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“ Men of the North Kingdom!

This day we shatter the upstart of Angmar

to restore the glory of the Dunedain!”
- King Argeleb of Arthedain
Arnor, or the Northern Kingdom, was a kingdom of the Dúnedain
in the land of Eriador in Middle Earth. At its greatest, Arnor
encompassed almost the whole region of Eriador between Bruinen,
Gwathló and Lhûn, and the region which would later be known as
the Shire.
With the victory of the War of the Last Alliance, Arnor's power was
apparently at its zenith. The King of Arnor held the overlordship of
all the land from the Bay of Forochel to the River Poros on the southern
borders of Ithilien, and from the Blue Mountains to the Mountains of
Shadow. But in reality Arnor's strength had been severely depleted by
the war and the Disaster of the Gladden Fields, and the northern
Dúnedain never really recovered from their losses. The first few centuries
of the Third Age were relatively uneventful, but it seems that Arnor's
population gradually began to dwindle even in this early period.

After the death of its tenth king, Eärendur dissension among his three
sons led to the division of Arnor. The eldest son, Amlaith, claimed
Kingship over all Arnor but was reduced to ruling only the region of
Arthedain as his kingdom, while the other sons founded the kingdoms
of Cardolan and Rhudaur. The former capital, Annúminas, became
depopulated and fell into ruin. The capital of Arnor was relocated to the
lesser city of Fornost Erain on the North Downs.

This division hastened the decline of the Northern Dúnedain. The three k
ngdoms had frequent border skirmishes over boundary disputes, but the
relationship of Arthedain and Cardolan remained relatively peaceful.
Rhudaur, by contrast, was unfriendly towards the two other successor states,
and fought a bitter conflict with Cardolan and Arthedain over the tower of
Amon Sûl and the possession of its palantír.

Around Third Age. 1300 during the reign of the sixth king at Fornost,
the Witch-king arose in the mountains north-east of Arnor, where he founded
the evil realm of Angmar. There, they gathered many evil men, orcs, and other
fell creatures, with the intent of destroying the realm of Arnor. 49 years later
with the death of King Malvegil. Due to the line of Kings that had failed in the realms
of Cardolan and Rhudaur, Argeleb claimed the lordship of all of Arnor again.
Cardolan accepted this claim, but Rhudaur had by then fallen under control
of Angmar, resisted his rule. Argeleb therefore fortified the hills at Weathertop,
and was killed in T.A. 1356 by evil men from Rhudaur.

This unofficial pdf´s sourcebook allow to explore a portion about this proud
fallen kingdom of the Dunedain. I do not claim any copyright as this pdf its
merely for fun and enjoyable matchplays.
King Argeleb of Arthedain (man)......................120 points
With the suddent arise of the Kingdom of Angmar OPTIONS.
threatning the Lands of Arnor and seeing that the
Shield ....................................................... 5 points
line of Kings had failed in the realms of Cardolan Horse ........................................................ 10 points
and Rhudaur, Argeleb claimed the lordship of all
of Arnor again in the hope of a re-unification to face SPECIAL RULES
against a common threat. Cardolan does not opose Fearless.
him, but Rhudaur, secretly in league with Angmar Royal line of Arnor. Descending of a Royal
defies Arthedain. Lust for power, Argeleb advances line and being an experienced soldier, Argeleb´s
blindly into a trap and although Argeleb it´s an presence inspire even the weakest men of heart
experienced soldier and mighty king on his own to great deeds. Argeleb´s Stand Fast! rule has
his own pride and arrogance will be his downfall. range of 12”. In addition, all Good Warriors of Arnor
count as being within the range of a Banner if they
Mv F S D A W C M W F are within 6” of Argeleb.
3 3 2
6" 6/4+ 4 7 3 3 6
Arrogant pride. Argeleb´s lust of power and
WARGEAR intolerance for insoburdination and rivalry disputes,
Very heavy armour and sword. often leads the king astray into a less safe conduit,
putting his own self being in peril. Argeleb must
charge if free to do so towards the enemy army leader.

