Training Develoment Assignemt 1

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Group Members:

Name Matrix No. Contact No.

1. Arvin Raj A/L Ragunathan ( Leader ) UDB190324 01137326205
2. Logananthini A/P Revi UDB190331 01111985894
3. Shaila A/P Sivamaniam UDB190341 01133794737
4. Aruna A/P Rajendran UDB190323 0172388201
5. Saranya A/P Valluvar UDB190340 0189001404
6. Yoghana A/P Kanipan


i. Company background and History

Shell Worldwide

Royal Dutch Shell was established in 1907, but the history can be traced back to the first half of
the 19th century.

Their headquarters are based in The Hague, the Netherlands, and our Chief Executive Officer is
Ben van Beurden. The Shell Group's parent company is Royal Dutch Shell plc, which is
headquartered in England and Wales.

Their strategy is to improve our position as a leading energy business by supplying oil and gas
and low-carbon energy as the global energy system shifts. Protection and social responsibility
are important to the business strategy.

Shell Malaysia

Shell has been a partner for Malaysia's progress over 125 years. Their journey with the nation is
intertwined – as Shell has played a role in the growth of the country's energy sector, Malaysia
has also played a significant role in the company's progress.

Their business has diversified from a modest kerosene venture to a group of companies
engaged in all aspects of modern oil and gas business.

Today, Shell maintains a strong multi-faceted presence in the country through our long-term
investments, innovation sharing and impact on local communities.

They helped pioneer Malaysia's oil and gas industry and fueled its growth. They discovered
Malaysia's first offshore oil, then the offshore industry, and most recently the technically
demanding Deep water depths.

Shell's powerful retail network is fueling the journeys of millions of Malaysian motorists every
day. In reality, Shell is even in a position to offer one of the most differentiated fuel and lubricant
goods, some of which were pioneered right here in the region.

Shell continues to be one of the largest employers in Malaysia with thousands of workers in our
upstream, midstream and downstream companies, as well as in their service and support

ii. Vision
They make the difference through our people, a team of dedicated professionals, who value our
customers, deliver on our promises and contribute to sustainable development.


To safety market and distribute energy and petrochemical products while offering innovative
value added services.


Shell is an integrated energy company that aims to meet the growing demand for energy in the
world in ways that are economically, environmentally and socially responsible. Our strategy is to
strengthen our position as a leader in the oil and gas sector while helping to meet global energy
demand in a responsible manner.

Nature of Business

Blending of Lubricating Oils and Marketing of Petroleum Products

2.0 Training, Development, and Education

Training, education and development are three terms frequently used. Apparently, there might
not appear any difference between them, but when a deep thought is given, there appears
some differences between them. In all training, there is some education and, in all education,
there is some training and the two processes cannot be separated from development.

I. Definition of:

a) Training
Training is a structured initiative by a company to promote employees’ learning of job-related
competencies. Training constitutes a primary concept in human resource development. It is
concerned with developing a specific skill to a desired standard by instruction and practice.
Training is a highly useful tool that can bring an employee into a position where they can do
their job efficiently, effectively and conscientiously. Training is the act of increasing the
knowledge and skill of an employee for performing a specific job. The primary goal of training is
to ensure that all workers have the professional skills required to perform the job effectively and
smoothly. Although technical training may be job-specific, programs usually concentrate on the
hard skills an employee requires to fulfill the key performance indicators associated with the

Every organization should provide training to all the workers irrespective of their qualifications
and skills. Training is also a method of learning a sequence of programmed behaviour. It is the
application of knowledge and gives people an awareness of rules and procedures to guide their
behaviour It is the use of information which provides people with an understanding of rules and
procedures to guide their behaviour. It helps to bring about positive changes in workers'
experience, skills and attitudes.

Training is either a method that aims to develop skills or add to the current level of experience
so that the worker is better prepared to do his current job or to mould him to be fit for a higher
job with higher responsibilities. It bridges the difference between what the employee has and
what the job demands or needs.
b) Development

The training for the top-level workers is regarded as development, also known as management
or executive development. It is an on-going structured method in which managerial staff learns
to improve their conceptual, theoretical knowledge. It helps the individual to bring efficiency and
effectiveness in their work performances. The term development is a long-term process by
which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose
and also, it’s an overall growth of an employee to perform present assignment better and
improve the capacity for future higher order assignment.

