Hypertrophy-Stimulated Myogenic Regulatory Factor mRNA Increases Are Attenuated in Fast Muscle of Aged Quails

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Hypertrophy-stimulated myogenic regulatory factor mRNA

increases are attenuated in fast muscle of aged quails

Departments of 1Anatomy and 2Medical Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, and
3Institute on Aging, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33612

Lowe, Dawn A., Troy Lund, and Stephen E. Alway. (30). E box-containing genes, which MRFs have been
Hypertrophy-stimulated myogenic regulatory factor mRNA shown to bind and regulate, include a-actin (28), des-
increases are attenuated in fast muscle of aged quails. Am. J. min (20), nicotinic ACh receptor (AChR) (31), muscle
Physiol. 275 (Cell Physiol. 44): C155–C162, 1998.—Myogenic creatine kinase (17), troponin I (21), and myosin light
regulatory factors (MRFs) are a family of skeletal muscle-
chain (36). Because increases in structural and contrac-
specific transcription factors that regulate the expression of
several muscle genes. This study was designed to determine tile proteins (e.g., desmin and troponin I), as well as
whether MRF transcripts were increased in hypertrophy- muscle-specific enzymes (e.g., muscle creatine kinase),
stimulated muscle of adult quails and whether equivalent are necessary for muscle to hypertrophy and remain
increases occurred in muscles of older quails. Slow-tonic functional, we hypothesize that MRFs are upregulated
anterior latissimus dorsi and fast-twitch patagialis muscles in response to a hypertrophy stimulus. Additionally,
of adult, middle-aged, aged, and senescent quails were stretch hyperplasia often accompanies hypertrophy (1, 2, 5,
overloaded for 6, 24, or 72 h, with contralateral muscles 19), and this would require increases in AChR proteins
serving as controls. RNase protection assays showed that to enable neural connections to the new fibers.
MRF4 and MyoD transcript levels were increased and myo- MRFs play pivotal roles in establishing the myogenic
genin and Myf5 transcripts were induced in stretch-over-
lineage and in controlling terminal differentiation (23),
loaded muscles. However, MRF4 and MyoD increases were
significantly attenuated in patagialis muscles of older quails. and thus most studies of the MRFs have been con-
RT-PCR analyses of three MRF-regulated genes showed that ducted from a developmental perspective. In general,
increases in the transcription of these genes occurred with Myf5 and MyoD are required for the determination of
stretch overload, but the increases were less in muscles of myoblasts, myogenin is critical for differentiation, and
older quails. In summary, attenuated MRF responses in the function of MRF4 appears to be in fully differenti-
muscles from aged animals may partially explain why muscles ated fibers. The roles of MRFs in regenerating muscle
from older animals do not hypertrophy to the same extent as and in maintaining muscle phenotype have also been
muscles from younger animals. investigated. Muscle regeneration involves activation
aging; stretch overload; skeletal muscle hypertrophy; MyoD; of satellite cells, the only myogenic cells in adult
MRF4 skeletal muscle. Proliferation and differentiation of
these cells are similar to events that occur during
embryogenesis, including increased expression of MRFs
(34). MyoD and myogenin have also been implicated in
HYPERTROPHY OF SKELETAL MUSCLE involves an increased regulating muscle fiber type, as myogenin accumulates
rate of synthesis and accumulation of proteins, and in slow-twitch fibers and MyoD accumulates in fast-
therefore increased transcription of muscle genes is twitch fibers (13, 35). Few studies have investigated
necessary. The mechanisms by which nuclei increase MRFs in fully differentiated, hypertrophic muscle (14,
transcription of specific skeletal muscle mRNA in re- 22). The first objective of this study was to determine
sponse to a hypertrophy stimulus are not known. We whether skeletal muscle stimulated to hypertrophy by
suspect that a family of skeletal muscle-specific tran- stretch overload had an increased expression of MRFs
scription factors called myogenic regulatory factors and whether increases in the transcription of genes
(MRFs) is involved. This family is composed of four regulated by MRFs occurred.
members that were identified on the basis of their Protein synthesis and accumulation are attenuated
ability to convert nonmuscle cells to myoblasts: MRF4/ in skeletal muscle of older individuals (24). Conse-
Myf6/herculin (33), MyoD (7), myogenin (39), and Myf5 quently, muscles of aged animals have a reduced ability
(4). These factors belong to a larger basic helix-loop- to hypertrophy. For example, 30 days of overload re-
helix (bHLH) class of transcription factors. The basic sulted in a 44% increase of muscle mass in adult quails
region binds DNA, whereas the HLH region is involved but only a 26% increase in aged quails (19). It is not
in homo- or heterodimerization with other HLH pro- known which step(s) in the chain of processes that lead
teins. Heterodimerization with a ubiquitous E protein to an increase in muscle protein content is responsible
is most common, and this dimerization increases the for the attenuation. It is possible that specific genes are
efficiency of binding to target E boxes that are present not activated in hypertrophy-stimulated muscle in
in the promoter region of several skeletal muscle genes aged animals. This would occur if transcription factors,
such as the MRFs, are lower or have reduced activity in
these muscles. Two studies have shown MRF expres-
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the
payment of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby sion in muscle from aged animals (27, 29). In those
marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 studies it was reported that basal levels of MRF
solely to indicate this fact. transcripts were higher in hindlimb muscles from aged
0363-6143/98 $5.00 Copyright r 1998 the American Physiological Society C155

