Starter - Unit 4 - Vocab

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Unit 4: Food and Drink

1. realise (v) to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly

Ex: As he watched the TV show, he suddenly realized (that)
he'd seen it before.

2. particularly very or very much; especially

Ex: We particularly like studying English

3. attempt (n) the act of trying to do something, especially something

Ex: This is my second attempt at the exam.

4. disaster (n) an event causing great harm, damage, or suffering

Ex: Floods and earthquakes are natural disasters

5. identity (n) who a person is

Ex: I cannot reveal the identity of my customers.

6. contain (v) to have something inside

Ex: How much water do you think this bottle contains?

7. prosperity (n) the state of being successful and having a lot of money

Ex: A country's future prosperity depends upon the quality
of education of its people
8. offer (v) to ask someone if he or she would like to have something or
would like you to do something
Ex: Can I offer you    something to drink ?

9. concept (n) a principle or idea

Ex: It is very difficult to define the concept of beauty.

10. ethical (adj) morally right

Ex: Lawyers are often insulted for their apparent lack of
ethical values

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