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Questioning a Witness

Witnesses are valuable to the police. A witness is somebody who is actually present when something happens and
who sees what happens.

Example Sentences. Questions police ask witnesses

Did you see what she was wearing?

Did he have a weapon?

I will need to get a statement from you.

How long ago did this happen?

If you think of anything else, please notify us.

Description of a suspect

• He was wearing sunglasses.

• He had a beard (mustache )

• She was dressed in black.

• She was wearing gloves.

• Hair: short, long, shoulder length, curly, straight, spiky, brown, blond, black, red, in a ponytail

• Body: skinny, fat, chubby, medium build, muscular, tall, short, average height

Sample Conversation

An ESL teacher working in Korea witnesses a bank robbery. The police question her as a

Police: I understand you were the key witness for the robbery.

Woman: Yes, I was the only other person in the bank besides the tellers.

Police: Are you okay to answer some questions for me?

Woman: Sure. I don't know how much help I'll be. He made me get on the ground so I didn't get a
very good look at him.

Police: Was he carrying a weapon?

Woman: Yes, he had a pistol in his back pocket. He threatened to use it, but I doubt it was

Police: What makes you say that?

Woman: He was just a kid. Probably fifteen or younger.

Police: Can you describe him for me?

Woman: He was Asian. Probably five foot six. He was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. I
can't remember what else he was wearing.

Police: Did he talk directly to you? I mean, did he ask you for your money or anything?

Woman: No, he just told me to get on the ground. That's all I know. I'm running late for a class. Is
it okay if I go now?
Police: I just want to get your name and phone number. If you think of anything else, please notify

A dialogue between a man and police inspector about theft

Man: You are Police Inspector, I suppose.

Inspector: Yes, I am. What brings you here?How can I help you?

M: A burglar got in through the window last night.

I: What happened then?

M: He asked for key at the point of revolver.He broke open the safe and made off with all the

I: All right. I', taking up the investigation immediately. Let me see what I can do in the matter.

M: Thank you very much.

I: Thanks. Don't you worry.

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