mice (29) and rats (27) than in muscles from younger GGCTGGATCAGCAGGACAAA and 38-AGGGCCGTTCGCC-
mice and rats, respectively. However, it remains to be GGGGGGA; annealing temperature 62°C). The resulting
determined whether MRF expression in muscle from cDNA was cloned using the pCR-Script Amp SK(1) Cloning
older animals can be elevated further with a hypertro- Kit (Stratagene), and the insert was verified by DNA sequenc-
ing; the quail 330-bp cDNA was 98% homologous to chicken
phy stimulus. Thus our second objective of this study
MRF4 mRNA. A 150-bp segment of quail glyceraldehyde-3-
was to determine whether hypertrophy-stimulated phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was also amplified by
muscle in aged and senescent animals showed in- RT-PCR. The lower primer was synthesized, including a T3
creases in MRF expression and transcription of genes phage promoter element (Table 1). The resulting PCR product
regulated by MRFs similar to that in younger animals. was then transcribed directly. Riboprobes were transcribed
The final objective was to define whether MRFs were using biotin-14-CTP and T7 or T3 RNA polymerase (Bright-
regulated differently in fast- and slow-twitch muscles Star BIOTINscript Kit, Ambion) and then gel purified. In the
during hypertrophy. MyoD, myogenin, and Myf5 riboprobes, 100% of the CTP was
biotinylated; only 50 and 10% of the CTP was biotinylated in
METHODS the MRF4 and GAPDH riboprobes, respectively. Each probe
was verified for specificity by Northern blot analyses using 25
Animals and experimental protocol. Japanese quails
µg of total RNA from a control Pat muscle; each probe
(Couturnix couturnix Japonica) of four different ages were
detected a single band at ,1.2 kb.
studied. Quails were obtained from a breeder (Willow Games
RNA analyses. Total RNA was isolated from ALD and Pat
Farms) at 16–18 mo of age and used as the oldest animals in
muscles with use of TriReagent (Molecular Research Center,
this study when they reached 28 mo of age (senescent). Eggs
Cincinnati, OH), which is based on the guanidine thiocyanate
produced by the quails were incubated and hatched in an
method. Frozen muscles were mechanically homogenized in 1
incubator (Humidaire Incubator, New Madison, WI). Chicks
ml of TriReagent. Extracted RNA was solubilized in RNase-
were housed in a chicken brooder for 2 wk and then housed
free H2O and quantitated in duplicate by absorbance at 260
five to seven quails per cage, along with the older quails, at
nm. Twenty-five micrograms of RNA from an ALD muscle or
20–23°C with a 12:12-h light-dark cycle. Chicks were studied
40 µg of RNA from a Pat muscle were used for each RPA. Any
when they reached 4 (adult), 8 (middle aged), and 18 mo
remaining RNA was stored at 280°C. RPAs were done
(aged). The life span of Japanese quails is ,2.5 yr, with a
according to the directions from the manufacturer (HybSpeed
mortality rate of ,60% by 28 mo (38). Quails in our colony
RPA, Ambion). Positive and negative control samples con-
have lived as long as 32 mo. Japanese quails are physically
tained all five riboprobes and either yeast mRNA or mouse
and sexually mature at 6 wk and show no maturational
liver mRNA. Protected fragments were not observed when
changes in carcass composition or body weight beyond 2 mo
control samples were digested with RNase (negative con-
after hatching (25, 26, 38). Body weight did not differ among
trols), and full-length riboprobes ($10% larger than protected