The content of a development programme involves conceptual or theoretical inputs, perspective

strategic thinking or reflecting on interpersonal factors such as leadership skills, team
management, groups, etc. The purpose of development is to prepare workers for future
challenges because development is not only limited to a particular task, but it aims to improve
their personality and attitude for their overall growth which will help them to face future
challenges. It changes the mentality of the employees and makes them more demanding.
Coaching, mentoring, counselling, job-rotation, role playing, case study, conference training,
special projects are some of the methods of development.

As technology needs to be updated, the manpower of the organization also needs to be

updated, so the development is a must. Development is an unending educational process, as
there is no clear end to education. It involves training a person for higher assignments. It digs
out the abilities of the managerial staff and helps in applying the new knowledge, which is a
requirement of the organization.

c) Education

Education is the understanding and intervention of knowledge. It does not provide definitive
answers, but rather it develops a logical and rational mind that can analyse relationships
between relevant variables and thus character, and understanding of basic principles and
develop the capacities of analysis, synthesis and objectivity. Usually, education is beyond the
control of the activities of an organization. It requires a combination of skills and information
which can be only offered by educational institutions. An organisation can and does make use
of such institutions in order to support and complement its internal training and development
efforts. The goal of education or learning is to match employee goals and performance with that
of the organizations. A good educational strategy incorporates senior executive training, so their
leadership skills are continually sharpened. In a company with a clear and effective learning or
educational strategy, senior executives know that the talent stream is secure.

Education have increasingly become the primary means for self-awareness, belongingness,
advancement and self-fulfilment. Education acquired in the formal education system, on the job,
or in a more informal way, is the key for employees in controlling their future and their personal
development. The development of employee capacity through education is becoming more
important due to a range of changes which are impacting organizations in the present-day
environment. These changes include increasing organizational complexity, technological
advances, regulation, employee levels, need for higher productivity, application of behavioural
science knowledge, changing social values and employee expectations.

II. Explain and give examples of the following terms:

a) Types of training

There are a number of different forms of training we can use to get an employee involved.
These types are usually used in all steps in a training process orientation, mentorship, and
external training. The training used depends on the amounts of resources or sources available
for training, the type of company, and the importance the company places on training. Many HR
managers now use a number of forms of training such as technical or technology training,
quality training, skills training, professional training, legal training, team and management
training, and most importantly safety training to develop a holistic employee.

Technical training is a method of training meant to teach the new employee the technological
aspects of the job. Quality training refers to familiarizing employees with the means of avoid,
identify, and remove non-quality items, usually in an organization that manufactures a product.
Skills training, includes proficiencies needed to actually perform the job. Professional training is
a type of training required to be up to date in one’s own professional field. Team training as a
process that empowers teams to improve decision making, problem solving, and team-
development skills to achieve business results. In other hand, managerial training includes
those from our soft skills section, such as how to motivate and delegate, while others may be
technical in nature. Last but not least safety training is a type of training that occurs to ensure
employees are protected from injuries caused by work-related accidents.
Shell provides you the support and training to grow and develop, because it recognises the vital
role every employee plays in their success. Shell offer both internal and external training
programmes and have a range of formal leadership programmes that can provide international
training opportunities. In Shell, they providing the training they need to fully optimize their skills
and potential. That’s why they offer a huge range of training and development activities.

There are three types of training course in Shell which are the operations training course, this
focuses more deeply on the specifics of fuelling operations, and is delivered as a combination of
classroom and on-site teaching at one of Shell’s worldwide facilities. Courses are conducted
mainly in English as standard, but are also available in other languages. The next is the famous
fuel tech course, it’s offers deeper insight in advanced Quality Control, product knowledge and
covers more technical issues concerning various aviation products and their use. The last
course is supervising for safety course, helps them understand their role in managing safety in
the aviation workplace.

Training systems are available in multiple languages, using multi-lingual presenters and
assessors. Trainee can choose one or more training which provided by Shell of the following:

 On-the-job learning

You can expect to move both sideways and upwards through the business, building on your
skills as you go

 Training for recognized professional qualifications

Either through external organizations or Shell’s own extensive training services and facilities

b) Types of development

Development is a dynamic and ongoing process. While employee training is often a one-off
event, employee development can span over the course of many years All employee training
and learning situations are included. Employee development programs are ways to improve an
employee’s broader skills as a person over an extended time period in a more holistic approach.
Learning and development opportunities help boost employee participation and productivity.
Employee development on the other hand, is an education process which is concerned with the
overall growth of the employee. Development is broader than training. It’s oriented to the
employee, and aimed at preparing employees for future challenges and opportunities.

