
to them .
.; 1 'Please, please let me go to the party,' julia
asked her parents.
12 Greg suggested having a party 0;, his birthday.

~ (Sii.i~1i1iieS~~:cJ al;'$W~;'~)
~ 'Cai~YoU give rne your phon'3 nurnber,' sile
asked rne.
'Ca!! me very soon,' j said to 11er.
Intermediate 1.1Inglwge Practice

lU ffi1~t 10 Reported speech 1 No changes after

a past tense
If the report is about something which is always true, it may not be necessary to _
reporting verb '1 like apples more than I like oranges.'
She said that she likes apples more tban s/Je likes oranges.
'Budapest is the capital ofHungary'.
Reported speech We often tell people what other people have told us , This is called reported or He said that Budapest is the capital ofHungary.
indirect speech. We usually change tenses and references to people, places and Some speakers prefer to backshift in sentences of this kind .
Speakers in Q Speakers can be mentioned at the beginning or end of the sentence in direct
Without tense Statements are often repeated immediately, and the reporting verb is in a present reported speech speech.
changes tense, In this case, there are no tense changes. Direct speech
'Jack is on the phone. He says he's gOirlg to the cinema, (I1ul Jack said, 'We're going to miss the train. '
do we 1Vtlnt to go too?' 'We're going to miss the train,' saidJack.
(j Speakers arc mentioned at the beginning of the sentence in reported speech.
Tense changes an
Statements are usually reported with a past tense verb and optional that, All Reported speech
after a past tense tenses that follow move back into the past. This is sometimes called backshift. Jacle said (that) they were going to miss the train.
reporting verb
® Present simple to '1 need some help. '
past simple She said (tbat) she needed some help. Other changes In reported speech, references to people, places and times often change, because
the point of view changes.
o Present continuous to 'We are having ottr lunc". ' 'I'll see you here tomorrmv,' said Site.
past continuous She said thtlt they were having their !tmch. Sue said she WO/lId see me there the next day.
o Present perfect to '1 have lost my keys. ' '1 bought this book yesterday,' said Martin.
past perfect He said (that) he had lost his keys. Martin said he had bought tbe bool~ tbe d,ty before.

Q will to would '1 will be home at 6.00.' Summarizing el Sometimes each word is reported (verbatim rep orting), but we often
She said thatshe Qe;oll1d be home ,~t 6.00. instead of summarize what people say w hen we make reports.
'1 wrote two letters to her. ' verbatim reports 'Look, tlctHally, tell him I'll give him a call next week, OK?'
o Past simple "
to past perfect He said (that) he had qe;ritten two letters to her. She said sbe'd call yOlt next wee/to

J eJ be going to, to was/ 'They are going to come back' o See Unit 11 for ways of reporting some kinds of statement.
..J were going to She said (that) they were going to come back.
Verbs easily Speak describes the act of talking.
o must '1 mllst finish this before 1 go. ' confused: say, Simon spoke to me in the SIIpermarket yestac/ay.
Ife said he must finish it before he 'Went.
1--1 Note that mt/st does not change.
He said he had to fin ish it before he went.
tell, speak Say describes the words used. It: is followed by optional tbat.
'It's warm today,' she stlid.
Sbe said (that) it was warm.
('j) Note that sentences in direct speech have speech marks (inwrted commas) Tell describes giving information It needs an obj ect. It is followed by optional
around the spoken words. Indirect or reported speech does not use speech that,
marks. 'YOlt 've won first prize, 'sh e said.
She told me (tbat) 1 had 7Von first prize.
Q Note that past perfect in reported speech can be a report of either past simple
or present perfect.
'I've lost my keys!' saidJoe. J oe said be bad lost his hys.
'1 lost them yesterday,' he said. He said be bad lost them the day before.

41 42

l.=--_ _ _ __ _ _._________ _ --_._ ___ ___________ _____ ________ . ___ ~.J


Intermediate L~ngttage Practice

Unit 10 Reported speech 1 \

a) 'Look, sorry about this, but I'm afraid I'm going to be a bi t late.' .3..
3 I
Match each b) 'Actually I've no idea at all where I am!' .....
sentence in dire,;t c) 'The thing is, I know it's sill y but I've missed the bus.' .....
1 a) Sally tok! that she had lost her keys.
speech with ilS d) 'Anyway, I'll be back in next to no time.' .... .
Underline the ...$.41j.W.!d.t/llIM/tJijlflfl.(Q-.t./.r.r,r.Ko/--i............................................................. summarized
errors in these e) '1 did ring, you know, earlier in the evening ... .. .
b) C hris said me that he must leave early. version in
Rewrite each
...... .... .. ........................ .. ............... .................. .. ..... ..:........................ ........ . reported speech .
1) She said she would be back soo n.
2) She said she had missed the bus.
c) Maria and Tony said they shall sce us tOmorrow.
sentence. 3) She said she was going to be late.
4) She said she had already rung.
d) Tom said, I'm coming to your party. 5) She said she didn't know where she was.