adult, middle-aged, aged, and senescent quails in this study:
fragments) were observed when RNase digestion was omitted
173 6 28, 176 6 22, 170 6 23, and 174 6 20 (SD) g,
(positive controls). Century Marker Template (Ambion) was
respectively (P 5 0.92, n 5 9 for middle-aged group and 21 for
transcribed using biotin-14-CTP and used as size standards
adult, aged, and senescent groups). It was important that the
in the RPAs. Protected fragments, controls, and standards
quails were at a stable body weight during these experiments
were electrophoresed on 5% acrylamide-8 M urea gels, electro-
so that hypertrophy-stimulated growth was not confounded
blotted onto positive-charged nylon membranes, and immobi-
by normal growth of the animals. Male and female quails
lized by ultraviolet cross-linking. Chemiluminescence detec-
were used in these studies, because hypertrophic responses
tion was used (BrightStar BioDetect Nonisotopic Detection
are not different between the sexes in these animals (S. E.
Kit, Ambion), and exposure to film was 2–4 h. Signals were
Alway, unpublished observations).
quantitated on a densitometer (model 620, Bio-Rad, Her-
Muscle hypertrophy was induced by stretch overload of the
cules, CA), and each MRF signal was normalized by the
right wing, as described previously (2). The left wing served
GAPDH signal in that lane. This normalization accounted for
as a contralateral control. After 6, 24, or 72 h of stretch
variability in initial amounts of RNA used in the assays,
overload (n 5 7 per age group per time, except for the middle-
losses during the assays, or blotting inefficiencies. Prelimi-
aged group, where n 5 3 per time), quails were anesthetized
nary experiments were done to ensure that 1) riboprobes
with pentobarbital sodium (35 mg/kg ip). The anterior latissi-
mus dorsi (ALD) and patagialis (Pat) muscles from both
wings were excised and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen Table 1. Primers for PCR given in 58-38 direction
to preserve RNA quality and then stored at 280°C.
Riboprobes. Quail cDNA clones for MyoD (qmf1-cc509) (6), Length, TA,
myogenin (qmf2-cc527) (32), and Myf5 (qmf3-cc528) (32), Product Sequence Position bp °C
provided by Dr. Charles Emerson (Fox Chase Cancer Center,
Philadelphia, PA), were subcloned to make riboprobes that GAPDH 58-GGAGTCAACGGATTTGGC 41
could be used simultaneously in RNase protection assays
(RPAs). MyoD riboprobes were made from a Dde I-EcoR I 38-GGTCGCCTCGCTCACCAC 273 267 56
267-bp fragment of qmf1, myogenin probes from a Hind Muscle cre-
III-BamH I 203-bp fragment of qmf2, and Myf5 probes from a atine kinase 58-CTCCCTGCCCCCACACTG 482
Sac II-EcoR I 408-bp fragment of qmf3. Restriction fragments 38-CACCGCCGCCGTATCCAC 1,052 571 61
were cloned into pBluescript KS vectors (Stratagene, La AChR 58-CCTTCTACTTCCCTGGTG 856
Jolla, CA). For the quail MRF4 riboprobe, total RNA from 38-GCATCTCTCATTTCTGGT 1,304 449 50
quail muscle was reverse transcribed (Superscript II RNase Sequences were obtained from the following GenBank accession
H2 RT, Life Technologies) using oligo(dT) primers (Promega, numbers: quail glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
Madison, WI) and then amplified by PCR. Oligonucleotides Z19086, chicken desmin K02445, chicken muscle creatine kinase
used for PCR were derived from the chicken MRF4 mRNA M10012, and chicken ACh receptor (AChR) M37336. TA , annealing
sequence (9) and produced a 330-bp PCR product (58- temperature.