Employees who involved in a development program are more satisfied and feel that their
employers are recognizing them for their value. With additional learning opportunities, they are
better prepared to take on more challenging projects and roles. This also sets them on a track
toward leadership roles within the company. There are some types of development plans in
organization such as performance-based plan, if you are using a performance-based
professional development plan, consider other aspects of employees’ experience, such as
professional growth throughout the quarter and motivation. Next this development plan is similar
to the performance-based management by goal plan, but depends on shorter-term objectives.
Instead of following goals dictated down from management, employees set their own individual
milestones. Those milestones then work together toward the overall organizational goal.

Last but not least, succession development planning, this plan is highly individualized and works
best on single employees rather than with groups. It is based on a mentorship program, similar
to the succession plan, but focusing more on the mentee’s individual needs. Timing is extremely
important for this type of employee development. It is important to be responsive when an
employee expresses desire to learn more or they may lose interest if you wait too long. While
this plan is more informal, it is great for employees who want to improve on specific skills that
will help their careers advance.

The Shell Advanced Technical Programme (SATP), a newly launched programme is a

structured development programme for experienced technical professional. The SATP is
designed for all employees and is particularly beneficial to the female technical employees to
further develop and advance their careers in Shell. Due to the shortage of highly experienced
female engineers in the labour market, especially in the oil and gas industry, there is a stronger
need for education, retention and development of this technical talent pool. Shell recognises the
importance of developing these women and preparing them to become leaders in the oil and
gas sector.

In addition, mentoring is part of Shell’s culture, it is part of the way they develop people.
Mentoring is a key contributor to guiding people in their journey to understand their full potential
and reduce their time to autonomy. Shell understand that mentoring is important for female
progression in terms of building leadership and self-confidence. Shell also engaged a personal
development programmed to its employees to develop their self-more knowledgeable in this

c) Types of education

Education is an essential for the development of employees’ skills. Education develop creativity,
positive attitude, and a sense of responsibility and also help the employees to reach high
degree of motivation. Through these activities, employees can improve their respective skills
and develop a sense of fulfilment. Good quality education, complemented by relevant training
and skills development opportunities, prepare the employees for their productive lives, giving
them with the core skills which enable them to continue learning during their working lifetime.
The purpose of education is to provide the conditions essential for the employees to develop an
understanding of the traditions and ideas influencing the society in which they live and to enable
them to make a contribution to it.

Shell offer employee’s valuable educational resources. With potential-based career

development, there is a focus on personal development. They have a performance appraisal
cycle and a number of development tools that employees and their line manager review on a
regular basis. Shell Open University is its online learning portal. It includes a wide variety of
practical, commercial and technical learning tools, from online courses and webcasts, to e-
books and guides. Shell also recognize the benefit of external study and professional
accreditation, so it will contribute to the cost and time involved in the pursuit of relevant further
education. Moreover, The Women’s Career Development Program (WCDP) is a highly
interactive diversity and inclusion learning program designed to help female Shell employees
identify what they want from their professional and personal lives and to support them in
achieving their full potential.
3.0 Roles of training and development

Training and development is one of the lowest items on the list of goals for most businesses. If it
is coordinated, it is mostly thanks to the persistence of the human resources department.
However, there is tremendous benefit in arranging adequate preparation and learning sessions
for workers. Training and development in an organization encourages workers to learn new
abilities, sharpen existing skills, enhance efficiency, increase morale and become stronger
leaders. As the corporation is the complete number of what workers do separately, companies
should do everything in their power to ensure that employees work at their best.

● Training.

The training curriculum helps you to enhance the quality that each employee wants to improve.
Providing the necessary preparation provides an overall competent workforce of workers who
can take over, work on a team or work on a stand-alone basis without the continuous support
and supervision of others.

There are three types of training courses in Shell, which are training courses in operations, fuel
technology courses and safety courses. Operations training course focuses more deeply on the
specifics of fuelling operations training objectives are to increase the efficiency of workers. The
goal of the provision of new skills is to improve the productivity of staff assigned to specific
tasks. Fuel technology course insight into advanced quality management, product awareness
and more technological issues. The goal of Shell in this course is to cover the fundamentals of
fuel injection, tuning and how to use the ECU method of FuelTech as a tool to its fullest
potential. These are incorporated into the refresher programme along with changes to include
developments in the operating procedures and standards as they occur. Last but not least, is
the safety supervision courses, Targets Aviation Operations Supervisors help them understand
their role in managing aviation safety at the workplace. The goal of Shell in this course is to
maintain a fair and secure working atmosphere for employees. Employees must be free to
disclose hazardous or unhealthful working conditions or hazards to the supervisor without fear
of reprisal.

● Development.