Arveleg, Warden of Amon Sûl(man )......................145 points

Argeleb´s son succeeded his father after his death in OPTIONS.
a trap at Rhudaur. Avenging his father´s dead with Horse ........................................................ 10 points
the help of Cardolan and Lindon, Arveleg had
learned from his father´s pride to adopt a more
cautious strategy. Being the warden of Amon Sûl, SPECIAL RULES
Arveleg oversee´s the great defence against Angmar King´s Heir. Being more cautious than his father,
in the North. To do this, Arveleg possess a mighty Arveleg adopt a more defensive pattern to defend
object that gives him glimps of future sights that his Kingdom. All Good Warriors of Arnor within 12”
helps thwarting the enemy plans. This object is of Arveleg (and himself) can opt to use the Shielding
desired by the Witch King above all else, the master rule despite not holding a shield, Good Warriors
Palantir of the North. holding shields as part of a wargear, roll an additional
dice when using the Shielding rule.
Mv F S D A W C M W F

6" 6/4+ 4 7 2 2 5
2 3 * Palantir of Amon Sûl*. Arveleg its the keeper
of this ancient artifact and through study he learned to
WARGEAR use it to its full potencial. The Palantir of Amon Sûl allows
Arveleg to re-roll one dice for any reason at each phase.
Very heavy armour, dagger and a two handed sword.
In addition, anytime Arveleg is wounded, on a roll of a 3+
the wound is ignored just like fate point as been spent to
avoid it.
Araphor, the Young Prince(man)......................40 points
Although very young in age, Arvleg´s Son soon OPTIONS.
learned to master the art of war after bitter struggles
Shield ....................................................... 5 points
with Angmar. Horse ........................................................ 10 points
Mv F S D A W C M W F

6" 4/4+ 4 6 1 2 4
Too young to lead. Although he will grow
WARGEAR older and wiser as time pass by, the future young
Heavy armour and sword. orphan will face an early struggle against the denizens
of Angmar. Araphor is not yet fully developed and
his tender age still hinder him and often relies on
his tutors to aid him. Araphor cannot use his Stand Fast!
rule on warriors and heroes around him.

Arvedui, Last King of Arnor (man)......................70 points

Destined to Arnor´s last king, Arvedui knowns not
whether his realm will end in despair or be reforged
in glory. As a shadow falls upon Arnor for the final SPECIAL RULES
time, it is on Arvedui´s shoulders that the defence of The King in the North. Arvedui´s Stand Fast! rule
the realm shall rest. has a range of 12”/28cm. In addition his stand fast also
affect Arnor Heroes.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
3 2 0
6" 5/4+ 4 6 2 2 5

Heavy armour and sword.

Captain of the King´s Guard (man )...................... 80 points

Fornost, Arthedain´s Capital often compromissed OPTIONS.
of an elite garrison of warriors. Arnorian warriors Spear ........................................................ 1 point
are skilled fighters and in occasion one in their ranks Bow ......................................................... 5 point
pocess an unusual skill of arms hardly seen even Horse ..................................................... 10 point
amongst veterans, these Soldiers of long wars have
long learned the truth of an hard life and make SPECIAL RULES
name with their own prodigious skill in battle. Bodyguard(Heroe)
At times such individuals are offered with the
rank of the Captain of the King´s personnal guard, In the King´s defence. Being in charge of the
an honourable duty to protect their liege from harm. King´s personnal safety, The Captain of the King´s Guard
fight all the harder nearby their liege.
Captain of the King´s Guard can call an heroic combat
Mv F S D A W C M W F for free as long hes within 6” of the army leader, this heroic
6" 6/4+ 4 7 2 2 4
3 1 1 must be used to get him into the same combat as its leader
if possible.
Heavy armour, sword and shield. Follow by example. King´s Guard are often a sight
of magesty and example of what a warrior aspire to be.
King´s Guard always count as being in a range of a banner
as long the heroe they protect its within 6”
Captain of the Shadow warriors (man )...................... 75 points
Dunedain are expert hunters and archers without OPTIONS.
peers, yet they are those who excel at this particular Spear ........................................................ 1 point
role with a dexterity far uncommon the common men.
Amongst the elite cadre in which of Shadow warriors,
few are those called to act as captain of companies
leading their fellow bretheren to war. SPECIAL RULES
Scouts without peer. Shadow warriors are so
Mv F S D A W C M W F skilled with bows and in melee that they fight in a swirl
6" 5/3+ 4 5 2 2 3
2 1 1 of blows with their two blades making them often mistaken
by elves.
Shadow warriors gain +1 to their Attack profile.
Armour, dual swords, longbow and elven cloak.

Rules of the Wild. Being a rare sight, shadow warriors

are mostly on their own or in small companies. Shadow warriors
can use friendly Hero´s Stand Fast! regardless of range.

*You can only include up to 6 Shadow warriors in the army for

each Captain of the Shadow Warriors in your force.

Malbeth the Seer (man )........................................ 85 points

Gifted with foresight, Malbeth has long been a part SPECIAL RULES
of Fornost´s royal council. Such abilities are otherwise
unheard of in Men, for such oracular skill is closely Gift of Foresight. Every time a friendly model within
associated with the Elves. Malbeth´s visions are 6”/14cm of Maleth suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On the roll
often incomplete, the strands of desinty following of a 5+, the wound is prevented, exactly if a point of Fate
separate, and often contradictory, paths. had been expended. Note that if this roll is failed, Fate points
may still be expended as normal.