were used in excess of the message they were to detect and 2)

the resulting signals were within the linear range of the
detection system and the film (i.e., each probe was biotinyl-
ated such that all 5 resulting signals could be analyzed
RT-PCR was performed using 1 µg of total RNA, 250 ng of
oligo(dT) primer, and 100 units of RT (Superscript II RNase
H2 RT) in a total volume of 10 µl. Control RT reactions that
contained no RT were done. Thirty cycles of PCR were carried
out using 1 µl of cDNA generated from the RT, 100 ng of each
primer (specific primers are listed in Table 1), and 2.5 units of
Taq DNA polymerase (Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO) in a
total volume of 50 µl. GAPDH was amplified in the same
PCRs and used as an internal control to verify that equal
amounts of cDNA were used in PCRs and that equal amounts
of PCR products were loaded onto agarose gels. Annealing
temperatures given in Table 1 for desmin, muscle creatine
kinase, and AChR were used in the PCRs. The resulting
signals were visualized after separation on 1.5% agarose gels
with use of SYBR Green I nucleic acid gel stain (Molecular
Probes, Eugene, OR), scanned using an optical scanner
(model 840, Molecular Dynamics, Sunnyvale, CA), and then
quantitated using ImageQuant software. Preliminary experi-
ments were conducted to ensure that PCR was performed
within the linear range. Control RT reactions were PCR
amplified to confirm that DNA did not contaminate the RNA;
no bands were detected when these reactions were visualized
on agarose gels with SYBR Green I staining. In addition, no
extraneous bands were detected in any of the PCRs.
DNA analyses. DNA was extracted from the same Pat and
ALD muscle homogenates from which the RNA was isolated.
The extraction was done according to the directions provided
with the TriReagent. After precipitation, DNA was solubilized
in 40 mM NaOH and quantitated in duplicate by absorbance
at 260 nm.
Statistical analyses. MRF data are expressed as percent Fig. 1. Changes in RNA (top) and DNA (bottom) content of anterior
differences of MRF-to-GAPDH ratios between contralateral latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscles from adult and senescent quails after
control and stretch-overloaded muscles. Values are means 6 6, 24, and 72 h of stretch overload relative to contralateral control
SE. One-way ANOVA (age) and Tukey post hoc tests were values. Values are means 6 SE. RNA and DNA content changes were
used to determine whether differences between basal MRF affected by age (P # 0.002): * significantly different from adult at
same respective time point.
and GAPDH mRNA levels occurred. Two-way ANOVA (age 3
time) and Tukey post hoc tests were used to determine
whether differences between the means for percent changes DNA content of control ALD muscles was not different
in nucleic acid contents and MRF mRNA levels occurred. An between adult and senescent quails: 21 6 2 and 23 6 2
a-level of 0.05 was used for all tests. µg/muscle, respectively (P 5 0.52).
Nucleic acid content of Pat muscles. After 6 h of
RESULTS stretch overload, RNA content was increased in Pat
muscles from adult animals (P 5 0.01; Fig. 2), and after
Nucleic acid content of ALD muscles. RNA content of 24 h of stretch overload, RNA content was increased in
ALD muscles from adult quails was increased after 6, muscles from adult, middle-aged, and aged animals
24, and 72 h of stretch overload compared with contra- (P # 0.04). RNA content of Pat muscles from quails of
lateral muscles (P # 0.013; Fig. 1) and was increased in all ages was increased after 72 h of stretch overload
muscles from senescent quails after 24 and 72 h of compared with contralateral muscles (P # 0.01). In-
stretch overload (P # 0.04). RNA content increases in creases in RNA content after 24 and 72 h of stretch
72-h stretch-overloaded ALD muscles were affected by overload were less in Pat muscles from senescent quails
age (P 5 0.001; Fig. 1). RNA content of control ALD than in those from younger quails (P 5 0.04; Fig. 2).
muscles was not different between adult and senescent RNA content of control Pat muscles was not different
quails: 32 6 2 and 34 6 2 µg/muscle, respectively (P 5 among adult, middle-aged, aged, and senescent quails:
0.58). 122 6 9, 127 6 5, 132 6 6, and 118 6 4 µg/muscle,
DNA content of ALD muscles was not affected by 6 or respectively (P 5 0.35).
24 h of stretch overload (P # 0.17; Fig. 1). DNA content DNA content of Pat muscles was not affected by 6 or
was greater in 72-h stretch-overloaded ALD muscles 24 h of stretch overload regardless of age (P $ 0.19; Fig.
than in contralateral control muscles (P # 0.003), and 2). DNA contents were increased after 72 h of stretch
the increase was affected by age (P 5 0.002; Fig. 1). overload in muscles from quails of all ages (P # 0.04),

