Epp 4 Module Week 7 8

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Brgy. 24-C, Fatima St., Davao City

S.Y. 2020-2021

Name: ___________________________________ Date: March 2 – 12, 2021

Grade and Section: __________________



What Do You Need To Know?

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify how to properly care for plants
2. Enumerate the methods of propagating plants
3. Discuss transplanting of seeds
4. Discuss asexual method

Understanding Concept


Plants need special care after planting to ensure of their growth and fast development.
Here are some tips to follow:

1. Water the plants regularly. Avoid over watering for it will cause poor aeration and
damping off of plants.

2. Cultivate the soil around the plants, but be careful not to damage the roots. Remove
weeds around the plants. They compete with plants for food. When weeds die and
eventually decay, their mineral nutrients are returned to the soil and used as fertilizer.

3. Apply fertilizer to the plants. Use compost or organic fertilizer such as animal manure
and green manure. Fertilizer can be applied beside or around the plant. This is done
before cultivation so that the applied fertilizer is covered with soil. Another method of
applying fertilizer is dissolving the fertilizer in water and applied by spraying. This is the
most common method of applying fertilizer to ornamental plants like orchids.

4. Control of insect pests and diseases. Remove plant enemies such as caterpillars and
insects. Intercrop oregano or other aromatic plants because their strong odor repels
insects. There are some organic insect sprays that can be used as pesticides.


Plant propagation is the process of producing new plants. Plants can be propagated in
different ways.

This is the simplest method of propagating ornamental and flowering plants. The seeds
are still the fastest and most economical means of reproduction. Seeds are produced
from the fruit or flower of any plant. All flowering plants produce seeds.


The ideal size of a seed box is the size of a fruit box.

1. Clean the fruit box by washing with detergent soap. The sides of the seed box must
be at least 7.5 cm. in height or 3 inches.

2. Fill the box with sterile soil mixture until about 2/3 full.

3. Sow 2 to 3 seeds per centimeter in a row. Each row should be 5 cm, or 2 inches
away from the next row.

4. Sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of fine soil until completely covered. Water the
newly sown seeds thoroughly for the first 3 to 5 days. The planting medium should
always be kept moist.

5. Place the seed box in a sheltered area to keep it away from heavy rains but it should
get a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight daily. Expose the seed box to more sunlight once
the seeds begin to sprout. Check the seed box. Seedlings with two to three leaves can
be transplanted.

Here are the basic steps to follow in transplanting ornamental plants:

1. Block the seedlings in the seed box by passing a sharp knife between the seedlings.

2. Remove the seedling gently from the seedbed.

3. Plant the seedling with the desired depth, just enough to cover the roots.
Transplanting seedlings is best done in the afternoon to allow the transplanted
seedlings to recover overnight and to prevent transplanting shock.

4. Gently water the seedlings to settle the soil around it and allow it to drain freely.

5. Cover the newly transplanted plants for a day or two to prevent them from drying and
shriveling up.

6. Apply fertilizer to the newly transplanted seedlings three weeks after transplanting
and most especially when the plants start to flower.


This type of plant propagation uses other parts of the plants to propagate by separating
or cutting.

1. Reproduction from roots

2. Reproduction from leaves - Example: kataka-taka leaves are placed in the soil
or water.

3. Reproduction from bulbs – Examples: daffodils, tulips, and dahlia


A healthy plant is cut and planted in moist soil.

Planting Stem Cuttings

Planting stem cuttings is one of the easiest methods of plant propagation. The stem is
taken from the parent plant.
Here are the steps to follow:

1. Select healthy mother plants. Cultivate improved varieties using hybrid varieties of
plants such as orchids

2. Cut the mature stem with a node where a new plant can grow from the mother plant.

3. Place the stem cutting in the hole spaced at 25 centimeters per hole. Thirty
centimeters long tip cuttings are ideal. During dry season, slant or vertical planting is

4. Press the soil firmly around the stem cutting and water the newly planted cuttings


The top of a plant is inserted to the stem of another plant.

A branch containing one or more buds is covered with soil. The covered branch may
grow later into a new plant.
Brgy. 24-C, Fatima St., Davao City
S.Y. 2020-2021

Name: ___________________________________ Date: March 2 – 12, 2021

Grade and Section: __________________



What Do You Need To Know?

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the benefits of raising animals
2. Discuss backyard poultry raising
3. Identify the fixtures used in raising animals

Understanding Concept

Raising Animals for Food and Profit

In this unit you will be encouraged to earn extra income by raising animals at
home. You will learn the scientific way of raising animals for more food and profit. You
will find out that animals are indeed our friends, not only because they provide
companionship, but for livelihood as well.
Benefits of Raising Animals in the Backyard
Raising animals in the backyard is profitable. It is a common practice among
Filipino families, especially in the provinces. It is easier to raise animals nowadays
because the government sponsors the dissemination of basic information and the
technical knowledge on how to raise animals through seminars and workshops.
Animal raising includes the raising of poultry, swine, duck, goats, cattle, and
rabbits for family consumption or for profit.

Benefits Derived from Raising Animals in the Backyard

1. Animals provide food. They gave us meat, which is a very good source of protein.
They also give eggs, as well as milk.
2. Chicken feathers are made into fans and other decorative items while cattle gives us
leather that is made into belts, bags, and shoes.
3. Cattle serves as the farmer’s worker and helper.
4. Animals help in enriching the soil with their manure, which serves as fertilizers for
5. Raising animals provides food and gives additional income. Aside from livelihood
opportunities, it also initiates young boys and girls to develop their love of animals
and acquire values such as sanitation and cleanliness, sense of responsibility,
concern and safety.