Mv F S D A W C M W F
1 2 1 Royal Visir. Not only Malbeth´s held part of the Court of Fornost
6" 3/4+ 4 5 1 2 5 for the gift of foresight, but also for his valuable advices and experience
through out the times of need, often advising as best he can.
Armour and Royal staff (staff) Friendly Arnor Warbands within 6” of Malbeth may redeploy its models
after all models has been deployed in the field ogf battle but before priority
rolls are made.

Captain of Arnor (man )........................................ 50 points

Years of constant war have taken their toll on the WARGEAR
commanders of Arnor´s armies, with to many Heavy armour and sword
novice commanders promote too soon.
Fortunately, battle teaches the most important
lessons swiftly and what Arnor´s captains lack for OPTIONS.
in experience of command they make up in raw Shield ........................................................ 5 points
fighting skill. Horse ........................................................ 10 points

Mv F S D A W C M W F
2 1 1
6" 5/4+ 4 6 2 2 3
Arnor King´s Guard (man )...................... 13 points
At every Dunedain Hall the´re those with the task OPTIONS.
to protect their liege, these are the King´s guard, Spear ........................................................ 1 point
specially trained Dunedain with skills far off superior Shield........................................................ 1 point
than common folk. Although few in numbers, each of Horse ....................................................... 6 points
these sturdy warriors are ready to give their lives to Banner ...................................................... 25 points
protect their lord as foes learn harshly what is to
face the Dunedain´s finest. SPECIAL RULES
Bodyguard(Heroe); Follow by example
Mv F S D A W C
6" 5/4+ 3 6 1 1 3
Protect the King. King´s Guard ultimate
task is protect their liege no matter the odds and
they will gladly give their lives for it. At the beginning
of the Movement Phase, if there is any unengage King´s
Very heavy armour and sword.
Guard touching base with the heroe they protect, they opt
to swap places even if the heroe is locked in combat and
will therefore replace the leader in that combat.
(Note that the heroe wont be able to move after
this Special Rule has been performed).

Fornost Citadel Guard (man )...................... 11 points

Although few are selected to go to King´s Guard OPTIONS.
status, the remain dunedain who excel in combat
skills are offered a place in the Citadel Guard order. Banner ...................................................... 25 points
Often found guarding the main Citadel or Vaults,
Fornost Citadel Guards are highly skilled warriors
noneless, they pick the finest weapons avail for the SPECIAL RULES
Dunedain and no other rank in Fornost is permitted Bodyguard(Heroe)
such honoured wargear.

Mv F S D A W C
Pride of Fornost. Fornost Citadel Guard
are tasked to guard the most important places
6" 4/4+ 3 6 1 1 3 and fight till the bitter end against all odds, such
determination its highly revered within its people.
WARGEAR Friendly Warriors or Arnor within 3” of a Fornost
Very heavy armour and sword and spear. Citadel Guard or several, adds +1 to their dice roll
when making courage test.

Shadow warriors (man )................................. 14 points

Hardlyeven seen by their own people, Shadow OPTIONS.
warriors are a strange group of Dunedain who Spear ........................................................ 1 point
preferred the solitude in the wild rather than living Banner ...................................................... 25 points
on crowded places. Expert hunters an trackers even
for Dunedain standarts, Shadow warriors are tasked
with the most dangerous of quests to accomplish SPECIAL RULES
behind enemy lines. Their keen eye and longbows Scouts without Peer; Rules of the Wild.
makes them all out even more deadly as the enemy
often mistake them for elves for the unusual grace
in combat they often show.

Mv F S D A W C
6" 4/3+ 3 4 1 1 3

Armour, dual swords, longbow and elven cloak
Knights of Arnor (man ).................................... 13 points
Much like the realm of Gondor, Arnor holds WARGEAR
a regiment of highly trained Dunedain on Heavy armour, lance and horse.
horseback . Heavily mailed knights bearing keen
lances, the Knights of Arnor are the proud of the OPTIONS.
Northern Kingdom. When the armies of Arnor go Shield........................................................ 1 point
to war, it is the Knights that lead every assault, Banner ...................................................... 25 points
riding enemy formations into ruin and driving
the few survivors before them. Angmar fears well
the raw power of these knights for when a horn
is sounded, it is the ground shake that announce
the coming of their doom at the tip of a lance.