aged animals than in Pat muscles from aged and

senescent animals (P 5 0.02). Because GAPDH was
used as an internal control in the RPAs and the MRF
data (relative to GAPDH) were expressed as within-
animal differences, the change in GAPDH mRNA with
age was not a confounding factor.
Basal MRF levels. Control muscle MRF mRNA levels
(basal levels) were not different among age groups in
ALD muscles (P $ 0.48), but a difference was detected
in Pat muscles (P # 0.02). MRF4 and MyoD mRNA
levels in Pat muscles from senescent quails were 48 and
50% greater, respectively, than levels from adult quails.
In Pat muscles from middle-aged and aged quails,
MRF4 and MyoD mRNA basal levels were intermediate
to those from adult and senescent quails but not
significantly different from any group.
Stretch overload-induced MRF changes in ALD
muscles. Initially, only ALD muscles from adult and
senescent quails were investigated. The time of stretch
overload did not affect increases in MRF4, MyoD, or
Myf5 mRNA levels (P $ 0.13). When collapsed across
time, MRF4, MyoD, and Myf5 mRNA levels were
significantly elevated in response to stretch overload in
ALD muscles from adult and senescent animals (P #
0.03; Fig. 4). However, no differences in MRF4, MyoD,
or Myf5 mRNA increases between ALD muscles from
adult and senescent quails were found (P $ 0.38);
therefore, ALD muscles from middle-aged and aged
quails were not studied.

Fig. 2. Changes in RNA (top) and DNA (bottom) content of patagialis

(Pat) muscles from adult, middle-aged, aged, and senescent quails
after 6, 24, and 72 h of stretch overload relative to contralateral
control values. Values are means 6 SE. RNA and DNA content
changes were affected by age (P # 0.04): * significantly different from
adult at same respective time point; ** significantly different from
middle-aged at same respective time point.

and the increases were affected by age (P 5 0.01; Fig.

2). DNA content of control Pat muscles was not differ-
ent among adult, middle-aged, aged, and senescent
quails: 79 6 8, 84 6 11, 90 6 13, and 83 6 11 µg/muscle,
respectively (P 5 0.65).
RPAs. All five riboprobes were used and detected
simultaneously in each RPA (Fig. 3). Protected frag-
ments of MRF4, MyoD, and GAPDH were detected in
all muscle samples. Myf 5 was detected in ,60% of the
ALD muscles, and myogenin was detected only in 72-h
stretch-overloaded ALD muscles. Fewer than 20% of
the Pat muscles expressed detectable levels of myo-
genin or Myf5 mRNA, but when they were detected it
was always in stretch-overloaded muscle (Fig. 3).
GAPDH mRNA was a valid internal control, because
levels were not different between stretch-overloaded
and contralateral control muscles within each age
group (P $ 0.16 for ALD muscles and P $ 0.25 for Pat
muscles). No difference in GAPDH levels was detected Fig. 3. Representative results of RNase protection assays. Simulta-
neous detection of Myf5, MRF4, MyoD, myogenin, and glyceraldehyde-
between ALD muscles from adult and senescent quails 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNAs are shown in 72-h
(P 5 0.53). However, levels of GAPDH mRNA were stretch-overloaded (Stretch) and contralateral control (Control) Pat
,25% greater in Pat muscles from adult and middle- muscles of adult quails. In each assay, 40 µg of total RNA were used.