Backyard Poultry Raising

Poultry refers to domestic fowls, such as chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, turkeys,
which are raised for meat and eggs. Selecting what type of poultry you want to raise
depend on your interest and technical knowledge.

Did you know that not all chickens are the same? There are different types of chickens
based on their purposes, such as the egg types, the meat types, and the dual types.
Egg –Laying Type
This type of chicken is raised to produce eggs. The White leghorn is a good breed for
laying eggs

Meat Type Chicken

Chickens of this type are raised for their meat. They are sold as broilers. The Vantress
and Peterson breeds are famous for their meat.

Dual Type
This type is also known as the general-purpose type. This type lays eggs and provides
meat. The New Hampshire and Rhode Island breeds are examples of this dual type.

New Hampshire Rhode Island

Native Chickens
You can also raise native chickens in your backyard. Most families in the country side
raised this type of chickens. This breed lays eggs and gives meat. The native chicken
can adapt itself easily to the surroundings and climate. It needs less attention and care
for survival. Their eggs are smaller than the commercial breeds. But many people say
that the eggs and meat of native chicken are more delicious than the imported ones.
What do you think?

Feeds Suitable for Chicken

Chickens need nutritious food to sustain growth and production. Chickens can be
given green leaves, such as camote tops, kangkong, and other vegetable scraps, aside
from feeds.

Types of feeds given to chicken

1. Starter mash – This feed is good for chicks until 1 month old. This feed contains
20 – 25 percent of protein.

2. Grower mash – This feeds is given to growing chicks until they are three months
old. This feed is 17% protein. It is good for broiler raising.

3. Laying mash – This feed is intended for laying hens to increase their egg

Proper Housing and Equipment

Shelter is one of the basic needs of man, as well as animals. Therefore a good
shelter must protect animals from cold weather and too much heat and rain. Poultry
houses are usually made of light materials such as wood or bamboo. The size of the
poultry house depends on the size of the project.
Fixtures and Equipment for Poultry Project
Besides houses, there are fixtures and equipment that are needed for poultry
1. Nests – There should be nest in the poultry house where they can lay their eggs.

2. Feeding trough (Pronounce as trof) – This contains the animal feeds. The
feeding through should be properly constructed to avoid the chickens from
scratching the feeds.

3. Drinking trough – This is where chickens drink water

4. Dropping board – This is used to catch chicken manure or droppings.

Effective management is needed in poultry raising in order to attain maximum

production and profit.

Tips in Raising Poultry

1. The success of the project depends on the quality of the stock.
2. Provide good housing facilities for broilers and layers.
3. Give the animals the adequate and right kind of feeds according to their age.
4. Maintain cleanliness and sanitation in the poultry house. Clean the feeding and
drinking troughs regularly.
Answer Sheet
Name: ___________________________________ Date: March 2 – 12, 2021
Grade and Section: __________________

Applying Concept


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if it is not change the
underlined word with the correct answer. Write your answer on the space
___________1. Reproduction from leaves - Example: kataka-taka leaves are placed in
the soil or water.
___________2. Plant propagation is the process of producing new plants. Plants can be
propagated in different ways.

___________3. This type of plant propagation uses other parts of the plants to
propagate by separating or cutting. This is called sexual propagation.

___________4. Water the plants once a week only. Avoid over watering for it will cause
poor aeration and damping off of plants.

___________5. This type of chicken is raised to produce meat. The White leghorn is an
___________6. This type is also known as the general-purpose type. This is the egg
type chicken.
___________7. Reproduction from bulbs – Examples: daffodils, tulips, and dahlia
___________8. A branch containing one or more buds is covered with soil. The covered
branch may grow later into a new plant. This is called the stem cutting

___________9. Laying mash feed is good for chicks until 1 month old. This feed
contains 20 – 25 percent of protein.

__________10. Starter mash feeds is given to growing chicks until they are three
months old. This feed is 17% protein. It is good for broiler raising.
Activity 2
Direction: Arrange the steps in transplanting seeds. Number them from 1 - 6

_________ Cover the newly transplanted plants for a day or two to prevent them from
drying and shriveling up.

_________ Plant the seedling with the desired depth, just enough to cover the roots.
Transplanting seedlings is best done in the afternoon to allow the
transplanted seedlings to recover overnight and to prevent
transplanting shock.

_________ Block the seedlings in the seed box by passing a sharp knife between the

_________ Apply fertilizer to the newly transplanted seedlings three weeks after
transplanting and most especially when the plants start to flower.

_________ Remove the seedling gently from the seedbed.

_________ Gently water the seedlings to settle the soil around it and allow it to drain

Activity 3
Direction: Give the purpose of each fixtures and equipment for poultry. Explain
your answer (Minimum of 3 sentences)

1. Drinking trough

2. Dropping board

3. Feeding trough

Activity 4
Direction: Answer what is ask. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Give 5 benefits of raising poultry animals.






2. Give 5 benefits of plant propagation (Both Sexual an Asexual)






Activity 5
Direction: Read and answer each questions below. Write your answer on the
space provided.

1. Why is it important to properly transfer each plants from the nursery to the
main garden?

2. What poultry animal do you want to raise at home? And why?


3. Give 3 important things to remember in this lesson and explain why.


Summary of the topic:

Plant propagation is very important, especially if you are handling a farm. It

enables you to manage the growth and reproduction of plants in a simple and
quick way. Having poultry animals is a great addition to income and for your own
food consumption.

And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of
all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. And to
every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps
on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for
food.” And it was so. Genesis 1:29-30
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