Production offers the opportunity to work on exciting engineering projects, utilising and
developing state-of-the-art technologies. As a graduate of the Technical Area of the Shell
Graduate Program, graduates can expect to experience a two-and-a-half-year programme of
real-life assignment-based projects designed to extend their R&D progress. The Shell Advanced
Technology Program is designed for all employees and is especially advantageous for female
technical workers to further develop and advance their careers in Shell. As a Shell graduate,
employees made suggestions and over a period of months employees oversaw the work to
make the transition happen. As the best example of an employee completing the Shell Graduate
Program was Andry Salim's position as a Graduate Materials and Corrosion Engineer, They
made a recommendation to replace process pipes. There is real responsibility on offer from day
one, and you will be part of Shell's most innovative and important ventures, where problem
solvers and innovators will flourish.

Women's Career Development Program (WCDP) and its sister programme Senior Women
Connect (SWC), which is primarily tailored for women in leadership roles. The goals of both
women at Shell are to build networks and help each other grow their careers, gain leadership
skills and address the challenges they could face in the workplace. It's a good platform for
women to have an honest discussion about how to excel in the workplace.
Figure 1 shows: Anneke van der Heijden has been able to develop her executive presence on
the Senior Women Connect programme.

Last but not least, mentoring is part of the culture of Shell, part of the way we develop people.
Mentoring is a key contributor with guiding people on their journey to realise their full potential
and reduce their time to autonomy. Trainers understand that mentoring is critical to the
advancement of women in leadership building and self-confidence. The great thing about the
mentoring programme is that it has helped employees find their career path that has worked for
employees. It is important to share responsibility for a range of site leadership activities,
including improvement tactics, risk assessments, human development initiatives and more.

Figure 2 show’s: As a Shell graduate you don’t need to do it on your own.

● Education

Since its inception, the Shell Malaysia Scholarship Program has benefited more than 1500
students from their educational ambitions and has offered a unique entrance to the energy
industry. A scholarship with Shell Malaysia opens up a world of opportunities, including the
opportunity to pursue undergraduate studies in the world's top universities, engage in
mentoring, internship programmes and graduate studies, and embark on a promising career
with Shell Global. The goal is to acquire the knowledge, skills, moral values and understanding
necessary in all areas of life, rather than knowledge and skills relevant to a narrow area of

Shell provides community skills and business development to workers. Aim to equip thier fence
communities with knowledge of alternative and sustainable livelihoods. Shell Malaysia offers
numerous opportunities for personal advancement through scholarships, technical
apprenticeships, sustainable development grants and the LiveWIRE programme. Projek Latihan
Industri Kimpalan' (Industrial Welding Training Project) or more familiarly known as ProjekLINK
was launched in Miri, Sarawak, in 1989, to support the increasing demand for technical welders
capable of meeting international technical welding standards.
Figure 3 shows news article:

Industrial Welding Training Project) or more familiarly known as ProjekLINK was initiated in Miri,
Sarawak in 1989

Figure 4 shows news article :

Note of Understanding ( NOU ) between SBB/SSPC and state Education Department of

Sarawak in July 1989

4.0 Findings and recommendation


Training and development are critical in an organisation because training encourages workers
to learn new skills, enhance existing ones, improve results, increase productivity and become
better leaders. Because the business is the total amount of what workers do individually,
organisations should do everything in their power to ensure that employees perform at their
peak. All businesses offer training and development to many employees, since employee
training and development initiatives will help to increase the talent they already have to maintain
valuable company expertise and ownership at home, minimise turnover, and maximize your

There is the ways to improve training and development in company:

 Measure results

Effective businesses analyse the results and make sure they keep having the best bang for their
buck. The best steps are the simplest; integrate them into the programme so that everyone
knows what is expected. We named them "corresponding behaviors"—comportements that
you're going to search for and test on the job to assess whether workers really learned how to
work properly. There will be no surprises for workers in this way. We trained managers who
were trainers to evaluate staff performance several times during their introductory period, and to
provide constructive feedback and coaching to let employees know how they did in real time;
again, maximum feedback and no surprise.