Fig. 4. Densitometric quantitation of MRF4, MyoD, and Myf5 mRNA

increases in ALD muscles from adult and senescent animals. All
myogenic regulatory factor values were normalized by GAPDH
values in same lane and are expressed as percent increases above Fig. 5. Densitometric quantitation of MRF4 and MyoD mRNA in-
contralateral control values. Values are means 6 SE. Myogenic creases in Pat muscles from adult, middle-aged, aged, and senescent
regulatory factor values were not different between muscles stretch quails. MRF4 and MyoD values were normalized by GAPDH values
overloaded for 6, 24, or 72 h; therefore, these data within adult and in same lane and are expressed as percent increases above contralat-
senescent groups were pooled (n 5 21 per age group for MRF4 and eral control values. Values are means 6 SE. MRF4 and MyoD values
MyoD and n 5 11–15 per age group for Myf5). MRF4, MyoD, and were not different between muscles overloaded for 6, 24, or 72 h;
Myf5 mRNAs were increased (i.e., significantly different from zero) in therefore, these data within each age group were pooled (n 5 21 per
stretch-overloaded muscles in both age groups. MRF4, MyoD, and age group, except for middle-aged group, where n 5 9). MRF4 and
Myf5 mRNA increases were not affected by age (P $ 0.38). MyoD mRNAs were increased (i.e., significantly different from zero)
in stretch-overloaded muscles in all age groups. MRF4 and MyoD
mRNA increases were affected by age (P # 0.02): * significantly
different from adult; ** significantly different from adult and middle-
Stretch overload-induced MRF changes in Pat aged.
muscles. MRF4 and MyoD mRNA increases were not
different between Pat muscles stretch overloaded for 6,
24, and 72 h within any age group (P $ 0.34), and no (Fig. 8). A second set of 72-h stretch-overloaded and
interaction between time of stretch overload and age control Pat and ALD muscles from adult and senescent
was detected (P $ 0.25). Therefore, data from the three quails was analyzed to confirm the RT-PCR results
stretch-overload times were pooled for further analy- shown in Figs. 6–8. The amplification results were
ses. MRF4 mRNA levels in stretch-overloaded Pat analogous to those shown.
muscles (collapsed across time) were significantly ele- DISCUSSION
vated above contralateral control levels at each age
(P # 0.005). However, MRF4 increases in muscles from General. We have emphasized our findings in the Pat
older animals were less than those in muscles from muscle over those in the ALD muscle because of their
younger animals (P 5 0.02; Fig. 5). MyoD mRNA was
also increased at each age after stretch overload (P #
0.04), and the increase was significantly affected by age
(P 5 0.02; Fig. 5).
RT-PCR of transcripts whose genes are regulated by
MRFs. Analyses of desmin, muscle creatine kinase, and
AChR mRNA were done to determine whether changes
in transcription of some genes regulated by MRFs
occurred with stretch overload. Because quantities of
RNA were limited, the sensitive method of RT-PCR was
performed using the primers listed in Table 1 and RNA
isolated from 72-h stretch-overloaded and control Pat
and ALD muscles from adult and senescent animals.
Stretch-overloaded muscles from adult and senescent
quails had greater desmin signals than the contralat-
eral control muscles (Fig. 6). The desmin signal in-
crease in Pat muscle from the younger quails was
greater than that from the older quails. No differences Fig. 6. Desmin RT-PCR results of 72-h stretch-overloaded (S) and
in stretch-induced desmin signal increases were ob- contralateral control (C) Pat and ALD muscles from adult and
senescent quails. Desmin and GAPDH were amplified in the same
served between adult and senescent ALD muscles (Fig. PCR, and 2 µl of PCR product were loaded per lane. Gels were stained
6). These same patterns of increases were observed with SYBR Green I nucleic acid gel stain, and the image was
with muscle creatine kinase (Fig. 7) and AChR signals captured using a PhosphoImager.