e) Sue said that she had wrote a letter to Lisa. a) Jim ...Md .......... me that he was playing in the school basketball team.
Complete each b) I ................... to Helen, and she ................... she would phone you. .,
f) Steve said llSthat he was arriving at 8.00. sentence, uSlll g c) 'You're lucky,' ................... Steve. '1 ................... you that yo u would win!'
say, tell or speak d) A translator ......... .... ...... the President what everyone was ................... .
in an appropriate c) 'Look,' I ........ .. ......... her, 'why don't you ................. .. me what you mean?'
g) 'I had bought a new bike Pam to ld us.'
form. f) I .. ................ my teacher that I .................. Chinese, but she didn't believe me.
g) 'Please don't .......... ........ anything during the test,' our teacher .......... ........ li S .
11) 'What's the matter? ElIen told.
h) I .... ............ my friends about my party, and they ................ they wo uld come.
i) Jim says that he had needed some help.
a) 'I won't be there because I'Ill having a party,'said Belen.
Rewrite each Belen told us that she .. .wp.HM«'t.b.~f/JP.I~t:.I!~fi«Hqr.~Mwfl~/.IflV.':WJ.l!I!(!r.lj.. ·...... ·.... ··
j) Joe said that he doesn't feci well yesterday.
sentence III b) 'I've lost the map and I don't know the way,' said Jack.
reponed speech, Jack told me that he ................................... .......................... ................ ............... ..
beginning as
Rewrite each
a) Anna told us tha.! she had finished.
' .. /I';..{t/l(~jlr.d..................................... ,' Anna told us.
shown. c) :~i~·~;~· ~·i;;;~~i;· ;i~~·b~~l~:·~:;~~·~~·:~~·;~·:~;~;~';~i~~;~';~;~::'~'~;'d'~'~~:~;:" " """ ''''' '
sentence in direct Carol said that when ...... ............... ....... .. ............................................................. .
b) Geo rge said that he would be back at 6.00.
speech, ending as .......... ....... ......... .................................................... ................................................ .
' .... ........... ........................... .... ..... ...... " GeOl'ge said.
shown. d) 'I'm doing some homework but I won't be long,' said Mike.
c) I-Ielen said she was going to go
Mike said that he ............................................ ................................................. ... .
' .. ...................... ... .. ..... .. ... .................. " said Helen.
d) Paul said that he wanted to make a phone call. c) 'I like swimming but I don't go very often,' said Mary.
Mary told us that she ........... .. ..................... .......... ................... .. ........................ .
' ......................................................... " said Paul.
c) Ti na told the teacher she had forgotten her homework. f) 'I got up late and I missed the bus,' said Richard.
! Richard said that he .................... ................................... .................................... .
' ........... .......... ............. ....................... " Tina told the teacher. · I

£) David said he had to be back by 3.30. .! g) 'I'm going to visit friends in Fiji but I'm not sure when,' saidJill.
'd Jil! told us that she ........... ..... ........................ ....... ........ ....... ................. ... ....... ...... .
' ..... .................................................... ,' David said. !
..................................... ........
g) J an told me she would let me know.
i .~
.... ..... ... .. ... ....... .................... ....... ...... ....... ....
h) 'I want to bu y it, but I haven't brou ght any money,' said Tony.
' ......................................................... ,' Jan told me. · ,
· 1 Tony said that he ................ ............ .... .. ... .. ................... ................. .... ... .. ............ ..
h) Bill said he was going to be late.
' ........................... .............................. ,' Bill said. .. ............ ....................... ............ .... ................. ........." .. ....... ..... .. ..... ... .. .. .... ....... ...... .