 Include Soft Skills Training

Leaving soft skills out of the training schedule is one of the most common errors in corporate
training. While hard skills are crucial to day-to-day workflows, soft skills are equally necessary
for management positions and roles that involve customer interaction. The training programme
should strike a balance between teaching hard technical skills (office software, accounting, etc.)
and promoting soft skills such as leadership, decision-making, time management, and conflict
resolution. Soft skills training is a good fit for a blended learning approach, as many of them
involve cross-personal interaction and are difficult to cover in a regular online learning course.
 Weave it into company’s culture

Companies want happy employees, so consider a philosophy of "life-long training" that focuses
on employee satisfaction. When making promotion decisions, give preference to employees
who have completed training and have performed well. Promotion should be one of the rewards
of their efforts. And that answers the employee's question, "What's in it for me? "Celebrate
achievements and achievements. Let everyone in the organisation know when someone has
completed training and what that means to their growth opportunities. Advertise your
programmes and participants in internal communications, display their photos and stories, and
talk about them at each employee's meeting. Increase employee engagement by planning more
opportunities for them to get involved. They might be trainers or subject matter experts, or could
assist in evaluating their new colleagues and helping to reinforce their training.

 Create Learning Paths

A training program is not a bunch of different courses. It's more of an educational journey, and
the courses that the learner takes are stops along that adventure. Instructors call this collection
of courses a "learning path" And a well-considered training programme should provide
employees with multiple learning paths, based on their existing skills and future career goals.
When designing your employee training and development programme, start with the jobs you
want to train your staff and combine courses in ways that allow employees at different levels of
learning to move to higher roles.

 Ask Your Employees What They Need

Go straight to the source to boost the corporate training program. Ask your employees to tell
you what skills they need (or want) to learn, and what courses they believe will have a
significant impact on their productivity. Observe their normal workflows, too. Some skills gaps
will be clear to an observer, but not to your staff, because they will be so used to one way of
doing things that they can't imagine a more efficient alternative. Last but not least, the help desk
(if your company has one) will be a perfect place to look for the skills you need to teach. Most
workers open the same form of tickets (often repeatedly), from which you can easily see general
patterns that expose skills deficiencies and common workflow disturbances.

5.0 Conclusion

In a nutshell, Shell gives the encouragement and training to grow and develop, because they
understand the crucial role that every employee plays in their success. They provide useful
educational services to their workers. Focus is put on personal growth with a possible career-
based development. They have a performance evaluation cycle and a variety of improvement
methods that workers and their line managers periodically evaluate. They deliver both internal
and external training programmes as well as a variety of structured leadership programmes that
may include international training opportunities. The technological and leadership development
services are known as industry leaders. Shell Open University is the online learning platform. It
provides a wide variety of practical, commercial and professional learning resources, from
online courses and webcasts to e-books and guides.

They also understand the benefits of external research and professional accreditation, so they
can contribute to the expense and time involved in the pursuit of appropriate further education.
They are committed to providing the service we need. From on-the-job learning and training
opportunities to mentoring and career development, they will help you meet the personal and
professional goals. There are training organisations that provide both personalised and off-the-
shelf programmes focused on their client's business processes, but there is still a great deal to
be improved. Training and development cannot, therefore, be isolated from the corporate
operations of the organisations; on the contrary, this is an environment that clearly shows the
positive relationship between training activities and organisational efficiency. In particular, it is
recognised that successful training and development policy can be a key factor in addressing
inequality in jobs in relation to race, gender and disability.

It is recommended that the company establish a training and development plan with the goal of
encouraging all workers to perform their duties to the highest expectations and delivering high-
quality services to the customer. In these guidelines, training and development are generally
defined as practises aimed at raising the standards of employee practise and thus increasing
the quality of employees, as well as the learning and organisational experience of clients. In
Shell, they have the training they need to completely optimise their abilities and ability. That's
why they provide a wide variety of training and growth programmes. Management and
encouragement of 'buddy' programmes, mentoring and frequent assessment with line

In addition to these programmes, Shell also has customised preparation for all of its fresh
starters, including inductions and Shell Life. Shell Life is a highly experiential and immersive
graduate course designed to improve their leadership potential. The course effort lets
participants focus on their private leadership and leadership, interpersonal efficiency, and the
level of business knowledge they'll need if they're going to have a good career with Shell. This
three-day course gives the user the opportunity to offer, for example, in-house ACE training.
The course syllabus covers communication strategies, knowledge acquisition, retrieval &
retention, and evaluation skills. They concentrate more deeply on the aspects of fuelling
operations and are offered as a mixture of classroom and on-site training at one of Shell's global
facilities. The courses are administered primarily in English as a common language, but are also
available in other languages for better comprehension, since it is a universal language.

Thus, this research work would also explore the procedures that would enable the shell oil
company to determine the efficacy of the type of human resource approach for the training and
growth of the shell oil company and it was focused on primary data from other scholars and
shell oil company websites and secondary data from our own observations about the shell oil
company. We'll also disuse some primary concepts in others to shed more light on what's going
to happen and happened to the Shell Oil Company.

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