Fig. 7. Muscle creatine kinase RT-PCR results of 72-h

stretch-overloaded (S) and contralateral control (C) Pat
and ALD muscles from adult and senescent quails.
Muscle creatine kinase and GAPDH were amplified in
the same PCR, and 1.5 µl of PCR product were loaded
per lane. Gels were stained with SYBR Green I nucleic
acid gel stain, and the image was captured using a

different fiber type compositions. The ALD muscle is overload, and DNA content was increased after 72 h.
composed of tonic fibers (2, 5), and thus its relevance to The increases indicate that the stretch overload did
mammalian muscle is unclear. The Pat muscle, how- apply a hypertrophy stimulus to these muscles, and the
ever, is a twitch muscle that is composed primarily of data are comparable to other reports of nucleic acid
fibers similar to type II mammalian fibers (19), and so it content changes in chicken and rat muscles after
is probable that findings in this muscle can be extrapo- stretch (10, 18). Earlier studies conducted in our labora-
lated more readily to mammalian muscle. tory have characterized muscle mass and fiber number
It is not surprising that MyoD transcripts were increases that occur in ALD (1, 2, 5) and Pat (19)
detected in all Pat muscles, because MyoD is prevalent muscles from adult and aged quails after stretch over-
in fast-twitch fibers (13, 35). Likewise, very few of these load.
muscles showed transcripts of myogenin, the MRF that The roles of MRFs in mature skeletal muscle have
is prevalent in slow-twitch fibers (13, 35). We did not not been delineated, despite the finding that each has a
consistently detect myogenin mRNA in the slow-tonic unique role during embryonic skeletal muscle develop-
ALD muscle, except after 72 h of stretch overload. This ment (23). In our study, MyoD and MRF4 mRNA levels
makes sense in light of the facts that 1) ALD muscle is a were elevated and myogenin and Myf5 mRNAs were
slow-tonic muscle and myogenin is more prevalent in induced after stretch overload, indicating that they all
slow-twitch muscle and 2) myogenin is primarily in- take part in the response to a hypertrophy stimulus.
volved in differentiation and thus is normally ex- MyoD and MRF4 mRNAs were elevated by 100–500%
pressed at time points later than Myf 5 and MyoD (23). after 6–72 h of stretch overload in adult ALD and Pat
MRF4 is predominantly expressed in fully differenti- muscles. Although we observed no increase of any MRF
ated muscle fibers (12). Correspondingly, all muscles in mRNA in quail Pat muscle after 0.5 h of stretch in situ
our study had relatively high levels of MRF4 tran- (unpublished observations), the MRF mRNA responses
scripts. after 6–72 h of stretch overload are similar in magni-
Muscle hypertrophy. RNA content in adult ALD and tude to those observed in stretched ALD muscle of adult
Pat muscles was increased as early as 6 h after stretch chickens (8) and adult rat hindlimb muscles after the

Fig. 8. AChR RT-PCR results of 72-h stretch-over-

loaded (S) and contralateral control (C) Pat and ALD
muscles from adult and senescent quails. AChR and
GAPDH were amplified in the same PCR, and 5 µl of
PCR product were loaded per lane. Gels were stained
with SYBR Green I nucleic acid gel stain, and the image
was captured using a PhosphoImager.