Mv F S D A W C
6" 4/4+ 3 5 1 1 2

Ranger of Arnor (man ).................................... 8 points

The Rangers of Arnor are the woodsmen of WARGEAR
the lands of Arnor, training to assume duties Armour and bow.
as patrollers of Arnor´s borders and often
working in concert with the Shadow Warriors OPTIONS.
to keep the land free of the foul servants Spear ........................................................ 1 point
of Angmar.

Mv F S D A W C
6" 4/4+ 3 4 1 1 3

Warrior of Arnor (man ).................................... 8 points

The bulk of Arnor´s armies are made mostly WARGEAR
of Arnor warriors. These warriors are, by necessity, Heavy armour, spear and shield.
veterans of the wars with Angmar, though their
spirit is all but broken. The Warriors of Arnor are OPTIONS.
match for almost anything the Witch.King can Banner .................................................. 25 points
muster against them.

Mv F S D A W C
6" 4/4+ 3 6 1 1 2

Hobbit archers(hobbit).................................... 4 points

Although not commonly known by hobbit standarts WARGEAR
to be warlike, Arnor knows for quite some time to use Bow and clubs or daggers.
the hobbit expertize archery capabilities at its fullest.
It common to see Arnor armies compromising of OPTIONS.
patrols of neightbourhood hobbits from the Shire War horn................................................ 20 points
amongst their ranks.

Mv F S D A W C Resistant to Magic; Throw Stones.
6" 2/3+ 2 3 1 1 3
Border Patrol. Only up to 3 Hobbit archers may
be included in the force for every Heroe within the army.
Veteran of Amon Sûl (man ).................................... 10 points
Long Patrolling the Summits of Amon Sûl, currently OPTIONS.
known as weathertop. These hardly fought Veterans
held Angmar´s armies at bay due to gruelling Shield .................................................. 1 point
battles with the enemy, bolstering these Arnorian Spear .................................................. 1 point
soldiers to uncommon experienced warriors. Bow .................................................. 1 point
Banner .................................................. 25 points

Mv F S D A W C
6" 4/4+ 4 5 1 1 3 SPECIAL RULES
Drilled Veterans. Veterans of Amon Sûl
re-roll to Wound rolls of 1 against Orc, Spirit and
Troll models.
Heavy armour and sword

Ranger of the North (man ).................................... 20 points

Although unawared that Rangers would have OPTIONS.
even a greater importance in the future of Arnor,
in the meantime, these hardly fought soldiers Spear .................................................. 1 point
are merely experienced veterans with Horse .................................................. 6 points
more experience over a common ranger.

Mv F S D A W C M W F
6" 4/4+ 4 5 1 1 5
Aspiring lieutenants*. Roll a single D6 for each Might,
Will and Fate store before the game start. On a roll of a 4+,
the Ranger of the North will gain a single Point on that same stat line.
Armour, sword and Bow
* You can only include 1 Ranger of the North per warband.

Kingdom of Arnor
This army may include: King Argeleb of Arthedain; Proud and tall, Arnor stand at its peak where his armies
Arveleg,Warden of Amon Sûl; Araphor, the Young bolster of still hundreds of soldiers ready to give their lives
Prince; Captain of King´s Guard; Captain of the Shadow for the King. With the recent raise of Angmar and border
Warriors; Captain of Arnor; Arnor King´s Guard; Shadow confrontations, Arnor learned that for a rebellion to end,
Warriors; Knights of Arnor; Rangers of Arnor; Warriors of their leaders must be eliminated and thus, crippling the
Arnor; Veterans of Amon Sûl; Rangers of the North. chain of command.

Kingdom of Arnor Special Rule

If your army consist solely from models from the Kingdom
of Arnor army list then whenever your Arnor Leader kill
an enemy Heroe or Monster, it will regain a single point of Might.
(this may be gained even if it goes above the heroe Might points
started limit).

Shattered Arnor Shattered to the remains of what it once was, Arnor

This army may include: Arverdui, Last King of Arnor; standsin the brink to destruction after a horrendous
Captain of the King´s Guard; Captain of the Shadow Warriors; plague that swept the North. Though their people know
Malbeth the Seer; Captain of Arnor; Arnor King´s Guard; Fornost the unstopabble tide of Angmar, theproud race of the
Citadel Guard; Shadow warriors; Knights of Arnor; Warriors Dunedain will fight to the very end over than wielding to
of Arnor; Rangers of Arnor; Rangers of the North; Hobbit Archers. the vile servants of the Witch King, and thus summoning
to the very last of their allies and civilian to fight for this
Shattered Arnor Special Rule
If your army consist solely from models from the Shattered
Arnor army list then Arnor Heroes and Warriors whenever they
roll a 1 when making a Courage test, they will automatically pass
as long there is an enemy model within 6”.

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