Intermediate Language Practice

Yes/no questions
Unit 11 Reported speech

These questions use if

Is this the right street?
Do you know if this isthe rig!)t street?
it There is a question mark, because of the introductory question.
Commands and e Commands are reported with tell and the infinitive. ,
requests 'Wait! Wait!' I told him to stop. Reporting verbs Reporting verbs include part of the meaning of the words reported. Here are
Requests are reported with ask and the infinitive. some of the most common reporting verbs.
advise '1 wouldn't buy that car,janos, if 1 were YOII. '
'Please waIt!' I asked her to wait. . . I .
I advisedjanos not to buy the car.
yes/no questions <3 Questions with the answer yes or no are reported wnh backshlft (seQ U mt agree 'Yes,jill, I think YOtI're right,' said Mike.
10) and using if. Mike agreed with Jill.
'Does the London train stop here?' she asked. apologize 'I'm really sorry for being so late,' said Maria.
She asked me if the London train stopped here. Maria apologized for being late.
i ask 'Do YOII think you collld help me, Sue?'
o Note that the question form' of the direct speech is not used in repoded I asked Sue to help me.
speech, as there is no longer a direct question. There is no question mark. congratulate 'Well done, Tina, yotl've passed the exam!'
I congratulated Tina on passing her exam.
whether Whether means if. .. or not. We use whether when we report questions linked decide There are two types of decision.
with or. The question is reported with backshift. 'I'm going to become a doctor!' said H elen.
'Are you staying the night, or are yotl going bome?' he asked. This is a decision about the future, or a plan.
He asked me whether I was staying the night or going home. I.
H elen decided to become a doctor.
} I

'I'll have the fish pie, please,' said BiLL

Wh- questions Questions beginning when, what, wby, where, how, etc. are reported with This is a decision of the moment.
backshift (see Unit 10). The question forms of direct speech are not used, so the Bill decided to have the fish pie.
subject in bold comes before the verb. There is no question mark. ) .. invite 'Would you like to come to the cinema on S,1t1trciay,
'Where is the bus-station?' she asked. Pam?'
She asked 7vhere the bus-station was. I invited Pam to tbe cinema on Saturday.
'Where have you come from?' he asked. offer 'Shall I carry YOllr case, Dawn?' said Pete}:
11e asked me where I had come from. Peter offered to carry Dawn's case.
promise 'I'll definitely be home by eight,' said Ann.
Indirect '" Indirect or embedded questions are questions which have an introdufwry Ann promised to be home by eight.
questions question before them. The indirect question does not have a question:form. .' 'I'll wait for YOIi, H elen,' said Peter.
Note that there is no change of tenses (backshift).
, Peter promised H elen tbat be would wait for her.

Introductory question: Co/dd you tell me ... ? Do you know ... ? !

I .1
I .:! 1
refme 'No, 1 won't open the door! ' said Carol.
Wh- questions ! i Carol refused to open the door.
" .. ~;
Where is the post office?
, .'1
! remind 'Don 't forget to send your mother a birthday card,Joe. '
Could YOH tell me where the post office is? :;.,I "

'i sttggest
I remindedJoe to send his mother a birthday card.
'How abo/It spending the day at the beach?' said Carlos.
When does the film start?
Do you know when the film starts? r '.' Car/os Sltggested spending the day at the beach.
:'1• .' .,' ! .
.,' i ·..
!,' ,1' ,
i, '
I' '~
if ,~
" i
' J.'
I. itt ~'." :~i
1_.. 1' F .'." ':'\~
_ _~_=_,=.,,:..~~~..,.~~~. :.;;="INl"l:-:--==::-O~-:"'.<n'~~;;~~='''~~_ _~'''C''W~~~-....:....~ ;-.-"';;-'1
Unit 11 Reported speech 2 Intermediate Language Practice