muscles were casted for 48 h in a stretched position and myogenin transcripts are elevated in denervated
(22). We did not determine MRF levels between 0.5 and muscle (16, 35) and that the extent of the elevation
6 h, because our goal was to determine a time at which depends on the severity of the denervation (16). Muscle
MRFs were elevated in stretch-overloaded muscle of of aged animals may be considered mildly denervated,
adult animals and then to find whether the same and this could influence basal expression of the MRFs.
increases occurred in muscles of older animals. We In this study and in the studies by Musaro et al. (29)
extended our experiments to time points beyond 6 h to and Marsh et al. (27), only mRNA levels of MRFs were
ensure that the attenuated response we found in Pat investigated in muscles of older animals and not the
muscle from aged and senescent quails was not simply levels of active MRF proteins. Although Musaro et al.
a lag in the response time of the older muscle. showed accumulation of myogenin in the nuclei of
Studies conducted on regenerating muscle suggest muscle from aged mice by immunohistochemistry, it is
that MRF mRNA increases occur in satellite cell nuclei, not known whether the protein was active. Thus it
because the time of MRF increases coincides with the remains unknown whether MRF proteins in muscle
initiation of satellite cell proliferation (11, 15). Our data from aged animals bind DNA and are functional in
obtained from 72-h stretch-overloaded muscles agree regulating specific skeletal muscle genes. If, indeed,
with this suggestion. These muscles had elevated levels hypertrophy-stimulated increases in MRF mRNA lev-
of DNA, indicating that satellite cells were proliferat- els that we have shown correspond to increases in
ing, and MRF mRNA levels were also increased at this active MRF proteins, then several skeletal muscle-
time point. However, Jacobs-El et al. (14) suggested specific genes are likely to be upregulated. The upregu-
that myonuclei express elevated levels of MRF mRNA lation of these genes would result in an increase in the
1) on the basis of observations that MRF increases were production of muscle-specific proteins that would sup-
detected as early as 2 h after stimulation and 2) port hypertrophy of the muscle. Although it was non-
because Myf5 and MRF4 in situ hybridization signals quantitative, we used RT-PCR to detect increases in
in stimulated rat muscles spread into the cytoplasm of desmin, muscle creatine kinase, and AChR mRNA
some mature fibers. Our data also support the sugges- expression, three products whose genes are regulated
tion of an elevation of MRF mRNA in the myonuclei, by MRFs, in stretch-overloaded muscles from adult and
because these levels were increased after just 6 h of senescent quails. In support of the suggestion that
stretch overload, and it has been shown that satellite MRFs may be involved in the diminished hypertrophic
cells in quail ALD muscle are not activated until after response of older fast-twitch muscle, we showed that
24 h of stretch overload (37). In addition, a previous hypertrophy-stimulated increases in MRF-regulated
study in our laboratory showed that 3–14 days of genes are lower in Pat muscle from senescent animals
stretch overload did not result in satellite cell prolifera- than in Pat muscle from younger, adult animals. In
tion in quail Pat muscle (19). Therefore, the increases contrast, the ALD muscle, which showed no age-related
in MRF mRNA we observed in quail Pat muscle were differences in hypertrophy-stimulated MRF increases,
likely derived from myofiber nuclei. Additional studies also showed no age-related differences in hypertrophy-
are necessary to localize MRF transcript increases, i.e., stimulated desmin, muscle creatine kinase, or AChR
myofiber nuclei vs. satellite cell nuclei, especially after transcript increases.
periods of stretch overload that induce satellite cell
In conclusion, we have shown that a hypertrophy
stimulus causes elevations in MRF expression in muscle
Aging. Only two previous studies have reported MRF
from adult, middle-aged, aged, and senescent quails.
expression in muscles from aged animals (27, 29).
However, the elevation is attenuated in fast-twitch
Musaro et al. (29) showed that basal mRNA levels of
muscles from older quails. This attenuation may be
MyoD, myogenin, and Myf5, but not MRF4, were
part of the reason that muscles from aged animals do
higher in hindlimb muscles of aged than adult mice. In
not hypertrophy as much as muscles from younger
agreement with this, we found higher basal levels of
MyoD mRNA in Pat muscles from senescent than adult
quails. Additionally, we found that basal MRF4 mRNA We thank Dr. Charles Emerson for providing the qmf1, qmf 2, and
levels were elevated in Pat muscles from older quails. qmf3 cDNA, Dr. Duane Hinton for assistance with the subcloning,
Marsh et al. (27) also reported elevated levels of MyoD, and Paul Llobet for assistance with the DNA analyses.
myogenin, and MRF4 mRNA with aging. In the present This research was supported by National Institute on Aging Grant
study, basal levels of MyoD and MRF4 in muscles from Address for reprint requests: S. E. Alway, Dept. of Anatomy, MDC
middle-aged and aged animals were intermediate to #6, 12901 Bruce B. Downs Bl., University of South Florida, Tampa,
those from adult and senescent animals, indicating FL 33612.
that the increases occur gradually during aging. It is Received 4 February 1998; accepted in final form 31 March 1998.
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