h) ' How much did you pay for your bike ?' I asked Steve.
I asked Steve .............. ... .... ..................... .. ................ ........... ..................... ........... .
:JL a) Helen asked me .. .whdA~r: ... I .. I!!M ........ . going to school or not.
Put one suitable b) David asked his mother ........ .......... she .................. be coming home.
word in each
4 a) What's the time?
c) Peter asked us .................. we .................. ever been to Hungary. Rewrite each Could you tell me .. f.~h({Ufl(.tlil1r.I~ ..................... ?
d) Costas asked me .................. I .................. many photographs. question, b) What does this mean?
e) Maria asked a policeman .......... ........ the museum was;--' beginning as Do you know ............................................... ?
I shown.
f) Dora asked her sister .... .............. she .................. fed their dog.
i c) How much does this cost?
I Could you tell me ............................. .................. ?
2 a) Jack asked me whether i was having lunch or going out. i
d) What time does the museum open ?
Complete each ' .. /.,r.t!Jw~h(!V.i!J§lw:l,dr.qr.!JPI:I1!J.q!lt... .............. ?' Jack asked me.
~ 1
I Do you know ...................... ......................... ?
question in direct b) Carol asked Ann what she had done the day before.
speech, ending as 11 e) Am I in the right seat?
' .. ............................. ...... ......................................... , Ann?' asked Carol. :.1 Could you tell me ........................ .... ................... ?
c) J olm asked us if we often went sailing. :1 f) Where's Asham Street?
' ... ........................ .............................................. .. ... ?' John asked us. ,.
Do you know ...... .......................... ......... ...... ?
d) Kate asked me how many German books I had read.
................................... .................... ....................... ?' Kate asked me. i'l g) Is this Trafalgar Square?
Could you tell me ............................................... ?
e) George asked Sue if she was going to change schools.
' ........... ................................................................... , Sue?' asked George.
:: !
j:,\ h) W hen does this bus leave?
Do you know ............................................... ?
f) A lice asked me who I sat next to in class.
' .............................................................................. ?' Alice asked me. "! rJ 5 advised apologized congratulated invited
g) My teacher asked me if I would be there the next day. I;J Rewrite each offered promised refused suggested
' .......................................................... .................... ?' my teacher asked me. sentence in
:1 1

I. reported speech,
h) Mary asked me w here exactly I lived.
' ......................... ..... ............................................... . exactly? ' Mary asked me.
i:l beginning as
shown. Usea
a) 'I'll definitely be at your house before 8.00, Sue,' said Mike.
Mike .. f!rP.IIH:ir-i .. Sue that .. .!(~.w.qaMflr.llni(,~~.klifo.r:.. P../!.q, ............... .
I b) 'Would you like to come to the cinema, Jean?' asked Chris.
3 a) 'Are you staying here all summer?' the little girl asked me. I'; Id verb from the
list. Chris ..... ........ ......................................... ........ ................................ ........ ..... ..........
Rcwri te each The little girl asked me .. .ifl.whth(.(.,WIM((lJI'n!J.l{(r,r.~.tJ!14!1!11m~(....................... .
sentence 111 b) 'What does 'procrastinate' mean?' r asked my teacher.
c) 'I wou ldn't eat too much if I were you, Dave,' said Patsy.
reponed speech, l' Patsy .............................................. ........................................................... .. ........ ..
I asked my teacher .... ......................................................................................... . :'
beginning as d) 'How about going for a walk?' said George.
shown. c) 'Have you done your homework, or not?' my mother asked me. 11
i I.
I. George ........................................................................ ....... ...... ............................ .
My mother asked me ..................................................................... .................... .
e) 'I'm terribly sorry for breaking the window,' said Carol.
d) 'When is your birthday ?' I asked Sue. j ',

Carol ...... ............................................................................................................. ..

r asked Sue ..... .................. ........... ... ......................... ..... .............................. ........ . . J
f) 'Shall I do the washing-up?' said Bill.
e) 'Did you rememb er to lock the door,' my father asked me. ::!~ Bill ... .................................... ........................ ................... ............... ..... ........ ......... .
M y father asked me .................................................. ......................................... .
g) 'Well done, you've passed your driving test,' said Tina's mother.
f) 'Why have you turned off the television?' Ellcn asked me. \",1
Tina's mother .................... . her .. ...... ...... ........... .......... ................. .............. ........ .
Ellen asked me ..... .. ......... ............................................. ....................... ............... .
h) 'No, I won't go to the dentist's !' said Pat.
g) 'Do you speak Italian?' the tourist guide asked me.
Pat .......... ......................... ..... ....... .................................................... .. ....... .............
The tourist guide asked me ................... ........................ ................... ................. .

47 48

_ _________~~F-- . . ,
G rtzmmar answers

.3 a) Shall we play tennis? 5 a) arrived, Steve had :5 a) wouldn't be there becaztse she was
b) 1'm going to study Arabic in Cairo. b) I help having a paTty
c) I'll be home by midnight. c) do you u sually b) had lost u"e map and (he) didn't
d) I'll meet you later. d) has been playing tennis for know the way
e) Will you go to the shops for me? e) I'll c) she had finished the book she was
f) We won't ma.i;:e too much noise. f) was eating/having my meal going to watch television
g) Shall I help you with those bags? g) gone d) was doing some homework but he
h) We'll come back later if you like. h) is staying wouldn't be long
i) I'll have a lemonade. i) haven't seen David e) liked swimming but (she) didn't go
j) Will you take the dog for a walk? j) you doing very often
f) had got up late and (had) missed the
./) a) ./ 6 1) been 7) ./ 13) if bus
b) When you grow older, you' ll change 2) .t 8) are 14) been g) was going to visit friends in Fiji but
your mind about this. 3) .t 9) been 15) if (she) wasn't sure when
c) ./ 4) have 10) will 16) have h) wanted to buy it but (he) hadn't
d) I won'tleave until you give me the 5) had 11) shall 17) be brought any money
money. 6) ./ 12) have
e) As soon as the taxi arrives, I'll iet you
know. 7 a) it had stopped R£fbRfEl:J 5PtRH
f) Will you be using the video next b) I haven't played it before.
lesson? c) When did Peter write to you last? a) whetheTlwafi
g) By the time we get to Helen's house, d) Do you ever go to t..'le cinema? b) when/would
she'll have left. e) I went to the beach every day. c) if,whetherlhad
h) 'Do you want me to carry this?' 'No £) She is playing basketball. d) if,whetherltook
that's all right, I'll do it.' g) I've been waiting here for ages! e) where
i) ./ h) How long have you lived in this flat? £) if,whetherlhad
j) By the time we arrive, the play will
Il a) Have you finished yet? 2 a) ATe you having lunch or going out
have started.
b) I'll see you tomorrow! b) What did you do yesterday
5 a) will have finished c) Did you have a nice time? c) Do you often go sailing
b) meet next!again, I'll phone d) Do you know what I mean? d) How many German books have you
c) I check the spelling e) Are you coming oudor a drink later? read
cl) let me share her f) Have you been waiting iong? e) Are you going to cha.'lge schools
e) w.e have g) Are you enjoying yourself? f) Who do you sit next to in class
f) leave/go until I h) Have you heard the latest? g) Will you be here tomorrow
g) the lesson has finished h) Where do you live
h) you be doing
.~ REibRf8) 'S,PERf.'1 3 a) if/whetheT I was staying the7e all
~I'obl®m~~ E!i'!i'@ni 9 a) Sally said that she had lost heT keys. b) what 'procrastinate' meant
©c~SlDndst!illl!J'il j, b) Chris said that he must leave early. c) if/whether I had done my homework
c) Maria and Tony said they wouid s~e d) when her birthday was
a) I used to ride us tomorrow. e) if/whether I had remembered to lock
b) Shall I d) Tom said, 'I'm coming to your party.' the door
c) Have you seen her e) Sue said that she had written a letter f) why I had turned off the television
y. d) have you been working to Lisa. g) if/whether I spoke Italian
e) I haven'dinished f) Steve told us/said that he was arriving h) how much he had paid for his bike
f) I was washing at 8.00.
g) are you staring g) 'I have bought a new bike,' Pam told 4 a) what the time is
h) I'm having us. b) what this means
~r c) how much this costs
i) stops h) 'What's the matter?' Ellen said/asked.
j) did you last go i) Jim says that he needs some help. d) what time the mu seum opens
j) Joe said that he didn't reel well e) if/whether I am in the right seat
2 a) doyoudo f) am studying f) where Asham Street is
b) ran g) was reading g) if/whether this is Trafalgar Square
c) was sitting h) know :2 a) I've finished h) when this bus leaves
d) don't understand i) am staying b) I'll be back at 6.00
e) realized j) did you do c) 1'm going to go shopping 5 a) Mike promised SZ1e that he would
d) 1 want to make a phone call definitely be at her home before 8.00.
3 a) befoTe f) never b) Chris invited Jean to the cinema.
e) I've forgotten my homework
b) since g) lately c) Patsy advised Dave not to eat too
f) I have to be back by 3.30
c) all week h) at much.
i) for g) I'll let you know
d) yet d) George suggested going for a walk.
e) As soon as j) By the time h) I'm going to be late
e) Carol apologized for breaking the
3 a) 3 b) 5 c) 2 d) 1 e) 4 window.
'l 1) c 2) a 3) d 4) d 5) b 6) a
7) c 8) c 9) d 10) b 11) b £) Bill offered to do the washing-up.
<} a) told e) told/tell g) Tina's mother congratulated her on
12) d 13) a 14) c 15) a b) spoke/said f) told/spoke passing her driving test.
c) saidltold g) say/told h) Pat ref-used to go to the dentist's.
cl) told/saying h) told/said


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